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Student’s Self confidence of St.

Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and Assessment

Center, Senior high school It’s impacts on learning process

A Senior High School Thesis Presented To The Faculty Of The St. Joseph Vocational,

Technical, Training and Assessment Center

Roxas, City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Senior High School Humanities and Social


Dela Cruz, Fergie Lianne B.

Distajo, Edilvert John A.
Flores, Mattew B.
Herminigildo, Dave A.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the main objective of the study is to identify the impact of self confidence to learning

process of St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and Assessment Center student’s.
Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the impacts of self confidence of St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and

Assessment Center Senior high students on their academic learnings?

2. How does self confidence help of St. Joseph Vocationa, Technical, Training and

Assessment Center Senior high students their academic performance

3. What are the capability of self confidence of St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training

and Assessment Center student impact on their academic performance?

Background of the Study

Self confidence has been defined in a number of ways throughout the literature. These

definitions generally involve belief in one’s own abilities to perform. The more generalized form

of self confidence, where there is a generalized belief in one’s ability, is theoretically distinct

from the specific form of self confidence as used in this research; general self confidence is

better defined as self esteem. Self esteem is an emotions-based assessment about one’s self worth

or value. The value judgment is self directed, that is, one feels oneself is of value, but the

personal judgment is often externally driven. Self esteem is believed to have a basis in genetics

and experiences during key phases of personal and physical development. The self confidence of

interest to this study is task specific; with self confidence being a belief in one’s ability to

undertake a specific action to achieve an outcome. For example, having the belief that one can

search for information to support a purchase decision would be described as information search

self confidence. This specific form of self confidence is believed to have a relationship with self

esteem, but can develop independently as a consequence of experiences related to that specific

task. As people learn and undertake decisions they gain specific feedback about their abilities
and thus develop the beliefs in those abilities, with those beliefs described as self confidence.The

lack of self-confidence is a common issue among many students, especially those in their

teenage years. Self-confidence plays a crucial role in academic performance because it affects

the way students perceive themselves and their ability to succeed in their studies.Senior high

school is a critical year for students as it marks the beginning of their senior high school journey

and sets the tone for the rest of their academic career. The transition to high school can be

overwhelming for some students, and if they lack self-confidence, it can negatively impact their

academic performance.

Studies have shown that low self-confidence can lead to poor academic performance, decreased

motivation, and a lack of participation in class activities. Additionally, students with low self-

confidence may experience increased anxiety and stress, which can further hinder their academic


Therefore, it is essential to address the issue of low self-confidence in grade 10 students

and provide them with the necessary support and resources to boost their confidence levels. This

can be achieved through various interventions such as counseling, mentorship programs, and

self-esteem building activities. By addressing the issue of low self-confidence, students can

perform better academically, have a positive attitude towards learning, and ultimately achieve

their goals.
The effects of sleep deprivation to the performance task of St. Joseph Vocational

technical, Training and assessment center Students

A Senior High School Thesis Presented To The Faculty Of The St. Joseph Vocational,

Technical, Training and Assessment Center

Roxas, City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Senior High School Humanities and Social


Dela Cruz, Fergie Lianne B.

Distajo, Edilvert John A.

Flores, Mattew B.

Herminigildo, Dave A.
Statement of the Problem

Generally, the main objective of the study is to identify the effects of sleep deprivation and how

it affected to the academic performance of St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and

Assessment Center.

Specifically, the study aim’s to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that cause sleep deprivation among students?

2. Does sleep deprivation affect students specifically their physiological and health?

3. Does sleep deprivation affect St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and Assessment

Center students performance in school and cognitive function?

Background of the Study

A High School life must be the most fun in every student’s experiences. At this point, a

person already starts to develop from their childish act to early adolescence. They become very

sensitive, delicate from any desire and being independent. But the opposite of that is there are

still a lot of people along them were expecting that they will do better especially in Academics

more than they do when they were younger.Sleep is a state on which they body and mind of a

person is relatively inactive and it’s muscle are relaxed. In Human Body, sleep aids with all the

cognitive function such as; memory, learning, decision making and critical thinking. This makes

sleep a necessary thing on Academic performance. Being able to understand the impact of sleep

deprivation on academic performance will aid in comprehending the importance of sleep

especially for students to maintain a quality academic performance.Sleep is a basic necessity of

everyday life, and we all knew that a person should have sleep for at least seven (7) to nine (9)
hours a day. Mainly the reason why the person is lacking of sleep it’s because of their

jobs,responsibilities, obligations, and etc. It depend of the nature if their function in the

society.Sleep is very essential to one’s life but yet underestimated by everybody. Hours of

functioning or working of every individual is constantly increasing but the sleep or even the rest

of a person is badly decreasing which results to sleep deprived. And sadly people are tending to

stretch out to what their capabilities or capacities are and compromise their sleep. Which is very


