1 5.0156481 Nerru Pranuta Murnaka Sulistiawati

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Need assessment: Development of 6C skills-oriented

interactive mathematics teaching materials for senior high
school students 
Nerru Pranuta Murnaka  ; Sulistiawati

AIP Conf. Proc. 2734, 090054 (2023)



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19 October 2023 14:27:35

Need Assessment: Development of 6C Skills-oriented
Interactive Mathematics Teaching Materials for Senior High
School Students
Nerru Pranuta Murnaka1, a) and Sulistiawati1, b)
STKIP Surya, Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 88, Tangerang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: nerru.pranuta@stkipsurya.ac.id

Abstract. This research is motivated by the large demands of the time that have entered the industrial revolution 4.0 era.
Students are required to have 6C skills including communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity,
citizenship/culture, and character education/connectivity. However, the lessons in schools have not fully focused on 6C
skills. So that 6C skills need to be developed in schools through teaching materials and learning processes. This study is
aimed to examine: 1) the authentic situation of teaching carried out by the teacher, including front-end situation, concept

19 October 2023 14:27:35

situation, task situation, specifying instructional objectives situation- and 2) the situation of students in terms of general
characteristic, specific entry competencies, and learning style. The research method used is the descriptive method with
qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research respondents are teachers and students of grade 12th in Natural
Science major in SMA Islamic Village, Tangerang County, Banten, Indonesia. The research instrument consists of
documents, as well as questionnaire sheets and interview guidelines that have been validated by experts. The
questionnaire is compiled based on the Likert Scale with 4 answer choices. The data analysis technique used descriptive
statistical analysis, in the form of Mean (M), Standard Deviation (SD), and percentage for the questionnaire result, and
verbal analysis for the interview and the document results. The result of this study is 1) The teacher's teaching process is
good, with a total percentage of 73.5%, but in the learning process the teaching materials used by teachers in mathematics
learning (probability material) do not contain the 6C elements and interactive yet; 2) Students need media in the
mathematics learning process. As many as 89.29% of students stated that they required interactive media in learning,
especially probability material, to help students understand abstract material and reasoning. So need to develop
interactive teaching materials based on 6C skills on probability materials.

The 21st century and the industrial revolution era 4.0 require the world of education to be able to implement
technology in learning activities in the classroom. This condition requires students to have skills that are useful in
the future, generally known as 4C skills, including communication skills, critical thinking, collaboration, and
creativity. However, in the process of developing students' 4C skills, do not leave the character values and national
cultural values. The cultivation of character values and cultural values can be done in an educational process.
Through the development of 4C skills, inculcating character values and cultural values will be able to form an
intelligent generation of character so that it becomes a dignified nation. Character education and civic/cultural
education are known by education experts with 2C education [1-2]. Communication skills, critical thinking,
collaboration, creativity, character, and citizenship/culture are known as 6C skills [1-3].
One of the things that need to be considered from the 6 skills mentioned is critical thinking. Critical thinking is
one of the important components for success in the 21st century [4-5]. This ability is very necessary because it
becomes the basic capital to understand various things, including understanding concepts in sharing disciplines [6].
The ability to thing critically has become the highest educational goal [7], and the goal of critical thinking is to
achieve deep understanding [8][9].

International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS) 2021
AIP Conf. Proc. 2734, 090054-1–090054-8; https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0156481
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4696-0/$30.00

