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1. May I see your passport?

- Yes (паспорт береміз, даже сурамасада таможняда сразу паспортты хеллоу хау ар ю деп
позитивно барып паспортты береміз, не забываем улыбаться, позитивпен барамыз если хмурый
болып тұрса ұнамай қалуың мүмкін)

2. What is the purpose of your visit/trip?


3. How long do you intend to stay?

- 8 days

4. Where will you be staying?

-at a hotel

Can you show the hotel booking?

Отель корсетесин

5. What is your occupation? / What do you do?

- I’m a student

Where do you study?

Универ атын айтасын ин Шымкент деп

6. Are you travelling alone?


7. Do you have any family here?

No, I don’t

8. Have you ever been here before?

No, it is my first time

9. Do you have a return ticket?


Корсет десе корсетесн

10. How will you be funding your trip?

-My mom paid me for this trip

What’s her occupation? /What does she do?

She is a doctor. (айлыгын сураса 8000 доллар)

11. Are you carrying any prohibited items, such as weapons or drugs?


12. Have you visited any other countries recently?


13. Do you have any medical conditions or illnesses that may require medical attention while you are in


14. Have you ever been refused entry or deported from any other country before?


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