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Original Article

Standardized Counting of Circulating Platelet

Microparticles Using Currently Available Flow
Cytometers and Scatter-Based Triggering:
Forward or Side Scatter?

P. Poncelet,1* S. Robert,2 T. Bouriche,1 J. Bez,1 R. Lacroix,2,3 F. Dignat-George2,3

R&T Department, BioCytex, Marseille, Clinical determination of MP counts using flow cytometry has not been fully accepted
France yet due to the lack of standardization protocols. In the past 5 years, we have proposed
Faculte De Pharmacie, VRCM, two versions of a method with reproducible PMP counts in plasma samples. Both
UMR-S1076, Aix-Marseille Universit
e, methods use forward scatter (FSC)–based threshold set with reference beads of appro-
INSERM, Marseille, France priate sizes; first using 0.5 mm beads and later with 0.3 mm beads. Both systems provide
reproducible PMP counts. However, this technique works only with some of currently
Hematology and Vascular Biology
used commercial flow cytometers. Instruments with limited resolution or generating
Department, CHU La Conception, APHM,
heterogeneous FSC signals are excluded. Such performances are incompatible with the
Marseille, France
required interinstrument standardization. Here we show that (i) flow cytometers with
Received 30 October 2014; Revised 23 sub-optimal FSC capabilities generally have higher SSC resolution and background
March 2015; Accepted 15 April 2015 rejection capacity, and (ii) that the same biological entities, “dim and bright PMP,”
Additional Supporting Information may be both can be counted using alternative strategies, either as previously described, based
found in the online version of this article. on FSC measurements, or as presented here, based on SSC detection. The critical ele-
ment in the standardization protocol is the use of different sizes of reference beads.
*Correspondence to: Philippe Poncelet, This study was designed to permit simultaneous access to both FSC- and SSC-
Director Research & Technology optimized platforms. A new range of about 0.17–0.6 mm eq. (mm-equivalents) is pro-
BioCytex 140, Chemin de l’Arm ee posed for an alternative SSC–based MP gate generating the same PMP counts as those
d’Afrique 13010, Marseille, France. obtained in the previously proposed 0.3–1 mm eq. FSC–based MP gate. The two equiv-
E-mail: alent standardization options reconcile intrinsically different scattering behaviors
Published online 11 May 2015 in Wiley between SSC- and FCS - triggered instruments and open the opportunity for multicen-
Online Library ( ter studies in the future. VC 2015 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry
DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.22685
C 2015 International Society for
 Key terms
Advancement of Cytometry
absolute counting; microparticles; microvesicles; standardization; submicron particles;
extra-cellular vesicles; scatter; interplatform reproducibility

MICROPARTICLES (MP) are sub-micron sized vesicles released from cell mem-
branes in response to activation or apoptosis. They are generally defined as 0.1–1 lm
closed membrane fragments exposing the anionic phospholipid phosphatidylserine
(PS) and membrane antigens representative of their cellular origin. MP originating
from several cell sources have been described in human plasma. Among them,
platelet-derived MP (PMP) are believed to account for the majority of circulating
MPs in healthy subjects (1). In clinical practice, circulating MP originating from
blood and vascular cells are elevated in a variety of prothrombotic and inflammatory
states, cardiovascular or autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases, as well as
malignancies (2,3). Although MP counts may provide useful diagnostic/prognostic
information, assessment of their pathophysiological relevance in multicenter studies
is hampered by a lack of consolidated method and of standardized protocol (4).
Flow cytometry (FCM) is the most commonly used technique among methodologies

