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Annals of Biomedical Engineering ( 2015)

DOI: 10.1007/s10439-015-1478-1

Physical and Biological Modification of Polycaprolactone Electrospun

Nanofiber by Panax Ginseng Extract for Bone Tissue Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering, Medicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, G. C., Evin,
1983963113 Tehran, Iran; 2Chemical Engineering Department, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA; and
National Cell Bank of Iran, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran
(Received 18 April 2015; accepted 28 September 2015)

Associate Editor Dan Elson oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract—Medicinal plants as a therapeutic agent with to its combined advantages of optimal biocompatibil-
osteogenic properties can enhance fracture-healing process. ity, degradability, mechanical properties, structural
In this study, the osteo-inductive potential of Asian Panax stability and the fact that is approved by the United
Ginseng root extract within electrospun polycaprolactone
(PCL) based nanofibers has been investigated. Scanning States food and drug administration (FDA) for clinical
electron microscopy images revealed that all nanofibers were use.16 However, application of PCL scaffolds might be
highly porous and beadles with average diameter ranging limited because of its low degradation rate (ranging
from 250 to 650 nm. The incorporation of ginseng extract from 2 to 4 years) which might be related to its high
improved the physical characteristics (i.e., hydrophilicity) of crystallinity,13 and its hydrophobicity.36 Moreover, the
PCL nanofibers, as well as the mechanical properties.
Although ginseng extract increased the degradation rate of scaffolds made from PCL do not display the favorable
pure PCL nanofibers, the porous structure and morphology mechanical properties and bioactivity2 that are essen-
of fibers did not change significantly after 42 days. It was tial for bone tissue constructs. Several reports have
found that nanofibrous scaffolds containing ginseng extract shown that the properties of PCL based scaffolds can
had higher proliferation (up to ~1.5 fold) compared to the be improved with blending the PCL polymer with
pristine PCL. The qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated the
addition of ginseng extract into PCL nanofibers induced other macromeres.8,26,36 For example, PCL had an
significant expression of osteogenic genes (Osteocalcin, accelerated degradation and improved biocompatibil-
Runx-2 and Col-1) in MSCs in a concentration dependent ity and mechanical properties when it was blended with
manner. Moreover, higher calcium content, alkaline phos- chitosan36 Further, hydrophilic natural polymers such
phatase activity and higher mineralization of MSCs were as starch have been extensively utilized to improve the
observed compared to the pristine PCL fibers. Our results
indicated the promising potential of ginseng extract as an biocompatibility of PCL.36
additive to enhance osteo-inductivity, mechanical and phys- Around 25% of current prescription drugs are
ical properties of PCL nanofibers for bone tissue engineering derived from medicinal plants.8 Plant extracts were
application. medically applied mostly due to their wound healing
effects, anti-inflammation, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic,
Keywords—Ginseng extract, PCL nanofiber, Osteogenic and anti-cancer properties.8 Further, the effect of ex-
differentiation, Bone tissue engineering. tracts from various types of plants on bone healing has
been studied. It was reported that medicinal plants can
enhance the collagen matrix production and conse-
INTRODUCTION quently accelerate the fracture healing.26
Asian ginseng (extract of Panax ginseng root) has a
Polycaprolactone (PCL) is one of the most com-
long history of medicinal application as a general
monly used polymers in tissue engineered scaffolds due
health-promoting tonic.14 There are extensive reports
which have demonstrated that Panax ginseng has
Address correspondence to Seyedramin Pajoumshariati, Chemi- many considerable pharmacological effects on human
cal Engineering Department, University of South Carolina, skin, cardiovascular, immune, endocrine, and central
Columbia, SC 29208, USA. Electronic mail:

