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Outline (Your dream job)

=> viết 12-14 dòng trên giấy A4
(Tense: HTĐ + HTHT/ TLĐ will + Vn.m)
1. Topic sentence (introduction): giới thiệu chủ đề viết (What is your future job?)


- I would like to give a brief review about the job that I desire for in the future.

- This paragraph is expected to present about the dream job that I would like to do in the future.

- This paragraph is to briefly introduce about the occupation that I am enthusiastic about as a
long-term career.


2. Supporting ideas: Ý đoạn văn

- What is your dream job?
- My dream job is to become….
- I have always wanted/ wished/ dreamed to become…
- I would like to work as ….(a teacher, a tour guide, a CEO, a sales assistant, …) in the future.
- Why do you want to do that job? (because…)
- The reasons why I choose/ love/ want to do this job is that…
- The best part/ thing about being a …. is that you can…
What qualities (phẩm chất) do you need?
- In order to do this job, I have to be….. (patient/ kind/ helpful/ enthusiastic/ eager/…) because/as…
- Some qualities needed for the job are…. because….
- If you want to do this job, you have to…because….
- What qualifications (bằng cấp) do you need?
- In terms of qualifications/ education, you have to graduate from…
- Regarding education, you need to have…. (Bachelor: cử nhân; Master: Thạc sĩ;
Doctorate/PhD: tiến sĩ...) degree in….(Teaching/ Tourism/Marketing/ Economics/ Hotel

3. Concluding sentence: câu kết luận (cuối đoạn)

- The importance/ meaning (ý nghĩa) of that dream job:
+ Becoming an IT technician has a wide range of benefits/good points among all of the
occupations these days.
+ Becoming a tour guide is very essential for many aspects of modern life because it helps to
develop the local tourism in Nha Trang.

Outline (smart phones/laptops…)

(Tense: HTĐ + HTHT)
1. Topic sentence (introduction): giới thiệu chủ đề viết (WHY Smartphones/ laptops are

- I would like to give a brief review about the reasons why laptops/ smartphones are important.

- This paragraph is expected to present some MAIN REASONS for THE IMPORTANCE OF

- This paragraph is to briefly introduce about some leading benefits to take advantage of laptops/
smartphones in the modern day.

2. Supporting ideas: Ý thân đoạn

- In terms of (xét về) Communication (giao tiếp):

+ laptops/ smartphones can help to connect people between far-away regions regardless of (bất
kể) distances.
+ laptops/ smartphones provide video calls or audio text that helps people meet their beloved
ones (những người thân yêu).
- In terms of Business (kinh doanh):
+ laptops/ smartphones can help companies to publicize/ advertise (quảng bá) their products
to a lot of customers anytime and anywhere.
+ laptops/ smartphones provide seller/ companies with livestreams that can attract hundreds
of viewers to buy their products.
+ laptops/ smartphones provide online meeting/ conference between many companies/
corporations/ firms

- - In terms of Entertainment (giải trí):

(watch exciting videos; update the latest news; listen to music; watch films…)

- In terms of Online study (học trực tuyến):

(take part in online courses/ enroll in long-distancing classes/ search for major-related
articles/ materials/ join in relevant groups with other students…)
3. Concluding sentence: câu kết luận
- The importance/ meaning of laptops/ smartphones:
+ laptops/ smartphones have a wide range of benefits/good points for humans in the
technological world.
+ laptops/ smartphones are very essential for many aspects of modern life because it helps
connect the world.
+ People should balance between the amount of time using laptops/ smartphones and the real
(Tense: will + Vn.m/ Simple Past/ HTĐ/ HTHT)
1. Topic sentence (Introduction 1 câu): giới thiệu chủ đề (your plan for
next holiday – camping/ hiking/ Đà Lạt, Đà nẵng, Sapa..?)
- This paragraph is to introduce about my plan for the next holiday to visit
Đà Nẵng, which is one of the most famous/well-known/popular tourist
destinations (điểm đến DL) in Viet Nam.
- I would like to give a brief description about my plan for the next holiday
to visit Đà Lạt, which is the city I have just visited in VN.
- Sapa is one of the most famous tourist attractions (Điểm thu hút DL)
which I would like to visit for my next holiday among a variety of cities in
2. Supporting ideas: ý thân bài
a. The location (địa điểm) of the city/town (geographical
characteristics: a coastal (ven biển) city in the centre of VN; a foggy but
romantic city in the highland of Viet Nam…)
b. The landscape/ scenery (cảnh vật, phong cảnh) of the city/
(the scenery in this city is extremely (cực kỳ) (adj) picturesque đẹp như
tranh/ breath-taking (adj)/ magnificent (hùng vĩ) / romantic/
poetic/noisy/ peaceful/ bustling/ ……)
c. What kind of activities you would like to do in my next holiday?
=> nội dung chính (3-4 câu)
I will/ I would like to + Vn.m/…
- go sightseeing/ go on a bus tour around the city at night/
- visit historical places/ buy souvenirs for friends
- go to the night market/ the floating market…
- try the local dishes/ speciality (đặc sản đia phương)
What I would enjoy doing in the city is that I can try a lot of
delicious local food.
- I love relaxing and sightseeing a lot of nature beauty when
visiting this city.
d. The local people of in the city/town are? (OPTIONAL)
(lovely; kind; helpful/ friendly; warm-hearted/ nice/…)
3. Concluding sentence: (1 câu)
- The importance of the holiday to you (tầm quan trọng) / Your feelings, opinions for my
next holiday,…
- It is important to have a holiday after hard-working classes at the university, because it can
help people to let off steam/ relax/ relieve stress.
- Danang is a very beautiful destination so I want to visit it in my next holiday.
- Đà Lạt is like (prep: giống như là) a precious gift that nature blesses Vietnamese people, so I
will definitely visit it soon in my next holiday.


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