Fuller, Et Al., Diffusion of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Helium. J. Phy. Chem., 73, 11, (1969)

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mations 01 << w s and w12 ~ 1 <<~ 1,2 these equations reduce


where N is the number of paramagnetic ions per unit

and volume; d is the average closest distance of approach
between a proton in the bulk and spin S; B3p, the
-1- - y12Ys2n2s(S + ’) [7J(0)+ 13J(ws)1 (A7)
Bessel function of order 3/2; and D = DI Ds,the +
TzwS 4 self-diffusion coefficient of the bulk protons plus that
of the spins S. Equation AS can be integrated in
The term J ( w ) is the spectral density function a t the closed form. The result, given by eq 33 of Pfeifer’s
frequency w and is given by the integral paper,6l was used to calculate Tlwsand Tz,’.

Diffusion of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Helium.

The Effect of Structure on Collision Cross Sections

by Edward N. Fuller, Keith Ensley, and J. Calvin Giddings

Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake Citv, Utah 84112 (Received December 27, 1968)

Experimental binary gas-phase diffusion coefficients for some halogenated hydrocarbon compounds diffusing
into helium have been determined utilizing the gas chromatography (GC) peak-broadening technique. Certain
modifications are described which have improved the speed and accuracy of the technique. A critical discussion
of the validity of the method is given. Based mainly on the acquired data, additional parameters have been deter-
mined for use in connection with the Fuller-Schettler-Giddings diffusion volume method for estimating binary
diffusion coefficients. The relationship between effective collision cross sections and various molecular shape
and structural features is discussed.

Widespread efforts to characterize numerous dif- for use with the method developed by Fuller, Schettler,
fusion processes more exactly have resulted in an in- and Giddingsl for predicting diffusion coefficients.
creased need for accurate diffusion data and improved With the exception of two confirmatory determinations,
methodology. Gradually more diffusion data are being all diffusion coefficients reported here are for systems
published, but very little data are presently available not previously investigated.
for most organic vapors. The major objectives of this A limited amount of related diffusion data have been
investigation were to develop improved experimental reported in the literature. Relatively recent work in-
apparatus and techniques, to generate reliable data for cludes studies reported by Trautz and Ries2for H2-CC1,;
new systems, and to study the dependence of collision Trautz and Mueller3 for OrCC14; Gilliland4 for air-
cross sections on complex molecular structure. I n chlorobenzene; Klotz and Millers for air-CNCI, air-
contrast to simple systems where temperature vari- COCl2 and air-CClaNO2; Lee and Wilke6 for Freon-
ations are of utmost importance, the present complex
systems yield more information when studied as a (1) E.N.Fuller, P. D. Schettler, and J. C. Giddings, Ind. Eng. Chem.,
function of structural features such as chain length and 58, 18 (1966).
substituent position. (2) M. Trautz and W. Ries, Ann. Phga., 8, 163 (1931).
Experimental. binary diffusion coefficients were (3) M. Trautz and W. Mueller, ibid., 22,363 (1936).
(4) E.R.Gilliland, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26,681 (1934).
determined for thirty-one halogenated hydrocarbons
(6) I. M. Klotz and D. K. Miller, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,69, 2667
diffusing into helium. From these data additional (1947).
“atomic diffusion volume” parameters were obtained (6) C.Y.Lee and C. R. Wilke, Ind. Eng. Chem., 46,2381 (1964).

