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Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 12e (Rejda/McNamara)

Chapter 7 Financial Operations of Insurers

1) LMN Mutual Insurance Company has total liabilities of $300 million. The company has total
assets of $380 million. What is LMN's policyholders' surplus?
A) $680 million
B) $340 million
C) $80 million
D) -$80 million
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

2) Which of the following would not appear in the asset section of an insurance company's
balance sheet?
A) loss reserves
B) bonds
C) common stock
D) real estate
Answer: A
Question Status: Revised

3) Under one method of estimating a loss reserve, the reserve is based on life expectancy,
duration of disability, and similar factors. This method of estimating loss reserves is called the
A) judgment method.
B) tabular value method.
C) loss ratio method.
D) average value method.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

4) Reasons for the unearned premium reserve include which of the following?
I. To pay losses that occur during the policy period.
II. To pay premium refunds to policyholders in the event of cancellation.
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
5) A property and casualty insurer's loss reserve includes estimates for all of the following
A) claims anticipated but not yet incurred.
B) claims reported and adjusted but not yet paid.
C) claims reported and filed but not yet adjusted.
D) claims incurred but not yet reported to the company.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

6) Which of the following statements about methods for estimating loss reserves for property and
casualty insurers is (are) true?
I. The judgment method involves the use of a statutory formula to estimate the loss reserve.
II. The average value method is used when the number of claims is large and the claims are
settled quickly.
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

7) One item that appears on an insurance company's financial statements is a liability that
represents an estimate of the claims reported and adjusted but not yet paid, claims reported and
filed but not yet adjusted, and claims incurred but not yet reported to the company. This liability
is called the insurer's
A) net income.
B) loss reserves.
C) admitted assets.
D) unearned premium reserve.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) A loss reserve established for each individual claim when it is reported to a property and
casualty insurance company is call a(n)
A) admitted asset.
B) incurred-but-not-reported (IBNR) reserve.
C) unearned premium reserve.
D) case reserve.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) Which of the following items would not appear in the income section of an insurance
company's income and expense statement?
A) gain on sale of securities
B) common stock dividends received
C) commissions
D) premiums
Answer: C
Question Status: Revised

10) JKL Insurance Company reported the following information on its accounting statements last
Premiums Written $90,000,000
Loss Adjustment Expenses $5,000,000
Underwriting Expenses $30,000,000
Premiums Earned $100,000,000
Incurred Losses $70,000,000
What was JKL's loss ratio last year?
A) 70.0 percent
B) 75.0 percent
C) 83.3 percent
D) 90.0 percent
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) JKL Insurance Company reported the following information on its accounting statements last
Premiums Written $90,000,000
Loss Adjustment Expenses $5,000,000
Underwriting Expenses $30,000,000
Premiums Earned $100,000,000
Incurred Losses $70,000,000
What was JKL's expense ratio last year?
A) 5.0 percent
B) 30.0 percent
C) 33.3 percent
D) 50.0 percent
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) JKL Insurance Company reported the following information on its accounting statements last
Premiums Written $90,000,000
Loss Adjustment Expenses $5,000,000
Underwriting Expenses 30,000,000
Premiums Earned $100,000,000
Incurred Losses $70,000,000
What was JKL's combined ratio last year?
A) 100.0
B) 103.3
C) 105.0
D) 108.3
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

13) Which of the following statements about property and casualty insurance company operating
results is (are) true?
I. An insurance company can have a combined ratio greater than 1 (or 100 percent) and still be
required to pay income taxes.
II. By all measures, the property and casualty insurance industry is highly profitable when
compared to other industries.
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

14) Life insurance policyholders may borrow the cash value from their life insurance policies.
Where are life insurance policy loans shown on a life insurance company's financial statements?
A) as an asset
B) as a liability
C) as income
D) as an expense
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

15) MedProf Insurance markets medical malpractice insurance. The company's combined ratio in
2012 was 95.4. Its expense ratio was 25.4. What was the company's loss ratio?
A) 60.4
B) 70.0
C) 88.2
D) 120.8
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
16) To protect policyholders, state laws place limitations on a life insurance company's
investments. The assets backing interest-sensitive products, such as variable life insurance and
variable annuities, are not subject to these restrictions. Assets backing interest-sensitive products
are placed in a special account called the life insurer's
A) policy reserve account.
B) policy loan account.
C) separate account.
D) policyholders surplus.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

17) Which of the following statements is (are) true concerning investments of property and
casualty insurers and life insurers?
I. Property and casualty insurance companies place greater emphasis on liquidity than do life
II. Life insurance company investments are, on average, of longer duration than property and
casualty insurance company investments.
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

18) Which of the following is an expense for a life insurance company?