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Original Article

available to measure MP in biological samples (5). Many off conditions. It was lower than 2,000 events/s, which was
attempts have been made to overcome resolution limitations considered acceptable with respect to the data treatment
to bring the power of FCM down-to the nanoparticle sizing. capacity of the electronics (max acquisition rate 25,000
Recently, some astonishing success has been reported (6). events/s, see Supporting Information Fig. 9 and Supporting
Such breakthrough that allows the measurement of all extra- Information Table 2 for details). The scatter distribution of
cellular vesicles, including all MP and possibly exosomes, is submicron beads cocktails was also tested on various instru-
improvement of utmost interest involving new technology. In ments including several BC Gallios/Navios, BD FACS-Canto,
our study however, the objective is to support improved pro- LSRII, FACS-Verse, Fortessa, and Stratedigm S-1000 (see Sup-
tocols which permit the use of as many currently available porting Information Table 1 for listing and correspondence
flow cytometers (FCs) as possible for standardized MP counts. with figure numbers).
This objective is a significant challenge as we are facing an ice- Aside from the above cited BC Gallios, a BD Fortessa
berg with only a small detectable visible tip. The largest part with small particle detection unit was used to compare MP
of the elements of interest are still undetectable. However, versus beads behavior in both FSC and SSC parameters on a
powerful clinical information can already be deciphered from single instrument. This system has recently been described
detection of the visible part (7–9). Five years ago, we proposed (16). It uses a special focalization optics with internal laser
a simple strategy based on size-calibrated latex beads allowing blocking mask and a photomultiplier tube. It still leaves access
several labs to set-up reproducible forward scatter (FSC) to the standard diode-supported FSC collection module
conditions including a well-defined common window of through the use of a 90/10 beam splitter, thus allowing two
analysis (10). This strategy was applied in an international measurements in parallel, one standard FSC plus one addi-
workshop where several laboratories worldwide obtained tional FSC parameter noted PMT-FSC. Although Rousseau
reproducible PMP counts. The successful instruments were et al. (16) suggested that their small particle module enlarged
mainly Beckman-Coulter (BC) FC500 or Epics XL cytometers the scatter collection solid angle up-to 28.58, this value is
(11). However, with a large group of FCs including those highly dependent on the precise position, shape, and dimen-
from Becton-Dickinson (BD), the FSC-based strategy was not sion of the blocking mask (or bar) and may vary between
perfectly working and interplatform discrepancies in PMP instruments. The small particle detection module of our BD
counts appeared. A rather heterogeneous individual instru- Fortessa had been previously optimized for maximal resolu-
ment behavior was observed both in terms of FSC resolution tion by BD engineers using internal procedures. Without any
and positioning of PMP in the standardized FSC scale. Intrin- specific information, we used our beads with the preset optical
sic technological differences in FSC collection are responsible configuration. A favorable resolution in the FSC-PMT scale
for these discrepancies, mainly due to using different solid was indeed observed (Fig. 3), allowing the use of FSC-PMT in
angles to collect FSC light signals. Flow cytometers with low addition to SSC and the standard FSC. The 488 nm blue laser
FSC collection angle may well counter-balance this intrinsic was run at 50 mW power while no other laser was used in the
limitation of FSC resolution by a good resolution and back- present study.
ground rejection capacity using side scatter (SSC), as already
Sample Collection and Preparation
suggested (12–14). The aim of this study thus is (i) to demon-
Healthy staff members donated citrated blood samples
strate the superior resolution of SSC parameter when using
with informed consent. Platelet-free plasma (PFP) was pre-
FSC-limited instruments in the sub-micron range, (ii) to
pared and frozen at 2808C as previously described (17). To
define which reference beads may be used for the SSC scale,
generate various levels of PMP, some blood tubes were agi-
and (iii) to provide an alternative strategy for future interplat-
tated from 10 to 60 min by head-over-head mixing at room
form standardization of PMP counts and possibly all MP.
temperature (RT) on a rotating wheel. In a few cases, MP-free
plasma (MPFP) was used to dilute some aliquots of PFP after
MATERIALS AND METHODS thawing to generate very low levels. MPFP was created from
normal pooled human plasma by two successive steps of
ultra-centrifugation for 90 min at 75,000g. Finally, several dif-
The reference instrument was a standard three laser BC
ferent crossed associations of PFP were also created, thus gen-
Gallios used for MP analysis and regularly checked using
erating a total of 28 PFP samples featuring different PMP
Megamix-Plus FSC as a quality control tool (see Supporting
Information Fig. 9 for details). Thanks to a special option to
collect FSC at wider angles than classically done (signals at 98– Reagents and Sample Staining
198 only are amplified whereas signals at 18–98 are not), this For direct comparison, each stained sample was split after
type of FC allows for superior resolution of submicron par- final dilution into appropriate tubes (4 ml polystyrene FACS
ticles. This permits systematic visualization of 0.1 mm fluores- tubes, Falcon, Becton-Dickinson, Grenoble, France for the BD
cent beads when triggering with FITC (FL1) fluorescence, as Fortessa and 4 ml polypropylene FCM tubes, Dutscher, Stras-
illustrated in Supporting Information Figures 1 and 2 (15). As bourg, France for BC Gallios). All duplicate tubes were kept at
part of our regular MP-oriented quality-control (Q.C.) pro- RT in the dark for a maximum of 1 h, to avoid accidental clot-
cess, background level was determined using 0.22 mm filtered ting, and were run in parallel on both instruments. Staining
water run as a sample in the standardized 0.3 mm eq. FSC cut- was performed as previously described (15) with minor