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society


nervous systems.14 Moreover, Panax ginseng extract blunted stainless steel needle at voltage of 16 kV, flow
promotes production of collagen in human dermal rate of 1.5 ml/h and distance of 12 cm between needle
fibroblast cells.14 Few studies indicated that ginseng tip and aluminum foil wrapped collector.
extracts have positive effects on osteogenesis10,11,19,33
and cell proliferation.33
Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Fibers
However, despite the various reported medicinal
applications of the ginseng extract, no studies have yet Each electrospun nanofiber sample was coated with
reported the potential effect of Panax ginseng extract gold using a sputter coater (Technics, Hummer II,
on bioactivity of the bone tissue engineering scaffolds. Japan) and their morphologies were investigated by
In this study nanocomposites of PCL and ginsenoside Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM (SEM, HITACH
(the major component of ginseng9) was fabricated by S4160, Japan) and imaged at an accelerating voltage of
electrospinning technique and the physical and 15 kV. The diameter and mean pore size of the nano-
mechanical properties of electrospun nanofibers as well fibers were analyzed from SEM images by applying
as their biocompatibility were evaluated. Furthermore, analysis software (Image J, National Institutes of
the osteogenic differentiation of rabbit mesenchymal Health, USA). The hydrophilic/hydrophobic proper-
stem cells (MSCs) seeded on fabricated bio-composite ties of each nanofiber sample were investigated by
scaffolds was evaluated. applying sessile distilled drop water contact angle
measurement using a VCA Optima Surface Analysis
system (AST products, Billerica, MA). The Fourier
Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis of each electro-
MATERIALS AND METHODS spun nanofiber was carried out in an Avatar 380
(Thermo Nicolet, Waltham, MA) spectrometer over
Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer Root Extraction and
the range 600–400 cm21 at a resolution of 4 cm21.
Tensile properties of the fibrous samples (1 cm 9
The type and content of ginsenosides are influenced 6 cm 9 5 lm) were determined using a tabletop tensile
by the type of ginseng (America, Korea, Canada and tester (Instron 3345, USA) at a load cell capacity of
China), extraction method and extraction solvent.34 10 N. Test specimens were tested at a crosshead speed
Ginsenoside was extracted from Panax Ginseng C.A of 10 mm/min and gauge length of 20 mm under
Meyer root (collected from Medicinal Plants and ambient conditions. The test was repeated three times
Drugs Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, for each nanofiber scaffold.
Iran) using the Soxhlet method.14 Briefly, 1.000 g In order to perform the degradation test under
powder of the clean root (weighted in a cellulose car- sterile conditions, samples were kept in 1009 sterilizing
tridge) was extracted in Soxhlet with 95 ml of di- solution [containing penicillin G (10,000 U/ml)/strep-
chloromethane for a 60 min boiling, 15 min rinsing tomycin (10,000 lg/ml) and amphotericin B (250 lg/
and 45 min drying periods. After discarding the di- ml)] overnight and washed 3 times with PBS solution.
chloromethane and residue, ginsenosides in the same At each time point, the nanofiber samples were washed
cartridge were extracted with 95 ml of 96% ethanol for with distilled water and then vacuum-dried at 60 C
90 min boiling and 90 min rinsing periods. The ethanol
extract was evaporated under reduced pressure and the
residue was added to 25 ml water and then sonicated TABLE 1. Ginsenoside types and their content in Panax
ginseng C.A Meyer root extract-derived by soxhlet method-in
for approximately 5 min. This aqueous solution was this study.
extracted three times with 8 ml of 1-butanol in a sep-
arating funnel. The resulting butanol extracts were Type of ginsenoside Content
freeze dried for ginsenoside determination using HPLC Rea 0.84
as described elsewhere.17 Rfa 1.96
Rg1a 1.13
Rg2a 2.34
Scaffold Fabrication Rg3a 1.24
Rb1b 11.45
Poly (e-caprolactone) (PCL, MW: 80,000 gr/mol) Rb2b 11.29
was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The solvent type Rcb 9.01
used and the concentration of each polymer solution Rdb 4.78
prepared for electrospinning are listed in Table 1. Each Total ginsenosides content 44.04
polymer solution was mixed well by vortexing over- PD/PT 5.47
night at room temperature. Each sample solution was a
Protopanaxatriol (PPT).
placed in a 2 ml standard syringe fitted with 18-G Protopanaxadiol (PPD).