The learning process is essentially a communication that occurs between teachers and students, where the
teachers act as the sender of the message and the students acts as the recipient of the message [10]. The message sent
by the teacher is in the form of content or subject matter as outlined in the form of communication. In order for the
communication process to occur properly without experiencing obstacles, in the communication process that occurs,
a channel that functions to facilitate the delivery of the message in this case is the media. Rossi and Breidle [11],
learning media are tools and materials that can be used to achieve educational goals. Thus, learning media can
function as a tool to provide incentives for students so that the learning process accurs [12].
In the learning process in schools, many teachers still use LKS (student worksheets) and improvised teaching
materials [13-15]. Where the teaching materials do not contain 6C skills. LKS and the teaching materials used are
modules that only contain material and practice questions not equipped with a level of questions that can improve
students' 4C skills and the cultivation of character and nationality values. The teaching materials used by students do
not contain 6C skills.
In order to be able to answer the challenges related to the 6C skills above, we as educators can make changes by
making presentations of mathematics teaching materials that contain 6C skills. This teaching material can be
presented as interactive mathematics teaching material. As an initial process in teaching material making, we need to
conduct a need assessment for teacher and students.
Based on the background, this research is aimed to examine: 1) the authentic situation of teaching carried out by
the teacher, including front-end situation, concept situation, task situation, specifying instructional objectives
situation- and 2) the situation of students in terms of general characteristic, specific entry competencies, and learning

This type of research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach with the aim of describing or providing
an overview of the object under study through data or samples that have been collected [16]. This research was

19 October 2023 14:27:35

conducted at SMA Islam Village, Tangerang Regency. The subjects studied were 12th-grade high school students.
The research process was carried out using a survey method, namely by giving questionnaires to teachers at SMA
Islam Village and grade 12 science students. The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, namely
a teacher questionnaire and a student questionnaire. The questionnaire used is developed by the researcher himself
using a Likert scale. The answer choices for the questionnaire and their scoring can be seen in the following Table 1.

TABLE 1. Questionnaire and Their Scoring

Questionnaire Answer Questionnaire score
Options Positive Statements Negative Statements
Strongly agree 4 1
Agree 3 2
Do not agree 2 3
Strongly disagree 1 4


In this result and discussion, we explain the need assessment based on teaching analysis situation and learner
analysis situation. Here this their explanation.

The Authentic Situation of Teaching Carried Out by The Teacher

Teaching situation has been dug from the teacher by questionnaire that contain:1) front-end situation, 2) concept
situation, 3) task situation, and 4) specifying instructional objectives situational. The teaching situation questionnaire
result can be seen in Table 2 below.

TABLE 2. Teacher questionnaire result
Teaching Score
Number Item Persentage
Analysis Questionnaire statement average by
Item score (%)
Indicators indicator
Mr / Ms in teaching mathematics is based
1 4
on a predetermined syllabus.
The syllabus prepared by you is based on
2 4
your interests of learning mathematics.
Mr/Mrs prepare a lesson plan before
3 4
teaching activities.
Mr / Ms compose a syllabus before
4 4
teaching activities.
Mr / Ms face difficulties in preparing a
5 4
lesson plan
You use certain learning methods or
6 models as outlined in the learning 4
implementation plan.
Mr / Ms have difficulty in applying or
7 1
using learning media.
You make your learning media that will
front-end 8 4
be used in learning. 3,46 69,23
You have difficulty in making your
9 learning media that will be used in 1
The use of learning media when teaching
10 can make students enthusiastic and 4

19 October 2023 14:27:35

interested in learning mathematics.
The use of conventional learning media
11 does not make students enthusiastic about 3
The use of technology-based learning
12 media can help students more easily 4
understand the lesson.
The use of technology-based learning
media can help students more easily
13 4
understand and add insight into
Students have difficulty in learning
14 4
abstract mathematics.
Students can understand abstract things
15 with the help of digital technology-based 4
learning media.
The use of digital technology-based
16 learning media will help students 4
understand the probability material.
Conventional learning media are available 4 80
17 in schools for learning probability 4
Available based on digital technology in
18 4
schools for learning probability materials.
The use of digital technology-based
learning media will help students
19 4
understand the probability material.

Teaching Score
Number Item Persentage
Analysis Questionnaire statement average by
Item score (%)
Indicators indicator
The use of digital technology-based
learning media is easier to use in helping
20 4
the learning process of probability
Learning with the lecture method is
difficult to describe in detail the processes
21 4
of an experiment in the material of
Task probability.
3,75 75
situation The use of digital technology-based
learning media can assist teachers in
22 4
delivering material so that the expected
KD can be achieved.
The use of the lecture method in
conveying abstraction or reasoning
23 3
material makes it difficult for students to
understand the material.
Students tend to be enthusiastic when the
learning process with technology-based
specifying 24 4
learning media is compared to the lecture
method. 4 80
The use of technology-based learning
25 media makes it easier for teachers to be 4
able to teach the material sequentially.

