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A fantasy role
playing game

Rules Quick Reference

Core Quick Reference Giving exchange

check = d20 > dv and < attribute. or success with weak impact: npc is
ᗏᗏ Failure
saving throw dv = threat/renown.
ᗏᗏ Success: disposition +1.
ᗏᗏ Phys - power, toughness, and endurance.
Skill - quickness, precision, and perception. ᗏᗏ Success with strong impact: disposition +3.
ᗏᗏ Mind - knowledge, focus, and reason. Taking exchange
ᗏᗏ Pres - charm, confidence, and willpower. at dire position: disposition -3.
ᗏᗏ ᗏᗏ Failure
Failure: npc refuses, disposition -1.
position determines the outcome of failure. ᗏᗏ Failure at risky position or success with
The default position is risky. ᗏᗏ weak impact: npc agrees to a compromise.
ᗏᗏ Shaky - not as bad as it could have been.
Risky - about what you expected. ᗏᗏ Success: the npc agrees to what you want.
ᗏᗏ Dire - worse than you even imagined. Success with strong impact: npc agrees, and
ᗏᗏ offers to do more than asked for!
impact determines the outcome of success. Convincing exchange
The default impact is fair.
at dire position: disposition -3.
ᗏᗏ Failure
ᗏᗏ Strong - this went better than expected.
Fair - you got what you wanted.
Failure: disposition -1.
ᗏᗏ Failure at risky position or success with
ᗏᗏ Weak - not exactly what you hoped. ᗏᗏ weak impact: npc is unconvinced, but not
ᗏᗏ insulted.
Check Procedure Success: npc is receptive, but requires
1. errant describes action with potential for ᗏᗏ proof.
meaningful failure. Success with strong impact: npc accepts
2. guide sets attribute for check. ᗏᗏ what you said wholeheartedly.
3. guide sets dv for check. Bribe exchanges require no checks.
ъъIf dv < 0, check automatically succeeds.
4. guide sets position and impact for Items Quick Reference
item slots = phys.
5. errant rolls d20, attempting to roll > dv ᗏᗏ 1 exhaustion = 1 item slot
and < attribute. ᗏᗏ 1 encumbrance per 25% of slots filled,
6. guide describes outcome of check. ᗏᗏ up to 4. After 100%, each item slot =
Reaction Rolls 1 encumbrance.
depletion = quantity or duration of items,
2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12 ᗏᗏ sorceries, miracles (burn = depletion
for light sources).
dv +8 dv +4 - dv -2 dv -4
ᗏᗏ supply restores depletion of items.
1 supply = ¼ item slot. Restoring
Negotiations depletion takes 4 supply per item
slot an item takes up. If not restored
reaction roll result = disposition. when depletion = 0, item removed from
Initial Disposition = # of exchanges. inventory.
Banal exchanges require no check.
Supply Available per Downtime Turn
2× 4× 6× 8× 10 × 12 ×
Hamlet 10 20 - - - -
Village 20 40 80 - - -
Town 40 80 160 320 - -
City 80 160 320 640 1,280 -
Metropolis 160 320 640 1,280 2,560 5,120
Rules Quick Reference

Travel Turn Quick Reference




1. Encounter

Cosmetic change (e.g.

travel turn sleeping)

Inclement weather (e.g.

2. rest (+1 event die) or gain 1 exhaustion

Beautiful day (only

need to spend one

next weather roll)

Clear skies (+2 to
3. deplete all rations or lower all supply by 1

4. Local effect

5. Encounter sign
6. Free

Travel Turn Actions

ᗏᗏ Peregrinate - Pathfinder makes navigation

travel turn sleeping)

Inclement weather (e.g.

check to avoid getting lost.

Beautiful day (only

need to spend one

Severe weather (e.g.

next weather roll)
Clear skies (+2 to

- company finds points of interest.
ᗏᗏ Explore

heat wave)

If searching for specific location, pathfinder

makes navigation check.
Orient - dv of next navigation check is -4.

Forage - Each errant makes navigation
ᗏᗏ check; on success, +2 supply.
Make camp - Pathfinder makes navigation

Inclement weather (e.g.

check to find suitable campsite.

Overcast (-2 to next

Severe weather (e.g.

next weather roll)
Clear skies (+2 to
Take watch - 2 characters keep watch = no
weather roll)

exhaustion. No characters keep watch =


event die rolls of 5 are rolls of 1.
Sleep – 2 travel turns sleeping = night’s rest.
Travel Turn Procedure
1. guide declares start of travel turn;
timekeeper notes which # travel turn.
Inclement weather (e.g.
Overcast (-2 to next

Severe weather (e.g.

Severe weather (e.g.

next weather roll)
Clear skies (+2 to

ъъcheck for night-time.

weather roll)

hail storm)

2. Caller relays company’s action to guide.

ъъIf peregrinating, determine pace; then

pathfinder makes navigation check.
3. Timekeeper rolls event die.
4. event die and company’s actions resolved.

Condition Pace Other Effects
Appropriate mount/vehicle +1/x
Road +1/x Can’t get lost
Moving slowly x/+1 +1 positive event die.
Moving quickly +1/x +1 negative event die.
Deserts, forests, hills, broken land x/+1 Navigation dv +2
Jungle, mountain, swamps x/+2 Navigation dv +4
Night-time/Darkness x/+1 Navigation dv +4
Inclement weather x/+1 Navigation dv +2
Severe weather x/+2 Navigation dv +4, exhaustion if not camping
Detailed map Navigation dv -4
General map or specific directions Navigation dv -2
Misleading map or directions Navigation dv -2 to -4
Rules Quick Reference

Exploration Turn Doors

Opening stuck door = dv 4 phys check for
Quick Reference ᗏᗏ normal doors.
1. Encounter Each additional errant forcing door = dv
2. rest (+1 event die) or gain 1 exhaustion ᗏᗏ -2, if their phys > door dv × 2.
3. burn all light sources or lower all supply Breaking down wooden door = 2
by 1. deplete active sorceries and ᗏᗏ exploration turns, +1 negative event die.
miracles by 1
4. Local effect Locks
5. Encounter sign
d12 Type Actions Modifier
6. Free
Twist, Tap,
Pace 1 Strange

Condition Pace Other effects Adaman- Twist, Tap,

2 Spiked
tine Turn
slowly x/+1 +1 positive event die. Twist, Turn,
3 Mythril Secured
+2/x +1 negative event die. Twist, Turn,
quickly 4 Diamond Secured
x/+1 Tap, Twist,
areas 5 Dwarven Weathered
x/+2 Tap, Twist,
areas 6 Elvish Weathered
+3/x Tap, Turn,
areas 7 Steel Cracked
Stealth 8 Iron
Tap, Turn,
Skill check, dv = encumbrance.
ᗏᗏ Group stealth: one person rolls, dv = group Turn, Twist,
ᗏᗏ encumbrance/2.
9 Brass

Illumination Turn, Twist,

10 Copper Normal
1 burn = light for 1 person.
ᗏᗏ burn > # of company members = bright 11 Tin
Turn, Tap,
ᗏᗏ light.
burn < ½ # of company members = dim Turn, Tap,
ᗏᗏ light.
12 Crude

Harvesting Materials Exploration Turn Procedure

Skill check.
ᗏᗏ Each errant harvests 1 item slot
1. guide declares start of exploration turn;
ᗏᗏ components/exploration turn.
timekeeper notes which # exploration
Components from a creature: item slots &
ᗏᗏ harvest dv = threat/2.
2. Caller relays company’s action to guide.
ъъIf moving, determine pace.
3. Timekeeper rolls event die.
4. event die and company’s actions resolved.
Writing: Ava Islam Cover Art: Ian Hagan
Layout: Nick LS Whelan Editing: Joseph H. Vilas
Interior Art: Morrie B, Emiel Boven, Katrin Dirim, Madeleine
Ember, José Eduardo “Jegs" González, Alain Gruetter, Ian
Hagan, Alexey Ivanov, David Lewis Johnson, Łukasz Kowalczuk,
Gus L, Lazy Litch, Meatborg, Penny Melgarejo, L.F. OSR,
T.S. Pendlebury, Brooke Penrose, Connor Ricks, Hodag RPG,
Perplexing Ruins, SVARMAN, Jae Tanaka, Tony Tran, Daniel
Vega, Peter Violini
Also: illustrations from Evlyn Moreau's Patreon (p. 15, 174, 203), art from Thomas
Novosel's Patreon (p. 209), Spears of the Dawn Art Pack (Andrew Krahnke p. 47, Luigi
Castellani p. 151), Scarlet Heroes Art Pack (David Lewis Johnson p. 45, Joyce Maureira p.
147, Miguel Santos p. 181, Earl Geier p. 187). Artwork used with permission by Charles
Ferguson-Avery of Feral Indie Studio (p. 12, 24, 26, 42, 55, 107, 112, 124, 141, 142)

The text of Errant (not the art) is offered under a CC BY SA 4.0 license, meaning that
you are free to distribute the text and to adapt it within the scope of the license, which
requires that you give us credit and that you share your adaptations under similar terms.
Please credit the author, Ava Islam, and the publisher, Kill Jester Publishing, LLP. The
text of Errant is additionally offered under a license having the terms of CC BY SA 4.0,
except: (1) if the Adapted Material is a literary work (such as an RPG book), then the
Adapter’s License need only be applied to the text (not, for instance, illustrations) and
(2) you must include this and the following sentence in your licensing terms. The CC
BY SA 4.0 license is available at For works
compatible with Errant, a “Waylaid by Errant" logo and its license to use is available at

Cover illustration © Ian Hagan 2021. Illustrations on p. 118 © Suarman Agustian 2021;
on p. 166, 167, 168, 218 © Morrie B 2021; on p. 19, 189 CC BY 4.0 Emiel Boven 2021; on
p. 21, 79, 127, 159 © Katrin Dirim 2021-2022; on p. 138, 169, 172, 173, 179, 193, 212, 213, 236
© Madeleine Ember 2021-2022; on p. 135, 149 © Jiro Enami 2021; on p. 82, 84, 87, 88,
89, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 106 © José Eduardo González 2021; on p. 52, 122 © Alain
Gruetter 2021; on p. 31, 170, 196 © Ian Hagan 2021; on p. 64, 65 © Alexey Ivanov 2021; on
p. 130 © David Lewis Johnson 2021; on p. 205, 207 © Łukasz Kowalczuk 2021; on p. 9,
25, 167, 168 © Gus L 2021; on p. 77, 171 © Lazy Litch; on p. 160 © Penny Melgarejo
2021; on p. 34, 216, 217 © L.F. OSR 2022; on p. 221 © T.S. Pendlebury 2022;
on p. 143, 223 © Brooke Penrose 2022; on p. 4, 18, 109, 156 © Connor Ricks
2021-2022; on cover & p. 3, 17, 30, 33, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 51, 56,
62, 80, 113, 139, 152, 164, 165, 176, 185, 190, 192, 195, 199, 201, 226, 234
© Hodag RPG 2021; on p. 120, 182, 197 © Perplexing Ruins 2021;
on p. 28 © Jae Tanaka 2021; on p. 66, 68, 73, 75 © Tony Tran 2022;
on p. 111 © Daniel Vega 2021; on p. 144 © Peter Violini 2021.

Title & section headings in this book use the Baldur typeface by
D. Steffmann (1001Fonts FFC license). Body text uses the IM
Fell English typeface by Igino Marini, and Glossary terms use
the Alegreya Small Caps typeface by Juan Pablo del Peral and
the Huerta Tipográfica type foundry (Open Font License).

Screen reader testing performed with NVDA.

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Record Other Information . . . 57

Why Errant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Keepsakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Core Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Failed Professions . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Renown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Adjutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Opposed Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Rosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Saving Throws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 The Violent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Setting a Difficulty Value . . . . . . 7 The Deviant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Converting Difficulty Values . . . 7 The Occult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Position & Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Zealot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The Die of Fate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Grimoires & Sorceries . . . . . . . . . 76
Rounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Creating Sorceries . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Check Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Converting Spell Scrolls &
Core Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Spellbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Grimoires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Event Die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Covenants & Miracles . . . . . . . . 108
Event Die – Travel Turns . . . . . 14 Performing Miracles . . . . . . . . 108
Event Die – Exploration Turns 16 Testament of The Blessèd
Event Die – Downtime Turns . 18 Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Player Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table of Woe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Reaction Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Travel Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Negotiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Travel Turn Actions . . . . . . . . . 120
Items & Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Day & Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Item Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Navigation & Getting Lost . . . 121
Hand, Handy & Worn . . . . . . . 25 Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Marching Order . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Exhaustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Resting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Unsuitable Campsites . . . . . . . 125
Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Eating & Drinking . . . . . . . . . 125
Burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Disease & Infection . . . . . . . . . 125
Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Mounts & Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . 126
Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Eating Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Magic Weapons & Armour . . . 31 Voyages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Settlement Types . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Marine Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Rarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Travel Turn Procedure . . . . . . 134
Quality & Breakage . . . . . . . . . . 33 Exploration Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Exploration Turn Actions . . . 135
Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Goods & Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Retainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Marching Order . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Errants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Resting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Creating an Errant . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Select Starting Equipment . . . . 56 Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Note Languages Known . . . . . 57 Lockpicking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Table of Contents

Stealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Tinkering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Harvesting Materials . . . . . . . . 143 Crafting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Collapsed Structures . . . . . . . . 144 Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Exploration Turn Procedure 145 Wondrous Items . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Initiative Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Magic Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Combat Distance . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Clearing Pacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Surprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Solving Grimoires . . . . . . . . . . 196
Determining Initiative Turn Creating New Sorceries &
Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Grimoires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Initiative Turn Actions . . . . . . 147 Rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Speed & Movement . . . . . . . . . 148 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Attacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Legal Trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Gambits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Enhance & Impair . . . . . . . . . . 150 Proclamations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Statuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Mounted Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Hit Protection & Damage . . . 152 Expeditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Drowning, Falling, Burning . 152 Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Death & Dying . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210
Warbands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Duels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Mass Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Faction Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Chases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Rivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Morale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Scourges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hit Protection for NPCs . . . . 164 Downtime Complications . . . 224
NPC Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Downtime Trends . . . . . . . . . . 224
Bestiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Downtime Turn Procedure . . 225
Converting NPCs . . . . . . . . . . 174 Glossary & Index . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Initiative Turn Procedure . . . 175 Gratitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Downtime Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Downtime Turn Actions . . . . . 176
Passing Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Setbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Rumours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Shopping & Socialising . . . . . 179
Hiring Retainers . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Funerals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Conspicuous Consumption . . 183
Debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Trades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Improving Attributes . . . . . . . 188
Talents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188


You Are A Failure

You have no home.

You have no job.

You have no friends.

You have no family.

You have no prospects.

What you do have are a particular set of

skills — the kind that make respectable
folks avoid you — a handful of pennies, and
a suitably blithe disregard for your own life.

Out there, beyond civilization, lies danger:

monsters and magic and ancient ruins
pregnant with treasure. Death is likely,
but what did you have to live for anyway?
At least out there is the chance to make
something of yourself, and maybe even get
back at those who wronged you.

Surely, this is no life for decent folk.

But you are not decent folk. You are an


Errant is a fantasy role playing game about playing outcasts from
the fringes of society who go on adventures in a world of danger and
intrigue. To play, you’ll need some stuff to write on, a way to simulate
random numbers (traditionally, dice), and a group of friends.

One of these friends will take on the role of the guide1, while the rest
take on the role of a company of errants. The game is a conversation
between the guide, the errants, and the rules. The guide describes
the world, the errants describe what they wish to do within that
world, and the guide describes the outcomes of those actions; the rules
are there to help make judgements about what happens easier.

By playing, you and your friends will create unique stories of adventure
that are sure to shock and delight. No one person is in charge of the
story. We play to find out what the story will be.

Why Errant?
Errant is similar to many other old-school role playing games, so why
should you play this over any other game? What makes Errant unique?

Errant is rules light, procedure heavy.

What does that mean? It means that the rules you need to play Errant
are minimal and simple to understand. At its core, the basic rule is
simply roll a twenty-sided die and try to get a result that is between two

However, Errant has a number of procedures that are designed to help

you navigate different play situations in fair and interesting ways. Want
to know how to run an exciting chase scene, or create a fried cockatrice
restaurant, or sue a demon for emotional negligence? Errant has proce-
dures that can help you do that!

Procedures are not rules, but neither are they vague, general guidance.
They provide a framework to structure the game, and can be adjusted,
deviated from, ignored, hacked, mangled, stolen, or seasoned to taste.

1 When you see a word in small caps, it denotes a game mechanic or

procedure; words in italics denote terms related to game mechanics or
procedures (except where they indicate the title of a published work).
A full glossary and index of all these terms can be found at p. 226.

Core Rules

Core Rules
When an errant attempts to do something of which the result is
uncertain and failure has consequences, they roll a twenty-sided die
(d20) and attempt to roll lower or equal to a relevant attribute and
above a difficulty value (dv). This is called a check.

errants have four attributes, each of which is relevant for different
types of checks. The ultimate decision of which attribute is rele-
vant for the purposes of a specific check lies with the guide, though
errants are free to plead their case.

Physique (phys) - used for checks relating to power,

toughness, and endurance.
Skill (skill) - used for checks relating to
quickness, precision, and perception.
Mind (mind) - used for checks relating to
knowledge, focus, and reason.
Presence (pres) - used for checks relating to charm,
confidence, and willpower.

Opposed Checks
If two characters, whether they be errants or an errant and a non-
player character (npc), are competing at the same task, they make an
opposed check.

Both make a check and whoever rolls higher while still succeeding at
the check wins. If both parties fail the check, the situation gets worse
and more complicated for both of them. If the roll is tied, the guide
may declare a draw, or ask for another opposed check.

Saving Throws
A saving throw is a special type of check that is made reactively to
try to avoid or mitigate a negative effect, whether that be dodging from
a dragon’s breath, avoiding falling into a spike pit, or ducking out of
view of the guard who just rounded the corner.

Core Rules

When an errant or npc makes a saving throw against an effect

caused by another errant or npc the base dv, unless otherwise stated,
is the renown or threat of the errant or npc who caused the effect.
In all other ways, a saving throw functions as a regular check.

Setting a Difficulty Value

A dv of 0 is an easy check, a dv of 4 is a difficult check, and a dv of 8
is almost impossible for a regular person.

As a baseline, for any check, start with a dv of 0, then consider the

circumstances, first increasing the dv for any factors that would make
the task more difficult (treacherous environment, character impairment,
ineffective gear, etc.) and reduce it for any factors that would make
it easier (appropriate equipment, relevant training or ability, correct
method, etc.).

Generally, adjust dv in increments of 2 or 4. If a dv would be reduced

below 0, the check automatically succeeds.

If an errant is assisting another errant with a task, the guide may

reduce the dv of the check by an appropriate amount. It is up to the
guide to determine whether assistance from multiple errants will
warrant further reduction; in the case of a task such as trying to push a
great boulder, each additional pair of hands will make the task easier;
but for an ordeal such as trying to decode an ancient cipher, only the
expertise of the most skilled assistant would be relevant.

Converting Difficulty Values

For reference, a dv of 0 is equivalent to a Difficulty Class of 10 in games
that use the d20 system. To convert a Difficulty Class to dv, subtract 10.
If converting from games that use it, Advantage is equal to dv -4 and
Disadvantage is dv +4.

If converting from a game that uses an x-in-6 chance skill system

(e.g. a 1-in-6 chance of detecting a secret door), treat a probability
of 1-in-6 as being equal to dv 8, 2-in-6 as being dv 6, etc. For x-in-6
saving throws (e.g. a 4-in-6 chance of falling into a concealed spike
pit), invert the probabilities: a 5-in-6 is equal to dv 8, while a 1-in-6 is
equal to dv 0.

Core Rules

Position & Impact

Aside from setting the dv of a check, the guide can also determine
what the position and impact of a check may be based on the cir-
cumstances. position and impact do not change how difficult a check
is; rather, they set the stakes for the outcomes of a check.

position determines the outcome of failure. The default position is


Shaky - not as bad as it could have been.

Risky - about what you expected.
Dire - worse than you even imagined.

For example, if an errant is attempting to infiltrate the manor of

the Peacock King dressed as a servant and they fail a check. If their
position was risky, a guard might have seen through their disguise and
sounded the alarm; if their position was shaky, they might simply be
shooed away from where they are and escorted to the kitchen to clean
dishes under the watchful eye of the head chef; if their position was
dire, their disguise might not only be seen through, but they would be
recognised and a bounty placed on their head by the Peacock King.

impact determines the outcome of success. The default impact is fair.

Strong - this went better than expected.

Fair - you got what you wanted.
Weak - not exactly what you hoped.

For example, if an errant was attempting to seek an audience with

the Goose King to parlay his influence in removing the bounty on their
head and they succeeded on a check. If their impact was fair, the
Goose King may agree to do so, perhaps in exchange for a small favour
to be repaid later; if their impact was weak, the Goose King may only
be able to lower the price of the bounty rather than removing it com-
pletely; if their impact was strong, the Goose King may not only use his
influence to remove the bounty on the errant’s head, but also invite
them into a plot to depose the Peacock King once and for all.

Core Rules

An errant may argue their case for a particular position or impact,

even trading position for impact. For example, an errant may not
be able to sneak all the way across a courtyard without being seen by a
patrolling guard, they could attempt to get about halfway through, a
check with a risky position but weak impact.

However, they could attempt to simply stroll by nonchalantly, hoping

to seem like someone who is allowed within the courtyard; if they are
caught, it will be much more difficult to escape, but if they go unno-
ticed, they will be able to clear the entire length of the courtyard. In
this case, they are trading a dire position for fair impact. As always,
however, final rulings on position and impact lay with the guide.

Core Rules

The Die of Fate

Sometimes an errant finds themselves in a situation completely out of
their control. Left with no other escape, they might jump off a cliff and,
while falling, ask “Is there a river below me?” Or, more mundanely,
they may simply be in a town and inquire “Is there anywhere I could
get some funnel cakes?” In cases such as these where the guide has no
answer, simply roll the die of fate: roll a d6; the higher the result, the
better the situation is for the errant.

If a number needs to be divided, always round down, except in cases
where a half die roll is called for (e.g. a d3, being a d6 divided by 2, or a
d5, being a d10 divided by 2) in which case, round up.

Check Procedure
1. The errant describes what they are doing. If the
guide feels that the errant’s described action
carries the potential for failure, and that failure or
success would change the situation the errant is in,
they can call for a check.
2. The guide sets the attribute for a check.
3. The guide sets the dv for the check, adjusting for
circumstantial advantages and disadvantages.
ъъ If the dv is reduced below 0, the check
automatically succeeds.
4. The guide, based on the situation and the errant’s
approach, may adjust the position and impact for
the check.
5. The errant rolls a d20, attempting to roll above
the dv and lower than or equal to their attribute.
6. The guide describes the outcome of the check.

Core Procedures

Core Procedures
There are four types of tracked time, known as turns, in Errant. The
kinds of actions errants may take in each type of turn and other
relevant procedures are each detailed in their own chapter.

travel turns - about four hours; used when travelling

through the wilderness or other large distances.
errants generally take actions as a company.
exploration turns - about 10 minutes; used when exploring
dungeons or other sites of adventure. errants
generally take actions as a company.
initiative turns - about 10 seconds; used during combat or other
moments of intense action. errants generally
take actions as individuals.
downtime turns - about one month; used in-between adventures
when recovering at settlements, or other
long stretches of relative inactivity. errants
generally take actions as individuals.

turn length is elastic; turns are less a measure of time and more a
measure of meaningful activity at a particular scale. For example, if the
company is exploring a city or an outdoor area instead of a dungeon,
you can use exploration turns and treat them as lasting about an
hour instead of 10 minutes.

turn types can be nested inside each other. For example, if the
company is spending a travel turn to move from one hex on the map
to another, and in the course of their travels encounter an abandoned
cathedral of the Great Slime God Quazark that they wished to explore,
the turn type would “zoom in” to exploration turns. If, while
searching a room in that cathedral they encountered an aggressive slime
angel, the turn type would “zoom in” to initiative turns.

When you “zoom out” of a turn type, resolve any incomplete actions
for that turn before starting a new turn: for example, after the
company defeats the slime angel, the guide would resolve and describe
any remaining outcomes of their search action before starting a new
exploration turn.

Core Procedures

Core Procedures

Event Die
The event die is a special type of die that is rolled each travel,
exploration, and downtime turn. After the errants declare their
action(s) for a turn, the event die, which is a d6, is rolled to deter-
mine what events or complications occur during that turn (excepting
downtime turns, where the event die is rolled before the errants
declare their actions). This ensures that every decision made by the
errants has meaningful consequences.

The results for the event die are specific for each turn type, and are
detailed on the following pages, but the general structure is shown

1. Encounter
2. Delay
3. Resource use
4. Local effect
5. Clue
6. Free from effect

It is up to the guide to determine when during a turn the result indi-

cated by the event die will occur. If the company declares that they
are moving to a new room in the dungeon for an exploration turn
and the event die indicates an encounter, perhaps that encounter occurs
while they are en route to the new location (there was a Gravity Rat
under the floorboards!), or just as the company leaves the first room, or
perhaps just as they arrive at the new location. Regardless, the guide
should make sure to resolve the outcomes of any player actions before
moving on to the next turn.

Certain conditions may add positive or negative event dice. For positive
event dice, roll all the event dice and take the highest result; for
negative event dice, take the lowest. Positive and negative event dice
cancel each other out on a one to one basis.

Use the event die only as it makes sense to do so. If a result occurs
that does not make sense for the circumstances, feel free to ignore it. If
the company is in a situation where they are safe from the possibility
of threats, the event die may not need to be rolled (though the guide
may have the company mark off resources at set turn intervals).

Core Procedures

Event Die – Travel Turns

1. Encounter
2. rest (+1 event die) or gain 1 exhaustion
3. deplete all rations or lower all supply by 1
4. Local effect
5. Encounter sign
6. Free

For each company member who has an encumbrance greater than 4,

add +1 negative event die.

Encounter - the company encounters an npc(s). The guide may

wish to have a list of random encounters prepared.
rest - the company must spend the turn resting, forgoing
their declared action and incurring an additional
event die on the next turn, or else each gain 1 point
of exhaustion.
deplete - the company must deplete rations (and animal feed)
by 1 for every member of the company; if there are
no rations to be depleted (or if food sources are
plentiful), instead reduce supply by 1 for every member
of the company. Any ongoing effects or conditions
end, and perhaps other intangible resources, such as an
npc’s patience, dwindle.
Local effect - an effect occurs that is particular to the region the
company is in. Perhaps they meet the witch who
inhabits the swamp they are trekking through, or
discover the ancient catacomb nestled at the foot of the
mountain, or find themselves caught in a field of anti-
gravity mushrooms. This result could also be used to
advance any region-specific timers: the bounty hunters
tracking you grow nearer, the maddening curse of
the woods creeps deeper into your mind. Or perhaps,
simply, the weather changes. The guide may wish to
have a table of local effects prepared.

Core Procedures

Encounter sign - the company receives some clue as to what their next
encounter might be: some footprints, the sound of
beating wings, a figure spotted on the horizon. The
company may wish to track down whatever npc(s)
they have caught wind of here; otherwise the next time
an encounter or encounter sign is rolled, it will be the one
presaged by this sign.
Free - nothing happens! The company gains a much needed
reprieve and are allowed to complete their actions in

Core Procedures

Event Die – Exploration Turns

1. Encounter
2. rest (+1 event die) or gain 1 exhaustion
3. burn all light sources or lower all supply by 1.
deplete active sorceries and miracles by 1
4. Local effect
5. Encounter sign
6. Free

For each company member who has an encumbrance greater than 4,

add +1 negative event die.

Encounter - the company encounters an npc(s). The guide may

wish to have a list of random encounters prepared.
rest - the company must spend the turn, resting, forgoing
their declared action, and incurring an additional
event die on the next turn, or else each gain 1 point
of exhaustion.
burn - the company must reduce the burn on all lit light
sources by 1; if there are no lit light sources, instead
reduce supply by 1 for every member of the company.
Lower the depletion of all active sorceries and
miracles by 1. Any other ongoing effects or conditions
end , and perhaps other intangible resources, such as an
npc’s patience, dwindle.

Core Procedures

Local effect - an effect occurs that is particular to the area the

company is in. Perhaps a trap ahead activates, or a
door swings open or shut, or the company stumbles
upon a mural depicting the history of the forgotten
Eelfolk. Something dangerous might happen: a faulty
mechanism or a burst pipe. This result could also be
used to advance any site-specific timers: the water
level in the treasure room rises higher, the guardian
basilisk draws nearer, the torturer hidden at the centre
of the maze removes another limb from his victim. Or
perhaps, simply, a bit of atmosphere: some billowing
fog or an eerie vision. The guide may wish to have a
table of local effects prepared.
Encounter sign - the company receives some clue as to what their next
encounter might be; some footprints, the sound of
beating wings, a figure spotted on the horizon. The
company may wish to track down whatever npc(s)
they have caught wind of here; otherwise the next time
an encounter or encounter sign is rolled, it will be the one
presaged by this sign.
Free - nothing happens! The company gains a much needed
reprieve and are allowed to complete their actions in

Core Procedures

Event Die – Downtime Turns

1. Encounter
2. Complication
3. Expiration
4. Trend
5. Intimation
6. Free

Encounter - the company encounters an npc(s). The guide may

wish to have a list of random encounters prepared.
Complication - a negative issue affects the region; roll on the
Downtime Complications table (p. 224).
Expiration - any ongoing complications end. Any other temporary
situations, arrangements, or benefits end.
Trend - a positive or novel issue affects the region; roll on the
Downtime Trends table (p. 224).
Intimation - the company receives some clue, perhaps relating
to their next adventure, or to what the next encounter,
complication, or trend may be.
Free - nothing happens! The company gains a much needed
reprieve and are allowed to complete their actions in

Core Procedures

Player Roles
To ensure even distribution of labour, facilitate ease of play, and simply
as a boon to the munificent guide, whose tireless labour makes the
game possible for the benefit of the roustabout players, certain respon-
sibilities are entrusted to said wretches in the form of player roles.

Caller - the caller mediates within the company during

decision making, and relays the final decision regarding
company actions taken to the guide.
Mapper - the mapper notes world details, making diagrams of
locations as necessary.
Note taker - the note taker records the events of a game session,
noting what transpires, the names of important
characters and locations, and so on.
Quartermaster - the quartermaster is responsible for managing shared
company equipment and consumables (light, rations,
and so on), as well as ensuring that everyone’s
item slots are in order and encumbrance is accurate.
Timekeeper - the timekeeper keeps track of elapsed turns and rolls
the event die.

Core Procedures

Reaction Rolls
If the company encounters an npc(s) whose reaction to the company
is uncertain or not obvious, the guide may make a reaction roll to
determine their disposition by rolling 2d6 and consulting the following

2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12

Hostile Unfriendly Unsure Amicable Friendly
dv +8 dv +4 - dv -2 dv -4

An npc’s disposition adjusts the dv of any social checks involving them

(a pres check to convince an unfriendly guard to look the other way
would have its dv increased by 4, for example, while the same check on
an amicable guard would have its dv reduced by 2).

The guide should feel free to add modifiers to reaction rolls based
on the circumstances, but these should generally not exceed -3 or +3.
reaction rolls can also be modified by an errant’s alignment.

Normally social encounters can be adjudicated through simple conver-
sation, with reference to an npc’s disposition, and calling for any pres
checks as necessary. For more involved conversations that explicitly
involve two or more parties with conflicting wants or needs, such as
legal trials, bartering, or negotiating a treaty, the guide may wish to
run the encounter as a negotiation.

To begin a negotiation, the guide makes a reaction roll to deter-

mine the disposition of an npc. If a reaction roll was already made,
the guide can use the results of the previous roll.

An npc’s disposition determines how many exchanges the npc will toler-
ate before it tries to end the negotiation (e.g. if an npc’s disposition
is 7, the npc will tolerate seven exchanges). An exchange is roughly the
amount of back-and-forth discussion needed to conclude a single, small
topic of conversation (i.e. “How are you?” “I’m well, and you?” “Fine,
thank you for asking.” is a single exchange).

Core Procedures

If an npc is forced to remain in conversation beyond this, their dispo-

sition will lower by 2 each exchange until it reaches 2 and they end the
negotiation in annoyance, hostility, or an outright assault. Note
that changes in disposition do not affect the number of exchanges an npc

During a negotiation, exchanges are classified into five categories:

banal, giving, taking, convincing, and bribe. When an errant says some-
thing, the guide considers which category that exchange most aligns

Different npcs will react differently to these exchanges. A vain and

haughty princess, for example, may be receptive to compliments but
easily offended, and so the guide sets the base dv of giving exchanges at
4 with dire position and strong impact.

Core Procedures

A banal exchange is simple, trivial conversation, small talk, and other

such minutia. It requires no check, but launching into another type
of exchange without first indulging in banalities is, depending on the
context, likely to raise eyebrows, and may alter the dv, position, or
impact of later checks.

A giving exchange involves ingratiating oneself with an npc, whether

by giving gifts, paying compliments, or simply laughing at a joke. It
requires a check.

a failure, or success with weak impact, the npc is

ᗏᗏ On
unimpressed by the effort.
a success, the npc enjoys what was given, and their
ᗏᗏ On
disposition increases by 1.
a success with strong impact, the npc is touched, and their
ᗏᗏ On
disposition increases by 3.

A taking exchange involves attempting to get something from an npc,

generally something they may not want to give. This includes request-
ing aid, asking a personal question, intimidation, and so on. These
exchanges are often difficult and risky. It requires a check.

a failure at dire position, you have upset the npc, and their
ᗏᗏ On
disposition decreases by 3.
ᗏᗏ On a failure, the npc refuses and their disposition decreases by 1.
a failure at risky position or success with weak impact, the
ᗏᗏ On
npc agrees to a compromise.
ᗏᗏ On a success, the npc agrees to what you want.
a success with strong impact, the npc agrees, and offers to
ᗏᗏ On
do more than asked for!

Core Procedures

A convincing exchange involves attempting to get an npc to agree to a

viewpoint that is different from the one that they currently hold, such as
making an argument or telling a lie. These exchanges are often difficult
and risky. It requires a check.

a failure at dire position, you have offended the npc, and

ᗏᗏ On
their disposition decreases by 3.
a failure, the npc is insulted, and their disposition decreases
ᗏᗏ On
by 1.
a failure at risky position or success with weak impact, the
ᗏᗏ On
npc is unconvinced, but not insulted.
ᗏᗏ On a success, the npc is receptive, but requires proof.
a success with strong impact, the npc accepts what you said
ᗏᗏ On

A bribe exchange involves attempting to give an npc something of value,

usually money, in an attempt to change their disposition. Whether or
not an npc will accept a bribe, how they will react to it, how large of a
bribe is appropriate, to what degree it will affect disposition, and so on
is the purview of the guide, though they should give some indication
of an npc’s inclinations to the company, perhaps pending a successful

Items & Equipment

Items & Equipment

Items & Equipment

Item Slots
What an errant carries with them can be the difference between life
and death. There must therefore be strict limitations on exactly how
much they can carry, so as to even the odds for death somewhat.

An errant has a number of item slots equal to their phys. These

item slots represent how many items an errant can carry.

Most items take up 1 item slot, but some may take up 2 or more
item slots, or only take up ½ or ¼ of an item slot.

item slots abstractly represent both the weight of an item and how
cumbersome it is (therefore, even light but unwieldy items may take up
more than 1 item slot), but as a general guideline, 1 slot is about five
pounds and/or the size of a human head.

Items such as a normal set of clothes, a few cheap rings, a handful of

pebbles, or other such insignificancia do not fill an item slot.

100 coins can fit in an item slot.

Hand, Handy & Worn

On an errant’s character sheet, 6 item slots are marked differently
from the rest.

2 item slots are marked for hands, to represent what an errant is

carrying in their hands. Hand slots can be indicated by placing two
dots next to the item(s) in the slot. This does not need to be painstak-
ingly and laboriously updated every time an errant picks something
up or puts something down, but merely helps to orient the players and
the guide in the fiction by giving a general idea of, say, who is carry-
ing the torch and who is dragging the decapitated head of Dread King

Up to 4 item slots may be marked as handy. These represent the items

an errant has stowed on easily accessible locations on their body and
can access instantaneously as a free action. Handy slots can be indi-
cated by placing one dot next to the item(s) in the slot.

