4-Absolute Value Inequality

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An absolute value inequality is an inequality that involves an absolute value
algebraic expression with variables.
Absolute value inequalities are algebraic expressions with absolute value
functions and inequality symbols.
That is, an absolute value inequality can be one of the following forms (or) can be
converted to one of the following forms:
❖ ax + b < c So the absolute value inequalities are of two types. They are either
❖ ax + b > c of lesser than or equal to or are of greater than or equal to forms.
The two varieties of inequalities are as follows.
❖ ax + b < c ❖ one with < or ≤
❖ ax + b > c ❖ one with > or ≥
In this section, we will learn to solve
the absolute value inequalities. Here is
the procedure for solving absolute
value inequalities using the number
line. The procedure to solve the
absolute value inequality is shown step-
by-step along with an example for a
better understanding.
Example: Solve the absolute value inequality |x+2| < 4
Step 1: Assume the inequality as an equation and solve it.
Convert the inequality sign "<" in our inequality to "=" and solve it.
⇒ |x + 2| = 4
Removing the absolute value sign on the left side, we get + sign on the other side.
This results in two equations, one with "+" and the other with "-".
⇒ x+2 = 4 and x+2 = -4
⇒ x = 2 and x = -6
Step 2: Represent the solutions from Step 1 on a number line in order.
Here, we can see that the number line is divided into 3 parts/intervals.
Step 3: Take a random number from each of these intervals and substitute it with
the given inequality. Identify which of these numbers actually satisfies the given
Step 4: The solution of the given inequality is the interval(s) which leads to True in
the above table
Therefore, the solution of the given inequality is, (-6, 2) or (-6 < x < 2). This
procedure is summarized in the following flowchart.
❑ If the problem was |x+2| < 4, then the solution would have been [-6, 2]
(or) -6 < x < 2. i.e.,
❖ If |x + 2| < 4 ⇒ -6 < x < 2

❖ If |x+2| ≤ 4 ⇒ -6 ≤ x ≤ 2

❑ If the problem was |x+2| ≥ 4, then the solution would have been (-∞, -6] U
[2, ∞). i.e.,
❖ If |x + 2| > 4 ⇒ x ∈ (-∞, -6) U (2, ∞)

❖ If |x+2| ≥ 4 ⇒ x ∈ (-∞, -6] U [2, ∞)

When we graph absolute value inequalities, we plot the solution of the inequalities
on a graph. The image below shows how to graph linear absolute value inequalities.
While graphing absolute value inequalities, we have to keep the following things in
❑ Use open dots at the endpoints of the open intervals (i.e. the intervals like (a,b) ).
❑ Use closed/solid dots at the endpoints of the closed intervals (i.e. the intervals
like [a,b]).
So far we have learned the
procedure of solving the
absolute value inequalities using
the number line. This procedure
works for any type of inequality.
In fact, inequalities can be
solved using formulas as well. To
apply the formulas, first, we
need to isolate the absolute
value expression on the left side
of the inequality. There are 4
cases to remember for solving
the inequalities using the
formulas. Let us assume that a is
a positive real number in all the
Case 1: When the Inequality Is of the Form |x| < a or |x| < a.
In this case, we use the following formulas to solve the inequality: If |x| < a ⇒ -a < x < a,
and if |x| < a ⇒ -a < x < a.
Case 2: When the Inequality Is of the Form |x| > a or |x| > a.
In this case, we use the following formulas to solve the inequality: If |x| > a ⇒ x < -a or x
> a, and if |x| > a, then x < -a or x > a.
Case 3: When the Inequality Is of the Form |x| < -a or |x| < -a
We know that the absolute value always results in a positive value. Thus |x| is always
positive. Also, -a is negative (as we assumed 'a' is positive). Thus the given two
inequalities mean that "positive number is less than (or less than or equal to) negative
number," which is never true. Thus, all such inequalities have no solution. If |x| < -a or
|x| ≤ -a ⇒ No solution.
Case 4: When the Inequality Is of the Form |x| > -a or |x| > -a.
We know that the absolute value always results in a positive value. Thus |x| is always
positive. Also, -a is negative (as we assumed a is positive). Thus the given two inequalities
mean that "positive number is greater than (or greater than or equal to) negative
number," which is always true. Thus, the solution to all such inequalities is the set of all
real numbers, R. |x| > -a or |x| ≥ -a ⇒ Set of all Real numbers, R.
Important Notes on Absolute Value Inequalities
❖ If parenthesis is written at a number, it means that the number is NOT included in the
❖ If a square bracket is written at a number, it means that the number is included in the
❖ We always use parentheses at -∞ or ∞ irrespective of the given inequality.
❖ We decide to use square brackets (or) parentheses for a number depending upon
whether the given inequality has "=" in it.
Example 1:
Solve the following absolute value inequality and write the solution in 2 forms.
▪ Inequality form
▪ Interval form
|2x - 1| - 9 ≥ -5
The given absolute value inequality is: |2x - 1| - 9 ≥ -5
First, we need to isolate the absolute value expression.
For that, we will add 9 on both sides.
Then we get: |2x - 1| ≥ 4
Using the formulas, we have
2 x-1 ≤ -4 (or) 2 x-1 ≥ 4
Adding 1 on both sides of the inequality,
⇒ 2 x ≤ -3 (or) 2 x ≥ 5
Dividing both sides by 2,
⇒ x ≤ -3/2 (or) x ≥ 5/2

Answer: Therefore, the solution is:

x ≤ -3/2 (or) x ≥ 5/2
(-∞, -3/2) U (5/2, ∞)
Example 2:
A carpenter is making a handcrafted table. In order for the leg to fit, it needs to be 250
millimeters wide, allowing for a margin of error of 3.5 millimeters.
Write an absolute value inequality that models this relationship, and then find the range
of the table leg's widths.
Let us assume that the width of the table leg to be x.
Then the absolute value inequality that corresponds to the given scenario is,
|x - 250| ≤ 3.5
Using the formulas we learned:
-3.5 ≤ x-250 ≤ 3.5
Adding 250 on all the sides
⇒ 246.5 ≤ x ≤ 253.5
The range of the table leg's width is [246.5, 253.5] (in mm).
Example 3:
Before a piece of steel can be sold for its maximum price, it must be 50 feet long
with an absolute error of 2 feet.
Find the range of acceptable heights for pieces of steel that are to be sold at full
price by writing an absolute value inequality to represent this situation and then
solving it.
Let us assume that the height of the piece of steel is x feet.
Then the absolute value inequality that corresponds to the given scenario is,
|x - 50| ≤ 2
Using the absolute value inequalities formula,
-2 ≤ x-50 ≤ 2
Adding 50 on all the sides
⇒ 48 ≤ x ≤ 52
The range of the acceptable heights of steels is [48, 52] in feet.
Find the solution sets of the given inequalities below:
1) 𝑥−2 ≥5
2) 4𝑥 + 5 ≤ 10
3) 7
−5 ≥7
4) 5𝑥 − 6 > 1
5) 𝑥
−3 >6
6) 𝑥+2 <1
7) 2𝑥 − 1 > 2
8) 2𝑥 − 7 > 3
9) 2+𝑥 >1
10) 4
+1 <1

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