PnPduino Connection Via Laptop or Android Phone

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PnPduino Connection via Laptop or Android Phone

Before anything else, download and install Tunerstudio and Arduino IDE to your laptop. Tunerstudio is
free but the paid version gives a lot of features like Autotune and Composite Logger. You can also use
MSDROID and RealDash from Google Playstore . Take note that limited functions are available in
MSDROID and the best way to adjust settings is through Tunerstudio.
Connection via Tunerstudio using Laptop
Before trying to connect, make sure to remove the jumper at JP13 and the bluetooth module is off.
● Connect the USB cable from PnPduino to laptop and open Device Manager from Start Windows.
Double-click PORTS and check which COM# the PnPduino is using.
● Open Tunerstudio and create a new project. Put your project name. Click Detect and wait until
Tunerstudio finds PnPduino. Install the firmware if prompted (needs internet connection) and
click Next.
● Select your preferred Lambda and Temperature Display and click Next.
● Connection type: RS232 Serial Interface. COM Port: COM# from Device Manager. Baud Rate:
115200. Click Test Port and you should receive a Successful Message. Click Next.
● Select Dashboard and click Finish. If you have the paid version, you can use Designer Mode to
change Gauges.
Connection via MSDROID using Android Phone
● Download the Source Code zip file from github link. The month & date release should be the
same with the firmware PnPduino is using. Some PnPduino might have a different firmware and
it will be posted here in the website for download.
● Open the zip file (Download an app that can open a zip file if required).
● Open the reference folder and speeduino.ini should be inside
● Copy speeduino.ini and paste to MSDROID\ini folder within your phone.
● Enable bluetooth of phone and pair with the bluetooth device of PnPduino. PnPduino should be
powered on. Pair code is 1234
● Open MSDROID and click settings.
● Under Communications, Connection Type = Bluetooth
Bluetooth device = select the bluetooth device connected from your phone to PnPduino
USB Baud rate = 115200
● Go back and open Settings and click Connect to ECU
● Connection should be established and readings should display correctly.
Connection via RealDash

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