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society

Physical and Biological Modification of PCL Electrospun Nanofiber

and weighted at room temperature. The percentage of at 37 C for 3 h. Absorbance of the obtained dye was
water uptake and weight loss of each sample, were measured at 490 nm using a spectrophotometric plate
calculated using Eqs. (1) and (2) respectively; reader (FLUOstar Optima, BMG Lab Technologies,
Offenburg, Germany) and correlated to the number of
Water uptake ð%Þ ¼ 100  ðWa  W0 Þ=W0 ð1Þ
Total RNA was extracted from MSC-seeded fibers
Weight loss ð%Þ ¼ 100  ðW0  Wt Þ=W0 ð2Þ
at each time point (7, 14 and 21 days) using a Hybrid-
where W0 is the initial dry weight, Wa is the weight of R extraction kit (Gene All, Korea). Genomic DNA
wet samples and Wt is the weight of dried samples at was eliminated by DNase I from Thermo Scientific
the given degradation time (t). In addition, the mor- (Germany) according to the kit’s instruction. The
phology of each nanofiber samples was evaluated via concentration and purity of RNA sample was deter-
SEM after 42 days of degradation test. mined by a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (ND-1000,
ThermoFisher, MA). cDNA was synthesized using a
Prime Script RT Reagent (RR037A-TaKaRa) and
Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of MSCs underwent a heating cycle (37 C for 15 min and 85 C
MSCs derived from the femur of 3.5 kg skeletally for 5 s) in a Genius thermocycler (Techne, Cam-
mature male New Zealand white rabbit were used in bridge, UK). Gene expression was evaluated by real
this work. The isolation of rabbit MSCs was according time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCT) using
to Park et al.22 The procedure for isolation of MSCs Power SYBR-Green (Applied Bio System). Primers
from rabbit bone marrow was approved by Institu- including GAPDH, Osteocalcin (OCN), Runx-2 and
tional Animal Care and Research Advisory Committee col1, were designed using Primer Express software
of Pasteur Institute of Iran and performed following and purchased from GeneAll (GAPDH: 5¢-CGTC
the guidelines for experimental animals approved by TGCCCTATCAACTTTCG-3¢, 5¢-GTTTCTCAGGC
Ethics Committee of the Pasteur Institute of Iran. The TCCCTCT-3¢, Col1: 5¢-GCGGTGGTTACGACT
culture medium was Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s TTGGTT-3¢, 5¢-AGTGAGGAGGGTCTCAATCTG-
Medium (DMEM) (Cellgro, Herndon, VA) supple- 3¢, Runx-2: 5¢-GGAGTGGACGAGGCAAGAGT-3¢,
mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Seromed, 5¢-AGGCGGTCAGAGAACAAACTAGG-3¢, OCN:
Germany), penicillin G (100 U/ml)/streptomycin 5¢-GACACCATGAGGACCCTCTC-3¢, 5¢-GCCTG
(100 lg/ml) and amphotericin B (2.5 lg/ml) (pH 7.2, GTAGTTGTTGTGAGC-3¢). Each reaction con-
all from Gibco-BRL, Germany). Each electrospun tained 10 ll Master Mix SYBR Green, 50 nM of each
nanofiber sample (1 cm 9 1 cm) was sterilized as de- primer, 100 nM cDNA, and water in a total volume of
scribed before and then placed in 24 well plates. Each 20 ll. Reactions were carried out in duplicates at 95 C
type of scaffold was prepared in triplicate. The cul- for 10 min (holding time), denaturized at 95 C (for
tured rabbit MSCs were seeded on each scaffold at 30 s) and annealing and extension at 60 C for 1 min
density of 10,000 cells per well and placed in incubator and 40 cycles. Amplification data was collected during
at 37 C and 5% CO2 for 4 h. After 4 h of cells the last 15 s of annealing-extension time. For melting
adhesion onto scaffolds, 1 ml culture medium were curve analysis, reactions were heated for 10 min in
added to each well and the plate was placed in incu- 95 C then cooled to 60 C and finally stepwise heated
bator for 14 days. For osteogenic differentiation MSC to 95 C with a ramp rate of 0.3 C. Fluorescence was
seeded fibers were kept in osteogenic medium (DMEM detected at each step continually. CT of each target was
containing 1028 M dexamethasone, 0.2 mM ascorbic normalized with GAPDH and fold change expression
acid and 10 mM b-glycerolphosphate; Sigma) for calculated with 2DDCt method.
21 days. Culture medium was changed every 3 days. At each time point (0, 7, 14 and 21 days), cell-seeded
The control group was MSCs cultured in normal os- samples were placed in serum- free DMEM for 8 h to
teogenic medium in the cell culture flask. remove serum proteins, followed by washing with PBS
The rabbit MSC proliferation on each electrospun three times and lysed with lysis buffer (10 mM Tris
nanofiber substrates was determined by using colori- supplemented with 0.2% triton in PBS). Double-
metric 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxyme stranded DNA content, ALPase activity and calcium
thoxyphenyl)-2(4-sulfophenyl)-2H tetrazolium (MTS) content of the lysed samples were quantified with Pi-
assay (CellTiter 96TM Aqueous One Solution Cell coGreen DNA assay (Invitrogen), QuantiChrom AL-
Proliferation Assay). At each time point (3, 6, 9 and Pase assay (Bioassay Systems) and QuantiChrom
14 days) the culture medium was removed and scaf- Calcium Assay (Bioassay Systems), respectively fol-
folds were washed with PBS in order to remove de- lowing manufacturer’s instructions. Normalization
tached cells and then incubated in serum-free medium was performed for ALPase activities and calcium

