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1. Which of the following is least likely to be taken into consideration when deciding which
antibiotic to prescribe for a patient?
ANSWER: c. patient’s weight
RATIONALE: While a patient's weight may have some relevance in dosing antibiotics, it is
typically less significant compared to other factors like age, underlying medical conditions, and
potential drug interactions. Age, medical conditions, and medications a patient is taking can
significantly impact antibiotic selection to ensure safety and effectiveness.
2. This drug inhibits the production of folic acid (a vitamin) in those bacteria that require
ρ-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) to synthesize folic acid.
ANSWER: b. sulfonamide
RATIONALE: Sulfonamides are antimicrobial agents that work by inhibiting the production of
folic acid in bacteria by interfering with the synthesis of ρ-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). This action
disrupts the bacterial synthesis of essential folic acid, which is necessary for their growth.
3. Which of the following is not a common mechanism by which antimicrobial agents kill or
inhibit the growth of bacteria?
ANSWER: b. destruction of capsules
RATIONALE: Destruction of bacterial capsules is not a common mechanism of action for
antimicrobial agents. More common mechanisms include damaging cell membranes, inhibiting
cell wall synthesis, and inhibiting protein synthesis.
4. Multidrug therapy is always used when a patient is diagnosed as having: ANSWER: d.
RATIONALE: Multidrug therapy is not always used but is frequently required when
treating drug-resistant infections like tuberculosis (caused by Mycobacterium
tuberculosis) to prevent the development of resistance.
5. Which of the following terms or names has nothing to do with the use of two drugs
ANSWER: b. Salvarsan
RATIONALE: Salvarsan is a historic drug used to treat syphilis and is not related to the concept
of using two drugs simultaneously. The other options (antagonism, Septra, synergism) relate to
the idea of combining drugs for enhanced therapeutic effects.
6. Which of the following is not a common mechanism by which antifungal agents work?
ANSWER: b. by blocking nucleic acid synthesis
RATIONALE: Blocking nucleic acid synthesis is not a common mechanism of action for
antifungal agents. Antifungal drugs more commonly work by targeting the fungal cell membrane,
cell wall, or interfering with sterol synthesis.
7. Which of the following scientists discovered penicillin?
ANSWER: a. Alexander Fleming
RATIONALE: Alexander Fleming is credited with the discovery of penicillin, one of the first
8. Which of the following scientists is considered to be the “Father of Chemotherapy?”
ANSWER: b. Paul Ehrlich
RATIONALE: Paul Ehrlich is often referred to as the "Father of Chemotherapy" for his
pioneering work in the development of chemotherapy for the treatment of infectious diseases
and cancer.
9. All the following antimicrobial agents work by inhibiting cell wall synthesis except:
ANSWER: b. chloramphenicol
RATIONALE: Chloramphenicol works by inhibiting protein synthesis in bacteria. The other
options are known for inhibiting cell wall synthesis.
10. All the following antimicrobial agents work by inhibiting protein synthesis except:
ANSWER: c. imipenem
RATIONALE: Imipenem is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis,
not protein synthesis. The other options are known for inhibiting protein synthesis in bacteria.

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