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Denis Perevalov Lections on OpenFrameworks and Interactive Multimedia

See in-depth details in my book Mastering openFrameworks Books examples are free, see

Interactive Multimedia 1. Interactive multimedia systems. Introduction to openFrameworks 2. Interactive art (lection by Ksenia Fedorova) Graphics 3. Two-dimensional graphics 4. Shaders Sound 5. Interactive sound Computer Vision 6. Introduction to Computer Vision. Grabbing and processing camera images 7. OpenFrameworks and OpenCV Communication with external devices and programs 8. Communicating with other programs via OSC 9. Connecting external sensors using Arduino

Contacts: Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

1. Interactive multimedia systems. Introduction to openFrameworks

What is interactive multimedia system?

Interactive multimedia system


Emily Gobeille and Theodore Watson (OpenFrameworks creator) for Festival 2007 CineKid in the Netherlands

Hand from above

by Chris O'Shea

Body Paint

by Mehmet Akten

Interactive multimedia system is hardware and software multimedia system which 1) Is the real-time system. 2) Can input data by using various sensors, cameras and other sources of signals. 3) Can output data by the graphics, sound, haptics, robotics and other devices.

Interactive Multimedia System

The idea Concept
Development Computer vision Computer graphics Computer sound / music


Implementation Equipment and installation

"Physical Computing

Ways of developing interactive systems

- Low-Level Libraries - Middle-Level Platforms - High-level Environments

Low-level libraries

Processing, analysis and image recognition

(Open Graphics Library) High-speed graphics

(Open Computing Language) Parallelization and speed up the calculations, in particular, means GPU.

(Open Audio Library) Sound

Box2D - 2D physics engine

Bullet - 3D physics engine

Web server

Video 1 Video 2

and so on ...

Middle-level Platforms
This is a platform for "Creative coding", includes a large set of functions and libraries that are integrated for convenient Programming.

Language: Java For computer vision Java is slow.

Language: C / C + +

Language: C / C + + Recently appeared, gaining popularity.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

High-level environments
Visual programming environments, which allows to implement projects without actual programming. It is important that they can be expanded by the plugins made with low-level libraries. Also they can work together with middle-level platforms.

Max / MSP / Jitter

Focused on audio and VJ-ing.

Focused on visual effects.

Focused on highquality 3D.

Example: Sniff - Interactive Dog, Unity3D + OpenFrameworks

Fields of application
Using only computer vision and computer graphics (and sound) currently produces a wide range - Advertising, - Entertainment, - Training, - Scientific, - Health, - Art interactive systems.

Course Description

What we will do
(1) The main interest
- Creation of interactive multimedia-based systems Recognition of video and audio signals. (2) Moderate interest

- 3D graphics, physics simulation, sound generation.

(3) Basis for application development - OpenFrameworks

Course Content
1. Introduction to OpenFrameworks
- Basics OpenFrameworks. General principles of real-time systems, vision systems and interactive systems. - 2D-graphics. - Receiving and processing images from the camera, the basics OpenCV. - Receiving and processing of sound. - Generation of sound, the playback of audio samples. - 3D-graphics. - Basic mapping. - Meet with high-level programs Unity3D, MultitouchDesigner, QuartzComposer. Installing Openframeworks connection with them. - Connecting external devices via the Arduino.

Course Content
2. Lecture "The Strategy of interactive art." by Ksenia Fedorova
(Curator of Yekaterinburg r la National Centre for Contemporary Art, Ven. factor is the art and culture, Postgraduate Department. aesthetics, ethics, theory and cultural history Philosophical Faculty USU)

Course Content
3. Working on your projects Listeners will be asked to perform under our supervision a number of projects related to video analysis and generation of graphics / sound.

Recommended Reading
Joshua Noble "Programming Interactivity: A designer's Guide to Processing, Arduino, and openFrameworks "

For the translation of the book to your language use

OpenFrameworks homepage

OpenFrameworks applications list

Introduction in OpenFrameworks

What is OpenFrameworks
OpenFrameworks open library (framework) for C++, designed to work with multimedia.
Developed as a tool for designers and artists working with interactive design and media art.
One of the main advantages OpenFrameworks - extreme ease of use.

It is very popular tool for creating interactive systems, image processing, installations and various projects working with graphics, sound and input / output to external devices.

Where does OpenFrameworks

Windows Mac OS X Linux

iPhone OS

History of creation
OpenFrameworks was developed by: Zach Lieberman,Theo Watson, Arturo Castro, Chris O'Shea, together with other members of the Parsons School of Design, MediaLabMadrid, Hangar Center for the Arts, etc. Start of development - in the Parsons School of Design (New York) where Lieberman was a student.

When to use OpenFrameworks

- Multimedia capabilities are needed (input-output video input / output audio connection of external devices) - High-speed analysis of input data is needed (which is usually can be made only on the C/C + +) - A rather simple logic of data processing calculate->draw->calculate->draw->..." - No or little amount of GUI is needed - A small amount of time for developing is desirable

When not use OpenFrameworks

- Requires a lot of GUI (text editor) instead, use development tools, GUI - QT, Cocoa, ... - Require complex logic control rendering (3d game) instead, use engines like Unity3D, ... - Multimedia capabilities are not needed (web server) -You have money & time & desire for industrial application development so you can create your project from a number of low-level libraries.

Application structure
Architecture design of openFrameworks aimed to handling multimedia information in real time.
This results in a - Application appearance - Application structure.

Application appearance

Normally openFrameworks application has two windows - a graphics window and console window for the logs.

Application structure

Application structure

Getting Started with OpenFrameworks

1. Install VisualStudio C++ Express Edition 2. Download and install OpenFrameworks - There select "visual studio 2010 FAT" "FAT" means that many addons and examples are included. 3. Test installation. Go to the folder openFrameworks/app/examples, then compile and run one example.

Create a new project "Pendulum" with OpenFrameworks

1. In the folder openFrameworks/app/examples take an example emptyProject and copy it to /App/myApps/Mayatnik 2. Enter the code in the function of your class that derives from ofBaseApp

setup (); //set parameters at startup update (); //computation, analysis of input data draw (); //draw the current state

An example of a pendulum with an elastic band

The text of the "pendulum" testApp.h

// You dont need to change this file
# Ifndef _TEST_APP # Define _TEST_APP # Include "ofMain.h" class testApp: public ofBaseApp { public: void setup (); void update (); void draw (); void keyPressed (int key); void keyReleased (int key); void mouseMoved (int x, int y); void mouseDragged (int x, int y, int button); void mousePressed (int x, int y, int button); void mouseReleased (int x, int y, int button); void windowResized (int w, int h); }; # Endif

The text of the "pendulum" testApp.cpp, p. 1 / 3

# Include "testApp.h" // this class is already defined // Variables for ofPoint pos0; // Point of suspension ofPoint pos; // Current position ofPoint velocity; // Speed // Set void testApp:: setup () { pos0 = ofPoint (500.0, 200.0); pos = ofPoint (700.0, 200.0); velocity = ofPoint (0.0, 0.0); // OpenFrameworks it will redraw background each frame //with this color: red=255, green=255, blue=255, i.e. white ofBackground (255,255,255); }

The text of the "pendulum" testApp.cpp, p. 2 / 3

// Update the state void testApp:: update () { // Calculate the Hookes force ofPoint delta = pos - pos0; float len = sqrt (delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y); float guk = 0.01 * (len - 100.0); // 100.0 - length gum ofPoint gukForce = delta * (-guk / len); ofPoint g (0.0, 9.8); // Gravity // 2-th Newton's law float dt = 0.2; // TODO there must be reliance to real-time between frames float mass = 0.1; ofPoint force = gukForce + g * mass; ofPoint a = force / mass; velocity + = a * dt; pos + = velocity * dt; }

The text of the "pendulum" testApp.cpp, p. 2 / 3

// Draw void testApp:: draw () { // Gum ofSetColor (0, 0, 255);// Color blue ofLine (pos0.x, pos0.y, pos.x, pos.y); // Draw a line // Circle ofSetColor (255, 0, 0); // Color red ofFill ();// Insert a fill ofCircle (pos.x, pos.y, 20); // Draw a circle } ... Next comes the rest of the code empty functions for processing the mouse and keyboard. We do not need to change it now.

On the basis of "pendulum" do "Branching pendulum, with pendulums of different weights. It will have a much more interesting dynamics.

Projects to do
Choose one of the projects for the independent or collective development (or suggest your own idea): 1. 3D Sculpture Creating 2. Flying flowers 3. The dynamic mapping on the cube

Creating 3-D Sculpture

Script The sheet of paper with a marker out is dropped on the table. The system draws some 3-D body (cube or sphere). User takes in hand the second marker starts knocking them in 3D-body, beating of his minor particles. By rotate the sheet of paper and working with second marker,, you can make 3D sculpture. Technology To recognize the markers use Augmented Reality technology (example ARToolKit library). The sculpture can be a set of small cubes (50x50x50).

Flying flowers
Script Classical interactive installation. where the audience waved his hands in front of the camera, and drawn on the screen, such as flower petals. On the screen in a place where waved the audience - the petals scatter in different directions, there appears a picture. After some time the petals fly back into place. The viewer must actively waving his arms to clear the whole picture. Technology 1) Use optical flow and background analysis for analysis of users' movements 2) Do rendering - on openFrameworks, either on Unity3D or TouchDesigner (transfer data from openFrameworks through OSC).

The dynamic mapping on the cube

Script Project images onto cunes faces. Specificity in that cube can be moved, and the camera (or Kinekt) should track it and synchronize projector images accordingly. Thus, no matter how we moved the cube - it will be illuminated by the projector correctly. Technology 1) Tracking the cube faces using pattern recognition technology. Camera and projector calibration is needed also. 2) Do rendering on openFrameworks, either on Unity3D or TouchDesigner (transfer data from openFrameworks through OSC).

2. Interactive art
(Lecture by Ksenia Fedorova)

Nam June Paik, Budda Watches TV

Tony Ousler, Lets Switch, 1996


Mark Napier, Shredder, 1998


The Telectroscope lets Londoners and New Yorkers see each other in real time.




Char Davies, Tree Pond, from Osmose, 1995

Home of the Brain. 1990-92. Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss

Reface [Portrait Sequencer], Golan Levin and Zachary Lieberman (an interactive installation which cuts up and recombines users faces)

Interactive arts classification

- - (./.) .

