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The Development of the Area Stability Control System

In the Eastern Part of Heilongjiang Power System

Min Yong, Ding Renjie, Tu Qiang, Tian Wei,

Cui Wenjin, Li Han, Han Yingduo Jia Wei, Bei Zheng, Yang Bin
Electrical Power Engineering Dispatching Center of Hei Long hang
Department, Tsinghua Universiw, Electric Power Industry Bureau,
Beoing, P.R China Harbin. P.R.China

Abstract: The new developed area stability control system 1.1 Configuration of Eastern P a r t of Heilongjiang Power
in the eastern part of Heilongjiang Power System has been System
introduced in this paper. The control system was designed to The east part of Heilongjiang Power System is one of
improve the power transmission capacity from the eastern the major sources of northeast china power network. It is
part of the Heilongjiang Power System to the western by connected with west part system through 220kV Mu-Shuang-
generation shedding in case of severe faults. It consists of Dong transmission lines and Shuang-Mu-Da-Dong
five control stations, two of them installed in power plants transmission lines. Its configuration is shown in Fig I .
while others in transformer substations. The GPS-based
Hadong Xigemu
accurate time signal has been introduced in every station and
the voltage phasors are measured based on it. The digital
- fanerhen Dalianhe S huang

microwave channels are utilized to transmit phasor data,

control commands and other information among control West
stations. The control respond time is about 100ms. As the pan
result, the control system can increase the transmission limits of
by about 45%. The paper has also introduced some new power
techniques used in the control system, such as an integrated
fault identification approach and the integral of the
unbalanced power of generators as a stability control
criterion. -
Key words: Power system stability; Power system
Fig 1 Confiuration of eastern part of Heilongjiang Power System
1 Introduction
Until 1996, the East system has generation capacity of
With the development of technology in the long 2370MW, which constitutes forty-five percent of the total
distance and high voltage transmission, the area stability of generation of HeiLongJiang power system. Almost all of the
power system has been paid more attention. Due to the new generators has been installed in the East system and the
transfer stability limit, it's common in China that the power network has no great change. In 1996 the load in this part is
plants have to decrease their generation. TO install stability only 1629MW and a lot of excessive power should be
control equipment is an effective way to resolve such tiansmitted into the West part. But, with the restrain of
problem [ 11. Since the controlling scope of a single stability network construction, the transient power output limit is only
equipment cannot cover the whole system, the area stability 65OMW. After new generation installment in 1998, at least
control, which by utilizing the information communicated 8DOMW power will be on outage. The object of this new area
between different substations it can consider the whole stability control system is how to increase the transfer
system operating mode and employ exact control in case of stability limit efficiently and securely without changing the
special fault disturbance to increase the stability limit network construction.
efficiently, has been endowed with great development in Under the situation of current East network
these years. Given the great investment and technical construction, calculation shows that generation shedding in
complexity of area control, there are not many successful MuDanJiang and ShuangYaShan plants in case of sever fault
operating systems in China. will improve the stability level of East system, which can
With the cooperation of Electrical Power Engineering increase totally 300MW power output to satisfy the system
Department of Tsinghua University and Dispatching Center requirement in near future. The design of area stability
of Hei Long Jiang Electric Power Industry Bureau, a new control system is focused on the Control Units in major
area stability control system designed to increase the transfer substations and plants. When bus fault or line faults have
capacity limit has been developed and installed in the eastern been detected, each Control Unit, which collects the transient
part of Heilongjiang Power System at the end of 1996. The data of bus voltages and line currents and the signals of
system, which deals with the stability control of whole protection relays, determines and sends (if necessary) the
eastern part of Heilongjiang Power System involved with generator trigging command in time according to the results
three substations, two power plants and about thirty 200kV of off-line stability calculation to ensure the East system
transmission lines, has become the biggest area stability stable. The trigging command will determine which
control system in China. The technical details of this system generator should be shed as well as the shedding capacity.
are illustrated below.

