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Benefits of Online Dating

Online dating has revolutionized the way singles meet. With the challenges of dating in
today's world, more and more people are turning to the internet. One of the numerous benefits
of online dating is that many of the communication and even location barriers are playing less
and less of a role in people's relationships. We live in a world that is ever evolving and using
dating websites to develop relationships is becoming increasingly common.

We encourage the idea that true love finds itself, and support anyone who prefers traditional
methods of meeting people and dating. However, the world is a very large place and the
chance of encountering your soul mate in your day to day life is small, especially if you are
busy or overly shy. This is where dating websites can be a great tool; there are a large amount
of online resources available at your fingertips to help make this search a lot easier. Below
we have outlined the benefits of online dating.

Fast, Easy and Convenient

Online dating can seem like a daunting endeavor at first but it is actually a very simple
process. Joining a dating website is fast and easy, and provides a convenient means of
meeting other singles. Once you have joined a website, it is simply a matter of answering a
few basic questions and creating your online dating profile before you can start contacting
potential matches. The speed, ease and convenience of online dating make it the perfect
option for busy people without the time or energy for traditional dating methods.

Less Pressure
Dating websites are especially helpful for people who are shy or nervous; there is much less
pressure involved in sending a message than approaching someone in person. Online dating
offers the benefit of a relaxed atmosphere, where you can take time to think about what you
want to say without nervously blurting out the first thing that pops into your head. In
addition, the normal progression of online dating - online messaging and phone conversations
before meeting in person - allows you to become comfortable with someone before getting
together for the first date. This reduces the pressure and can eliminate much of the
awkwardness to create a better dating experience.

Avoid Embarrassment
There are two ways that online dating helps you avoid embarrassment. The first is obvious;
dating websites prevent you from having to get rejected, or reject anyone, in person. The
second is something you may not have thought of. People may hold back feelings or thoughts
when meeting in person because they are too embarrassed to talk about them, but when
people write online they tend to disclose more about themselves, which lets you get to know
them better. In other words, online dating creates a lower potential for embarrassment that
helps people feel more comfortable opening up about themselves.

Meet More People

As an adult, most people tend to form small, tight knit groups of friends with little
opportunity to meet new people outside of this circle. Even when they do meet more people,
the locations to do so are usually limited to clubs, restaurants, and the like. Online dating
websites allow you to meet people you would be unlikely to encounter through conventional
avenues, and this opens the door to more potential romantic possibilities. You can meet
people from all over and find singles with similar interests and priorities to better your
chances of a quality match.

Increased Likelihood of Compatibility

There are two ways that online dating services increase your likelihood of finding a
compatible match. First of all, the sheer volume of members at these websites drastically
widens the pool of possible candidates. While quantity of members is not nearly as important
as the quality, the best dating sites provide filters to make sure you meet quality people. The
second reason behind increased compatibility lies in the nature of online dating. As
mentioned above, online dating traditionally progresses from online chatting, to phone
conversations, to meeting in person. This allows you to get to know one another before the
first date and serves as a filter in itself. Furthermore, you can learn a lot about a member
before you even message them by reading their dating profile. This will give an overview of
their interests, priorities and beliefs, information that would usually take a few dates to

Connect on a Deeper Level

Online dating provides a unique opportunity to get to know the person behind the face. Since
your only exposure to outward appearances is a profile picture, you get to know the person
for who they truly are. This can take away the shallow decision-making effects of physical
attraction and allow your heart an unbiased opportunity to fall in love. This is the emphasis at
most dating websites.

Full Disclosure
Online dating sites allow you to specify your intentions right from the beginning so you can
find people looking for the same thing as you. If you are seeking a soul mate, this prevents
you from wasting your time with casual dating. Conversely, people interested in something
less serious can avoid those committed to finding a long-term relationship. This benefit of
online dating helps prevent misunderstandings and disappointments.

Cost savings is one of the most appealing benefits of online dating. Real-world dates are
expensive. You spend money on gas, dining, and usually on some form of entertainment,
such as movies or a concert. This is money spent just to see if you like the person; the first
date could go terribly and you may never see each other again. For the cost of a membership,
dating websites allow you to get to know the person online before you ever meet. There are
even some free dating services. This means less wasted money and fewer failed dates, not to
mention higher quality matches.
Online dating can get a bad rap sometimes — we get it. When it got started in the ’90s, it was
often looked at as a desperate way to find a date or partner. While online dating has become
less of a taboo (thanks to the continuous rise of technology), there are still some skeptics who
wonder how it could be better than meeting someone in real life. What does online dating
offer that events, sports, school, and setups through friends and family don’t?

