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Shepto WCu No RAC are ubiole

Uasi fy. Mopne, ulhral har 8-nern0ys PoHEnhal

Bloch , OXUMA , eMUMUs Ymaker For poential
Patnea aty Lab dioagnous pame Shepretocu
based om ap speahc
C antuqn are dassihed-
anm COC0 7 Lansield ooup A to U
2CrduW Un chuns
Cexcept I ?T]
3 Ovau 1 splenca
COCu das n i pOne oMy Ci fth typ.
The daughter celo fail to Pyogerd (Lance grp-A
S NomMal flbYa tD wumano C-Memgytc
omnally n URT PYoduc to-hernel
8 faecaus
equuc ertpto.
9tr Pyegeno
NOn-su lendnD
Aut fewer Morphs
GOmerulonupnriks l-Cram oCu
Shope> Ouol to pmeHCaL

lasi Ane 05 to u m un d a
ba ed o O neauremunt: 4 Ocur un short or
iFacuonue i Obuaate Cocci div on LplOuna ghy
Ohaobeok aundrobe
anbe daught cRUlo Fail to sepërai
feptoshreptecoca 5 NON-Mptu
BOo ed on hem&usio Non- gpOMn
CCnouwtth n5°. HOYSe blodd ogar CapSule SoYne Crauns
pour platu uuh PYDOucR a capsull oF
a-haermeusis uaulDiC aud
Zme of patual homsyap .unnbers of Crp B40
wm gtenhdw eH&aT PTOalcR polyaAcch eapsull
Wlin this o e wnuotd RBC 8Are Catauaa
an be seen_ montsCDpically
- Viridano
b Hd AnMyno
Zone of onilere emdu
w sop, definRa CelDudts
Biochumcal_ Rx -

Acrolbes fa cuultaue anar. Catalase in l67.
1o. bu
2Insoluble ne
Opt Temp 31°C wnnwe S pllumomau
4 to T6
opt PH 3 S u q o rFerMNauon
3 blood agar ferints guqar produ 4
Colonues Snmal
eiTanoparent 4 PYR twst (pywouidpn

SuDndad y o jydroypio of PToa

wide one of B-hemeyow napthglatidi >
-hemoUs Markar for NOt guwen y nmgp A
wolanom hermoHc sëptococ .

111 Cnhancemunt oF rowth Anuguc Shuurt

heneysib D donu by Cell wMUL-
OInnir laur of pepudoqluan
O C R uwau qudUy
VViulent Shauno Matt
M-atigen Pyyegeuc (ndu ces w e
Auiulent 3ma Hossy ThbieLytic
capsulatd s r a n > Mod Middle layer of o u p
o 00027 cry vio ler) spefic posace antugn
Mdue o*uc dftecto
yota uiolet blood agar
PNE Meduwm [Blbodag0r t () outer Ouer ofJPYO RLN
i Lipotcchoicaud
fuuidic acnd n otein cuntgent,I
seeie for B-harmoc M pvottin Andu-pnaGsuytuc
iuleice facoor.
TYanApot mudum Pikos RAitantto ALacd
Muduun Succ to YRS n
Cfomnod by bloodcgar+
cnd capsult CLorpO of lalur-ac
- Atnuphagsr