Items & Equipment

Attempting to retrieve items in non-hand or handy item slots in

time-sensitive scenarios such as initiative turns takes an action and
has a 1-in-4 chance of successfully retrieving the correct item, with
the chance increasing by one for each subsequent attempt (so, on the
second attempt, 2-in-4, etc. By the fourth attempt, they have retrieved
the item they wanted, though they may have emptied out the contents
of their backpack doing so).

Finally, any items taking up slots that an errant is wearing, such as

armour, jewellery, or other vanities, may be marked as worn slots.

Implicit in the idea of item slots is that errants have an appropri-
ate place to store all this junk. All errants start with a backpack, so it
is safe to assume that is where most items that are not placed in worn,
hand, and handy slots are being stowed.

If an errant, however, has no suitable container to carry all their items,

they are limited only to their worn, hand, and handy slots.

Also, as common sense should dictate, containers can only fit items
of appropriate size: an entire suit of plate armour a backpack cannot

Backpacks, sacks, pouches, and other such containers do not fill

item slots themselves, though larger containers such as barrels and
treasure chests do; these larger containers, however, can be used to
carry items too large to fit in a standard backpack.

Fatiguing actions such as forgoing rest
or being deprived of food and drink
will cause characters to accrue points of

1 point of exhaustion fills an item slot.

If an errant accrues exhaustion equal

to their phys, they die immediately.

Items & Equipment

Greed is a slow and insidious killer. The more item slots an errant
has filled, the more encumbrance they have.

An errant gains 1 encumbrance for every 25% of their item slots

they have filled.

For example, when an errant with 12 phys has less than 3 item slots
filled, they have 0 encumbrance; once 3 item slots are filled they
will have 1 encumbrance, 2 when 6 are filled, 3 when 9 are filled, and 4
when all their item slots are filled.

In the case that an errant’s phys is not divisible by four,

encumbrance thresholds can be counted with ¼ item slots.

For example, an errant with 13 phys gains 1 encumbrance when 3 and

¼ item slots are filled, 2 encumbrance when 6 and ½ item slots
are filled, 3 encumbrance when 9 and ¾ item slots are filled, and 4
encumbrance when 13 item slots are filled.

Beyond this point, each additional item slot that is filled increases
encumbrance by 1.

An errant with an encumbrance of 8 or greater is incapable of doing


Each point of encumbrance increases the dv of checks for physical

activities such as climbing, sneaking, or swimming, as well as stabilise
checks by 1.

encumbrance also reduces an errant’s speed (spd).

It is advisable for an errant to record what their encumbrance is

both with their backpack on and off (in which case only items that are
in worn, hand, and handy slots count towards encumbrance) in case a
situation warrants expeditious jettisoning of unnecessary weight.

Consumable items such as rations and ammunition have a value called
depletion, which tracks how many uses those items have remaining.

When an item is used, or when the event die calls for it, lower its
depletion value by 1.

Items & Equipment

sorceries, miracles and other effects also have a depletion value,

which tracks how long the effect will last.

When the event die calls for it, lower the depletion of any ongoing
effects, sorceries, and miracles by 1.

Light sources such as candles, torches, and lanterns have a special form
of depletion called burn.

burn not only tracks the duration of a light source, but also its level of

Each point of burn represents enough illumination for one person.

If exact measurements are required, perhaps in combat, each point of

burn illuminates an area 10 feet in diameter, centred on whomever is
holding the light source.

burn is reduced via the event die or other factors that may cause light
sources to dim or go out. If a torch or candle is deliberately snuffed, its
burn becomes 0, and it cannot be relit. A lantern can be snuffed and
relit at will.

Items & Equipment

supply represents how many torches, rations, healing kits, and so forth
an errant has brought on an adventure. Each point of supply costs
one copper penny and takes up a ¼ of an item slot.

When an item’s depletion value reaches 0, an errant may spend

supply equal to how many ¼ of an item slot the item takes up to
restore that item’s depletion value up to its maximum. For example,
an item which fills ¼ of an item slot takes 1 supply to replenish; an
item that takes up ½ an item slot takes 2 supply to replenish; an item
that takes up 1 item slot requires 4 supply to replenish. If they do not
have the requisite supply, that item is used up and removed from the
errant’s inventory.

supply can only be used to replenish an item already in an errant’s

inventory; it cannot be used to create new items.

At the start of the next downtime turn, any remaining supply in an

errant’s inventory is removed.

Each armour piece an errant wears grants them a certain number of
blocks. When an errant takes damage, if it makes sense to do so, they
may choose an armour piece with which to block that damage. Each
block they use from that piece of armour impairs the damage by 1 step,
and is then removed.

An errant can only use one armour piece to block at a time (e.g. if
an errant had both a helmet and a small shield, they could choose to
block the damage from a rock falling on their head with either their
helmet, which has 4 blocks, or their large shield, which has 6 blocks.
If an errant chooses to use 2 blocks from their shield, impairing the
damage by 2 steps, the shield then has 4 blocks left).

blocks can also be used to negate non-damaging harmful events if

appropriate. For example, an errant pricked with a poison needle
from a trapped lock may use a block from a glove to save themselves.
If taking damage would incur an additional negative effect such as a spi-
der’s poisoned bite or a ghoul’s paralysing claws, using a block negates
that effect in addition to impairing damage.

When an errant rests, they may use an armour repair kit to restore
all their blocks.

Items & Equipment

Weapons fit into one of three categories.

Heavy weapons are melee weapons that require the use of two
hands, such as polearms and longswords, or missile
weapons such as longbows or heavy crossbows. They fill 2
item slots and do 1 extra damage.
Medium weapons are standard sized melee weapons, such as an
arming sword or a hand axe, or missile weapons such as
composite bows or light crossbows. They fill 1 item slot
and receive no bonuses or penalties to damage.
Light weapons are small melee weapons such as daggers or
hatchets, or missile weapons such as darts, blowguns, or
hand crossbows. They fill ½ an item slot and reduce
damage by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

An errant may wield a melee weapon in each hand so long as one

weapon is medium or light and the other is light. When doing so, light
weapons do not receive the normal 1 point damage reduction.

Missile weapons can be fired at the follow-

ing ranges, measured in either feet or yards
depending on whether combat is occurring in a
confined area or an open one. The first number
gives a weapon’s normal firing range, and the
second gives its extended firing range. Tar-
geting something within a weapon’s extended
firing range causes the damage to be impaired 1

Thrown - 20/40
Light - 30/60
Medium - 80/160
Heavy - 150/300

When a missile weapon rolls a maximum damage on a damage die as part

of an attack roll, lower the depletion of its ammunition by 1. This
may only happen once per attack roll.

Items & Equipment

Though no mechanical distinction is made between different types of

weapons other than which category they fall into, the guide should
consider the benefits and drawbacks of weapons in different cir-
cumstances. For example, polearms and whips have extended range;
thrusting weapons are effective in tight quarters; daggers are easy to
smuggle; firearms are loud; spears and whips are effective at tripping.
At the guide’s discretion they may rule that, based on the weapon and
the circumstance, damage may be enhanced or impaired, a status may be
inflicted, or the position or impact of a gambit may be changed.

Magic Weapons & Armour

While all arcane arms and armaments will bear unique effects, there are
some commonalities to be found amongst them.

All magic items are masterwork quality.

Weapons that confer a plus bonus (e.g. +1 to +3) have that many
true strikes, which can be used to deal maximum damage across all
damage dice. A true strike can be used after damage has been rolled.
true strikes replenish after a downtime turn. Using a true strike
does not lower the depletion of ammunition.

Armour pieces that confer a plus bonus (e.g. +1 to +3) have, in addition
to their normal amount of blocks, that many deflects. One deflect
can be used to completely negate any incoming damage or other harmful
negative effect. A deflect can be used after damage has been rolled.
deflects replenish at the start of a downtime turn.

Items & Equipment

Settlement Types
The scope of truck and barter that can occur is dependent on the size
of a given area’s economy, which is indicated by its settlement type.
The criteria for determining settlement type is dependent on your
campaign world and its relative level of population, but the following
may serve as a general rubric:

Tier 1 (Hamlet) - 10 or so souls.

Tier 2 (Village) - 100 or so souls.
Tier 3 (Town) - 500 or so souls.
Tier 4 (City) - 1,000 or so souls.
Tier 5 (Metropolis) - 10,000 or so souls.

Items and retainers have a rarity rating between 1 and 5, corre-
sponding to settlement types; 1 is hamlets, 2 is villages, 3 is cities, 4 is
towns, and 5 is metropolises.

Items and retainers of a certain rarity can be freely bought and

sold in the settlement type they correspond to and all larger
settlements (e.g. rarity 3 items can be found in towns, cities, and
metropolises). rarity also determines the resale value of used or previ-
ously owned mundane goods: a rarity 1 item carries 10% of its original
worth, while a rarity 5 item carries 50% of its original worth.

rarity can also be used to determine the availability of a given item.

Even in a settlement where items of a given rarity are available, not
all items will be equally available, nor present in unlimited quantities. If
the guide feels it appropriate, they may have an errant test the avail-
ability of an item when they attempt to purchase it. To test the avail-
ability of an item, roll a d100: a rarity 1 item has a 90% chance of being
available, whereas a rarity 5 item has a 50% chance of being available. If
an item is unavailable, its availability cannot be tested for again until the
next downtime turn.

Items and retainers of a higher rarity than the settlement type

one is in or that are otherwise unavailable may potentially still be
bought, sold, or hired, though it will take effort, time, and money on
the part of the errants. Items will likely have to be commissioned,
bartered, or haggled for, and skilled retainers specifically sought

Items & Equipment

Quality & Breakage

The measure of a weapon or armour piece’s durability is known as
quality. Buying items at the listed prices assumes that items are of
average quality. For weapons and armour, an errant can choose to
pay either half the price to purchase an item of shoddy quality, or
double the price to receive an item of masterwork quality.

A shoddy item has 1 quality, an average item has 2 quality, and a

masterwork item has 3 quality. Shoddy items have 1 fewer rarity, and
masterwork items have 1 additional rarity.

When an errant rolls a 1 on their damage die as part of an attack roll,

the weapon used has its quality reduced by 1. If the attack roll
involves multiple dice, reduce the quality by 1 for every 1 rolled. Note
that if the damage die is impaired to 1, this still counts as rolling a 1.

When damage is rolled against an errant and the highest number

on the die is rolled, reduce the quality of an armour piece by 1 (if an
errant uses an armour piece to block, reduce the quality of that
armour piece, else determine as makes the most sense). If the damage
being rolled against an errant consists of multiple dice, reduce the
quality of an armour piece (or pieces) for each die that rolls its highest
result. Note that if the damage is impaired to 1, this still counts as rolling
maximum damage.

When an item reaches 0 quality, it is destroyed. The quality of an

undestroyed weapon or armour piece can be restored by hiring an
armourer during a downtime turn.

All other items can be assigned a breakage value, represented as a

chance in six, to measure how likely they are to break when damaged
or subject to situations where they are liable to break (say, if a lamp is
dropped on the ground, a flask falls out of one’s backpack, a backpack
is crushed against a wall, and so on). For example, delicate items might
have a breakage of 5-in-6, hardy items a breakage of 1-in-6, and
normal items a breakage of 3-in-6.

Items & Equipment

The standard trade coin is the copper penny. The prices for all items
listed below are given in pennies. 10 copper pennies makes a silver
shilling, and 10 silver shillings makes a guilder. The average peasant
household earns about a hundred shillings a year. Large transactions are
often paid for with bonds, issuances of credit, assets, oaths of fealty, or

Items & Equipment

Accounting for the intricacies of a fantasy economy involves far too
many variables to model with a simple set of rules. The guide is
encouraged to be aware of the resources, productive capabilities, and
trade relationships of any given settlement should it become import-
ant to game play.

The following rules, however, provide a framework for modelling the

kind of inflation that occurs when a rabble of roustabouts descends
upon a settlement and consumes all the torches, rations, and other
essential supplies they can get their dirty paws on. How this changes a
settlement’s trade relationships and opinion of the company is left
for the guide to judge.

Each settlement has a set amount of supply that can be purchased

in between downtime turns, based on its settlement type. When
this amount has been reached, no further supply nor any item requiring
supply to replenish can be bought.

When errants buy a certain amount of supply, inflation occurs; first

prices double, then they quadruple, then sextuple, and so on.

Supply Available per Downtime Turn

2× 4× 6× 8× 10 × 12 ×
Hamlet 10 20 - - - -
Village 20 40 80 - - -
Town 40 80 160 320 - -
City 80 160 320 640 1,280 -
Metropolis 160 320 640 1,280 2,560 5,120

Inflation affects adjacent areas; areas one hex adjacent to the source of
inflation have prices one level lower, and hexes adjacent to those have
prices one level lower still. So if a city had prices sextupled, then in all
the hexes adjacent to that city, prices would quadruple, and in the hexes
adjacent to those doubled; beyond that, prices would be normal.

So long as errants do not increase the inflation level, it drops by 1 level

per downtime turn.

Goods & Services

Price Tables
Goods & Services
Armour, head
Item Price Slots Blocks Rarity
Cowl 10 ½ 1 2
Coif 150 1 2 3
Helmet 300 2 4 4

Armour, hand
Item Price Slots Blocks Rarity
Gloves 10 ½ 1 2
Gauntlets 150 1 2 3

Armour, feet
Item Price Slots Blocks Rarity
Jackboots 10 ½ 1 2
Greaves 150 1 2 3

Armour, shoulder
Item Price Slots Blocks Rarity
Spaulders 10 ½ 1 2
Pauldrons 150 1 2 3

Goods & Services

Armour, torso
Item Price Slots Blocks Rarity
Gambeson 150 1 2 2
Scale 300 2 4 3
Brigandine 1,000 3 6 3
Mail 2,000 4 8 3
Plate 4,000 5 10 4
Barding ×4 ×4 As type As type +1

Armour, shields
Item Price Slots Blocks Rarity
Shield, small 50 1 4 2
250 2 6 3

†When wielded, a large shield takes up 1 hand slot and 1 handy slot.

Item Price Depletion Slots Damage† Rarity
100 2 +1 3
50 1 - 2
25 1/2 -1 1
Silvered ×4 As type As type As type
10 2 1 1
and quiver

†Minimum of 1.

Goods & Services

Item Price Slots Rarity
Backpack 5 - 1
Barrel 10 10 1
Basket 1 - 1
Chest 100 5 2
Pouch 1 - 1
Sack 1 - 1
Sack, oilskin 10 - 2

Item Price Burn Slots Rarity
Candle 1 1 ¼ 1
Lantern† 30 1 3
Flask of
15 4 1 2
lantern oil
Tinderbox 10 ¼ 1
Torch 5 2 ½ 2

†A lantern may be attached to a handy slot while still providing


Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity
supply 1 ¼ 1

Adventuring Gear
Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity
Air bladder 5 1 2
Acid, vial 500 1 ½ 3
1,000 1 1 4
Antitoxin 1,000 1 ½ 3

Goods & Services

Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity

Bear trap 20 1 2
Bedroll 10 ½ 1
Belladonna 10 ¼ 2
dragon’s 1,500 1 2 5
Bottle/vial 1 ½ 1
Bucket 5 1 1
Caltrops 10 2 ¼ 2
Chain, per
5 1 2
Chalk 1 ¼ 1
Crampons 25 1 3
File, metal 5 ¼ 1
Fishing gear 10 1 1
50 1 2
Glue 1 1 ¼ 1
15 1 2
1 1 ¼ 1
20 1 1
Holy water 250 1 1 3
Incense 10 ¼ 1
Jug/pitcher 1 1 1
Ladder, 10’ 30 2 2

Ladder, 10’, Collapsed: 1

150 3
collapsible Retracted: 2
250 ¼ 3
Manacles 10 1 1

Goods & Services

Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity

Marbles 5 2 ¼ 2
Net 10 1 1
20 1 2
with key
500 1 ½ 3
1,000 1 ½ 4
Pole, 10’, Collapsed: 1
10 3
collapsible Retracted: 2
Pole, vault 10 2 1
500 1 1 4
1,000 1 1 5
Quicksilver 200 ¼ 3
Rope, 50’ 15 ½ 1
Soap 1 ¼ 1
10 ½ 1
Spyglass 1,000 ½ 4
Tar 1 1 ¼ 1
Tent, grand 1,000 2 3
2,500 3 4
50 1 2
Twine, 300’ 5 1 1

Waterskin 5 ¼ 1

Whistle 5 ¼ 1
Wolfsbane 10 ¼ 2

Goods & Services

Food & Cooking

Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity
Bacon, side 10 1 2
Beer, pint 1 1 1
Bread, 1 loaf 1 1 1
Cheese, wheel 5 2 2
Cider, 4 gallons 10 1 2
Cod, whole 20 1 2
Cookpots 10 1 1
Eggs, dozen 5 1 1
Feed, animal 10 4 1 1
Flour, 5 lbs 1 1 1
Fruit, dried per lb 5 1 2
Garlic, bunch 5 ¼ 2
Grain, 1 gallon 1 1 1
Herbs, common 5 ¼ 1
Kit, mess 5 ½ 1
Lard, 5 lbs 1 1 1
Meal, standard 5 1 2
Meal, horrid 1 1 1
Meal, fancy 30 1 3
Meal, rich >150 1 4
Onions, rope 5 1 1
Rations 10 1 ¼ 1
Salt, gallon 5 1 1
Spices, quart 100 ¼ 3
Sugar, quart 15 ¼ 2

Goods & Services

Tools & Kits

Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity
Anvil 50 5 2
Axe 5 1 1
Bellows 10 1 2
Block & tackle 5 1 1
Chisel 5 ½ 1
Drill 10 1 2
Hammer 1 1 1
Hoe 5 2 1
200 1 3
Kit, armour
200 1 1 3
Kit, healer’s 200 1 1 3
Mallet 5 1 1
Nails 1 ¼ 1
Pick, heavy 10 2 1
Plough, iron 150 5 2

Goods & Services

Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity

Pick, medium 5 1 1
Pry bar 5 1 1
Saw 5 1 1
25 ½ 3
Spikes 1 4 ¼ 1
Tack, exotic 1,000 8 4
500 6 3
Tack, pack 50 3 1
Tack, riding 250 5 2
Tongs, iron 10 1 2
200 1 3
200 1 3
Shovel 1 1 1

Goods & Services

Item Price Rarity
Cattle 100 2
Chicken 1 1
Hound 250 3
Horse, draft 500 2
Horse, riding 1,000 3
Horse, war 7,500 4
Hawk 250 3
Hog 50 2
Mule 30 1
Ox 300 2
Goat 5 1
Sheep 15 1

Item Price Rarity
Furs 5,000 4
General 50 2
Noble 3,000 3
Poor 10 1
Winter 100 2

Goods & Services

Item Price Rarity
Cart 50 2
Chariot 250 3
Coach 500 3
Wagon 150 2
Canoe 50 2
Galley 30,000 4
Longship 25,000 4
Raft 250 2
Riverboat 4,000 3
Sailing ship 7,500 4
Warship 50,000 5

Goods & Services

Books & Vain Items

Item Price Depletion Slots Rarity
Abacus 25 ½ 3
Bell 20 ½ 2
Book, blank 300 1 3
Book, reading 600 1 3
Book, occult 3,000 1 4
Case, scroll 20 ½ 2
Dice, loaded 5 ¼ 1
Face paint/makeup 10 ½ 1
Gem >100 ¼ 3
Hourglass 300 1 3
Ink 1 2
Instrument >10 1 2
Jewellery >100 ¼ 3
Jewels, fake 50 ¼ 3
Map, kingdom 1,000 - 3
Map, local 50 - 2
Mirror, hand, glass 15 1 3
Mirror, hand, silver 75 1 3
Mirror, hand, steel 5 1 2
Paper, stack 1 - 2
Perfume, cheap 25 ½ 2
Perfume, fancy 500 ½ 3
Pipe 1 ½ 1
Playing cards, extra
5 - 2
Stylus 1 - 2
Tobacco 1 ½ 1
Wax 1 1 ¼ 1

Goods & Services

Item Price Rarity
Post, local 10 2
Post, municipal 50 3
Post, kingdom 150 4
Post, outrealm 250 4
Coach, local 10 3
Coach, travel 100/day 3
Coach, charter 200/day 3
Freight, per lb 5/day 3
Ship, passage 20/day 3
Ship, charter 1,000/day 3

Item Price Rarity
Inn, poor 1/night 1
Inn, average 5/night 2
Inn, secure 10/night 3
Inn, fancy >25/night 4
Inn, extravagant >100/night 5

Goods & Services

Item Price Rarity
Hovel 120 1
Row house 1,200 2
Craftsman’s house 2,400 3
Merchant’s house 7,200 3
Villa 21,600 3
Guildhall 32,600 4
Stone tower 48,000 4
Temple 75,000 4
Stronghold 100,000 4
Cathedral 250,000 5
Imperial palace 750,000 5
Road 1,000/mile -
Wall 4,000/mile -

Prices for buildings are the costs of construction. Prices to buy or rent
may be more or less. rarity for buildings is the settlement type in
which they may be bought or rented; buildings can otherwise be built in
any settlement type, provided land and labour is available. Buildings
always carry their original worth for resale.

Item Price (Monthly) Rarity
Accountant 50 per 1,000 handled 4
Animal handler 400 3
Architect 1,000 4
Armourer 250 3
Bard 200 2
Craftsman 250 3
Explorer 300 2

Goods & Services

Item Price (Monthly) Rarity

Factor 100 per 1,000 handled 3
Henchman Special -
Jurist 750 3
Labourer† 100 1
Mercenary 200 3
Mercenary, lieutenant 400 3
Mercenary, captain 800 3
Philosopher 500 4
Physician 750 3
Porter† 150 1
Sailor 125 2
Sailor, captain 500 2
Sailor, navigator 200 2
Sage 1,000 4
Scholar 200 3
Spy 400 3
Surveyor 500 2
Teamster† 200 2

retainers marked with an † can be hired daily at 1/10 of monthly wage

per day.

Henchmen are classed characters and do not receive a wage; rather, they
will receive a portion of company treasure as agreed upon between
them and their employers.

Prices do not include room, board, supplies, etc.

Goods & Services

Difficult as it is to imagine anyone willingly subjecting themselves to be
under the employ of an errant, such strange occurrences do happen,
and with alarming frequency too! A good thing, then, for without the
exploitation of human capital no errant could ever hope for even a
modicum of success.

There are four different categories of retainers.

Hirelings will go on adventures with an errant, but will not participate
in combat. An errant can have a number of hirelings in their employ
equal to their pres.

Hirelings, unless otherwise noted, have an 8 in all their attributes.

Hirelings are listed in order of rarity, in order to facilitate random

determination by the guide when necessary.

1. Porter: Will bear torches, shields, and any other equipment or

luggage an errant chooses to saddle them with. They have
4 more item slots than a normal hireling (this does not affect
their phys or hp).
2. Teamster: Drives vehicles in the wilderness and secures the
load of pack animals. Pack animals that are not being ridden
have their item slots increased by 20, and vehicles have their
breakage reduced by 1.
3. Explorer: When travelling with the company in an area with
which they are familiar, they reduce the dv of all navigation
checks by 4. They will also note any points of interest and
answer questions about the area.

Specialists do not go on adventures, instead remaining in a settlement
and performing specific functions. An errant can have a number of
specialists in their employ equal to their pres.

Specialists are listed in order of rarity, in order to facilitate random

determination by the guide when necessary.

Goods & Services

1. Labourer: Perform manual labour, such as building structures,

harvesting resources, clearing obstructions, etc.
2. Bard: Each bard employed provides one rumour per
downtime turn. Each bard employed also adds +1 to a
proclamation roll, to a max of +3.
3. Sailor: Needed to crew marine vessels for sailing. Each crew
needs a captain.
4. Surveyor: Needed to survey an area during expeditions.
5. Animal handler: Can train animals.
6. Armourer: Can make crafting rolls for weapons and armour.
Restores quality of all weapons and armour for the company
at the end of a downtime turn.
7. Craftsman: Can make crafting rolls for their profession.
8. Factor: Buys and sells items for you. Can buy and sell items of
a rarity value 1 higher than the current settlement, given
a downtime turn, using normal rarity rates. Can also find
a buyer for treasure. Payment is based on money handled per
9. Jurist: Necessary to bring a legal trial to action or to
mount a defence. Each additional jurist adds +1 to the
roll, to a max of 3.
10. Physician: Can treat one disease or wound per downtime turn.
11. Scholar: Can conduct investigations.
12. Spy: Allows for the target on whom they are spying to become
a source for investigations. Each additional spy that is
engaged to spy on the same target adds +1 to the roll for
investigation attempts, to a max of +3.
13. Accountant: Keeps track of an errant’s expenses, reducing the
amount of money lost due to lifestyle from half to a quarter.
Payment is based on the amount of money left at the end of a
downtime turn before it is reduced due to lifestyle.
14. Architect: Doubles rate of construction for buildings.
15. Philosopher: Can create alchemical items.
16. Sage: Can be a source for investigations for their area of
expertise. Each additional sage with relevant expertise for
an investigation adds +1 to the roll for investigation
attempts, to a max of +3.

Goods & Services

Mercenaries are hired soldiers who will not go into dungeons, but
will form warbands, go to battle, and serve in expeditions. When
directly commanding mercenaries in a warband, an errant can
command a number of mercenaries equal to their pres.

ᗏᗏ 20 mercenaries make a squad; of these, one must be a lieutenant.

mercenaries make a platoon; of these, four must be lieutenants
ᗏᗏ 80
and one a captain.

ᗏᗏ Battle prices are double the normal rate listed.

Goods & Services

Henchmen are npcs who will delve into dungeons to adventure and
engage in combat; they receive at least half a share of treasure, half of
which they gain as xp. If a henchman's renown ever exceeds that of the
errant who hired them, they will depart the company. An errant can
have a number of henchmen equal to their pres divided by four.

Henchmen have randomly determined attributes in the same manner

as errants, and use simplified versions of errant archetypes, in
order to facilitate ease of play. They come in three varieties.

have a d8 damage die. They have a number of combat

ᗏᗏ Warriors
dice equal to their renown, and know the smite, grit, and dash
feats. Combat dice replenish after a night's rest.
have a d6 damage die and can sneak attack. They
ᗏᗏ Professionals
have a number of proficiencies equal to their renown; they
cannot gain in any of these proficiencies. Once between
downtime turns, they may choose to automatically succeed
on a check related to one of their proficiencies a number of
times equal to their renown.
users have a d4 damage die. Each magic user has a particular
ᗏᗏ Magic
specialty, such as illusions, pyromancy, necromancy, and so on.
A magic user has a number of powers related to their specialty
equal to their renown; these are simple abilities with one or
two sentence effects such as “creates a wall of hypnotic lights",
“hurls a great ball of fire", “raises a number of corpses from the
dead", and so on. Each of their powers must be distinct. Each
day, they may use each of their powers once if they have had
a night’s rest. In terms of damage, healing, creatures affected,
range, and so on, powers scale the same as sorceries.


Creating an Errant
Determine Attributes
To generate an errant’s attributes, roll four four-sided dice (4d4)
and record the scores for each attribute in this order: phys, skill, mind,
pres. Afterwards, you may choose to swap the scores of two attributes
(e.g. if you rolled a 9 for phys and a 13 for mind you may wish to swap
them, instead having 13 phys and 9 mind).

Choose Ancestry
Choose what type of creature your errant is. This could be a more tra-
ditional fantasy creature like a dwarf or an elf or a halfling, or perhaps
a slime or a Humpty Dumpty or the sentient manifestation of a bad
breakup. Aside from the abilities listed below, the guide may con-
sider the situational benefits and drawbacks of your ancestry, when

(Dwarves, orcs, etc.) Once per session, when you would be
reduced to 0 hp, you may choose to be reduced to 1 hp
instead. Minimum starting age: 2d20+10.

(Elves, demons, etc.) Once per session, you can attempt
to perform a minor magic related to your ancestry:
roll 2d6 and add your renown, on a 10+ you succeed,
on a 7-9 a complication occurs, on a 6 or lower, failure.
Minimum starting age: 3d20+10.

(Halflings, goblins, etc.) Once per session, you may reroll
any d20 roll. Minimum starting age: d20+10.

(Humans, half-humans, etc.) Once per session, you may
choose to use one attribute for a check in lieu of
another. Minimum starting age: d10+10.


Keepsake & Failed Profession

Roll on the Keepsakes table (p. 58)
to determine a unique random starting
item, which does not fill an item slot
(consider this item an extension of
the errant themselves, if you need a
reason why this is so).

Roll on the Failed Professions table (p.

62) or choose a background for what
your errant did before they became
an adventurer. Your Failed Profession
may alter the dv, position, and/or
impact of checks relating to it, at the
guide's discretion.

Choose Archetype
Choose one of the four archetypes
to play as.

The Violent
Capable of great feats in

The Deviant
Unsurpassed in their

The Occult
Casters of sorceries and
creators of grimoires.

The Zealot
Agents of their covenants
empowered to perform


Select Starting Equipment

All errants start with:

ᗏᗏ A backpack.
ᗏᗏ A medium weapon of their choice (1 item slot).
ᗏᗏ A quiver of ammunition, if needed (1 item slot, depletion 2).
ᗏᗏ A bedroll (1 item slot).
ᗏᗏ A torch (½ item slot, burn 2).
ᗏᗏ 50’ of rope (½ item slot).
ᗏᗏ A mess kit (¼ item slot).
ᗏᗏ A tinderbox (¼ item slot).
ᗏᗏ Rations (¼ item slot, depletion 1)
ᗏᗏ A waterskin (¼ item slot).
ᗏᗏ 4 supply (¼ item slot each).
In addition to equipment based on your archetype.

Violent starts with either a heavy weapon (2 item slots) or

ᗏᗏ The
a small (1 item slot, 4 blocks) or large shield (2 item slots,
6 blocks).
Deviant starts with either burglar’s tools (1 item slot) or
ᗏᗏ The
an alchemist’s kit (1 item slot).
Occult starts with the four grimoires of their starting
ᗏᗏ The
sorceries (1/4 item slot each).
The Zealot starts with one of their relics (1 item slot).


Note Languages Known

All errants can speak whatever the common language of their region
is, as well as any language related to their ancestry. In addition, for
every point of mind above 10, an errant may specify another lan-
guage known. This may be anything they wish. It could be “goblin”,
or “doors”, or “the bitter sexual tension between foes”, or “the flowers
that grow in my mother’s garden”. The more specific the language is,
the better an errant is at communicating with that thing.

Conversely, communication may be attempted with a character whose

language is not quite the same but similar to another language one
knows, but the greater the difference, the less effective communication
is. One may speak to wolves in a general, if offensive manner, if one
speaks “dog”, but any wolf worth their salt would take dire offence at
being spoken to in “chihuahua”.

Record Other Information

Finally, note any other important information an errant may need to

ᗏᗏ Their hp is equal to their phys.

ᗏᗏ How many item slots they have, which is equal to their phys.
spd (both backpack on and off), which is equal to their
ᗏᗏ Their
skill minus encumbrance.
alignment, which starts at N, except for errants
ᗏᗏ Their
of The Zealot archetype who belong to Lawful or Chaotic
covenants, who start at either L1 or C1 respectively.
damage die and any other abilities granted to them by
ᗏᗏ Their
their archetype.
ъъ The Deviant should spend their proficiency points.
ъъ The Occult should generate their four starting sorceries
with the guide.
ъъ The Zealot should devise their covenant with the guide.


1. The sword of the hero Black Mask. Useless, but looks really
2. Big, floppy cork hat. Waterproof.
3. Strange pair of boots, with four wheels attached to each sole.
4. Jar of pungent pickled eggs, given to you by a stranger on a
5. Pair of cosy, woollen socks.
6. Bucket filled with crabs.
7. Goblin child: it is convinced you are its mother.
8. Case of costume jewellery. Worthless, but convincing from a
9. Deck of cards with an extra ace.
10. Banned edition of the major holy text of the land, filled with
heretical dogma and apocryphal stories.
11. Large hoop skirt, big enough to hide a small child in.
12. Bagpipes.
13. Black leather boots, knee-high. Black leather gloves, elbow-
length. A riding crop. A gag.
14. Just two guys, ready to help you out. They’re burly, they’re
brawny, they’re best friends.
15. Coat you stole from a disgraced magician. Full of kerchiefs,
dead doves, and other miscellanea.
16. The signet ring of an unknown king.
17. Dwarven treasure dog, loyal but cowardly.
18. Pouch of firecrackers.
19. A dolorous cow.
20. String of 12 hard sausage links.
21. Bottle of incredibly fine whiskey, which you clearly stole.
22. 10’ spool of thin, copper wire.
23. Pincushion, filled with pins.
24. The finest ham in all the land, smoked by the man, Pitmaster
25. Long, strong elastic cord.


26. Bowling ball.

27. Small vial of acid. Very corrosive.
28. Bag of chilli powder.
29. Needle and thread.
30. Wig of beautiful golden hair. Reaches down to your ankles.
31. Bag of beloved marbles that you won from a child.
32. Several small jars of bright acrylic paints.
33. Unnerving and upsettingly lifelike puppet.
34. Incredibly avant-garde and impractical clothes that no sane
person would be willing to purchase.
35. Small bag of incredibly pungent and heady herbs. When
burned, even smelling the smoke is enough to intoxicate
36. Package, addressed to someone you don’t know, in some
place you’ve never heard.
37. Rake.
38. Bottle of lubricant, suitable for internal, external, and
industrial use.
39. Extremely springy spring.
40. Mechanically articulated hand attached to a stick. All of the
fingers can be controlled independently, though it is quite
confusing to operate.
41. Lump of clay.
42. Wind-up music box.
43. Tube of fast-drying, industrial-strength glue.
44. Pair of stilts.
45. Book of fiery, righteous, political polemic.
46. Pair of tinted spectacles.
47. Very fine squash.
48. Vial of medicine, syrupy and sweet. Makes one quite drowsy.
49. Bag of flour.
50. Plague doctor’s mask, stuffed with fragrant herbs.
51. Wheel of aged Grey Matter, the mouldiest cheese in the
world. Causes intense hallucinations.
52. Pouch of laxative powder.


53. Snorkel.
54. Worn, dog-eared copy of the novel Lust & Larceny: The
Trysts of the Amorous Elven Thief, Vol 1. While lowbrow, the
book is incredibly engrossing; it’s hard to pull yourself away
from it.
55. Glitter.
56. Jug of genuine wolf piss.
57. Fire-squirt.
58. Bottle of rat poison.
59. Pouch of beans.
60. Snake.
61. A few pamphlets of surprisingly convincing conspiracy
62. Pot labelled ‘rice pudding’ that is actually filled with liquid
63. Glass case of pinned butterflies.
64. Two magnetic spoons.
65. Collapsible walking cane.
66. Priest’s vestments.
67. Game with stone pieces and a cloth board. The
accompanying instruction booklet is full of poorly worded,
incomprehensible, and contradictory rules.
68. A trio of newborn puppies.
69. Small glass cylinder, rounded at the tips. Quite phallic.
70. Sachet of dried cooking herbs.
71. Packets of various coloured dye powders.
72. Thick, heavy blanket you’ve carried with you since childhood.
73. Hand-bound notebook, containing six quite touching love
poems. The names of the beloved in each poem have been
crossed out and rewritten multiple times.
74. Set of clothes lined with fleece. Very warm.
75. Dismembered pinky finger with a long painted red fingernail.
76. The flu.
77. Small sundial attached to a wrist strap.


78. Booklet of various fashionable hair, beard, and moustache

79. Crystal monocle, also useful as a lens.
80. Polished metal hand mirror.
81. Delicious cake, baked for you by your sweetheart.
82. An incredibly belligerent goose.
83. A four-leaf clover.
84. Packet of saccharinely sweet lollipops.
85. Large bar of hard soap, floral scented.
86. Bag of small ceramic balls, which explode in a blinding flash
of light when thrown.
87. Small tube of pale pink face paint.
88. Umbrella.
89. Tub of styling gel.
90. Rapidly decomposing fish.
91. Bottle of incredibly pungent perfume.
92. Trained messenger pigeon.
93. Fine-mesh net.
94. Pouch of itching powder.
95. Hand drum.
96. A dozen angry hornets in a jar.
97. Wind-up clockwork toy.
98. Your dad. Capable of criticizing anyone till they feel
incompetent and worthless.
99. Jar of sweet, sticky honey.
100. Set of loaded dice.


