Review For War of 1812 and Era of Good Feeling

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Review for War of 1812 and Era of Good Feeling

Matching: 2 pts each

Era of Good Feelings
Calling in a loan
Monroe Doctrine
War Hawks
Economic Panic
Hartford Convention
Missouri Compromise

Multiple Choice: 3 pts each

Why did tensions start to rise again between the U.K. and U.S.?
How much money was America making with their reexport trade?
Was Jefferson’s embargo on British goods successful?
What caused the fighting to start between the Native American tribes’ people and Americans before the
War of 1812?
What happened at the Battle of Tippecanoe?
How did the Americans win the Battle of Lake Erie?
What caused the Panic of 1819?
Other than around the Great Lakes, where did the other fighting against native Americans take place?
Who led the American forces in that attack on the Creek?
What would happen to farmers when a bank called their loan?
What happened when the British landed in Washington D. C.?
What was the fort’s name that stopped the British advance after sacking Washington D.C.?
Why were the British willing to accept peace terms?
What made the Battle of New Orleans so remarkable?
When did the Battle of New Orleans take place?
How many electors didn’t vote for Monroe in the 1820 election?
What did the Monroe Doctrine threaten to do if European powers violated it?
How was the Star-Spangled Banner song created?
What did the Missouri Compromise establish?

Short Answer: 10 pts each

Why did the Doves not believe the Warhawks when they were calling for war?
Why did the American invasion of Canada fail?
What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?
Why did one of the Vermont electors refuse to vote for Monroe?
By what authority did Monroe issue his doctrine?
Why did Monroe want to make the Western Hemisphere off limits to European powers?
What happened to the Federalist party after the Hartford Convention decision became widespread?
Is the Monroe Doctrine going to stop American colonization in the Western Hemisphere?
Bellringers: 10 pts each
Explain whether you think that the US was ready to fight another war with the UK in the early 1800’s?
Was the War of 1812 a continuation of the American Revolution? Explain your reasoning.
What were the goals of the Warhawks and Doves in the War of 1812?
What caused strife during the Era of Good Feelings?

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