A) loss reserves
B) death benefits paid to a beneficiary
C) unrealized capital gains
D) realized capital gains
Answer: B
Question Status: Revised

19) All of the following statements about business objectives in designing a rating system are
A) The rating system should encourage loss control activities.
B) The rating system should be independent of long-run changes in economic conditions.
C) The rating system should be simple to understand.
D) The rating system should be stable over short periods so that consumer satisfaction can be
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
20) All of the following statements about regulatory objectives of insurance rate making are true
A) One purpose of rate adequacy is to maintain the solvency of insurers.
B) Rates unfairly discriminate if loss exposures that are similar with respect to losses and
expenses are charged substantially different rates.
C) Insurers know in advance if the coverages marketed will be profitable, so rate regulation is
not needed.
D) Rates are excessive if policyholders are paying substantially more than the actual value of
their protection.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

21) The unit of measurement used in property and casualty insurance pricing is called the
A) unit rate.
B) premium.
C) exposure unit.
D) experience unit.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

22) The portion of an insurance premium allocated to expenses, profit, and a margin for
contingencies is called the
A) loading.
B) pure premium.
C) gross premium.
D) experience rate.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

23) Which of the following statements about judgment rating is true?

A) It involves the manual rating of exposures.
B) It is used when the loss exposures are so diverse that a class rate cannot be calculated.
C) It is a form of experience rating.
D) It is only used when credible loss statistics are available.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

24) Under one type of merit rating, the class or manual rate is adjusted upward or downward
based on past loss history. This type of merit rating is called
A) schedule rating.
B) judgment rating.
C) experience rating.
D) retrospective rating.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
25) All of the following statements about class rating are true EXCEPT
A) Exposures with similar characteristics are placed in the same underwriting class.
B) The rate charged for each class reflects the average loss experience for that class.
C) The complexity of class rating makes it inappropriate for personal lines coverages.
D) It is based on the assumption that future losses to insureds will be determined by the same
classification factors currently in use.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

26) Ratemakers at ABC Insurance Company calculated the pure premium to be $280 for a risk
they were considering insuring. What is the gross rate for this risk, assuming a 30 percent
expense ratio?
A) $364
B) $400
C) $430
D) $520
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

27) Which of the following statements is (are) true about the loss ratio method of class rating?
I. A premium is calculated, and the pure premium is loaded to cover expenses, profit, and
II. The actual loss ratio is compared to the expected loss ratio, and the rate is adjusted
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: B
Question Status: Revised

28) Which of the following statements about schedule rating is (are) true?
I. It involves the determination of a basis rate for each exposure, which is then modified by
credits or debits.
II. It is based on the assumption that certain physical characteristics of the insured's operations
will influence the insured's future loss experience.
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
29) Which of the following statements about experience rating is (are) true?
I. The insured's past loss experience is used to determine the premium for the next policy
II. Its use is generally limited to small firms whose actual experience lacks credibility.
A) I only
B) II only
C) both I and II
D) neither I nor II
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

30) Which of the following statements about retrospective rating is true?

A) The premium for the current period is determined by the loss experience in prior periods.
B) The premium for the current period is determined by the loss experience during the current
C) The premium for future periods is determined by the average loss experience for the current
and previous periods.
D) The premium for future periods is determined by the loss experience for the current period.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

31) Monopoly Insurance is the only company marketing a certain line of insurance in a state.
After complaints from several consumers, the State Insurance Department investigated
Monopoly's rates. The regulators determined that Monopoly was taking advantage of being the
only insurer offering the line by charging more than double the actuarial cost of the coverage.
Which regulatory rating objective was Monopoly violating?
A) Rates must be adequate.
B) Rates should encourage loss control.
C) Rates must not be excessive.
D) Rates must not unfairly discriminate.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

32) Small Town used to be just that—a small town 6 miles from Large City. Over the years, the
area between Small Town and Large City has developed, and now Small Town is part of the
suburbs surrounding Large City. An auto insurer that operated in the area had a large increase in
auto claims from Small Town insureds. The insurer did not adjust its rates, and this year will lose
money because of claims attributable to higher population density. Which business rating
objective did this insurer fail to meet?
A) simplicity
B) stability
C) responsiveness
D) encouragement of loss control
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
33) Nathan was hired as an actuary with ABC Insurance. Nathan was asked to calculate the
annual premium for a new product and to explain his calculations to ABC's director of
ratemaking. Nathan calculated the pure premium and presented this value as the final premium.
After Nathan's presentation, the director of ratemaking said, "You left out something very
important. If we sell coverage at the pure premium rate, we'll be out of business soon." What did
Nathan overlook in his calculations?
A) loading for expenses
B) the underwriting cycle
C) seasonality of claims
D) investment income
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