Failed Professions
1. Acrobat. 35. Executioner. 68. Pickpocket.
2. Alewife. 36. Fish gutter. 69. Poet.
3. Antiquarian. 37. Flatulist. 70. Portraitist.
4. Apothecary. 38. Fletcher. 71. Powder monkey.
5. Armpit-hair 39. Florist. 72. Purefinder.
plucker. 40. Flyter. 73. Rat catcher.
6. Baker. 41. Fortune teller. 74. Resurrectionist.
7. Ball-fetcher. 42. Funeral clown. 75. Roofer.
8. Barber. 43. Galley rower. 76. Sailor.
9. Barrel maker. 44. Gambler. 77. Scribe.
10. Beadle. 45. Glove maker. 78. Scullion.
11. Bee exterminator. 46. Gongfarmer. 79. Seed counter.
12. Beekeeper. 47. Grave digger. 80. Snake milker.
13. Beggar. 48. Gymnasiarch. 81. Smuggler.
14. Belt maker. 49. Haberdasher. 82. Sophist.
15. Busker. 50. Hoof trimmer. 83. Stablehand.
16. Carcass collector. 51. Hunter. 84. Stevedore.
17. Chandler. 52. Ice cutter. 85. Stone eater.
18. Cheesemaker. 53. Jester. 86. Sycophant.
19. Cherry picker. 54. Jongleur. 87. Tanner.
20. Chimney sweep. 55. Knock-knobber. 88. Taster.
21. Clockwinder. 56. Knocker-upper. 89. Taxidermist.
22. Cobbler. 57. Leech collector. 90. Tinker.
23. Confectioner. 58. Market guard. 91. Toad doctor.
24. Cooper. 59. Messenger. 92. Tosher.
25. Cordwainer. 60. Mountebank. 93. Town crier.
26. Costermonger. 61. Mushroom 94. Urinatores.
27. Cup bearer. farmer. 95. Usurer.
28. Cutlery vendor. 62. Nanny. 96. Water carrier.
29. Cutpurse. 63. Orgy planner. 97. Wheelwright.
30. Ditch digger. 64. Ostrich wrangler. 98. Whipping boy.
31. Dog walker. 65. Owl vomit 99. Whiffler.
32. Dog whipper. collector.
100. Worm rancher.
33. Dollmaker. 66. Palanquin bearer.
34. Ewerer. 67. Peddler.


The measure of an errant’s Renown XP Needed
fame, notoriety, and power is their
renown. An errant begins at 1 0
renown 1. If an errant ever wishes 2 2,000
to see if someone has heard of them
(if it is not already obvious), they may 3 6,000
roll a d10 and attempt to roll equal
or under their renown; if they are 4 14,000
successful, their reputation precedes 5 30,000
6 62,000
An errant increases their renown
7 126,000
by gaining experience (xp), as shown
on the table opposite. 8 254,000

When an errant’s renown 9 510,000

increases, two of their attributes
increase by 1. The rest of the company decides the first attribute that
increases, based on their recent performance. After this, the errant
may themselves decide the second attribute that increases; they may
not select the same attribute the company selected.

An errant gains 1 xp per penny they waste.

Wasting is any monetary transaction which is not an investment, some-

thing which will give a return on value, either financially or through use,
or a necessity. A meal, for example, is not waste, but a lavish banquet is.

In addition, errants also gain xp when anything in which they have

invested is unintentionally destroyed or becomes unusable, even tempo-
rarily. If a sword or piece of armour breaks, they gain xp. If a ship they
bought is reefed, they gain xp. If their burgeoning blink dog walking
business comes under threat, they gain xp.


When an errant reaches renown 2, they become notable enough that
they may, if they wish, attract an adjutant. This essentially turns one
errant into two, as a player may control both their errant and their

The adjutant always starts at renown 1, and can never be the same
renown as the errant to whom they are attached. An errant and
their adjutant divide xp among themselves, with the errant receiving
¾ of the xp, and the adjutant receiving the remaining ¼.

If the errant an adjutant is attached to dies, the adjutant may assume

their position, and may in turn attract an adjutant of their own.

An errant may only ever have one adjutant in their lifetime, and
should they perish, they cannot be replaced.


Players are encouraged to maintain a roster of several errants that
they can choose to play. errants of high renown may often find
themselves occupied for multiple downtime turns in important
matters, and during these periods a player can send their lower renown
errants off on adventures in their stead.

Players can pass items and information freely among the errants in
their roster, provided they are in the same place in the game world.

Players may only swap control among errants in their roster when it
makes sense to do so (e.g. generally not in the middle of an adventure),
and can only do so once per game session.


The Violent
Renown Attacks Feats
1 1 3 2
2 1 4 3
3 2 4 4
4 2 5 5
5 2 5 6
6 3 6 7
7 3 6 8
8 3 7 9
9 4 7 10

Damage Die - d8

Extra Attacks - When you reach renown 3, and every third time your
renown increases thereafter, the number of attack rolls you can
make when you take an action to attack increases by one.

Feats - You have a number of combat dice, which are the same size as your
damage die. These combat dice can be expended to perform feats.

The number of feats you can use in one initiative turn is equal to
the number of attack rolls you can make.

At renown 1 you have 2 combat dice. You gain an additional combat die
each time your renown increases. Combat dice replenish after a night’s

At renown 1, you know these 3 feats.

Smite - when you make an attack roll, you may roll a combat
die and add it to your damage.
Grit - when you take damage, you may roll a combat die and
reduce the incoming damage by the amount rolled.
Dash - when you move, you may roll a combat die and add the
result to your movement roll.


At every even renown level, you can learn a new feat from the list
below, or devise your own with approval from the guide:

Avenge - when an ally takes damage, you may expend a combat

die and immediately make an attack roll against the
enemy that targeted them.
Cleave - expend a combat die. This initiative turn, whenever
you reduce an enemy to 0 hp, you may make another
attack roll.
Command - roll a combat die. In place of one of your attack rolls,
you allow one of your allies to make an attack roll,
with a bonus to damage equal to the number rolled on
your combat die.
Exert - expend a combat die. This initiative turn, you may
make as many attack rolls as you wish, but each
attack roll you make past your normal amount deals
equal damage to you.
Goad - expend a combat die. This initiative turn, all enemies
must target you.
Intimidate – roll a combat die. Your next attack roll causes enemies
to make a morale roll with a penalty equal to the
number rolled on your combat die.
Protect - when an ally takes damage, you may roll a combat die and
reduce the damage taken by the number rolled.
Resist - when you fail a saving throw, you may expend a
combat die and re-roll it.
Strategise - roll a combat die. The next time you perform a gambit,
the dv of the enemy’s saving throw is increased by
the amount rolled on your combat die, and is made at dire
position and weak impact.
Surge - expend a combat die. This initiative turn, you gain
an additional action, which cannot be used to make an
attack roll.


The Deviant
Renown Jettons
1 2 Skill+2
2 +1 Skill+4
3 +1 Skill+6
4 +1 Skill+8
5 +1 Skill+10
6 +1 Skill+12
7 +1 Skill+14
8 +1 Skill+16
9 +1 Skill+18
Damage Die - d6

Sneak Attack - When you make an attack roll against someone

unaware of your presence, you make a sneak attack, rolling two damage
dice, in addition to any enhancement the attack may receive.

Proficiencies - You start with 2 proficiency points at renown 1, and

gain 1 proficiency point each time your renown increases.

A proficiency point may be spent to gain expertise in any of the fol-

lowing proficiencies, or a proficiency of your own devising with
approval from the guide. Expertise reduces the dv of all checks (but
not saving throws) relating to that proficiency by 2.

Spending an additional proficiency point on a proficiency grants

you mastery. This confers special abilities, and changes the position of
all checks relating to that proficiency to shaky, and the impact of all
checks relating to that proficiency to strong.

Anatomy - Expertise: (alchemy, barber-surgery, cooking, autopsies,

Mastery: Chemist – when you use an alchemist’s kit, you
can store six alchemical components rather than four.
Awareness - Expertise: (investigating a room, checking for traps,
detecting hidden characters, appraisal, etc.)


Mastery: Alert – you may still act in an initiative turn

even when surprised.
Engineering - Expertise: (disarming traps, mechanics, architecture and
dungeoncraft, demolitions, etc.)
Mastery: Locksmith – when lockpicking, you may ignore
the first jam.
Fitness - Expertise: (climbing, running, jumping, acrobatics, etc.)
Mastery: Fleet-footed – as long as your encumbrance is
not greater than 4, it does not reduce your spd.
Lore - Expertise: (history, religion, philosophy, arcane
knowledge, etc.)
Mastery: – you can cast sorceries from grimoires and
can use any magic item, regardless of restriction; your
sorcery depletion is 1 and your renown is halved
for the purposes of determining sorcery effects such as
damage and range.
Sleight of - Expertise: (pickpocketing, legerdemain, misdirection,
hand playing musical instruments, etc.)
Mastery: Pack Rat – you can retrieve any item in any
item slot as if it were a handy slot.
Speechcraft - Expertise: (bartering, haggling, deceiving, persuading,
intimidating, performing, etc.)
Mastery: – all reaction rolls for npcs interacting with
you are rolled with 3d6.
Stealth - Expertise: (hiding, moving silently and unseen, blending
in with a crowd, masking your presence, etc.)
Mastery: Assassin – you roll three damage dice when
making a sneak attack.
Survival - Expertise: (tracking, navigating, foraging and hunting,
animal handling, etc.)
Mastery: Beast Master – you gain an animal companion. It
takes its own actions during initiative turns, though
it obeys all your commands. All checks made by your
animal companion are resolved using your skill. It has
hp and spd equal to your skill, a damage die of d6, and
can perform sneak attacks. It also receives the benefits of
any of your proficiencies, if applicable. If your animal
companion dies, you gain a new one at the start of the
next downtime turn.


Jettons - You have a stack of jettons (best represented by poker chips),

which you can use in two ways.

You can spend jettons to reduce the dv of checks (including

saving throws) related to your proficiencies; each jetton reduces
the dv of the check by 1.

You can spend jettons to make a wager. When you make a wager, make
a claim relating to one of your proficiencies, such as “I can climb
that sheer cliff”; “I know how to disarm this trap”; “I’ve packed just the
thing we need”; “I’ve already stolen their weapon”; or “I bribed that
guard yesterday”.

You can make any claim so long as it at least flirts with the realm of pos-
sibility, though one with mastery in their proficiency may make even
more outlandish claims.

Roll a d10, with your chance to succeed being the number of jettons
you spent (e.g. if you spent 5 jettons, you would have a 5-in-10 chance
of success).

If you succeed on the roll, your claim is true; if you fail, you suffer the
consequences decided upon by the guide, which will usually take the
form of a counterclaim.

When you make a wager, you may ask the guide for a devil’s bargain:
they will also roll a d10, though they will keep the result hidden from
you. When you roll for your wager, you may choose to take either
the die you rolled or the die the guide rolled to determine if you are

If you choose the die the guide rolled and are successful, you regain a
number of jettons equal to the difference between your roll and the
guide’s. However, if you choose the guide’s die and fail, the conse-
quences will be far worse.

You regain all your jettons at the start of a downtime turn.



The Occult
Prepared Sorcery
Renown Stabilise Maleficence Retorts
Sorceries Depletion
1 2 1 8 2d6/1d6 1
2 3 1 7 2d6/1d6 1
3 4 1 6 4d6/2d6 2
4 5 2 5 4d6/2d6 2
5 6 2 4 4d6/2d6 2
6 7 2 3 6d6/3d6 3
7 8 3 2 6d6/3d6 3
8 9 3 1 6d6/3d6 3
9 10 3 0 8d6/4d6 4

Damage Die - d4

Sorcery - You can cast sorceries. You begin play with the four
grimoires in your possession, whose sorceries you have already

A sorcery may be cast by directly reading it from a grimoire, once

per day. Doing so takes two actions during an initiative turn.

Each day, if you have had a night’s rest, you may also prepare a certain
number of sorceries, which allows you to cast them without referenc-
ing a grimoire. Casting a prepared sorcery takes one action during an
initiative turn. You may prepare the same sorcery multiple times.

If a sorcery has an ongoing effect, its duration is determined by your

sorcery depletion.

When you cast a prepared sorcery, you may make a mind check with
a dv equal to your stabilise value plus your encumbrance. If you
succeed, you may safely cast that sorcery again.

If you fail, that prepared sorcery has become unstable, and casting it
again risks miscasting.


To avoid miscasting, you must succeed on a mind check with a dv equal

to d20+the number of times that sorcery has been cast since becom-
ing unstable.

Maleficence - You can invoke maleficence. Any number of prepared

sorceries can be made unstable in order to deal damage to all within an
area, with a saving throw allowed for half damage.

The range and area of effect of your maleficence is the same as that of a

Your maleficence deals 2d6 damage for the first prepared sorcery made
unstable, plus an additional d6 damage for each additional prepared
sorcery that is made unstable. When you reach renown 3, and every
third time your renown increases thereafter, the damage of your malef-
icence increases.

Your maleficence is unique and the manner in which it deals damage

should be defined by a one word descriptor (e.g. lightning, fire, necro-
sis). The guide may consider the circumstantial bonuses
of your maleficence and apply bonuses and penalties as
they see fit, including enhancing or impair-
ing the damage.

Retort - When an enemy casts a

sorcery or some other magical
effect, you may use a retort to
cast a prepared sorcery in
response; a prepared sorcery
cast this way is automatically
made unstable.

You can use one retort per

initiative turn.

When you reach renown

3, and every third time your
renown increases thereafter,
the amount of retorts you can
use in an initiative turn


The Zealot
Renown Favour Relics Miracle Depletion
1 pres-8 1 1
2 pres-7 1 1
3 pres-6 2 1
4 pres-5 2 1
5 pres-4 2 2
6 pres-3 3 2
7 pres-2 3 2
8 pres-1 3 2
9 pres 4 3

Damage Die - d6

Covenant - You pledge yourself to a covenant, which grants you bless-

ings and the power to perform miracles; these abilities are described in
greater detail in the Covenants & Miracles chapter on p. 108.

Favour - Your standing with your covenant is represented by your

favour, which you can spend to power your relics and empower your

Any spent favour is regained at the start of a downtime turn.

The amount of favour you have increases with your renown, and can
be further increased by performing actions that please your covenant.

Relics - You can attune to relics, mystical tools consecrated in the

name of your covenant. At renown 1, you may attune to one relic.

When you reach renown 3, and every third time your renown
increases thereafter, the number of relics you can attune to increases
by 1.

Any item can be consecrated as a relic, provided it meets the following

requirements: a blade must have at least an edge or a sharpened point,
and a wand must have neither; a talisman must offer some form of pro-
tection and a chalice must be able to hold liquid.


It costs 200 pennies and takes one travel turn to consecrate an item
as a relic. You may un-attune from a relic, but doing so requires it be
consecrated again to re-attune.

Each relic also grants a special ability.

Blade - when you deal damage, you can spend favour to inflict a
status on your opponent. This status is chosen when
the errant attunes to the relic. The status lasts for a
number of initiative turns equal to favour spent.
Wand – when a character makes a check, you can spend favour
to reduce the dv of that check by an amount equal to
favour spent.
Talisman – when you or an ally takes damage, you can spend favour
to impair that damage a number of steps equal to the
favour spent.
Chalice - you can spend favour to grant a number of allies,
equal to the amount of favour spent, immunity
to a status. This immunity lasts for a number of
exploration turns equal to your renown.

Grimoires & Sorceries

Grimoires & Sorceries

Creating Sorceries
Magic is a force that exists wholly outside the material plane, so in
order to be harnessed by those who are indelibly tethered to that plane,
it must be filtered through objects which can act as conduits for such
arcane energies. Such conduits are called grimoires.

grimoires are not simply passive receptacles for occult forces,

however. The nature and shape of the grimoires is what gives form
to the magical energies contained within, converting them into usable
forms known as sorceries. And since grimoires are objects pains-
takingly created and jealously guarded, each of them possess a require-
ment that must be met before the secrets of the sorcery within can be

When an errant discovers a grimoire, they roll a d100 to determine

which they find (p. 82).

After they have met the requirement to learn the sorcery, roll a d50
for the essence (p. 78), which describes the function the sorcery per-
forms, and a d12 for the sphere (p. 78), which describes the subjects a
sorcery affects.

The errant may then devise a sorcery that aligns with the essence
and sphere rolled, and is related in some way to the themes of grimoire
containing the sorcery.

As a basic example, the errant could have rolled a 19 (a melted candle

stump, whose dripping wax reveals dark secrets; themes: fire, extinguish,
forbiddance) for the grimoire; a 3 (control) for the essence; and a 7 (ele-
ments) for the sphere. They decide that the sorcery is one which allows
them to control the flame of a candle, either causing it ignite, extin-
guish, dim, brighten, or erupt in a fiery conflagration.

If a sorcery is learned during a session, it suffices to describe the

sorcery in a general way. The particulars of the sorcery can be
decided upon by the player and the guide between sessions and written
down then.

Grimoires & Sorceries

As a general rubric, a sorcery can

ᗏᗏ Deal 1d6 damage per renown of the caster

ᗏᗏ Heal 1d6 damage per every 2 renown of the caster
affect an area 10 feet or yards in diameter per renown of
ᗏᗏ Can
the caster.

ᗏᗏ Has a range of 20 feet or yards per renown of the caster.

If the sorcery affects multiple creatures, it can affect a number of
friendly errants or npcs equal to the caster’s renown, or a number
of hostile npcs whose total threat is equal to the caster’s renown.

It is left to the discretion of the guide when and if a particular

sorcery requires a saving throw from its target to avoid or mitigate
its effects. As a general rule, if the caster targets an npc with a sorcery
whose threat is greater than their renown, that npc is allowed a
saving throw.

The duration of the sorcery

is determined by the caster’s
sorcery depletion value.

For each grimoire, a

list of three miscasts is
provided. If a sorcery
is miscast, roll a d3 on
the miscast table, or the guide can
decide an appropriate effect based
on the sorcery and the situation.
The precise effect, duration, and
method of reversing the miscast,
if any, are left to the guide’s

Grimoires & Sorceries

1. Protect 18. Reveal 35. Send
2. Summon 19. Hide 36. Enter
3. Control 20. Restrict 37. Become
4. Quicken 21. Liberate 38. Replace
5. Slow 22. Reflect 39. Convert
6. Comprehend 23. Seal 40. Complete
7. Move 24. Request 41. Attract
8. Animate 25. Grow 42. Repulse
9. Link 26. Shrink 43. Absorb
10. Command 27. Open 44. Increase
11. Curse 28. Close 45. Reduce
12. Destroy 29. Transform 46. Receive
13. Create 30. Communicate 47. Aid
14. Bless 31. Improve 48. Hinder
15. Take 32. Diminish 49. Interrupt
16. Transfer 33. Incapacitate 50. Harm
17. Switch 34. Return

1. Magic 5. Spirit 9. Life
2. Space 6. Body 10. Death
3. Time 7. Elements 11. Objects
4. Mind 8. Dimensions 12. Biota

Example Sorceries
Eyes of Marut
Essence: Shrink
Sphere: Magic
grimoire: 30. Pair of marble snake eyes, whose pupils move of their
own accord. To learn this sorcery, you must convince one
who hates you that you should be loved by them above all
Themes: persuasion, manipulation, contempt

Grimoires & Sorceries

The caster's pupils begin swirling

in dizzying, hypnotic patterns
around their eyeballs. While they
continue to do this, any sorcery
or magical ability cast within range
does not take effect, but rather
has its effects compressed and
stored into a small translucent orb,
the size of a marble. The caster
may also draw out and store into
such orbs the magic of enchant-
ments, wards, runes, and other
such ensorcellments by looking
upon them. The caster may have
a number of these orbs equal to
their renown.

Such orbs are easily broken. A shattered orb releases its magical effect
immediately, as if the magic had been cast or triggered.

Principia Mechanica
Essence: Grow
Sphere: Mind
grimoire: 57. Toolkit with a single iron nail inside. To learn this
sorcery, solve a problem, but be the nail, not the
Themes: fortification, repair, construction

The caster, by utterance of a series of ritual formulae and calculations,

stimulates the temporary hypertrophy of the glands in the brain attenu-
ated to the sacred geometry.

While the sorcery is in effect, the caster can see the laws of natural
motion as clearly as one might see colour: angles, trajectories, acceler-
ation, force, distance, time, and other such functions can all be noted
with perfect accuracy. Functioning of mechanisms, discernment of their
design, function of individual components, and defects in their design
— all are as easy to distinguish as the individual glyphs which comprise a

Grimoires & Sorceries

Transposer's Fancy
Essence: Transfer
Sphere: Space
grimoire: 96. Elaborate and ornate doublet which greatly restricts
one’s movement, adorned with the feathers of a peacock.
To learn this sorcery, you must convince someone of
humble nature to deem himself superior to all.
Themes: pride, humility, hubris

The caster marks a space, 10 yards square per renown, through an

intricate rococo dance, which involves much strutting and rhythmic
shaking of hands. The marked space folds in on itself till only a single
element, such as a floor tile, remains. Where the space once was is
marked only by a gaping hole in reality; anything that enters it finds
itself immediately and forcefully ejected.

The caster may place the remnant of the marked space wherever they
wish. There, it will unfurl like the tail of a peacock, replacing whatever
was once there. The area replaced then fills the lacuna left where the
sorcery was first cast.

Flagellant's Freedom
Essence: Protect
Sphere: Spirit
grimoire: 28. Onyx pendant wrought in the shape of a weeping face.
To learn this sorcery, you must make the happiness of
another your own.
Themes: egocentrism, trinket, expression

The caster debases themselves pathetically: weeping and wailing,

begging, prostrating themselves in supplication, gnashing their teeth,
and tearing at their clothes and hair. So long as the caster continues this
display, they and a number of other errants or npcs equal to their
renown are immune to supernatural influence or possession.

Grimoires & Sorceries

Converting Spell Scrolls & Spellbooks

If running material for a game with a more traditional Vancian casting
system, here are some suggestions for how to convert spell scrolls and
spell books.

Treat spell scrolls as consumable, one-time use items and use the
spell as normal from the original system, making any conversions for
checks, saving throws, and other matters as normal. To cast them
successfully, the caster must make a successful mind or pres check
(depending on if the spell is arcane or divine) with a dv equal to the spell
level, minus the renown of the caster if they are of the appropriate

Treat spell books as instead being a number of grimoires equal to

the highest level spell in the spell book (e.g. a spell book contain-
ing a 4th level spell would be treated as if the errant had found four

Grimoires & Sorceries

1. Silvered hand-mirror, inlaid with runes. To learn this sorcery,
you must see yourself blink.
Themes: reflection, mirror, prediction
1. All surfaces appear reflective to the caster.
2. The caster and all nearby are pulled into the mirror
3. All predictions the caster makes invariably end up being
2. Tuning fork, which makes no sound when struck. To learn this
sorcery, create sound with the fork.
Themes: sound, music, resonance
1. The caster is deafened.
2. The caster can only speak in song, and only move in dance.
3. The caster vibrates intensely.
3. Length of unnaturally cold iron chain, upon which tiny etchings
are visible. To learn this sorcery, you must survive with your
arms or legs bound among enemies.
Themes: metal, restraint, imprisonment
1. All inorganic matter around the caster turns into metal.
2. The caster becomes unable to move their limbs.
3. The caster becomes wanted for heinous crimes in all nearby
4. Large, watchful, and odious toad, with strange, shifting
markings. To learn this sorcery, the toad must be fed pieces
of a loved one once a day for a month, without the loved one
Themes: possession, betrayal, parasitism
1. The caster becomes possessed by a spirit, demon, or other
2. The caster’s allies become hostile towards them and attack.
3. The caster can only derive sustenance from food stolen
from others.

Grimoires & Sorceries

5. Ancient tome, bound in human skin. To learn this

sorcery, the true name of an extradimensional
being must be learned, and engraved into one’s
Themes: flesh, secrets, extortion
1. The caster loses all skin.
2. The caster becomes unable to lie or keep
3. A powerful creature descends upon the
caster, demanding regular payment lest
they face the creature’s wrath.
6. Scroll, upon which is written a contract in
an infernal tongue. To learn this sorcery,
the contract must be notarised by an official of
heaven, or hell.
Themes: oath, trust, witness
1. The caster becomes pathologically unable to keep their
word, and will betray any promises made.
2. The caster trusts absolutely everyone, categorically and
3. The caster inadvertently becomes the sole witness to a
heinous crime committed by very dangerous people.
7. Bounty poster, with the name and portrait blank, and the reward
set at the soul of the slain. To learn this sorcery, your own name
and portrait must be entered in the bounty.
Themes: assassination, retribution, target
1. The caster is tasked with assassinating the ruler of the land
by powerful forces, lest their head be next on the chopping
2. The caster will never win an argument, and all witnesses to it
will side against the caster.
3. All enemies will single-mindedly aim to attack the caster,
with intent to kill.
8. Wrought iron lamp embossed with dancing figures, the wick of
which cannot be lit. To learn this sorcery, light the lamp.
Themes: illumination, shadow, flicker
1. The caster radiates blinding light from every pore of their
2. The caster is banished to the shadow realm.
3. Every other turn, the caster vanishes from existence.

Grimoires & Sorceries

9. Obsidian decanter filled with a swirling, noxious gas. To learn

this sorcery, spend one day without breathing.
Themes: miasma, contagion, breath
1. The area immediately surrounding the caster is filled with
noxious, poisonous gas.
2. The caster is unable to resist contracting any diseases or
3. The caster’s breath becomes unbelievably odious.
10. Crystal ball set upon a base of carved ebony. To learn this
sorcery, you must learn of the way you will die.
Themes: clairvoyance, truth, fortune
1. The caster foresees the inevitable, near-future death of all
other company members.
2. The caster becomes a pathological liar, unable to tell even
the most banal of truths.
3. The caster believes resolutely in their ability to foresee the
11. Crystalline prism, criss-crossed with veins of translucent code,
half-glimpsed in light. To learn this sorcery, fold a sunbeam.
Themes: refraction, vision, geometry
1. The caster sees what is behind them, in front, and what is in
front of them, behind.
2. The caster is blinded.
3. The caster loses all sense of balance.
12. Model ship in a bottle with full crew, rendered in microscopic
detail. To learn this sorcery, the ship must sail around the world
and return to you.
Themes: microcosm, voyage, homecoming
1. The caster becomes obsessed with creating a perfect replica
of the nearest city.
2. The caster is teleported to the opposite side of the world.
3. Everyone in the caster’s hometown loses all memory of

Grimoires & Sorceries

13. Engraved wooden talisman, with a concave

indentation in the centre. To learn this
sorcery, sacrifice one of your eyes and place
it in the talisman.
Themes: sacrifice, wisdom, prophecy
1. An angel appears and demands the caster
sacrifice the soul of their most beloved to
2. Whenever the caster is faced with a
decision, they will bring forth
a litany of all the ways any
given course of action could go
horribly wrong.
3. The caster is granted a vision of the
end of the world, which will occur exactly a year from now.
14. Silver disc, covered in a series of raised dots. To learn this
sorcery, throw the disc straight forward and have it return to
you unaided.
Themes: return, arc, gravity
1. Anything the caster tries to rid themselves of always returns.
2. The caster becomes unable to throw, fire, or otherwise
project any object or sorcery; it simply falls straight down.
3. The caster is no longer affected by gravity.
15. Black silk blindfold, with inky black runes of velvet stitched onto
the fabric. To learn this sorcery, walk into an unfamiliar room
blindfolded and describe accurately what is within.
Themes: perception, foresight, awareness
1. The caster’s perception of reality depends entirely on what
others tell them.
2. The caster becomes unable to conceptualise or otherwise
conceive of the future.
3. The caster loses their peripheral vision.
16. Paper Möbius strip. To learn this sorcery, find its second side
without splitting it.
Themes: perspective, containment, curvature
1. The caster and a random target’s sight are swapped; the
caster sees only what the target sees, and vice versa.
2. The caster will endeavour to spend as little time in any
single room as possible.
3. The caster becomes unable to comprehend straight lines.

Grimoires & Sorceries

17. Set of wind chimes that always produces the same melody. To
learn this sorcery, the chimes must be kept in motion for a day
in a place without wind.
Themes: tone, air, catalyst
1. The caster continually emits an incessant high-pitched
2. The caster becomes unable to jump or climb of their own
3. The caster feels compelled to intervene in situations that
don’t concern them.
18. Sphere of glass filled with an ever-whirling snowstorm. To learn
this sorcery, you must move while frozen solid.
Themes: ice, cessation, continuation
1. The caster immediately freezes any liquid they come into
contact with.
2. The caster is unable to stop doing any activity they start
3. The caster becomes unable to complete any task.
19. Melted candle stump, whose dripping wax reveals dark secrets.
To learn this sorcery, self-immolate, but be the wax, not the
Themes: fire, extinguish, forbiddance
1. Anything flammable near the caster immediately ignites.
2. Any light sources near the caster will go out at the most
inopportune moment.
3. The caster becomes unable to say no.
20. Tarnished bronze cup inlaid with sinuous petroglyphs. To learn
this sorcery, the cup must be filled with water from the bottom
of the sea.
Themes: water, treachery, pressure
1. The caster becomes permanently moistened.
2. The allegiances of every creature near the caster change.
3. Random objects explode around the caster at regular
21. Ornate hand shovel, its inscriptions still glowing red hot. To
learn this sorcery, you must be buried alive for three days and
three nights.
Themes: earth, openings, weight
1. The caster is followed by a perpetual earthquake.
2. Any openings near the caster seal shut.
3. All objects become incredibly heavy to the caster.

Grimoires & Sorceries

22. Weather vane, bearing the icon of the simurgh, that indicates no
direction and is not moved by the wind or mortal force. To learn
this sorcery, the arrow of the vane must be moved till it faces
due east.
Themes: storms, navigation, flight
1. A personal rain cloud hangs over the caster’s head.
2. The caster loses all sense of direction.
3. Flight becomes impossible around the caster; birds drop
from the sky.
23. Long copper lightning rod, which always faintly hums with
static charge. To learn this sorcery, you must let lightning pass
through you and into another, and have both of you emerge
Themes: lightning, conductivity, thunder
1. All nearby lightning arcs unerringly towards the caster.
2. The caster becomes upsettingly rude.
3. Every step the caster takes booms with the sound of
24. The animated skull of a dead sorcerer-king, the markings left on
his skull the evidence of arcane leaching. To learn this sorcery,
you must read the markings upon the skull, which is impossible
so long as the skull keeps talking, interrupting you and telling
you that you’re doing it wrong and that back in his day people
knew how to cast real magic.
Themes: undeath, oppression, hierarchy
1. Any creature slain by the caster immediately rises as a
zombie or other form of undead.
2. The caster will find themselves harassed and denied by all
authority figures.
3. The caster is considered by all to be wretched and lowly.
25. Plain, worn, sackcloth doll to which you find yourself
inextricably drawn. You will remember owning this doll as
a child, loving it, cherishing it, doing anything, absolutely
anything to protect it. To learn this sorcery, do not question
the truth of this memory.
Themes: nostalgia, haunting, denial
1. The caster becomes unable to remember anything beyond
the events of yesterday.
2. The souls of those slain by the caster follow and torment
3. The caster refuses to acknowledge anything dangerous,
malign, or otherwise negative.

Grimoires & Sorceries

26. Wooden mask, which always seems to display a different

emotion. To learn this sorcery, you must assume the identity of
Themes: identity, disguise, personality
1. The caster loses all sense of self, and believes themselves to
be the last person they talked to.
2. The caster refuses to show their face to anyone.
3. The caster suffers constant mood swings.
27. Planchette board carved of bone. To learn this sorcery, the
board will query you with an unsolvable riddle, which you must
Themes: puzzle, solution, contradiction
1. The caster believes that everything which is said to them
is, in fact, an inscrutable riddle with some deeply obscured
hidden meaning.
2. The caster believes themselves to have the solution to any
problem presented to them.
3. The caster does the opposite of whatever they say they will
28. Onyx pendant wrought in the shape of a weeping face. To learn
this sorcery, you must make the happiness of
another your own.
Themes: egocentrism, trinket, expression
1. The caster becomes obsessed with making
everyone they meet cry, and tasting their
2. The caster insists on carrying any and all
3. The caster’s tone conveys the opposite
emotion to what they truly feel.
29. Long dead heart, withered and blackened.
To learn this sorcery, the heart must be
made to beat again.
Themes: revival, rejuvenation, animation
1. The caster plays dead at the faintest sign of hostility.
2. All corpses around the caster return to life.
3. All objects carried on the caster’s person animate and spring
to life with a will of their own.

Grimoires & Sorceries

30. Pair of marble snake eyes whose pupils move of their own accord.
To learn this sorcery, you must convince one who hates you
that you should be loved by them above all else.
Themes: persuasion, manipulation, contempt
1. Everyone the caster meets will attempt to up-sell them.
2. All serpents immediately attack the caster on sight.
3. Any suggestions or ideas of the caster are dismissed out of
31. Old, plain music box that produces no sound. To learn this
sorcery, hear the song it plays.
Themes: silence, melody, listening
1. No sound can be produced around the caster.
2. The caster is only able to comprehend language in the form
of music.
3. The caster’s hearing becomes superhumanly
attenuated; any but the most minute of sounds
overwhelms their senses.
32. Marionette doll, painted in intricate, lifelike
detail. To learn this sorcery, you must
convince someone, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that all they know to be true is false, and all they
know to be false is true.
Themes: replication, subversion, belief
1. An evil twin of the caster is summoned.
2. Strings emerge from the caster’s limbs, torso,
and head. They cannot move except by
being puppeted through these strings.
3. The caster will stubbornly reject all
commonly held beliefs, fabricating
elaborate conspiracies to explain
otherwise simple occurrences.
33. Card with blotches of ink that seem to be ever
morphing. To learn this sorcery, you must
convince someone that a thing which ought to be trusted by
them should rightfully be feared.
Themes: fluidity, doubt, cowardice
1. The caster dissolves into a puddle; they are still alive, and
still able to speak, but must be held in a container of some
2. Any accusations brought against the caster are immediately
believed, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.
3. The caster is filled with a heady bravado, and will charge
headlong into any danger without hesitation.

Grimoires & Sorceries

34. Brown sack stuffed with iridescent, gossamer wool. To learn this
sorcery, awake without sleeping.
Themes: slumber, consciousness, meditation
1. The caster falls asleep at the most inopportune moments.
2. The caster believes themselves to have transcended mortal
ego consciousness, and become one with the cosmos.
3. The caster becomes unable to stand still.
35. Silver stopwatch inscribed with swirling, fractal
patterns, hanging on a chain. To learn this
sorcery, you must kill a person in sight of their
loved one, and not have them notice.
Themes: ambiguity, confusion, hypnosis
1. The caster becomes unable to give a clear yes
or no response to anything.
2. All in the vicinity of the caster who attempt
to harm another end up instead harming
3. The caster must obey any command given to them.
36. Iron bell carved with graven images and a stone hammer.
To learn this sorcery, you must convince someone to
do something they do not wish to do, and have them
believe that they did it of their own volition.
Themes: intent, purpose, narrative,
1. The caster refuses to take responsibility for any of their
2. The caster becomes singularly obsessed with furthering a
particular creed or ethos.
3. The caster believes themselves to be the subject of any story
37. An old journal, written in your hand, which you do not
remember writing, describing events you don’t remember
transpiring. To learn this sorcery, you must write your own
name and not recognise it.
Themes: memory, archive, history,
1. Each morning after waking, the caster loses all memories of
anything that occurred after this sorcery was cast.
2. The caster obsessively catalogues their every thought and
action within a journal.
3. The caster constantly invents ever changing, increasingly
elaborate tragic backstories for themselves, which they will
recount to anyone they meet.

Grimoires & Sorceries

38. Small lotus wrought in gold, etched with ornate, microscopic

calligraphy. To learn this sorcery, you must pass through a
threshold while your body remains in place.
Themes: threshold, passivity, motion,
1. The caster insists on being the first person to pass through
all doors or portals.
2. The caster never makes the first move; they will speak only
when spoken to, attack only when attacked.
3. The caster will only move when specifically told to.
39. Hollow cylinder of clay, the inside of which is always blacker
than night. To learn this sorcery, you must find that with which
you have nothing in common.
Themes: emptiness, disparity, difference,
1. The caster refuses to carry anything other than the clothes
on their back.
2. The caster encounters their doppelganger; everything the
caster does is scorned, while the same actions from their
doppelganger receive adulation.
3. The caster becomes unable to agree with anyone.
40. Shimmering silken veil, through which kaleidoscopic patterns
can be glimpsed. To learn this sorcery, you must find where
nothing comes from.
Themes: void, origin, periphery
1. Anyone encountering the caster for the first time forgets
the sequence of events that led to them meeting the caster.
2. The caster’s face is replaced by a sphere of deep,
unfathomable darkness.
3. Something begins stalking the caster, which can only be
vaguely glimpsed out of the corner of their eye; they don’t
know what it is, but they do know that it should absolutely
not be looked at directly.
41. Ceremonial tea set, painted with the script of a foreign land. To
learn this sorcery, tea must flow from the kettle to the cup, but
the latter must remain empty and the former full.
Themes: culture, tradition, artefact
1. The caster is unable to physically receive anything; whatever
is handed to them just ends up returning to where it came
2. The caster forgets all the languages they currently know,
each of them being replaced by new, random, exotic
3. The caster becomes paralyzed with awe at the sight of fine
paintings, sculptures, and other significant cultural works.