Nam June Paik Participation TV, 1963

Bruce Nauman Live-Taped Video Corridor, 1970

Jeffrey Shaw, Legible City, CAVE, T-Visinarium,

Sommerer/Mignonneau, A-Volve, 1993 1994


How can human beings and computers communicate with each other without the use of a mouse or a keyboard? With All Senses spotlights scenarios with great promise for a future beyond the realm of computer screens and cable spaghetti. Bringing your body into play and using your voice and sense of touch give rise to new modes of interaction between the real world and digital ones. You won't believe your senses as pictures you've drawn yourself come to life and virtual objects suddenly begin to radiate heat or cold.

2007 Hideyuki Ando (JP) Tomofumi Yoshida (JP) Junji Watanabe (JP) Think that nothing can make you lose your equilibrium? Then its time for you to try SaveYourSelf!!!

You start by using a digital camera to take a self-portrait and then loading to a compact display floating in a bowl of water. Now, all you have to do is put on a set of headphones with a built-in electrode, pick up the bowl of water, and the action gets underway. The motion of the water is transmitted directly to your body.
The compact display features an integrated acceleration sensor that measures shifts of the water surface and sends the data to the electrode in the headphones. It emits a low-voltage current that stimulates the portion of the inner ear that regulates the sense of balance. A novel sensory interface based on galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) was developed for SaveYourSelf!!! Similar procedures are employed in medical tests investigating how well a persons sense of balance functions. Even a very weak electric current (less than ~1.5mA) can disturb the feeling of equilibrium.

- - - , . , - . , . . , , . , , (- ). () .

DMITRY KAWARGA, MODEL OF BIPOLAR ACTIVITY Interaction with an object of the Model Bipolar Activity stimulates the feeling of equilibrium and harmony through a simple touch of the metal plates that transfer impulses.

Relax and win! BRAINBALL turns the conventional concept of competition on its head: the victor isnt the contestant whos most active, but rather the one whose brainwaves signal the deeper state of relaxation.

Alvaro Cassinelli, The Khronos Projector, 2006

Nowadays, controls that make it easy and convenient to play films are something we take completely for granted. On a DVD player, you can record, fast-forward and reverse, or pause on an individual image. Nevertheless, its only been possible to view these sequences of shots in one predetermined temporal direction. Now, Khronos Projector makes it possible to see a film from a completely new point of view.


Marek Walczak & Martin Wattenberg, NO PLACE (2007-2008)

These paradise types are endgames of ideological constructs, whether a vision of a classless society or a scientists vision of a sustainable environment.
Current paradises include, but are not exclusive to: Allahs Garden, American Dream, Communism,

George Legrady, SensingSpeakingSpace, 2000-2002

Joachim Sauter, Floating.numbers, 2004 Numbers are commonly seen as quantitative measure of entities. Depending on the context however, they often also have religious, historical, mathematical and philosophical meanings. "floating.numbers" attempts to bring back this often forgotten or unknown layer of meaning into their interpretation in the age of digital determinism.floating.numbers is a 9 x 2 meter interactive table on which a continuos stream of numbers are floating.

Sergey Kotzun
Movement perception

Realization: a video stream from the PC with connected web camera, being transmitted to the projection screen using the multimedia projector. When viewer appears in the working zone of a web camera, he sees himself on a projection screen, surrounded by transparent squares (squares exist only on projection screen). Installed on PC program analyzes movements of a viewer. When viewer and square become in contact on the screen, a sample corresponding to the square, as in musical instrumesnts, is playing and a primitive geometrical element being added to the image on the screen. After the series of contacts the space of the exhibition becomes filled with sounds and the screen is filled with abstract suprematic compositions.

CyberHelmet TRIP, CYLAND: Anna Frantz, Marina Koldobskaya, Pleg Rodionov, Michail Chernov, Olga Rostrosta
Viewer moves through the exhibition hall in a helmet with wireless video glasses. Motion sensors are embedded into helmet. Glasses and sensors are connected with computer by radio signal. Sensors catch velocity of viewers movement and send signals by wireless network to a computer, where they transform into psychedelic visual pattern. Faster moves the viewer (walks, swirls, dances) , stronger the psychedelic TRIP.

Media Performance Drumpainting

Anna Frantz, Marina Koldobskaya, Michail Chernov
Streams of images are mixed during the session by the means of custom interface, creating some kind of an abstract "animation", which is demonstrated to public during performance. Software allows not only mix images, but also change colour and size of an image on each channel (maximum 4), and use several additional effects (multiplication of an image, change transparency, delay of a previous image, inversion and so on), to get unlimited variations

Interactive Video Installation ALIEN SPACE by Alexandra Dementieva

Alien space is presented as a miniature of the human universe: it is amazing, cruel, childish, stupid, beautiful and fragile at the same time. It reacts to all outside stimuli as well as internal changes every movement by a visitor triggers either sound or image and changes its composition. The installation consists of 800 balloons forming 2 corridors leading to a central circular space. Images of various international television personalities continually mutating into extraterrestrials and robots are projected onto the balloons. The sound environment consists of recordings in 67 languages that mix in a Babylonian cacophony.

Paul Sermon Telematic Dreaming (1992)

Ken Goldberg, Telegarden, 1995-2004

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer Amodal Suspension / Vectorial Elevation

(. ): - - - - - - - -

Agnes Hegeds Things Spoken ,1999

1. Miguel Chevalier Ultra-Nature - 2006 Installation de ralit virtuelle interactive. 2. Rejane Cantoni/ Leonardo Crescenti INFINITE CUBED 2007 immersive and interactive installation 3. Rejane Cantoni/ Leonardo Crescenti SOLAR 2009 (?) immersive and interactive installation 4. Anne-Sarah Le Meur EYE OCEAN 2009 3D interactive experimental image 5. Rudolfo Quintas 6. Laboratrio de Luz Modulador de Luz 2.0 (2006) 3.0 (2008) 7. Jayoung Bang & Yunjun Lee Memorandum on Vessels 2008

8. Bonnie Mitchell and Elainie Lillios Encounter(s) 2007 Audio Visual Interactive Immersive Installation 9. Agnes Hegeds, Bernd Lintermann, Jeffrey Shaw reconFIGURING the CAVE 2000 (in the exhibition Media Museum) 10. Rat tales, 2004 11. GEORGE LEGRADY SensingSpeakingSpace 2000 2002 ingspace.html 12. CHRISTA / LAURENT SOMMERER / MIGNONNEAU The Living Web 2002 2002 13. Lawrence Malstaf (BE)Courtesy Galerie Fortlaan 17 Gent (BE) Nemo Observatorium, 2009 14. Missa di Vocce 15. Florian Grond Hear and Now, 2007 /hear_and_now.htm&html/submenues/ m 16. Chris Solter

, , (
Ars Electronica Art Futura Artefact Festival Belluard Bollwerk International Festival Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth Boston Cyberarts Festival Capsula (Science, Art, Nature) Electrohype (Computer Arts) Elektra Digital Art Festival Innovation Lab Institute for the Unstable Media International Festival for Contemporary Media Art International Media Art Biennale International Symposium of Interactive Media Design ISEA (Inter-Society for The Electronic Arts) Japan Media Arts Plaza Los Angeles Center for Digital Art Machine Project MLAC Museo Laboratorio DArte Contemporanea Neruo Show (Caltech Art Show) New Langton Arts Strange Attractors: charm between art and science STRP Art & Technology Festival The Exploratorium The SIGGRAPH Art Shows Transmediale VIDA (International Competition on Art and Artificial Life) Virtual Platform ( ) , (. .) , (..)

3. Two-dimensional graphics

Display Settings
in main.cpp: ofSetupOpenGL(& Window, 1024,768, OF_WINDOW); 1024, 768 - screen sizes, OF_WINDOW - output window. To display full screen in 1280x1024:

ofSetupOpenGL(& Window, 1280,768, OF_FULLSCREEN);

Display Settings
Switching between full screen during the program (in the update ()): ofSetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) Example: by pressing the '1 '/ '2' - on / off full screen mode: void testApp:: keyPressed (int key) { if (key == '1 ') { ofSetFullscreen(True); } if (key == '2 ') { ofSetFullscreen(False); } }

Setting the background

ofBackground(int r, int g, int b) sets the background color (default is 128, 128, 128). Note: must be put in setup (), if enabled ofSetBackgroundAuto.

ofSetBackgroundAuto(bool bAuto) - Turns on / off cleaning mode images in each frame before calling draw () (default true).

Drawing Shapes
LineofLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) Rectangle ofRect(float x1, float y1, float w, float h) Circle ofCircle(float x, float y, float radius)

Triangle ofTriangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
Ellipse ofEllipse Polygon ofBeginShape (), ofVertex (), ofEndShape () Smooth curve ofCurve

Drawing Shapes
Options: Drawing Color ofSetColor(int red, int green, int blue), where the numbers from 0 to 255. ofSetColor(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) alpha is transparency, see below ofSetColor(int hexColor) 0x00ff00 means green Line Thickness ofSetLineWidth(float lineWidth) line thickness in pixels

Fill / no fill shape ofFill() - Fill ofNoFill() - Do not fill

Text output
- A simple text output, without setting the font and size: ofDrawBitmapString("Some text", 50, 50), // options: text and coordinates - To derive a normal font and size - to use ofTrueTypeFont: 1) copy bin / data font For example, verdana.ttf (There is a folder openframeworks) 2) declare: ofTrueTypeFont myFont; 3) in the setup (): myFont.loadFont ("verdana.ttf", 32 / * size * /); 4) in the draw (): myFont.drawString ("Good", 50, 50); - Output to a text console window: cout <<"Text" <<endl;


This is what is called generative art and creative coding

Declaring Variables float px; // top line float py; float qx; // indent float qy; float col; // color setup () ofBackground (255, 255, 255); ofSetBackgroundAuto (false); px = 320; py = 240; qx = 0; qy = 0; col = 0;

update () px + = ofRandom (-1, 1); // ofRandom (a, b) - random value in [a, b] py + = ofRandom (-1, 1); qx + = ofRandom (-0.3, 0.3); qy + = ofRandom (-0.3, 0.3); if (px <0) px + = 640; if (px>= 640) px -= 640; if (py <0) py + = 480; if (py>= 480) py -= 480; if (qx <-30) qx + = 15; if (qx> 30) qx -= 15; if (qy <-30) qy + = 15; if (qy> 30) qy -= 15; col + = 0.02; if (col>= 256) col = col - 256;

draw () int r = col; int g = int (col * 2) % 256; int b = 255 - col; ofSetColor (r, g, b); ofLine (px, py, px + qx, py + qy);

Drawing Images

Collage (From Fr.collage- Sticking) - technique in visual art, which consists in sticking to a substrate of objects and materials that differ from the basis of color and texture. Collage is also called the product is entirely made in this technique. (Wikipedia) And here we understand the placement of a collage of various images on the screen.