34) XYZ Insurance Company expects $500,000 in claims and loss adjustment expenses for each
1,000 properties that it insures in a certain category of business insurance. What pure premium
should XYZ charge for each property insured?
A) $69.99
B) $166.67
C) $350.00
D) $500.00
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

35) XYZ Insurance Company uses class rating to determine the rate to charge for insurance. For
one type of insurance, the pure premium XYZ actuaries calculated is $75 per unit. If XYZ's
expense ratio is 25 percent, what is the gross rate for this coverage?
A) $37.50
B) $55.25
C) $75.00
D) $100.00
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

36) A manufacturing company just hired a new risk manager, and she has instituted several
employee safety programs. She has persuaded the insurer writing the company's workers
compensation insurance to base the premium on the company's actual loss experience during the
current period rather than on the company's historical performance. This type of plan is called
A) retrospectively rated plan.
B) class rated plan.
C) experience rated plan.
D) judgment rated plan.
Answer: A
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
37) An Econodeath Insurance Company actuary calculated the present value of the expected
death claim the company will pay if it sells whole life insurance to a 30-year-old woman. This
value is called the
A) net level premium.
B) gross premium.
C) net single premium.
D) life insurance policy reserve.
Answer: C
Question Status: Previous Edition

38) Metro City has six different zip codes. XYZ Insurance Company markets coverages in Metro
City. Any applicant who lists one particular zip code is automatically quoted a premium that is
twenty percent more than the average premium for applicants from the other five zip codes, even
if the loss exposure is identical. Which regulatory objective is not being met given XYZ's
premium structure?
A) Rates must be adequate.
B) Rates must not unfairly discriminate.
C) Rates must be responsive.
D) Rate must not be excessive.
Answer: B
Question Status: Previous Edition

39) Which of the following statements about the combined ratio is true?
A) It is equal to the loss ratio minus the expense ratio.
B) A combined ratio greater than 1 (or 100 percent) means an underwriting loss has occurred.
C) The combined ratio considers the company's investment income.
D) A combined ratio less than 1 (or 100 percent) indicates that an underwriting loss has
Answer: B
Question Status: Revised

40) In schedule rating, each building is individually evaluated based on several rating factors.
One factor refers to the possibility that the building will be damaged or destroyed by a fire that
starts at an adjacent property and spreads to the building. This rating factor is known as
A) occupancy.
B) protection.
C) maintenance.
D) exposure.
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
41) A strip-mall includes eight identical-sized retail units. All of the units were built at the same
time and each has an identical sprinkler system. Unit number two is a dry cleaning business. Unit
number three is a bar and grill. Unit number four is a dress shop. The owners of these three units
are all insured by the same insurance company, but the property insurance premiums vary
significantly. Which of the following rating factors best explains the difference in premiums?
A) exposure
B) protection
C) construction
D) occupancy
Answer: D
Question Status: Previous Edition

42) A property and liability insurance company's loss reserve and unearned premium reserve are
A) assets.
B) liabilities.
C) income.
D) expenses.
Answer: B
Question Status: New

43) In schedule rating, each building is individually rated on several factors. One factor refers to
the quality of the city's water supply and fire department, and the risk control devices installed in
the building. This factor is called
A) exposure.
B) occupancy.
C) protection.
D) housekeeping.
Answer: C
Question Status: New

44) A property and liability insurance company's loss ratio was 74 percent in 2011, 68 percent in
2012, and 66 percent in 2013. The same insurer's expense ratio was 31 percent in 2011, 33
percent in 2012, and 30 percent in 2013. Which of the following statements is true about the
company's underwriting results?
A) The insurer made money from its underwriting activities each year.
B) The insurer's profitability from underwriting has been deteriorating each year.
C) The insurer's profitability from underwriting has been improving each year.
D) The insurer lost money from its underwriting activities each year.
Answer: C
Question Status: New

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
45) One liability on a property and liability insurance company's balance sheet is for the costs
associated with settling and paying reserved claims. This liability is the
A) pre-paid expense reserve.
B) loss reserve.
C) unearned premium reserve.
D) loss adjustment expense reserve.
Answer: D
Question Status: New

46) The assets of a property and liability insurance company are primarily
A) investments such as stocks and bonds.
B) loss reserves.
C) plant and equipment.
D) premiums paid by policyholders.
Answer: A
Question Status: New

47) ABC Insurance Company's investment income ratio last year was 4.2 percent. The
company's combined ratio last year was 102.6 percent. What was ABC's overall operating ratio?
A) 96.8 percent
B) 98.4 percent
C) 103.2 percent
D) 106.8 percent
Answer: B
Question Status: New

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

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