Grimoires & Sorceries

42. Heavy, wrought iron key-ring, though none of the

keys on it have a bit. To learn this sorcery, you
must open a door that no key can open.
Themes: entrance, forbiddance, security
1. Any door the caster passes through closes
and locks itself shut.
2. The caster denies any request made of them.
3. The caster insists on giving anyone they meet
an ocular patdown in order to assess their
danger level to the company.
43. Simple spinning top, upon which dancing figures
appear when spun. To learn this sorcery, for one day
and one night, the top must always be spinning when you
look at it.
Themes: rotation, perpetuation, cycle
1. The caster ends every sentence by performing a pirouette.
2. Any sorcery cast by the caster is cast again at the same time
every day thereafter.
3. The caster becomes unable to sleep at night, and unable to
stay awake during the day.
44. Pair of old spectacles with rusted rims and thick lenses. To learn
this sorcery, you must see yourself as others see you.
Themes: clarification, association, relativism
1. The caster’s eyes fall out of their head; they can still see
through them, though they are incredibly sensitive, having
no protection from the elements.
2. The caster insists on conducting extensive background
checks on anyone of whom they make acquaintance,
interrogating them for any hint of past wrongdoing, lest
their character be tainted by association.
3. The caster loses all ability to make ethical judgements.
45. Plain golden ring, which yet compels anyone who sees it to wish
to wear it. To learn this sorcery, you must hold in your hands
the one thing that cannot be stolen.
Themes: heist, hold, prize
1. Anyone who the caster has ever wronged immediately
becomes aware of the caster’s location.
2. The caster refuses to have their hands full.
3. The caster will never freely give another anything, insisting
they must succeed in some challenge of the caster’s devising
in order to earn it.

Grimoires & Sorceries

46. Blood-stained, studded training muzzle. To learn this sorcery,

you must tear into your own flesh and not draw blood.
Themes: potential, domestication, savagery
1. The caster refuses to eat any plant matter.
2. The caster will disobey any order given to them.
3. The caster ends every sentence by barking loudly.
47. Chained metal censer filled with heady, soporific incense. To
learn this sorcery, you must sleep for a week without waking,
and dream no dreams.
Themes: odour, intoxication, unconsciousness
1. The caster emits unbearably foul odours.
2. The caster will endeavour never to be sober.
3. The caster is beset by horrible nightmares each night,
preventing restful sleep.
48. Cruelly thorned whip. To learn this sorcery, you must remain
awake for a week, yet feel no exhaustion.
Themes: torture, resilience, limit
1. The caster feels unbearably sinful, and seeks always to find
new arbiters of their punishment.
2. The caster refuses to receive any healing or medical
3. The caster firmly believes that “just one more can’t hurt”.
49. The small taxidermied corpse of several animals, stitched
variously together into a grotesque chimaera. To learn this
sorcery, you must hunt yourself, and be both predator and prey.
Themes: survival, adaptation, predation
1. The caster becomes violently, uncontrollably angry upon
viewing their own reflection.
2. The caster hoards all their food, refusing to share it with
3. The caster becomes obsessed with surpassing the limitations
of their mortal form.
50. Clay effigy, featureless, yet still bearing an uncanny resemblance
to you. To learn this sorcery, stop the beating of your heart
while you yet live.
Themes: representation, fortitude, vitality
1. The next time the caster sleeps, a clone of the caster is
created. Both insist that they are the original.
2. The caster loses the ability to feel pain.
3. The caster believes resolutely that they are immune to
illness and disease.

Grimoires & Sorceries

51. Gavel, once belonging to an esteemed judge. To learn this

sorcery, you must commit a crime yet break no law.
Themes: authority, judgement, corruption
1. The caster believes utterly in absolute notions of right and
2. The caster will dole out punishment to anyone they judge
guilty of wrongdoing.
3. The caster will always accept a bribe, no matter how small.
52. Broken noose soaked with blood and sweat. To learn this
sorcery, certain doom must be averted without your knowledge.
Themes: escape, fate, crime
1. A metal box forms around the caster. There are air holes,
but no opening.
2. The caster receives a vision of their own death.
3. The caster believes that all they find unpleasant is in
abrogation of the law; they will cite obscure, impossible, or
fictitious legal clauses to justify their case, and will pursue
legal action whenever possible.
53. Pair of pristine boots, fashioned with the insignia of a wing. To
learn this sorcery, deliver a message from one world to another.
Themes: celerity, delivery, contact
1. The caster’s presence bodes ill for travel; at sea the winds
are always against them, on land wagon wheels and mount’s
legs often break.
2. The caster receives mysterious and unpleasant deliveries
at unpleasant times: boxes of manure at a royal banquet,
evidence of guilt while standing trial, and so on.
3. The caster’s thoughts become entangled with a random
person’s somewhere else in the world; neither of them are
aware of what is happening.
54. Pouch of medicinal herbs, pungent beyond belief. To learn this
sorcery, you must cure an incurable disease.
Themes: benevolence, medicine, dosage
1. The caster is unable to refuse a request for aid, no matter
how extravagant or inconvenient.
2. The caster develops an allergy to all but the most exotic of
3. The caster becomes unable to distinguish between different
measurements and volumes; a quart and a gallon may as well
be the same.

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55. Diary which records your desires and temptations as they arise.
To learn this sorcery, give in to your deepest, most heinous
Themes: record, temptation, repugnance
1. Anyone in the vicinity of the caster can hear their inner
2. The caster becomes unable to resist the temptations of their
3. The caster’s visage becomes unbearably repulsive to those
they admire, and impossibly beautiful to those they disdain.
56. Bronze shield, chipped, worn, and scratched. To learn this
sorcery, you must protect another from harm while suffering
none yourself.
Themes: armour, protection, integrity
1. The caster refuses to wear any armour or
other protective gear of any sort.
2. The caster will always place themselves
between their allies and harm’s way.
3. The caster will always sell someone out or
go back on their word at the first available
57. Toolkit with a single iron nail inside. To
learn this sorcery, solve a problem, but
be the nail, not the hammer.
Themes: fortification, repair,
1. The caster believes that any mechanical malfunction can be
resolved with percussive maintenance.
2. The caster refuses to use any items which they did not
hand-craft themselves.
3. The caster will always outfit themselves in the heaviest
armour available to them.
58. Abacus missing half its beads. To learn this sorcery, you must
split something in two while keeping it intact.
Themes: reduction, multiplication, calculation
1. The caster insists on carrying coinage only in the lowest
denominations possible.
2. The caster becomes obsessed with growing their financial
portfolio, and will readily agree to any investment
opportunities or other get-rich quick schemes.
3. Any calculation the caster performs results in wrong
answers; they are, however, entirely convinced of their

Grimoires & Sorceries

59. An autograph on a card, ripped in half. To learn this sorcery,

you must meet the person whom you admire most and see them
as they truly are.
Themes: signature, disappointment, division
1. The caster becomes unceasingly cruel to any who admire
2. The caster refuses to speak to anyone they deem to be of a
lower social status.
3. The caster seeks to rupture the bonds of close friends and
60. Crumpled paper crown. To learn this sorcery, force someone
into another world.
Themes: banishment, position, expulsion
1. The caster becomes convinced they are the rightful
monarch of the land, wrongly deposed, and desires their
crown back at all costs.
2. The caster insists on being at the front of the company at
all times.
3. The caster receives a letter from wherever they learned the
sorcerous arts, which disavows them as an illiterate fool and
a turner of cheap tricks, and forthwith strips them of any
ranks, honours, or titles they may hold.
61. Exquisitely preserved finger, sliced cleanly. To learn this
sorcery, subvert the terms of an unbreakable oath.
Themes: pact, willpower, malice
1. The caster's fingers all fall off.
2. The caster must swear themselves to the service of the next
person they meet.
3. The caster swears undying vengeance on any who show
them kindness.
62. Surgical scalpel with a handle of white bone, upon which is
engraved a horse with open sores. To learn this sorcery, the
healthy must be made sick.
Themes: pestilence, desperation, frailty
1. The caster becomes the carrier of an incredibly dangerous
disease, which does not affect them at all, but is incredibly
2. The caster’s skin becomes paper, their bones glass.
3. The First Horseman is loosed upon the world.

Grimoires & Sorceries

63. Broken off piece of a mural, its origins unknown. To learn this
sorcery, return what was lost to its rightful place.
Themes: completion, separation, origin
1. The next image the caster sees comes to life, its subjects
emerging into the real world.
2. The caster splits down the middle into two halves; they are
unharmed, but the halves must be controlled separately.
3. The next person the caster encounters claims they were
grievously wronged by the caster, and demands restitution
to be made whole.
64. Unfertilised phoenix egg. To learn this sorcery, create life from
Themes: fertility, reincarnation, gestation
1. A newborn infant is summoned and the caster charged with
its care; if the baby dies, the caster dies.
2. The caster's head splits open, out of which emerges the
caster reborn again as an infant; it retains all its knowledge
and is able to speak, but in all other ways has the capabilities
of a newborn.
3. An angry Phoenix descends from the sky, seeking the return
of its egg.
65. Vial of perfume in the shape of a goat’s head. To learn this
sorcery, you must convince one who is chaste to indulge in the
pleasures of the flesh.
Themes: lust, chastity, obscenity
1. The caster will attempt relentlessly to court an enemy's
hand in marriage.
2. The caster becomes mortified at the prospect of wearing
clothing that reveals any amount of skin.
3. The caster's diction becomes unspeakably obscene.
66. Wineskin, upon which is stitched the image of a swine. To learn
this sorcery, you must induce one who is moderate to excess.
Themes: gluttony, temperance, inebriation
1. The caster refuses all food and drink.
2. The caster becomes unable to use or consume just ‘one’ of
3. Any future sorceries cast by the caster, in addition to
their other effects, summon a swine of random size and

Grimoires & Sorceries

67. Blood-red wax seal stamp depicting a galloping horse amid a

battlefield. To learn this sorcery, the friendly must be made to
Themes: war, provocation, injury
1. The caster becomes a committed pacifist, averse to any and
all forms of violence.
2. The caster refuses to acknowledge the severity of any injury
they may receive.
3. The Second Horseman is loosed upon the world.
68. Small porcelain figurine, broken in two and clumsily repaired.
To learn this sorcery, make right the earliest wrong you ever
Themes: youth, redemption, forgiveness
1. The caster believes themselves to be the oldest being in
existence, and will claim to have first-hand memory of any
and all historic events.
2. No apology of the caster’s is ever accepted.
3. The caster believes themselves to have been gravely
wronged by a random company member.
69. Set of dice carved from the bones of a once infamous gambler.
To learn this sorcery, roll the dice and have the same number
come up six times in a row.
Themes: luck, probability, gamble
1. The caster is ever doomed to ultimately lose at games of
chance; if money is on the line, they will often start strong
before falling into a string of disastrous losses.
2. The caster’s estimation of how likely something is to occur
is inversely proportional to its actual probability.
3. The caster is unable to turn down any opportunity to
70. Bracelet in the shape of a snake devouring its tail. To learn this
sorcery, effect must precede cause.
Themes: causality, consequence, inevitability
1. Upon completing a task, the caster loses all recollection of
their motivation for doing so.
2. Anyone who finds themselves telling the caster of their woes
will find themselves receiving a sanctimonious lecture about
how “you have no one to blame for your problems but
3. The caster becomes convinced that their death is imminent,
and becomes utterly resigned to this fate.

Grimoires & Sorceries

71. Small portrait of a woman who you recognise as your mother,

who died in your birth. To learn this sorcery, you must give
your life to another.
Themes: birth, shame, guilt
1. A child appears, who follows the caster wherever they go; it
does not speak, nor do anything but simply watch the caster.
If it dies, it reappears the following morning. It appears to
all who witness it as a child version of themselves.
2. The caster apologises at every possible moment, constantly
and profusely.
3. The ghosts of those the caster has killed haunt them,
following them around and generally making life as
inconvenient as possible.
72. Blackened cook pot with an etching of a horse amid a field of
withered crops. To learn this sorcery, the full must be made to
Themes: famine, cruelty, deprivation
1. All food the caster consumes turns to ash in their mouth.
2. The caster enjoys the suffering of others much too
3. The Third Horseman is loosed upon the world.
73. Jade figurine of a gaunt, skeletal horse. To learn this sorcery,
that which is dead must be made to die.
Themes: death, overthrow, mortality
1. The caster begins to decompose while still alive.
2. The caster seeks to incite violent revolution wherever they
3. The Fourth Horseman is loosed upon the world.

Grimoires & Sorceries

74. Yellow arrow with blood-flecked, ragged fletching. To learn this

sorcery, you must stand in an arrow’s path and not be struck.
Themes: hostility, recklessness, dedication
1. The caster’s worst enemy falls madly in love with them.
2. The caster feels compelled to perform increasingly
dangerous stunts.
3. A nearby person or animal becomes completely
codependent on the caster, refusing ever to leave them
alone, constantly asking them how they feel, etc.
75. Plush, velvet pillow, embroidered with the sigil of a snail. To
learn this sorcery, you must convince one who is diligent to
shirk their duties and obligations.
Themes: sloth, diligence, rest
1. The caster will procrastinate doing any task till the last
possible moment.
2. The caster becomes unable to sleep.
3. The caster refuses to accept aid from anyone, insisting on
doing everything all by themselves.

76. Deck of well-worn cards, whose backs are decorated with

unusual patterns. To learn this sorcery, lightning must strike
Themes: chance, play, serendipity
1. Probability is reversed around the caster.
2. The caster becomes unable to win any games or contests.
3. The caster is beset by constant, small, unfortunate

Grimoires & Sorceries

77. Glittering golden coin, embossed with the

figure of a toad. To learn this sorcery,
you must convince a person of charitable
heart to hoard their wealth.
Themes: greed, charity, property
1. Everyone in the vicinity of the caster
refuses to give money to anyone else.
2. Everyone in the vicinity of the caster
refuses to take money from anyone else.
3. The caster becomes unable to have any worldly possessions.
78. Simple wood plane with an oddly rough and bumpy finish. To
learn this sorcery, you must undo the creation of which you are
Themes: creation, texture, destruction
1. The caster is compelled to destroy any intricate, delicate,
precarious constructions: houses of cards, sand castles, and
other such.
2. The caster loses all sense of touch.
3. The caster will attempt to fix any broken object they come
across, not stopping until the item is repaired.
79. Set of undergarments of an erotic and exotic cast. To learn this
sorcery, you must create desire between those who feel for each
other only loathing.
Themes: passion, diplomacy, power
1. The caster falls madly in love with a new soulmate every
2. The caster will attempt to stoke the enmities of any who
seem as though they are making inroads to peace.
3. The caster hoards incriminating evidence with which to
blackmail people.
80. Red brick clung to by ancient mortar. To learn this sorcery, you
must replace the foundation without collapsing the structure.
Themes: architecture, support, decay
1. The caster refuses to enter any non-ruined building.
2. The caster cannot stand still without falling over.
3. The caster ages one year each day.

Grimoires & Sorceries

81. Writ of recall for a long exiled scholar. To learn this sorcery,
you must abandon the one dearest to you.
Themes: learning, loss, irony
1. Any mail or messages intended for the caster are forever
waylaid, never to be received.
2. Any object set down or dropped out of sight of the caster is
immediately and irrevocably lost, seemingly vanishing from
3. The caster takes everything that is said literally.
82. Brittle bird's nest, filled with broken, bloodstained eggs. To
learn this sorcery, you must nurse a living creature from infancy
to maturity, and then consume it.
Themes: home, empathy, hunger
1. All children near the caster turn on and consume their
2. The caster feels the pain of all nearby creatures as their own.
3. The caster becomes insatiably hungry; the more they
consume, the more emaciated they become.
83. Mummified cat's paw, which when held seems to emit a low,
contended purr. To learn this sorcery, one must poison
themselves, in order to witness the vast unseen oneiric vistas that
lay unexplored within one’s own mind.
Themes: toxin, psyche, affection
1. All cats immediately attack the caster on sight.
2. The caster reverts to the mindset of a toddler.
3. The caster becomes unable to be loved.

Grimoires & Sorceries

84. Fragmented pane of a stained glass window. To learn this

sorcery, you must see the truth unmediated.
Themes: shatter, sight, distortion
1. Any piece of glass near the caster shatters into tiny pieces.
2. The caster sees everything in delirious, disorienting,
microscopic detail.
3. Everything close to the caster appears incredibly small, and
everything far away incredibly large.
85. Old and heavy chisel; its weight fills you with grave
responsibility. To learn this sorcery, you must free someone
who did not know they were shackled.
Themes: leverage, rebellion, resistance
1. The caster always trips when attempting to walk.
2. No one will ever take orders or instructions from the caster.
3. The character becomes the most publicly hated person;
their conduct is blamed for all manner of social ills.
86. Time-worn painted scroll depicting an unknown mountain
range. To learn this sorcery, you must return home to a place
you have never been.
Themes: exploration, discovery, alignment
1. The caster will always wander away if left unattended.
2. The caster insists that everything they encounter has been
discovered by them, regardless if someone else found it first.
3. The caster’s alignment inverts.
87. Ancient and moth-worn burial shroud. To learn this sorcery,
you must mourn one who no one knows is lost.
Themes: ritual, compassion, community
1. The caster throws themselves into any ditch or hole they
2. The caster becomes incredibly self-interested.
3. The caster insists, at every opportunity, on splitting the
88. Slimy, stinking ooze of unknown origin. To learn this sorcery,
you must cure the rot at the head of the fish.
Themes: correction, purification, mystery
1. The caster is compelled to explain and demonstrate to
everyone the proper way something ought to be done, even
if that person is performing the action correctly.
2. All food and water near the caster rots.
3. The caster refuses to answer any questions, instead giving
only a knowing smirk.

Grimoires & Sorceries

89. Crown of dirty, woven grass. To learn this sorcery, you must
save the life of another without them ever knowing.
Themes: recognition, honour, resourcefulness
1. The caster will attempt to take credit for anything whenever
2. The caster becomes prone to offence, and will challenge
those who have caused them offence to a face-off, given the
3. The caster compulsively maintains a list of everyone they
believe owes them a favour of some sort.
90. Ancient misogynistic screed written on flaking parchment. To
learn this sorcery, find someone who, upon reading it, heartily
agrees with the sentiments expressed. Then kill them.
Themes: foolishness, reprisal, gender
1. The caster’s every action is accompanied by comedic sound
effects, though the source can never be found.
2. Whenever the caster has been attacked in any way (verbally,
physically, magically), they must respond in kind via the
same means.
3. Everyone perceives the caster to be a gender they are not.
91. The sun-baked, shed skin of a great serpent. To learn this
sorcery, Ouroboros must eat its head.
Themes: secrets, growth, heat
1. The caster becomes incapable of revealing any information
about themselves.
2. The caster grows one foot each downtime turn.
3. The caster is only ever too hot or too cold, never just right.
92. Pouch of powdery, rose red soil, taken from a grave that was
disturbed from below. To learn this sorcery, you must carry a
grain of sand on your fingertip for a week entire.
Themes: dirt, focus, rebirth
1. The caster becomes anxious unless they are buried at least
waist deep, preferably neck deep.
2. The caster loses the ability to concentrate on something for
more than a few minutes at a time.
3. The caster begins ageing in reverse.

Grimoires & Sorceries

93. Sweat-stained rags of an impoverished giant. To learn this

sorcery, one must dull themselves to the beauties
of the world, and feel no joy or pleasure for a cycle
of the moon.
Themes: denial, filth, depression
1. Any recreation the caster engages in brings
them only irritation and misery.
2. The caster will ever after refuse to bathe.
3. The caster becomes irritatingly chipper at
all times, especially those in whom it is most
94. Broken sword whose pommel is fashioned in the
shape of a lion’s head. To learn this sorcery, you
must convince someone with no hate in their heart
to kill one whom they despise.
Themes: wrath, patience, violence
1. The caster is surrounded by a
whirling typhoon of blades.
2. The caster becomes overly
patient, drifting into apathy, frequently
forgetting to pursue their desires at all.
3. The caster develops a strong preference to solve
every problem they encounter with a bare knuckle
brawl if at all feasible.
95. Book of epic poetry whose every line was plagiarised,
the spine of which depicts a sinuous snake. To learn
this sorcery, you must convince one who is content
with their lot in life to take what rightfully belongs to
Themes: envy, gratitude, theft
1. The caster turns a sickly shade of neon green; this
colouration extends to anything they wear or hold.
2. The caster is compelled to give gifts of great value to
anyone who is kind to them.
3. The caster is compelled to steal small items of great
sentimental value.

Grimoires & Sorceries

96. Elaborate and ornate doublet, which greatly restricts one’s

movement, adorned with the feathers of a peacock. To learn this
sorcery, you must convince someone of humble nature to deem
themselves superior to all.
Themes: pride, humility, hubris
1. Whenever the caster speaks they must find some way to
2. The caster must have their companion’s unanimous approval
for any action they take.
3. The caster goes out of their way to make a foe out of
priests, holy persons, angels, or gods they encounter.
97. Ancient scroll, yellowed and flaking. To learn this sorcery, you
must know what it is you must never know.
Themes: prudence, reason, discernment
1. The caster’s judgement of the danger of a situation is
inversely proportional to how dangerous the situation
actually is.
2. The caster will accuse anyone who disagrees with them of
being over-emotional, as opposed to the caster, who argues
only with perfect “facts and logic”.
3. The caster insists on making all the decisions for the
company, down to exacting, micromanaging detail.
98. Battered and oft-repaired wheel. To learn this sorcery, you
must resist that which is irresistible.
Themes: temperance, appetites, production
1. The caster refuses to consume any alcohol or other
intoxicants, and will make a great show of their denial.
2. The caster becomes incredibly snobbish regarding what
items are fit for their consumption.
3. The caster becomes incapable of abandoning any long term
goal until it is completed, even those which seem destined
for failure.

Grimoires & Sorceries

99. Ancient and primitive club. To learn this sorcery, you must
endure that which is unendurable.
Themes: fortitude, courage, defence
1. The caster develops an uncontrollable craving for
consuming poisons.
2. Creatures that meet the caster have an intense desire to try
and frighten them.
3. The caster turns into a solid cast iron statue whenever they
are threatened.
100. Copper balance and scales, burnished to a brilliant gleam. To
learn this sorcery, you must find what is fair in that which is
Themes: justice, proportionality, impartiality
1. The caster believes altruism to be fundamentally unjust, and
that the infliction of suffering on others is the only way to
beget true fairness in the world.
2. The caster’s head grows three times larger.
3. The caster’s solution to any disagreement is to cut the baby
in half, so to speak.

Covenants & Miracles

Covenants & Miracles

Performing Miracles
The Zealot does not have a set list of spells they can perform, as in some
other games. Rather, they pledge themselves to a covenant, which
may be the cult of a deity or even a philosophy or ideology to which
they are entirely devoted.

Every covenant has three or four eminences: subjects or concepts

with which they are associated and over which they hold power. The
covenant of a sun god, for example, may have eminences in light, fire,
and growth.

The Zealot can at any time attempt to perform a miracle, a supernat-

ural acts that is related to their covenant’s eminences. They may, for
example, make the light of their lantern shine brightly enough to blind
an enemy, or a tree to grow taller so they can climb to a high spot.

To perform a miracle, The Zealot rolls a d6 plus an additional d6 for

each relic to which they are attuned, and sum the result. High rolls
indicate success, while low rolls presage failure, doom, or even death.

miracles are broken down into five power levels known as doctrines.
The more powerful the miracle, the higher the doctrine, the higher the
roll needed for success.

When The Zealot describes a miracle they wish to perform, the guide
will determine what doctrine under which it falls. Each doctrine lists
examples of miracles that fit into their power level.

favour can be used to increase the result of a miracle roll. By per-

forming actions that please their covenant, The Zealot may perma-
nently increase their amount of favour. The Zealot is free to argue their
case around whether an action ought to award increased favour, but
the final decision, as always, rests with the guide.

The Zealot can also attempt to heal their allies by performing beneficence,
a specific kind of miracle that allows them to heal their allies.

The Zealot also receives two blessings specific to their covenant —

special abilities which they can use at will.

Covenants & Miracles

The full extent of these blessings, as well as the full rules for perform-
ing miracles and beneficence, are delineated in the testament of their
covenant. One such testament follows.

The guide may wish to have some covenants prepared for their
players to select from, or they may allow players to create their own
covenants. For the latter option, there is no need to do this before a
session and to have a full testament created; simply have the player list
the eminences of their covenant, which should suffice for a session of
play, and write up the testament afterwards between sessions.

Covenants & Miracles

Testament of The Blessèd Mother

You have made covenant with the Blessèd Mother, She Whose Body
Was Stolen, Goddess Eminent of Generation, Vision, Time, and Sorrow
The blessings of the Blessèd Mother grant you special abilities, which
you can perform at will.

Unceasing Sorrow - you connect empathically with an ally, sharing

their pain. When either of you take damage, you
may divide it between the two of you in any way
you wish.
Eremitic Eyes - upon observing a subject for a few minutes you
can determine, in a general fashion, the cause of
their suffering.

Your covenant grants you the power to perform miracles, supernat-
ural acts related to the eminences of your covenant.

When you wish to do so, roll a d6, plus an additional d6 for each relic
to which you are attuned. The amount you must roll depends on which
doctrine under which the miracle falls.

A doctrine is a heuristic for the strength of a miracle; each lists exam-

ples of miracles that fall under their purview. The higher the doctrine a
miracle falls under, the higher the amount you must roll.

Before rolling, you may choose to offer any amount of favour and
increase your roll by that amount.

Covenants & Miracles

Covenants & Miracles

There are four possible results of a miracle roll:

Boon - your miracle is successful.

Pact - you must agree to form a pact with your covenant in
order for the miracle to be successful. This may require
a sacrifice, offerings, completion of a task, or some other
undertaking commensurate to the power of the miracle
performed. While you are bound to a pact with your
covenant, you may not form another pact.
Woe - your miracle is unsuccessful. Something has gone awry.
Very awry. The guide will roll upon the table of woe.
Apotheosis - your miracle is unsuccessful. Your body erupts, giving
birth to a physical manifestation of your covenant; an
avatar of a deity or belief otherwise made manifest. You
are dead.

Covenants & Miracles

The First Doctrine The Second Doctrine

D6+D6 Per Miracle D6+D6 Per Miracle
Relic Relic
10+ Boon 11+ Boon
7-9 Pact 8-10 Pact
4-6 Woe 4-7 Woe
1-3 Apotheosis 1-3 Apotheosis
miracles in the manner of miracles in the manner of fer-
communication with flora and tility and fecundity, growth and
herbivores, the seeing of great decay, the evocation of sorrow,
distances, and sympathy. and invoking minor aspects of the
Blessèd Mother.

The Third Doctrine The Fourth Doctrine

D6+D6 Per Miracle D6+D6 Per Miracle
Relic Relic
16+ Boon 17+ Boon
12-15 Pact 13-16 Pact
5-11 Woe 5-12 Woe
1-4 Apotheosis 1-4 Apotheosis
miracles in the manner of the miracles in the manner of true
resurrection of those recently resurrection, manipulation of
fallen, true sight, and the bestowal time, and the complete alteration
of a major aspect of Blessèd of personality.
The Fifth Doctrine
D6+D6 Per Miracle
20+ Boon
15-19 Pact
6-14 Woe
1-5 Apotheosis
miracles in the manner of
summoning a divine agent of the
Blessèd Mother, time travel.

Covenants & Miracles

Beneficence - Your covenant blesses you with the power of beneficence,

allowing you to heal injuries and cure ailments. When you wish to do so,
roll a d6 plus an additional d6 for each relic to which you are attuned.

Before rolling, you may choose to offer any amount of favour and
increase your roll by that amount.

There are four possible results of a beneficence roll:

Boon - your beneficence is successful.

Mark - your covenant’s influence manifests as a mutation or
phantasm attached to the target. The mark lasts until the
end of the next downtime turn. If you used favour
for the roll the mark is permanent. You cannot perform
beneficence on one marked by your covenant.
Woe - something has gone awry. Very awry. The guide will roll
upon the table of woe.
Apotheosis - the target’s body erupts, giving birth to a physical
manifestation of your covenant; an avatar of a deity, or
belief otherwise made manifest. They are dead.

You heal a number of hp equal to

the amount rolled, regardless of the D6+D6 Per Beneficence
result of the roll. Relic
10+ Boon
You may reduce the amount healed
by 10 in order to cure a status. You 7-9 Mark
may reduce the amount healed by 20
in order to cure a wound. 4-6 Woe
1-3 Apotheosis
Those who are enemies of your
covenant ought not to receive
beneficence, for fear of retribution.

Covenants & Miracles

Gaining favour
By performing tasks that please your covenant or further their goals,
you may permanently increase your amount of favour. Your favour
only increases the first time a given task is performed. The completion
of a pact cannot increase favour. Some examples follow:

1 favour 5 favour

ᗏᗏ Convert, through your

word directly, a follower
ᗏᗏ Give birth to new life.
to your cult. ᗏᗏ The founding of a
new temple or place of
ᗏᗏ Make pilgrimage to the
Beach of the Blessèd

Mother. ᗏᗏ Uncover great deception

for all to see.
ᗏᗏ Solve the plight of a

15 favour favour eternal

ᗏᗏ Alter the course of

ᗏᗏ Restore the Blessèd
Mother’s body to her.

ᗏᗏ Bring endless misery upon

the Carrion Queen.

Covenants & Miracles

Table of Woe
If the result of a miracle roll is woe, the guide will roll on the table
of woe for the covenant. Tables of woe should not be included in the
testament for a covenant, but the guide should have them on hand.

The target of a woe is The Zealot if the woe was the result of a regular
miracle, or the recipient of beneficence if the woe was the result of a

If no stated duration is given, a woe lasts until the end of the next
downtime turn. If favour was used for the roll the effect is

An example table of woe for the Blessèd Mother follows, as well as a

template table of woe; if the guide does not wish to devise individual-
ised tables of woe for each covenant, they may simply use the template
table and decide on the specifics as needed.

Table of Woe – The Blessèd Mother

1. Small thorns grow out of the target’s skin, inflicting d4
2. Target begins weeping uncontrollably
3. Vines begin to grow from the injury, and the target cannot
recover hp until the vines flower in 2d8 hours or are
destroyed. If the vines flower, they will naturally fall away, the
target will be healed of all ailments, and may make a one-
time appeal to the Blessèd Mother. If they are intentionally
destroyed, the vines will attack whomever is responsible.
4. An eye opens on target’s forehead. It is able to see the
presence of magic.
5. For the next day, target experiences every moment twice. All
damage dealt and received is doubled.
6. Target becomes unable to tell lies but can also sense when
others are lying.
7. Incisions appear all over target’s body, and pieces of their
flesh are cut away. They take d6 damage.
8. Every month, target will be afflicted with a painful rash. To
rid themselves of it, they must lay and cover themselves in
soil, as flowers grow and blossom from their skin.
9. The target ages d6 years.

Covenants & Miracles

10. The skin and flesh of target’s random limb sloughs off,
leaving only bone behind.
11. Target is blinded for the next hour but becomes able to sense
the emotions of others.
12. Target becomes unable to speak until they listen to the plight
of d20 strangers.
13. Half of the flesh on target’s body falls away. Target
must make a phys saving throw or have their phys halved
14. Target’s bones permanently turn into roots, their flesh into
tendrils of vine, creepers, and variegated flora sprouting from
their body.
15. Target grows a single horn from the middle of their forehead.
Anyone who grasps onto it can commune telepathically with
16. Target’s left eye sees 10 seconds into the future, and target’s
right eye sees 10 seconds into the past.
17. All within 30 feet of the target must make a pres
saving throw or be assaulted with the weight of all the
world’s sorrow, permanently losing 1d4 points of pres.
18. Target begins to grow musty hair in patches over their body,
and two bony nubs can be felt on their skull. Each day after
the beneficence, target must make a phys saving throw. If the
target successfully makes three saving throws in a row, the
effect ends. If they fail three times in a row, they are turned
into a black goat with a third eye upon their forehead.
19. The next time the target sleeps they must make a pres
saving throw. If they fail, as they sleep, crows will gather
around their body and pick at their flesh till only a skeleton
remains, killing them instantly.
20. Target feels something writhing under their flesh. They
must make a pres saving throw. If they fail, their body is
consumed by wriggling maggots that burst from their skin,
killing them instantly.

Covenants & Miracles

Covenants & Miracles

Table of Woe – Template

1. Target takes damage.
2. Target is subject to an ongoing debilitation.
3. Target is subject to an ongoing effect or alteration.
4. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration.
5. Target is subject to an ongoing debilitation.
6. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration.
7. Target takes damage.
8. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration.
9. Target takes damage.
10. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration.
11. Target is subject to an ongoing effect or alteration.
12. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration until they
perform a task to remove it.
13. Target is subject to detrimental alteration, such as loss of hp
or attributes.
14. Target is subject to a major permanent effect or alteration.
15. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration.
16. Target is subject to a permanent effect or alteration.
17. Effect that everyone within 30 feet of the target must make a
saving throw against.
18. Target is subject to a progressing condition.
19. Target will die later unless specific action is taken or pres
saving throw is successful.
20. Target must make a pres saving throw or die.

Travel Turns

Travel Turns
Travel Turn Actions
During travel turns, the company generally acts as a group, and
can take one action per travel turn. Some common actions and their
procedures follow.

Peregrinate - the company moves from one location on the

map (e.g. a hex or a point) to another. The pathfinder makes a
navigation check to avoid getting lost.

Explore - the company reconnoiters the location they are in,

finding any relevant points of interest. If they are searching
for a specific location that they have not visited before, the
pathfinder makes a navigation check to determine whether or
not they find it.

Orient - the dv of the next navigation check is reduced by 4.

Forage - each errant may make a navigation check. If they are

successful, they gain 2 supply.

Make camp - the pathfinder makes a navigation check to find

a suitable campsite or resting point. On the turn when the
company makes camp, individual errants may also choose to
either take watch or sleep.

Take watch - characters may keep lookout if others sleep. If one

character keeps watch for an entire travel turn, they gain a
point of exhaustion. However, if two characters keep watch,
no exhaustion is incurred. If no characters keep watch, then
all event die rolls of 5 (encounter sign) are instead treated as rolls
of 1 (encounter).

Sleep - errants who spend two full travel turns sleeping gain
the effects of a full night’s rest.

Travel Turns

Day & Night

If using the standard scale for travel turns, there are six
travel turns in a full, twenty-four hour day. errants can generally
only peregrinate for four travel turns a day before night falls and they
need to make camp (though the guide may wish to adjust this depending
on the season). Peregrinating for more than four travel turns a day
causes each character in the company to gain 1 point of exhaustion
per extra travel turn.

The guide should note the effect of night-time for the purposes of
making navigation checks (see the Pace table on p. 123) and also for
what sorts of encounters the errants are likely to run into; different,
perhaps more dangerous creatures are more at home in the moonlight
than the safe, revealing light of day.

Navigation & Getting Lost

To find oneself oft astray is the lot of an errant. Most actions during
travel turns that involve orienteering or pathfinding of some kind
require a navigation check. A navigation check is generally a skill
check, though some other attribute may be used if the guide deems
it appropriate.

Unlike other checks, the dv of a navigation check made to determine

whether the company gets lost is kept secret from the errant making
the check, and the guide will not inform them whether they succeed
or fail: though they may sometimes know they have lost their way, other
times they will be ignorant of their waywardness.

When peregrinating, if the company fails a navigation check, they are

lost. The guide may roll a d6 to determine what direction they end up
moving instead of their intended direction, a roll of 1 means they move
north, a roll of 2 indicates north-east, 3 indicates south-east, and so on
(corresponding to the faces of a hex).