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE 1506

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Manchester. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 13:14:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1.2 Fundamental Organization of Area Stability Control five different operating conditions.
System Construction monitoring in power plant and substation.
To satisfy the resent requirement, this area stability Real power, bus voltage and frequency measurement and
control system consists of five Control Units which are calculation.
separately installed in ShuangYaShan thermal power station, Measurement, comparison and display of synchronous
MuDanJiang thermal power station, HaDong substation, voltage phasors.
XiGeMu substation and JiaNan substation. The microwave On-line data and results monitoring in forms of curves and
channels provide the data and commands communication tables.
between Control Units, whose topology is shown in Fig. 2.
Fault alarm, data recording and fault event retrospection.
The synchronous voltage phasors can be communicated by
two-way, but the shedding commands should be sent in the
direction of arrows shown in Fig. 2.
1.4 Function Quality of Area stability Control System
Local generation shedding respond time ( time interval
between fault occurrence and command sending) : 70ms
Remote generation shedding respond time: lOOms
Fault detecting and identifying time: 20ms
* Minimum time period of event recording: 1,67-20ms

r Maximum number of recording events: 128 (time-length of

I ~ u p l a n IIt I I
record can be modified)

Fig. 2 Communication topology construction 2 Main Technical Quality of Area Stability Control
Each Control Unit has two standard cubicles, which is
composed of industrial PC, communication equipment, data 2.1 Hardware Realization
acquisition system, GPS receiver, UPS, PT and CT(shown in The system can be divided into three parts: SL
Fig.3). It has two control levels, fundamental level (FL) and controller, FL controller and Communication Part, shown in
supervisor level (SL). The FL controller consists of data Fig. 3. SL controller and FL controller exchange data
acquisition system and GPS receiver, whose function is to through ARCNET. The communication among Control Units
implement transient data acquisition and mark data with is realized by DSP-based intelligent communication control
exact time-tag. The marked data is transmitted to SL card, modem and microwave channels. The hardware quality
controller through ACRNET. The SL controller based on is shown as below:
industrial PC (Pentium CPU) is responsible for data Accuracy of synchronizing clock signal based on GPS
calculation, processing and analysis as well as control timing system: 5ps.
command sending by FL controller or microwave DFT-based on line phasor measuring algorithm
communication equipment. * Stratified construction of local network, easy to multiply.
The main design object of Control Unit in plant is to
detect fault on the buses and transmission lines, to determine
SL controller, with friendly interface and powerful
reorganizing function, is convenient to implement logical
generation shedding according to fault type and operation and calculative processing.
condition of the East system, to send generator trigging
command after confirming the relay signal, and to receive
Self-defined monitor graphic display mode, self-defined
startup criterion of event recording and self-defined
the remote generation shedding command. The Control recording length.
Unit design in substation is to determine fault type, system
Multi-processor coordinated data acquisition system
operation mode and strategy table, as well as send remote
generation shedding command through microwave channels. Well electrical-magnetic compatibility design

2.2 Communication Realization

Each Control Unit has its own GPS receiver. With high
precise time tag, it can implement synchronous data
acquisition of monitoring points in the system and realize
information communication between Control Units. The
.." difference of phasor angle between two points can be shown
in real time. The task of communication system is to
exchange phasor information among Control Units and to
send generation shedding commands.
To fulfil this task, each interface among data
acquisition system, data processing system and microwave
receiverkender in Control Unit has been equipped with
Fig. 3 Construction of Area Stability Control System modem and multi-channel preprocessing communication unit
which is based on intelligent communication control card
1.3 Main Function of Area stability Control System
- Fault identification which can recognize all type of faults
(ICCC) located on the sock of LF controller. ICCC is
developed on DSP technology. As preprocessing element of
such as single phase-to-ground, phase-to-phase, two-phase- data terminal, ICCC is connected to SL controller by PCI bus
to-ground, three-phase, and can consider possible fault and to the audio interface of microwave relay by data
changing. connection equipment. ICCC is responsible for two-way
Local and remote generator shedding command. real-time data communication between Control Units.
- Operation mode identification which can re-cognize thirty-