Volume 75,Number 11 November 1860


12-water, Freon-12-benzene and Freon-1Z-ethanol; Recorder

Bose and Chakraborty’ for OrCC14, Nz-CC14 and air-
CCl,; and Mueller and CahiW for CH4-CF4. Since
this work was completed, Byrne, Maguire, and Clarke9
reported values for four halogenated hydrocarbons in
Nz, Hz, and Ar. Earlier work is summarized in the meter
International Critical Tables.’O Vent ^Carrier
. .. II <nFlame
...-. Ionization
Experimental diffusion coefficients were determined Sample
using the gas chromatography (GC) peak-broadening Stream
technique first developed by Giddings and Seager.”,lZ Gas i
With this technique which employes the experimental Samplin
sequence of gas chromatogaphy, a narrow pulse of a Volve
trace component is introduced into a carrier gas which
is flowing a t a constant rate down an empty tube of
uniform circular cross section. As the trace component
is swept down the diffusion tube, diffusion and non-
equilibrium processes cause axial broadening of the
sample peak. At the far end of the tube, sample
passes through a detector producing a proportional
electrical signal. A strip-chart recorder traces out the Figure 1. OC broadening apparatus for
resulting Gaussian shaped concentration profile. From diffusion measurements.
the observed peak width the binary diffusion coefficient
can be deduced.”J2 The method is much like that pro- for end effects. The latter originate mainly in dead
posed by Tay10r’~J~and applied to liquid systems; volumes associated with sampling and detection devices.
his equations are not valid in our flow range, but c o r The need for this cumbersome two-column procedure
respond to the high-velocity limit mentioned below. has been eliminated through direct on-column sample
The diffusion coefficient is rather arbitrarily expressed introduction and a rigorous reduction of detector dead
here in terms of the experimentally determined “plate volume. In addition oven dimensions were increased
height,” the quantity used in gas chromatography to to accommodate the diffusion tube without tight coils
characterize peak dispersion, by the theoretical ex- and bends which tend to distort tube cross sections and
pression otherwise alter peak dispersion.
Temperature in the electrically heated oven was con-
D~~ = @(H + HZ - roz/z) (1) trolled by a Sim-Ply-Trol pyrometer manufactured by
Assembly Products, Inc. During any one run temper-
where ir is the gas velocity averaged over the tube cross ature was controlled within about *0.2”; for any re-
section, rothe tube radius, H the plate height determined peating set of runs used for a given diffusion coefficient,
as LrZ/tZ, L the tube length, 9 the peak variance in the control level was about +0.4”. This temperature
time units and t the tube residence time. The positive regulation is adequat.e within the limits set by the ex-
mot of eq 1 is valid up to a certain critical velocity, %, perimental precision of the present technique.
given byI2 A nominal 50-ft by 0.d. stainless steel beverage
tube with a bright interior finish was obtained from
gc = 4 6 DAB/ro (2)
Superior Tube Co. The length of the coiled tube was
At velocities greater than %I the negative root becomes determined by taping a wire to the tube’s side midway
valid. When >> gothe Taylor limit becomes valid. between the inside and outside radius. Laid flat on the
I n practice the proper choice of roots poses no serious floor, the length of wire (tube) was measured as 1521
problem since one can make a reasonable estimate of cm. The volume of the diffusiontube was determined
go beforehand or, alternately, make diffusion runs a t
several velocities, the data from which specify $. (7) N. K. Bose and B. N. Chakraborty, T7ana. Ind. Inst. Chem. Eng..
8,67 (1955-56).
Experimental Section (8) C. R. Mueller and R.W. Cahill, J . Chem. Phys., 40.661 (1984).
Apparatus. A diffusion apparatus with improved (9) J. J. Byme, D. Mamire, and J. K. A. Clark. J. Phye. Chem., 71,
characteristics was constructed. The basic compo- 3051 (1967).
(10) “Internationd Critical Tables,” Vol. 5, McGraw-Hill Book Co..
nents are shown schematically in Figure 1. Inc., New York, N. Y.,1926. P 62.
Previously, using commercial GC apparatus with (11) 3. C. Giddings and S. L. Seager, J . Chem. Phya.. 35,2242 (1968).
excessive dead volume, it was necessary to obtain rather (12) J. C. Giddings and 8.L. Seaper. I. and E. C. Fund.. 1,277 (1962).
complete data from a short correction tube for sub- (13) G. I. Taylor, Proc. Rou. Soc.. AZ19,186 (1953).
traction from the principal data in order to compensate (14) G. I. Taylor. ibid., AZ55,473 (1954).