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society


contents based on cell numbers (obtained from DNA RESULTS

contents data) of each sample at each time point.
In addition to calcium content, mineralization of Ginsenosides Component of Panax Ginseng Root
nanofibers was demonstrated by Alizarin Red Staining Extract
(ARS). For that, cells were fixed in 4% paraformalde- Table 2 summarizes the composition of ginseng
hyde and stained with Alizarin Red (Sigma-Aldrich extract derived by soxhlet extraction method in the
A5533) for 20 min at room temperature. Furthermore, present study. Ginsenosides generally divided into two
bone nodules were carefully peeled off from the base of categories based on their chemical structure: pro-
electrospun nanofibers and analyzed by energy-disper- topanaxadiol (PD, including Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, and
sive X-ray system (EDS, Tescan) in order to identify the Rh2) and protopanaxatriol (PT, including Re, Rf,
elemental composition of the nodules as well as their Rg1, Rg2, and Rh1). According to our analysis, PD
calcium to phosphate (Ca/P) ratio. group found in Panax ginseng root was about 5.5 times
Western blot analysis was performed to quantify the more than the PT group. Moreover the highest and
protein expression of bone specific markers (osteocal- lowest amounts of ginsenoside were obtained for Rb1
cin and collagen type 1). Briefly, rabbit MSCs cultured and Re respectively.
on electrospun nanofibers in each group at day 21,
were lysed with RIPA buffer containing the protease
inhibitor cocktail (Complete Mini, Roche). After
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Electrospun
determining the total protein of lysates by BCA kit,
Fibrous Scaffolds
lysates with the same protein content (adjusted to
10 lg of total protein per each well) were run through All samples were bead-less with randomly oriented fi-
7.5% SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose brous structure (Fig. 1). The diameter of nanofibers ranged
membrane. Blotto solution (Santa Cruz Biotechnol- from 250 to 650 nm depending on electrospinning solu-
ogy) was used as blocking solution. Blotted mem- tions and conditions. The average fiber diameter for PCL/
branes were incubated for 1 h in a mixture of primary Gin30, PCL/Gin20, PCL/Gin10 and PCL nanofibers was
antibodies (including, mouse anti-rabbit Osteocalcin 442 ± 87, 507 ± 141, 537 ± 162, and 605 ± 143 nm,
(1:1000), Collagen type 1(1:1000) and b actin (1:5000) respectively; with PCL/Gin30 fibers the finest and pure
(all from Abcam), diluted in 19 PBS, 5% dry milk, PCL the thickest (Fig. 1). While PCL/Gin10 nanofibers
0.1% Tween-20 and then incubated for 1 h in peroxi- had a broad range of diameter distribution (Fig. 1c), other
dase-conjugated secondary antibody solution, goat groups showed a uniform and narrow diameter distribu-
anti-mouse (1:5000, Abcam). Western blotting luminol tion (Fig. 1). Figure 1 also, illustrates that all nanofibrous
reagent (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) was used for scaffolds possess highly interconnected porous network.
visualization of antigen–antibody complexes using The mean pore size of PCL/Gin30, PCL/Gin20, PCL/
Biorad ChemiDoc MP System. Imaged bands were Gin10 and PCL was 860 ± 32, 970 ± 41, 1180 ± 73 and
quantified by Image J software (NIH, Bethesda, MD). 1720 ± 65 nm, respectively.
The FTIR spectra of fibers are shown in Fig. 2. It is
illustrated that PCL-related stretching modes exist in
Statistical Analysis
all nanofiber samples containing Panax ginseng extract
All the presented values are expressed as with relatively lower peak strengths. Figure 2 shows
mean ± standard deviation (SD) of the mean and each that the intensity of those peaks pertained to gin-
experiment was repeated three times. Statistical dif- senoside (see section ‘‘Physical and Mechanical Char-
ferences were determined by student’s two-tailed t test. acteristics of Scaffolds’’) changed in accordance with

TABLE 2. The electrospinning solutions of pure PCL, PCL/Gin10, PCL/Gin20 and PCL/Gin30 and their mechanical properties
including tensile stress, strain and young modulus.

Tensile Strain Young’s

Samples Solutions stress (MPa) (%) Modulus (MPa)

PCL 8% (wt/v) PCL + chloroform (40 v/v) + DMF (20 v/v) + methanol (20 v/ 2.48 134.10 18.6
v) + butanol (20 v/v)
PCL/Gin 10 8% (wt/v) PCL +chloroform (40 v/v) + DMF (20 v/v) + methanol (30 v/ 2.72 118.00 19.1
v) + ginsenoside solution (10 v/v)
PCL/Gin 20 8% (wt/v) PCL + chloroform (40 v/v) + DMF (20 v/v) + methanol (20 v/ 3.29 148.05 26.5
v) + ginsenoside solution (20 v/v)
PCL/Gin 30 8% (wt/v) PCL + chloroform (40 v/v) + DMF (20 v/v) + methanol (10 v/ 3.88 143.09 34.2
v) + ginsenoside solution (30 v/v)

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society

Physical and Biological Modification of PCL Electrospun Nanofiber

FIGURE 1. SEM images of electrospun nanofibers (a) PCL/Gin30, (b) PCL/Gin20, (c) PCL/Gin10 and (d) PCL, and inset histograms
of the fiber diameter distribution.

