Казка THE FOX AND THE BEST SHOE змолодими спеціалістами

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Інсценізація казки


Щорічно у лютому місяці проходить тиждень англійської мови. З метою активізації
учнів, збільшення інтересу до вивчення англійської мови традиційним стала інсценізація
казок англійською мовою. Не винятком став і 2012-2013 н.р. Під час проведення даного
позакласного заходу зібралися учні і учителі школи, батьки. Інсценізацію казки “The Fox
And The Best Shoe” радо відвідали і молоді колеги Коневська Інна Миколаївна, учитель
історії, та Попудренко Олена Вікторівна, учитель німецької мови.

It was winter night. A hungry Fox was walking along the road. The sky was covered with
clouds and it was snowing. The Fox wanted to have a snack but she had nothing to eat. Suddenly
she saw something in the snow. It was a best shoe. The Fox thought that the shoe might help her
some day. Soon she came to a village and knocked at
the door of a house:
"Rat - tat - tat!" "Who's that?"
"It's me, Sister Fox. Could you let me in for a
"Sorry, I can't. There are too many of us here." "
"I'm not asking for much. I want to lie down on a
bench and hide my tail under, the bench."
"Well, come in then."
"Old man, could you hide my best shoe?"
"Yes, of course."
At night the Fox took the best shoe and threw it behind the stove. Meanwhile morning came.
The Fox woke up and wanted to take her shoe back, but didn't see it. She began to cry:
"The old man took my things. But I won't even take a hen instead of it! No way!"
"Dear Fox, please, take this hen and have breakfast with us."
That was the Fox was longing for. After breakfast she took the hen, put it into a bag, said
good -bye, to the hosts and went away. While walking she sang a song:

A very hungry Fox
Was wandering at night
She found a small thing
And thought it was all right.
She gave it to good people,
Just take it in your head —
She gave them an old best shoe
And took a hen instead!

І. Well, our party is coming to the end and it’s high time to say good-bye!


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