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Word formation: verbs and nouns

Word formation: verbs and nouns

We can make nouns from verbs with the suffixes -ment, -tion/-sion and -ance/-ence. amaze > amazement introduce > introduction annoy > annoyance Be careful! Sometimes the spelling changes when you add a suffix. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you find the correct spelling.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. agree confuse impress possess revise explain encourage

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Robert managed to make a good ____________ at his job interview. Sarah didnt do her homework, so the teacher asked her for an ____________ . Dave was arrested for ____________ of drugs. After two weeks of negotiations, the company signed an ____________ which promised better working conditions. Pam failed her exams because she hadnt done enough ____________ . Michaels parents gave him a lot of ____________ when he decided to play football professionally. The concert was badly organised. There was a lot of ____________ about who was playing. Complete the texts with the correct form of the words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Write the related nouns. imagine arrange discuss educate excel manage amuse tolerate ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

5 6

organize ____________

10 enjoy 11 avoid 12 confirm

1 2

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. According to experts, digital television is the future of home ____________ . (entertain) When Clare entered the skateboarding ____________ , she didnt expect to win. (compete) Jane couldnt taste the ____________ between the two cola drinks. (differ) After discussing the results of the experiment, the scientists finally reached a __________ . (conclude) Gregs parents gave him ____________ to go on holiday with his friends. (permit)

There has been an 1____________ (explode) in the centre of Paris. The police say no one has been injured. The government has promised to find a

_____________ (solve) to rising unemployment.

3 4

A tornado has hit the coast of Florida. The cost of the 3_____________ (destroy) is estimated at fifty million dollars. A recent government report shows that there has been a big 4______________ (improve) in health care over the last five years.

Word formation: nouns and adjectives

Word formation: nouns and adjectives
We can make adjectives from nouns with the suffixes -ous, -ic and -al. fame > famous, ambition > ambitious photography > photographic, drama > dramatic music > musical, mathematics > mathematical Be careful! Sometimes the spelling changes when you add a suffix. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you find the correct spelling.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. mystery artist practice adventure nerve grammar

1 2 3 4 5 6 4

The actor felt ____________ before he went on stage. It was his first performance. Sarah is very ____________ . Last weekend she went bungee jumping with some friends. I always find that ____________ mistakes are very difficult to correct. Mark is very ____________ . He can sing, dance and play a musical instrument. You need a lot of ____________ experience if you want to be a primary school teacher. Karen looked out of the window and saw a ____________ green light in the sky. Complete the texts with the correct form of the words.

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Write the related adjectives. logic fury apology rebel technology optimism caution nation advantage pessimism ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

1 2

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. Jackie is very ____________ . She wants to be a actress. (ambition) The holiday was ____________ . There was nothing to do and it rained all the time. (disaster) Brenda was very ____________ when she heard that Id split up with Pete. (sympathy) You have to be fit and extremely ____________ to take part in this sport. (energy) The ____________ party promised to cut taxation when it was elected. (politics)

A 1____________ (drama) rescue took place off the coast of Cornwall yesterday. A yacht was in difficulty in 2____________ (mountain) eightmetre-high waves. 3____________ (courage) air and sea rescue services saved the captain and two crew members. Last night a woman was robbed and attacked in Hyde Park in London. The police say the thief is extremely 4____________ (danger). They are looking for witnesses who noticed anything 5____________ (suspicion) at Hyde Park Corner last night. According to a experts, global warming is having a 6____________ (critic) effect on the environment. Recent 7____________ (climate) changes have had dramatic results, and have caused 8____________ (nature) disasters in Latin America and Asia.

3 4

Attain Upper-intermediate vocabulary

Describing personality
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. proud friendly lazy patient cheerful jealous 1 2 3 Rob has been very __________ recently. Well, hes got a new girlfriend. Tim never helps with the housework. Hes so ____________ ! Zoe was ____________ of Linda. She was much prettier than Zoe, and more intelligent, too. Karen rarely gets angry with people. Shes usually ____________ and understanding. Pam is very ____________ . Im sure youll like her when you meet her. The teacher felt very ____________ when all her students passed the exam. Choose the correct alternative. Karen is so bossy / shy. Shes always telling me what to do! Ian started university a year early. Hes really stupid / clever. My grandparents are very mean / generous. They give me some money whenever I see them. You should write a novel. Youre so imaginative / boring.