ugud mudia Non- m u M Q A C

9 ucase or serum brothn

Crow th Cranua, XViuuence faCosi
Turbia Leueral ExoTOXINS ENzYMEA
oPoudury dpOsit are uirulence facrDYS
NO peuW' io fomd Beoido, M-PROTEINJ alou
ato ÄUnce fa r
C-poluOCC TOxC effet
TOin enumUs %-
2 4Chuldren utaneos nf
Ham0lutic utotoxc toxir w unf
Septöyoin o 5.1f urealLd»Ssttmt nf
Shreptd aun s PYog rtosi ue seqna*
TMoe pYoduce clear
X PatnbgenA
s of hevMOLyow Aute dis- Reop fat , lblo0dchream
Oureuund thu Coloues on b A gRin
11 Septolusun 0
Oa10bile .'.Ünact in Oofa heumauc Rver Folop nF
9TOxL, utolyue, GHOmerumapnri ter
eRuthu9ykuc, cadiotoxud
LCttyn ouumoUD Suppuratwe SrepuD:duseaot
- Pyaqinut u f
Smeptoyoun g
Cauo hurMOLuO Spredd oauu, arg
wpnatlco Bni bndshta
AntpnoosuyLc Roop Inf -
Antuche mutaLc
Can u phagoAyt Sone tnrcar
a m o s } r e q e n u c exotoin Tomaiuitio
-Spread tw mudde eor.
SetOCo ml
TOxin) exotoxun and, minung
PrDdiuces erythermaLous 2xJ ScaHer fuer
DuL to PyyDqenUc
A Caled" exytnrenic exotoun
iu PerttonsiUar or redpnany
En ms Ro abse»o, akutus madiaa,
mapteitidus {Cormpucanono
8htptomana DNAOAA
NADOAA (NLotinamde dineuleoridoheL SRin 4 &oft tsue inf":-
Hyawonudan wouund inf
Superffuial &dCre
&epid upLngy eruoted 8Poto
Itolentse dropharnX LOdtD -2 wORA
2 RDut
of euy URT, SRun
3 ranamnsLoi: Covta tt
DYoplet Eryscpelas Aut, sprendu
Food foMu eutumovuo sRin lesuos
A rND Oy eoeruow
6 napparent cames aloo pnoetBuHo, Rlluluwo,ymphargitie
|7Guial úrf:Pecpual sepsio
3Othr inf" 6 1dentuhcahoM
Abcew in intenal orqas -Colones » Sma
such a
idnuy, 7 ID,ba Transparent
Smoo th
Septucaumia Pytma Suroundod ey P-homDlyao
Cam staun O
D Non-suppurahiue inp" LOnefild tech nuau
Au heuumauc wer HorMoytlc grept are ouped
Seauai of Rup inf sing serotsquial meHnds
2 Aut QuomerLbnupHo: -Houescent
For apid idint
Sequntai of Rpd spin inf i cat of p A sre
3 Anuouic urono senaitiwiBauracin Succephibiuy or
Tupe ir nypersenoitiutty PYR hudreuyaio
S PuDgRny io cuceptuble
Diec toxiuity du to ELdo S
to la uMacun 4
X Lab duagn os w Puroudonyl naptraamudu.
Typing Done by ppt or
Auute int: Diagnorio
done k olam Ldunuif agguunnauon.
f romeuao
G Antugen duuon
NOn-Suppuratut inf
Diag iDbordOn exauintDetu" of Sh p4oqeno suab
ot p serum e of Ab) deowe duretly in thoat
(wto lnuahio) iD done by
Aute Suppuratiue inf enuume immunasay
SpeuumA Loulestun : CEIA)
1 hro0t or n R SUMb 2 Aggurnaun teat
Puo swab ThL ditut antugen
N a n a suab
Serum Cfor Ab dPMorO") Nen-suppwratuwe f" -

ab 7serological teat-
2 Tranoprt to
Der of Ab Qgaindt & Ppg
Sr , cocu
>6, cocc
io the
acutl .
MO of diagf
Wit pn I munglmnc terts oe tect:
4uuture Dod agar. septsain o O
Oystoul Hdlet BA
ShheptoRunate, ONAaAL
HyauLYTMLda mym
Uaud mdla
AtusepouUn O ASo) teat
Most e a
ASO t i e hiaLer than
200 Todd uHi ts |ml
Unducatuue of ioY q e inf

AC h. Feer
A Hign Leuela
Leto Deuus

Anti-ONAaDe Bteat
Titers nugher than
300-3b0 ünuto io toRan
as Siauficant

uoeHul for&AnduMyalutndabe
duag Of sr:podemattuue
for uch Aso bos les valu.
It io
muxure of AB

PaUoL ud
Qgqutnat tnt

Veru Senoittue to Pn.
Cepnodospoin) to Pn.

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