change in concentration of Panax ginseng extract for seng extract (Fig. 4b). The percentage of weight loss
each nanofiber scaffolds. was directly correlated to the concentration of ginseng
Figure 3 shows that with incorporation of Asian extract within the fiber with PCL/Gin30 having the
ginseng extract, PCL/Gin10, PCL/Gin20 and PCL/ highest weight loss (4.2% after 42 days).
Gin30 nanofiber scaffolds became more hydrophilic Moreover the morphology and degradation of
with a measured contact angles of 90 ± 2, 45 ± 3 nanofibrous scaffolds was evaluated by SEM at day 42
and 23 ± 2, respectively compared to pure PCL na- (Fig. 5). PCL nanofibrous matrices were able to
nofibers (135 ± 5). maintain the original fiber diameter over 42 days of
The percentage of water uptake and weight loss of incubation with a slight decrease in pore size. In other
nanofiber scaffolds soaked in PBS, at different time sample scaffolds containing ginseng extract, the fiber
points, are shown in Fig. 4. The rate of water uptake became slightly swollen and there was a decrease in
slightly increased for all nanofiber scaffolds with the pore size, but pores were still detectable after 42 days
time of incubation (Fig. 4a). As shown in Fig. 4a, of degradation. SEM analysis showed that PCL/Gin
water uptake of all samples increased slightly and nanofibers were more degradable in aqueous solution
reached a plateau at day 21, and then decreased slowly. in comparison to pure PCL nanofibers.
An incorporation of Panax ginseng extract increased Figure 6 shows the stress–strain curve for nanofiber
significantly the water uptake of PCL nanofibers. The scaffolds. It is illustrated that elongation of all fibrous
PCL/Gin20 sample had the highest water adsorption scaffolds resulted in a non-linear increase in stress
at all-time points with a 15 ± 1.2% water uptake after followed by a sharp drop at yield point. The Young’s
40 days. modulus of all samples was in the range of 18–35 MPa
In contrast to a low rate of weight loss in pure PCL with PCL/Gin30 having the highest young’s modulus.
(less than 0.2% in 42 days), there was a significantly The Young’s modulus of fibers increased with
higher weight loss for PCL samples loaded with gin- increasing the ginseng extract concentration in a dose

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society


FIGURE 2. FTIR Spectra of PCL/Gin10 (red line), PCL/Gin20 (pink line), PCL/Gin30 (green line) and pristine PCL (blue line)
electrospun nanofibers.

FIGURE 3. Water contact angle; Photographs of water droplets on PCL (a), PCL/Gin10 (b), PCL/Gin20 (c) and PCL/Gin30 (d)
electrospun nanofibers.

dependent manner. Further, the ultimate tensile stress The tensile strength of electrospun nanofibers is sum-
value (MPa) of all ginseng loaded nanofiber scaffolds marized in Table 1. The tensile strength of the samples
was higher than that of pure PCL nanofiber scaffolds. ranged between 2.48 and 3.88 MPa and in a dose

