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CHS with biomass and traditional fuel boilers with DHW production in CHSt

Mark Family Series Description

01 Automatic_charging_unit_with_BA_type_backflow_preventer-Caleffi-574_DN15 574 Automatic charging unit with BA type backflow preventer, Y-strainer and
shut-off valve
02 Flow_switch-Caleffi-626 626 Flow switch
03 Welded_expansion_vessel-Caleffi-556_8L-600L 556 Welded expansion vessel for heating systems
04 Gas_filter-Caleffi-848_DN65_DN80_DN100 848 Gas filter. Flanged connection
05 Fuel_Shut-Off_Valve_INAIL_Approved-Caleffi-541_DN15-DN50 541 Fuel shut-off valve - INAIL approved
07 Variable Speed Circulator DN25 Variable Speed Circulator
08 INAIL_Instrument_and_accessories_holder-Caleffi-335_DN15-DN80 335 Instrument and accessories holder
09 Motorized_Three-way_sector_mixing_valve-Caleffi-612_DN15-DN65 612 Motorized three-way sector mixing valve
09 Motorized_Three-way_sector_mixing_valve-Caleffi-612_DN15-DN65-custom 612 Motorized three-way sector mixing valve
10 Temperature_gauge_back_connection-Caleffi-688 688 Temperature gauge with pocket
11 Pressure_gauge_back_connection-Caleffi-557 557 Pressure Gauge
12 Adjustable_immersion_thermostat-Caleffi-622 622 Adjustable immersion thermostat
13 DIRTMAG-Dirt_separator_with_magnet-Caleffi-5463_DN20-DN50 5463 DIRTMAG - Dirt separator with magnet
14 Y_strainer-Caleffi-577_DN15_DN20_DN25_DN32_DN40_DN50_DN65_DN80 577 Y-strainer
15 Ball_shut-off_valve-Caleffi-5580_DN20-DN25-DN32 5580 Ball shut-off valve for expansion vessels
16 Welded_expansion_vessel-Caleffi-568_8L-500L 568 Welded expansion vessel for domestic water systems
17 Safety_relief_valve-Caleffi-530-531_DN25_DN32 531 Safety relief valve. Female connections
18 Adjustable_thermostatic_mixing_valve-Caleffi-5231_DN15-DN50_Ø28 5231 Adjustable thermostatic mixing valve, for centralised systems
19 DHW Circulator Domestic hot water Circulator
20 Digital_temperature_regulator-Caleffi-1520 1520 Digital temperature controller
21 Generic ball valve DN25
22 BALLSTOP_Ball_valve_with_built-in_check_valve-Caleffi-323_DN15-DN50 323 BALLSTOP - Ball valve with built-in check valve with butterfly handle
23 Antivibration_joint_for_gas_systems-Caleffi-842 842 Antivibration joint for gas systems
24 Elbow_tundish-Caleffi-5521_DN15-DN32 5521 Elbow tundish.
25 Biomass Generator
26 Boiler

21 21 16 18
11 11 17
20 14
10 22
07 08
04 21
25 12
08 12
13 02 23


La Caleffi S.p.a. declina ogni responsabilità derivante da un uso improprio dei dati contenuti in questo documento.
09 Gli schemi non sono sostitutivi della progettazione Termotecnica.
07 Caleffi S.p.A. declines all responsibilities for improper use of this document contents.
These schemes do not replace HVAC system planning.

01 Questo documento non è da ritenersi impegnativo. Ci riserviamo il diritto di modificare i nostri prodotti, di apportare
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This document can not be considered binding. We reserve the right to change our products, to produce technical
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3D Model



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