Kelompok 42 Intensif Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Syifa Nur Fauziyyah

NIM : 2108302131

Dosen Pengampu : Miss Hayatul Munawaroh, M.Pd



1. (A) The soup is delicious.

(B) The recipe is getting better.

(C) The soup does not taste very good.

(D) He decided to skip the soup.

Answer : C


2. (A) They have their troubles, and we have ours.

(B) The man should write his own lab report.

(C) They never tell us the correct hours.

(D) The man needs to check the hours.

Answer : D


3. (A) Andy keeps track of advising and registration.

(B) It is important to listen to Andy with skepticism.

(C) It is not necessary to add salt to the dish.

(D) Andy has already finished his registration.

Answer : B

4. (A) The lettuce needs to be rinsed before it is used.

(B) Let us wash up before we cat the sandwiches.

(C) We like eating lettuce because it is healthy.

(D) The lettuce Is in the salad she is making.

Answer : A


5. (A) At the School of business

(B) At a bookstore.

(C) In a hardware shop.

(D) In a grocery store.

Answer : B


6. (A) The sink has a bad odor.

(B) It is too late to start looking at the puddle.

(C) The man should not come at this hour.

(D) The sink should be repaired.

Answer : D


7. (A) Mary is an author of a book.

(B) Mary must have married a publisher.

(C) The historian is getting married

(D) Historical novels are very popular.

Answer : A


8. (A) All customers get three pencils.

(B) Those who take the test get a pencil.

(C) All buyers receive a free gift.

(D) Those who show their textbooks receive a free pencil.

Answer : C


9. (A) She has been looking for a cab for fifty minutes.

(B) She has been looking for a taxi for a quarter of an hour.

(C) She has been lost for fifteen minutes while wearing a light coaL

(D) She has sized up the situation correctly and called a cab.

Answer : B


10. (A) People's recommendations are more effective than newspaper ads.

(B) Most people do not pay attention to newspaper ads.

(C) The new exhibit is promoted by the best advertising agency.

(D) Words cannot describe the new exhibit effectively.

Answer : A


11. (A) The man needs to fill out the forms.

(B) The man's car is out of gas and needs a fill-up.

(C) The paint feels wet, and visitors should be careful.

(D) The man is invited to go along.

Answer : D


12. (A) It is better to prepare before pouring it.

(B) The batter contains four ingredients.

(C) The mixture is poured on a hot surface.

(D) The first pen is better than the next one.

Answer : C

13. (A) Julie and Michael plan to get married

(B) Julie and Michael decided to buy a new tie.

(C) Julie's mother has not decided yet.

(D) Julie's mother has no news to report.

Answer : A


14. (A) They cannot attend advising sessions.

(B) An advisor is assigned to them.

(C) They chose the wrong advising schedule.

(D) An advisor shows them the correct schedule

Answer : B


15. (A) It is a good idea to go jogging despite the hot weather.

(B) It is important to stand up straight and exercise regularly.

(C) The current weather is difficult to tolerate.

(D) The weather has a long-standing pattern.

Answer : C


16. (A) They have little time for dancing these’ days.

(B) They believe that gardening is serious business.

(C) Their dancing classes have not started yet.

(D) Their gardening business is off to a good start.

Answer : A


17. (A) The color seems to be wrong.

(B) She is not sure if she likes it.

(C) She thinks that it is too short.

(D) The Man should not buy it.

Answer : D


18. (A) Renting a car

(B) Going to the station

(C) Planting a tree for children

(D) Arriving late every day

Answer : A


19. (A) The search committee has filled out the applications.

(B) The search for an office assistant has ended.

(C) The hiring process has not been completed.

(D) The applicants will still be reviewing the office.

Answer : C


20. (A) Come back on Tuesday.

(B) Take the test.

(C) Take the course.

(D) Make a choice of a major.

Answer : B


21. (A) The dinner last week was a disaster.

(B) She'll pay for the dinner.

(C) She'll cook dinner this time.

(D) She lives on Broadway.

Answer : B

22. (A) He finished the report already.

(B) He wants to have another meeting.

(C) He is tired of meetings.

(D) He doesn't have time on Sunday.

Answer : C


23. (A) Making an appointment

(B) Going out on a date

(C) Discussing Peter

(D) Scheduling a departure

Answer : D


24. (A) He will rest in the afternoon.

(B) He has to keep working.

(C) He needs to clean his desk.

(D) He has missed the deadline

Answer : D


25. (A) Fred is mysterious.

(B) Fred's class is not difficult.