The J o u m l of Physical Chemiatru


from the weight of water required to fill it, giving 343.7 stated purity 99.995% was obtained from the U. S.
cm3. From these data the average tube radius was Bureau of Mines. Whitmore Oxygen Co. supplied the
estimated to be 0.2682 cm (or 0.1056 in.). This agrees nitrogen, stated purity 99.989%, and hydrogen for the
well with the value 0.210 * 0.004 in. i.d. specified by detector, stated purity 99.98%. The gases and vapors
the vendor. The lead connecting the sampling valve used as trace components were obtained from a variety
to the diffusion tube, made from the same size tubing, of sources and were in the range 95-99+% purity.
was considered part of the diffusion tube making a total Analysis of Accuracy. The largest single source of
length of 1536 cm. experimental error associated with the GC peak dis-
A stainless steel gas-sampling valve obtained from persion technique appears to be the measurement of r .
Wahl-Henius Institute was used for sample introduc- This presently can be determined to about *l%.
tion. Carrier gas and sample stream may be passed This gives, since H depends on the square of T, an ex-
continuously through two loops, each of about 0.5 perimental uncertainty of roughly 2% in H and DAB.
cm3 volume, attached to a plate at the back of the The magnitude of other possible sources of experi-
valve. By rotating the back plate and interchanging mental error can be estimated and shown to be generally
carrier and sample loops, sample is introduced directly small in comparison.
on the diffusion column as a narrow plug. The effect of finite sample size can be calculated ap-
Connected to the opposite end of the diffusion tube is proximately by assuming that the sample is introduced
the base of the hydrogen flame ionization detector with as a plug of concentration co. The initial sample
internal mixing volume of 0.38 cm3. The electrical variance will be given by
signal from the flame ionization detector was fed to an
electrometer whose sensitivity could be varied widely
by selecting input resistances of lolo, lo9, los or lo’
ohms. The amplified signal was fed to a Fisher Labora-
tory Recorder Riodel PWF, manufactured by Texas
Instruments, Inc., with 0.5 sec full-scale response time, where x0 is the length of the sample plug in the tube.
adjustable damping and gain, and variable chart speeds The standard 0.5 cm3sample will occupy 2.26 cm of tube
up to 8 in./min. length, i.e., xo = 2.26 cm and go2= 0.425 cm2. Experi-
Procedure. Gas samples were introduced slowly into mentally observed u2’s were in the range 250-200 cm2;
the sample stream. Since 0.5 cm3 of pure gas would thus finite sample size represents a contribution of about
yield a signal much too large, and the approach to 0.1-0.2%,
“infinite dilution” is theoretically desirable, the sample Using chromatographic theory derived by Giddings,*s
stream was greatly diluted with carrier gas through a spurious plate height contributions arising from the
‘T” joint. The ratio of carrier gas to sample was ad- detector volume, stagnant pockets, and from tube coil-
justed until peaks of convenient size were obtained. ing can be estimated. The plate-height contribution
Vapor samples mere introduced into the sample due to detector volume will be given by the expression.
stream by slowly bubbling carrier gas through a test
tube of the liquid inside a cylindrical steel chamber.
The resulting gas mixture passed out the side of the (4)
chamber into the sample stream. When necessary the
mixture was diluted as described above. where v d is the detector volume, in our case -0.38
A small pressure drop across the flame ionization cm3, ‘Ir, the diffusion tube volume, -350 cm3, and N d
detector was determined using a mercury manometer in the number of theoretical plates ascribable to the detec-
the hydrogen stream. To specify correctly the experi-
mental pressure this small correction (usually 30-40
mm) was added to the observed laboratory pressure.
tor alone, -10-20.
Hd 1.3 X
For these dimensions we have
cm. Since observed plate heights
were usually about 0.2 cm, the error contribution
The pressure drop through the diffusion tube was from this source is -0.1%.
negligible. Small pockets at various connections are perhaps
The plate height, H , was determined by measuring unavoidable. The contribution to H from stagnant
the width of the recorder peaks at half height, measured pockets can be approximated by the relation
from outside the line of the leading edge to inside of the
trailing edge. The peak width at half height (in time
units) multiplied by the factor 1/(22/21n2) gives r for
Gaussian peaks. The diffusion coefficient was cal-
culated according to eq l .
Gases and Vapors. Helium and nitrogen were em-
assumed here that B -
where 6 is the depth of the stagnant pocket. It is
10 cm/sec, DAB 0.5 cm2/sec -
ployed as the carrier gases. Grade A helium with (15) J. C. Giddings, J. Gas Chromatog., 1, 12 (1963).

