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WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 1



Development Team
Writer: Jesamin A. Bartolome Klien Zyrus P. de Jesus
Avelene S. De la Cruz
Editor: Cindy A. Lucagan Angela A. Garganta
Reviewer: Adelyn C. Domingo
Illustrator: Janet C. Rivera
Lay-out Artist: Roger C. Vea
Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Joye D. Madalipay
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Regina Genelin C. Nagtalon Adelyn C. Domingo

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 2

What I Need to Know

Your Journey
You have just gone this far in your learning journey. And now, you continually equip
yourself with the knowledge, values, and skills in your English class. In the previous lessons,
you were reminded of the rich culture of the past by reading folk literary pieces, specifically
our local proverbs. Also, you were exposed to the different genres of viewing which help you
classify and enjoy more the various literary pieces you have grown fond of not only reading
but also watching.
This lesson prepares you to internalize and intensify the essence of speaking and
writing by using sentences in their active and passive voice. In this manner, you can better
express your ideas about the literary pieces you are reading or the materials you are viewing.


1. Use the passive and active voice meaningfully in varied contexts.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. differentiate the active and passive voice of the verb;
2. know the uses of the voice of verb;
3. transform sentences from active to passive; and
4. construct sentences using the correct voice of verb.

What I Know

Pre-test. Before exploring this material, answer the following items and see if you have
background knowledge about the topics we shall be discussing.

Directions: Read the sentences carefully and tell whether the sentence is in the active or
passive voice. Write A, if it is Active and P, if it is passive. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 3

1. She was praised for her outstanding performance.

2. They are eager to leave the hall.

3. I have been informed of the development of our project.

4. She managed a nice restaurant.

5. I am interested in this offer.

6. We are waiting for the bus.

7. The walls were being painted.

8. She has always wanted to become an actor.

9. We were shown some old portraits.

10. The hunter shot at the tiger.

Congratulations! You successfully gave the right answers to the pretest. If you want to
remember them, you may go back and read them over a few times. Now, you are ready to try
some activities to make this module work well for you.

Active and Passive Voice
What’s In

A lot has been happening around you. It pays to be aware of what is going on in our
surroundings. The sentences below talk about issues that our world is facing. Read them and
do the tasks you are asked to perform.

Activity 2. Directions: Read the following sentences carefully. Copy them on your paper, then,
underline once the subject and twice its verb.

1. Russia may produce the first batch of COVID-19 vaccine.

2. Two dead bodies were recovered from a burned house in Cagayan de Oro.

3. Transport leaders were asked to help enforce quarantine rules.

4. Medical waste piles up with the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

5. Solons discusses policy on maritime claims.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 4

You are doing great! Being able to identify the correct subject and verb of a sentence
is one skill that is important for you to develop to proceed in the next tasks.

What’s New

Activity 3. Directions: In this activity, you have to analyze first the structure of the sentences
in Activity 2. Then, answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which sentences have subjects performing the action expressed in the verb?

2. Which sentences have subjects performing as the receiver of the action expressed in
the verb?

3. How do the answers in number 1 differ from the answers in number 2? What do you
call these changes?

You did a good job! You were able to finish the given tasks. Today, you are going to
discover the voices of verbs. Read on and discover more!

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 5

What is It

Read the following important information about the voices of verb and the rules in
transforming sentences to be able to accomplish the tasks in this module.


Active Voice

When the subject does or “acts upon” the verb, the sentence is said to be in the active
voice. These examples show that the subject is doing the verb’s actions.

▪ The old father (subject) gives (verb) the money to the boy.
▪ Carlos Bulosan (subject) revealed (verb) the reality about social discrimination in the
▪ The rich man (subject) accused (verb) the poor family of stealing the spirit of his
family’s food.
▪ The judge (subject) pounded (verb) the gavel.
▪ My brothers (subject) threw (verb) a small change in a straw hat.

Passive Voice

When the subject receives the action of the verb, the sentence is said to be in the passive
voice. These examples show how the subject-verb relationship has changed.

▪ The money is given by the old father to the boy.

(active verb - gives; passive verb - is given)

▪ The reality about social discrimination was revealed by Carlos Bulosan in the text.
(active verb- revealed; passive verb- was reveraled)

▪ The poor family was accused by the rich man for stealing the spirit of his family’s
(active verb - revealed); (passive verb - was revealed)

▪ The gavel was pounded by the judge.

(active verb- pounded; passive verb – was pounded)

▪ A small change was thrown in a straw hat by my brothers.