Below we’ll take you through 11 online dating benefits that just might convince you to give it
a try.

1. You Can Get Started & Find a Match Quickly

On most dating sites, you can create a profile and start browsing through singles literally in
seconds. Often all you have to do is input your name, gender, location, age, email address,
and basic dating preferences, and then you’re on your way. While we recommend taking
some time on your profile to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward, if you’re really
excited and just can’t wait, go right ahead. Just remember to come back to your profile later,
as this is the main component that will attract people to you.

2. Dating Sites are Very Affordable

When you’re single and at a bar or club, more than likely you’re paying for your drinks,
someone else’s drinks, an entry fee, and sometimes food — all of which adds up very
quickly. Plus, there’s no guarantee you’ll actually meet someone special. On the other hand,
almost every dating site offers a free trial or membership that will put you in front of millions
of eligible singles.

With so many options out there, we’ve narrowed own our three favorites:


Relationships: Casual Dates, Deep Relationships

Match System: Search by age, profile, zip, more

Our Experts Say: “ has led to more dates, marriages and relationships than any
other site. Its impressive user base and success rate make it our top review...” Full Review »

Browse Free: View Photos Now

User Base Gender Ratio Popularity (Visits/Mo.) Today's Deal

All Singles* 13.5 Million* Try FREE

Elite Singles



Relationships: Serious Relationships

Match System: Search personal criteria, plus get Partner Suggestions

Our Experts Say: “Elite Singles is the premier site for professionals. Most members are
upper-income with college degrees, and its Fraud Detection ensures no-nonsense dating...”
Full Review »

Browse Free: View Photos Now

User Base Gender Ratio Popularity (Visits/Mo.) Today's Deal

All Singles* 290,000* $19.95/Month




Relationships: Casual Dates, Deep Relationships

Match System: Search, plus daily match suggestions

Our Experts Say: “Zoosk's integration with social networks and its popular smartphone app
make it one of the fastest-growing dating sites for casual and serious daters...” Full Review »

Browse Free: View Photos Now

User Base Gender Ratio Popularity (Visits/Mo.) Today's Deal

All Singles* 3.8 Million* Start Zoosk for FREE
The sites above do have premium memberships with more advanced features (e.g., see when
someone reads your messages), but with a basic membership, you already have everything
you need to find a perfect match.

3. Millions of People All Over the Country Do It

Statistic Brain Research Institute says more than 49 million people in the U.S. have tried
online dating. However, if you’re at a bar, how many people do you think are there? 50 to
75? What about a club? A couple hundred? Your chances of catching someone’s eye, and
vice versa, are significantly greater online.

4. Online Dating Saves You Time

A singles night out takes a lot of work — you have to decide where you want to go, you have
to get all dressed up, you have to drive or Uber to the destination, and you have to be there
for several hours, going up to people until you meet someone to have a conversation with.
I’m getting tired just thinking about it. And, in the end, you still may go home without a

Online dating, though, can be done in your pajamas from the comfort of your couch. I’m not
saying you should never go out or you should be lazy about your dating efforts, but when you
can’t bear another night in a tight dress or uncomfortable blazer, turn to online dating.

5. Get as Specific as You Want About Your Needs

Meeting singles in real life can be exciting because you never know what the person is going
to be like or what they’re going to be interested in. But sometimes you have deal-breakers
that aren’t discovered until later. For example, what if you hit it off with someone but then
find out a few days down the road that they’re a smoker, and you hate smoking? It can be a
bubble burster.
In online dating, you can be detailed about your preferences, such as you want a blond-
haired, blue-eyed guy who’s 6 feet tall, is an actor, and cares about the environment (a.k.a.
Leo DiCaprio).