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Original Article

changes. These included doubling all volumes for final split- list-mode files automatically stored as fcs 3.0 compatible files.
ting prior to parallel FCM analysis. Briefly, 60 ml of PFP were Re-analysis of data files was done using KaluzaTM (BC, Ville-
incubated with 10 ml of CD41-PE (BioCytex, Marseille, pinte, France) as detailed in the results section. It is notewor-
France) and 20 ml Annexin V-FITC diluted 1/30 (Tau Technol- thy that KaluzaTM software represents the last four decades
ogies bv, Kattendijke, NL) in its paired Ca21 containing Bind- from raw data acquired with respectively 1 million and
ing Buffer for 30 min at RT in the dark. Following final 256,000 channels dynamic range in Gallios and Fortessa and
dilution with 1 ml of Binding Buffer, the counting beads were display the data on a 0.1–1,000 a.u. logarithmic scale (vs. 1–
added (60 ml; Cyto-CountV beads, DAKO, Trappes, France). 10,000 a.u.–alternatively 256,000 a.u.—for BD DIVA soft-
Just prior to analysis, each tube was homogenized by stirring ware). These differences were considered to define common
with a vortex, either manually (Fortessa) or automatically target channels for fluorescence as well as for SSC when
(Gallios). needed as in the case of Figure 2. Linear regression analysis
was performed using Microsoft ExcelV.
Instrument Settings and Data Management
Filtered sheath fluids (0.22 mm) (FACS-FlowV in BD For- RESULTS
tessa; Isoflow in BC Gallios) were used. To regularly clean Scatter Heterogeneity Among Various Types of Flow
biological deposits in tubing and internal walls of the flow- Cytometers
cells, fluidic lines were filled every night with BC ClenzV Scatter performance in the sub-micron field varies
cleaning solution and thoroughly rinsed every morning with among instruments according to the scatter parameter used.
filtered sheath fluid. Three versions of the standardization BC Gallios/Navios display high resolution in FSC, as illus-
beads (BioCytex) were used according to instruments i.e., trated in Supporting Information Figure 1, with rather homo-
Megamix-Plus FSC (for use on FSC-optimized platforms), geneous interinstrument characteristics. A few other types of
Megamix-Plus SSC (for use on SSC-optimized platforms) and FCs also showed favorable FSC resolution as illustrated in
also a v/v mixture of both, called Gigamix, for instruments Supporting Information Figure 2.
with appropriate resolution in both scatter parameters. In contrast, many other types of FCs showed heterogene-
Instruments were set-up and controlled prior to the analysis ous and most often low FSC resolution, as demonstrated with
of any new MP series using Megamix-Plus beads according to 8 different instruments (Fig. 1 and Supporting Information
manufacturer’s instructions. As it will be summarized in Sup- Fig. 3). Only the biggest 0.5 and 0.9 mm beads from Megamix-
porting Information Fig. 9 to conclude the present study, Plus FSC were shown as FSC histograms since in most of these
these include a first step of fluorescence trigger to visualize all cases (7/8), smaller beads could not be resolved from the
beads, check resolution, and set-up scatter and FITC fluores- 0.5 mm beads. On the contrary, all 4 beads were nicely discri-
cence conditions. The second step requires switching to scatter minated using SSC and the relative position of each bead
triggering with threshold level standardized with the help of subset was reproducible among the 8 instruments. These
reference beads. observations demonstrated the superior and homogeneous
In addition to official directives, in the Gallios, PEAK sig- resolution of SSC parameter in this group of FSC-limited
nals were also selected to be included into the raw data for all instruments. We called the FCS and SSC groups “FSC-
parameters in addition to integral signals (INT). From previ- optimized” and “SSC-optimized” platforms, respectively. The
ous experience with BD instruments it was demonstrated that SSC group was characterized by a reproducible wide gap
amplitude signals (-H) generally provide better resolution observed in SSC between 0.1 and 0.3 mm beads (Fig. 1 and
than composite area signals (-A), as previously illustrated Supporting Information Fig. 3). Three additional fluorescent
(11). This is also illustrated in Supporting Information Figure beads of 160, 200, and 240 nm were selected to cover the
1 for two representative cytometers, a BD FACS-Canto II and dynamic SSC scale together with the standard Megamix 0.5
a BC Gallios. In addition, this option also provides a direct mm beads, thus creating a new blend called Megamix-Plus
visualization of any threshold since triggering is based on sig- SSC. The new beads did not overlap with each other nor with
nal amplitude and not area. A standardized 0.3 mm eq. FSC- the already existing Megamix-Plus FSC beads. All seven differ-
based threshold was adapted on the Gallios using the 2:1 ent sizes covering a range of 100–900 nm could be simultane-
numerical ratio between 0.3 and 0.5 mm beads as described ously analyzed using a simple v/v mixture of both Megamix-
(15). On the Fortessa, a very open SSC-based threshold was Plus blends, called Gigamix. This was used to illustrate the
selected in order (i) to fit with BD instruments’ preferential resolution of multiple SSC-optimized FCs (Supporting Infor-
use of SSC as a trigger parameter and (ii) to restrict the analy- mation Fig. 4). Supporting Information Table 1 provides a
sis only during retreatment of acquired raw data. This was tentative classification of many commercial FCs that we had
possible because of an exceptionally low background noise in the opportunity to test.
this individual instrument. Fluorescent beads (FITC-like 0.5 Intensity of SSC is differentially associated with bead
mm beads from Megamix and 3 mm PE-coated beads (BioCy- diameter in the 300–900 nm and in the 100–300 nm size
tex)), with intensity levels in the same range as bright PMP, ranges based on the use of the 7 Gigamix beads (Fig. 2). Below
were used as target channel systems in order to position PMP 300 nm diameter the decrease is with a much steeper variation
at similar levels in the dual fluorescence plots in each FC. For in SSC intensity. Interestingly, when SSC gain was harmonized
each sample, acquisition was stopped after 1 min and using 0.5 mm beads to target the same location in the SSC

150 Standardization of Microparticle Counts

Original Article

Figure 1. High and reproducible scatter resolution among sub-micron beads depends on scatter parameter in a sub-group of commercial
flow cytometers. Megamix-Plus FSC beads were run in various BD instruments under ideal conditions (selection of amplitude signals and
low flow rate). FSC distribution between the two largest submicron beads only (0.5 and 0.9 mm, same as in standard Megamix) is illus-
trated in A–D. The corresponding SSC distributions of all four submicron beads are shown in the lower row (E–H). FC models include
FACS-Verse (A, E), Fortessa (B, F), and two individual FACS-Canto II (C, G, and D, H). 4 additional examples can be viewed in Supporting
Information Figure 2.

scale (4 upper lines), the peak positions of all beads were tessa, but also from different manufacturers e.g., BD versus
almost superimposable between instruments from different Stratedigm. Even when the beads distribution was voluntarily
generations, e.g., FACS-Canto II versus FACS-Verse and For- located at a different place in the SSC scale (lower line) the rel-
ative bead positions remained comparable, thus providing a
favorable basis for future standardization. In summary, flow
cytometers with sub-optimal FSC capabilities generally have
higher SSC resolution and more homogeneous response with
submicron beads. Two differentiated groups of FCs should
thus be considered for interplatform standardization. As the
next step of this study, we had to select within the laboratory
one representative instrument of each sub-group. Parallel
analysis of the same samples became possible using a BD
Fortessa installed alongside a BC Gallios.