(active verb- threw; passive verb- was thrown)

***Because the subject is being “acted upon” (or is passive), such sentences are said2017)
(Education to be
in the passive voice.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 6

Active or Passive?

Most of the sentences in English are active sentences because of the following

1.They tend to be much more simple than passive sentences.

Have a look at these sentence and see for yourself:

We ate lunch / The lunch was eaten.
I have written a book / A book was written.
They will buy a yacht / A yacht will be bought.

Which version is more simple and common?

2. They have energy and directness. Both of which will keep your reader turning the

However, in some cases, it can be useful to use the passive voice. You might use it
in the following cases:

1. When the actor is unknown, irrelevant or doesn’t need to be mentioned.

Joe broke the window.

(It is clear who did it.)

The window was broken.

(Here you only describe the action, without mentioning who actually did it.)

2. When the object needs to be emphasized, rather than the subject:

Charles sold the company.

(Here the emphasis is on Charles doing the action.)

The company was sold.

(Here the emphasis is on the fact that the company was sold.)

(Really-Learn-English 2010)
3. When talking about a general truth:

Rules are made to be broken. [By whomever, whenever.]

4. When one is writing in a scientific genre that traditionally relies on passive voice.
Passive voice is often preferred in lab reports and scientific research papers,
most notably in the Materials and Methods section.

The sodium hydroxide was dissolved in water. This solution was then titrated
with hydrochloric acid (Corson and Smollett n.d.).

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 7

You must have seen that the verb form changes when you switch from active to
passive voice. Now verbs used are of two kinds: the main and the auxiliary verbs. Usually,
an auxiliary verb is accompanied by the main verb. The auxiliary verb, like be, do or have,
shows the tense or mood of the verb.
For example, in the sentence:
“I have finished my swimming course at the stadium.”,
finished is the main verb and have is the auxiliary verb.
As a thumb rule, Passive voice sentences always take the past participle form of the verb
(example- eat, ate, eaten- eaten is the past participle form of a verb).
So the usage of the main verb is pretty simple to convert. It’s the auxiliary verb that we
need to understand further. Let’s get into it:
Rules for changing Active voice to Passive voice:
1. Simply exchange the places of the subject and the object. The subject should become
the object and vice-e-versa while changing a sentence from Active to Passive voice or
• Active voice: She bought a new car. (She is the subject and a new car is an
• Passive voice: A new car was bought by her. (A new car is a subject and her is
the object.)
2. Always blindly convert the main verb into its past participle while converting from active
to passive voice. To remind you what the third form of a verb looks like, let’s look at a few

First Form Second Form Third Form

buy bought bought

sing sang sung

grow grew grown

• Active voice: De Venecia wrote a book on violence against women.

• Passive voice: A book on violence against women was written by De Venecia.
3. Use the word “by” before the subject in the passive sentence. For example:
• Active voice: My brother sang a song.
• Passive voice: A song was sung by my brother.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 8

4. Change of tense of the auxiliary word: Now, when you change the verb form of the main
verb, the tense of the auxiliary also changes accordingly. Let’s see this with the help of a
few examples:
Present tense
• Active voice: I keep the butter in the fridge.
• Passive voice: The butter is kept in the fridge by me.

Past tense
• Active voice: She walked my dog home.
• Passive voice: My dog was walked home by her.

Future tense
• Active voice: Sheena will do the craft work.
• Passive voice: The craft work will be done by Sheena.

5. Sometimes you may completely omit the subject from the passive voice if the idea you
are trying to convey is clear. You just have to take a judgment call for that.
For example:
• Active voice: Distance is measured in kilometers.
• Passive voice: Kilometres is a measurement unit for distance.

6. Words like “with” or “to” are also used in passive voice. You may recall that we use “by”
quite frequently in an active voice to passive voice conversion.
• Active voice: Love fills my heart.
• Passive voice: My heart is filled with love.
(Transformation of Sentences, Active and Passive Voice n.d.)

Note: Not all sentences can be transformed into passive voice. There are sentences
which use verbs that do not require direct objects to complete their meaning, hence, they
cannot be transformed into passive voice.
For example:
She belongs to the Grade 7 class.
They are getting along well.

Source: (toppr n.d.)

I’m sure you got loads of information regarding the voice of verbs. If not, you can still
reread the notes to master them. Now, with this important information, you can ace the
succeeding tasks. Good luck!