The dv of a navigation check is modified based on the terrain type,

weather, visibility, whether or not the company has maps or directions,
and so on. The specific dv value adjustments of the most common of
these conditions are noted on the Pace table (p. 122).

If the errants are on a road or navigating by an obvious landmark

(following along a river, the edge of a forest, the looming obelisk on the
horizon, etc.), there is no need to make a navigation check.

Travel Turns

The rate of movement in travel turns is expressed by pace, which is
represented as a fraction. The numerator being how many significant
locations are moved through (e.g. a hex), and the denominator repre-
senting how many turns that takes. The standard pace, therefore, is
1/1. Any modifiers to pace are added to the standard pace fraction (e.g.
if an effect modifies pace by +1/x, the company’s pace is then 2/1).

pace is modified by how fast or slow the company wishes to move, the
terrain, weather, visibility, and so on. The specific pace adjustments are
noted on the Pace table opposite. Effects that modify pace are additive.

An errant’s spd does not affect pace. The risk of travelling while
encumbered is represented by the rolling of negative event dice.

Travel Turns

Condition Other Effects
Appropriate mount/
Road +1/x Cannot get lost
+1 positive event die. Automatically
Moving slowly x/+1 detect any points of interests or

Moving quickly +1/x +1 negative event die. Overlook any

points of interests or hazards.
Deserts, forests,
hills, broken land
x/+1 Navigation dv +2
Jungle, mountain,
x/+2 Navigation dv +4
x/+1 Navigation dv +4
Inclement weather x/+1 Navigation dv +2
Navigation dv +4, exhaustion
Severe weather x/+2 every travel turn not spent
Detailed map Navigation dv -4
General map or spe-
cific directions Navigation dv -2
Vague, confusing,
misleading map or Navigation dv -2 to -4

Travel Turns

Marching Order
Unlike during exploration turns, where the company will often be
moving through a defined space, travel turns will generally have a
more abstracted sense of space. Therefore, a strict marching order is not
necessary. Instead, the errants should specify which of these three
positions they are occupying

Scout - errants who are scouting are exploring about 120 yards
ahead of the rest of the company; any encounters and
encounter signs are found by the scouts first, and they
make any necessary reaction rolls. If encountered by
npcs, scouting errants are allowed to make a check to
Pathfinder - the pathfinder makes all relevant navigation checks. If
no errants are scouting, consider the pathfinder to be at
the front of the company for the purposes of encounters,
reaction rolls, and so on.
company - all the other worthless fools, who have naught to do but
twiddle their thumbs.

Beggars and gods alike from time to time need to put up their feet.

If the company chooses or is compelled to rest for a travel turn, an

errant may use an armour repair kit to replenish their blocks.

If an errant spends two travel turns sleeping, they may remove a

point of exhaustion. They may also use a healer’s kit to recover hp
equal to a roll of their damage die.

Travel Turns

Unsuitable Campsites
If the company fails to find a suitable campsite, the guide can offer
them the choice between two or more unsuitable campsites. The guide
may devise specific effects of unsuitable campsites, but in general the two
following can always be provided.

Uncomfortable - no exhaustion can be removed or hp recovered

while sleeping here.
Open - all rolls of 5 on the event die (encounter sign) are
treated as rolls of 1 (encounter), even if a watch has been

Eating & Drinking

So long as an errant has rations and a waterskin, they are presumed to
be eating and drinking throughout the day, even if the event die does
not call for rations to be depleted. It is assumed that, while travel-
ling in the wilderness, sources of water are easy to come by and that
waterskins can be continually topped up. A guide should inform the
company if they are venturing into an area where this is not the case, so
they may provision themselves accordingly.

If the event die calls for rations to be depleted and a character has
neither rations to deplete nor supply to reduce, they will begin to
starve. They accrue 1 point of exhaustion, and will accrue another
point of exhaustion for each day they go without food and each time
the event die calls for rations to be depleted.

Disease & Infection

If an errant finds themselves at risk of disease or infection, the guide
may have that errant make a phys check with a dv equal to the dif-
ference between their current and maximum hp. If they fail, they have
contracted a disease or infection.

The guide is encouraged to devise the delectable depredations such a

malady will inflict themselves, though in lieu of that, a generic ruling
is that a disease or infection reduces an errant’s phys by 1 for each day
it is left untreated. Once it has been treated, the errant’s phys returns
to its original value less one, unless it was treated the same day it was

Travel Turns

Mounts & Vehicles

If all characters in the company are appropriately mounted or envehi-
cled for the terrain being travelled through, their pace is modified by

A mount or vehicle's spd has no bearing on pace; it is only rele-

vant if movement is being tracked in initiative turns. Their spd
is not affected by encumbrance. Mounts and vehicles do not have
encumbrance, but if they are carrying more items than they have
slots for, treat their spd as 0 and ignore any bonuses to pace.

A rider or passenger counts for 20 item slots on the mount or vehicle,

plus the number of item slots they have filled (e.g. an errant with 10
item slots filled counts for 30 item slots on its mount).

Mounts take 10 times as much exhaustion as people (e.g. if a mount

would suffer 1 point of exhaustion, they instead take 10 exhaustion).

Mount Slots SPD Other Notes
Can only be used for
Cattle 100 4 None carrying packs or
pulling vehicles.
100 8
Flat lands, No spd reduction
draft forests, roads. when pulling vehicles.
Horse, Flat lands,
80 12
riding forests, roads.
Horse, Flat lands,
60 16
war forests, roads.
Flat lands,
Mule 80 1
forests, roads.

A mount's slots or carrying capabilities are modified based on the type

of tack it is wearing or the vehicle to which it is hitched.

A vehicle may be hitched to multiple mounts. For the purposes of

slots, add the slots of all the mounts together before applying the
modifier. For the purposes of spd, subtract the modifier from the
mount with the highest spd.

Travel Turns

Vehicle Slots SPD Other Notes
No tack × 0.25 None
Cannot be ridden.
Tack, Barding does not count
military against mount’s item slots.
Tack, Necessary for non-standard
exotic mounts.
breakage chance equal to
Cart ×2 -8 Roads navigation dv when off road;
test every travel turn. Can
be hitched to two mounts.
breakage chance equal to
Flat land, navigation dv when off road;
roads. test every travel turn. Can
be hitched to two mounts.
breakage chance equal to
Coach Roads navigation dv when off road;
test every travel turn. Can
be hitched to four mounts.
breakage chance equal to
Wagon ×4 -8 Roads navigation dv when off road;
test every travel turn. Can
be hitched to four mounts.

Travel Turns

Weather conditions begin in the middle range (6-8) for each season.

A roll of local effect (4) on the event die during travel turns may
prompt the guide to change the weather.

2d6 Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Inclement Severe
Severe weather Severe weather
2 weather ( (e.g.
(e.g. hurricane) (e.g. blizzard)
downpour) thunderstorm)
Cosmetic Inclement Inclement Severe weather
3-5 change (e.g. weather (e.g. weather (e.g. (e.g. hail
drizzle) heat wave) fog) storm)
Overcast Inclement
6-8 Cloudy Sunny (-2 to next weather (e.g.
weather roll) sleet)
Clear skies Clear skies Overcast
9-11 (+2 to next (+2 to next Cloudy (-2 to next
weather roll) weather roll) weather roll)
Beautiful day Beautiful day
(only need (only need Clear skies Clear skies
12 to spend one to spend one (+2 to next (+2 to next
travel turn travel turn weather roll) weather roll)
sleeping) sleeping)

Travel Turns

The rolled weather persists until a deplete (3) is rolled on the

event die during travel turns, in which case the weather returns
to a state of normalcy, or until another weather effect is rolled. Most
weather will return to normal at the start of a new day, though at the
guide’s discretion, a weather condition may persist for multiple days.

Inclement weather increases the dv of navigation checks by 2. As well,

each travel turn not spent resting at a suitable campsite or other
form of shelter will require every member of the company to make a dv
2 phys saving throw, or else incur a point of exhaustion.

While inclement weather makes travel more difficult, severe weather such
as blizzards, hurricanes, and thunderstorms makes it all but impossi-
ble. The dv of navigation checks increases by 4; each travel turn
not spent resting at a suitable campsite or other form of shelter will
cause every member of the company to automatically incur a point of

Travelling in climes of either extreme heat or cold causes 1 point of

exhaustion per travel turn if a character is not appropriately

Other effects of weather can be applied as the guide deems appropri-

ate. For example, rain may affect metal weapons and armours, bow-
strings, and paper (causing a loss in quality or triggering breakage
rolls), and cause the ground to become muddy difficult terrain.

Travel Turns

Eating Monsters
errants with strong stomachs and daring palates may turn to slain
monsters as a source of food.

Turning monsters into victuals takes a travel turn and is a skill check
with a dv equal to the threat of the monster, adjusted according to the
following modifiers

ᗏᗏ -1 if clean water is available.

ᗏᗏ -1 if cooking equipment is available (a mess kit is insufficient).
ᗏᗏ -1 if a fire is available.
ᗏᗏ -1 if salt or other spices are available.
ᗏᗏ +4 if you cannot spend a full travel turn cooking.
A success produces rations. If the monster is larger than average, the
depletion of the rations may be increased by 1 or more. Failure indi-
cates that the food is spoiled; it may still be eaten, but a phys check will
be required to avoid contracting an infection.

Note that eating some monsters, especially highly magical ones,

may have potential side effects. In such cases, the errant makes a
saving throw. If they succeed, the errant gains a one-time use of a
monster’s ability (e.g. a dragon’s breath, a vampire’s hypnosis, a slime’s
corrosive touch). On a failure, the errant suffers the effects of that
ability as if they had been subjected to it, though perhaps in a dimin-
ished form (e.g. eating dragon meat may cause you to take fire damage,
though perhaps not to the full extent of a dragon’s breath ability).

Travel Turns

The standard scale of travel turns works for traversal of areas in the
scale of tens or hundreds of miles. However, if the company wishes to
undertake a truly significant journey, spanning the length of a country
or continent, the company may wish to initiate a voyage.

To do so, they must first secure a suitable mode of travel, whether it be

ship, camel, or caravan, and pay any necessary expenditures for such
transport and any requisite crew. Then, they must secure provisions for
the trip. Provisions cost 10 pennies for a day's worth of food, water,
and other sundries. Each provision purchased reduces a settlement's
available supply by 4 for the purposes of determining inflation. If it
becomes necessary to track, a day's worth of provisions takes up an
item slot.

The company rolls 2d6 for their voyage. The guide may impose sit-
uational modifiers to the roll based on the context, either negative or
positive, though the total should not exceed either -3 or +3.

On a roll of 10 or higher, the company makes it to their destination

without any complications.

On a roll of 7 to 9, a complication occurs en route that the company

will have to resolve before the voyage can be resumed and completed.

d4 Complication
1 Out of provisions.
2 Treacherous weather (including becalmed seas if at sea).
3 Mutiny.
Route impassable (map wrong, geographical change like land-
4 slide or earthquake, political turmoil in region, monster barring
the way, etc.).

On a roll 6 or below, the voyage is a failure. The company’s mode of

transportation has failed (ship sank, caravan ransacked, etc.), their
provisions lost, and they are stranded. Roll d% to see how close to their
destination they got, treating a roll of 100 as a 99.

Travel Turns

Marine Travel
Crew Crew Pace Pace Appropriate
(Oarsmen) (Sailors) (Rowing) (Sailing) Terrain
Canoe 1 - 1/1 - Shallow water.
Galley 60 20 2/1 3/1 Shallow water.
Shallow water,
Longship 20† 20† 1/1 4/1
deep water.
Raft 1 - 1/2 - Shallow water.
Riverboat 10 1 2/1 3/1 Shallow water.
Sailing ship - 20 - 4/1 Deep water.
Warship - 40 - 3/1 Deep water.

Of any given crew of sailors, at least one must be a captain. Anyone can
serve as an oarsman, including sailors, errants, and passengers, though
the latter are none too likely to be pleased. Regular mercenaries pressed
into rowing duty make morale rolls every day.

Canoe - can transport two people. Can be carried, taking up 2

hand slots and 2 handy slots.
Galley - can transport 240 people. Has a ram.
Longship - must be crewed by a special mercenary squad who act as
sailors & oarsmen.
Raft - can transport 10 people.
Riverboat - can transport 25 people.
Sailing ship - can transport 100 people. Has a ram and one catapult.
Warship - can transport 360 people. Has a ram and two catapults.

Passenger capacity is inclusive of crew members. Each mercenary (infan-

try) counts as two passengers, and each mercenary (cavalry) counts as 4, to
represent the transport of their gear & mounts.

Carrying capacity is not given for marine vessels, as their capacity in

slots would be far too high to be of any practical use. Instead, the
guide should use their discretion when determining when a marine
vessel has been overburdened with cargo.

When peregrinating on water, navigation checks are made as normal. A

navigator on the crew reduces the dv of navigation checks by 4.

At the start of each day, roll to see wind conditions.

Travel Turns

Condition Other Effects
Upriver x/+1
Downriver +1/x
Becalmed - No sailing possible.
Weak winds x/+1
Fair winds +1/x
Strong winds +2/x
Inclement weather (gales) +2/x Chance to become water damaged.
Severe weather (storms) +3/x Chance for sinking or shipwreck.

If a weather effect is rolled while waterborne, it 2d6 Wind

replaces the previously rolled wind conditions
until it subsides. 2 Becalmed.
During gales, shallow water vessels have a 2-in-6 winds.
chance of becoming water damaged, and deep Normal
water vessels have a 1-in-6 (a longship counts as a 6-8
shallow water boat for these purposes).
If a vessel is water damaged, its pace is reduced winds.
by x/+1 till it is repaired at a port. Repairs cost Strong
1/4 the price of the vessel. winds.

During a storm, any vessels being rowed have a

4-in-6 chance of sinking. If there is land at least one hex adjacent when
the vessel sinks, errants may make a skill saving throw with a dv
equal to their encumbrance. If they succeed, they wash ashore at the
start of the next travel turn, though any items not placed in worn,
hand, or handy slots are lost. If they fail the saving throw or there
is no land adjacent, they drown and die. Crew and cargo are lost when a
vessel sinks.

During a storm, any vessels moving under sail cannot control their
movement. Each travel turn they move in a randomly determined
direction. If they move into land, there is a 4-in-6 chance of a shipwreck.
During a shipwreck, errants may make a skill saving throw with a
dv equal to their encumbrance. On a failure, they take 4d6 damage,
halving this damage on a success. Any errants who go out of action from
this damage drown and die. Crew and cargo are lost in a shipwreck.

Travel Turns

Travel Turn Procedure

1 The guide declares the start of a
travel turn; the timekeeper notes down
which number travel turn this is.
ъъ The guide checks how many
travel turns have elapsed; if it is the
fourth travel turn in a day, the guide
announces that it is night-time, and
makes any adjustments as necessary.

2 The caller relays the company’s action for

the travel turn to the guide.
ъъ If the company is peregrinating, first
determine pace; then, the pathfinder
makes a navigation check, with the
guide noting if the company gets lost.

3 The timekeeper rolls the event die.

4 The result of the event die and the

company’s actions are resolved.

Exploration Turns

Exploration Turns
Exploration Turn Actions
During an exploration turn, the company may perform one sig-
nificant action, such as moving from one room to another, searching or
exploring a room, attempting to force a door open, and so on.

The company usually acts as a group, but a larger group action can
be broken down into separate individual actions, such as each errant
examining a different part of the room.

Alternatively, smaller individual actions can be ‘bundled together’ to

create a significant action of the turn (e.g. one errant explores a
side passage, one talks to the floating donkey on top of the bookshelf,
while the third sits in a corner and ingests copious amounts of divine

If in doubt, the caller is always free to ask the guide if a given action
will take an exploration turn, or for the guide to inform the
company if their desired activity counts as their action for the
exploration turn.

Exploration Turns

The rate of movement in exploration turns is expressed by pace,
which is represented as a fraction.

The numerator determines how many significant locations (e.g. a room)

can be travelled, while the denominator represents how many turns
that takes. The standard pace is 1/1, representing one significant loca-
tion travelled per exploration turn.

pace is modified by the tempo at which the company chooses to travel,

as well as factors such as the size of areas and whether they have been
previously explored.

Condition Other Effects
x/+1 +1 positive event die. Any hazards or points of
slowly interest are automatically detected.
+2/x +1 negative event die. No mapping can occur.
quickly Hazards or points of interest are overlooked.
Huge areas x/+2

When the company is exploring a dungeon or other location, the
guide should give them reasonably exact descriptions of the areas
in which they find themselves, including details such as the width,
breadth, and height of rooms and such; the standard pace assumed in
an exploration turn assumes careful mapping and noting of such

However, the guide is under no obligation to correct any but the most
egregious of errors in the map the players create for themselves, unless
failing to do so would hinder play. The errants should be left to suffer
the consequences of their own actions.

Exploration Turns

Marching Order
In enclosed sites of adventure such as dungeons, the company would be
wise to decide upon their marching order judiciously.

Generally in a 10’ hallway, errants can stand two abreast.

Scout - errants who are scouting are exploring ahead of the company
before signalling them to continue. If the company declares
that they are moving from one room to a room on the other
end of a hallway, for example, the scout would generally first
traverse that hallway and enter the room, while the rest of the
company stays behind in that first room, till the scout gives
the all clear. Any encounters and encounter signs are found by the
scout first, and they make any necessary reaction rolls. If
encountered by npcs, scouting errants are allowed to make a
check to hide.
Van - errants in the front line of the company generally end
up in closest engagement during combat. They are the first
to encounter or spot any hazards or details ahead of the
company, such as traps, characters, hidden treasures, and so
on, and make any checks pertaining to those, if necessary.
They also will generally make reaction rolls for any npc
encountered, assuming that those npc are encountered from
the front.
Main - the middle rank of the company will often find themselves
stuck behind the front row in an engagement, and so longer
weapons such as spears are recommended (as is placing shorter
company members in the front). Any hazards or details that
might emerge within the company’s midst, say from the
floor, ceiling, or walls, are within the purview of the characters
in the middle rank, and they make any relevant checks or
reaction rolls that deal with such.
Rear - in an engagement, those in the back row will often have to
resort to missile weapons, sorceries, and miracles, though
they should take care not to catch their comrades in the
crossfire (placing the tallest members of the company in the
back is generally a good idea). Any hazards or details that
encroach from behind the company are the responsibility
of the back row, as well as any checks or reaction rolls

Exploration Turns

An errant who spends an exploration turn resting may use an
armour repair kit to replenish their blocks .

Darkness is not a static, passive thing to be easily banished by candle or
torch. Darkness is a giant beast that laps greedily at the pool of light,
always encroaching.

Most adventure sites will be dark, and thus characters require illumina-
tion to see.

Bright light, however, obviates the possibility for surprising foes, and
alerts the denizens of deep and dark places, for whom the shadows hold
no secrets, to the company’s presence. Generally, if the total amount
of burn from light sources is equal to or greater than the number of
company members, the company is considered to be in bright light.

If the total amount of burn from light sources is less than half the
number of company members, the company is considered to be in
dim light. A single errant moving with a deliberately discreet form of
illumination, such as a hooded lantern or candle, is also considered to be
in dim light.

Exploration Turns

Doors are the natural enemies of all errants,
jealous guardians of the treasure that prying
hands seek to make their own.

Opening a stuck door is dv 4 phys check

by base, though this may be increased if
the door is heavy, large, and/or barred or
otherwise obstructed.

Each additional errant assisting in

forcing the door open reduces the dv
of the check by 2, provided their phys
is at least twice the dv to open the door.
The number of errants that can try to force open the door at once is
limited by the door’s width: one errant per five feet. Using a prybar
reduces the dv by 4, but limits the errant using it to only receiving
assistance from one other errant also using a prybar, who will reduce
the dv of the check by 2. Trying to force a stuck door open takes one
exploration turn.

If a door cannot be forced open, the errants may choose to try to

break it down. A wooden door takes two exploration turns to break
down; a door made of stone or metal would take considerably longer.
Using inappropriate items to break down a door, such as weapons,
causes them to lose 1 point of quality or make a breakage roll per
exploration turn. Breaking open a door causes a great deal of noise,
and will doubtless alert all and sundry nearby to the company’s pres-
ence, and causing +1 negative event die to be rolled.

A locked door may be forced open, or an errant may attempt

to lockpick it. Successfully picking a locked door does not take
an exploration turn, but failing to pick the lock will cause an
exploration turn to elapse.

Stuck doors may swing shut behind errants who pass through them,
becoming stuck once more, unless they are wedged open with spikes.

Doors will happily and freely admit all npcs not allied with the
company to pass through.

Exploration Turns

Picking a lock requires burglar’s tools, and selecting the correct
lockpicking actions in the correct order. These actions are twist, tap,
and turn. Every lock requires three actions to unlock; no action is ever
used in a row. Upon selecting the wrong action, the lock will become
stiff. Once a lock becomes stiff, it remains so until it is unlocked. If the
wrong action is chosen while the lock is stiff, the lock is jammed and
becomes unable to be unlocked.

If a character is trying to open a lock during initiative turns, each

lockpicking action counts as one action.

Locks of the same type are all opened the same way (e.g. if the pattern
for a tin lock is twist, tap, and turn, all tin locks are opened by twist, tap,
and turn).

Modifiers can increase the diversity of lock types without increasing the
complexity of solutions. For example:

Cracked - for the first action, any action taken will be correct.
Weathered - ignore the first time a lock would become jammed.
Secured - the first wrong action causes the lock to become jammed.
Spiked - each wrong action deals d4 damage to the lock picker.

Exploration Turns

To generate a lock, roll a d12 for each column.

d12 Lock Type Actions Modifier

1 Strange Twist, Tap, Twist Spiked
2 Adamantine Twist, Tap, Turn Spiked
3 Mythril Twist, Turn, Twist Secured
4 Diamond Twist, Turn, Tap Secured
5 Dwarven Tap, Twist, Tap Weathered
6 Elvish Tap, Twist, Turn Weathered
7 Steel Tap, Turn, Twist Cracked
8 Iron Tap, Turn, Tap Cracked
9 Brass Turn, Twist, Tap Normal
10 Copper Turn, Twist, Turn Normal
11 Tin Turn, Tap, Twist Normal
12 Crude Turn, Tap, Turn Normal

Strange locks are anything out of the ordinary: crystal, organic,

magical, clockwork, etc.

Exploration Turns

Moving silently and unseen is a skill check with a dv equal to the
errant’s encumbrance.

Scouting characters are allowed to make a check to hide reactively when

an npc is encountered.

When attempting to move stealthily as a group, one member of the

group rolls the check. The dv is equal to the total encumbrance of
the group, divided by two.

Factors such as visibility, scent, noisiness of terrain, etc. should be con-

sidered when determining position and impact.

Exploration Turns

An errant who triggers a trap may make a saving throw to avoid
its effects. The base dv for avoiding a trap is equal to the level of the
dungeon the trap is located on; if this is not applicable, the guide may
set whatever dv they feel is appropriate.

Some old traps may have a chance not to trigger; in this case the guide
may roll the die of fate.

Disarming or re-arming a trap takes an exploration turn. If the

method the errants have described for doing so is risky or uncertain,
they make a check to see if they are successful.

Harvesting Materials
Harvesting inert materials from
flora and fauna, such as fur,
teeth, leaves, etc., is a generally
trivial matter. Each errant
can harvest about 1 item slot’s
worth of such components per
exploration turn.

However, harvesting active

alchemical components, such as
a spider's poison sac or a psy-
chedelic mushroom, in a manner
that preserves their properties
is a more delicate task. Doing
so requires a skill check which
takes an exploration turn,
and an alchemist's kit with space to store the items.

A check to harvest alchemical components from a creature has a dv

equal to half their threat.

An alchemist's kit can hold four alchemical components. Most plant

matter counts as a single alchemical component. An alchemical
component harvested from a creature counts as a number of alchemical
components equal to half their threat.

Exploration Turns

Collapsed Structures
Oft has an errant, in their folly, disturbed the structural integrity of
whatever dank cave or dusty hallway in which they have found them-
selves, leaving them trapped in a tomb of their own making. If the
company finds themselves facing a collapsed tunnel or other structure,
all hope of progress is not lost.

Without any tools, an errant can manage to dig out about one cubic
foot of rubble per exploration turn.

An errant properly equipped with, say, a pickaxe or a shovel can dig

out about five cubic feet of rubble per exploration turn.

Basically: a hole just big enough to crawl through.

Crawling through such a hole does not affect pace; careful movement
and mapping proceeds at about the same rate of movement as a crawl
(though they obviously will not be able to map or notice relevant fea-
tures of the environment while doing so).

To fully clear a collapsed structure takes significantly longer, and will

depend on the specifics of what is being excavated; a general rule of
thumb is that one person with proper tools can dig out about 150 cubic
feet per day (such an excavation is a good job for an expedition).

Exploration Turns

Exploration Turn Procedure

1 The guide declares the start of an
exploration turn; the timekeeper notes
down which number exploration turn this

2 The caller relays the company’s action for

the exploration turn to the guide.
ъъ If they are moving, the caller declares the
pace they are moving at, and the guide
makes any other necessary adjustments
to their pace.

3 The timekeeper rolls the event die.

4 The result of the event die and the

company’s action are resolved.

Initiative Turns

Initiative Turns
Combat Distance
If it is not already known, to determine how far apart the combatants
are at the beginning of combat, roll a d6 and multiply by 10; the two
sides are that many feet or yards apart.

Whether by chance or design, errants and their foes will oftentimes
get the drop on one another. If one side surprises the other, they get a
free initiative turn in which the other side is unable to act.

Characters who are aware of their 1d6 Surprise

enemy’s position cannot be surprised. 1 npcs surprise
This generally means errants who are
not deliberately setting an ambush will 2 npcs surprise
be unable to surprise enemies unless they
are in darkness, dim light, or opening 3 -
a door. Bright light, therefore, usually 4 -
negates the possibility of surprise.
5 company surprises
If there is a chance for surprise, roll a d6.
6 company surprises

Determining Initiative Turn Order

At the start of each initiative turn, one errant is called upon to
select either odd or even. That player and the guide will each roll a
d6, add them together, and see whether the result is odd or even. If the
player called odd or even correctly, the company may act first, other-
wise the other side acts first.

An initiative turn proceeds in the following order:

1. Characters on the winning side act quickly.

2. Characters on the losing side act quickly.
3. Characters on the winning side act slowly.
4. Characters on the losing side act slowly.

Any ongoing effects expire at the end of an initiative turn.

Initiative Turns

Initiative Turn Actions

Each initiative turn, a character may choose to either act quickly or
act slowly. Acting quickly allows a character to make one action, whereas
acting slowly allows a character to take up to two actions.

These actions may be casting a sorcery or miracle, moving, making

an attack roll, using an item, readying oneself to strike or defend, or
any other significant action deemed reasonable by the guide. However,
a character may only either exclusively make an attack roll, cast a
sorcery, or cast a miracle once per initiative turn.

Insignificant actions, such as talking and picking up or dropping

something, are free actions and do not count as a full action, though
a character can generally do only one or two of these things in an
initiative turn.

Initiative Turns

Speed & Movement

An errant’s speed (spd) is equal to their skill minus their
encumbrance. For every 4 spd an errant has, they have 1 movement
die, which is a d4.

To make a movement roll, a character rolls their movement dice and

multiplies the result by 10 to determine how many feet (if indoors or
other enclosed spaces) or yards (if outdoors or other open spaces) they
may move (e.g. if an errant rolled a 4, they may move up to 40’ in that
initiative turn). This takes an action.

A character can move more than once per SPD Movement dice
initiative turn, so long as they have
available actions.
0-3 0
4-7 1
A character’s movement in an
initiative turn need not be continuous 8-11 2
(e.g. if an errant can move 40’ in one 12-15 3
initiative turn, they may run 10’ up
to a foe and shove them to the ground, 16-19 4
move a further 10’ to pick up a cursed
amulet on the ground, and then run 20’ 20 5
back to rejoin their comrades).

A character may also choose to make a shift, moving a distance equal

to their number of movement dice multiplied by 10 in feet or yards (e.g.
if an errant has 2 movement dice, they could shift a distance of 20’).
This does not take an action, but a character can only shift once per
initiative turn, and may not shift in the same initiative turn they
make a movement roll and vice versa.
Difficult Terrain Rating
A character with no movement dice cannot
shift, and as an action can move 10 feet or Muddy 1
Loose rocks 2
Difficult terrain reduces the distance of Stepping stones 3
any movement by an amount equal to its
rating multiplied by 10 (e.g. any move- Water (waist deep) 4
ment on an area of difficult terrain with a
rating of 2 would be reduced by 20’), Water (swimming) 5
unless that character has a method of Molasses 6
movement that obviates that particular
terrain’s impediment.

Initiative Turns

To make an attack roll, an errant chooses a target within range and
rolls their damage die. They deal that much damage to the target.

An errant of The Violent archetype can make multiple attack rolls

as part of the same action as their renown increases.

attack rolls with a ranged weapon are impaired 1 step if a foe is within
melee range.

Whenever any die in an attack roll shows a result of 1, the target

may immediately make an action; if this action is used to make an
attack roll, only one attack roll may be made even if the target is
capable of making more as part of a single action.

When a character makes an attack roll, they may also attempt a
gambit. A gambit is any combat manoeuvre that exceeds the purview of a
basic attack, such as stunning, shoving, disarming, tripping, and so on.
To do so, they reduce their rolled damage by a given amount (including
0). Their target then makes a saving throw with a dv equal to the
amount their attacker's damage was reduced by. If they fail, the gambit is
successful; if they succeed, they may immediately make an action (unless
the saving throw was made at dire position).

Initiative Turns

Enhance & Impair

In ideal situations when an attack is more effective, it may be enhanced:
for example, attacking a flanked or prone character, or using the ideal
weapon against an enemy, such as striking a skeleton with a mace.

Conversely, in situations where an attack would be less effective, such

as trying to swing a greatsword in a sewer or stabbing a skeleton with a
dagger, it may be impaired.

When an attack roll is enhanced, the attacker rolls a larger damage die,
indicated by how many steps it is enhanced. If an attack roll is enhanced
1 step, the attacker rolls a damage die one size larger (for example, a d8
would become a d10), if it is enhanced 2 steps, two sizes larger (d8 to

If an attack roll is impaired, the attacker rolls a smaller damage die,

also indicated by how many steps it is impaired (i.e., impaired 1 step, d8
to d6; impaired 2 steps, d8 to d4). Damage dice are enhanced or impaired
along this scale:

1 - d4 - d6 - d8 - d10 - d12 - d20

Enhanced and impaired cancel each other out on a one-to-one basis.

If multiple instances of enhanced or impaired would occur, add them
together: two instances of enhanced 2 steps equals enhanced by 4 steps,
and two instances of impaired 2 steps equals impaired by 4 steps, and so

An errant using an improvised or makeshift weapon (a chair or

a shovel) has their damage die impaired 1 step. An errant fighting
unarmed has their damage die impaired 2 steps.

Damage dice rolled as part of a sorcery, miracle, or other effect may

also be enhanced or impaired, though these do not otherwise count as
attack rolls.

If multiple damage dice would be rolled, for example from using poison,
a feat, maleficence, or sneak attack, enhance all damage dice.

Any damage dice impaired down to 1 is considered to have rolled a 1, for

the purposes of attack rolls, reducing weapon quality, and granting
actions, and to have rolled maximum damage, for the purposes of reduc-
ing armour quality.

Initiative Turns

Over the course of play, various effects will inflict statuses such as
being frightened, blinded, or poisoned upon a character. statuses
alter a character's capabilities in a variety of ways and can arise as a
result of magic, a monster's attack, or other effect.

A status lasts either until it is countered (e.g. being poisoned is cured

by taking the antidote) or for a duration specified by the effect that
imposed the status.

The effects of a status are at the guide’s discretion. In combat,

statuses may impair the afflicted’s attack rolls and enhance
attack rolls made against them.

Mounted Combat
A character on a mount uses their mount's spd to move. They may make
a free movement roll once per initiative turn.

attack rolls with an appropriate weapon made while mounted are

enhanced 1 step, though they may be enhanced more if the mount is par-
ticularly large or ferocious.

attack rolls against mounted

opponents are impaired 1 step,
though they may be impaired
more if the mount is particularly
large or sturdy.

attack rolls made with heavy

weapons against mounted oppo-
nents are enhanced 1 step (can-
celling out the 1 step of impaired
from attacking a mounted
opponent), though they may
be enhanced more if the weapon
is particularly effective against
mounted opponents.

Initiative Turns

Hit Protection & Damage

As one finds themselves getting battered, bruised, bloodied, and
broken, it is only natural to wonder just how much punishment
one can withstand. For an errant, this capacity to resist injury
is represented by their hit protection, or hp. When an errant
takes damage, be it from a monster, the environment, or otherwise, that
damage is subtracted from their hp.

hp is not merely a measure of physical toughness, though that plays a

part, but also of all the other factors that come into play when avoid-
ing grievous injury: skill, luck, stamina, mental fortitude, and so on.
Damage dealt to hp then does not necessarily reflect severe injuries, but
rather near misses, grazes, bruises, scrapes, and glancing blows. As an
errant’s hp is whittled lower, these may become gashes, sprains, and
other non-debilitating injuries (below 6 hp is a good threshold for this).

When an errant reaches 0 hp, however, they have lost the ability to
properly defend themselves. Any damage taken while at 0 hp causes

Drowning, Falling, Burning

The laws of nature themselves con-
spire to ensure an errant’s demise. Distance Damage
10’ 1d6
If a character falls a distance of 10 feet
or greater, they take damage accord- 20’ 1d6 × 1d4
ing to the table opposite. 30’ 1d6 × 1d6
Attempting to break someone’s fall 40’ 1d6 × 1d8
results in the faller and the catcher(s)
distributing damage amongst them- 50’ 1d6 × 1d10
selves equally. 60’ 1d6 × 1d12
A character on fire takes 1d6 damage 70’+ 1d6 × 1d20
per initiative turn they have been
on fire (i.e. the first initiative turn they take 1d6, the second 2d6, and
so on). Taking an action to put out the fire removes 1d6 from the damage
they will take.

An errant can hold their breath for a number of initiative turns

equal to their phys minus 10. After this, they take 1d6 damage per
initiative turn until they can breathe again.

Initiative Turns

Death & Dying

When an errant is reduced to 0 hp, they must make a phys
saving throw, with the dv being the damage taken. If they fail, they
are out of action.

An errant who is out of action is unconscious or otherwise incapaci-

tated; they cannot take any actions until the combat is over or their hp
is brought above 0. After combat is resolved, they may act normally
again, though their hp remains at 0 unless they were otherwise healed.

Any further damage taken while at 0 hp triggers further phys

saving throws to avoid being put out of action.

Damage that would bring an errant’s hp below 0 causes wounds.

Consult the wounds table on the following pages for the amount of
damage taken. If an errant’s hp is higher than 0 when they receive a
wound, only the damage in excess of what is needed to bring them to 0 is
counted for determining what wound they receive (e.g. an errant at 4
hp taking 7 damage only receives a 3 damage wound).

If an errant would receive a wound they have already received or

cannot physically take (e.g. losing a leg when both legs have been lost),
take the next available lower wound.

Wounds without a stated duration are permanent unless seen to by a

physician, though they cannot restore lost body parts.

An errant on death’s door will die in a number of initiative turns

equal to their renown, unless a healer's kit is used on them or their
hp is brought above 0. Using a healer's kit on an errant on death’s door
does not restore any hp.

An errant who is consigned to the reaper will die in a number of

initiative turns equal to their renown. There is no way to save

If any of an errant’s attributes are reduced to 0, they immediately


Initiative Turns

Damage Physical (Stabbing, Ripping, Shocking (Electricity, Cold,

Taken Crushing, Etc.) Psychic, Etc.)

Slow internal bleeding.

Zapped. Stunned for an
1 On death’s door, but in
initiative turn.
exploration turns.

Leg mangled. Can’t run. If Knocked out. Unconscious

both legs go, you can’t walk. (depletion 1).

Concussed. Knocked out for

Arm wrecked. If both arms
3 d12 initiative turns and 1
go, you can’t hold anything.
point of exhaustion.
Cardiac arrest. On death’s door
4 On death’s door.
and 1 point of exhaustion.
Leg destroyed (severed or
hanging by sinews). Can’t
Scrambled. Major brain
5 run. If both legs go, you
trauma and on death’s door.
can’t walk. Also on death’s
Arm destroyed (severed or
Deep fried. Unconscious
hanging by sinews). If both
6 (depletion 1), major brain
arms go, you can’t hold any-
trauma, and on death’s door.
thing. Also on death’s door.

