3 Domain

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3 Domain:  Balance

Cognitive – aims to develop the mental skills and  Physical equilibrium

the acquisition of knowledge of the individual.  The weight of the things
Psychomotor – physical movement, coordination, Formal Balance:
and use of the motor-skill areas -left and right same product that should
Affective – involves our feelings, emotions, and be balance properly distribution of things
attitudes, and includes the manner in which we deal Informal Balance:
with things emotionally (feelings, values,  Uneven distribution of elements
appreciation, enthusiasm, motivations, and  Rhythm
attitudes.  Continuous moving pattern
Humanities – comes from the Latin word
 Demands consistency/being consistent
but still creative.
- looking for the skills of the person
 Can achieve by alternation.
- focusing in man but in the art
 Proportion
-art is made by man for man
-In art we feel connection  Comparative relationship
-are the records of man’s experiences, his  Uniform repetition of any elements of art
values, his sentiments, his ideals, and his goals.  Ratio between all elements
 Ultimately the expressions of man’s  Emphasis
feelings and thoughts.  Focal point of the artwork to attract
 Understanding what is the meaning of a attention
certain art, cultural, or the feelings of the  Emphasis of something
What is art? Different genre of art:
-art wants to show beauty and meaning. Visual Art
Plato – art is trying to reach the ideal. -arts that perceive by the eye/spacial
 We see ourselves in a greater Graphic Art
perspective -visual art that have length and width/ 2
Assumption of Art: Plastic Art
 Art is timeless and universal -have height, width and volume/ 3
 Art is not nature and nature is not art, dimension
because art is manmade. Audio-Visual Art
 Art is personal and individual experience -arts that attract eyes and ears.
Ex: Performing arts: music, dance,
 Art involves experience
theater: Instrumental, Acapella, Mixed,
 Art must be creative not imitative
Drama, Comedy.
 Art goal is to communicate something
Literary Art
-arts that in written form
Benefits of Art: -it can be poem, play.
 Communicate Division of Arts Studies
 Feelings and appreciation 1. Aesthetic
-learns to admire the artist, and
5 principles of art: appreciate the art in the society.
 Harmony 2. Art History
- most essential -not just appreciate the writer, we
- all of elements put together sees as a tried to acquire who/or know the
whole background of the artist.
- music: blending of voices -we look on how significant their art
- all of the elements connected with in the society.
each other. 3. Art Production
 - everything blends well together
-tries to use the creativity and tries to  Cool Tone Color – cool colors
apply the skills and knowledge to  Warm Color – striking color in the
produce art/ or make art. eyes
4. Art Criticism  Prismatic Color – rainbow color
-learn to use his judgement and  Tints Color – lower the value/ light
learn to evaluate the art that there color.
are criteria set.  Dark/Shade Color – higher value
Visual Arts (Elements) compares to normal.
Line -can create shape  Neutral Color – to balance color, to
 has no shape lighten up or darken up the color.
 Vertical Line – indicates height Color Symbol:
 Horizontal Line – indicates width and  White – purity, cleanliness,
 rest mourning.
 Diagonal Line – manifest movement,  Black – death, darkness, evil
action and direction.  Blue – sky, heaven, water, peace,
 Broken/Jacket Line – talks about sadness
knowing chaos, tension, violence, and  Green – life, youthfulness, growth,
war. wellbeing
 Straight Line – means steadiness  Yellow – jealousy, divinity, deceive
 Curve Line – indicates movement that is  Brown – earth
smooth.  Orange – hunger, food, desire
 Repeating Line – indicates succession  Gray – old age, decay
 Constructing Line – combination of  Pink – love, femineity
horizontal and vertical line. Methods of presenting the subject:
Color - the most noticeable and most  Realism – also termed naturalism. Realism
important in visual arts/ symbolizes life. is the method of presenting as they appear
 Primary Color – red, blue, yellow in real life. (ex: the erythraean sibyl by:
 Secondary Color – green, violet, Michael Angelo)
orange  Abstractionism – drawing away from
 Tertiary/Intermediate Color - The realism, abstract means draw away,
combination of primary and departure from what is present in real life.
secondary colors (blue-green, blue- A. Distortionism - any change made
violet, yellow-green) by an artist to the shape, size or
 Adjacent Color - colors that are visual character of a form to express
located next to each other. an idea, convey a feeling or enhance
 Analogous Color - two or more visual impact. (ex: Le Rene by Pablo
colors that are side by side on the Picasso)
color wheel and often contain the B. Mangling – removing a certain part
same primary color (green, yellow, of the body. (ex: changes faces by
orange). han xiao)
 Complementary Color - colors that C. Elongation – certain part of the
have maximum contrast for each body makes longer (ex: Hanka
other (red/green, yellow/violet, and Zborowski by Amadeo)
blue/orange) D. Cubism – their using geometrical
 Split Complementary Color - the shape to make a figure (ex: bowl of
colors on either side of a color's fruit)
complement or each color has a E. Abstract Expressionism - different
corresponding color that is its types of abstractionism
opposite on the wheel. F. Surrealism – beyond realism,
 Triadic Color - use three evenly subject does not form a part of the
spaced colors on the color wheel. world. Sigmund Freud
G. Symbolism – shows reality but try
to depicts or show something much
H. – optimistic
I. Nudism – shocking realism, want to
show dark side of reality.
J. Expressionism – showing the
emotions, emotional realism.
K. Impressionism – showing of
realism, focusing on something.
L. Futurism – realism in the future,
showing more futuristic.

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