Volume 78,Number 11 November 1960


Table I : Experimental Results for Nz-Ethane and Nz-Butane Compared with Literature Valuesa

No. of DABf atd dev, Lit. values and ref

System Runs T, OK om2/sec (corrected to exptl temp)

NS-ethene 10 302.6 0.170 i 0.0034 0.174 (0.163 a t 291.2’K)1*

0.174 (0.170at298.2’K)8
0.167 (0.163 a t 298.0°K)18
Nz-butane 10 302.4 0.100 f 0.0016 0.0985 (0.0960 a t 298. O0K)l!J
0.1006 (0.0930 a t 293.2”K)ZO
4 Reduced to 1 atm pressure.

and 6 1 mm. The effect of two or three such pockets
would be entirely negligible. Table 11: Experimental Diffusion Coefficients for Some
He-Halogenated Hydrocarbon Systemsa
Another spurious contribution to H comes from the
coiled configuration of the diffusion tube. The effect
arises in the unequal path lengths and pressure gradi- of DABi std dev,
ents along “inside” and “outside” streampaths. The System Runs TIOK cml/sec
contribution from this effect can be approximated by16

H, - 0.1% rO4
~ -
1 . 4 X 10-6cm (6)
He-1, 1-difluoroethane
0.874 f 0.030
0.754 f 0.015
0.492 f 0 . 0 0 6
0.566 i 0.008
where Ro is the coil radius -30 cm, with fi and DAB as He-hexafluorobenzene 11 428 7
I 0.453 f 0.008
He-4-fluorotoluene 10 431.6 0.508 f 0.006
above. This contribution to H is presently negligible He-dichloromethane 10 427.5 0.750 i 0.009
but could become important for diffusion tubes with He-trichloromethane 8 429,l 0.624 xk 0.012
tighter coils and larger cross sections. He-l,2-dichloroethane 8 427.1 0.683 f 0.006
Coiling also leads to secondary flows,16 which may He-1-chloropropane 11 427.5 0.631 f 0.009
be important in extreme circumstances. However, in He-1-chlorobutane 12 429.2 0.555 f 0.010
He-2-chlorobutane 9 429.1 0.561 f 0.008
the vicinity of velocity dc (our velocity was generally He-1-chloropentane 8 428.2 0.518 f 0.004
< fit), a displacement across the tube radius occurs about He-chlorobenzene 10 430.9 0.542 f 0.006
equally fast by diffusion and by the primary flow.17 He-dibromomethane 8 427.7 0.665 f 0.007
Secondary flows are, of course, of much smaller mag- He-bromoethane 15 427.7 0.740 i 0.011
nitude. No effect was observed in earlier work12 a t He-1-bromopropane 20 428.2 0.592 i 0.009
He-2-bromopropane 10 428.0 0.606 f 0.012
velocities up to nearly 3 d, using a tighter coil; we there- He-1-bromobutane 11 426.6 0.545 f 0.006
fore assume the effect to be negligible here. He-2-bromobutane 7 427.2 0.553 f 0.013
He-1-bromohexane 6 427.5 0.461 f 0.008
Experimental Results He-2-bromohexane 7 427.9 0.470 f 0.012
The accuracy of the present results was checked using He-3-bromohexane 8 428.5 0.469 f 0.004
He-bromobenzene 9 427.1 0.543 f 0.010
nitrogen-ethene and nit,rogen-butane systems since He-2-bromo-1-chloro-
consistent literature values8*18-20
were available. Both propane 6 427.2 0.570 & 0.016
the experimental and literature values, reduced to one He-iodomethane 7 431.2 0.783 f 0.016
atmosphere pressure, are shown in Table I. The latter He-iodoethane 9 428.4 0.648 f 0.013
were corrected over short temperature ranges to our He-1-iodopropane 10 430.0 0.579 4 0.007
He-2iodopropane 11 430.2 0.579 f 0.012
experimental temperature assuming a T1.75 dependence. He-1-iodobutane 8 428.1 0.524 f 0.007
The comparison shows that present results differ, in He-2-iodobutane 6 427.1 0.545 f 0.013
each case, from the average literature value by less
than 1.5% and fall between extreme values. Reduced to 1 at.m pressure.
Results of binary gas-phase diffusion measurements
for thirty-one helium-halogenated hydrocarbon sys-
tems are shown in Table 11. All results have been re-
(16) R. J. Adier and J. A. Koutsky, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 42, 239
duced to one atmosphere pressure assuming a p-l (1964).
dependence. Each diffusion coefficient represents the (17) J. C. Giddings, “Dynamics of Chromatography, Part I. Princi-
average value from a t least five diffusion runs made at ples and Theory,” ;Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, N. Y . ,1965.
two or more different gas-flow velocities. Precision is (18) J. H. Knox and L. -McLaren, Anal. Chem., 36,1477 (1964).
indicated by the standard deviation of the individual (19) C. A. Boyd, N. Stein, V. Steingrimsson, and W. IF. Rumpel,
J . Chem. Phys., 19,548 (1951).
determinations, in most cases about 2% of the observed (20) L. McLaren, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
diffusion coefficient. 1965.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry