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 9

What’s More

Activity 4. Directions: Look at the following pictures. Construct two sentences about each
picture. The first sentence should be in the active voice, while the second sentence should
be its passive voice transformation. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. Active: _______________________________
Passive: ______________________________

Source: (freepik 2010)

2. Active: _______________________________
Passive: ______________________________

Source: (freepik 2010)

3. Active: _______________________________
Passive: ______________________________

Source: (freepik 2010)

4. Active: _______________________________
Passive: ______________________________

Source: (freepik 2010)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 10

5. Active: _______________________________
Passive: ______________________________

Source: (freepik 2010)

What I Have Learned

Activity 5. Directions: Read the sentences below and classify them as to the voice of the verb
used. Copy the table below on a separate sheet of paper. Write your answers in the
appropriate column.

1. Sheila sings lovely songs.

2. Angelo and Rezile were given lots of toys.
3. The group of youngsters drew their names on the wall.
4. He wrote a beautiful poem for his mother.
5. The writers were given a two-day vacation by their manager.
6. The artist sketched a beautiful portrait of me.
7. His love is felt by everybody.
8. The principal is lauded by the parents for his meritorious performance.
9. Elizer rendered a beautiful song to the audience.
10. His great works are kept in the museum.

Statements in Active Voice Statements in Passive Voice

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 11

Activity 6. Directions: Transform the following sentences from active to passive. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1.The president visits the victims of the typhoon.


2.Volunteer students initiated a feeding program in remote public schools.


3.The department spearheaded the clean-up drive to fight against dengue.


4. The students receive the award in the poster making contest.


5. The scholars mentored some students in public schools.


6. The poor but deserving students request financial assistance from the foundation.


7. The teacher explained the steps in cross stitching.


8. Red Cross accepted some donations from the OFWs.


9. A group of parents donated books during the book campaign.


10. The leader reminded the group to stay calm.


Source: (Education 2017)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 12

What I Can Do

Activity 7. Directions: For your final task, look for a picture together with your family or with
your friend/s. Paste it on a sheet of paper, then, write five sentences below the picture as a
caption. You may share insights about them, or even talk about that memorable moment when
that picture with them was captured if you find that exciting to share. Remember to use
sentences in the active and passive voice.


Little to No Evidence
Exceptional Caption Adequate Caption of Achievement
(4) (2)

• Caption is written in • Caption is written • Caption may or • Missing much of

active or passive in active or may not be written the above.
voice with picture- passive voice in the active or • Missing needed
painting verbs. with ordinary verb passive voice, but information.
• Story-telling choice. lacks creativity in • Lacks people
captions include the • Include most of verb choice. identification.
5W’s and H in a the 5W’s and H. • Includes few of the • Many style,
creative • Captions use 5W’s and H; spelling,
construction. some varied overall, it lacks punctuation and
• Captions beginnings and information. grammar errors.
identify all faces by may start with a • Captions may not
first and last name. name. identify all of the
• Captions do not • Captions state faces in the picture
state the obvious but some obvious or may identify
provide information components of them incorrectly.
that is fresh and the photograph, • Captions state the
meaningful. but also include obvious and lack
• There are no style, interesting of fresh and
spelling, punctuation information. meaningful
or grammar errors. • Few to no style, information.
spelling, • There are several
punctuation or styles, spelling,
grammar errors. punctuation, and
grammar errors.
(Pandey n.d.)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 13


Activity 8.

Directions: Study the following items and give what is needed. Use a separate sheet of paper
for your answers. A sentence has been given in active or passive voice. Out of the four
alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive or
active voice. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Father punished Marco for lying.

A Marco punished by his father for lying.

b) Marco was punished by his father for lying.

c) Marco had been punished by his father for lying.

d) Marco had been punishing Marco for lying.

2. She makes cakes ever Sunday.

a) Every Sunday cakes made by her.

b) Cakes are made by her every Sunday.
c) Cakes make her every Sunday.
d) Cakes were made by her every Sunday.

3. They have built a perfect dam across the river.

a) Across the river, a perfect dam was built.

b) A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.
c) A perfect dam should have been built by them.
d) Across the river was a perfect dam.

4. The instructor was reading out the instructions.

a) The instructions were read by the instructor.

b) The instructions were being read out by the instructor.
c) The instructions had been read out by the instructor.
d) The instructions had been read by the instructor.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 14

5. They greet me cheerfully every morning.

a) I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.

b) Every morning, I was greeted cheerfully.
c) I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
d) Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to me.

6. He was congratulated by his teacher for his success.

a) His teacher congratulated him for his success.

b) His teacher had congratulated him.
c) His teacher congratulates him.
d) His teacher congratulated him because of his success.