With online dating, you can list as many desires as you want and see who meets those before
investing your feelings and time. For example, you could say you’re looking for a blond-
haired, blue-eyed guy who’s 6 feet tall, has facial hair, is an actor, is passionate about the
environment, and dances like a dad (yes, I just described Leonardo DiCaprio). While you
should probably be a little more open-minded than that, and Leo’s already taken anyways,
you get the idea. Find that happy balance between expressing your needs without being

6. Common Ground With Someone is Established Right

One of the hardest parts of meeting people offline is getting the conversation started. Do you
walk up and say “Hey, my name is [name]. Just wanted to introduce myself and see if you
needed another drink”? Do you ask them how they like the band that’s playing? Do you just
stare at them and try to will them to come over with your mind? Kidding on that one.

Since online daters share so much information about themselves, it’s easier to break the ice.
For instance, if you see in someone’s profile that they also like the cinematic genius that is
“Sorority Boys,” you can put that in the subject line of your message and ask them who their
favorite character is.

7. It’s Way Less Stressful Than Offline

Since the beginning of time, people have been meeting their dates and partners offline. It may
not seem so, since most of us have been attached to our phones for so long, but online dating
is only a couple of decades old. It’s still a relatively young industry. Even so, it’s become a
go-to because it takes a lot of pressure off your shoulders. In online dating, you can have as
little or as much control as you want, you can log on at any time wherever you are, if you get
sick of it, you can just cancel your subscription (or freeze it if the site allows that) come back
to it later, and so on.

8. Numerous Security Measures Keep Users Safe

Yes, there have been plenty of scary stories about online dating, but overall, we’d say it can
be safer than meeting a random stranger while out.
Trusted dating sites, like Match, have tons of features that work to protect their members,
such as extensive help pages and 24/7 customer service.

Unlike bars, clubs, parks, restaurants, gyms, or other places you could meet someone, dating
sites have tons of safety features in place to protect their users. These include 24/7 customer
support, extensive help pages, SSL encryption technology to prevent scammers from entering
the site, moderators to remove fake profiles, and buttons to block and report abusive
members. Some sites will also verify and/or do background checks on every member to prove
they are who they say they are.

9. Online Dating is Really Fun

Not to trivialize online dating or turn people into objects, but it’s nice sometimes to be able to
browse through a bunch of potential dates or partners all at once. That’s probably why Tinder
is so popular. And, if you’re broad with your criteria, you’ll get to meet and go out with all
sorts of people from various places and of various backgrounds.

10. Facing Rejection Can Be Easier

Rejection sucks no matter what, but it might not sting as much if it happens online. You don’t
have to see the look of disinterest in their eyes or try to hide the disappointment in your face.
You can just move on to the next match the dating site suggests or take another look at the
search results. Remember, millions and millions of people use online dating, so you’re sure to
find that special someone… or a few special someones.

11. Most Importantly, It Works!

The most important benefit that comes with online dating is that it actually does work for
people. Below are some impressive statistics that prove it:
 is responsible for the most dates, relationships, and marriages of any other
dating site.
 4% of U.S. marriages started on eHarmony.
 66% of users have gone on a date with someone they met online.
 20% of relationships and 17% of marriages started online.

Not to mention most dating sites have an entire page or an entire blog dedicated to sharing
touching success stories from their former members.

Online Dating Benefits: The Facts, the Good & the

Even though we’re proponents of online dating, we know it isn’t for everyone, but how do
you really know if it’ll work for you unless you give it a try? We’ve laid out numerous
benefits of online dating, but you should always combine it with offline dating. That way,
you’ll be connected with your ideal match in no time. Have fun!

Photo sources:

9 Advantages Of Online Dating

Vera Rose Leave a comment

9 Advantages Of Online Dating

There can be advantages and disadvantages to online dating. Let’s take a look at the pros and
cons of dating someone on the Internet.

Online dating is the new way to date in this century so take advantage of it, just do so with
common sense! Do not get carried away but be careful at each and every step.

#1. You Are Not Face-to-Face

One of the advantages of dating online is for people that are shy or nervous about meeting in
person, you can take some time online to get to know one another first. But one of the
downsides is that there is a little more lying and exaggerating without looking your date in
the eye. Some things can be verified with further research on the person online but other
things cannot.

#2. More Potential Matches

Second advantage to online dating is there are more potential matches. From the comfort of
your home, you can check out various dating profiles that a dating service matches to your
likes and dislikes. It makes dating more efficient! You know more about them from the
beginning and this can help you to find your perfect match!