Atomic Diffusion Volumes determined by Lee and WilkeS6 If these points are
The preceding data have been used to determine included, the parameters are -F = 11.9, -C1 = 22.5,
previously unavailable parameters for use in predicting -Br = 21.8 and -I = 29.8 cma. Since it seems un-
binary diffusion coefficients in the absence of experi- reasonable that addition of -C1 should increase the
mental data. collision cross section more than the addition of -Br,
Fuller, Schettler, and Giddings have developed a the listed values were for the present assumed more
correlation equation based on special atomic digusion reliable.
volumes.’ The equation is I n the latest least-squares analysis the temperature
exponent was found to be 1.776. For simplicity it was
decided to retain the previously determined 1.75. The
diffusion volumes of Table I11 were obtained with the
temperature exponent fixed a t this value. (Average
where T i s the temperature, OK; M A , MBthe molecular absolute error a t the least-squares minimum 4.1%;
weight, g/mol; p the pressure, atm; and the Vi’s are a t the constrained minimum = 4.2%.) The resulting
the atomic diffusion volumes, om3, to be summed over increase in average error is insignificant.
the atoms, groups, and structural features of each
diffusing species. Numerous vi’s and the 1.75 exponent Effective Collision Cross Sections of
to T were determined from a nonlinear least-squares Complex Molecules
analysis of over 300 experimental points. At that time The nature and magnitude of collision cross sections
the necessary data were lacking for -F, -Br, and -I, but are of considerable importance in the study of transport
values can now be established. More generally the and rate phenomenaas3 Efforts have naturally focused
data listed in Table I and I1 and additional points from on simple geometrical models (“hard” and “soft”
the literature (references 8, 20, 21-32) were used to spheres, spherocylinders, etc.) . Relatively little work
expand our data collection to 512 points. (Some points has been directed at the study of collision cross sections
from a few references were not included in order to keep for complex molecules and the effect of chemical and
the quantity of data within reasonable limits.) Another structural parameters. This neglect has been rein-
least-squares analysis was carried out as before. The forced by the long recognized difficulty in extending
resulting optimized values of the atomic diffusion rigorous theory beyond models of utmost simplicity,
volumes are listed in Table I11 in comparison with the As Watson and Goldberger point out, the collision of