19 October 2023 14:27:35

Total 92
Average 3,82
Persentage 73,6

Based on the calculation on the Table above, we got that the entire percentage of the teaching situation carried
out by the teacher is 73.6%. The detail is 69.23% for front-end situation, 80% for concept situation, 75% for task
situation, and 80% for specifying instructional objectives situational.
Based on the results of the teacher's questionnaire, it is known that the use of learning media when teaching can
make students enthusiastic and interested in learning mathematics because the use of technology-based learning
media can help students more easily understand lessons, especially abstract things. So far, students have difficulty in
learning abstract mathematics. So that through digital technology-based learning media, it will be able to help
teachers to describe in detail the processes of an experiment in the opportunity material so that it will make students
enthusiastic in understanding the subject matter later which leads to improving student learning outcomes. In
addition, through digital technology-based learning media will be able to describe the material coherently.

The Situation of Students (Learners)

Learner analysis can be seen: 1) general characteristic, 2) specific entry competencies, and 3) learning style. This
questionnaire is given to 12th grade student in Islamic Village Senior High School as many as 28 students. The result
of the student’s opinion can be seen in Table 3.

TABLE 3. The result of learning analysis indicators.

Learner Number Questionnaire Statement or Question Total Item Persentage
Analysis Item Score Percentage (%)
Indicators (%)
General 1 Are you happy and interested in math 22 78.57 73.57
characteristics lessons?
(1-5) 2 Do you think math is a difficult subject to 14 50.00

Learner Number Questionnaire Statement or Question Total Item Persentage
Analysis Item Score Percentage (%)
Indicators (%)
3 In your opinion, is there a need for learning 25 89.29
media in mathematics learning activities?
4 Have you seen the use of media-based 18 64.23
learning in mathematics learning activities?
5 In your opinion, is there a need for learning 24 85.71
media that is able to illustrate the process of
events in an experiment in the material of
Specific Entry 6 The use of teaching aids in learning helps me 103 73,57 66.19
Competencies more easily understand mathematics subject
(6-14) matter.
7 Delivering mathematics learning materials in 95 67,86
schools using technology-based learning
8 I have difficulty imagining abstract things in 91 65,00
9 The material of opportunity requires me to 90 64,29
imagine abstract things
10 I have difficulty in studying the material of 90 64,29
11 Technology-based learning media is able to 93 66,43
help me in illustrating abstract things.
12 I have difficulty in describing the experiments 88 62,86

19 October 2023 14:27:35

that exist in the material of opportunity
13 I am able to determine the sample space of an 94 67,14
event by using learning media
14 I have a hard time imagining the many 90 64,29
possibilities that occur in one
Learning Style 15 I prefer to see pictures and read the formulas 65 46,43 64.64
(15-40) by myself rather than hear explanations from
teachers or friends.
16 I understand math material better by reading 66 47,14
books myself
17 I read the book aloud to make it easier for me 76 54,29
to memorize the contents.
18 I easily remember the material if I see the 107 76,43
teacher's explanation directly in front of the
19 When the teacher explains math lessons, I 89 63,57
play with objects that are near me.
20 I easily understand math material if the 94 67,14
teacher explains it with learning media
21 It is not difficult for me to study math or other 80 57,14
subjects in crowded places.
22 My discussion partner had difficulty 82 58,57
understanding what I was saying.
23 It is difficult for me to study math or other 98 70,00
subjects in crowded places.
24 When expressing my opinion, I usually speak 91 65,00
slowly and followed by hand gestures to
emphasize my opinion.