For a collage for you: -Load a pictures - Rotation - Transfer, - Change the size, - Transparency.

Loading and drawing images

ad image ofImage image; in the setup () image.loadImage ("texture.jpg"); // Load from disk // File should be in the bin / data in the draw () ofSetColor (255, 255, 255); // Why it is needed - see below // Transparency of the whole picture image.draw (100.0, 50.0); // Display // Upper left corner will be (100, 50)
This image can be downloaded from The original image was taken from

Rotate image
in the draw ()

ofPushMatrix (); // Remember the transformation matrix ofRotate (10.0); // Rotation in degrees of the left upper hand. angle image.draw (0.0, 0.0); // Draw ofPopMatrix (); // Restore matrix

Rotation around its center

in the draw () // Draw rotated, and that the center was at (200.0, 100.0) ofPushMatrix (); ofTranslate (200.0, 100.0);// Center of the picture ofRotate (20.0); // Rotation // Drawing with a shift: image.draw (-image.width / 2,-image.height / 2); ofPopMatrix ();


Transparency for the pixels

To make a good collage of several images, you must remove the black background. This is done by using transparency for image pixels.

The use of transparency to the image pixels

If the channels Red, Green, Blue add channel Alpha, you can set the transparency of pixels. Alpha = 0 - pixel is transparent and invisible, Alpha = 255 - pixel is completely opaque. That is, you can simply cut out the background.

The scheme of mixing colors with transparency

Typically, data transparency is stored as a parameter "alpha". This "opacity". If the value of alpha fragment in [0, 1] (ie, alpha = Alpha / 255.0) the old color C0 blended with the color of a fragment of C1 by the formula R = (1-alpha) * R0 + alpha * R1 G = (1-alpha) * G0 + alpha * G1 B = (1-alpha) * B0 + alpha * B1 If alpha = 0 - new color is just the old C0. If alpha = 1 - a new color is the color of a fragment of C1. At intermediate values - the mixing of colors. If multiple objects overlap - the procedure is performed sequentially, from the far neighbor.

The scheme of mixing colors with transparency

Red square impose on black, white and blue. Impose three times with alpha: 0.3, 0.6, 1.0.

Methods of obtaining images with a cutout background

1. of the vector editor 2. "Smart" Edges in Photoshop or Gimp 3. hand - poor quality (aliasing, jagged edge)!

Image formats, keeping transparency

1. Formats that allow transparency store png-24 - Best quality / size / speed unpacking bmp-1932, tiff, tga. 2. Formats, which store 1-bit transparency (ragged edges): gif, png-8. 3. Does not keep transparency in principle: jpg.

Example: rotating sunflowers

// Declare variables ofImage image; // Image float angle = 0.0; // Angle of rotation // Initialize void testApp:: setup () { image.loadImage ("texture.png"); // Png - with transparency angle = 0.0; } // Update the state void testApp:: update () { angle + = 0.1; // Rotation }

Example: rotating sunflowers

// Draw void testApp:: draw () { // Enable transparency ofEnableAlphaBlending ();

// 2-d option with the exact function for transparency: // GlEnable (GL_BLEND); // GlBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
for (int i = 0; i <5; i + +) { ofPushMatrix (); ofTranslate (300.0 + i * 100.0, 300.0); // Move ofRotate (angle); // Rotation ofScale (1.0 + 0.2 * i, 1.0 + 0.2 * i);// Increase the size of image.draw (-image.width / 2,-image.height / 2); ofPopMatrix (); } ofDisableAlphaBlending (); // Disable transparency // GlDisable (GL_BLEND); }

Transparency of the whole image

It is also often used for collage transparency for the whole image (Layer). Pictured above is a collage, where some of the sunflowers are imposed with transparency. A two sunflowers also made fully transparent (ie invisible), respectively, Red, Blue and Green, Blue channels.

Transparency of the whole image

- Accomplishes this by setting the color ofSetColor(R, g, b, a), before drawing the image. The fact that the images are drawn with per-pixel multiplication of the components of the current color that can be conventionally written as follows: R = r / 255.0 * R0 G = g / 255.0 * G0 B = b / 255.0 * B0 A = a / 255.0 * A0 That is why, to display an image without any changes, use ofSetColor(255, 255, 255) before drawing images. Caution: If there was black, the image will be invisible. This is a fairly frequent "problem"!

Transparency of the whole image

// Draw void testApp:: draw () { float w = image.width; float h = image.height; ofBackground (0, 0, 0);// Set the background color ofEnableAlphaBlending ();// Enable transparency
// Current color affects the output texture // Namely, the texture separately to each multiplied by the R, G, B components // Color and has ignored its transparency ofSetColor (255, 255, 255);// Opaque image.draw (w, h); ofSetColor (255, 255, 255, 128);// Translucent image.draw (w / 2, h / 2); ofSetColor (0, 255, 0, 128);// Translucent, only the green channel image.draw (w / 2, h + h / 2); ofDisableAlphaBlending ();// Disable transparency }


Draw in the buffer

How to draw the path of motion of the pendulum

Objective: to draft a swinging pendulum to add to paint, where he had been the center of the pendulum. It is as if the pendulum is at the center of a pencil that draws on the paper. How to do it? If memorize the trajectory as a broken and every time it displays on the screen - the program will work gradually slower and slower. The best way to solutions - to draw the trajectory of the pendulum at some off-screen buffer, and then give the buffer to the screen. This buffer is - how to display that we do not see. In contrast to the screen buffer will not be cleaned with each drawing the screen. FBO - Frame Buffer Object In this buffer you can draw on the screen, and then use the result as a texture - that is, display it as a screen or draw it in another buffer. You can do sophisticated multi-layer images, allowing to make the effects of "trace" of moving objects. To do this, painting a buffer in another, with varying opacity.

How to draw the path of motion of the pendulum

Then the algorithm of drawing in the draw () is as follows: 1. in the buffer is drawn straight line connecting the current position of the pendulum with the previous 2. buffer is displayed on the screen 3. drawn on the screen itself the pendulum

Working with buffer drawing

To work with the buffers drawing OpenFrameworks best to use the addon ofxFBOTexture. It consists of two files - ofxFBOTexture.h and ofxFBOTexture.cpp.

These files must be added to the project, like so: 1. Copy them into the src of the project 2. in VisualStudio poke right-click on the project in the menu - Add Existing Items and add them both. Correct copy all the addons folder openframeworks / addons, but it can be uncomfortable if the project should be mobile, that is collected on different computers.

Working with buffer drawing

... # Include "ofxFBOTexture.h"

... ofxFBOTexture buffer; // buffer for drawing off-screen

in the setup () // Create a buffer buffer.allocate (ofGetWidth (), ofGetHeight (), false // no autoclean every drawing - since will be there to collect pictures );

buffer.clear (0, 0, 0, 255) // clear black

// We must note that if you choose not black, then the buffer can be painted in the first color you use. How to fix the problem?

Working with buffer drawing

in the draw () buffer.begin (); // start drawing a buffer // procedures for drawing into the buffer - Is made as to the screen ... ofSetColor, ofLine, ...

buffer.end (); // end drawing to clipboard buffer.draw (0, 0) // output buffer to the screen // Else draw ... In this case, the procedure of drawing into the buffer will be from frame to frame (the way: that was a pendulum), and procedures for the rest of the painting - only appear in one frame (itself a pendulum with a rubber band).

Homework (*)
Draw a polygon filled with a (textured) with some images. Hint. Scheme of the function call: ofTexture tex = image.getTextureReference (); tex.bind (); glBegin (GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f (...) glVertex2f (...) ... glEnd (); tex.unbind ();

Appendix: Video recording and publication of a running program

Capture video from screen

The program CamStudio - free software for capturing images from the screen and record a video.

For large scale exciting field capture rate may be very low. Do not forget to shoot your project set the Release, not Debug.

Better to use the codec CamStudio Lossless codec, it is fast and does not spoil the image. But the files are large in size. Therefore, before publication, it is better to convert the file using VirtualDub to another codec, for example, XVID.

Publish your video

Where to publish: Youtube, Vimeo. Youtube - the most common, is integrated into many blogs, visible on devices iOS. Vimeo - video quality is superior to Youtube, so the professional work is often published simultaneously here and on Youtube.

4. Shaders

What is a shader
1.Shaders now commonly referred to small programs that graphics card is used to change the geometry of objects and the pixels of images during rendering.

2. There are the vertex and fragment (pixel) shaders.

3. Shaders are executed on the graphics card and therefore will not load CPU. Therefore, they can be used to carry out some very interesting and complex transformations and effects.

What is a shader
Shaders are small programs written in GLSL. They can be stored in text files. When starting your application, they will be compiled and stored in video memory.

This is convenient because it can change and customize the shaders without having to recompile the application itself.

What do you want to use shaders in OpenFrameworks

In this lecture, we discuss how to use fragment shaders to transform images into openFrameworks.

Required components:
1. Addon ofxFBOTextureDrawing in the buffer: ofxFBOTexture.h, ofxFBOTexture.cpp (see "Drawing in buffer" in a lecture at a two-dimensional graphics). 2. Addon ofxShader loading/unloading of shaders: ofxShader.h, ofxShader.cpp You can download them, for example,

Example 1. Smoothing

Smoothing here is implemented by combining shifted images with different weights. The radius of the shift will be determined by X-coordinate of the mouse. (The idea was taken from the example shaderBlurExample

Text shader
Create a file fragment shader blur.frag in folder bin/data:
# Extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle: enable //Setup uniform sampler2DRect src_tex_unit0; //External parameter uniform float blurAmount; //External parameter - the radius of the smoothing void main (void) // This function will be applied to each pixel { vec2 st = gl_TexCoord [0]. st; // st - vector of input pixel coordinates vec4 color; // accumulator for (float i = -4.0; i <= 4.0; i + +) { float weight = 5.0 - abs (i); color + = weight * texture2DRect (src_tex_unit0, st + vec2 (blurAmount * i, 0)); // Get pixel color from the texture src_tex_unit0, //Coordinates x = st [0] + blurAmount * i, //Y = st [1] } color /= 25.0; gl_FragColor = color; // Set the output pixel color }

! Be careful: Compiler do not automatically converts float <-> int, writes warning and the shader does not run.