previous values. The list includes parameters for bound systems is an aspect of the intractable many-
those halogen substituents not previously determined body problem. 34 Understanding is further complicated
and gives improved values for the others. by the uncertain statistical populations of rotamers in
The diffusion volumes in Table 111 were obtained gas-phase, flexible-chain molecules.
excluding three data points for freon-12 systems Transport coefficients, particularly viscosity and
more recently crossed molecular beam scattering mea-
surements have provided cross sectional data for many
Table I11 : Special Atomic Diffusion Volumes (cmJ systems.35 Hirschfelder, Curtiss, and Bird point out
A. Atomic and structural diffusion volume increments, vi’s
(21) R. E. Bunde, University of Wisconsin Naval Research Labora-
C 15.9 L16.51 (F) 14.7 ... tory Report C M 850, 1955.
H 2.31 [1.98] (Cl) 21.0 [19.51 (22) J. P. Kohn and N. Romero, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 10, 125 (1965).
0 6.11 [5.48] (Brj 21.9 ... (23) A. P. Malinauskas, J. Chem. Phys., 42, 156 (1965).
(N) 4.54 [5.691 (1) 29.8 *.. (24) R. Paul and I. B. Srivastava, ihid.,35, 1621 (1961).
(S) 22.9 [ 17.01 Aromatic or Heterocyclic (25) R. Paul and I. B. Srivastava, Ind. J. Phys., 35,465 (1961).
Ring-18.3 [-20.21 (26) R. Paul and I. B. Srivastava, ibid., 35,523 (1961).
(27) W. F. Rumpel, University of Wisconsin Naval Research Labora-
B. Diffusion volumes of atom and simple molecules, Zui’s tory Report CM 851, 1955.
He 2.67 [2.88] 18.0 [18.9] (28) S. C. Saxena and E. A. Mason, Mol. Phys., 2,379 (1959).
Ne 5.98 [5.59] 26.7 [26.9] (29) K. P. Srivastava, Physiea, 25, 571 (1959).
Ar 16.2 [16.1] 35.9 [35.9] (30) R. E. Walker and A. A. Westenberg, J. Chem. Phys., 32, 436
Kr 24.5 L22.81 20.7 [14.9] (1960).
Xe 32.7 r37.91 13.1 [12.7] (31) A. A. Westenberg and G. Frazier, ihid.,36,3499 (1962).
Hz 6.12 [7 071
I 71.3 [69.7] (32) S. Weissman, S. C. Saxena, and E. A. Mason, Phys. Fluids, 4,
Dz 6.84 [6.701 38.4 i37.71 643 (1961).
Nz 18.5 [17.9] 69.0 j67.21 (33) J. 0. Hirschfelder, C. F. Curtiss, and R. B. Bird, ‘‘Molecular
16.3 [16.6] 41.8 [41.1] Theory of Gases and Liquids,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
0 2
N. Y., 1954.
Air 19.7 L20.11
(34) M. L. Goldberger and K. M.Watson, “Collision Theory,” John
a Note: ( ) indicates the listed value is based on only a few Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y . ,1964, Chapter 11.
d a t a points. [ ] indicates previous values, ref 1. (35) E. W. Rothe and R. B. Bernstein, J. Chem. Phys., 31, 1619
(1959); R. W. Landorf and C. R. Mueller, ibid., 45,240 (1966).