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society

Physical and Biological Modification of PCL Electrospun Nanofiber

fraction of empty surface area was lower than the ones

for PCL and PCL/Gin10 nanofibers.
RT-PCR, based on SYBR Green-I, presented in
Fig. 8 showed a significant change in expression of
OCN, Col-I and Runx-2 in PCL/Gin20 and PCL/
Gin30 over PCL and PCL/Gin10 (p < 0.04) while the
expression of these genes showed no significant dif-
ference between PCL/Gin20 and PCL/Gin30 scaffolds.
The significant increase in protein expression of OCN
and Col-I for both PCL/Gin20 and PCL/Gin30 groups
compared to control was confirmed by western blot
analysis (Fig. 8i). The representative bands of OCN
(12 kDa), Col-I (130 kDa) and b actin (42 kDa) have
been shown in Fig. 8j.
DNA content of MSCs seeded on nanofibers and
cultured in osteogenic medium (Fig. 8d) showed a
slight decrease with incubation time over 21 days of
culture. ALPase activity of cells seeded on the scaffolds
increased significantly from day 7 to 14, reached a
maximum at day 14 and then decreased from day 14 to
21 (Fig. 8e). The increase in ALPase activity of MSCs
between groups, was correlated to the ginseng extract
content of scaffolds. Calcium content of MSCs seeded
on scaffolds is shown in Fig. 8f. PCL and PCL/Gin10
FIGURE 4. Water adsorption (a) and weight loss (b) of PCL/ groups had a slight increase in calcium content from
Gin10, PCL/Gin20, PCL/Gin30 and pure PCL electrospun na-
nofibers after soaking (immersion) in PBS during 6 weeks day 7 to 21 while in other groups the calcium content
degradation study. One star indicates a statistically signifi- increased with a higher rate over the incubation time.
cant difference (p < 0.05) between the test and PCL group at PCL/Gin30 showed a higher calcium content and
each time point. Two stars indicate a statistically significant
difference between the test and all other groups at each time ALPase activity compared with the other groups.
point. Figure 8g demonstrates Alizarin Red staining
images of MSCs seeded on nanofibers at day 21. A
dependent manner- increased with increasing the con- relatively high density of orange-red areas on the PCL/
centration of ginseng extract. Gin20 and PCL/Gin30 groups qualitatively confirmed
a higher calcium content (Figs. 8g3, 8g4) of the
Proliferation and Differentiation of MSCs on aforementioned groups compared with the other
Electrospun Scaffolds groups. Formation of bone nodules, three dimensional
specifically mineralized and organized structures was
After 9 days of cell culture, the density of rabbit observed as large dark spots only on the PCL/Gin30
MSCs increased on all nanofiber substrates (Fig. 7a). group. The number density and total area of bone
Results revealed that MSCs were metabolically active nodules on the PCL/Gin30 group was 128 counts/cm2
on nanofiber scaffolds containing ginseng extract and and 2.9 ± 0.4 mm2/cm2. EDS analysis further con-
demonstrated that there was no cytotoxic effect due to firmed that bone nodules formed on PCL/Gin30 con-
the presence of ginseng extract. The proliferation of sisted of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) with a Ca/P
MSCs on PCL/Gin30 was found to be considerably ratio of 1.69 (Fig. 8h).
higher than PCL/Gin10 and PCL/Gin20 after 6 days
of cell culture. However, after 9 days of cell culture,
PCL/Gin20 had the highest cell proliferation among all
other nanofiber scaffolds. The proliferation of MSCs DISCUSSION
on PCL, PCL/Gin10, PCL/Gin20 and PCL/Gin30
Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Scaffolds
nanofibers increased by 3.66, 4.00, 7.66, and 6.06 folds
respectively from day 1 to 9. The obtained pore size for pristine PCL is slightly
The rabbit MSCs coverage on all nanofiber scaf- lower than that of reported by Venugopal et al. (2–
folds is depicted in Fig. 7b. More specifically, the 15 lm)30 while fitted in the range of (0–10 lm) pro-
number of MCSs attached on PCL/Gin30 and PCL/ posed by Vaquette et al.29 The difference in porosity
Gin20 after 9 days was significantly higher and the can be explained by the difference in electrospinning

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society


FIGURE 5. SEM images of biodegraded PCL/Gin30 (a), PCL/Gin20 (b), PCL/Gin10 (c) and pure PCL (d) electrospun nanofibers
after 42 day of immersion in PBS.

that the fiber diameters and scaffold thickness play a

crucial role in controlling the pore size and pore size
distribution of the networks.16 Therefore, here, the
thickness of all nanofibrous scaffolds was kept con-
stant (~40 lm).
PCL nanofibers showed the characteristic carbonyl
stretching peak at 1736 cm21 (amorphous phase),
symmetric CH2 stretching peak at 2865 cm21 C–O
stretching at 1050 cm21, C–O–C stretching at
1240 cm21 (asymmetric).8 According to literature, the
presence of extra peaks at 2927 cm21 (stretching C–H
in methyl and methylene) and 1123 cm21 are the
bending vibrations of C–C–O or C–C–OH in starch.25
The stronger the relative intensity of this peak, the
higher starch content in the sample. Peaks at 1154,
FIGURE 6. The influence of ginseng extract at different 1078 and 1026 cm21 which represents the bending
concentrations on the tensile behavior of nanofibers- typical vibration of saccharide ring in the FTIR of PCL/
tensile stress–strain curve of PCL, PCL/Gin10, PCL/Gin20 and Gin10, PCL/Gin 20 and PCL/Gin30 nanofibers is at-
PCL/Gin30 electrospun nanofibers.
tributed to the presence of Asian Ginseng on the sur-
conditions. Li et al.16 have shown that the increase in face of PCL nanofibrous scaffold.25 Based on literature
fiber diameters results in an increase in mean pore size review, the FTIR spectrum for pure ginseng extract
at a certain mass per unit area. It is well established powder shows characteristic peaks at 2923 cm21 due

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society

Physical and Biological Modification of PCL Electrospun Nanofiber

FIGURE 7. Proliferation of rabbit MSCs on electrospun nanofibers cultured in basal medium at day 3, 6, 9 and 14 (a); SEM images
of rabbit MSCs on PCL/Gin30 (A), PCL/Gin20 (B), PCL/Gin/10 (C) and pristine PCL (D) electrospun fibers after 9 days of cell
proliferation (b). One star indicates a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the test and PCL group at each time
point. Two stars indicate a statistically significant difference between the test and all other groups at each time point.