Text shader
Create a file vertex shader blur.vert in folder bin/data:
void main () { gl_TexCoord [0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0; gl_Position = ftransform (); } This vertex shader, which does not change anything. Just ofxShader for work needed and the file.

The text of the application

# Include "ofxFBOTexture.h # Include "ofxShader.h" // Draw the buffer // Shaders ofxFBOTexture buffer; ofxShader shader; ofVideoGrabber grabber; // Buffer // Shader // Capture images from the camera

void testApp::setup () { ofBackground (255,255,255); grabber.initGrabber (640, 480); // start the camera buffer.allocate (640, 480, true); //true - auto clear background at every step //Load the shaders from files blur.frag and blur.vert. //At startup, if there are errors in the text of the shader, they will be on display, //With the row number with an error. shader.loadShader ("blur"); } void testApp::update () { grabber.update (); // update the pictures with the camera }

The text of the application

void testApp::draw () { // First harvests picture - draw it into the buffer buffer.begin (); ofSetColor (255, 255, 255); grabber.draw (0, 0);// The output buffer frames from the camera buffer.end (); // Turn shader shader.setShaderActive (true); // Set the parameter shader float blurAmount = mouseX/20.0; // mouseX - current coordinate mouse shader.setUniformVariable1f ("blurAmount", blurAmount); // 1f - that is, a scalar of type float

// Draw what you want on the screen, "passing" it through shader ofSetColor (255, 255, 255); buffer.draw (0, 0); // Disable shader shader.setShaderActive (false); }

Example 2. Magnifier

Magnifying glass effect appears at the mouse pointer. (The idea was taken from the example shaderZoomExample

Text shader
Create a file fragment shader zoom.frag folder bin/data:

# Extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle: enable uniform sampler2DRect src_tex_unit0; uniform vec2 circlePos; // Position loop uniform float circleRadius; // Radius of the loop uniform float zoom; // Magnification factor in the loop
void main (void) { vec2 st = gl_TexCoord [0]. st; float relX = st.s - circlePos.x; float relY = st.t - circlePos.y; float dist = sqrt (relX * relX + relY * relY); if (dist <= circleRadius & & dist> 0.0) { // If the pixel in the loop and not the center (as divided by dist) float newRad = dist * (zoom * dist/circleRadius); float newX = circlePos.x + relX/dist * newRad; float newY = circlePos.y + relY/dist * newRad; gl_FragColor = texture2DRect (src_tex_unit0, vec2 (newX, newY)); } else { gl_FragColor = texture2DRect (src_tex_unit0, st); } } In addition, create a file vertex shader zoom.vert by copying blur.vert

The text of the application

The basis - the text of the previous example. in the setup () shader.loadShader ("zoom");

in the draw () //Set the parameters of the shader shader.setUniformVariable2f ("circlePos", mouseX, 480 - mouseY); shader.setUniformVariable1f ("circleRadius", 120); shader.setUniformVariable1f ("zoom", 1.5);

Color operations
We learned how to combine colors and pixels to produce a geometric transformation of the image. How to change the color values: Color - a type of vec4, is a vector of 4 components R, G, B, Alpha, which take values from 0 to 1. vec4 color = vec4 (1.0, 0.0, 0, 1.0); //red color

color [0],color [1],color [2],color [3] - R, G, B, Alpha - components. Consider another example.

Example 3. Loop with the change of colors

The modified loop from the previous example in which the flowers inside the loop swapped R, G, B components.

Text shader
Filezoom.fragfolderbin/data: replace string gl_FragColor = texture2DRect (src_tex_unit0, vec2 (newX, newY)); on vec4 color = texture2DRect (src_tex_unit0, vec2 (newX, newY)); gl_FragColor = vec4 (color [1], color [2], color [0], color [3]);

//Mixing color components

1. Vortex Make the loop tightened inside the image. Hint: rotate a vector, depending on the value of dist/circleRadius. 2. Water 1 Shader language have sin, cos and atan functions. Make wavy distortion of the image on the screen from the center of the screen. As if dropped something in the water in the middle of the screen. Ie this should be a video, not static image. 3. Water 2 With the help of mouse clicks to simulate drop something in the water in the picture. Realize this, for example, by simulating the texture oscillation amplitude waves.

5. Interactive sound

What is Digital Sound

What is the sound at all

Sound in the broad sense - Elastic waves propagating longitudinally in the environment and pose in her mechanical vibrations; in the narrow sense - The subjective perception of these oscillations special sense organs of animals or humans. Like any wave, the sound is characterized by amplitude and frequency.(Wikipedia)

Representation of sound in digital form

The real sound is captured by a microphone, then subjected to an analog-digital conversion. It is characterized by temporal resolution - sampling, [Procedure - Sampling] amplitude resolution - capacity. [Procedure - quantization]



Sampling frequency
8,000 Hz - telephone, enough for speech. 11,025 Hz - games, samples for electronic music. 22 050 Hz - the same as 11,025 Hz.

44 100 Hz - many synths and sample libraries. Audio CD.

48 000 Hz - the recording studio, live instruments and vocals. DVD. 96,000 Hz - DVD-Audio (MLP 5.1).

192,000 Hz - DVD-Audio (MLP 2.0).

Length - the number of bits used to represent the signal samples in the quantization (in our case - the quantization of the amplitude).

8-bit samples of electronic music.

12-bit studio sound effects. 16 bitscomputer game players, samples, Audio CD.

18-bit studio sound effects

24-bit live sound, vocals,DVD-Audio 32 bitsrepresentation of floating point numbers, so accuracy is not lost for sounds, so is used for internal processing of sound. 64-bit and floating point audio processing.

Representation of sound in memory

Example 1 second 16-bit audio with a frequency of 44100 Hz can be represented as a vector X = (x_1 x_2, ..., ..., x_44100), where 0 <= x_i <= 2 ^ 1.16 = 65535. Representation of sounds such a way - with the help of the vector - calledPCM(Pulse Code Modulation). It is the most common. It is analogous to pixel representation of images.

The fundamental difference between sound and image

Since the images are very convenient to operate at the level of pixels. In particular, 1. two images, we believe the same if their values pixels close.

2. You can change the images based on the values of neighboring pixels (for example, the operation of smoothing).
For audio in PCM format for both possibilities not applicable

The fundamental difference between sound and image

1. To the 1 st octave 440.00 Hz

2. it also shifted the phase

3. mi 2 nd octave 659.26 Hz


+ 3.

2. + 3. (Audacity was used for sound generation)

The last two sound sound the same. And their function amplitude - much different. Thus, chelovecheckoe ear perceives the sound spectrum, ie the composition of its frequency, not amplitude representation of sound.

That it is easy / difficult to do "straight" with the sound in PCM

Easy:Changing and rearranging the individual samples, without regard to its neighbors - Rearrange the pieces, - Change the volume slices, - Do the reverse - the coup of sound from end to beginning, - To mix several sounds - Mix and change the stereo channels - Do simple compression, - Adding just an echo. Samplers, portastudii and studio program make it masterly. Hard: Accounting neighboring samples - Compare two sounds at the similarities, - Suppress the low and high frequencies, - Add reverb. This usually is not done right in the PCM, and by the spectral representation of sound (window Fourier transform).

Storage formats of sound

WAV wav = header + bytes of PCM Keeps sound without quality loss (Similar to the images - bmp) MP3 These losses are well suited for storing music. (Similar to the images - jpg) AMR These losses, suitable for storage of speech. Used in mobile telephony (2011). (Similar to the images - png)

Ways to generate a digital audio

Ways to generate a digital audio

That is, how to build PCM-representation of a sound or music: 1. Sampling Used for the production of the music. Devices - samplers 2. (Subtractive) Synthesis Used mainly for modern electronic music. Devices - keyboards. 3. FM-synthesis 4. Additive synthesis 5. Granular Synthesis

6. S & S - Sample & Synthesis - Sampling, analysis and subsequent synthesis today one of the best technologies play "live" instruments.

Recording: "Live Sound" - a microphone - ADC - PCM-format. Playback: PCM-format - DAC - speaker.

Additional options: you can change the playback speed, then increase the tone and speed of the sample. Modern algorithms also enable you to change the tone of the sample without changing its speed, and vice versa.

Sampler Akai MPC1000

(Subtractive) Synthesis
In precomputer time: a few simple waves (rectangular, sinusoidal, triangular) processed a set of filters (bass, treble, cut the desired frequency). The resultant was going to the speakers. Now: done digitally. There are difficulties - should carefully consider the problems associated with the digital representation of sound ("aliasing").

Synthesizer Minimoog

Sample playback in openFrameworks

The project "soundscape"

User poke the mouse in different parts of the screen and begins to be heard a sound

// Declare variables ofSoundPlayer sample;// Sample player ofPoint p; // point and the radius - to draw a circle float rad; void testApp:: setup () { sample.loadSound ("sound.wav"); // Load sample from the folder bin / data sample.setVolume (0.5f);// Volume [0, 1] sample.setMultiPlay (true);// Allow you to run multiple samples ofSetFrameRate (60) // speed drawing frame ofSetBackgroundAuto (false); // turn off background erase ofBackground (255,255,255); }

The project "soundscape"

void testApp:: update () { ofSoundUpdate ();// Update the status of the sound system }

void testApp:: draw () {

// If the sound is played, draw a transparent circle ofEnableAlphaBlending (); if (sample.getIsPlaying ()) { // Random color ofSetColor (ofRandom (0, 255), ofRandom (0, 255), ofRandom (0, 255), 20); ofCircle (px, py, rad); } ofDisableAlphaBlending (); }

The project "soundscape"

// Clicked the mouse void testApp:: mousePressed (int x, int y, int button) { float h = ofGetHeight (); // screen height // Calculate the desired playback speed of the sample, // In this case 1.0 - is the original sample rate float speed = (h - y) / h * 3.0; if (speed> 0) { ();// Start of a new sample sample.setSpeed (speed); // Set the playback speed // Remember the point and the radius of the circle to draw p = ofPoint (x, y); rad = (3 - speed); rad = 20 * rad * rad; } }

The project "soundscape"

Additive synthesis
Additive synthesis based on the construction of sound by summing a set of harmonics (ie, sine waves of different frequencies) with variable volume.
Any sound can be represented with arbitrary accuracy as the sum of a large number of harmonics with varying volume. But in practice, work with a large number of harmonics requires large computational resources. Although, at present, there are several hardware and software additive synthesizers.

