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NIM: 2241420076


1. Explain in detailed paragraph what you understand about safety rules

safety rules is regulations that must be understood before carrying out
work in the laboratory to reduce the risk of work accidents by
understanding related instructions, handling poison operations, and eye

2. Choose one of the equipment from the book (1-15) then explain
completely this tool from many sides (Funcition, Users, Shape) etc.


Gloves protect and keep hands comfortable from cold or heat, damage
from friction, or chemicals, and protect against materials that hands should
not touch. The gloves are made of stretchy, flexible rubber and are shaped
to fit around the fingers and wrist for easy use

3. Make 10 question by using WH. Words and modals from the topics of
safety rules, then answer it completely


1.) Who is supervising in the laboratory?

supervised by a competent member off staff
2.) What must do you when there spillage on the floor ?
Clean up any spillage immediately and ventilate areas thoroughly
using extraction equipmen
3.) why should we protect our eyes while working in the laboratory?
so that the eyes are protected from splashes of dangerous substances
and risks to the eyes
4.) what do you use to protect your eyes while working in the laboratory?
use goggles for eye protection
5.) How do we keep toxic materials?
toxic materials must be keep in a locked cupboard and checked
6.) Why should we understand the instructions before operating the
equipment? so that there are no accidents at work
7.) Who to obey the safety in laboratory?
Everyonewho will enter the laboratory must obey the safety rules
8.) Can we use chemical beakers as drinking vessels?
No, we cant. It may be dangerous because the beakers has been used
several times to dissolve chemicals
9.) What measures are taken to prevent eye accidents?
Facilities for eye irrigation should always be available
10.) What is the first step to responding to an emergency situation in
the lab? Activate the nearest fire alarm and tell others to stay away
from the emergency area

4. What precautions do you take when :

a. You work with inflammable materials

Keep flammable items away, do not get too close to the fire when
working, avoid chemicals so as not to come into direct contact with the

b. You work acid materials

Use a mask to protect breathing from inhaling acids, use gloves to
preverent contamination of hands, and react to the acid in a fume hood
c. You want to minimize the resh of a fire
We must pay attention to inflammable materials and and don’t be careless
in starting a fire
d. You operate a new equipment
Read intructions for the working procedure of the tool so thst there is no
damage to the tool and work accidents
e. You want to avoid electric shock
Be careful when dealing directly with electricity, don’t be careless and
always be alert
f. There are risk of injury the eye
To avoid the risk of injury the eyes, we need to wear goggles and avoid a
strong source of light

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