Volume 78. Number 11 November 1969

3684 E. N. FULLER,

the advantage of binary diffusion, as opposed to vis- Groups within complex molecules are partially
cosity and thermal conductivity, in that it reflects shielded from collision by other groups which exempt
directly the interaction between dissimilar molecules.33 certain collision paths. When a group is completely
Adding to this advantage, the GC peak broadening shielded it contributes nothing to the cross section of
method, with the extreme sensitivity of existing GC the target molecule. Extended molecules, with ex-
detectors, can be used for components in exceedingly posed (minimally shielded) groups, have relatively large
small concentrations (e.g., mole ratio). Hence total cross sections.
large and complex molecules, which may decompose The contribution of group i to cross section may be
before reaching their boiling point, can be studied a t written as at = ato (1 - St) where Siis the shielding
high vapor dilutions well below this temperature. probability. If other groups were positioned randomly
Gas chromatography itself has been applied to high around group i we would have
boiling compounds 200-250” below their boiling
points;3e such species would be difficult to study by
St = 1 - (1 - Sl5)
viscosity, molecular beam or most diffusion techniques.
The statistics of collisions between like molecules be- where st5 is the probability that group j intercepts the
come exceedingly complicated if the molecules are com- collision path. However the structural correlation
plex and especially if they are flexible. By our ap- introduced by fixed bond lengths, angles and, for rigid
proach the cross sectional probe is a helium atom or molecules, rotational states, will alter the result some-
other inert species. This “atomic probe” has the ad- what.
vantage of simple geometry, low mass, smallness, and The effect of molecular dimensions can be shown by
inertness. It is little affected by attractive forces, assuming a probe molecule of diameter up and a shield-
thus yielding an approximation to the repulsive shell ing group of diameter u5 a t distance d, from group i.
independent of dipole and chemical factors. By virtue Providing dt5 is large compared to the a’s, orientation
of its small size and low mass, DABwill reflect a degree averaging yields
of structural fine graining.
For simple systems, temperature is a key variable, (9)
providing evidence on the depth and shape of the poten-
tial well. For complex systems, particularly where one i.e., the shielding probability falls off with the inverse
is probing for the relatively hard shell of repulsion, square of group separation distance. One would there-
chemical structure is presently a more relevant param- fore expect larger st5’s and smaller cross sections for
eter. The fine nuances of temperature variability, molecules in a droplet form than in an extended chain
complicated by structural change, would, to be useful, configuration. The contradiction of this with the
require theoretical elaboration much beyond present widespread success of the “liquid droplet” model in-
knowledge. This explains our present emphasis on vites closer scrutiny.
structural factors. Experimental Evidence. The experimental data in
Liquid droplet models. E q 7 has its roots in hard- Table I1 show that smaller diffusion coefficients are
sphere kinetic theory. The denominator is essentially associated with halogens in the l-position than in the
a replacement for p ( a A + a d 2 , where a’s are collision 2- or 3-position on a straight chain. The latter are
diameters. Arnold replaced the a’s by the sum of the presumably more globular. The helium-l-iodopropane
atomic LeBas volumes raised to the -*/3 power.37 and helium-2-iodopropane systems, with nearly equal
This has proven an effective way for estimating the diffusion coefficients, were the only exceptions. Sta-
cross sections of complex molecules using bulk volu- tistical tests39 indicate that these small differences are
metric data, Equation 7 relates to the Arnold ap- significant; for l-bromohexane and 2-bromohexane a t
proach except that the cross sections are provided by the the 75% confidence level and for the other pairs a t the
diffusion data themselves. Therefore eq 7, with allied 95% level.
atomic diffusion volume parameters, provide an ap- Early diffusion data for halogenated hydrocarbons
proximate measure of relative collision cross sections. diffusing in air, summarized in the International Critical
The above are essentially “liquid droplet” models, Tables,l0 show the same effect. Similar results for iso-
in which the group volumes add together and somehow meric butanols diffusing in air have been observed by
assume spherical shape. The success of these ap-
proaches is somewhat surprising; one would expect
(36) B. L. Karger and W. D. Cooke in “Advances in Chromatog-
shape (nonsphericity) factors to have more influence On raphy,??Val. 1, J. C, Giddings and R.A. Keller, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
cross section. There is presently no tractable theoreti- New York, Ed., N. Y., 1965,Chapter 9.
cal approach to this question for truly complex mole- (37) J. H.Arnold, Ind. Eng. Chem., 22,1091 (1930).
cules, although significant advances have been made in (38) C. F. Curtiss and J. S. Dahler, J . Chem. Phua., 28, 2352 (1963).
(39) C. A. Bennett and N. L. Franklin, “Statistical Analysis in Chem-
basic theory. 38 some semiquantitativeconsiderations istry and the Chemical Industry,” John Wiley & Sons, Ino., New
are given below based on collision “shielding.” York, N. Y.,1954.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry


Gilliland4and for propanols in helium by Seager, Geert- could be extreme, may have rotational-isomer popula-
son, and Giddings.40 tions weighted toward intramolecular associated forms.
While many data for unsubstituted hydrocarbons This would contrast with liquid-state, and especially
show a similar trend, diffusion coefficients for branched solid-state, populations where the trans-trans confor-
hydrocarbons are often equal or less than values for the mation about each single bond is favored by roughly
straight chain compounds. 1@,20,41 Such results have 500 ~ a l .However
~ ~ the net attractive interactions be-
been used to infer a crumpled form for straight-chain tween segments in solvent-free (i.e., gas-phase) long-
paraffin^.^ chain molecules may decrease mean dimensions. This
Additional evidence comes from the comparison of is not unlike Langmuir’s arguments for coiling due to
diffusion volumes (added from Table 111) with LeBas excess surface energy in unlike media, and has been
boiling points volumes (-C = 14.8 and -H = 3.7 cma) confirmed at intervals for gas-phase paraffins based on
for straight-chain hydrocarbons. With increasing car- transport cross ~ e c t i b n s . The
~ ~ ~effect
~ ~ would likely
bon number beginning at CIthe ratio is 0.848, 0.883, increase with chain length, but increasing nonvolatility
0.896, 0.901, 0.906, 0.908 . . . . 0.923; the latter being hinders investigation. Perhaps the present technique,
the limiting long-chain value. It appears that the applicable at high dilutions, could produce cross section
diffusion data may have “distorted” the carbon-hydro- data bearing on the matter.
gen diffusion volume ratio (responsible for the above More theoretical work is needed with these complex
variation) so that slightly reduced diffusion among long systems in order to ascertain the effects of rotameric and
chains is obtained. This broad trend reflects results external-rotation averaging, increasingly important
with over one hundred binary pairs. Some contradic- secondary collisions (successive collisions of the “probe”
tions arise among aromatic compounds; e.g., benzene, with the same “target” molecule) and realistic inter-
compact in structure, has a ratio of 0.948. This may group and intermolecular potentials.
result from incorrectly lumping heterocyclic and other
Acknowledgment. This investigation was supported
aromatic rings into a single parameter.
by Public Health Service Research Grant GM 10851-12
We conclude that the liquid-droplet model works
from the National Institutes of Health.
surprisingly well, which may relate to the following con-
siderations. Few chain compounds are expected to (40) S. L. Seager, L. R. Geertson, and J. C. Giddings, J. Chem. Eng.
actually assume near-spherical configurations. How- Data, 8,168 (1963).
ever cross sections, when averaged over all external (41) G. A. McD. Cummings and A. R. Ubbelohde, J . Chem. SOC.,
3751 (1953).
rotations, apparently have roughly similar asymmetric
(42) R. A. Scott and H. A. Scheraga, J. Chem. Phya., 44, 3054
contributions. (The abnormal sphericity of methane (1966); 9. Mizushima, “Structure of Molecules and Internal Rota-
is allowed for in the adjustable C-H volume ratio; tion,” Academic Press, New York, N. Y.,1954.
also the calculated cross sections are usually too high.) (43) R. M. Melavin and E. Mack, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 54, 888
(1932); J. C. McCoubrey, J. N. McCrea, and A. R. Ubbelohde, J.
The long-chain molecules, whose deviations alone Chem. Soc., 1961 (1961).

Volume 73,Number 11 November 1960

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