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 1507

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Manchester. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 13:14:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2.3 Fault Type Identification check remote control commands
The area stability control system needs identify all
types of fault such as phase-to-ground, phase-to-phase, two-
phase -to-ground, three-phase fault and fault changing. To 2.5 GPS technology and phasor monitoring
avoid saturation of CT, which would lead to misjudging, a GPS (Globe positioning system) signal receivers
new integrated method combined current signal with voltage have been installed in each Control Unit in the area stability
signal has been developed. control system. GPS ensures the synchronizing clock with
By convention, only currents are used to identify fault high accuracy of 5 U s. The synchronizing clock makes it
type. But when the fault position is very near to bus the large possible to compare events in different substations, and
fault current will result in sever saturation of CT. In the first reestablish-the sequence of events which is convenient to
two cycles after fault occurrence, the deformed current is fault analysis. In addition the voltage phasors in different
hard to be used to judge fault type. In this period, substations, referenced to the synchronizing phasor built by
nevertheless, the voltage of bus apparently decreases without GPS timer, can be compared in graphic form(as shown in
saturation. When the fault occurs, the control system can Fig.4), which is the foundation of stability control approach
detect voltage drop firstly, and only if there are not apparent based on phasor measurement.
decrease in voltage the current identification method will be
The calculation showed that the judging areas of
voltage criteria and current criteria overlapped in their
correct operating scope, i.e. there is not particular area that
CT is in saturation and meanwhile the voltage does not drop
apparently. A series of dynamic tests show the applicability
of this method.

2.4 AP integral criteria for generation shedding

Similar to most stability control systems, this area
stability control system use strategy table as control schedule.
The strategy table is established on off-line stability
calculation, which consider various operation mode, different
fault types and locations. This method has its advantage of
real-time picking up. But it has heavy stability calculation
work and strategy table is complex. Furthermore, it can only
consider the most sever fault case, which is usually the three- Fig. 4 Measured results of synchronizing phason
phase fault, and cannot distinguish distance and severity of
the faults. So it will result in generation over-shedding.
To solve this problem, the area stability control system
has developed A P integral as auxiliary criteria. Theory Conclusion
analysis and simulation show that A P integral is an
effective index of acceleration energy of generator after fault, This paper illustrates the software and hardware
its magnitude is respondent to stability of power system, so it configuration of area stability control system in east part of
can be used as a threshold value for generation shedding. The HeiLongJiang power system. Based on the off-line stability
advantage of A P integral is as following: calculation, the system holds its strategy tables and
- Detail the strategy tables. By means of A P integral, the implements power shedding in case of special fault. The
system use GPS technology to realize the synchronous
distance and severity of fault can be recognized, and
generation shedding capacity can be determined exactly. So phasor measurement of the whole network. The digital
microwave channels are utilized to transmit phasor data,
it reduce the over-shedding possibility.
control commands and other information among control
High speed selection of generation shedding. In some
stations. Some new techniques are introduced in this control
cases, the protection signal of lines is unnecessary to A P system, such as an integrated fault identification approach
integral strategy tables. It need not wait for the relay signal and the integral of the unbalanced power of generators as a
and can determine the shedding command very fast. stability control criterion, which is a beneficial trial in
Enlarge protection area. With the continuity of its values, computer protection and stability control of power system.
the unified A P integral strategy table could be used for
plants and connecting substations without installing further Reference
Control Unit in substations. It reduced the investment of [ 11 Han YingDuo, Wang Zhonghong, Introspection and
equipment and simplified the whole control system. The Preview of power system stability research, Electrical
reliability of control system can be increased. Engineering Dept. of Tsinghua University, Oct. 1987
- Simplify the strategy tables. Without necessary to identify
fault type and line at which the fault occurs and with the
wide application in different system operation mode, the
strategy table of A P integral is simplifier than conventional
strategy tables.
As a new method, the A P integral need accumulate
operating experience. In the area stability control system the
A P integral method is only used as an auxiliary criteria to

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE 1508

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Manchester. Downloaded on October 19,2023 at 13:14:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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