Love Astrology Reading

Date of Birth:

#3. Date From Home

Third advantage of online dating is the obvious one – getting to date from home! You don’t
have to change out of your pajamas or get dressed up or even get a sitter to date. It also helps
you meet people who you wouldn’t ordinarily meet. Some people work from home or they
don’t get out much so this helps them to meet people. Even if you do work outside the home,
if you work too much this helps you to make time to meet people.

#4. More Choices

You can date from your computer or even your phone from wherever you are! You are also
not confined to dating people only in the area where you live and work.

#5. Saves Time

Furthermore, it saves time! If you are very busy and have a hard time making time to date,
online dating can help you make time. You can date or contact people online during a break
from work or late at night when you can’t sleep or even when you are watching TV or doing
other things!

#6. Less Fear Of Rejection

There is less fear of rejection too when you use online dating services. It is easier to get
turned down over the computer! Some times you just don’t hear from the person ever again.
That has a different sting than when you were spending time with the person in real life!

#7. Tailor Made Search

You can tailor your search to whatever you are looking for. Do you want a non-smoker? Do
you prefer some one of your same religion or background? Both of these preferences and so
many more are available for you to choose from. You even get multiple choices matching
these preferences so you can choose your favorite date or the person whose ideals most match
your own!

#8. Safety

One of biggest benefits of online dating is safety! You don’t have to risk leaving your safe
and secure home or job to go out to a club or bar and possibly get mugged or worse! They
don’t have to get your real name or address even. You can also block them or your phone or
even your website if they start harassing you.

Now there can be more danger on the other hand if you break down some of this security and
anonymity. You don’t know these people as well as someone you have met through mutual
friends or met through work. So there can be more risks if you are not careful!

#9. Cheaper

It is cheaper to date online than to pay for meals and gas to go out and date multiple nights a
week! Some dating sites are free. And the ones that cost still average out to be less than the
amount it costs for regular dating and going out every night to meet people.

6 Benefits Of Online Dating (For People

Who Hate Online Dating)
Allison James

 9k


Have you heard the one about the girl who met her Prince Charming on a dating site?

Sure you have! That’s why you joined Match, Ok Cupid, and Tinder!

What you didn’t hear is how much work is involved in online dating! Not only do you have
to make a profile that doesn’t make it sound like your biological clock is on overdrive, but
also you have to think of cute replies to every single message, all while warding off the

It’s exhausting! You want to quit! No one pays you for this shit, I get it! But you know
what…you are badass for taking a risk and putting yourself out there! And it’s not all bad is
it? You’ve met some interesting people, discovered some fun new date spots and if you keep
putting forth the effort you will meet “the one.”

Remember all the good things about online dating when you get discouraged:

1. Shopping for cute boys is fun

Online dating is like shopping for shoes except you get to shop for dudes who will make out
with you! Sometimes it’s like shopping in the dollar bin, but it’s still shopping.

2. Improves your conversation skills

Have you ever had to make a conversation last for an hour with someone you have absolutely
nothing in common with? Sure you have, on basically Every. Single. Online. Date! Good
conversation skills take practice, and a bunch of crappy dates gives you that practice.

3. Makes you a badass risk taker

How many times have you heard a girlfriend say, “I can’t do online dating because I have to
meet someone in person before I know if I like him”? Then you think “yeah no shit, so do I.
Isn’t that the whole point of a first date? Quit being chicken!”

The only difference between your friend and you is that while they are home on the couch
pining for Mr. Right you actually meet men in person to find out if you like them!

4. You Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Remember when you used to go on one date with a guy and freak out if he didn’t call you the
next day (i.e. stalk his Instagram account to see what he was up to)?

Your obsessive nature calms down when you start going on lots of dates. That’s because you
don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You take the time to really get to know people instead
of falling in love with the fantasy. Online dating teaches you that not getting a call isn’t the
worst thing in the world. Getting cooties is.

5. Your list of “deal breakers” gets smaller

Is your list of dating requirements longer than Repunzel’s hair? Mine was too: he had to be at
least 6’ tall, like to spoon, and only eat carbs on Tuesdays.

The more men you date the more you realize what is really important: good values,
chemistry, and compatibility; so you learn not to sweat the small stuff. Playing video games
an hour a day is not a deal breaker, making out with your sister is a deal breaker.

6. Builds friendships

There’s nothing like bonding with your girlfriends over online dating stories!

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