Internal damage. Coughing

Head shot. on death’s door up blood or bleeding from
and major brain trauma. eyes and mouth. Consigned to
the reaper.
Throat or lung torn open. Respiratory system failure.
Consigned to the reaper. Consigned to the reaper.

Guts hanging out. Consigned Brain dead. Consigned to the

to the reaper and out of action. reaper and out of action.

10-15 Dead. Dead.

Deader than Dead (unable Deader than Dead (unable

15+ to be revived or properly to be revived or properly
buried.) buried.)

Initiative Turns

Damage Burning (Fire, Acid, Lava, Toxic (Poison, Blight,

Taken Digestive Enzymes, Etc.) Radiation, Disease, Etc.)

Eye destroyed. If both eyes Nauseous. 1 point of

go, you’re blind. exhaustion.

Mouth melted. Can’t

speak, only grunt and moan Immune system compro-
(unable to cast sorceries or mised. hp halved.
Blood tainted. Can’t recover
3 Face melted.
Bleeding from nose and
4 Fingers burnt off. eyes. On death’s door, but in
exploration turns.
Excreting blood from
Suffocating. On death’s door pores. On death’s door, but in
and 1 point of exhaustion. exploration turns, and 1
point of exhaustion.

Nose is burnt off, inner ears

Rupture. You’re throwing
ruined. Deaf and can no
6 up black acrid blood. On
longer smell or taste. Also on
death’s door.
death’s door.

Your lungs and face are Nervous system shutdown.

7 burnt off. Also on death’s door Can’t move and on death’s
and 1 point of exhaustion. door.

Skin burned off. Consigned to Immune system shutdown.

the reaper. Consigned to the reaper.

Burnt to a crisp. Consigned to Total organ failure. Consigned

the reaper and out of action. to the reaper and out of action.

10-15 Dead. Dead.

Deader than Dead (unable Deader than Dead (unable

15+ to be revived or properly to be revived or properly
buried.) buried.)

Initiative Turns

An errant can also die of natural causes. To determine your lifespan,

take the average lifespan of your ancestry, add your phys, and sub-
tract one year for every time you have reached 0 hp. When an errant
reaches the end of their lifespan, make a phys check. If they succeed,
they live for another year, at which point they make another phys
check, with a dv equal to the number of years past their lifespan they
have survived.

Tough Arcane Cunning Adaptable

150 200 100 50

An errant’s child (biological, adopted, or otherwise), should they

choose to become an errant themselves, may inherit one of their
parent’s attributes.

While mercenaries and men-at-arms are trained to fight on the field of
war, they are less adept in the chaos-blasted wilds fighting against dread
beasts of lore. As such, they do not take their own actions in combat,
but rather increase the combat effectiveness of their leader by forming a

Initiative Turns

warbands come in three categories, based on the number of

combatants they contain (excluding the leader).

warband containing one to five

ᗏᗏ A
combatants is a small warband.
warband containing six to 10
ᗏᗏ A
combatants is a medium warband.
warband containing 11 to 20
ᗏᗏ A
combatants is a large warband.

For battles involving larger numbers of combatants, see mass combat.

warbands have 2 hp per combatant. Damage is dealt to the warband

before it is dealt to the leader. As damage is dealt to the warband, it
may change categories (e.g. a large warband would become a medium
warband once it reaches 20 hp or lower).

If all members of your warband are wearing mail, increase the hp of

each combatant by 1. If they are all wearing plate, increase the hp of
each combatant by 2.

attack rolls by individuals against a warband are impaired 1 step per

category of the warband, unless that individual has a means of dam-
aging all combatants in an area. attack rolls by warbands against
individuals are enhanced 1 step per category.

attack rolls by warbands against smaller warbands are enhanced

1 step per category of difference. attack rolls by smaller warbands
against larger ones are impaired 1 step per category of difference.

Individual Small Medium Large

Individual - Impaired 1 Impaired 2 Impaired 3
Small Enhanced 1 - Impaired 1 Impaired 2
Medium Enhanced 2 Enhanced 1 - Impaired 1
Large Enhanced 3 Enhanced 2 Enhanced 1 -

Initiative Turns

A duel is a much more refined affair than a barbarous skirmish, and as
such follows different rules.

First, of course, is that a challenge for a duel must be issued, and that
challenge accepted. The etiquette around the issuance of duels in a given
culture is left to the discretion of a guide.

Second, the terms of the duel must be agreed upon; norms of conduct,
weapons, starting distance, and ending condition (e.g. to the death, to
first blood, to yield, etc.).

During a duel, a character may take actions as normal, though only one
attack roll may be made, even if a character has abilities that would
let them make more.

The order of an initiative turn, however, proceeds differently in a

duel. Each participant in the duel is given three playing cards: a King,
a Queen, and a Jack. They will place these cards face down in front of
them in any order.

The character who issued the challenge for the duel will then attempt to
guess what their opponent’s left-most card is; this card is then revealed.
If they guessed correctly, they may immediately make an action, after
which they may then attempt to guess what the next card in the line is.

If they guess incorrectly, their opponent may immediately make an

action and then make a guess.

Once all three of any participant’s cards have been revealed, each will
then pick up their cards, and then place them face down in front of
them again. The participant who had the fewest cards revealed in the
previous initiative turn begins guessing.

Initiative Turns

Each card also has an effect when it is flipped. If a King is revealed,

the participant who acts has their next attack roll enhanced 1 step.
If a Queen is revealed, the participant who acts impairs the next
attack roll made against them by 1 step. If a Jack is revealed, the
participant who acts can have the dv of the next gambit they perform
increased by 2.

The effects of these cards can be modified depending on the type of

duel; a joust or a wizard’s duel might have different effects. The basic
template is that a King has an offensive effect, a Queen has a defensive
effect, and a Jack has a tactical effect. The cards themselves, of course,
can be replaced by anything else that achieves the same effect.

Initiative Turns

Mass Combat
For dealing with large scale combat encounters or combat between
ships, vehicles, or anything else where individual units are hard to quan-
tify, a simplified mass combat system may be used.

In such an engagement, each side rolls 1d6, and adds the following

ᗏᗏ +1 if they outnumber the enemy at all; +2 if they outnumber the

enemy 2 to one; +3 if they outnumber the enemy 3 to one, and
so on.
the renown of the highest renown errant on that side,
ᗏᗏ Add
or the threat of the highest threat npc.

ᗏᗏ +1 for each significant tactical advantage, such as: cover, high

ground, unbreakable formation, ambush, superior armaments,
relevant sorceries, miracles, or other magic, traps, superior
training or morale, and so on.

The side that rolls the highest wins the engagement. Ties are treated as
a draw.

Unless it does not make sense, the difference between the result of
each side’s roll multiplied by 10 represents the percentage of casualties,
losses, or severity of damage to the losing side of the engagement.

Initiative Turns

The number rolled by the losing side represents the percentage of

casualties, losses, or severity of destruction to the winning side of the

Any errants involved in the engagement make a check with their best
attribute if they win or draw. If they succeed, they are unharmed; if
they fail, they take damage equal to the amount they failed by.

If they lost, errants use their worst attribute for the check. If they
pass, they take damage equal to the difference between the result of each
side’s roll; if they fail, they die.

Optionally, when an engagement is rolled, the guide may choose to

zoom into a flashpoint, a specific encounter on the battlefield where
the actions of the errants can make a difference. This is a run as a
normal combat scenario, though it likely has a specific objective, such
as capturing an enemy base or disabling a powerful siege weapon. If the
errants win the flashpoint, add a d6 to their side’s roll. If the errants
lose, add a d6 to the opposing side’s roll.

Initiative Turns

In the case where they are being chased through a dungeon or similarly
defined area, or for a short pursuit, the hunt can play out using standard
initiative turn rules. However, for longer pursuits, and ones that may
take place in broadly abstracted spaces like the wilderness or in cities,
the following chase procedure can be used.

In a chase, generally, the participants can be tracked in terms of what

side they’re on (i.e. pursuers and fugitives), but some chases may
involve multiple parties or characters that need to be tracked separately.

Each initiative turn, the character with the lowest spd or mv on each
side makes a movement roll. If the characters are on mounts or vehicles,
use the spd of the mount or vehicle.

If the fugitives roll two 4’s, then they escape and the chase ends. If
the pursuers roll two 4’s, they have caught the fugitives. In case of a tie,
both sides make a movement roll as a tiebreaker.

If either side rolls doubles that are not 4’s, then characters on that side
may make melee attack roll, perform a sorcery or miracle, or any
other actions they wish.

If any of the results on both side’s movement dice match each other,
characters may make ranged attack rolls against the other side. So if
the fugitives rolled a 3 and a 4, and the pursuers rolled a 2 and a 3, the 3’s
match, and so characters on each side may make ranged attack rolls
against characters on the other side.

Dropping items during a chase is a free action. Dropping some-

thing the pursuers are interested in (food, money, etc.) may force a
morale roll to see if they continue the chase.

Characters on either side may choose to sprint, rolling double their

normal amount of movement dice, but they must make a phys check with
a dv equal to their encumbrance to do so. If they fail, they may not
make a movement roll this initiative turn.

Characters on either side can choose to split off from their group; they
will make movement rolls separately.

At the end of the initiative turn, if the chase has not yet ended, the
side that rolled the lowest on their movement roll rolls a d10 for a chase
development that affects them.

Initiative Turns

Chase Developments
1. Hiding Spot - neither side has line of sight on the other. The
character with the lowest spd makes a check to hide. If they
succeed, they can’t be found and the chase ends; if they fail,
the pursuers immediately make a movement roll.
2. Throng - a crowd of people, a flock of animals, or some other
group impedes progress. The characters on that side may
attempt to convince the throng to assist them if possible, or
else someone must make a check to clear a path. On a failed
check, the opposing side immediately makes a movement roll.
3. Dilemma - the characters face a decision between two
unfavourable options, such as having to choose to divert to a
more difficult path or plough through a crowd.
4. Hazard – something threatens the side that rolled this result;
they must make a check to avoid damage, or some other
unfavourable situation such as being knocked prone.
5. Obstacle - something impedes progress on the path; the
character with the highest spd must make a check to bypass
the obstacle, else the opposing side immediately makes a
movement roll.
6. Opportunity - a character on the side who rolled this result
can immediately take an extra action, though they must
decide what to do quickly.
7. Paths Converge - a character on the side that rolled this result
and a character on the opposing side cross paths momentarily,
coming within a hair’s breadth of each other; they may each
make an action before the trail separates them once more.
8. Risky Shortcut - a risky shortcut presents itself. Characters
on this side may take this shortcut, but must make a check
to do so. If they succeed, they immediately sprint. If they fail,
they are separated from the others on their side and taken out
of the chase.
9. Separated - a character on the side which rolled this result is
separated from the rest of their side, and is tracked separately
till they can reunite with their group. If the character was on
the pursuing side, they must make a check or be taken out of
the chase.
10. Twist - the situation changes in some way; perhaps a new
group joins the chase, or the side that is pursuing and the
side that is being pursued switch; the environment might
change, as might the conditions that end the chase.

Initiative Turns

Only fools fight to the death. npcs have a morale score between 2 and
12. When an npc ends up facing more danger than they were expecting,
the guide may roll 2d6; if they roll higher than the npc’s morale, that
npc will attempt to flee, retreat, surrender, or parley when next they

A morale roll may be triggered if more than half of an npc’s allies or

their leader have been defeated, or if they are reduced to less than half
their total hp, among other circumstances.

Allied npcs, such as retainers, may also make morale rolls in unfa-
vourable situations, such as when they aren’t compensated fairly, their
employer dies, or they face extraordinary danger. A demoralised ally
may flee immediately, or they may perhaps simply become disgruntled,
afraid, or mutinous, seeking to betray their employer at an opportune

Hit Protection for NPCs

hp represents something different for npc than it does errants. Since
npc die outright at zero hp rather than beginning to take wounds, hp
is more or less reflective of actual damage being done to their body,
especially since many monstrous creatures are much more capable of
resisting and sustaining injury than humans are. Armour, evasiveness,
or other forms of protection an npc may have are reflected in their hp
totals as well.

In the case of enemies that are more similar to humans than not,
guides may wish to apply the same principles when describing damage
as the ones they use for errants. It is up to the guide to decide which
method is most appropriate, dramatic, and engaging.

Initiative Turns

NPC Attributes
Since the guide will have to keep track of several different npc, the
attributes an npc has are far simpler than those of an errant.

threat - an npc’s threat is a measure of how powerful

they are, from 1 to 10; when an errant makes a
saving throw against an effect from an npc, the
threat of the npc is the dv for that saving throw.
When an npc needs to make a saving throw or
some other check, use their threat + 8 as the value
to roll equal to or below.
Hit protection - an npc’s hp is a measure of how much damage an npc
(hp) can take before being killed, subdued, or otherwise
Attacks (att) - the attack roll(s) an npc can make as an action
and how much damage they deal.
mv - determines an npc’s movement dice. Two values
separated by a ‘/’ indicate two different movement
types (e.g. 2/4 walking/flying). When controlling
multiple of the same npc type, the guide may find it
expedient to roll for their movement as a group (e.g.
there are six goblins, so the guide rolls d4, which
comes up as a 3; all six goblins may move up to 30’
this initiative turn), excepting any members of
that group whose movement may differ from the rest.
morale (ml) - how likely an npc is to stay in a dangerous situation.
alignment (al) - Whether the npc is aligned with the forces of Law
or Chaos, or if they are Neutral.
Special - any other effects or abilities an npc might have.

Initiative Turns

threat 1, hp 6, att 1 × weapon (d6), mv 1, ml 7, al Chaotic
Fight Dirty - any gambits made by a goblin have their dv increased by
2, and any saving throws made by the goblin against gambits have
their dv decreased by 2.
It Burns! - if the goblin is in full daylight, all its attack rolls are
impaired 1 step and all attack rolls against it are enhanced 1 step.

threat 2, hp 14, att 1 × claws (2d4) or bite (2d6), mv 1,
ml 8, al Chaotic
Rabid - if the gnoll deals unblocked
damage with its bite, it must make a
morale roll with a penalty equal to
the amount of damage dealt. If they fail,
they go rabid: they roll an extra die on
all their attack rolls, and will attack
the nearest target indiscriminately.

Initiative Turns

threat 3, hp 24, att 2 × weapon (d8), mv 1,
ml 9, al Any
Battle-wise - veterans have a randomly
determined feat (smite, grit, and dash
are excluded from the possibilities)
and 1 combat die.

Gelatinous Cube
threat 4, hp 20, att 1 × touch (2d4 + paralysis), mv 1, ml 12, al
Translucent - surprises on a roll of 1-4.
Paralysis - if the gelatinous cube deals unblocked damage, the target is
paralysed for 2d4 initiative turns.
Gelatinous - takes no damage from cold or lightning.

Initiative Turns

threat 5, hp 30, att 1 × beak (d6 + petrification), mv 1/3 (flying), ml
7, al Neutral
Petrification - if the cockatrice deals unblocked damage, the target is
turned to stone.

threat 6, hp 42, att 2 × claw (d8) and either 1 × bite (d8) or honk,
mv 2, ml 10, al Chaotic
Bear Hug - if the gosbear deals
unblocked damage with two claw
attack rolls against the same target
in one initiative turn, the target is
grappled in a bear hug and takes an
extra 2d8 damage.
Honk - all within earshot must make
a pres saving throw or become
terrified of the gosbear; a terrified
target’s attack rolls are impaired 2
steps when attacking the source of its

Initiative Turns

threat 7, hp 56, att 1 × bite (6d6), mv 2, ml 10, al Neutral
Swallow - if the remorhaz rolls a 6+ on any of its dice as part of an
attack roll, the target is swallowed whole, causing them to be
incinerated instantly within the creature’s stomach.
Living Furnace - when attacking the remorhaz, rolls of 1 cause that
weapon to lose 2 points of quality instead of 1.

Initiative Turns

threat 8, hp 56, att 4 × tentacles
(d4 + brainsquat) or brain beam
or brainwash, mv 2 (levitation),
ml 11, al Neutral
Brainsquat - if the brainsquatter
deals unblocked damage with its
tentacle, the tentacle will attach
to its target’s face, penetrate into
its brain, and begin pumping it
with protoplasmic fluid. After
d4 initiative turns, it will
complete its injection, and the
initiative turn thereafter, the
fluid will coalesce into a para-
site that devours that target’s
brain, turning it into another
brainsquatter. If the tentacle is
removed from the target before
the brainsquatter has completed
its injection, the fluid will drip
harmlessly from the target’s
nose. While a brainsquatter is
attached to a target, it may not move or use brain-beam or brain-
wash, but it may still make tentacle attacks. A brainsquatter can be
attached to multiple targets at once.
Brain-beam - all within a 30’ radius of the brainsquatter must make a
mind saving throw or be stunned for 2d4 initiative turns and
unable to take any action.
Brainwash - the brainsquatter targets a creature within 60’, which must
make a mind saving throw or be brainwashed by the brainsquat-
ter. This effect lasts until the brainwashed target takes damage.
Telepathic - the brainsquatter communicates telepathically, and can
read the thoughts of any creatures nearby.

Initiative Turns

Hell Knight Lake of Ice (magic) - once per

threat 9, hp 72, att 4 × day, the hell knight freezes the
weapon (d10) or magic, mv 2, ground in a 150’ radius from
ml 12, al Chaotic itself. All non-Chaotic creatures
Undead - not affected by anything caught in this area must make
that affects living creatures; a phys saving throw or be
immune to mind control. frozen to the ground, unable
to move, as well as taking d6
Evil Presence - any creature within damage; if successful, they
10’ of the hell knight must only take damage and are not
make a pres saving throw or frozen. A creature frozen to
flee in terror. the ground may attempt to
Not of This Earth - the hell break out by using an action
knight can see the souls of to make a dv 6 phys check; if
creatures, and its attacks count they are successful they break
as magical damage. free but suffer a further d6
General of Hell - all Chaotic damage. The frozen ground
creatures within 60’ of counts as difficult terrain 3 for
the hell knight have their all non-Chaotic creatures.
attack rolls enhanced 1 step.
Spellshield - any sorcery or
miracle targeting the hell
knight has a 2-in-10 chance of
failing, and a 1-in-10 chance of
being reflected back onto the
Abjure Magic (magic) - once per
day, the hell knight can des-
ignate an area 20’ in diameter
where no magic can be per-
formed; this effect lasts until
the hell knight chooses to end
it or is killed. Any existing
magical effects in the area are
ended, and magical items will
not function.
Hellfire (magic) - once per day,
the hell knight hurls hellfire
at a point within 240’. All
within a 20’ radius of that
point suffer 8d6 damage unless
they successfully make a skill
saving throw, which will
reduce the damage by half.

Initiative Turns

threat 10, hp 100 (body)/20 (per limb, wing, and tail), att 2 × claw
(d8) and 1 × bite (4d8) or tail (3d8), or breath (hp), or wing (2d6 +
prone), mv 1/4 (flying), ml 10, al Chaotic
Colossal - treat as a large warband. Damage dealt to limbs, wings, or
tail cripples.
Underbelly - damage dealt to the dragon’s soft underbelly is treated as
damage to an individual.
Breath - the dragon deals its current body hp in damage to all within a
90’ cone. A saving throw is allowed for half damage.
Wing - all creatures within 20’ of the dragon must make a skill
saving throw or be knocked prone and take 2d6 damage. The
dragon may then move at its flying spd.
Arcane - the dragon knows 9 sorceries, each of which it can cast once
per day as if it were a renown 10 errant of The Occult archetype.
Roll for essence and sphere only when creating sorceries.

Initiative Turns

Initiative Turns

Converting NPCs
npcs from other old-school role playing games may be used as is with
little modification.

To convert hp, take half an npc’s ascending armour class and multiply
it by their hit dice.

To determine their threat, use their hit die value. If their hit die is
higher than 10, take their converted hp total and divide it by 12 to
get their threat; if this value is still higher than 10, simply treat their
threat as 10.

To determine movement dice, treat every 20’ of encounter movement

rate as granting 1 movement die.

Initiative Turns

Initiative Turn Procedure

1 If combat distance is not known, determine

2 If surprise is possible, determine surprise.

3 Determine initiative turn order.

4 Winning side acts quickly.

5 Losing side acts quickly.

6 Winning side acts slowly.

7 Losing side acts slowly.

8 Effects or conditions expire.

9 Repeat steps 3-8 until combat is resolved.

Downtime Turns

Downtime Turns
Downtime Turn Actions
During a downtime turn, errants specify what action they are
taking in the period of time between adventures, in addition to regular

Most activities that require progress to be tracked in some way during

downtime turns use the following procedure.

First, set a tracker for the number of successes an activity requires.

An errant may use their action during downtime turns to attempt

to make progress on this activity. Note that they must describe an
adequate method of accomplishing this activity. If the errant does
not have the necessary resources required to engage in such an activ-
ity, whether it be money or some other such resource (for example, if
attempting to set up a drug trade, they would need prior access to a
reliable source of drugs), they cannot attempt the action.

When an errant attempts to make progress on an activity during

downtime turns, they roll 2d6, plus any appropriate situational mod-
ifiers, whether they be positive (expenditure of extra resources, clever
method or approach, character skill) or negative (unreliable resources or
otherwise poor fictional positioning). Situational modifiers should not
exceed in total +/-3.

roll of 10+ means that the errant is successful in their

ᗏᗏ A
activity, and may mark one success on the tracker.
roll of 7-9 indicates that either a complication or setback has
ᗏᗏ A
occurred, which must be dealt with before further progress can
be made, or that partial progress has been made; in the
case of partial progress, a success is not marked on the
tracker, but the next time the errant attempts this
activity, it will automatically succeed.
roll of 6 or lower indicates that the errant was
ᗏᗏ A
unsuccessful in their endeavour, and no progress
is made.

Downtime Turns

An errant may choose to forgo their downtime turn action to assist

another errant in their endeavours; this allows the errant being
aided to add +1 to their roll.

Many procedures for specific actions follow, but you can use this basic
framework to accommodate anything an errant may wish to do during
downtime turns, be it learning a new language, being sworn into a
secret order, changing alignment score, engaging in spiritual struggle
with a cursed blade, etc.

Use the following as a rubric for the number of successes required on a

tracker for an activity to be successful:

1 – Minor Advantage
3 – Significant Advantage
5 – Campaign Defining Goal
7 – Major Campaign Defining Goal

An errant may forgo their action to assist another errant with their
downtime turn action. If they do, they give the errant they are
assisting +1 to their roll, though as usual this cannot cause the bonus to
exceed +3.

Passing Time
Many downtime activities presuppose an errant having access to some
resources, whether they be money, an opportunity to capitalise upon, or
both. Wretched louts that they are, they will often have neither of these,
or simply lack the inclination towards applying themselves towards
decent, fruitful business.

In such cases, they may simply narrate as their downtime turn action
how they are passing time.

The guide is encouraged to give a small bonus to the errant, perhaps

pending a check, based on the activity they describe.

For example, an errant who spends a downtime turn engag-

ing in foot races may gain the ability to roll an extra movement die
once in between downtime turns; an errant who spends their
downtime turn studying the signs of local wildlife may choose to
treat a roll of encounter on the event die as an encounter sign instead
once in-between downtime turns, and so on.

Downtime Turns

A setback indicates that some complication has arisen which is stymieing
an errant’s progress on their goal or renders an errant’s asset unus-
able. For example, if an errant’s estate is suffering a setback, some
problem is rendering it uninhabitable till dealt with.

When an errant’s estate, institution, infrastructure project, or

domain suffers a setback, they gain xp equal to its current base invest-
ment cost (e.g. if an errant is attempting to advance their tier 3
institution to tier 4 and they suffer a setback, they gain xp equal to
the base investment cost of a tier 3 institution: 2,500); if multiple
errants are invested, they divide the xp equally amongst themselves.

A setback can be cleared by dealing with it directly in play. If a setback

is rolled at the beginning of a downtime turn, the company may
choose to suspend taking their downtime turn actions to deal with
said setback; when they return, the event die should not be rolled again.

A setback may also be dealt with by spending a downtime turn action.

It is up to the guide’s discretion depending on the specific nature of
the setback whether simply taking the action will suffice to deal with it,
if a check is required, or whether expenditures of resources are nec-
essary; a guide may also rule that due to the nature of the setback, it
cannot be dealt with abstractly through a downtime turn action and
must be handled by the errant directly.

As a general procedure, if an institution, infrastructure project, or

domain suffers a setback, it can be cleared with a downtime turn
action and paying half the current base investment cost.

When a downtime turn begins, before the event die is rolled, all
company members restore hp up to their maximum, any archetype
based resources such as jettons or favour are fully restored, as well as
any charges of true strikes and deflects.

Downtime Turns

Gathering specific information involves concerted effort, listening in
the right places, and asking the right people. However, in the course
of spending time in any settlement, the natural dross that drips from
wagging tongues will be overheard. Though such knowledge is likely
nonsense and best disregarded, it may contain a kernel of truth; regard-
less, such rumours provide excitable errants with leads to follow for
questing and adventure.

At the start of a downtime turn, the company hears a rumour.

Shopping & Socialising

During a downtime turn, an errant is free to make any purchases of
generally available items, as well as make any minor social calls that they
wish without spending their action.

Purchases more involved, such as hunting down a specialty item, or

interactions more intensive, such as attempting to advance one's rela-
tionship or gather information, will generally take an action.

Downtime Turns

Hiring Retainers
The number of retainers available each downtime turn is deter-
mined by settlement type.

hamlet has d4 hirelings and d4 specialists available each

ᗏᗏ A
downtime turn.
ᗏᗏ A village has d6 hirelings and d6 specialists available.
town has d8 hirelings, d8 specialists, and d8 × 10 mercenaries
ᗏᗏ A
available, of whom 10% will be lieutenants and 5% will be captains.
city has d10 hirelings, d10 specialists, and d10 × 10 mercenaries
ᗏᗏ A
available, of whom 10% will be lieutenants and 5% will be captains.
metropolis will have d12 hirelings, d12 specialists, and d12 × 10
ᗏᗏ A
mercenaries available, of whom 10% will be lieutenants and 5% will
be captains.

An errant can choose to spend money advertising for available posi-

tions during a downtime turn. For each 100p spent, add +1 to a roll
for a given retainer type, or attract one interested henchman, up to the
maximum for the settlement’s die size used to determine retainer
availability (e.g. in a village an errant could spend up to 600p advertis-
ing for a bonus of +6). Advertising for retainers does not use up an
errant’s action for their downtime turn. The types of retainers
available are determined by their rarity.

The renown of interested henchmen is determined by

settlement type.

ᗏᗏ Henchmen in hamlets are always renown 1.

ᗏᗏ Henchmen in villages are renown d2
ᗏᗏ Henchmen in towns are renown d3
ᗏᗏ Henchmen in cities are renown d4
ᗏᗏ Henchmen in metropolises are renown d5
Unlike other retainers, henchmen do not automatically accept an offer
of employment. Instead, the errants must engage in a negotiation
with the henchmen, offering them a share of the treasure (a half share is
considered the standard amount). A botched negotiation may lead to
that henchman bad-mouthing the errants to other potential recruits.

Downtime Turns

To determine the archetype of a henchman, roll below.

d10 Henchmen archetype

1-5 Warrior
6-8 Professional
9-10 Magic user

retainer morale is determined by the pres of the employer, as well as

a variable modifier determined by rolling 2d6. For each 25% increase in
salary offered or equivalent bonus or benefit, add +1 to the 2d6 roll, up
to max of +3.

Morale Base Variable

Pres Morale 2d6 Modifier
3-4 5 2 -2
5-8 6 3-5 -1
9-13 7 6-8 0
14-16 8 9-11 +1
17-18 9 12 +2
19-20 10 - -

Downtime Turns

Death is inevitable, and therefore provides the perfect excuse for the
throwing of parties.

During a downtime turn, errants are able to throw a funeral for

their fallen comrades, provided that a body is available to bury. This
does not take an action.

For every 1p an errant spends commemorating a fallen comrade’s life,

whether that be through funding their funeral service, erecting statues
of the deceased, commissioning poems or artworks in their honour, or
otherwise, they can ‘purchase’ 1 xp from the dearly departed.

Downtime Turns

Conspicuous Consumption
errants as a rule are not known for their keen financial acumen, else
they would not be errants. As such, whenever they come into posses-
sion of any sum of money, they are just as quickly rid of it.

After they have taken their action for a downtime turn, an errant
can choose to engage in conspicuous consumption.

There are four types of conspicuous consumption that an errant

may partake in:

Carousing (phys) - partying, substance abuse, orgies, and

Frippery (skill) - haute adornments and fashions, sumptuous
epicureanism and gourmandizing, fads and
Obscurantism (mind) - sophistry, obsessive and trivial research,
supreme pretension
Do-goodery (pres) - needless philanthropy, moral pomposity
and outrage, doomed, futile, or otherwise
ineffectual causes

An errant describes how they are engaging in

conspicuous consumption, and then rolls a die, which is multiplied
by a set amount, to see how much money they waste in that endeavour
(and consequently, how much xp they gain).

An errant can invoke a relevant institution to increase their roll

amount by the institution's tier (e.g. if an errant is gambling, and
they or a company member own a tier 3 gambling house, they may elect
to gain a +3 bonus to their conspicuous consumption roll).

The die size and multiplier is determined by the settlement type

Hamlet – d4 × 200
Village – d6 × 400
Town – d8 × 600
Cities – d10 × 800
Metropolis – d12 × 1,000

Downtime Turns

If the result of their roll indicates that an errant spends more

money than they currently possess, they are indebted to a creditor
for the surplus, and must make a saving throw based on the type of
conspicuous consumption engaged in, with a dv equal to the result
of the die roll. If they fail the saving throw, roll on the table below to
see what happens.

1. Something gets burned down or destroyed; roll a

d6 to see how bad it was: on a 1, confined to a single
building; on a 6, a big part of town has gone up. Future
conspicuous consumption rolls receive a penalty equal to
the d6 roll till it’s repaired. Roll another d6 to see who knows:
on a 4 or lower, just the company knows; on a 5, a blackmailer
knows; on a 6, EVERYBODY knows.
2. Beaten and robbed: lose half hp and all items in inventory.
3. Magical affliction: someone or something has put a curse on
you, or transformed you into an animal.
4. You’ve gotten into legal trouble. You’re due to appear in
court. Roll a d6 to see how bad the charges are.
5. You’ve contracted a disease or infection.
6. You’ve made an enemy; a random npc now hates you. Roll a
d6 to see how bad it is: on a 1, they can’t stand your presence,
on a 6, they’re after your head.
7. You’ve insulted a local person or organisation of import. Lose
d4 faction reputation.
8. You wake up in a random adjacent hex, stark naked, in
someone or something’s house/lair. Your friends have all your
stuff. Roll a reaction roll for your host.
9. You get into a brawl. Lose d6 hp.
10. You’ve got a hangover. All checks for the next two
travel turns have dv +2.
11. You’ve made a pact with a god, devil, or some other
supernatural power, and have to do some quest or task for
12. You’re betrothed. Calling off the marriage will incur the
wrath of the family or your scorned lover. If you’re already
married, this could get messy.
13. You’ve earned notoriety as a gadabout. Your next
conspicuous consumption roll will be doubled.

Downtime Turns

14. You’ve gotten a new tattoo or some other bodily alteration.

Roll a d6 to see how bad it is: on a 1, it’s offensive to
EVERYONE (-2 to all reaction rolls while it’s visible); on
a 6, it's actually pretty cool.
15. You’ve made an ass of yourself in town. No one will take you
seriously for the next d4 downtime turns.
16. You’ve been initiated into a cult, secret society, or some other
17. You’ve impressed someone, made an ally, or attracted a new
18. You get a windfall. Receive half money spent on
conspicuous consumption back.
19. You make a discovery or hear a rumour of some sort.
20. You make an advancement. Increase rolled attribute by 1.

Given that errants have one of the shortest expected lifespans in
the natural world, no creditor will guarantee a debt to any individual
errant. Instead, the debt of the entire company is held cumulatively.

At the start of every downtime turn, the remaining amount owed by

the company doubles.
d6 d6
Creditors are nasty, unscrupulous sorts,
and there are sure to be ramifications for unctuous eunuch
failing to honour one's debts. While the sententious merchant
company owes a debt, no errants may
engage in conspicuous consumption. truculent clergyman
supercilious madam
If there is no obvious figure in a
settlement who would loan money to fulsome officer
the company, the table opposite may be
used as inspiration. vainglorious intellectual

Downtime Turns

errants are a universally hedonistic lot, and will live as sumptuous a
lifestyle as possible within their means, and often beyond it, without

Rather than account for every expenditure and income an errant

accrues during downtime, a simplified method is used to avoid such
tedious book-keeping.

When a downtime turn ends, whatever remaining money an errant

has is halved to pay for lifestyle expenses. If the company is taking mul-
tiple downtime turns in a row, they only pay for lifestyle expenses on
the last downtime turn they take.

This sum may seem large, but it represents errants living at the very
edge of their means, as well as all other expenditures such as taxes or
managing any institutions, estates, or domains that they may

If an errant has an accountant employed, they only pay a quarter of

their current liquid wealth for lifestyle expenditures.

On rare occasion, an errant will act against their baser nature and
apply themselves towards practical education for a vocation, such as
smithing, fletching, or cooking.

An errant begins as a layman in any given trade.

To attempt to learn a trade, an errant pays the requisite fee and rolls
2d6 plus any applicable bonuses for extra expenditures (each extra 25%
of the learning cost adds +1) or situational bonuses, to a maximum of +3.
Each attempt takes a downtime turn.

2d6 Result
10+ Training attempt is successful.
7-9 Treat the next training attempt as an automatic success.
2-6 No progress is made.

Downtime Turns

To become an apprentice in a given trade, an errant must find a

trainer who is of apprentice level or higher in their chosen trade.
Acquiring certification as an apprentice in a trade requires one success-
ful training attempt. Training to become an apprentice costs 2,000p per
training attempt. An errant who is certified as an apprentice may make
crafting rolls for items related to their trade. Any items produced are
of shoddy quality.

To become a journeyman in a given trade, they must find a trainer

who is of journeyman level or higher in their chosen trade. Acquiring
certification as a journeyman in a trade requires two successful training
attempts. Training to become a journeyman costs 4,000p per training
attempt. An errant who is certified as a journeyman may make crafting
rolls for items related to their trade with +1 to their roll. Any items
produced are of average quality.

To become a master in a given trade, they must find a trainer who is of

master level or higher in their chosen trade. Acquiring certification as a
master in a trade requires three successful training attempts. Training
to become a master costs 8,000p per training attempt. An errant who
is certified as a master may make crafting rolls for items related to their
trade with +2 to their roll. Any items produced are of quality.

To become a legendary artisan in a given trade, they must find a leg-

endary artisan who is willing to pass their mantle on. The errant will
be tasked with completing three significant quests, each to recover a
specific item component, which they will craft into a wondrous item.

Once this has been done, the

errant receives the title of legend-
ary artisan. They make crafting rolls
at +3, and are capable of crafting
further wondrous items.

Downtime Turns

Improving Attributes
Directed training, under the supervised tutelage of a trainer, can
confer permanent bonuses to an errant’s capabilities. If there is
a suitable trainer in the settlement where the errant is taking a
downtime turn, and they have agreed to train the errant, they may
attempt to improve one of their attributes.

To improve an attribute, 5d4 are rolled and the lowest die result
is dropped from the total. If the total is higher than the current
attribute being trained, it improves by 1.

An attribute cannot be trained higher than the trainer’s attribute

(e.g. if the trainer had a skill of 15, an errant training under them could
only improve their skill up to 15).

The first attempt to improve an attribute costs 1,000 pennies. Every

additional training attempt doubles the cost; so 2,000, then 4,000, then
8,000, and so on. This amount is cumulative across all attributes (e.g.
if an errant’s first attempt at training was to improve their skill, they
would pay 1,000p; if during the next downtime turn they attempted
to improve their phys, they would pay 2,000p).

Certain people in the world know special techniques and abilities,
known as talents, which can be taught. These people are rare, and
often tied to particular factions or special individuals, who will agree
to teach them only to those who have the highest reputation or bond with

To attempt to learn a talent, an errant rolls 2d6 plus any applica-

ble bonuses the guide deems appropriate (if an errant’s archetype
is relevant to the talent being learned, they may add their renown
divided by three to the roll), to a maximum of +3. Each attempt takes a
downtime turn.