to stretching vibration of –CH2– groups and at shown that the addition of HA can improve the
1633 cm21 due to the stretching vibration of carbonyl mechanical properties of PCL nano fibers. However
group.18 Peaks at 1056–1026 cm21 are characteristic optimum mechanical properties (modulus ~19.5 MPa)
peaks to distinguish different types of Ginseng (from obtained at 25% HA concentration while increasing
Korea, America or china).18 the level of HA resulted in decrease the modulus.37
PCL nanofibers have an extremely hydrophobic Here we introduce Panax ginseng extract as a potential
nature which is undesirable for tissue engineering material for improving the mechanical properties of
applications especially as a bone construct. The PCL nano fibers. Mechanical properties of PCL na-
hydrophobicity of pristine PCL nanofibers is the major nofibers were also improved by incorporation of other
reason for a slow degradation rate and a weak cell plant extracts8 which highlight the role of plant ex-
adhesion and proliferation on the surface of the tracts as a potential supplement for load bearing
fibers.13,36 The presence of a peak at 1123 cm21 in applications.
FTIR spectra of Panax ginseng extract, which repre- A higher mass loss of PCL/Gin compared to PCL
sents the C–C–OH group, can be a cause of pro- nanofibers can be attributed to a higher hydrophilicity
nounced hydrophilicity of ginseng containing PCL of PCL/Gin as well as relatively fast degradation of the
compared with the pristine one.13 ginsenoside.
Mechanical properties of nanofibrous sheets indi- The water uptake of nanofiber scaffolds depends on
cated that the incorporation of Panax ginseng extract several factors including hydrophobicity, pore size and
can improve the tensile strength as well as young interconnectivity.1 Typically, the water uptake of a
modulus of PCL nano fibers in a dose dependent nanofiber scaffold increases with increasing the surface
manner. The Young’s modulus of cortical bone ranges hydrophilicity, pore size and interconnectivity of the
between 3.8 (GPa, for humerus) and 35.3 (GPa for scaffold. The addition of ginsenoside solution to the
tibia)32 while this number for trabecular bone varies hydrophobic PCL increases the hydrophilicity of the
between 0.1 and 0.5 GPa.31 fibers (see contact angle results, Fig. 3). However, as
It is worth mentioning that the tensile strength of mentioned earlier, an increase in ginsenoside content
cortical bone ranges between 50 and 151 MPa while its and the subsequent decrease in pore size, might lead to
range in trabecular bone is 1–5 MPa.31 Therefore, a reduction in interconnectivity, hence limiting the
based on the results of Fig. 6 and Table 1, ginseng water diffusion into the nanofiber scaffolds. Therefore,
extract loaded PCL nanofibers might be a good can- the water uptake of the scaffolds initially increased
didate for regeneration of trabecular bone. There are with increasing the ginsenoside concentration up to
different techniques for enhancing the mechanical 20% and then decreased with further increasing the
properties of nanofibers for bone constructs such as ginsenoside concentration to 30%.
using high polymer concentration, crosslinking, sheet However, the mechanism of the degradation in
lamination,38 deposition of nano hydroxyapatite PCL/Gin nanofibers seemed to be different with that of
(HA),7 blending with other polymers or HA.37 It was the other biodegradable and hydrophilic polymers

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society


FIGURE 8. Osteogenic differentiation of rabbit MSCs cultured on the scaffolds at days 7, 14 and 21 in the osteogenic media: gene
expression (Col1 (a), Runx-2 (b) and OCN (c)); DNA (d), ALPase activity (e) and calcium content (f); Alizarin Red staining of
deposited calcium ions on the PCL (g-1), PCL/Gin10, (g-2) PCL/Gin20, (g-3) and PCL/Gin30 (g-4) electrospun nanofibers at day 21;
elemental analysis (EDS image) of bone nodule formed on PCL/Gin30 electrospun nanofibers at day 21 (h); protein expressions of
osteocalcin and collagen type 1 for rabbit MSCs cultured on the scaffolds at day 21 in the osteogenic media relative to the b actin
expression (i); representative of western blotting bands for OCN, Col 1 and b actin (j).