When I invited Clare to the party, she went bright red! She must be very confident / shy. When Mark ignored his mother, she told him off for being rude / well-behaved.

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Read the descriptions. Match the people and job adverts. Paul is hard-working and quite bossy. Hed like a job with responsibility. __ Tina is practical and reliable. She prefers to work outside and is quite fit. __ Rob is friendly and cheerful. He likes working with children. __ Phil is patient and sympathetic. Hes a very good listener. __ Sue is outgoing and likes organising events. She enjoys meeting people. __

4 5 6


a b c

a Dog minder for walks and general animal care. Tel. 05 467 543. b Part-time tour guide. Write to: Sunny Travel, 63 Boat Street, Oxford. c Assistant manager at All Sports sportswear shop. Need to work long hours. Tel. 0987 6547. d Father Christmas at Selfridges Department Store. December period only. Contact: Amanda Smith at Selfridges, Oxford Street, London. e Volunteers for Student Helpline. Interested? Please contact us on 0978 564 785.

Attain Upper-intermediate vocabulary

Read the dialogue between Pierre and Elisabeth. Pierre: Elisabeth. How's it going? Elisabeth: Everythings fine. And how are things with you? Pierre: Great. How's the rest of the family? Elisabeth: Up and down. You know how it is. My brother Mark is quitting his job. Pierre: How come? He has a good job. What's the problem? Elisabeth: He says he's bored with his present job. He wants something more interesting. Now continue with the exercise. Choose the correct adjective: Pierre: Hey, my job's __________ too, but that's no reason to quit. It's not easy to find a new job. (boring/ bored) Elisabeth: I think he's quitting for another reason. He didn't get the promotion he wanted and I think that he's really ________. (disappointing /disappointed) Pierre: Thats probably the real reason. He works hard and his boss is very ________ with his work, so he deserves a promotion. (satisfying/satisfied) Elisabeth: Well I hope he changes his mind. It's difficult to find ________ work with a good salary. (satisfying /satisfied) Pierre: How about your sister Kate? I hear that she won a prize for her multimedia project. She must be ________. (exciting/excited) Elisabeth: I'm really happy for her. She worked so hard. And the results are fantastic. It's a sociology project and it's full of __________ images and sounds (fascinating/ fascinated) Pierre: Good for her! She really deserves it. But I feel really bad. She invited me to see it. I planned to go, but when the day came, I completely forgot. It was so ________. (embarrassing/embarrassed) Elisabeth: Yes, she told me. Apparently she saw you the next day and you were really ________ when she mentioned it. Don't worry about it. She knows you're very busy. (surprising/surprised) Pierre: Well, I'm glad she's not upset with me. By the way, there's a documentary on TV this evening that you should not miss. It's about global warming, and some of its predictions are quite ________. (terrifying/terrified) Elisabeth: Global warming! Future disasters! It sounds very ________. (depressing/depressed) Pierre: Yeah! You're probably right. But as you know, I'm very ________ in that type of documentary. I'm not going to miss it. ( interesting/ interested) Elisabeth: But it's not for me. My work is quite ________ and when I come home, I just want to relax. (tiring / tired) Pierre: I know what you mean. I often feel quite depressed after I watch that kind of documentary, but at the same time I find it quite ________. (fascinating/ fascinated ) Elisabeth: I think you're like those people who go to see horror movies. You love to be ________. You find it very exciting. (frightening /frightened) Pierre: You're absolutely right. I'm ________ to see that my personality is so transparent. Anyway, I have to go. It was nice talking to you again, Elisabeth. Let's get together very soon. (pleasing/ pleased) Elisabeth: Yes, let's do that.
Attain Upper-intermediate vocabulary 4

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