(C) She doesn't know.

(D) She is taking a different class.

Answer : C


26. (A) Roberta had misplaced her key before.

(B) Roberta's husband is late again.

(C) Roberta"s husband docs not treat her very well.

(D) Roberta had returned from work.

Answer : A


27. (A) At a gift shop

(B) ln a bank

(C) At a florist's

(D) ln a delivery office

Answer : C


28. (A) It takes an hour to get to the North Campus from here.

(B) The shuttle comes twice an hour.

(C) It'll be 15 minutes for the shuttle to get here.

(D) The shuttle is 15 minutes behind the schedule.

Answer : B


29. (A) The man can't park there.

(B) It's okay to leave the car only for a few minutes.

(C) She doesn't live on this block.

(D) The man should park in the driveway.

Answer : A


30. (A) The woman is more careful now than she used to be.

(B) The woman is not very careful.

(C) He will help the woman with the gate.

(D) He wishes only the best for the woman.

Answer : B


31. (A) Selcct trees that he can plant in his yard.

(B) Suggest trees that do not require much care.

(C) Figure out the best variety of trees.

(D) Point out trees that are on sale.

Answer : B


32. (A) Fruit growth, shade, and appearance

(B) Soil erosion, height, and slope orientation

(C) Southern exposure, roots, and water

(D) Soil density, light, and heat tolerance

Answer : D


33. (A) They do not do well in direct sunlight.

(B) Their root systems need good drainage.

(C) They improve the environment and shade.

(D) Their height can become a problem.

Answer : B


34. (A) Buy a few short trees.

(B) Prune more trees.

(C) Learn more about trees.

(D) Think a little longer.

Answer : C

35. (A) Talk to the violin maker.

(B) Play the instrument

(C) Wait for the wood to dry.

(D) Adjust the bow strings.

Answer : B


36. (A) It is a lengthy process.

(B) It is a delightful hobby.

(C) It is a musical endeavor.

(D) It requires musical expertise.

Answer : A


37. (A) Music

(B) Violin

(C) Writing

(D) Reading

Answer : C


38. (A) Glasses arc less inconvenient.

(B) Contacts can be more easily lost.

(C) Contacts are more difficult to keep clean.

(D) Glasses are less preferable.

Answer : D


39. (A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three
(D) Four

Answer : C


40. (A) Researching lens plastics

(B) Scheduling an eye exam

(C) Locating an optometrist

(D) Saving enough money

Answer : B



41. (A) To assist international travelers with data and changes

(B) To elaborate on the system calendars in various locations

(C) To explain the conventions of marking and changing dates

(D) To demonstrate the connections between meridians and air travel

Answer : C


42. (A) Travelers have to choose the best days and times for their cross-continental

(B) The distance from Los Angeles to Asia is similar to that from New York to

(C) Date changes occur sometime when air travelers cross the Pacific.

(D) A loss of several hours of sleep is possible during long cross-continental flights.

Answer : C


43. (A) They should count the number of hours add hours to the local time.

(B) They need to add or subtract a day when crossing the date line.

(C) They should buy a Western or eastern calendar to match the local day count.
(D) They need to count the beginnings of days from midnight to midnight.

Answer : B


44. (A) North-to-south standard time zones

(B) Loose elliptical connections among longitudes

(C) The line near the 24th hour on the local calendar

(D) The area along the 180th meridian of longirude

Answer : D


45. (A) To describe the people who live on the island

(B) To point out earth divisions similar to those in Alaska

(C) To explain the rigidity of meridian lines

(D) To illustrate the swerves in the date line

Answer : D


46. (A) The prehistoric northern settlements and the Northwestern Passage

(B) The historical and economic significance of northern explorations

(C) The Greek, English, and Spanish explorers of the northern seas

(D) The connections between the English-Spanish war and northern explorers

Answer : B


47. (A) Together with the English, they defeated the Spanish fleet.

(B) Unlike the Dutch, they looked for the Northern Passage.

(C) Together with the Spanish, they controlled the southern seas.

(D) Unlike other merchants, they did not trade in India.

Answer : C

48. (A) Those that are low in calories

(B) Those that are high in protein

(C) Those that are eaten on a usual basis

(D) Those that are eaten at regular intervals

Answer : C


49. (A) Vitamins and minerals

(B) Com and potatoes

(C) Bread and butter

(D) Fish and beans

Answer : D


50. (A) Various kinds of fats

(B) Different types of sugars

(C) Half of all calories consumed by Americans

(D) Half of all nutrients found in carbohydrates

Answer : B


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