Project scenario "Additive Synthesizer"

A user on a white background with his hands in front of the camera. Therenharmonics. The screen is divided intonvertical strips, each considered to be the number of pixels, the brightness is less than a certain threshold. This number determines the volume of the corresponding harmonics. Use n = 20 sinusoidal harmonics with frequencies 100 Hz 200 Hz ... 2000 Hz

Harmonics are played with looped samples, which simply changes the volume.

Synth Code 1 / 4
// Declare variables // Video-grabber for "capture" the video frames ofVideoGrabber grabber; int w;// Width of the frame int h;// Height of the frame const int n = 20;// Number of harmonics ofSoundPlayer sample [n];// Samples of harmonics float volume [n]; // Volume of harmonics int N [n];// Number of pixels in the play harmonica ofSoundPlayer sampleLoop; // Sample a drum loop

Synth Code 2 / 4
// Initialize void testApp:: setup () { w = 320; h = 240; grabber.initGrabber (w, h); // Connect the camera // Grab samples harmonics for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +) { int freq = (i +1) * 100; sample [i]. loadSound (ofToString (freq) + ". wav"); // Files are called 100.wav, ... sample [i]. setVolume (0.0);// Volume sample [i]. setLoop (true);// Looping Sound sample [i]. play ();// Start sound }

Synth Code 3 / 4
// Update the state void testApp:: update () { grabber.grabFrame (); // grab a frame if (grabber.isFrameNew ()) {// if you come to a new frame for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +) {volume [i] = 0; N [i] = 0;} // Reset the harmonic unsigned char * input = grabber.getPixels (); // pixels of the input image for (int y = 0; y <h; y + +) { for (int x = 0; x <w; x + +) { // Input pixel (x, y): int r = input [3 * (x + w * y) + 0]; int g = input [3 * (x + w * y) + 1]; int b = input [3 * (x + w * y) + 2]; int result = (r + g + b> 400)? 0: 1;// Threshold int i = (x * n / w);// In which to write the result of harmonic volume [i] + = result; N [i] + +; }} // Set the new volume of harmonics for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +) { if (N [i]> 0) {volume [i] / = N [i];} // Normalize the volume [0, 1] sample [i]. setVolume (volume [i] / n); // Volume. // Divide by n, otherwise it will be distortion of the output sound }} OfSoundUpdate ();// Update the status of the sound system }

Synth Code 4 / 4
// Draw void testApp:: draw () { ofBackground (255,255,255); // Set the background color float w = ofGetWidth ();// Screen height and width float h = ofGetHeight (); ofSetColor (255, 255, 255); // Else draw a picture frame is incorrect grabber.draw (0, 0, w, h);// Output frame

// Draw the harmonics ofEnableAlphaBlending (); // Enable transparency ofSetColor (0, 0, 255, 80);// Blue color with opacity of 80 for (int i = 0; i <n; i + +) { float harmH = volume [i] * h;// Height of the bar harmonics i ofRect (i * w / n, h - harmH, w / n, harmH); } ofDisableAlphaBlending ();// Disable transparency }

Performance on the additive synthesizer

Sound synthesis in openFrameworks

Sound synthesis on openFrameworks performed at the lowest level, "byte".
Therefore it is suitable esperimentalnyh projects with sound. In complex projects, it is more convenient to use a special type of library SndObj (See enlargement oxfSndObj) or some other program like PureData or Max / MSP, which binds openFrameworks protocol OSC.

Program Structure
For sound synthesis conventional structure of the program improves audioRequested (). It is called the sound driver, when you need to fill in another piece of sound buffer sound.

Program Structure
in testApp.h, class testApp add: void audioRequested (float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels); in the setup () to add: ofSoundStreamSetup (2,0, this, 22050, 256, 4); / 2 output channels, // 0 input channels, // 22050 - sampling rate, samples per second // 256 - buffer size // 4 - how to use buffers. Affects the delay. // Buffer size and number of buffers - set the balance between delay and the resulting sound, "Glitter," which occurs when the computer is not fast enough.

Program Structure
in testApp.cpp add: void testApp::audioRequested (Float * output, // output buffer int bufferSize, // buffer size int nChannels // number of channels ) { // Example of sound "white noise" to two channels for (int i = 0; i <bufferSize; i + +) { output [i * nChannels] = ofRandomf (); // [-1,1] output [i * nChannels + 1] = ofRandomf (); } }

See an example audioOutputExample in OpenFrameworks.

Mouse moves 1. up and down - changing the tone of the sound. 2. left and right - changing panorama. Mouse click - generated noise.

Example of synthesis: RubberGravity

The rubber squares tensile generate sound.

Using the example audioOutputExample, add to the example of the swinging pendulum of sound generation. Namely: Let the position of the pendulum in the Y sets the pitch, and the position of the pendulum on X - panning.

6. Introduction to Computer Vision.

Grabbing and processing camera images

What is computer vision

(From Wikipedia)

Computer vision - Theory and technology of creating machines that can see.

http: // mr-robot-head-game.jpg

The topics include computer vision
- Play action

- Detection of events
- Tracking, - Pattern recognition, - Restoration of images.

Image examples
Ordinary light, radio waves, ultrasound - they are all sources of images:

1. Color images of the visible spectrum 2. Infrared images 3. Ultrasound images 4. Radar images 5. Depth images

Image examples
1. Color images of the visible spectrum

http: // D0% 9F% D1% 80% D0% B8% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B4% D0% B013.preview.jpg http: //

Image examples
2. Infrared images

http: // http: //

Image examples
3. Ultrasound images Image with side-scan sonar:

http: //

Image examples
4. Radar images Snapshot of the radar:

http: //

Image examples
5. Images with depth

http: // _images/disparity.png


http: //

First sign of computer vision tasks

The input data are two-dimensional array of data - Ie, "image".

But the two-dimensional arrays of data are used not only in computer vision:

Second sign of computer vision tasks

The goal of treatment - extraction and use of color and geometric structures in the image.

http: //

Disciplines involved 2D-images

1. Signal and Image Processing Low-level data processing, usually without a detailed study of image content. Objectives - restoration, removal of noise, data compression, improved performance (sharpness, contrast, ...)
2. Computer vision Middle-level data analysis involves the separation of the image of any objects, and measuring their parameters. 3. Pattern recognition High-level analysis of data - the definition of the type of object. The input data usually must be presented as a set of attributes. Often the signs are used to calculate 1. and 2.

Camera for computer vision

- Key Features - Examples of good cameras

Key Features
For various processing tasks in real-time need different cameras. Their main features are: 1. Resolution 2. The number of frames per second

3. Type of data obtained

4. Way to transfer data into the computer

This is the image size in pixels, obtained from the camera.

320 x 240

640 x 480

1280 x 1024

accuracy accuracy accuracy when observing an object when observing an object when observing an object the size of 1m: the size of 1m: the size of 1m: 1.56 mm 0.97 mm 3.13 mm size of 30 frames: 6.6 MB size of 30 frames: size of 30 frames: 26.4 MB 112.5 MB
http: //

The number of frames per second

This is the number of images obtained from the camera per second.

30 fps
Time between frames: 33 ms

60 fps
Time between frames: 16 mS

150 fps
Time between frames: 6 ms Can used for musical instrument

http: //

Type of data obtained

What data we get from the camera for processing.

Color or grayscale image of the visible spectrum

Infrared image

Color image + depth

(Information about the distance to objects)

Using invisible infrared illumination, this camera will see in a dark room (On performance)

Way to transfer data into the computer

- Analog -Webcams (USB-camera) - Firewire-camera(Cameras IEEE-1394) - Network (IP-camera) - Smart Camera (Smart cameras)


Historically appeared first, signal is transmitted to analog signals (TV format). (+) Transmit data over long distances, albeit with interference (100 m) (+) Easy to install, small size (-) For signal input into the computer requires a special card or TV tuner ", they usually consume a lot of computing resources. (-) "Interlace"Or Interlace - very difficult to analyze the image, if there is movement. (Actually attending 2 half frame, each 50 times/sec)

Webcams (USB-camera)

Appeared in ~ 2000., transmit data via the USB-protocol uncompressed or compressed in JPEG. (+) Easy to connect computer and software (+) Cheap, available for sale (-) Overhead - to decode JPEG requires computing resources. (-) The cheapest models are usually bad optics and the matrix (Makes noise in the image) (-) Because of limitations of USB bandwidth can not connect more than 2 cameras to a single USB-hub, but usually on the PC 2-3 USB hub.

Firewire-camera (IEEE-1394)

Cameras that transmit a signal protocol FireWire, pylevlagozaschitnom usually the case, usually it is the camera for industrial applications. (+) Transfer of uncompressed video in excellent quality at high speed (+) You can connect multiple cameras (+) Tend to have excellent optics (-) High price (-) Requires power, which is sometimes difficult to connect to laptops

Network (IP-camera)

Cameras that transmit data on network (wired or wireless) channel. Is now rapidly gaining popularity in all areas. (+) Easy connection to PC (+) Ease of installation (+) The possibility of transferring data to an unlimited distance, which allows you to construct a network of cameras covering the building or area, attached to the airship, etc. (+) Control - to rotate the camera, adjust the increase (-) May have problems with speed of response (-) Is still relatively high price (-) While not portable (2011)

"Smart" cameras (Smart cameras)

Cameras, in which case located computer. These cameras are fully functional vision systems, transmitting the output of the detected facilities, etc. under different protocols.
(+) Compact. (+) Scalability - it is easy to build a network of such cameras. (-), Often they require adaptation of existing projects. (-) Cost model is rather slow, so do a good job with only a relatively simple task of image analysis.

Separate type: Infrared Camera

Constructed from ordinary cameras by adding an infrared filter and, often, an infrared illuminator. + IR-rays are almost invisible man (in the dark can be seen as a faint red color), so often used to simplify the analysis of objects in the field of view. - Specialized infrared camera suitable for machine vision, not a mass product, so they usually need to be ordered.

Examples of good cameras

Sony PS3 Eye
320 x 240: 150 FPS 640 x 480: 60 FPS Data Types: visible light IR (requires removing the IR filter)

Price: $ 50.