Characteristics of Scatter Standardization Beads in

Various Platforms
To set-up both FCM systems with the most useful scatter
Figure 2. Homogeneous distribution of sub-micron beads in vari- reference beads for standardization purposes, scatter profiles of
ous SSC-optimized instruments. Megamix-plus FSC beads the selected beads were characterized on each platform. For an
enriched with 160, 200, and 240 nm beads (referred to as Giga- FSC-optimized platform such as the BC Gallios, we used
mix) were run in various SSC-optimized instruments either (i)
similarly set-up using a common position of the 500 nm beads in
Megamix-Plus FSC beads as already published (15). This blend
the SSC scale (target channel equivalent to 300 a.u. in the present of beads covers a wide range from 100 nm up to 1,000 nm
0.1–1,000 a.u., 4 decade scale): upper traces for FACS-Canto II, (Fig. 3.1 A–D). According to manufacturer’s instructions, initial
FACS-Verse, Fortessa, and Stratedigm A or (ii) set-up differently selection of bead subsets (100, 300, 500, 900 nm) is made, using
with a lower position of the 500 nm beads (equivalent to 60 a.u.):
lower trace for Stratedigm B. Median values for each bead subset fluorescence threshold, on the FL1 vs. SS density plot showing
in each instrument are plotted against nominal bead diameter. the characteristic positions of each of the four major clouds of
Best-fit exponential-type tendency curves (dotted lines) are drawn singlets (Fig. 3.1.A). It is noteworthy, that the 300 nm beads har-
independently (i) for each SSC setting and (ii) for two groups of
bor a higher FL1 intensity than the 500 nm beads, thus provid-
bead sizes i.e., from 100 to 300 nm on the left side and from 300
to 900 nm on the right side of the graph.1Gigamix 5 v/v mixture ing a specific profile and avoiding significant contamination of
of both Megamix FSC and SSC, see Methods section. 500 nm singlets with 300 nm doublets. Also, the 100 nm beads

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Figure 3. FCM profiles of scatter standardization beads in various platforms. The standardization bead cocktails used in this study are
depicted as they appear on the three different platforms after fluorescence (FL1/FITC) triggering. 1) Megamix-Plus FSC beads on the BC
Gallios and 2) on the Fortessa with PMT-based FSC detection. 3) Megamix-Plus SSC beads on the Fortessa using standard diode-based
FSC detection. 4) Gigamix on the Fortessa with PMT-based FSC detection. In each case, selection of singlets in each bead subset is oper-
ated on the SSC vs. FITC density plot A. Color dot-plot D shows the dual scatter distribution of all singlets. Plots B and C show SSC and
FSC histograms of all gated beads, respectively. Amplitude signals (PEAK or –H) are used throughout.

clearly appear as a discriminated cloud. Superior resolution tion was also observed in FSC (Fig. 3.2.C), as with Gallios. The
using FSC versus SSC is obvious in Fig. 3.1.B–3.1.D. Interest- same Fortessa used with the diode-based FSC detector was
ingly, the Fortessa equipped with small particle detection system clearly not usable as an FSC-optimized instrument since 0.5 mm
provided a unique opportunity to compare the relative positions beads were hardly resolved from smaller beads (e.g., 0.24 mm,
of these beads on both scatter scales. As illustrated in Fig. 3.2, Fig. 3.3.C). On the contrary, the optimal SSC resolution permit-
not only the discrimination of 0.1 versus 0.3 mm beads was sig- ted a clear discrimination of all beads from the Megamix-Plus
nificant in SSC (Fig. 3.2.B), as expected from previous data on SSC blend, including 160, 200, 240, and 500 nm (Fig. 3.3.B).
similar machines (e.g., Fig. 1), but an almost complete resolu- Thanks to this advantage and using these two instruments, we

152 Standardization of Microparticle Counts

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Figure 4. Comparative interplatform PMP analysis. The same tube stained for PMP (CD41-PE/AnnV-FITC) was analyzed on two instru-
ments, Gallios 1) and Fortessa (2 and 3), using two different scatter-based standardization strategies (FSC in 1 and 2, SSC in 3). Trigger
was FSC for Gallios with threshold set at 0.3 mm eq (median of 0.3 mm beads), as shown in plot B. For Fortessa, trigger was SSC in both
cases with a purposely low threshold, which included most 0.16 mm beads, as depicted in plot K. Conditions of acquisition and MP gating
are summarized in the sub-table 3) and a letter « F » for « Fortessa » was added to region names in blocks 2 and 3. All parameters were
measured from their amplitude (Peak or Height) signals. Dual scatter color dot-plots A, E, and I show all events over each instrument’s
threshold in gray, except for the CD411/AnnV1 PMP. These are sub-divided into bright PMP (in blue) and dim PMP (in red), as also seen
in dual fluorescence plots C, G, and J, with the help of contour-plots (D and H). FSC-based gating regions (« (F-) Total MP »; « (F-) Large
MP », blocks 1 and 2) were located with the help of Megamix-Plus FSC beads shown in graphs B and F according to the following rules:
medians of 0.3 and 0.5 mm were used to set the lower and intermediate levels respectively and the end (99%-tile) of 0.9 mm beads to locate
the upper level. SSC-based gating regions (« L » for large MP; « T » for total MP) in graph I were located with the help of Megamix-Plus
SSC beads (0.16, 0.2, 0.24, and 0.5 mm, graph K), according to the following rules: (i) upper SSC level set at the end of 0.5 mm beads, (ii)
intermediate level set in the middle of 0.2 and 0.24 mm beads, (iii) lower level (Min value for region sT) between 0.16 and 0.2 mm beads,
precise value to be defined in the present study. Regions B, D, and homologs in scatter-gated plots C, G, and J provided the numbers of
PMP per run (1 min) that can be compared among platforms: e.g. [FB 1 FD] for total PMP to be compared with [FsB 1 FsD]) for both
platforms of the Fortessa. Contour plots D and H helped locating the two major PMP subsets in a similar manner on each instrument.
Although these were not gated by scatter-based MP gates as done for plots C, G and J, the overwhelming background events were
gated-out (« BkGd out») to generate helpful contours for PMP.