2d6 Result
10+ Training attempt is successful.
7-9 Treat the next training attempt as an automatic success.
2-6 No progress is made.

Downtime Turns

A talent requires three successes to learn. An errant who fails a total

of three times while attempting to learn a talent is refused further
training by their trainer.

Example Talents
Wrath of the Boar - when you reach 0 hp the first time between
downtime turns, instead go to 1 hp. You cannot be reduced below
1 hp for the rest of combat. When combat ends, you immediately take
all the damage that would have been dealt to you after this talent

Always Prepared - if you are in a settlement of some kind, you may

set aside any number of item slots and money as your load out. These
item slots count for encumbrance as normal. At any point, you may
retrieve any mundane item from your load out, so long as you have suffi-
cient item slots set aside and money set aside to carry and pay for that
item. That item then fills those item slots and its price is deducted
from the money set aside. You may retrieve items until you have filled
all your set aside item slots and/or money.

Blood Magic - before casting a sorcery or miracle, you may perform

blood magic, lowering your phys or skill to empower your magic. For
each attribute point lowered, you may choose from among the

ᗏᗏ Increase your miracle roll by 1.

your renown as 1 higher for the purpose of sorcery
ᗏᗏ Treat

ᗏᗏ Increase your miracle or sorcery depletion by 1.

ᗏᗏ Lower your stabilise value by 1.

Downtime Turns

Animals can be sorted into three categories.

Feral - wild members of domestic animal species. Training

attempts cost 250p each.
Wild - non-domesticated animal species. Training attempts
cost 500p each.
Exotic - monstrous or supernatural animal species. Training
attempts cost 1,000p each.

Training an animal takes a downtime turn. To attempt to train an

animal, the errant rolls 2d6 plus any applicable bonuses the guide
applies depending on their method, to a maximum of +3. Expertise in
survival adds +2 to the roll, while mastery adds +3. Improper training
methods may penalise the roll, to a maximum of -3.

2d6 Result
10+ Training attempt is successful.
7-9 Treat the next training attempt as an automatic success.
2-6 No progress is made.

An untamed animal must first be tamed before it can be taught any

commands. Taming a feral animal takes one successful training attempt,
a wild animal takes two, and an exotic animal takes three. If an errant
fails a total of three times while attempting to tame an animal, it cannot
be tamed.

Once an animal has been tamed, determine an animal's morale as

you would a retainer's; an errant of The Deviant archetype with
proficiency in survival may base morale determination off of their
skill rather than their pres.

Tamed animals will obey basic commands, and if they have any special
actions according to their species, can perform those.

If an animal has attack options it can perform, treat it as a henchman for

the purposes of retainer limits.

An animal can be taught to obey specific commands or new actions and

abilities. To do so the errant describes what they wish to teach the

Downtime Turns

animal, and the guide will set an appropriate tracker for the number of
successes. If an errant fails a total of three times while attempting to
teach an animal a new command, it cannot learn that command.

Any errant can use their action during a downtime turn to attempt
to customise or personalise items. To do so, they pay half the cost of the
item for materials, and roll 2d6. Specific customizations may require the
errant to have found specific materials during play. Bonuses for being
trained in a relevant trade or for extra expenditures may apply.

When tinkering, the errant chooses which category their stated

modifications fall under.

Durable - the item is made stronger or more resistant to damage.

Sophisticated - the item is made more aesthetically pleasing, more
complex, or gains additional functions.
Efficient - the item is made quicker to use, deploy, or recover.
Potent - the item is made stronger or more effective at its
primary function.

However, customising an item this way causes the item to also receive an
attendant drawback.

2d6 Result
10+ errant chooses the drawback.
7-9 guide chooses the drawback.
2-6 Item receives a drawback but no modification.

The drawback cannot be the inverse of the modification (e.g. an item

modified to be durable cannot be frail).

Frail - the item becomes more delicate, fragile, or high

Crude - the item becomes less aesthetically pleasing, simpler,
or worse at tasks that aren't its primary function.
Unwieldy - the item becomes cumbersome, slow, or laborious to
Ineffective - the item becomes weaker or less effective at its primary

Downtime Turns

An errant who is at least an apprentice in a given trade can make items
related to their trade.

To do so, they initially pay half the price of the item they are attempt-
ing to craft, representing the cost of materials, hired help, and so on.

They then roll 2d6, plus any bonuses from their trade. Each attempt
takes a downtime action.

2d6 Result
10+ Crafting attempt is successful.
7-9 Treat next crafting attempt as an automatic success.
2-6 No progress is made.

For each 2,000p of the base cost of the item, one success is needed when
crafting (e.g. plate armour, costing 4,000p, would require two successes).

During a downtime turn, as an action, an errant can attempt to turn
an alchemist's kit and all the alchemical components within it into an
alchemical item.

Doing so requires an alchemy check which is a skill check. Each

alchemical component within the alchemist's kit increases the dv of the
check by 1.

An alchemical item can be created in a variety of media, such as:

Incense - inhalable. dv+2 to create.

Oil - topical. Can be used to coat a weapon (lasts for 10
attack rolls) or a quiver of ammunition.
Pill - ingestible. Does not take up any item slots. dv+4 to
Potion - ingestible.
Powder - ingestible (water soluble) or inhalable (if blown;
fills an area five feet square, dissipates in one
initiative turn).
Wafer - ingestible. Consuming counts as eating a ration. dv+1
to create.

Downtime Turns

A created alchemical item takes up ¼ of an item slot per

alchemical component used to create it. It has a depletion of 1.

Each alchemical component used to create an alchemical item con-

tributes its effect to that item. For example, the nails of a ghoul have
a paralysing effect. The gills of an ambrosia mushroom have a healing
effect. An alchemical item made with both alchemical components
would have a paralysing and healing effect.

If an effect would deal damage, it deals d4 damage; if an effect would

heal, it heals d4 hp; if the effect would require a saving throw to
avoid, the dv for the saving throw is 2; if the effect is ongoing, the
depletion for its duration is 1.

For each additional alchemical component beyond the first in an

alchemical item that contributes the same effect, increase the damage
or healing by 1 die step, the dv of a saving throw by 2, and the
depletion by 1.

Philosophers can be hired to make alchemical items in lieu of an

errant. A philosopher has a skill of 14 for the purposes of alchemy
checks. Additional philosophers hired to aid in the creation of
alchemical items reduce the dv of alchemy checks by 2 per addi-
tional philosopher.

Downtime Turns

Wondrous Items
A wondrous item is a unique piece of craftsmanship, specifically com-
missioned for its bearer, forged from remarkable materials, and wrought
by the hand of a legendary artisan. They count as masterwork quality in
addition to their other effects.

To commission a wondrous item, a legendary artisan must be found

and convinced to accept a commission. Doing so is an adventure in and
of itself.

Next, remarkable materials must be furnished. These are rare items

with history behind them, whether it be the scales of a great wyrm,
or the wood of an ancient tree struck by lightning. one to three
remarkable materials can be given to a legendary artisan to construct a
wondrous item.

The base cost of a wondrous item is four times that of a masterwork

item of the same type (e.g. a suit of plate mail would cost 32,000p). The
legendary artisan must be paid this amount as a commission fee.

After these steps have been taken, the wondrous item will be ready
after one to three downtime turns, depending on how many remark-
able materials were used in its creation.

Once the wondrous item has been received, its bearer must name and
describe the item.

wondrous items confer benefits to the wielder, though not fully at

the level of a true magical item. Treat it as though the item had received
one to three tinkering modifications (depending on the amount of
remarkable materials furnished), but with no drawbacks.

If an errant has reached the level of legendary artisan themselves, they

may craft wondrous items of their own accord; they must still find
remarkable materials to craft it with. Otherwise, it follows the same pro-
cedure for crafting regular items.

A wondrous item, though not magical, contains the spark of magic

within it. It counts as magical for the purposes of damage resistances,
and may in time become a magic item or grimoire.

Downtime Turns

Magic Items
When a wondrous item is used in the enacting of some great deed,
whether it be the slaying of a great beast, a daring heist, or a contest of
skill & wit, its magic is kindled. The guide has the final say on whether
an event is worthy of kindling the magic of a wondrous item.

When such magic is kindled, the errant and the guide may both
propose what the magic of such an item is. The magical effects are influ-
enced by the remarkable materials used to craft the item, the personality
and intentions of both the legendary artisan and the wielder of the item,
as well as, most significantly, the deed that kindled its magic.

As a general guideline:

ᗏᗏ If the item is a weapon or piece of armour, it receives

true strikes or deflects equal to the number of remarkable
materials used to craft it.
ᗏᗏ The magic item receives a number of powers equal to the
number of remarkable materials used to craft it.

ᗏᗏ The magic item receives between one to three additional

powers based on the greatness of the deed that kindled its

Clearing Pacts
In lieu of completing a pact directly during normal play, an errant can
spend their downtime turn action attempting to resolve the pact.

Resolving a pact requires a pres check, with

a dv of 2 per doctrinal level of the miracle
that caused the pact to be formed (e.g. a pact
resulting from a third doctrine miracle would
have a dv of 6).

The guide may lower the dv for the check

depending on the resources or method of the

Downtime Turns

Solving Grimoires
If an adequate solution to a grimoire's learning condition cannot be
found during normal play, an errant can spend their downtime turn
action attempting to solve the grimoire.

To do so, they make a mind check with a dv of 8 minus their renown.

If they are successful, they have solved the grimoire and learned
the sorcery within; on a failure, the dv for attempting to solve the
grimoire increases by 1.

The guide may lower the dv for the check depending on the
resources or method of the errant.

Creating New Sorceries & Grimoires

As a downtime turn action, an errant who has the ability to cast
sorceries can change the nature of the sorceries stored within their

To do so, they select two grimoires in their possession. They may then
swap the essence and sphere between the selected grimoires, and devise a
new sorcery to be contained within each grimoire.

A wondrous item made with at least two remarkable materials can be

turned into a grimoire. In this case, the errant may choose among
any of the essences and spheres contained within grimoires of their
possession, and apply them to the newly created grimoire; this does
not affect the existing grimoires in any way. Doing so still takes a
downtime turn action.

Downtime Turns

rituals encompass everything from brewing homunculi in vats to
setting a magical ward on one's domicile to cursing a region with

A ritual must be performed by an errant with the ability to either

cast sorceries or perform miracles.

To begin a ritual, grimoires must be offered, which will be con-

sumed and destroyed. favour may also be offered, which will be
removed permanently from the errant who offered them.

The errant defines the nature of the ritual: its effects, location, and
duration. The parameters of the ritual are defined by the grimoires
and favour offered. Its effect can incorporate any of the essences, spheres,
or themes of any of the grimoires offered to perform the ritual. For
each favour offered, it can also incorporate one interpretation of an
eminence of the covenant to which the errant who offered favour

Based on the effect, location, and duration of the ritual described,

the guide sets a tracker for how many successes will be required for the
ritual to be completed.

To attempt to enact the ritual, an errant spends their action during

a downtime turn and rolls 2d6. They may add their renown divided
by three to the roll if they are of The Zealot or The Occult archetypes.

2d6 Result
10+ ritual attempt is successful.

7-9 The ritual requires some new offering, or the completion of

a task, before it can be continued.
2-6 No progress is made

If an errant fails a total of three times while attempting to enact a

ritual, it fails.

Downtime Turns

alignment does not describe personality, psychology, or behaviour. It
has nothing to do with morality as such.

Law and Chaos are metaphysical forces in the multiverse, endlessly in

conflict. One’s alignment represents which side of this conflict you
have chosen. This is a metaphysical choice, and changes the very nature
of your soul.

Law is order, structure, civilization, sacrifice, and the collective. Chaos

is disorder, entropy, possibility, self-interest, and the individual. Neu-
trality is either to understand the Balance necessary between Law and
Chaos, or to have no stake in the conflict.

Your alignment is represented by a position along this continuum

L3 – L2 – L1 – N – C1 – C2 – C3

L3 being the extremity of Lawful and C3 being the extremity of Chaos.

errants start the game at alignment N, except for errants of The
Zealot archetype, who may start at alignment L1 or C1, depending
on the alignment of their covenant.

Your actions can shift your alignment score, depending on the

guide’s ruling. Note that the closer a character gets to either extreme
of the alignment scale, the more significant an action must be to
change their alignment further towards Law or Chaos.

If your alignment is C1 or higher, your soul registers as Chaotic for

the purposes of magical effects. You can speak the language of Chaos,
and the reaction rolls of all Chaotic characters increase by 1 for each
point of Chaotic alignment; reaction rolls of all Lawful characters
decrease by 1 for each point of Chaotic alignment.

If your alignment is L1 or higher, your soul registers as Lawful for the

purposes of magical effects. You can speak the language of Law, and the
reaction rolls of all Lawful characters increase by 1 for each point of
Lawful alignment; reaction rolls of all Chaotic characters decrease
by 1 for each point of Lawful alignment.

Only one company member’s alignment can affect a reaction roll;

modify the reaction roll by the alignment of the most extremely
aligned character. In the case of ties, modify the reaction roll by the
alignment that would impact the reaction roll most negatively.

Downtime Turns

Certain factions will require you to be of a certain alignment to ally

with them or to increase your reputation with them past a certain point.

If a Zealot is no longer in alignment with their covenant, they

cannot perform miracles until they realign themselves with their

Characters of extreme alignment either way may be contacted by or

truck with the forces of Law or Chaos. Characters of alignment L3 or
C3 may be appointed as champions of Law or Chaos.

Legal Trials
In the case that legal disputes are resolved via trial
before a judge, jury, or similar, rather than some
other method such as by combat or ordeal, the fol-
lowing procedure may be used.

When a case is brought before the company,

make a reaction roll (or, if the offended party
is a faction the company has a reputation with,
the reputation is used), modified based on available
evidence, severity of the crime, bribes made to the
court, jurists employed and so on. The sum total of
these modifiers should not exceed +/-3.

From this point, run the legal trial as a negotiation.

If an errant wishes to bring a legal case to bear on someone else, they

may do so as an action during a downtime turn. To do so, they roll
2d6 plus the number of jurists employed, and any other relevant modifi-
ers, though not exceeding +/-3 in total.

2d6 Result
10+ Case is successful.
Further evidence or action, or some other form of direct
7-9 intervention by the errant, is necessary before the case can
proceed any further.
2-6 Case fails.

Downtime Turns

The long-term gathering of information, whether that be researching
esoteric tomes, gathering rumours from a whisper network, or spying
on a duke, is handled via investigations.

To start an investigation, an errant requires a trove of informa-

tion, whether it be access to a vast library, a coalition of friendly street
urchins, a sage, or a spy disguised at court.

The errant then formulates a query, which an investigation into the

trove can answer.

The guide sets a tracker for how many successful attempts will be
required to answer the query completely. Each successful attempt reveals
a portion of information that answers the query, with each success
revealing deeper information, until the final success reveals the ultimate

An investigation attempt can be made as an action during a

downtime turn. To do so, an errant rolls 2d6. Having additional
corroboratory troves of information, as well as sages and spies employed
(beyond the ones acting as troves) if their expertise is applicable, will
add +1 to the roll, to a maximum of +3. Poor troves of information can
impose a penalty to the roll, to a maximum of -3.

2d6 Result

10+ Investigation attempt is successful, and a piece of informa-

tion is revealed.
An obstacle impedes further progress in the investigation.
7-9 A new trove of information is required, or a specific task
or undertaking must be completed, to continue the
2-6 investigation attempt fails.

A scholar with relevant training in researching the subject of your query

can be hired to conduct investigations, making investigation
attempts on behalf of an errant.

Downtime Turns

If an errant wishes to spread information of some sort, whether it be
disseminating false rumours or championing their glorious deeds, it can
be handled by making a proclamation.

Two components must be specified: the proposition of the

proclamation, and its intended audience.

Based on the difficulty of transmitting the proclamation to the

audience, the guide sets a tracker for how long the proclamation will
take to reach them. Having a proclamation reach almost everyone
in a city (a tier 4 settlement) would take four successes. Having a
proclamation reach the ear of the monarch of the nation may take
six successes if the errant is a lowly gutterborn thief, or one success if
they are an exultant with the ear of the court. Each success means the
proclamation spreads closer to your audience, with intermediaries on
the information chain being made aware of it.

A proclamation attempt can be made as an action

during a downtime turn. To do so, an errant rolls
2d6. Each definite article of proof substantiating the
proclamation adds +1 to the roll, as does each bard
employed, to a maximum of +3. Unsubstantiated, exag-
gerated, or false claims may impose penalties on the roll,
to a maximum of -3.

2d6 Result
10+ proclamation attempt is successful.
proclamation is met with scepticism, is distorted in some
7-9 way, or reaches unintended targets. Directed efforts at setting
the record straight or substantiating the claims must be made
before the proclamation can continue.
2-6 proclamation attempt fails.

Downtime Turns

An errant’s relationship with an npc is described by their bond. This
score can be adjusted freely by the guide at any time based on the
interactions between the errant and the npc.

Once a bond value has been determined, the disposition of that npc will
be equal to the bond between them and the errant in the company
with whom their bond is either highest or lowest, at the guide’s

Bond Description Effects

2 Bitter foes -
3-5 Enemies -
6-8 Strangers -
9 Acquaintances Will perform small and costless courtesies.
10 Associates Will perform minor favours, at a cost.
Will perform major favours, at a cost; if the
npc belongs to a faction, and they have
11 Friends
enough pull, the errant gains +1 reputation
with that faction.
Will undertake great sacrifice, at a cost; if
the npc belongs to a faction, and they have
12 Confidantes
enough pull, the errant gains +2 reputation
with that faction.

If using the bond for a favour comes at a cost, the npc will perform that
favour, but it will either lower their bond with that errant by 1 or the
errant must provide some commensurate service to the npc. An npc
will do any favours below the type which comes at a cost freely (e.g.
an npc whom an errant is friends with will do minor favours freely,
within reason).

An errant can also attempt to change their bond with an npc as an

action during a downtime turn. To do so, they must specify whether
they wish to move their score up or down, and how they are doing so.
To progress to either extreme of a relationship will require progres-
sively more significant actions.

Downtime Turns

They then roll 2d6, with the guide applying any relevant modifiers
based on the situation, though not exceeding +/-3 in total.

2d6 Result
10+ Bond changes by 1 in the direction specified.

7-9 The errant must complete a task for (or against) the npc to
change their bond.
2-6 Bond remains unchanged.

Downtime Turns

The company’s relationship with a faction is described by their repu-
tation. This score can be adjusted freely by the guide at any time based
on the interactions between the errant and the faction.

Once a reputation value has been determined, the disposition of an npc

within that faction will be equal to the reputation between them and
the company.

Reputation Description Effects

2 Hated -
3-5 Disliked -
6-8 Neutral -
9 Accepted Will perform small and costless courtesies.
Will perform minor favours, at a cost.
10 Liked The company gains access to any
faction-specific items available for sale.
Will perform major favours, at a cost.
11 Respected The company gains access to any
faction-specific trainers.
Will undertake great sacrifice, at a
12 Loved cost. The company gains access to any
faction-specific talents.

Downtime Turns

If utilising reputation for a favour comes at a cost, the faction will

perform that favour, but it will either lower the company’s reputation
by 1, or the company must provide some commensurate service for the
faction. A faction will do any favours below the type which comes at
a cost freely (e.g. a faction that respects the company will do minor
favours freely, within reason).

An errant can also attempt to change their company’s reputation with

a faction as a downtime action. To do so, they must specify whether
they wish to move their score up or down, and how they are doing so.
To progress to either extreme of a relationship will require progres-
sively more significant actions.

They then roll 2d6, with the guide applying any relevant modifiers
based on the situation, though not exceeding +/-3 in total.

2d6 Result
10+ Reputation changes by 1 in the direction specified.

7-9 The errant must complete a task for (or against) the faction
to change their reputation.
2-6 Reputation remains unchanged.

Downtime Turns

An expedition is used to extract resources from or settle an area.
Mounting an expedition can be performed as an action during a
downtime turn.

Before an expedition can be mounted, the area must be cleared by the

company, whether this is emptying all of the monster lairs within a hex,
negotiating a treaty with the inhabitants of that area, or obtaining title
from a ruler to settle lands.

Once the area has been cleared, an expedition can be sent to secure
it via patrols. Attempting to secure one area, whether that is a hex or a
dungeon level, takes one downtime turn.

Mounting an expedition to secure an area requires at least one merce-

nary squad to be deployed.

Once an expedition has been deployed, roll 2d6. Each additional

mercenary squad deployed adds +1 to the roll, up to a maximum of +3 for
fielding a full platoon.

2d6 Result
10+ The area is secured.
The expedition runs into a complication that must be dealt
7-9 with before the area can be secured, such as encountering a
monster lair, dispute with the locals, or supply route collapse.
2-6 The expedition fails to secure the area.

When securing an area, mercenaries are paid battle wages. In addition,

each squad needs 80 provisions a month, as well as a reliable supply route
to transport said provisions.

Provisions cost 10 pennies for a day's worth of food, water, and other
sundries, and when purchased reduces a settlement's available supply
by 4 for the purposes of determining inflation. 1 provision takes up an
item slot.

Downtime Turns

Once an area is secured, mercenaries can set up and hold a base camp.
While holding a base camp, mercenaries are paid regular wages, and
only need 40 provisions per squad a month. A base camp can be held for
six downtime turns, after which the mercenaries will begin making
morale rolls each downtime turn to determine if they continue to
hold the area.

Once a base camp has been established, the area can be surveyed, which
requires a surveyor. Surveying an area takes one downtime turn and
will reveal all the resources in an area, as well as any hidden features.

Once an area has been surveyed, labour efforts such as extracting

resources or building estates can occur, so long as the base camp con-
tinues to hold.

One labourer can extract 250p value of resources per downtime turn.
They can construct buildings at the normal rate.

Each surveyor, labourer, architect, and other retainers in a base camp

need 6 provisions a month.

Downtime Turns

errants can found settlements or increase the size of existing
settlements by making investments into infrastructure.

To found a hamlet, the area it is to be built in must be secured and sur-

veyed, and an estate of at least 2,000p in value built, around which the
hamlet can be organised.

Founding a hamlet requires it to be constructed using the same process

as constructing an estate. The cost of construction for a hamlet is

To change the settlement type of an existing settlement, no

labourers are required. However, the settlement in question must have
a route, either by land, water, or some other method, between it and a
given number of other settlements .

A tracker is set for the number of successes needed to advance a

settlement to the next tier. The number of successes is equal to the
tier being advanced to (e.g. expanding a hamlet to a village requires three

Attempting to improve infrastructure can be performed as an action

during a downtime turn. To do so, an errant pays the base invest-
ment cost for the settlement type they are attempting to advance to
and rolls 2d6, with bonuses applying for extra expenditures and estab-
lished institutions within the settlement. These bonuses cannot
cumulatively exceed +3.

An errant only needs to pay the base investment cost (plus any bonus
expenditures) during the first attempt they make. Successive attempts
do not require payment.

2d6 Result
10+ Success is marked on the tracker.
A setback occurs, which prevents further infrastructure progress
until it is dealt with. This may be that the settlement may
7-9 not have adequate resources, such as food or water, to expand,
or the settlement's expansion infringes on settled territory,
or the lair of a monster or a dungeon is uncovered.
2-6 No progress is made.

Downtime Turns

The base investment costs for each settlement type are listed below,
as well as any prerequisites.

Investment Bonuses Prerequisites
Area cleared
and secured
Tier 1
5,000p No roll necessary. and an estate
worth at least
+1 for each additional 5,000p
spent. +1 to the roll for each Must be
Tier 2
20,000p tier 1 institution owned connected to
by the company in the 2 hamlets.
+1 for each additional
20,000p spent. +1 to the roll Must be
Tier 3
80,000p for each tier 2 institution connected to
owned by the company in 2 villages.
the settlement.
+1 for each additional
80,000p spent. +1 to the roll Must be
Tier 4
320,000p for each tier 4 institution connected to
owned by the company in 2 towns.
the settlement.
+1 for each additional
320,000p spent. +1 to the roll Must be
Tier 5
1,280,000p for each tier 6 institution connected to
owned by the company in 2 cities.
the settlement.

Downtime Turns

An institution is any kind of organisation or long term enterprise.
Examples would include a bar, teahouse, shop, theatre troupe, garrison,
mercenary outfit, gang, guild, orphanage, and so on.

institutions offer specific benefits to the errants who have

invested in them. These are customised for each given institution.
For example, investing in a stagecoach network might allow for more
retainers to be available for hire, and for henchmen of higher levels to
appear in that settlement.

institutions can be categorised into seven different tiers. To found a

tier 1 institution, an errant must have some kind of resource avail-
able that would allow them to begin operations. For example, if they
wish to found a cult, they should already have a few followers commit-
ted to the cause. As an action during a downtime turn, they can then
spend 500p to establish that institution in the settlement they are

errants can also invest, partner in, or assume ownership of pre-exist-

ing institutions.

To advance an institution up a tier, if the prerequisites for

settlement type are met, an errant must describe their method for
growing the institution. They then pay the base investment cost of
the tier to which they are attempting to advance the institution, and
roll 2d6, with bonuses applying for extra expenditures, to a max of +3.

2d6 Result
10+ institution advances to next tier.
A setback occurs, which prevents further growth until it is dealt
with; no benefits can be received until setback is dealt with.
2-6 No progress is made.

Downtime Turns

The base investment costs for each institution tier are listed below, as
well as any prerequisites.

Investment Bonuses Prerequisites
Must be located
Tier 1
500p No roll necessary. in a hamlet or
Must be located
Tier 2 +1 for each additional
1,000p in a village or
(petty) 500p spent.
Must be located
Tier 3 +1 for each additional
2,500p in a village or
(middling) 1,250p spent.
Must be located
Tier 4 +1 for each additional
5,000p in a town or
(notable) 2,500p spent.
Must be located
Tier 5 +1 for each additional
10,000p in a town or
(influential) 5,000p spent.
Must be located
Tier 6 +1 for each additional
20,000p in a city or
((in)famous) 10,000p spent.
Must be located
Tier 7 +1 for each additional
40,000p in a metropolis or
(iconic) 20,000p spent.

To relocate an institution to another settlement, treat it the same

as attempting to advance the institution a tier. If the roll is success-
ful, the institution is now headquartered in the new location. The
errant and guide can determine if it has relocated entirely, or left
some auxiliary or franchise branch behind in the old settlement.

Downtime Turns

If an institution suffers a setback, the guide may choose to roll on the

following table for inspiration:

d8 Setback
1 Vicious rumours begin circulating about the institution.
Rivals ramp up the competition, lowering prices or offering
better services in an attempt to undercut the institution.
3 The institution is sabotaged by a rival.

4 The institution's methods, aesthetics, or products become

widely imitated and emulated, to the point of oversaturation.

5 The institution attracts unwanted legal attention or suspi-

cion from the authorities.

6 The institution attracts attention from a criminal outfit,

who attempt to muscle in or shake it down.

7 The institution faces a shortage of some resource it requires

to operate.

8 The institution has drawn the outrage or condemnation of

the public, or at least a very vocal portion of it.

Downtime Turns

Example Institution - The Murderwheel

A rolling, spiked wheel that is a mobile vendor of weapons and armour.
Converts into a discomfitingly small arena where customers can test
their mettle.

Tier Benefit
d6 shoddy weapons or armour pieces of rarity 3 or lower can
1 be taken from The Murderwheel, once per downtime turn.
They have no resale value, as no respectable vendor would ever
purchase items from The Murderwheel.

2 Once per downtime turn, d4 survivors of The Murderwheel

can be recruited as henchmen of renown 2.
d8 average weapons or armour pieces of rarity 3 or lower can
3 be taken from The Murderwheel, once per downtime turn.
They have no resale value.

4 Once per downtime turn, d6 survivors of The Murderwheel

can be recruited as henchmen of renown 3.
d10 masterwork weapons or armour pieces of rarity 4
5 or lower can be taken from The Murderwheel, once per
downtime turn. They have no resale value.

6 Once per downtime turn, d8 survivors of The Murderwheel

can be recruited as henchmen of renown 4.
Once every year, one weapon or armour piece taken from The
Murderwheel will be a wondrous item.

Downtime Turns

To build personal estates, the errant must acquire the land (via
expedition or some other means), hire labourers, and pay for the con-
struction of any buildings.

Construction time is determined by the costs of construction. Each

labourer can construct up to 250p of value per downtime turn. Having
an architect attached to a construction project doubles the rate of

One labourer, therefore, could build a hovel (120p) in less than one
downtime turn (about half a month). Building a row house (1,200p)
however, would take them five downtime turns. Two labourers could
build a row house in about three downtime turns, and two labourers
and an architect could build it in one.

Each building comes with furnishings of appropriate value relative to

the structure. If the errant wishes to improve the standard of con-
struction and furnishings, they may pay double the cost of the building.
They may do this as many times as they wish, each time doubling the
cost further.

The basic level of furnishing for a hovel, for example, would barely be
furnished apart from the bare essentials, and those would be of a poor
standard. The basic level of furnishing for a merchant's house would
be quite comfortable, and for an imperial palace would be incredibly
luxurious. An errant could pay double the cost of the palace, 5,000,000
pennies, to improve it, or pay double that value, 10,000,000, to improve
it even further.

If the errant wants to add anything into the structure that requires
special craftsmanship, such as traps, secret doors or passageways, ornate
decorations, etc. it adds 1,000 pennies to the cost of the structure per
specific object.

Building special rooms, such as a library, laboratory, or shrine, each

costs 5% of the base cost of the building, and are of a standard of appro-
priate value relative to the structure (e.g. a library in a merchant’s house
is rather basic, whereas one in an imperial palace would be a famed
repository of knowledge).

Downtime Turns

Having accrued enough power, some rarefied few worthy errants may
find themselves rulers of a domain.

This domain functions as any other polity in the game world, except
for the important detail that the errants have direct control of it at
the macro-level, being able to set the code of laws, appoint npc to
positions of power, and more.

domains can be categorised into 10 tiers. A tier 1 domain is immedi-

ately founded once an errant has founded a hamlet.

Once a domain has been founded, it can be improved by investing

money into it, so long as certain prerequisites are met.

A tracker is set for the number of successes needed to advance a domain

to the next tier. The number of successes is equal to the tier being
advanced to (e.g. expanding a tier 2 domain to a tier 3 domain requires
three successes).

An errant can attempt to improve a domain as an action during a

downtime turn. To do so, an errant pays the base investment cost
for the domain tier they are attempting to advance to and rolls 2d6,
with bonuses applying for extra expenditures. These bonuses cannot
cumulatively exceed +3.

An errant only needs to pay the base investment cost (plus any bonus
expenditures) during the first attempt they make. Successive attempts
do not require payment.

2d6 Result
10+ Success is marked on the tracker.
A setback occurs, which prevents further domain progress
7-9 until it is dealt with. This may be civil unrest, the looming
threat of foreign invasion, or a powerful beast that has begun
to terrorise the land.
2-6 No progress is made.

The base investment costs for each domain tier are listed below, as well
as any prerequisites.

Downtime Turns

Domain Tier Base Investment Cost Bonuses

Tier 1 0p No roll necessary.

+1 for each additional 2,500p

Tier 2 10,000p

+1 for each additional

Tier 3 20,000p
5,000p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 4 40,000p
10,00p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 5 80,000p
20,000p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 6 160,000p
40,000p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 7 320,000p
80,000p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 8 640,000p
160,000p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 9 1,280,000p
320,000p spent.

+1 for each additional

Tier 10 2,560,000p
640,000p spent.

Downtime Turns

Prerequisites Benefits
Automatically achieved Has a 1-in-6 chance of providing any
when first hamlet is founded. mundane items & services.
domain must contain a Cleared hexes or areas up to 1 hex/6
ruler’s estate worth at least miles adjacent can be made part of your
5,000p. domain.
Has a 2-in-6 chance of providing any
domain must contain at mundane items & services. Able to field an
least 1 village. army of d4 × 50 men at arms.
domain must contain a Cleared hexes or areas up to 2 hexes/12
ruler’s estate worth at least miles adjacent can be made part of your
20,000p. domain.
Has a 3-in-6 chance of providing any
domain must contain at mundane items & services. Able to field an
least 1 town. army of 2d4 × 100 men at arms.
domain must contain a Cleared hexes or areas up to 3 hexes/18
ruler’s estate worth at least miles adjacent can be made part of your
80,000p. domain.
Has a 4-in-6 chance of providing any
domain must contain at mundane items & services. Able to field an
least 1 city. army of 2d4 × 500 men at arms.
domain must contain a Cleared hexes or areas up to 4 hexes/24
ruler’s estate worth at least miles adjacent can be made part of your
320,000p. domain.
Has a 5-in-6 chance of providing any
domain must contain at mundane items & services. Able to field an
least 1 metropolis. army of 2d4 × 2,000 men at arms.
domain must contain a Cleared hexes or areas up to 5 hexes/30
ruler’s estate worth at least miles adjacent can be made part of your
1,280,000p. domain.

Downtime Turns

Mundane items & services refers to the chance that the domain can
furnish specific goods and services. Basic goods & services, like food or
simple blacksmithing, can be assumed since these are necessities, but
specialty items such as, say, siege weaponry or spices will require a roll.

If the roll is successful, the domain will always be able to provide that
item or service. If the roll is unsuccessful, then that item or service
cannot be obtained until either the direct action is taken to make it
available (e.g. by recruiting a skilled engineer, or establishing a trading
route for spices), or until the domain increases in tier, whereupon it
may be tested for again.

domain armies are made up of citizens who will take up arms to protect
their home, not career soldiers. They can be kept out in the field for a
number of months equal to the domain’s tier
plus two.

Being rulers of a domain provides

errants with the status of
dignitaries in lands where their
domain’s sovereignty is

If an errant has left

the immediate territories
where their domain
is known, test the
domain’s renown as
you would an errant’s,
treating its tier as its

Downtime Turns

Faction Turns
The guide can use this procedure to simulate the attempts of various
factions in the world to gain and maintain power.

Each faction has a number of assets, such as “skilled artisans", “spy

network", or “well-trained troops".

A faction may set any number of agendas, which are long-term goals.
This may be something like “build a new road", “recruit new troops
from among the villages", or “discover incriminating secrets about the
ruler of an enemy nation". For each agenda, create a tracker, which indi-
cates how many successes will be needed to achieve that agenda.

Each downtime turn (though this is best done by the guide between
sessions), factions can take actions to advance their agendas.

First, they allocate any relevant assets to the advancement of their

agendas. Next, they may also allocate any relevant assets to oppose or aid
the agendas of any other factions.

A faction rolls a d6 plus the number of relevant assets and minus the
number of assets opposing them.

If they roll a 6 or higher, they mark a success on the agenda tracker. If

they roll a 12 or higher, they mark two successes, and so on.

If they roll a 0, they lose an asset. If they roll -6, they lose two assets, and
so on.

Lost assets are destroyed or captured by opposing factions, depending

on the circumstances.

A faction that fulfils an agenda gains a new asset.

factions can gain and lose assets through the actions of errants
during play.

Downtime Turns

When a rival company arrives in a settlement, the guide may make
a reaction roll to determine what their overall opinion of the player
company is. So long as the rival company is based in the settlement,
they will also adventure in the area, whether that means making forays
into the local dungeon, or taking the jobs the player company turns

If the event die calls for a rival company to arrive in a settlement,

and there is already a rival company there, the current rival company
leaves the settlement for greener pastures, and the newly rolled one
settles in.

An easy way to track the exploits of a rival company is to put two

entries in the local effects table for nearby wilderness and dungeon areas.
One entry indicates that the rival company has passed through and
taken all or most of anything of value; the second entry indicates that
the rival company is currently in the area and the player company
encounters them.

A second, more involved way may be used between game sessions to

track a rival company’s progress through a dungeon or on a quest more

Add the total renown of each member of the rival company together;
increase this number by 1 for each significant magical item in their pos-
session. This is their challenge level.

Plot their course through the dungeon or adventure area. Assign each
room or area a challenge level equal to the combined threat of all the
npcs and traps located there; assign traps a threat value equal to their
base dv.

For each room or area the rival company arrives at, roll 2d6 plus the
difference between their challenge level and the challenge level of the room
or area.

Downtime Turns

2d6 Result

10+ The rival company overcomes the challenges of the area easily,
and take everything of value
The rival company overcomes the challenges of the area, but
7-9 at a cost. Reduce their challenge level by 1. They take everything
of value that is not hidden.
The rival company overcomes the challenges of the area, but
5-6 at a great cost. Reduce their challenge level by 2. They take 50%
of the valuables in the area.
The rival company overcomes the challenges of the area, but
2-4 a company member dies. Reduce their challenge level by the
renown of that company member. They take 25% of the
valuables in that area.