Examples of good cameras

Point Grey Flea3
648 x 488: 120 FPS Data Type: - Visible light, - IR (?) Price: $ 600.

Model FL3-FW-03S1C-C IEEE 1394b, CCD

Examples of good cameras

Microsoft Kinect
640 x 480: 30 FPS Data Type: visible light + depth Price: $ 150.

(Depth - stereo vision using laser infrared illuminator, why not work in sunlight) USB, CMOS

Examples of good cameras

Point Grey BumbleBee2
640 x 480: 48 FPS Data Type: visible light + depth Price: $ 2000.

(Depth - stereo vision with two cameras) IEEE 1394b, CCD

What if you have no webcam?

1. Get the program SplitCam http: // It can simulate the webcam setting as input an arbitrary video file (usually avi). 2. Load avi-file into SplitCam, and then run the project CameraTest, see below. Attention Even if SplitCam is off, it is 0-th (default) camera in the system. Therefore, if you turn on a webcam, you project still can show black frames from camera. Solution: select camera 1 in the projects grabber settings, or uninstall SplitCam.

Getting images from camera in openFrameworks

Receiving and displaying a frame in OperFrameworks - Draft CameraTest

Preparation of the project:

In the folder openFrameworks/app/examples take the example emptyProject , copy it to /App/myApps/CameraTest

Draft CameraTesttestApp.cpp (1)

# Include "testApp.h" //Declare variables //Video-grabber for "capturing" video frames: ofVideoGrabber grabber; int w; //Width of the frame int h; //Height of the frame //Initialize void testApp:: setup () { w = 320; h = 240; grabber.initGrabber (w, h); //Connect the camera ofBackground (255,255,255); //Set the background color }

Draft CameraTesttestApp.cpp (2)

//Update the state void testApp:: update () { grabber.grabFrame (); //Grab a frame }

//Draw void testApp:: draw () { grabber.draw (0,0); //Output frame }


Way of storing images in memory

The image is usually stored in memory by transferring its pixels sequentially, row by row. (JPEG, PNG, etc. - it's packed images are stored on a fundamentally different way) Depending on the type of image one pixel may consist of different number of bytes. 1 byte - black and white (monochrome) 3 bytes - color (Red, Green, Blue), 4 bytes - color with transparency (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha). Modern GUI uses 4-byte image for images, icons, etc. Input from the camera is in 3-byte format. Image analysis at stages vydelaniya objects is often conducted with a 1-byte images. Important: coordinate axis OY and RGBA sequence may vary depending on the file format.

Way of storing images in memory

Let unsigned char * image; - Image k bytes per pixel, the size w x h pixels Then access to the components of pixel (x,y): image [k * (x + w * y) + 0] image [k * (x + w * y) + 1] ... image [k * (x + w * y) + k-1].

For example, a pixel (x,y) RGB-image: image [3 * (x + w * y) + 0]- Red image [3 * (x + w * y) + 1] - Green image [3 * (x + w * y) + 2]- Blue

Threshold allows you to find the pixels brightness, ie, (0.2989 * Red + 0.5870 * Green + 0.1140 * Blue) or one color component (Red, Green, Blue) which greater than some threshold value. What you need to conduct treatments: - Access to the pixels a frame for analysis, - To analyze pixels and display the result on the screen.

++++++++ Add to "Declare the variables:
//Process bytes of image unsigned char * outImage; //Texture to display the processed image ofTexture outImageTexture; ++++++++ Add to the "setup ()": //Allocate memory for image analysis outImage = new unsigned char [w * h * 3]; //Create a texture to display the result on the screen outImageTexture.allocate (w, h, GL_RGB);

//Update the state void testApp:: update () { grabber.grabFrame (); //grab a frame if (grabber.isFrameNew ()) { //If it came a new frame //Pixels of the input image: unsigned char * input = grabber.getPixels (); //Looping through them for (int y = 0; y <h; y + +) { for (int x = 0; x <w; x + +) { //Input pixel (x, y): int r = input [3 * (x + w * y) + 0]; int g = input [3 * (x + w * y) + 1]; int b = input [3 * (x + w * y) + 2]; //Threshold via Blue int result = (b> 100)? 255: 0; //Write output image will be black or white: outImage [3 * (x + w * y) + 0] = result; outImage [3 * (x + w * y) + 1] = result; outImage [3 * (x + w * y) + 2] = result; }} //Write to a texture for the subsequent withdrawal of its on-screen outImageTexture.loadData (outImage, w, h, GL_RGB); }

//Draw void testApp:: draw () { grabber.draw (0, 0) //output frame outImageTexture.draw (w, 0, w, h); //Output the processing result }

Search for color labels

We solve the problem of finding the coordinates of the object is blue in the input frame.
First we find the blue pixels. These are pixels, Blue-channel is substantially greater than their Red and Greenchannels. To do this: >>>>>>>>> Changing string int result ... at: int result = (b> r + 100 & & b> g + 100)? 255: 0;

Search for color labels

Thus we have labeled "blue" pixels. Now find the coordinates of their center. For simplicity, we assume that the blue object in frame one. Then we can take the center of gravity of labeled pixels.

Search for color labels

++++++++ Add to "Declare the variables: ofPoint pos; //Coordinates of object ++++++++ Add to "update ()" - calculation of the center of gravity of labeled pixels pos = ofPoint (0, 0); int n = 0; //Number of pixels found for (int y = 0; y <h; y + +) { for (int x = 0; x <w; x + +) { int b = outImage [3 * (x + w * y) + 2]; //Look processed image if (b == 255) { //We have previously labeled as blue dots pos.x + = x; pos.y + = y; n + +; } } } //Display average if (n> 0) { pos.x/= n; pos.y/= n; }

Search for color labels

//Draw void testApp:: draw () { //This must be added - can not say why - otherwise the texture is drawn incorrectly: ofSetColor (255, 255, 255);

grabber.draw (0, 0) //output frame outImageTexture.draw (w, 0, w, h); //output processing result
//Display circle around the object ofSetColor (0, 255, 0); //Green ofNoFill (); //Turn off the fill ofCircle (pos.x, pos.y, 20); //Draw a circle on the ref. frame ofCircle (pos.x + w, pos.y, 20); //Draw a circle on the Rec. frame }

Search for color labels


These coordinates can be used to control something. By the way, "n" can be used to control that shot is of interest to us an object.

Homework: "Instinct2"
Implement the next interactive project:
1. Take the draft finding color labels, and build an image intens, consisting of pixels characterizing the intensity of the blue, without the threshold processing: int result = b - (r + g)/2; //Variants: b - min (r, g), b - max (r, g) result = max (result, 0); //Result must be in [0 .. 255] intens [3 * (x + w * y) + 0] = result; intens [3 * (x + w * y) + 1] = result; intens [3 * (x + w * y) + 2] = result; Bring out the image on the screen.

Homework: "Instinct2"
2. Position on the screen 20-50 colored "creatures", the initial position and color of which - given randomly. They have mass and velocity. Let be a variety of colors and sizes. Let the size pulsates. These sprites can be drawn in Photoshop translucent brushes of different colors:

Homework: "Instinct2"
3. Suppose that a move in the direction of maximum intensity of the blue. To this end, the establishment of the coordinates (x0, y0) is the center of mass intens in some of its neighborhood: float mx = 0; float my = 0; float sum = 0; int rad = 100; //Radius of the neighborhood, you may want to do is to depend on //Current size of the establishment for (int y =- rad; y <= rad; y + +) { for (int x =-rad; x <= rad; x + +) { if (x + x0> = 0 & & x + x0 <w & & y + y0> = 0 & & y + y0 <h //Of the screen & & X * x + y * y <= rad * rad //Inside a circle of radius rad ) {Float value = intens [3 * (x + w * y) + 0]; mx + = value * x; my + = value * y; sum + = value; }}} if (sum> 0) {mx/= sum; my/= sum;} Then mx, my - Coordinate, where necessary to direct the bacteria. Thus, to apply the 2 nd law of Newton, specifying the desired acceleration, the bacteria moved in the right direction.

How to make the speed of physics programs are not zasisela of computer power
To speed simulation of physics in the program did not depend on the power of the computer, use the timer: //Declare variables float time0 = 0, //the last entry in the update () in the update (): float time = ofGetElapsedTimef (); //Time from the start of the program in seconds float dt = min (time - time0, 0.1); float time0 = time; //use dt value in your physics! //We take a min, because if for some reason the update is delayed //(For example, the user moves the window on the screen) //We zaschischitimsya from being able to dt did not become a great //(Large dt can "blow up items").

A note about Release/Debug

Do not forget to enable "Release" when compiling the finished project, it will accelerate the speed of the program.

Tasks like threshold processing, noise removal, object detection, contour tracking and other - easier to solve with ready-made procedures implemented in the OpenCV library, connected to OpenFrameworks.

7. OpenFrameworks and OpenCV

Analysis and change of image

In openFrameworks you can edit ofImage in a such way: 1. Get image bytes unsigned char * data = image.getPixels (); int w = image.width; int h = image.height; // These are not copied, and delete do not have to! 2. Edit build a new image data1 unsigned char * data1 = new unsigned char * [w * h * 3]; .... Fill data1, using data 3. Set image bytes image.setFromPixels (data1, w, h, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);

// OF_IMAGE_COLOR - 3-byte color. // OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE - 1-byte gray. // OF_IMAGE_COLOR_ALPHA - 4-byte, color + transparency.

Analysis and change of image

Byte processing - it is usually inconvenient. Better use of special tools. One of the most convenient for today - the library OpenCV. In openFrameworks have addon - ofxOpenCv. To date (April 2011) he works withOpenCV 1.x. This version of OpenCV is inconvenient fact that has only a C-interface. Therefore, we study a more convenient OpenCV 2.x and we use it, without the addon ofxOpenCv.

OpenFrameworks and OpenCV

In OpenCV image given by the class Mat. How to convert ofImage in Mat and back to the example of 3-channel images:

From openFrameworks in OpenCV

ofImage image; //-let it is, 3-channel ... Mat imageCV (cv:: Size (image.width, image.height), CV_8UC3, image.getPixels ()); From OpenCV in openFrameworks Mat imageCV; //-the way it is, 3-channel ... image.setFromPixels ((unsigned char *) IplImage (imageCV). imageData, imageCV.size (). width, imageCV.size (). height, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);

Introduction to OpenCV
- What is OpenCV - The first project to OpenCV - Class Mat - Image processing functions

What is OpenCV

"Open Computer Vision Library" Open library with a set of functions for processing, analysis and image recognition, C / C + +.

