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Among the philosophers that have their own definition of the self, I can say that
John Locke for me has the most convincing idea since, John Locke's theory of
personal identity, grounded in consciousness and memory, is convincing and rational
because it provides a coherent framework for understanding how we maintain a
sense of self over time. According to Locke, a person is defined by their ability to
think and be aware of themselves, and as long as we can remember past
experiences and connect them to our present consciousness, we remain the same
self. This perspective makes intuitive sense because it aligns with our everyday
experience of recalling and connecting with our past.

In my personal experience, I can attest to the validity of Locke's theory. When I

reflect on significant events from my past, such as my first job or a memorable
vacation, I can vividly recall the emotions and thoughts I had at the time. This
conscious connection between my past self and my present self through memory
reinforces Locke's assertion that personal identity relies on these mental processes.
Additionally, I have maintained journals and diaries over the years, and revisiting
these writings allows me to trace the evolution of my thoughts and experiences,
further supporting Locke's theory of personal identity as a resemblance of
consciousness and memory.

Furthermore, Locke's theory of personal identity has practical implications in our

lives, particularly in moral and legal contexts. It informs our understanding of
responsibility and accountability. For example, when someone is held accountable
for their actions, it suggests that they are the same person who committed the act
and can reflect on it through consciousness and memory. In essence, Locke's theory
of personal identity not only provides a logical framework for understanding the self
but also has real-world relevance in how we live our lives and interact with others.

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