were able to compare three different MP analyzing platforms, the Methods section. Since in FCM, electronic threshold is
depending on the selection of the FSC parameter, FSC-H or directly applied on amplitude signals, the lower half of the 0.3
PMT-FSC-H, on the Fortessa. Although, each optimized mm beads’ FS PEAK distribution was precisely cut-out (Fig. 4B).
Megamix-Plus bead cocktail (SSC or FSC, respectively) could be On the Fortessa, a very low SSC-based threshold could be
used individually, a convenient working option to get informa- selected. Because of the low background on this instrument,
tion from the same run was to create a (v/v) mixture of both we could reproducibly open the analysis down-to a threshold
(so-called “Gigamix”). Figure 3.4 shows the corresponding pro- located below the 0.16 mm beads’ SSC distribution (Fig. 4K).
files and Plot B illustrates the resulting complete SSC histogram This low SSC threshold left all 0.3 mm, but not 0.1 mm beads,
with 7 discriminated peaks. Next steps will illustrate that only 4 to enter the analysis (Fig. 4F). In such conditions, the back-
out of those 7 beads are really useful for the calibration of the ground detected in clean, 0.22 mm-filtered, distilled water was
SSC scale. always lower than 3,000 events per second, a rate that
remained far below the treatment capacity of the instrument’s
Definition of Threshold and PMP Gates in electronics (40,000 events/s, Supporting Information Table 2)
Various Platforms and thus kept the intrinsic coincidence rate to an acceptable
The PMP profiles of the same MP suspensions were com- level.
pared using different platforms to set-up the appropriate MP Second, upper and lower limits of the MP gate were set
gates (Fig. 4). First, scatter-based thresholds had to be defined. up. On the Gallios, the CD41/Annexin V staining of normal
To prepare the instruments for the acquisition of PMP, the PFP revealed two subsets of PMP (Figs. 4C and 4D), a bright
threshold was switched from fluorescence, as illustrated in Fig- one and a dim one, as expected (15). Both subsets, colored in
ure 3, to scatter, FSC or SSC, as shown in Figure 4. On the Gal- blue and red respectively, grossly corresponded to large and
lios, the FSC-based threshold was set-up in the middle of the 0.3 small MP (Fig. 4A), when the intermediate limit between both
mm beads distribution, as already described (15) except that subsets was defined in the FSC scale by the median of 0.5 mm
only signal amplitudes (Peak/Height) were used as indicated in beads. The upper limit was provided by the end of the 0.9 mm

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On the Fortessa, the same two PMP subsets were also

observed and gated using the same contour-aided approach
than for Gallios (Figs. 4G and 4H). In the Fortessa FSC-
oriented platform, comparable limits could be applied in the
FSC scale (Figs. 4E and 4F), with the 0.5 mm beads also pro-
viding an appropriate intermediate limit between small and
large PMP. The same FSC-based MP gate (“F.Total MP” in
Fig. 4E) than that defined in the Gallios (“Total MP” in Fig.
4A) could be applied.
As stated in the summarized conditions sub-table of Fig-
ure 4, the Fortessa FSC-oriented platform required the use of
an SSC trigger since a FSC trigger at 0.3 mm eq. (as with Gal-
lios) had generated unacceptable background levels in prelimi-
nary experiments. Interestingly, the very low SSC threshold
applied during this widely open acquisition had rejected very
few of the small PMP that a standardized FSC-based threshold
would have accepted. Those would have been located over the
“F.Total MP” lower limit and left to the SSC threshold-induced
vertical cutoff, as shown by the arrow in Figure 4E. In the SSC-
oriented Fortessa platform (Figs. 4I, 4J, and 4K), the positions
of the SSC-based MP gates were significantly different from
those of FSC-based MP gates as compared to reference beads.
The upper limit of the large PMP subset could efficiently be
defined using the end the 0.5 mm beads, well below the 1
mm eq. upper limit previously used in FSC. The intermediate
limit between small and large PMP fitted well with the middle
of both 0.2 and 0.24 mm beads (minimum of the “sL” marker
in Fig. 4K), far below the 0.5 mm eq. level observed in FSC. The
lower limit of an SSC-based MP gate, that selects the same
amounts of PMP as the 0.3 mm eq. FSC-based MP gate, was
located somewhere between 0.16 and 0.2 mm beads and its
precise location had to be determined. This determination was
key to the process of FSC to SSC standardization.

