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Blocks and Sublevels

We can use the periodic table to predict which sublevel is being filled by a particular

The periodic table can be used as a guide for electron configurations.

• The period number is the value of n.
• Groups 1A and 2A have the last electron filling the s-orbital. ( s-block elements)
• Groups 3A - 8A have the last electron filling the p-orbital. (p-block elements)
• Groups 3B - 2B have the last electron filling the d-orbital (d-block elements).
• The lanthanides and actinides have the electron filling the f-orbital (f-block

The elements that share the same family have the same number of electrons in their
highest unfilled shell.

Boron and aluminum are both in the IIIA family and each has 3 electrons in their
unfilled highest energy shell
The unfilled highest energy shell for an atom is called its valence shell


1. Look at the periodic table and tell how many electrons are in the valence shell of
the following elements:
Element number 88, Pb, Iodine, The last element is period 4

2. Classify each of the following as s, p, d, or f block elements on the basis of

the distinguishing electron:
Kr, Sn, Ru Element 40
3. Classify the following elements as representative, transition, inner-transition, or
noble gases: give a reason for your answer.

W, Cm, Element number 10, He, Barium


Properties of the elements recur at regular intervals in the periodic table. This
repetition of properties in elements is called periodicity or periodic trends in properties.
Properties of an element are governed by,
a) Atomic radius: Smaller the atomic radius, greater is the attraction between the
nucleus and valence electrons and vice –versa. It decreases along period and increases
down group.
b) Screening (Shielding) effect: “It is the property of inner shell electrons to repel
away the valence electrons, so that valence electrons experience less attraction with
nucleus.” The greater the number of inner shell electrons, the more the shielding effect
and the smaller attractive force is exerted by the nucleus on the valence electrons .It
decreases along period and increases down group.
c) Effective nuclear charge: “It is the actual positive charge of nucleus experienced
by the valence electrons in presence of screening effect.” Greater the positive charge of
nucleus and less shielding effect, the more is the effective nuclear charge (attractive force)
that experienced by the valence electrons. It increases along period and decreases down

1. Atomic size (Radius) :

Trend along a period: In a period from left to right, atomic size gradually
Nuclear charge increases while electrons get added in the same shell. The number of
inner shell electrons (screening effect) remains same and therefore valence shell
electrons are attracted by nucleus firmly. Thus, atomic size goes on decreasing.

Trend down a group: In a group from top to bottom atomic size increases.
i) Atomic number i.e. nuclear charge increases but new electrons get added into
new shell so that the number of shells increases. The number of inner shell
electrons increases and screening effect increases. Effective nuclear charge
decreases and valence shell is held less firmly by nucleus. Thus, atomic size goes on

2. Ionization Energy:
The amount of energy required for the complete removal of 1 mol of electrons from 1
mol of gaseous atoms or ions
It’s an energy-requiring process; value is positive in sign

IE1 = first ionization energy: removes an outermost electron from the gaseous atom:
+ -
M (g) M (g) + e ∆E = IE1> 0
IE2 = second ionization energy: removes a second electron from the gaseous ion:
+ 2+ -
M (g) M (g) +e ∆E = IE2> IE1

Trend along period: In a period from left to right, Ionization Energy

gradually increases.
This is because.
i) Atomic size decreases as effective nuclear charge increases. The last election is held
more firmly by nucleus. Therefore, more amount of energy is required to remove last
electron and I.E increases.

Trend down a group: In a group from top to bottom ionization energy

gradually decreases.
This is because,
i) Though nuclear charge increases due to increase in screening effect, atomic size
increases. The last election is held less firmly by nucleus. Therefore, less amount of
energy is required to remove last electron, and ionization potential decreases.

3. Electron affinity:
It is amount of energy released, on addition of an electron into the isolated
gaseous atom of element.
X (g) + e - X -(g) + Energy (electron affinity)

Units: It is expressed in the terms of meV or eV and S.I .units is J/kj

Explanation: Greater the ease of addition of electron into the atom, greater will be
amount of energy released i.e. electron affinity and vice- versa.
Trend along period: In a period from left to right electron affinity of element
This is because,
i) Atomic size decreases.
ii) Addition of extra electron into the isolated gaseous atom becomes easy.
iii) On addition of electron, more amount of energy is liberated i.e. electron
affinity increases.

Trend down a group: In a group from top to bottom electron affinity of elements
i) Atomic size increases.
ii) Addition of electron into the isolated gaseous atom becomes difficult
iii) On addition of extra electron. Less amount of energy is liberated i.e. electron
affinity decreases.

4 Electronegativity:
It is the ability of atom of element to attract the shared pair of electrons towards
itself within a molecule.
Explanation: When a covalent bond between two dissimilar atoms is formed the
shared pair of electrons doesn’t present exactly at the midpoint of two nuclei. But, the
shared pair of electron is found to be to shifted towards one atom as one atom attracts
the shared pair of electrons towards itself, to a greater extent than another atom. This
ability of atom of the element is termed as ‘electronegativity’.
Trend along period: In a period from left to right, electronegativity of
elements increases.
This is because,
i) Atomic size decreases.
ii) The distance between nucleus of atom and shared pair of electrons also
iii) Hence, ability of atom of the element to attract shared pair of electrons towards
itself i.e. electronegativity increases.

Trend down a group : In a group from top to bottom, electronegativity of

element decreases.
i) Atomic size i.e. distances between nucleus and valence shell increases.
ii) The distance between nucleus of atom and shared pair of electrons also
increases along with screening effect.
iii) Hence, the ability of atom of the element to attract shared pair of electrons
towards itself within a molecule i.e. electronegativity decreases.
Sample problem.

In their reactions, calcium and strontium each lose electrons to form ions with a 2+
charge. The first and second ionisation energies of calcium and strontium are shown

1st ionisation energy 2nd ionisation energy

/ kJ mol–1 / kJ mol–1

calcium 590 1145

strontium 550 1064

(i) Write an equation, with state symbols, to represent the second ionisation
energy of calcium.

(ii) Why are the second ionisation energies of calcium and strontium greater than
their first ionisation energies

(iii) Explain why the first and second ionisation energies of strontium are less than
those of calcium

(i) Ca+(g) →Ca2+(g) + e−

(ii) same number of protons or same nuclear charge attracting
less electrons/ electron removed from an ion/less electron-electron repulsion (not less
shielding)/ ion is smaller 1
(iii) atomic radii of Sr> atomic radii of Ca/
Sr has electrons in shell further from nucleus than Ca/Sr has electrons in a higher energy level/Sr
has more shells
Therefore less attraction Sr has more shielding than Ca

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