including PLGA, PGA and PDLLA. The degradation cell adhesion and proliferation by providing better
of the mentioned polymers proceeds with fiber swel- transportation of nutrients for seeded cells.15 It is
ling, fusion and elimination of pores16; However, in established that cell adhesion is higher on the scaffolds
all PCL/Gin nanofibers, pores were remained with a hydrophilic surface.5 The initial attachment of
detectable even after 42 days of incubation. mouse osteoblast-like cells (MC3T3-E1) increased
when the surface had a higher surface hydrophilicity.35
Moreover, cell spreading and differentiation are re-
MSCs Proliferation and Differentiation on Electrospun
lated to the hydrophobicity of the surface. For exam-
ple mouse osteoblasts on hydrophilic surface of plasma
Our results indicated that the Panax ginseng extract treated PCL showed accelerated metabolic activity and
can improve the proliferation of MSCs. higher osteogenic differentiation compared to the un-
This increase in proliferation with increasing the treated one.39 Here we showed that by incorporation
ginsenoside content can partially be due to the of Panax ginseng extract into the electrospinning
prominent increase in water adsorption in scaffolds (up solution of PCL the hydrophilicity of fibers signifi-
to 18 folds for PCL/Gin20) which can induce the better cantly increased. The results of present study together

 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society

Physical and Biological Modification of PCL Electrospun Nanofiber

with the previous study done by Jin et al.8 suggest that collagen-I (Col-I) gene expression have been increased
incorporation of plat extracts can be an interesting by Ginsenoside Rh2(s)10 and Ginsenoside Rd.11
method for improving the hydrophobic nature of PCL. Observation of bone nodules, three dimensional
Further, there are some reports on the increase of specifically mineralized and organized structures with
cell proliferation by incorporating ginsenosides into proliferation, differentiation and mineralization stages
the media. For example ginsenoside RG1 increased the of MSCs simultaneously,24 can be used as a proof of
proliferation of human dental pulp stem cells last stage of osteogenic differentiation (especially in
(hDPSCs)33 and bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC)21 PCL/Gin30 scaffolds). Dark spots on the others
by upregulating the fibroblast growth factor-2(FGF-2) groups (Fig. 8) were too small (<35 lm) to be con-
gene and via the activation of the estrogen receptor- sidered as bone nodules.24 The mineral composition of
mediated signaling pathway respectively. Gong et al. 6 the bone nodules were consistent with the previous
also reported that Rg1 enhanced the proliferation of report40 and indicated the presence of calcium rich
rat osteoblasts while Rb1 did not. Moreover gin- minerals similar to those nodules formed in natural
senoside Rd had no effect on the proliferation of bone. The improved mineralization on the PCL/Gin30
mouse osteoblastic cells (MC3T3-E1).11 Since the gin- and PCL/Gin20 can be partially explained by the in-
seng extract used in this study was a mixture of dif- crease in Osteocalcin and collagen expression.
ferent types of ginsenosides, from the obtained results The ALPase activity and calcium content of the
it can be concluded that the ginseng extract derived by MSCs seeded on all groups demonstrated that the
the aforementioned method can improve the prolifer- presence of ginseng extract ameliorates the osteogenic
ation of rabbit MSCs. differentiation of MSCs (in consistent with gene
To test the effect of ginseng extract loaded scaffolds expression evaluation).
on osteoblastic gene expression and osteogenic differ-
entiation of MSCs, we evaluated the expression of three
specific genes including collagen type I (col-I)—which is CONCLUSION
essential for extracellular matrix (ECM) formation and
mineralization in bone3—, Runt-related transcription The extract of Asian Panax Ginseng root at three
factor (Runx-2)—which is crucial for differentiation of different concentrations was incorporated with PCL in
osteoblasts and bone formation4,23,28—and osteocalcin order to produce bioactive PCL/ginseng extract na-
(OCN)—which plays a role in terminal differentiation nofibers. Physical and mechanical characteristics of
of osteoblasts and mineralization.27,12 In addition to PCL nanofibers were significantly improved by the
transcriptional level, protein expression of OCN and addition of ginseng extract. Cell attachment and
col-I was investigated to evaluate the effect of ginseng proliferation were improved by addition of ginseng
addition to PCL nanofibers in translational level. extract. Moreover ginseng extract enhanced the os-
The sharp increase in Runx-2 gene expression teogenic differentiation of MSCs by up regulating the
between days 7 and 14 is related to the early stage of gene expression of Runx-2, Col1 and OCN genes, as
differentiation.28 The change in Runx-2 gene expres- confirmed by high levels of ALPase activity and cal-
sion level among samples directly relates to the cium content deposited on the surface of fibers. The
observed change of OCN expression, since Runx-2 can ginseng extract can potentially be a powerful supple-
directly stimulate transcription of OCN—the most ment for PCL electrospun nanofibers for bone tissue
abundant nano collagenous protein in bone ECM.4–23 engineering applications.
The up-regulation of OCN during matrix synthesis and
mineralization,27 is curtail for later stages of osteoge-
nesis and ECM mineral formation. The obtained gene
expression profile for MSCs seeded on PCL group was
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