SSC-Based Strategy for Interplatform

Standardization of PMP Counts
To define the new SSC-based standardization strategy,
PMP counts were compared first between the FSC- and SSC-
optimized platforms of the same instrument (Fortessa) to avoid
bias related to absolute counting. Next, the FSC-optimized plat-
Figure 5. Comparison of PMP counts derived from various plat-
forms. PMP counts (expressed as counts per min) were compared forms of two different instruments (Fortessa FSC vs. Gallios
among different platforms. Graph A correlates PMP counts FSC) and finally the FSC-optimized Gallios platform and the
between two platforms in a single instrument using two different SSC-optimized platform of the Fortessa were compared.
standardization strategies, based on FSC and SSC, respectively.
Graph B correlates PMP counts between two instruments using
First, we had to determine the optimal location of the
the same, FSC-based, standardization strategy. Total PMP counts/ SSC-based MP gate. To achieve that, the minimum value in
min in Fortessa were normalized to those in Gallios using SSC was modified step-by-step looking for the best correlation
ungated bright PMP (regions « (F.) bright PMP » in Fig. 3D and among platforms. This was obtained by reanalyzing the elec-
3H) as internal invariant reference. Graph C correlates PMP
counts between two instruments using two different standardiza- tronic files (n 5 28), each time modifying the minimum level
tion strategies, based on FSC for the Gallios and on SSC for the of the SSC-based MP gate (“T” in graph I), calculating the
Fortessa, respectively. total PMP counts in scatter-gated plots (“F.D1F.B” in Fig. 4G
and “FsD 1 FsB” in Fig. 4J) and plotting total PMP per run
beads and the lower limit corresponded to the previously (PMP/min in Fig. 5) obtained with one platform against the
described 0.3 mm eq. threshold (Figs. 4A and 4B). In such ones calculated using the other. When this SSC limit, corre-
standardized conditions of analysis, the potential so-called sponding to the minimum value of the “sT” window (Fig. 4K)
“swarming artefact” (16,18,19) has been ruled-out before con- was found, its location provided in arbitrary units of SSC was
sidering the interplatform correlation study, as detailed in related to the actual instrument settings and the type of log
Supporting Information Fig. 5. scale used (e.g. 5.5 or 4 decades?, 0.1–1,000 a.u. or 1–10,000

154 Standardization of Microparticle Counts

Original Article

(10,15). For this purpose, known amounts of 5 mm Cyto-

CountTM counting beads were included into all stained sam-
ples, but determining the absolute PMP counts in the Fortessa
with the help of these counting beads turned-out to be impos-
sible. Although bead counts per run among different samples
were reproducible in the Gallios (mean 6 SD 5 442 6 16,
CV 5 4%, range: 411–462, first series of n 5 8, Supporting
Information Fig. 6A), the variation in the Fortessa was too
high (mean 6 SD 5 135 6 24, CV 5 18%, range: 96–168) to
allow comparison of absolute PMP counts among instru-
ments. Alternatively, with the same samples, the PMP counts
in the bright PMP subset were highly correlated between
instruments (y 5 2.68x; r2= 0.97, Supporting Information Fig.
6B). Thus, we decided to use the bright PMP subset as an
Figure 6. Scatter scale standardization for MP analysis with vari- internal control for normalization. This was rendered possible,
ous platforms.This scheme is the authors’ personal view of the
problem debated in this study. The scatter distribution of plasma
in this particular case, by the use of the same suspensions in
PMP is here compared to a multipart floating body whose differ- all platforms at the same time.
ent parts (subsets) are located by reference to water-emerging As illustrated in Figure 5B, PMP counts were measured
vertical poles featuring both possible scales, FSC and SSC. The on both instruments using the same FSC standardization
emerging (and detectable) part of this floating body comprises all
the so-called « Large PMP » and a part of the whole « Small PMP strategy and normalized to the sample speed of the Gallios as
» subset. Theoretically, a 3rd (as yet totally undetectable) part explained above. They were similar (y 5 1.02x; r2 5 0.87)
would include platelet-derived exosomes. In this scheme, the demonstrating that when two different instruments display
whole « Small PMP » subset tentatively ranges between 0.1 and
similar distributions of sub-micron beads in the FSC scale, the
0.5 mm eq. in the FSC scale (left). In the SSC scale (right), it begins
at an as yet undefined location to finish around 0.22 mm eq. In this same FSC-based strategy can be applied to standardize PMP
system, the water maximum height, including the waves featur- counts among them.
ing instrument variations in background exclusion capacity, Next, PMP counts measured on two different instru-
stands at 0.3 mm eq. in the FSC scale and near 0.17 mm eq. in the
SSC scale. The totally visible « Large PMP » subset is between 0.5 ments, each using its most appropriate scatter parameter and
and 1 mm eq. in the FSC scale, whereas it begins around 0.22 standardized MP gate, were compared using the same sample
mm eq. to finish around 0.6 mm eq. in the SSC scale. The triangles speed normalization approach (Fig. 5C). Similar counts were
show the reference beads proposed here to help locate the vari-
also obtained in this case (y 5 1.03x; r2 5 0.90). Thus, this
ous upper-cited limits. This scheme based on our observations
on PMP may also apply to all types of MP, although their subsets three-platforms/two instruments study suggests that it is
may not be divided the same way between small and large MP. possible to reach reproducible PMP counts on different
This explains why the title of Fig. 6 extends to MP, not only PMP. instruments provided that the described process is followed to
set-up scatter-based common windows of analysis between
a.u.?). To stay independent of the SSC scale settings, it was FSC- and SSC-optimized instruments.
decided to define this SSC limit by its distance relative to both
0.16 and 0.2 mm beads using the following formula:
Min “sT” (a.u.) 5 Md1 1 z* (Md2-Md1) where Md1 5
median of 0.16 mm beads, Md2 5 median of 0.2 mm beads and In this study, three different FC platforms have been
0 < z < 1. compared, looking for the standardization of scatter-based
The best correlation was obtained with z 5 0.12 (Fig. settings on different instruments, using either forward scatter
5A), with a slope very close to 1.0 (y 5 0.98x, r2 5 0.86). This (FSC) or side scatter (SSC) as the size-related parameter to
location at 12% of the distance between both beads was finally trigger acquisition and define a common window of analysis.
selected as the one optimally relating both strategies on the The rationale was to enumerate the same recognizable biologi-
same instrument. cal objects (PMP) during parallel analysis of the same suspen-
Next, we aimed to demonstrate that both FSC and SSC sions on the different platforms, searching to equate PMP
strategies were applicable with two different instruments that counts across platforms and define the references to select in
were not expected to have the same scatter scales, the same order to obtain reproducible interplatform counts.
PMP dual fluorescence aspects nor the same sample speed. This study had several advantages. First, it profited from
First, scatter scales were standardized as explained above. Sec- the simultaneous evaluation of two instruments in a single
ond, the analysis of PMP fluorescence staining was focused on lab, offering options to analyze the same stained preparations
the two major subsets, optimally defined with the help of simultaneously. Second, we established conditions where
contour-plots, as illustrated in Figures 4D and 4H. This comparable settings were used not only for scatter parameters
avoided the dual-labeled outlier events that were always pres- but also for fluorescence. Third, artifacts associated with coin-
ent in the dual positive quadrant (“PMP11” in Figs. 4C, 4G, cidence, the “swarming effect,” were eliminated under the
and 4J). Third, the sample speed normalization was initially conditions used by adjusting sample speed just high enough
envisaged with the use of counting beads as already described to establish stable threshold conditions and to avoid the