If a rival company’s challenge level is reduced to 0, they flee. A rival

company can withdraw from the adventure area at any time before that.

Downtime Turns

While the event die creates threats and events in the world, these are
of a fairly random and temporary nature. scourges simulate an active
long-term danger to a region. This could be the presence of a bandit
lord, a dragon, a lich, or even the spread of an evil cult or devastating

A newly active scourge begins with peril 1. Each downtime turn,

when you roll the event die, interpret it as normal, but in addition, if
the roll is equal to or lower than the peril of an active scourge in that
region, roll on that scourge’s malice table. If multiple scourges are
active, roll on the malice table of each scourge that was triggered by
the event die.

The malice table is a d6 table; each should be tailored to each scourge,

but in general, a result of 1-5 indicates that the scourge does some-
thing to affect the region negatively, such as conducting a raid, eating
the livestock, or raising those interred at the local cemetery as undead
servants. A roll of 6 indicates that the scourge’s peril increases by 1.

For each peril a scourge has above 1, place a corresponding locus in the
region that represents the power and influence of the scourge spread-
ing. This could be a bandit's camp, a clutch of dragon eggs, or a phylac-
tery. If that locus is dealt with, reduce the peril of that scourge by 1.

If the source of a scourge is dealt while it has active loci, roll a d4 and
remove that many loci; this cannot reduce the number of loci below
one. Then, the scourge re-emerges at one of the remaining loci; a
newcomer takes up the mantle of the bandit lord, an egg hatches and
reaches maturity, and the lich reincarnates.

If a scourge ever reaches peril 7, it ceases to be a scourge and

becomes a calamity, something that has totally altered the nature of the
game world. That scourge is no longer active and triggered by the
event die, as the calamity is now the new status quo.

Downtime Turns

Example Scourge - The Creeping Rot

An ancient fungal god. Its spores spread and blanket the land. Myce-
lium branches through the ground. Colonies expand endlessly. Nothing
escapes them.

d6 Malice
The ground loathes interlopers. Any fungi encountered in this
1 area has a 75% chance of being poisonous, in addition to its other

2 Putrefaction spreads in the air. Each night in the area, d4 rations

spoil and become unusable.

3 Crops wither and die. Choose a local settlement and increase

its inflation by one level.
Malevolent fungal creatures roam. Each encounter rolled in this
area has a 50% chance of including additional fungoid enemies.
Parasitic spores waft through the air. Choose a local
settlement; d10% of its population becomes infected with
parasitic mind-controlling spores, and leaves to tend and protect
nearby groves of The Creeping Rot.
Increase The Creeping Rot’s peril by 1. Add a new locus in the
6 area: a grove of mushrooms tended to by brainwashed creatures
and sentient fungus.

Downtime Turns

Downtime Complications
Roll 2d6.

2. Natural disaster (e.g. a fire, a tornado, a meteor).

3. Ongoing disaster (e.g. a famine, a plague, a drought).
4. Major figure assassinated.
5. Series of murders begins.
6. A scourge arises in the region.
7. An errant’s estate, institution, infrastructure project,
domain, or other goal suffers a setback.
8. Legal claims are brought against the company or they are
publicly slandered.
9. An ally of the company loses trust in or cuts ties with them.
10. An insurrection or a siege occurs. If not dealt with in d4
downtime turns it will be successful.
11. Two or more factions begin to oppose each other or actively
go to war.
12. An ally of the company dies.

Downtime Trends
Roll 2d4.

2. Two or more factions announce an alliance.

3. A religious event occurs (e.g. an omen or apparition).
4. A scandal is revealed.
5. New npc arrives in the area.
6. A rival company arrives in the area
7. A discovery is made (e.g. new technology, new lands).
8. A new faction emerges.

Downtime Turns

Downtime Turn Procedure

1 The guide declares the start of a
downtime turn; the timekeeper notes down
which number downtime turn this is.

2 company members restore hp and

archetype resources, and any charges of
true strikes and deflects. Remove any
remaining supply from inventory.

3 The timekeeper rolls the event die.

ъъ If there are any active scourges, the
guide checks if any of them have been
triggered by the event die.
ъъ If any setbacks are rolled, the company
decides if they wish to postpone taking a
downtime turn to resolve that setback.

4 The result of the event die is resolved.

5 company debt doubles.

6 The company hears a rumour.

7 Free actions, such as shopping, socialising,

hiring retainers, and funerals are resolved.

8 Each errant declares what they are doing

with their action this downtime turn, and
their actions are resolved.

9 Each errant declares if they are engaging

in conspicuous consumption, and of what
sort, which is then resolved.

10 guide resolves any faction turn actions.

11 guide advances the in-game calendar by one

month (or appropriate amount).

12 Repeat steps 1-11 until the company no

longer wishes to take downtime turns.

13 Lifestyle expenses are paid.

Table of Contents

Glossary & Index

alchemy (p. 192) – The creation of items such as potions, pills, and
powders during downtime turns (p. 176). alchemical components
(p. 143) harvested and stored in an alchemist’s kit can be turned into
alchemical items with a successful alchemy check.
alignment [al] (p. 198) – A value which describes whether a character
is aligned with the metaphysical forces of Law, Chaos, or whether
they have taken the position of Neutrality; for errants this is given
as a value of L or C 1-3 for either Law or Chaos, or simply as N for
Neutrality. For npcs, this is listed as al.
ancestry (p. 54) – What type of creature an errant is. Broken down
into four templates, each of which provide a minor ability: tough,
arcane, cunning, and adaptable.
archetype (p. 55) – What category of adventurer an errant is:
The Violent, who excels in combat; The Deviant , who is skilled in a
variety of disciplines; The Occult, who casts arcane magic; and The
Zealot, who performs magic based in faith.
attack roll/att (p. 149) – When a creature attacks another creature,
they roll their specified amount of damage dice and deal that much
damage (p. 152) to their target. An attack roll may be enhanced
(p. 150), increasing the size of the dice used as part of that
attack roll in favourable situations, or impaired, decreasing them
in unfavourable situations. Characters can attempt gambits, reducing
the amount of damage dealt on an attack roll to force their target
to make a saving throw (p. 6) to avoid a negative effect. The
Deviant (p. 68) is capable of performing sneak attacks against
unsuspecting foes, allowing them to roll an additional damage die as
part of their attack roll.
attribute (p. 6) – Values which represent an errant’s capabilities;
their physique, skill, mind, and presence.
block (p. 29) – A value attached to pieces of armour. When an
errant is the target of an attack roll (p. 149) or is otherwise
subject to a negative effect, they may use up any number of blocks
from an armour piece to impair (p. 150) the attack roll by 1 step
per block or obviate the negative effect.
breakage (p. 33) – A value between 1 and 6 assigned to non-weapon
& armour items which measures their chance to break when

Table of Contents

burn (p. 28) – A special type of depletion (p. 27) used to measure
the remaining duration, as well illumination level, of light sources.
Each point of burn represents enough illumination for one creature.
If the total amount of burn is equal to or greater than the number
of company members, the company is considered to be in bright
light (p. 138); if it is less than half the number of company members,
or if discreet light sources are being used, it is considered dim light.
chase (p. 162) – A variant of the initiative turn (p. 146) procedure
used to adjudicate long pursuits or those that take place in abstract
locations. Each initiative turn, the character on each side with
the lowest spd (p. 148) or mv (p. 165) make a movement roll to
determine whether they escape or catch their quarry; a character may
choose to sprint, rolling double their normal amount of movement
dice, but must make a phys check (p. 6) to do so successfully. At
the end of the initiative turn, the side that rolled the lowest result
on their movement roll rolls for a chase development (p. 163), which
affects them.
check (p. 6) – The core resolution mechanic of the game, which
involves rolling a d20 above a given value (dv, p. 7) and equal to
or below a second value (attribute, p. 6). When two characters
are competing at the same task, they make an opposed check. A
frequently made check is a navigation check (p. 121), which is
generally a skill check, made during travel turns (p. 120).
company – The collective of errants, as well as their retainers (p.
50), animals, and other animals who adventure with them. Also
used to describe analogous collectives of npcs who are rivals (p.
220) to the errants; rival companies have a challenge level used in a
procedure to model their adventures.
conspicuous consumption (p. 183) - After an errant has taken
their action for a downtime turn (p. 176), they may choose
to engage in conspicuous consumption in order to waste
money for the purposes of gaining xp (p. 63). The four types of
conspicuous consumption are carousing, frippery, obscurantism, and
covenant (p. 108) – The religion, order, or ideology The Zealot (p.
74) has pledged themselves to. Each covenant has three or four
eminences, subjects or concepts with which they are associated. The
Zealot may perform miracles that are associated with the eminences
of their covenant. Their covenant also grants them blessings,
abilities that they may always use. These blessings and eminences, as
well as the rules for casting miracles, are presented in a testament of
the covenant that is given to The Zealot.

Table of Contents

d(x) – refers to a die of a given shape, e.g. d6 is a six-sided die. If a

number precedes the “d” it refers to the number of such dice that
should be rolled, e.g. 4d4 is four four-sided dice.
deflects (p. 31) - A value of magical armour pieces that have a plus
value (e.g. +1). Each point represents a charge that can be expended
to negate anything that would incur hp (p. 152) loss or other
harmful effect.
depletion (p. 27) – A value that measures the remaining quantity or
duration of an item, sorcery (p. 72), or miracle (p. 108).
die of fate (p. 10) – A d6 that is rolled when the guide is uncertain
of some aspect of the game world, unrelated to an errant’s
capabilities; higher rolls denote better outcomes.
domain (p. 215) – Kingdoms and polities which are ruled by errants.
Based on their tier, they have a chance to provide the errant with
mundane items & services as well as deploy an army (p. 216).
downtime turn (p. 11) - One of the four types of tracked time,
used during periods in between adventures. By default, assumed
to take about a month. Actions are taken as individuals. Several
activities that occur during downtime turns utilise a tracker (p.
176), which records the number of successful downtime turn
actions that must be taken for the activity to be completed. If the
event die (p. 13) rolls a setback (p. 178), the company may
choose to suspend taking their downtime turn to deal with it;
if a setback affects an errant’s estate (p. 214), institution (p.
210), infrastructure (p. 208) project, or domain (p. 215) they
gain xp (p. 63). During a downtime turn, errants may hold
funerals (p. 182) for deceased errants, allowing surviving company
members to purchase their fallen comrade’s xp. When the company
chooses to stop taking downtime turns, they pay lifestyle (p. 186)
dv (p. 7) – Difficulty value. This is the value that must be rolled above
on a d20 during a check (p. 6); for any given check, the dv is
determined by the guide.
encumbrance (p. 27) – A value that increases the more item slots
(p. 25) an errant has filled. For every 25% of their available
item slots that are filled, their encumbrance value increases by
1, until all slots are filled. Any additional filled slots thereafter
increases encumbrance by 1.
errant – The characters of the players who explore the game space.
A player may make a secondary errant, known as an adjutant (p.
64), at renown 2 (p. 63).

Table of Contents

estate (p. 214) – The domiciles and demesnes of errants.

event die (p. 13) – A die that is rolled every travel (p. 120),
exploration (p. 135), and downtime turn (p. 176) which
determines what events or complications occur during that turn;
results during travel and exploration turns are encounter, rest,
deplete/burn, local effect, and free. During a downtime turn, and
the results are encounter, complication, expiration, trend, intimation, and
free. Certain conditions may result in multiple event dice, either
positive or negative, to be rolled.
exhaustion (p. 26) – A negative condition incurred when a character
undergoes experiences which strain them physically. A point of
exhaustion fills an item slot (p. 25).
expedition (p. 206) – Sorties conducted by hired mercenaries (p. 52)
to secure an area for the purposes of occupation or extraction during
downtime turns (p. 176). Once an area has been secured, a base
camp can be established, allowing for the area to be surveyed and
other efforts, such as construction of an estate (p. 214) to begin.
exploration turn (p. 11) - One of the four types of tracked time,
used when exploring dungeons or other sites of adventure. By
default, assumed to take about ten minutes. Actions are taken as
a company. The company decides on a marching order (p. 137),
deciding who are in the van, main, and rear positions and if a scout is
faction (p. 219) – Organizations and groups that are able to leverage
power to influence the campaign world. During downtime turns
(p. 176), factions can utilize their assets to advance their agendas
as well as stymie or aid the agendas of other factions. An errant’s
relationship with a faction is measured by their reputation (p. 204)
favour (p. 74) – A resource used by The Zealot to increase the result
of their miracle (p. 108) rolls, or to utilise their relics.
feat (p. 66) – Abilities usable in combat by The Violent, which are
activated by using a resource known as combat dice. The Violent begins
play knowing the smite, grit, and dash feats and when they increase
their renown (p. 63) may choose to learn additional feats among
the options of avenge, cleave, command, exert, goad, intimidate, protect,
resist, strategise, and surge.
grimoire (p. 76) – Arcane objects which contain sorceries (p. 72).
The nature of the sorcery is shaped by the grimoire it resides in;
the essence of a grimoire determines the function of a sorcery,
while the sphere determines its subjects. Finally, the themes of the
grimoire influence the specific nature of the sorcery.

Table of Contents

guide – The player who adjudicates the game.

hp (p. 152) – The measure of how much damage an errant or npc can
take. When an errant receives damage while they are at 0 hp, they
receive a wound (p. 153) and must make a phys saving throw (p.
6) to avoid going out of action. Some wounds cause an errant to
be on death’s door, which means they will soon perish if not treated;
more grievous wounds will cause them to become consigned to the
reaper, meaning their demise is imminent and unavoidable.
impact (p. 8) - Describes the outcome of succeeding on a check
(p. 6). The default impact is fair; strong describes a situation
where the outcome of success is more beneficial, while weak is less so.
initiative turn (p. 11) - One of the four types of tracked time,
used during moments of intense action. By default, assumed to take
about 10 seconds. Actions are taken as individuals. If one group
is surprised (p. 146), they are unable to take actions for the first
initiative turn. During initiative turns, characters may either
act quickly, taking one action, or act slowly, taking two actions, which,
along with a dice roll to see which side acts first, will determine their
place in the initiative turn order. Duels (p. 158) and mass combat
(p. 160) are variations of the normal initiative turn procedure
used for one-on-one and large-scale combats, respectively.
institution (p. 210) – Organizations and businesses which an errant
owns or is invested in; categorized into seven tiers: inconsequential,
petty, middling, notable, influential, (in)famous, and iconic (p. 211).
institutions provide different benefits to errants at each tier.
investigation (p. 200) – Knowledge gathering performed during
downtime turns (p. 176). Conducting an investigation requires
a trove of information, to which a query can be posed.
item slot (p. 25) – An abstract representation of an errant’s ability
to carry items, with one significant item taking up one item slot
(roughly either five pounds and/or the size of a human head). An
errant has item slots equal to their phys (p. 6). Three types of
item slots are distinguished from the rest; those that represent items
a character has in their hand, items they have handy, and items that
are worn.
jettons (p. 70) – A resource available to The Deviant (p. 68). which
they can spend to reduce the dv (p. 7) of checks (p. 6)
relating to one of their proficiencies (p. 68). jettons can also
be spent to make wagers, narrative claims that are related to their
proficiencies; when a wager is made, The Deviant may opt to make
a devil’s bargain, allowing the guide to also secretly roll a die for the
wager, which the player may opt to choose instead of their own.

Table of Contents

lockpicking (p. 140) – The specific procedure used to open a lock

with burglar’s tools. Each lock requires three actions to be selected
in the correct order; these are twist, tap, and turn. Selecting the
wrong action will cause the lock to become stiff; once a lock has
become stiff, any further incorrect action will make the lock become
jammed, rendering it unable to be unlocked.
miracle (p. 108) – Magic performed by The Zealot (p. 74) powered
by their faith. Based on the strength of the miracle to be
performed, it will be categorized into one of five doctrines, which
determines the amount required to be rolled in order for the
miracle to be successful. The possible results for a miracle roll are
boon, pact, woe, and apotheosis (p. 112). A special type of miracle roll,
called a beneficence, can be used to restore hp (p. 152) and wounds (p.
153); the possible results for a beneficence are boon, mark (p. 114),
woe, and apotheosis.
morale [ml] roll (p. 164) – A value between 1 and 12 that measures an
npc’s willingness to fight or remain in dangerous situations.
negotiation (p. 20) - A procedure used to adjudicate high stakes
social encounters. The company is allowed a number of exchanges
based on the npc’s disposition; the five types of exchanges are banal,
giving, taking (p. 22), convincing, and bribe (p. 23).
npc – All the characters who are not errants, e.g. the characters of the
guide. An errant’s relationship with an npc is measured by their
bond (p. 202) score.
pace (p. 136) – The rate of movement of the company during travel
and exploration turns (p. 135), expressed as a fraction; the
numerator indicates how many significant areas are traversed, while
the denominator indicates how many turns it takes to do so.
player role (p. 19) – Duties that the players of the game who are not
the guide assume to facilitate the game running smoothly. These are
the caller, mapper, note taker, quartermaster, and timekeeper.
position (p. 8) – Describes the outcome of failing a check (p. 6).
The default position is risky; shaky describes a position where
the outcome of failure is less severe than default, while dire is more
proclamations (p. 201) – Dispensation and dissemination of
information performed during downtime turns (p. 176).
Conducting a proclamation requires a proposition which specifies
the message being spread, as well as its intended audience.

Table of Contents

proficiency (p. 68) – Domains of aptitudes for The Deviant. They

may spend proficiency points to gain expertise in a proficiency
(Anatomy, Awareness, Engineering, Fitness, Lore, Sleight-of-hand,
Speechcraft, Stealth, Survival), reducing the dv (p. 7) of all checks
(p. 6) related to that proficiency by 2. Spending a proficiency
point on a proficiency they already have expertise in grants them the
associated mastery (Chemist, Alert, Locksmith, Fleet-footed, Arcanist,
Pack Rat, Socialite, Assassin, Beast Master) and its unique ability.
quality (p. 33) – A value that measures a weapon or armour piece’s
rarity (p. 32) – A value between 1 and 5 which indexes the availability
of an item to settlement type.
reaction roll (p. 20) - A roll that is made when the company
encounters an npc that determines their disposition.
relic (p. 74) – Sacred objects The Zealot may attune to, which
determines how many dice they roll when they attempt to perform
a miracle. relics are classed as being a blade, chalice, talisman, or
wand, each type of which has an additional special ability that can be
utilized by spending favour.
renown (p. 63) – An errant’s fame, notoriety, and power.
rest (p. 124) – Any travel or exploration turn (p. 138) where the
company chooses to forgo their action. During a rest, an errant
may use an armour repair kit to restore all their blocks (p. 29). If
an errant spends two travel turns sleeping (p. 120) at a suitable
campsite (p. 120), they gain the benefit of a night’s rest, during
which they remove a point of exhaustion (p. 26) and may use a
healer’s kit to restore hp (p. 152) equal to a roll of their damage die
(p. 149). If no suitable campsite is found, the guide may offer the
choice of a few unsuitable campsites, such as one that is uncomfortable or
open (p. 125).
retainer (p. 50) – npcs hired by errants. These are broken down
into four categories: hirelings (such as explorers, porters, and teamsters),
who will adventure but not engage in combat; specialists (such as
accountants, animal handlers, architects, armourers, bards, craftsmen,
factors, jurists, labourers, philosopher, physicians, and sailors), who do not
go on adventures but provide assistance in other ways; mercenaries (p.
52) who will go on expeditions (p. 206) or form warbands (p.
156); and henchmen (p. 53) (warriors, professionals, and magic users),
who are adventurers that receive a share of treasure and xp (p. 63).
ritual (p. 197) – Long term magic performed during
downtime turns (p. 176). Requires the permanent sacrifice of
grimoires (p. 76) or favour (p. 74)

Table of Contents

saving throw (p. 6) – A check that is made reactively to avoid a

negative effect.
scourge (p. 222) – Active threats and dangers which grow in power
long-term. scourges have a peril rating; if the result of the
event die (p. 13) for a downtime turn (p. 176) is less than
that of a scourge’s peril, then a roll is triggered on that scourge’s
malice table. For each peril a scourge has above 1, a corresponding
locus is placed on the map; neutralizing a locus reduces the peril of
a scourge by 1. If a scourge ever reaches peril 7, it becomes a
settlement type (p. 32) – The measure of the size of a settlement,
broken down into five tiers: hamlet, village, town, city, and metropolis.
The settlement type determines how much supply (p. 29)
is available for purchase each downtime turn (p. 176), and
the thresholds for how much supply can be purchased before
triggering inflation (p. 35). settlements can have their tier
increased by investing in infrastructure (p. 208) projects during
downtime turns.
sorcery (p. 72) - Magic performed by The Occult learned from
grimoires (p. 76). sorceries can be prepared after a night’s rest
(p. 120); when a prepared sorcery is cast, a mind check (p. 6) is
made with a dv (p. 7) equal to the sum of the errant’s stabilise
and encumbrance (p. 27) values. If this check is failed, that
prepared sorcery is now unstable, and casting it again risks miscasting.
Prepared sorceries can deliberately be made unstable in order to
perform maleficence or retorts (p. 73).
spd [mv] (p. 148, p. 165) – The measure of how fast an errant can
move in initiative turns (p. 146). This value defines how many
movement dice an errant rolls when making a movement roll or
shifting; difficult terrain reduces the distance moved when making a
movement roll or shifting. For npcs, this value is given as mv, which
indicates their amount of movement dice directly.
status (p. 151) – Any condition afflicted on an a character, such as
being poisoned, blinded, or frightened.
supply (p. 29) – An abstract resource that is used to replenish an
item’s depletion (p. 27) value to its maximum after it has reached
0. For the purposes of voyages (p. 131) and expeditions (p. 206), a
special type of supply called provisions are used.
talent (p. 188) – A unique ability an errant may learn from a trainer
during a downtime turn (p. 176).
threat (p. 165) – The measure of an npc’s power.

Table of Contents

tinkering (p. 191) – The process of customizing items during

downtime turns (p. 176). An item may be modified to be more
durable, sophisticated, efficient, or potent but will also receive an
attendant drawback in the process, such as becoming frail, crude,
unwieldy, or ineffective.
trade (p. 186) – A vocation or profession an errant can learn,
allowing them to craft items related to it. There are five stages of
knowledge in a trade, which can be progressed through during
downtime turns (p. 176): layman, apprentice, journeyman, master,
and legendary artisan.
travel turn (p. 11) – One of the four types of tracked time, used
when exploring wilderness or other large distances. By default,
assumed to take about four hours. Actions are taken as a company;
actions include peregrinate, explore, orient, forage, make camp, take
watch, and sleep (p. 120). The company decides on a marching order
(p. 124), posting a pathfinder and perhaps a scout. Travel is impeded
by inclement and severe weather (p. 128). Such weather when travelling
on water vessels risks such vessels becoming water damaged, sinking,
or shipwrecked (p. 133).
true strikes (p. 31) – A value of magical weapons that have a plus
value (e.g. +1). Each point represents a charge that can be expended
to maximize the results of an attack roll (p. 149).
warband (p. 156) – A group of mercenaries (p. 52) led by an errant,
who enhance their leader’s combat effectiveness; classified as either
small, medium, or large based on the number of combatants
(excluding the leader).
wondrous item (p. 194) – A bespoke artefact wrought by the hand of
a legendary artisan (p. 187) and fashioned from remarkable materials
(p. 194). Contains the seed of magic within, allowing it to become a
grimoire (p. 76) or a magic item when awakened by a remarkable
xp (p. 63) – Experience points. 1 xp is gained for each penny
wasted by an errant, or for when an item or investment becomes
unintentionally destroyed or unusable. At given thresholds of xp, an
errant increases their renown (p. 63).

Table of Contents

This game would not exist today were it not for the multitudes of
people who have been gracious enough to play it with me over the last
seven years. These folks are too numerous to list, but I’d like to thank
Jon, Luna, Markant, and Steve for providing some of the most fun and
memorable gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

Also invaluable in the creation of this game are the MAMR crew.
Without their friendship and support, Errant would not have seen the
light of day, and I would be a much lesser person in toto.

Errant is unashamedly a pastiche and bricolage of various ideas,

mechanics, and philosophies liberally borrowed (or, uncharitably,
stolen) and adapted from members of the online old-school RPG com-
munity (or adjacent thereof ). A ludography of those influences follows,
but it is by nature incomplete; there have been so many blogs, adven-
tures, and systems I have read over the years that have doubtless soaked
into my brain, while any attributionary information has oozed out as
if trepanned. I have also limited the list to works which had a direct
influence in shaping the mechanics of Errant, which discounts the much
greater body of work that served to shape the ethos and philosophy of
the game, in the interest of brevity. Any absences in the following list
are due to ignorance, not malice.

Allen, Emmy. “Duels in OSR”, “Horrible Wounds in OSR games”, and “One roll
fights”, Cavegirl’s Game Stuff.
Bacon, Michael. Village Folk.
Bell, John. “An Updated Version of My Chase Rules” and “Roles and Tasks for PC
Groups”, The Retired Adventurer.
Black, David. The Black Hack, 1st Edition.
Chin, Kazumi. Rogue 2e.
Cocking, John and Peter S. Williams. Beyond The Wall and Other Adventures: Further Afield.
Crawford, Kevin. An Echo Resounding and Stars Without Number.
Dean, Daniel. 666th Edition.
Doebler, Sam. “Advantage and Impact”, Dreaming Dragonslayer.
Dutter, Ben and Jessica. Five Torches Deep.
Goodman, Joseph. Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Greco, Paolo. Mageblade! Zero.
Gundobad. The “Simpler Domains & Warbands” series, Gundobad Games.
Harper, John. Blades in the Dark.
Infante-Levy, Aaron. “Making Chase Rules… that actually do what they’re supposed
to!”, EN World.

Table of Contents
Jacinto. “playing cute”, Hex Culture.
John. “Five Torches Deep Review, Part 3: Supply and Equipment”, The Wandering
Kemp, Arnold. “Bardic Services”, Goblin Punch and The GLOG, Version -1.0.
Knight, Logan. “Religion Is A Nest Of Serpents”, Last Gasp Grimoire.
Kowolski, Zzarchov. Neoclassical Geek Revival.
Kutalik, Chris. “Adding Pendragon Epic-Time to D&D”, The Hill Cantons.
Laurence, Ben. The “Downtime Activities” series and “Using Landmarks in Wilderness
Travel”, Mazirian’s Garden.
Leback, Todd. Into the Wild.
Manola, Joseph. “When all you have is a hammer: item-based problem-solving in OSR
D&D”, Against The Wicked City.
McDowall, Chris. Into the Odd.
McNamee, Jack. “Matt Rundle’s Anti-Hammerspace Item Tracker”, Rotten Pulp.
Mehrstam, Christian. Whitehack Second Edition.
Metzger, Johnstone. The Nightmares Underneath.
Milton, Ben. Knave.
Nieudan, Eric. Macchiato Monsters.
Nogueira, Diogo. Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells.
Riverhouse Games. The Treasure At The End Of This Dungeon Is An Escape From This
Dungeon And We Will Never Escape From This Dungeon.
Roverato, Giuliano. Shortsword.
S., Brendan. “Hazard System v0.3”, Necropraxis and Wonder & Wickedness.
Schroeder, Alex. Swiss Referee Style Manual.
Stuart, Patrick and Scrap Princess. Veins of the Earth.
Stump, Rick. “If Your Torches Burn for only One Hour your NPCs will be More
Important,” Don’t Split the Party.
Telecanter. “Choose-Your-Own-Rogue” and “Procedural Lockpicking Revisited”,
Telecanter’s Receding Rules.
Whelan, Nick LS. “A Second Look at Hacking, Clerics, & Socializing” and
“Investments, Citadels, and Domains”, Papers and Pencils.
Williams, Isaac. Mausritter.
Young, James. Ten Foot Polemic Unified House Rule Document.
The various editions of the original fantasy role playing game, particularly those
co-authored by Mssrs. Arneson and Gygax in 1974 and Mssrs. Moldvay, Cook &
Marsh in 1981.

Rules Quick Reference

Downtime Turn Quick Reference Conspicuous Consumption

Carousing (phys)
1. Encounter ᗏᗏ Frippery (skill)
2. Complication ᗏᗏ Obscurantism (mind)
3. Expiration ᗏᗏ Do-goodery (pres)
4. Trend ᗏᗏ
5. Intimation Amount wasted by settlement type.
6. Free – d4 × 200
ᗏᗏ Hamlet
Village – d6 × 400
Downtime Complications ᗏᗏ Town – d8 × 600
2. Natural disaster (e.g. a fire, a tornado, a ᗏᗏ Cities – d10 × 800
meteor). ᗏᗏ Metropolis – d12 × 1000
3. Ongoing disaster (e.g. a famine, a plague, ᗏᗏ
a drought). Invoke institution for + to roll = institu-
4. Major figure assassinated. tion tier.
5. Series of murders begins. If an errant would waste more money than
6. A scourge arises in the region. they have, they are in debt for the remainder &
7. An errant’s estate, institution, make a saving throw with dv = roll result. If
infrastructure project, domain, or other they fail, roll on the table at p. 184.
goal suffers a setback.
8. Legal claims are brought against the
Downtime Turn Procedure
company or they are publicly slandered. 1. guide declares start of downtime turn;
9. An ally of the company loses trust in or timekeeper notes which # downtime turn.
cuts ties with them. 2. company members restore hp, archetype
10. An insurrection or a siege occurs. If not resources, true strikes & deflects.
dealt with in d4 downtime turns it will be Remove any remaining supply from
successful. inventory.
11. Two or more factions begin to oppose 3. Timekeeper rolls event die.
each other or actively go to war. ъъguide checks if any scourges triggered.
12. An ally of the company dies. ъъIf setbacks rolled, company decides if they
wish to postpone downtime turn to
Downtime Trends resolve setback.
2. Two or more factions announce an 4. event die resolved.
alliance. 5. company debt doubles.
3. A religious event occurs (e.g. an omen or 6. The company hears a rumour.
apparition). 7. Free actions resolved.
4. A scandal is revealed. 8. Each errant declares their action this
5. New npc arrives in the area. downtime turn; actions resolved.
6. A rival company arrives in the area 9. conspicuous consumption occurs.
7. A discovery is made (e.g. new technology, 10. guide resolves faction turn actions.
new lands). 11. guide advances in-game calendar.
8. A new faction emerges. 12. Repeat steps 1-11 until company ends
downtime turns.
Downtime Turn Actions 13. Lifestyle expenses are paid.
2d6 + modifiers (not exceeding +/- 3).
10+ = success, mark progress on tracker.
7-9 = setback, partial success, or progress.
6 or lower = failure.
Setting trackers for activities
1 – Minor Advantage
3 – Significant Advantage
5 – Campaign Defining Goal
7 – Major Campaign Defining Goal
Rules Quick Reference

Initiative Turn Quick Reference Dmg Physical Shocking

Slow internal
Combat Distance & Surprise bleeding. On Zapped.
Combat distance = d6 × 10 feet/yards 1 death’s door, but Stunned for an
in exploration initiative turn.
Surprise = 1,2 npcs; 5,6 company. turns.
Leg mangled.
errant calls odds or even. Both errant and Knocked out.
Can’t run. If
guide roll d6 and sum. If errant called cor- 2 Unconscious
both legs go,
rectly, company acts first. (depletion 1).
you can’t walk.
1. Winning side acts quickly.
2. Losing side acts quickly.
Arm wrecked. Knocked out for
3. Winning side acts slowly. If both arms go, d12 initiative
4. Losing side acts slowly. 3
you can’t hold turns and
Act quickly = 1 action; act slowly = 2 actions. anything. 1 point of
1 per initiative turn: attack roll, sorcery,
miracle. Cardiac arrest.
On death’s door
4 On death’s door.
Movement and 1 point of
ᗏᗏ spd = skill-encumbrance.
Movement roll: roll movement dice (d4s) & Leg destroyed.
ᗏᗏ move result × 10 feet/yards. Can’t run. If Scrambled.
both legs go, Major brain
ᗏᗏ Shift: free action; move # of movement dice ×
10 feet/yards.
you can’t walk. trauma and on
Also on death’s death’s door.
ᗏᗏ Can’t shift if you make a movement roll &
vice versa.
Deep fried.
Arm destroyed.
SPD Movement dice Unconscious
If both arms go,
(depletion 1),
0-3 0 6 you can’t hold
major brain
anything. Also on
4-7 1 trauma, and on
death’s door.
death’s door.
8-11 2
Internal damage.
12-15 3 Coughing
Head shot. On
16-19 4 up blood or
death’s door and
7 bleeding from
20 5 major brain
eyes and mouth.
Consigned to the
Attacking reaper.
attack roll damage die vs target.
ᗏᗏ ъъGambit: reduce damage from attack roll,
Throat or lung
torn open.
system failure.
target makes saving throw vs effect. 8
Consigned to the Consigned to the
Rolling 1 on damage die = target makes
ᗏᗏ action and weapon quality -1.
reaper. reaper.
Guts hanging Brain dead.
Missile weapon rolls max damage = deplete
ᗏᗏ ammunition. 9
out. Consigned to Consigned to the
the reaper and out reaper and out of
Enhance & Impair of action. action.
1 - d4 - d6 - d8 - d10 - d12 - d20
10-15 Dead. Dead.
1 block = impair 1 step.
ᗏᗏ Taking max damage on a block = armour 15+
Deader than Deader than
ᗏᗏ quality -1.
Dead. Dead.
Damage dice impaired down to 1 = rolling max
ᗏᗏ damage & rolling 1.
Rules Quick Reference

Burning Toxic Death & Dying

At 0 hp, phys saving throw with dv =
Eye destroyed. If ᗏᗏ damage taken to avoid going out of action.
Nauseous. 1 point of
both eyes go, you’re Damage past 0 causes wounds.
exhaustion. ᗏᗏ On death’s door = dead in renown # of
ᗏᗏ initiative turns unless stabilised with
Mouth melted. Can’t healer’s kit or hp brought above 0.
Consigned to the reaper = dead in renown #
speak, only grunt
and moan (unable to
Immune system
compromised. hp
ᗏᗏ of initiative turns.
cast sorceries or halved.
miracles.) Chases
with lowest spd/mv on each side
ᗏᗏ Character
makes movement roll.

Face melted.
Blood tainted. Can’t
recover hp.
ᗏᗏ Ifcatches
two 4’s are rolled, that side escapes/
If character rolls doubles, that side makes
ᗏᗏ attack rolls or other actions.
Bleeding from
nose and eyes. On
ᗏᗏ Ifmake
any dice across sides match, characters
ranged attack rolls.
Fingers burnt off. Sprint = double # movement dice with
death’s door, but in
exploration turns.
ᗏᗏ successful phys check (dv = encumbrance).
If fail, no movement roll.
Excreting blood Side that rolled lowest each turn rolls for a
Suffocating. from pores. On ᗏᗏ chase development, p. 163.
On death’s door death’s door, but in
and 1 point of exploration turns, Fall Damage
exhaustion. and 1 point of
exhaustion. Distance Damage

Nose is burnt off, 10’ 1d6

Rupture. You’re
inner ears ruined.
throwing up black 20’ 1d6 × 1d4
Deaf and can no
acrid blood. On
longer smell or taste. 30’
death’s door. 1d6 × 1d6
Also on death’s door.
40’ 1d6 × 1d8
Your lungs and 50’ 1d6 × 1d10
Nervous system
face are burnt
shutdown. Can’t 60’ 1d6 × 1d12
off. Also on death’s
move and on death’s
door and 1 point of
door. 70’+ 1d6 × 1d20
Burning = 1d6 damage / initiative turn on fire.
Immune system Hold breath # initiative turns = phys - 10.
Skin burned off.
shutdown. Consigned After, 1d6 damage per initiative turn.
Consigned to the reaper.
to the reaper.
Initiative Turn Procedure
Burnt to a crisp. Total organ failure. 1. Determine combat distance.
Consigned to the reaper consigned to the reaper 2. Determine surprise.
and out of action. and out of action. 3. Determine initiative turn order.
4. Winning side acts quickly.
Dead. Dead.
5. Losing side acts quickly.
Deader than Dead. Deader than Dead. 6. Winning side acts slowly.
7. Losing side acts slowly.
8. Effects or conditions expire.
9. Repeat steps 3-8 until combat is resolved.
Table of Contents

ISBN 9781778187902

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