7. He was obliged to resign by circumstances.

a) To resign was his obligation.

b) Resignation obliged him.
c) Circumstances obliged him to resign.
d) He was made to resign.

8. All the instructions were followed.

a) He followed all the instructions.

b) The instructions had been followed.
c) He follows all the instructions.
d) All follow the instructions.

9. The outcome will be known after six months.

a) We know the outcome.

b) We will know the outcome.
c) We will know the outcome after six months.
d) We will have a known outcome after six months.

10. Many deaths are caused by cigarette smoking.

a) Cigarette smoking has been causing deaths.

b) Deaths are being caused by cigarette smoking.
c) Cigarette smoking causes many deaths.
d) Cigarette smoking caused many deaths.
(edudose n.d.)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 15

Additional Activities

Activity 9. This is an activity that allows you to create your sentences using the active and
passive voice of the verb. Use the verb given in each item in a sentence. The verb may be
used in the active or passive voice and may change tense, depending on your choice. The
first item has been done for you. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. create -

Passive: Beautiful memories are created by traveling to various places.

2. form
3. develop
4. convince
5. attack
6. fight

Well done! You have accomplished all the tasks found in this module. I hope you
enjoyed doing all of them. See you around!

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 16

17 English 7 Self-Learning Module MELC-Aligned WBLS-OBE
1. She was praised for her outstanding performance. (was praised – passive voice)
2. They are eager to leave the hall. (are – active voice)
3. I have been informed of the development of our project. (have been informed –
passive voice)
4. She managed a nice restaurant.. (managed – active voice)
5. I am interested in this offer. (am interested – passive voice)
6. We are waiting for the bus. (are waiting – active voice)
7. The walls were being painted. (were being painted – passive voice)
8. She has always wanted to become an actor. (has wanted – active voice)
9. We were shown some old portraits. (were shown – passive voice)
10. The hunter shot at the tiger. (shot – active voice)
Activity 2
1. Russia may produce
2. Two dead bodies were recovered
3. Transport leaders were asked
4. Medical waste piles
5. Solons discuss
Activity 3
1. Sentences 1, 4 and 5
2. Sentences 2 and 3
3. Answers may vary
Activity 4 (Answers may vary)
Answer Key
18 English 7 Self-Learning Module MELC-Aligned WBLS-OBE
Activity 5
Statements in the Active Voice Statements in the Passive Voice
1. Sheila sings lovely songs. 1. Angelo and Rezile were given lots
2. The group of youngsters drew of toys.
their names on the walls. 2. The writers were given a two-day
3. He wrote a beautiful poem for his vacation by their manager.
mother. 3. His love is felt by everybody.
4. The artist sketched a beautiful 4. The principal is lauded by the
portrait of me. parents for his meritorious
5. Elizer rendered a beautiful song to performance.
the audience. 5. His great works are kept in the
Activity 6
1. The victims of the typhoon are visited by the president.
2. A feeding program in remote public schools was initiated by volunteer students.
3. The clean-up drive to fight against dengue was spearheaded by the department.
4. The award in the poster making contest is received by the students.
5. Some students in public schools were mentored by the scholars.
6. Financial assistance from the foundation is requested by the poor but deserving
7. The steps in cross stitching were explained by the teacher.
8. Some donations from the OFWs were accepted by Red Cross.
9. Books were donated by a group of parents during the campaign.
10. The group was reminded by the leader to stay calm.
Activity 8
1. b
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. c
Corson, Tim, and Rebecca Smollett. n.d. University of Toronto. Accessed August 1, 2020.
Education, Department of. 2017. English 7 Learner's Material. First. Pasig City.
n.d. edudose. Accessed August 16, 2020.
2010. freepik. Accessed August 10, 2020.
2010. freepik. Accessed August 10, 2020.
2010. freepik. Accessed July 15, 2020.
2010. freepik. Accessed August 2, 2020.
2010. freepik. Accessed July 10, 2020.
Pandey, Shreyaj. n.d. "Rubric and Reflections."
Accessed August 16, 2020.
2010. Really-Learn-English. Accessed July 18, 2020. https://www.really-learn-
n.d. toppr. Accessed July 1, 2020.
n.d. "Transformation of Sentences, Active and Passive Voice." Accessed August 16, 2020.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 19

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education-Schools Division of Laoag City

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)

Brgy. 23 San Matias, Laoag City 2900

Contact Number: (077)771-3678


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module English 7 20

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