What is OpenCV
2000 - First alpha version, support for Intel, C-interface 2006 - Version 1.0 2008 - Support Willow Garage (lab. Robotics) 2009 - version 2.0, classes in C + + 2010 - version 2.2, realized work with the GPU

The first project to OpenCV 1. Creating a Project

We assume that Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 Express Edition and OpenCV 2.1 is already installed. 1. Run VS2008

2. Create a console project File - New - Project - Win32 Console Application, in the Name enter Project1, click OK.
3. Set up the path Alt + F7 - opens the project properties Configuration Properties - C / C + + - General - Additional Include Directories, where we put the value "C: \ Program Files \ OpenCV2.1 \ include \ opencv"; Linker - General - Additional Library Directories, where we put the value of C: \ Program Files \ OpenCV2.1 \ lib \

Linker - Input - Additional Dependencies cv210.lib cvaux210.lib cxcore210.lib cxts210.lib highgui210.lib for Release, cv210d.lib cvaux210d.lib cxcore210d.lib cxts210.lib highgui210d.lib for Debug

The first project to OpenCV 2. Reading the image and display it on screen
1. Preparing the input data: file write in C: \ green_apple.jpg 2. Writing in Project1.cpp: # Include "stdafx.h" # Include "cv.h" # Include "highgui.h" using namespace cv; int main (int argc, const char ** argv) { Mat image = imread ("C:\\green_apple.jpg");// Load image from disk imshow ("image", image); // Show image waitKey (0); // Wait for keystroke return 0; } 3. Press F7 - compilation, F5 - run. The program will show the image in the window and by pressing any key will complete its work.

The first project to OpenCV 3. Linear operations on images

Replace the text in the main from the previous for example: int main (int argc, const char ** argv) { Mat image = imread ("C:\\green_apple.jpg"); // Image1 pixel by pixel is equal to 0.3 * image Mat image1 = 0.3 * image; imshow ("image", image); imshow ("image1", image1); waitKey (0); return 0; }

The first project to OpenCV 4. Work with rectangular subdomains image

Replace the text in the main from the previous example to: int main (int argc, const char ** argv) { Mat image = imread ("C:\\green_apple.jpg"); // Cut of the picture Rect rect = Rect (100, 100, 200, 200); // Rectangle cut Mat image3; image (rect). copyTo (image3); // Copy of the image imshow ("image3", image3); // Change the part of the picture inside the picture image (rect) *= 2; imshow ("image changed", image); waitKey (0); return 0; }

Mat Class
Mat - Base class for storing images OpenCV.

Mat Class Single-and multi-channel images

The image is a matrix of pixels. Each pixel can store some data. If the pixel stores the vector data, the dimension vector is number of image channels. 1-channel image - also called the half-tone 3-channel images - typically consist of three components (Red, Green, Blue).

Also, OpenCV can be used 2 - and 4-channel image.

Mat Class Creating images

1) Let the picture without some type of
Mat imageEmpty; 2) Image w x h pixels, the values 0 .. 255 (8Umeans "unsigned 8 bit",C1means "a channel"): int w = 150; int h = 100; Mat imageGray (cv:: Size ( w, h ) CV_8UC1 );

Mat Class Creating images

3) 1-channel with the floating-point values (32F means "float 32 bit"):

Mat imageFloat (cv:: Size (w, h), CV_32FC1 );

4) 3-channel image with values 0 .. 255 for each channel: Mat imageRGB (cv:: Size (w, h), CV_8UC3 );

Mat Class Memory management

1. Memory for the image stands out and is automatically cleared That is, OpenCV itself creates the image of the desired size and type, if this image is an output parameter of a function: Mat imageFloat; imageGray.convertTo (imageFloat, CV_32FC1, 1.0 / 255.0); - Here OpenCV itself allocate imageFloat. It is important that if your image is already the right size, there are no operations on memory allocation is performed. 2. Assignment operator shall not copy the data (as does the std:: vector), and not by copying pointers, and using mechanism of the reference count.

Mat Class Memory management

The mechanism of the reference count (In STL is a shared_ptr, in Java it is all signposts) works like this: { Mat A (cv:: Size (100, 100), CV_8UC1); // Allocate memory for the image, and the memories, // This memory is a single image. { Mat B = A; // Here the memory for the image does not stand out, but simply // Data in B point to the same area in memory. // Therefore, if we change B, then changed, and A. // Reference count increased by an image, was equal to 2. } // Here B came out of scope, the reference count is decreased, // And became equal to 1. } // Here A came out of scope, the reference count becomes equal to 0, // And the memory allocated to it are automatically cleared.

Mat Class Memory management

Since the operation Mat B = A; does not copy the image A to B, then in order to create a copy of the image for subsequent independent use, you must use explicit commands copyTo andclone: image1.copyTo (image2); image3 = image1.clone ();

Mat Class Memory management

Outcome: 1) an assignment Mat B = A; is very fast, and does not copy the data and adjusts the pointers in a special way to them. This allows you to transfer Mat in the function directly, without pointers and references. This will not cause unwanted copying Mat the stack (as it would stalal std:: vector). Although, of course, const Mat & will be transmitted still faster. 2) to copy the images to use explicit commands copyToand clone.

Mat Class Per-pixel access to images

In OpenCV has several ways of per-pixel access to images. They vary in the degree of security (typing and go beyond the border), the speed and convenience. Wherever possible, you should try to avoid direct references to the pixels, but instead use the functions of OpenCV, since they usually work faster and the code more understandable.

Mat Class Per-pixel access to images

One way to access the pixels for images that have known the type - the use of theat. For single-channel images 0 ... 255 it is: // Get values int value = <uchar> (y, x); // Set the values <uchar> (y, x) = 100; Note that x and y in the call are swapped.

Mat Class Conversion types

Note In the derivation of the on-screen images with floating-point OpenCV means we must bear in mind that they are displayed on the assumption that their values lie in [0,1]. Therefore, when converting 8-bit images in an image float to do the transformation - the multiplication by 1.0 / 255.0. To convert images of different types of bit mode (float and unsigned char) used a class member convertTo. In its second argument - the type of the image.

imageGray.convertTo (imageFloat, CV_32FC1, 1.0 / 255.0);

The number of channels input and output must match!

Mat Class Conversion types

For converting different color spaces using the function cvtColor. If necessary, it can change the number of channels. For example, the conversion of 3-channel RGB-image to grayscale: cvtColor (inputRGB, outputGray, CV_BGR2GRAY); on the contrary: cvtColor (inputGray, outputRGB, CV_GRAY2BGR);

Mat Class Partition of the channels

Function split divides the multi-channel image into channels. Functionmergestitches together a single-image multi-channel. voidsplit(Const Mat &mtx// Original color image vector <Mat> &mv// Result set is 1-channel // Images ) voidmerge(Const vector <Mat> &mv// Initial set of 1-channel // Images Mat &dst// The resulting color // Image ) Most often they are used to separately to each color image processing, as well as for various manipulations of the channels.

Mat Class Partition of the channels

int main (int argc, const char ** argv) { Mat image = imread ("C:\\green_apple.jpg"); // Split the original image into three channels // - Channels [0], channels [1], channels [2]

vector <Mat> channels; split (image, channels);

// Show the channels in separate windows // Note that the red channel - 2, not 0.

imshow ("Red", channels [2]); imshow ("Green", channels [1]); imshow ("Blue", channels [0]); waitKey (0); return 0; }

Image processing functions Smoothing

Original image

The image, smoothed box 11 x 11

FunctionGaussianBlurperforms image smoothing Gaussian filter.

Most often, the smoothing is applied to remove small noise on the image for subsequent image analysis. Is done by using a filter of small size.

Image processing functions Threshold

Functionthresholdperforms threshold processing of the image.

Most often it is used to highlight objects of interest pixels in the image.

Image processing functions Fill areas

FunctionfloodFillprovides a fill area, starting from a pixel (x, y), with specified boundaries shutdown using a 4 - or 8 - adjacency pixels. It is important: It spoils the original image - as it fills. Most often it is used to highlight areas identified by the threshold processing, for subsequent analysis.

Image processing functions Isolation circuits

The contour of the object - this is the line representing the edge of the object's shape. Underline the contour points -Sobel, Leased-line circuit -Canny. Application 1. Recognition. Along the contour can often determine the type of object that we observe. 2. Dimension. With the circuit can accurately estimate the size of the object of their rotation, and location.

Sample project on OpenCV: Search for a billiard ball

The image of billiard field to find the coordinates of the centers of billiard balls. Algorithm:

1. Threshold find bright pixels. 2. Analysis of areas. The method of casting we find connected regions, Among them we find such dimensions that allow it balls.

1. Threshold
Problem - the image of billiard field highlight the pixels that are not field (shooting conditions such that the field - dark) Mat image = imread ("C:\\billiard.png"); // load the input image imshow ("Input image", image); vector <Mat> planes; split (image, planes); Mat gray = 0.299 * planes [2] + 0.587 * planes [1] + 0.114 * planes [0]; double thresh = 50.0; // The threshold is chosen empirically threshold(Gray, gray, 50.0, 255.0, CV_THRESH_BINARY); imshow ("Threshold", gray);

threshold - an example of application

Please note: We have identified just pixels "not" field. To find the coordinates of the centers of balls and cue position - requires further processing.

2. Analysis areas
floodFill- Allocation of connected regions

morphological operations dilate - dilation(*) erode - Erosion(*)

floodFill - description
Function floodFillprovides a fill area, starting from a pixel (x, y), with specified boundaries shutdown using a 4 - or 8 - adjacency pixels.

Important: it spoils the original image - as it fills.