Cytometry Part A  89A: 148 158, 2016 155

Original Article

presence of significant doublet events. Fourth, the same soft- PMP” subset as an internal reference in shared samples.
ware was used for reanalysis of raw data. Fifth, selecting clearly Indeed, most of the bright PMP are also large PMP falling
identified PMP subsets helped to reliably enumerate the same over 0.5 mm beads in FSC and thus their number should not
biological objects on different platforms. Sixth, the unex- be influenced by variations of threshold at the level of 0.3
pected although not uncommon difficulty encountered for mm eq. This was confirmed by the correlation observed
normalization of counts between cytometers with counting between instruments when counting “large & bright PMP”
beads could be overcome with the availability of an internal (data not shown).
invariant PMP subset. Using the same Fortessa with both FSC and SSC capabil-
In the absence of stabilized biological standards, we took ities and a low SSC threshold, we achieved conditions permit-
opportunity of a characteristic feature frequently observed in ting acquisition of more PMP than usually feasible. Later we
plasma samples, the presence of two subsets of bright and dim could complete the selection using scatter-based gates. Since
PMP that could be well discriminated. These subsets also cor- one of the Fortessa-based platforms had the required mini-
respond approximately to high and low scatter intensity pop- mum resolution to apply the same FSC-based standardization
ulations of PMP, and thus were called “large PMP” and “small strategy than on BC Gallios, it was possible to apply our usual
PMP,” respectively (15). Discrimination of positive MP from 0.3 mm eq. MP gate. Comparing two platforms on the same
negatives using wide quadrants is prone to major uncertain- instrument did not require internal controls for counting and
ties during reanalysis and requires generating optimal negative it permitted us to find an optimal location for the previously
controls. Our proposed approach using tight elliptical regions unknown SSC equivalent of the FSC 0.3 mm eq. threshold.
and contour-plots bypassed such difficulties. Having previ- This is close to 0.17 mm and can be reproducibly located using
ously proposed a standardized FSC-based minimal cutoff at a simple formula based on the relative distance between 0.16
the level of 0.3 mm eq. (15), we searched for an equivalent and 0.20 mm reference beads. Later, the same FSC-based strat-
SSC-based cutoff for other FCs with limited FSC but possibly egy applied on two different instruments provided very simi-
higher SSC resolution. lar PMP counts. Finally, the major objective of the study was
Preliminary investigations suggested that the position of attained when we demonstrated equivalent PMP counts with
currently detectable PMP relative to reference polystyrene two instruments using two different size-related parameters.
beads may not be the same depending on the chosen size- Our study demonstrates that the sizes of reference beads
related parameter (P. Poncelet, Oral communication, CYTO are clearly different in each strategy. This is depicted in Figure
2012). This was demonstrated here using the same instrument 6, which provides the authors’ vision of the problem. To sum-
featuring two different platforms, each optimized for either marize: (i) in FSC the threshold can be set at 0.3 mm eq and
FSC or SSC. This was possible thanks to the dual capability of the MP gate goes from 0.3 mm eq up to 1 mm eq., with a
a BD Fortessa with both resolution among 100, 300, 500, and dichotomy between small and large PMP around 0.5 mm-eq.;
900 nm beads in FSC as well as resolution among 160, 200, (ii) in SSC, the threshold can be set at about 0.17 mm eq and
240, and 500 nm beads in SSC. Parallel analyses were operated the MP gate ranges from 0.17 up to 0.6 mm eq., with a
at the same time with replicates of the same stained samples, dichotomy between small and large PMP around 0.22 mm eq.
thus eliminating all errors linked to (i) variability among ali- Thus, although SSC seems to more easily resolve very small
quots of frozen plasma samples, (ii) staining related differen- beads between 100 and 200 nm in a group of FCs, it is not
ces, and (iii) time delays from staining to FCM analysis. intrinsically a more sensitive size-related parameter than FSC
The counting beads strategy used to derive absolute used in the other group of FCs. Both parameters need to be
counts of MP per microliter of plasma was not applicable with compared on the same biological objects and not only on
statistical confidence on the Fortessa. In fact, this is a common beads.
limitation encountered in the field of MP enumeration. This Megamix-Plus beads are uniquely appropriate to fit with
was recognized by N. Fisher and colleagues (Abstract 181/B60; the proposed standardization approach since (i) their sizes
Accurate Detection of Counting Beads for Cell-Derived have been chosen for a specific purpose, (ii) their fluorescence
Microparticle Enumeration by Flow Cytometry, CYTO 2013). intensities were selected to fit with MP-optimized settings,
We did encounter the same problem on the Gallios when (iii) they are prepared as ready-to-use cocktails, (iv) the beads
switching from a 0.5 mm eq. down-to a 0.3 mm eq. FSC thresh- numerical ratios help to setup threshold for some instruments
old. In the new MP-optimized FSC settings, the previously with discontinuous threshold values (e.g., BC Gallios/Navios),
used 10 mm counting beads BC Flow-CountTM were not prop- (v) they display special features helping to locate bead subsets
erly detected. One possible explanation is that under MP set- and avoiding interferences between singlets and doublets, (vi)
tings, such big beads provide too high scatter signals for the they can be easily mixed to create a richer cocktail called Giga-
electronics to detect both the arrival and the disappearance of mix for FCs of high resolution. Although many different sour-
each signal. This problem was solved on the Gallios using ces of fluorescent size-calibrated beads are available,
smaller beads i.e., 5 mm DAKO CytoCountTM. The same type comparisons with alternative existing systems demonstrate
of limitation may have appeared during the present study on their unique adaptation to this specific field of research, as
the Fortessa using these 5 mm beads with our low SSC thresh- illustrated in Supporting Information Figures 7 and 8.
old, suggesting that smaller counting beads are preferable. The present study suggests a general approach for
This limitation was circumvented by the use of the “bright quality-control of FCs that is to be used for standardized MP