Learner Number Questionnaire Statement or Question Total Item Persentage
Analysis Item Score Percentage (%)
Indicators (%)
25 When I study math material, I memorize it by 86 61,43
walking or moving my feet/hands.
26 It is easy for me to read my math notebook 96 68,57
because my writing is neat and orderly.
27 I can study well while listening to music. 93 66,43
28 I forget what the teacher said if I don't take 101 72,14
29 I am sensitive to the expressions and body 96 68,57
language of those around me.
30 When working on math problems, I picture a 86 61,43
math notebook in my mind.
31 When studying math in class, it was very 84 60,00
difficult for me to sit still for long periods of
32 Learning mathematics is very fun for me 86 61,43
when there is an opportunity to discuss.
33 It is easier for me to learn mathematics by 109 77,86
practicing it.
34 My eyes get tired easily when reading math 90 64,29
textbooks for a long time.
35 It is easier for me to understand mathematics 95 67,86
subject matter when the teacher teaches using

19 October 2023 14:27:35

learning media.
36 During math class, I prefer to demonstrate to 85 60,71
my friends rather than explain it.
37 When looking for information about 91 65,00
something, I prefer to read it myself. I have
trouble reading small print when borrowing a
friend's math notes.
38 After finishing studying, I tidy up my books, 116 82,86
pencils, and other stationery.
39 When expressing opinions or answering 83 59,29
questions, I am used to speaking quickly.
40 I feel annoyed if a friend talks when I'm 108 77,14
watching the teacher explain.

From the results of the student questionnaire, that 78.57% of students liked mathematics, but they had difficulty
understanding mathematics. 50% of students think that mathematical material is difficult to understand because it is
abstract. Therefore, we need learning media assistance in mathematics lessons. According to the questionnaire that
89.29% of students stated that they needed media in learning mathematics. 73.57 students stated that technology-
based learning media would assist students in understanding mathematical material, primarily abstract things. One
of the materials in mathematics that requires abstraction and reasoning skills is the probability material. 64.29% of
students have difficulty understanding the probability material. Students have difficulty imagining events that occur
in an experiment. This is indicated from the results of the student questionnaire 64.29% who stated the difficulty in
imagining an experiment in opportunity.
Based on the results of the teacher and student questionnaires, the researchers concluded that a digital
technology-based learning media is needed that can assist teachers in teaching material and assist students in
understanding material. The material that will be developed in the media is opportunity material. The development
of digital-based opportunity learning media is expected to answer teacher difficulties and overcome student
difficulties in learning.

Prastowo [15] stated that interactive teaching materials are teaching materials that combine several learning
media (audio, video, text, or graphics) that are an interactive way to control command or natural behavior of a
presentation. Teaching materials that are innovative, varied, interesting, and in accordance with the needs of students
so that the learning process learning becomes interesting and fun [15], will be able to help teachers in the
achievement of learning objectives and assisting the role of teachers and students in the teaching and learning
process [15-19].
Taranto [18] that teaching materials are an important curriculum element. Therefore, the teaching materials must
fully contain the competencies, character values, and national values that students in learning activities will master.
The role of teaching materials in learning, according to Cunningsworth [19], is for the presentation of learning
materials, sources of activities for students to practice communicating interactively, references to linguistic
information, sources of stimulants, ideas for a class activity, syllabus, and assistance for inexperienced teachers to
foster trust. Self. The development of interactive materials is expected to be applied to schools, especially in grade
12 science high school. The interactive module that is developed is expected to be able to create a nation that is
intelligent and with character.

Based on the result and discussion analysis, we can conclude.
1) The teacher's teaching process is good, with a total percentage of 73.5%. The magnitude of the process is from 4
aspects: Front-End Analysis, Concept Analysis, Task Analysis, Specifying Instructional Objectives. The teacher
has not used interactive teaching materials based on 6C elements in the learning process. Also, the teaching
materials for probability materials that have been used so far have not been interactive and have not included the
6C element.
2) Students need media in the mathematics learning process. As many as 89.29% of students stated that they
required interactive media in learning. Interactive media in education can help students understand abstract

19 October 2023 14:27:35

material and reasoning, especially probability material.

We thank to the ministry of Education and Culture, Higher Education, and Technology Research of Republic of
Indonesia who granted us by a grant from Junior Lecturer Research to conduct this research.

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