1. Most often it is used to highlight areas identified by the threshold processing, for subsequent analysis. 2. It can also be used to remove small noise on the binary image (in contrast to the "erosion + dilation" - do not spoil the boundaries of larger areas). 3.If enhance overall box found in the area of 1 pixel on all sides and make the fill, the way you can eliminate the internal hole in the area.

floodFill - a list of options

Announcement and description of the parameter list: int floodFill(Mat & image, Point seed, Scalar newVal, Rect * rect= 0 Scalar loDiff= Scalar (), Scalar upDiff= Scalar (), int flags= 4)
image - The input image, 1 - or 3-channel, 8 or 32-bit. seed - Pixel, from which to start pouring rect - Bounding box found by the field loDiff, UpDiff - allowable difference with its neighbors (Or - with embryonic pixel, if flags | = FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE) that is, a new pixel must satisfy valueNew value - loDiff <= valueNew <= value + upDiff. flags = 4 or 8 - connectivity. The resulting value - the number of pixels in the flooded area.

floodFill - a list of options

Note about the types of OpenCV: Point - Integer point to the fields int x, y; Rect - A rectangle with integer fields int x, y, width, height; Scalar - The representation of color, For example, Scalar (255) - 1-channel color Scalar (255, 255, 255) - 3-channel color

2. Analysis areas
Problem - the image of billiard glades find billiard balls - ie. compute their centers and sizes. The idea - using the example of the result threshold, through all connected regions with floodFill, and the found areas to consider those balls whose sizes lie in the predefined boundaries. const int minRectDim = 25; // Max and min size of the balls const int maxRectDim = 35; // Iterate over the image pixels for (int y = 0; y <gray.rows; y + +) { for (int x = 0; x <gray.cols; x + +) { int value = <uchar> (y, x); if (value == 255) {// If the value of - 255, fill it 200 Rect rect;// Here is written Bounding Box int count = floodFill(Gray, Point (x, y), Scalar (200), & rect);

Analysis areas
// Check size if (rect.width> = minRectDim && rect.width <= maxRectDim && Rect.height> = minRectDim && rect.height <= maxRectDim) { // Center int x = rect.x + rect.width / 2; int y = rect.y + rect.height / 2; // Radius int rad = (rect.width + rect.height) / 4; // Draw a circle the thickness of 2 pixels circle (image, Point (x, y), rad, Scalar (255, 0, 255), 2); } } } } imshow ("out", image);

floodFill - example of application

In this example, we considered the simplest method for finding the ball in the picture - by analyzing the sizes of bounding boxes. Such an analysis works on the assumption that the image no other sites with similar bounding boxes. For a real application, a more detailed analysis of areas. This is primarily due to the fact that if the balls are near each other, then they can "stick together" in one connected region. Possible approaches to solving this problem: 1. To fill the interior area, select the path obtained by field and assess its areas of convexity and concavity for the selection of balls. 2. Use template "round", which is applied to the obtained area and look for the best of its location.

Debugging in OpenCV
To debug the project, which is being processed by OpenCV, very useful to display intermediate images by usingimshow imshow ("image", image); - It displays the image in the image window with the heading "image". Warning: 1. need # Include "highgui.h" 2. if you display images in the window with the same name, then only the last image will be visible.

Do a project on openFrameworks, which 1) receive a picture from the camera 2) then this picture is transmitted in OpenCV, where she - Smoothed - Is the threshold processing 3) The picture with the camera and the resulting image is displayed on the screen using openFrameworks.

8. Communicating
with other programs via OSC 23268_357220159002_4989_n.jpg

Why is communication is neede

Multimedia and management in different systems are implemented with varying degrees of elaboration. Therefore, a complex project may be more convenient and easier to implement on the basis of several systems. They can work on one computer or on computers of the network.

OSC protocol
Protocol OSC - Network protocol based on UDP. "Open Sound Control" + Low latency in transmission, because UDP (not TCP / IP) - Packets can be lost, so the data is better to send a certain frequency, in small portions.

OSC protocol

Other ways
In addition to OSC, you can use TCP-sockets, for communicating with Flash (via XMLSockets). In openFrameworks addon: ofxNetwork Example: networkTcpServerExample, networkTcpClientExample

9. Connecting external sensors

using Arduino

Types of sensors
Consider just a few

Buttons, potentiometers, sliders

Infrared motion detectors

is the emitter and receiver.
acroname Sharp IR (Russia has not yet found) - measures the distance also. Autonics BA2M-DDT - the type of relay, gives a binary signal if an object is closer to some distance.

Problem - if the object is black, it can not work because they rely on that object reflects light. Indicator of the distance depends on the color of the object.

Ispolzutsya in security systems. Based on measurement (thermal) infrared radiation from objects.

Ultrasonic distance sensor - Sonar


Compact, inexpensive, used by amateur enthusiasts, in particular, for experimental robotics. Challenges to the use of interactive systems - not accurate, and will not work behind the glass.
Principle of operation - sends an ultrasonic signal and measures the time after which comes the reflected signal.

Sensor connection with Arduino

General description
Arduino - A hardware computing platform whose main components are a simple I / O board and development environment for language Processing / Wiring. Arduino can work as stand-alone microprocessor board. Can also connect via USB to your PC and integrate with the software running on your computer. For example, Flash, Processing, Max / MSP, Pure Data, SuperCollider, OpenFrameworks. Equipment Arduino board consists of a microcontroller Atmel AVR, as well as binding elements for programming and integration with other schemes. Programming Arduino to create an integrated development environment for Java, which includes a code editor, compiler, and transmission module firmware to the board. Runs immediately without installation.

Freeduino - Arduino clone

Although the documentation for the hardware and software code published under license copyleft, developers have expressed the wish that the name Arduino (and its derivatives) has been a trademark for the official product and is not used for derivative works without permission. An official document on the use of the name Arduino emphasized that the project is open to everyone working on the official product.

The result was protection of the name of the branch board version Arduino Diecimila, made by a group of users, which led to the production of an equivalent payment, entitled Freeduino. Name Freeduino is not a trademark, and may be used for any purpose.
Freeduino 2009 - Full analogue Arduino Duemilanove.

Freeduino 2009

Microcontroller: ATmega168 (ATmega328) Digital I / O ports: 14 ports (6 of them with a PWM signal) Analog input ports 6 ports EEPROM (Flash Memory): 16 K (32 K), 2 of them to use the loader RAM (SRAM): 1 KB (2 KB) ROM (EEPROM): 512 bytes (1024 bytes) Clock Speed: 16MHz PC Interface: USB Power from USB, or from an external source, the choice of automatic

A program to built-in LED flash

Run Arduino.exe, then select the menu File - Examples - Digital - Blink int ledPin = 13; / / LED connected to digital pin 13 - it also takes on vstr.lamp. / / The setup () method runs once, when the sketch starts void setup () { / / Initialize the digital pin as an output: pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT); } / / The loop () method runs over and over again, / / As long as the Arduino has power void loop () { digitalWrite (ledPin, HIGH); / / Set the LED on delay (1000);/ / Wait for a second digitalWrite (ledPin, LOW); / / Set the LED off delay (1000);/ / Wait for a second }

A program to blink an external LED

Connect the LED to the digital output 12, and AREF (He has power) (In terms of electronics is not very well - must have a resistor, but for example, normal) In the previous program to change the line: int ledPin = 12;

A program to blink an external LED

Arduino is working here as a standalone device. You can turn off the USB-cable and connect an external power source.
But we are more interested in how to enter data for use in OpenFrameworks. Deal with that.

How do I transfer data from Arduino to PC - Serial Port.

Arduino communicates with the PC via a serial data COM-port. We hooked up via USB - in this case, the COM-port is emulated. Connect to the Arduino and the sonar will simply print to the port of the incoming values. In the programming environment for Arduino is an opportunity to watch the data from the port, and send back the value.

Connecting to an analog input sonar Arduino

3 pins - power, land, and analogue input 0.

Connecting to an analog input sonar Arduino

const int analogInPin = 0; / / Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to int sensorValue = 0;/ / Value read from the port void setup () { / / Initialize serial communications at 9600 bps: Serial.begin (9600); } void loop () { / / Read the analog in value: sensorValue = analogRead (analogInPin);

/ / Print the results to the serial monitor: Serial.print ("sensor ="); Serial.println (sensorValue); / / Wait 10 milliseconds before the next loop / / For the analog-to-digital converter to settle / / After the last reading: delay (10); }

Connecting to an analog input sonar Arduino

Compiling and uploading the program into the device, need to press the Arduino IDE "Serial Monitor", and read a list of values. ... sensor = 50 sensor = 50 sensor = 143 sensor = 143 sensor = 140 sensor = 140 sensor = 50 sensor = 48 ... NOTE: Increasing the accuracy of the measurement sonar If the Setup () to add analogReference (INTERNAL); will be measured more accurately as compared with no 5 and 1.1V (Other values - DEFAULT = 5V, EXTERNAL - External, compared with AREF)

Firmata protocol
We have considered an example of how to use the class ofSerial can work with serial port. This allows you to communicate with the Arduino. This is usually done simultaneously - the Arduino send a control signal (eg, random 1 byte), and in return expect a packet of data.

Inconvenience: For each new configuration of sensors to be reprogrammed and debugged Arduino and process data in OpenFrameworks. Solution: Use protocol Firmata designed specifically to simplify data input / output. And on the side of the Arduino program, it does not change all the settings are made via OpenFrameworks.

Firmata protocol
Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with any host computer software package. Right now there is a matching object in a number of languages. It is easy to add objects for other software to use this protocol. Basically, this firmware establishes a protocol for talking to the Arduino from the host software. The aim is to allow people to completely control the Arduino from software on the host computer. Class ofArduino in OpenFrameworks uses Firmata, and has simple commands to connect to the Arduino and input-output data port with Arduino, for example: int getAnalog (int pin)- Read data from the analog input pin number int getDigital (int pin)- Read data from digital input pin number To use it, should be put in the work program on the Arduino Firmata, see below.

Example OpenFrameworks - Firmata Arduino

1. On the side of the Arduino: download software Firmata - StandartFirmata 2. On a side OpenFrameworks: run the example FirmataExample, pre-specifying it in the line port to use (This may be COM4, COM6, COM7, etc): ard.connect ("COM6', 57600); (3. If you are working with the same sonar - is in the Arduino - Setup () to add analogReference (INTERNAL); to improve the accuracy of measurements, see note above).

How do I know the port - at the start of the program writes in the debug window a list of available ports. If the list of ports on the screen is not taken out, then when the device can see it in Device Manager.

Example data OpenFrameworks Firmata - Arduino

The project with the increasing square

Objective: To study the accuracy and stability measurement sonar. Based on the example firmataExample do a project that draws a square whose size depends on the measured distance.

Project: sound generator with the sonar

The idea: to use the values to change the height of the sonar-generated sound. 1. Sound generation is recommended to do by example audioOutputExample. 2. The data coming from the sonar is smooth. The simplest filter: filtered = f * value + (1-f) * filtered. where filtered - smoothed value, value - the new value, f - coefficient filter, from 0 to 1, for example, 0.2 or 0.01.

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