156 Standardization of Microparticle Counts

Original Article

counting. This is summarized in the decision-tree proposed in maybe there will be options for standardized scatter-based MP
Supporting Information Fig. 9. A first step of fluorescence gates to be applied after fluorescence triggering.
triggering allows measuring scatter resolutions with FSC- or To our knowledge, this study is the first to provide a
SSC-oriented beads (i) to select the most appropriate scatter solution to MP count standardization at this level of sensitiv-
parameter in a new unknown instrument or (ii) to regularly ity. Most of its features should be seriously considered for any
check performance for an already oriented FC. Next, a trigger future multi-centric inter-lab comparison, except two of the
is made using the optimal scatter at the proposed standard six specific points cited above. First the simultaneous analysis
threshold level and background noise can be evaluated and of the same stained samples on two FCs was typical of a
compared to the data treatment capacity of the instrument’s mono-centric exercise. Second the use of large PMP as inter-
electronics. For example, a high-end FC such as BD Fortessa nal standard should not be needed provided that smaller
with a theoretical capacity to analyze 40,000 events/s can counting beads are selected. The here-proposed strategy is
more easily deal with a nonspecific background of e.g., 3,000 currently under evaluation in an ISTH-sponsored multicentre
events/s than a standard FACS-Canto II with a theoretical study involving different instruments (both FSC- and/or SSC-
electronic capacity to treat 10,000 events/s. Coincidence rates optimized) with common reagents and protocols to count
and thus the risk of swarming effect are different in both cases. PMP.
Supporting Information Table 2 provides a list of tentative
speed limits that we consider should not be exceeded when AKNOWLEDGMENTS
reproducible MP counts are the aim. Obviously, such a test The authors wish to thank C. Maier (BD France, Greno-
operated with filtered water will result into variable back- ble, F) for the generous loan of a fully equipped LSR-Fortessa
ground noise (events/s) between instruments even if they are instrument for two weeks as well as the expert support of C.
the same brand and model. The cleanliness of sheath fluid is Gameiro (ex BD training center, Rungis, France). External
just one factor, the relative intensity of diffracted laser light access to other instruments for preparation of the present
may be another variable linked to the optical status. study has been facilitated mainly (a nonexhaustive list) by F.
This study also had some limitations. First, it has been Mullier (Mt-Godine, B), A.M. Faussat and E.C. Guerin (both
restricted to the comparison of MP counts on PMP, the most in Paris, F), D. Raoult (Marseille, F), A. Spittler (Vienna, A),
frequent and well discriminated MP subset found in plasma N. Fisher, M. Mooberry and N. Key (Chapel-Hill, NC) as well
samples. This should be extended to more difficult/less repre- as R. Zucker (Research Triangle Park, NC). Noteworthy, apart
sented MP subsets including erythrocyte-derived and from the Gallios and Fortessa FCs, which are central to the
leukocyte-derived MP. Second, direct generalization regarding present study, other instruments were only available for a
most FCs needs further validation. Third, our standardization short time, sometimes only in the course of a demo, and may
effort has been focused on synchronizing the scatter-based not have been tested in their optimal status.
MP gates. Harmonization of fluorescence detection conditions
requires more efforts than considered in this study, including AUTHORSHIP AND DISCLOSURES
Q & B approaches. Fourth, the use of polystyrene beads as size PP designed the study, performed the research, analyzed
calibration systems is disputed due to potential differences in the data and wrote the manuscript. SR performed the
refractive index between beads and cell-derived MP research, analyzed the data and made the figures. JB and TB
(18,20–23). Although in our experience using giant viruses of contributed to the flow cytometry experiments. RL supervised
200 and 400 nm (21), the FSC-based size calibration of these the research and revised the manuscript. FDG participated to
biological entities was close to values derived from recognized the revision of the manuscript.
alternatives such as electron microscopy, the present study PP, TB, JB are full-time employees of the company Bio-
reinforces the notion that plastic beads cannot be used to reli- Cytex who developed and sells the Megamix line of products.
ably measure absolute size of MP. We now know that PMP Other authors declare no competing financial interests.
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