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Rift Valley University

Finfinne Campus
Post graduate program (MBA)
Operational Management
Article Review
Title: A Technology Enabled Framework for Mitigating Risk during Supply chain
Disruptions in a Pandemic Scenario

Author: Araujo, J. A. R and Costa, R. P.

Journal: International Journal of Supply and Operations Management
May 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 162-174 ISSN-Print: 2383-1359, ISSN-Online: 2383-2525
Citation: Srivastava, A. K., Kumar, S., Chauhan, A., & Tripathi, P. M. (2022). A
Technology Enabled Framework for Mitigating Risk during Supply chain Disruptions in a
Pandemic Scenario. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management
(IJSOM), 9(2), 162-174.

Major theme of the article:

The major theme of the article is the development of a technology-enabled framework for
mitigating risk during supply chain disruptions in a pandemic scenario. The article focuses on the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chains and proposes strategies such as
resilience, outsourcing/offshoring, agility, and digitalization as means to minimize disruptions
and enhance supply chain management.

Target audience of the article:

The target audience of the article is likely supply chain managers, practitioners, and researchers
who are interested in understanding and managing risks associated with supply chain disruptions,
particularly in the context of a pandemic.

Lessons obtained from the article:

Some lessons obtained from the article include the importance of adopting resilient and agile
supply chain practices, the role of digitalization in mitigating disruptions, the limitations of
outsourcing/offshoring strategies during a pandemic, and the significance of multi-criteria
decision-making techniques in evaluating and prioritizing risk mitigation strategies.

Strengths of the article:

The strengths of the article include its focus on a timely and relevant topic, the inclusion of a
literature review to provide a theoretical background, the application of the Best Worst Method
(BWM) for evaluating strategies, and the proposal of a technology-enabled framework for risk
Weaknesses of the article:
 Lack of detailed methodology: The excerpt does not provide a comprehensive
description of the research methodology employed in the study. It would be beneficial to
know the specific data collection methods, sample size, data analysis techniques, and any
potential limitations of the methodology used.
 Lack of statement of the problem: While the excerpt briefly mentions the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chains, it does not explicitly state the problem or
research gap that the article aims to address. A clear statement of the problem would help
readers understand the significance and relevance of the research conducted.
 Lack of explicit research questions: The excerpt does not clearly state the specific
research questions that the study seeks to answer. Clearly defined research questions
would provide a framework for the study and guide the research process, analysis, and
interpretation of the results
Soundness of the methodologies used:
Based on the provided information, the methodologies used in the article, specifically the Best
Worst Method (BWM) for multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) analysis, appear sound. The
BWM is a recognized technique employed in various areas of research, including supply chain
management. The method involves identifying the best and worst criteria, conducting pairwise
comparisons between these criteria and others, and using a maximin model to calculate the

The BWM technique has been successfully applied in different domains, as indicated by the
literature review in the article. It reduces the number of comparisons and provides a structured
pairwise comparison process, leading to consistent outcomes. The article also mentions that the
qualitative research involved in-depth interviews with senior managers in supply chain
management, which adds depth and expert insights to the study.

The qualitative research approach was chosen for an interview is conducted to entertain
managers from seventeen senior managers of supply chain management from different
industries. However, it's important to note that the article have no a detailed description of the
research design, data collection methods, sample size, and analysis techniques, and this shows
that the methodologies used in the article are not sound.

Conclusiveness of the results:

It appears that the results obtained from the study were conclusive. The weights and rankings of
all criteria for supply chain risk mitigation strategies were obtained through the best worst
analysis. The article states that among the main criteria, Digitalization emerged as the most
important strategy, followed by Agility, Resilience, and Outsourcing/Offshoring. The rankings of
sub-criteria were determined based on the global weights obtained by multiplying the main
criterion weight with the sub-criterion weight.

The study identified the specific areas within Digitalization that should be prioritized during
pandemic/epidemic conditions, such as focusing on emerging technologies, supply chain
analytics, big data, predictive analytics, and responding to demand in real time. The article also
mentions the importance of incorporating different criteria to understand the overall supply chain
risk mitigation strategies.

Furthermore, the conclusion emphasizes the significance of incorporating emerging

technologies, such as IoT, drones, driverless vehicles, and 3D printing, in achieving no-touch
requirements and mitigating risks in supply chain disruptions. It suggests that digitalization of
supply chains, along with agility and resilience, should be the key strategies, while outsourcing
and offshoring are given less priority during pandemics.

While the provided information suggests that the results were conclusive, it is important to note
that a comprehensive assessment of the study's methodology, data analysis techniques, and the
overall research design would be needed to fully evaluate the conclusiveness and reliability of
the results.

Strength of the arguments:

The arguments presented in the provided information are generally strong and align with
common knowledge and industry practices regarding supply chain disruptions and risk
management. The information highlights the significant impact of supply chain disruptions on
businesses and the need for well-defined strategies to mitigate the negative consequences.

The statement also emphasizes the importance of adopting emerging technologies, such as the
Internet of Things (IoT), drones, driverless vehicles, 3D printing, and supply chain analytics, in
order to achieve no-touch requirements and mitigate risks in supply chain disruptions. These
technologies are recognized for their potential to enhance operational efficiency, improve
responsiveness, and reduce reliance on labor-intensive processes.

Overall, the arguments presented are in line with widely accepted principles in supply chain

management and risk mitigation. However, without a counterargument or a comprehensive

analysis of opposing viewpoints, it is difficult to definitively determine the strength of an
argument. While the provided information presents a coherent and logical case for the
importance of risk management and the adoption of emerging technologies in supply chain
management, a robust evaluation of the arguments would require considering alternative
perspectives, potential limitations, and conflicting evidence.

A strong argument typically takes into account different viewpoints, addresses potential
counterarguments, and provides evidence and reasoning to support its claims. In this case, since
there is no explicit counterargument provided, it is challenging to assess the argument's strength
in relation to opposing viewpoints.

Remains unanswered:
 Detailed Methodology: The content does not provide a clear description of the research
methodology employed in the study. It would be beneficial to have information on the
data collection methods, analysis techniques,
 Comprehensive Discussion: The truncated content does not provide a detailed discussion
of the findings and their implications. A thorough analysis and interpretation of the
results, along with a discussion of their significance in the context of existing literature,
would strengthen the paper.

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