Sleep is shouldn’t be forgotten for it is one of the source of our energy.We should always

be reminded that Sleep Deprivation isn’t just anything, indeed it is something. Something that

you should give importance for it may harm you in many ways. It may affect your physical and

mental health as well. And with no sleep, your body will not also gain energy. Energy that lets

your body and mind function well.According to Leonidas (2014), a medical news report from

America stated that school stress keeps 68 percent of students awake after their head hits the

pillow. Only 30 percent of students sleep eight hours a night, the average recommended amount

of sleep for young adults. In the Philippines, Arceo- Dumlao (2014) half of the Filipinos sleep

less than six hours a day. Poor quality of sleep has significant impacts or effects on day time

behavior and academic performance, as well as concentration, attention, and mood.

In this study the researcher’s objective is to find out the effects of sleepdeprivation on the

academic performance of the students and if such effects are significant. One must also be able

to discover the reasons why they are having the said problem and be able to find a specific

solution of the problem.

Exploring the level of listening skills of St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and

Assessment Senior high students

A Senior High School Thesis Presented To The Faculty Of The St. Joseph Vocational,

Technical, Training and Assessment Center

Roxas, City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Senior High School Humanities and Social


Dela Cruz, Fergie Lianne B.

Distajo, Edilvert John A.

Flores, Mattew B.

Herminigildo, Dave A.

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the study aim’s to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of listening skills of St. Joseph Vocational, Technical, Training and

Assessment Center Students?

2. What affect of listening skills in academic performance of St. Joseph Vocational,

Technical, Training and Assessment Center students?

3. What are the key factors that influence the development of affective listening skills in

senior high students?

Background of the Study

Listening is a skill which involvo receiving messsage in a spoken form and therefore

ofon referced to as receiptive skal (Farmer 1991 Even through it is assured as a s receptive Skill,

it needs an proces to decode the message from the speaker. The listener must be active to process

the information listened from the speakerListening plays an important role in the Seccoss of

English language learning the ability listen well and effectively contribues to the Success of the

learners. These have been other researchers who Studied about teaching listening Skill all over

the world Listening plays an important, role in communication as it is said that of the fetal spent

on communicating, listening s take P 40-50%: Speaking 25-30% reading 11-16% and writing

about 99%.Although the teatring of listening comprehestion has long been somewhat neglected

and poly poorly taught aspect of English in many programs. Listening is now regarded as much

more important in both Classroom and Research listening in solve an othee active process of

descriptering and constructing meaning from both verbal and non-verbal message Thus the label

of passive Sll applied to listening wore regarded This misunderstanding may stem from the fact

that superficially learners seem to only sit & in a language lab quetly.This is a significant

challenges for English Teacher however, it is crucial The development English language
communicative competence awareness of leaching and learning styles of a listenty Skill many

greatly contribute to the Success of language Learning.People communicate using different

language skills. In language teaching, the four main skills are classified in two types: receptive

(reading and listening skills) where language is acquired and meaning is extracted, and

productive (writing and speaking skills) where language is produced. Furthermore, when

learning a foreign language, people usually want to be engaged in real communication with those

who speak the target language; thus, they have the need to understand what others say and to be

understood. According to Steinberg (2007), listening skills can be defined as “the ability of one

individual perceiving another via sense, (specifically aural) organs, assigning a meaning to the

message and comprehending it”. However, listening is more complex than merely hearing. “This

process consists of four stages: sensing and attending, understanding and interpreting,

remembering, and responding. The stages occur in sequence but we are generally unaware of

them” (Steinberg, 2007). Thus, it is possible to affirm that listening is a complex ability that

needs to be developed from different aspects to have a successful performance in the practice of

EFL, which implies a learner’s engagement into this process. Listening comprehension

Listening comprehension is the ability of one individual perceiving another via sense,

(specifically aural) organs, assigning a meaning to the message and comprehending it. “Listening

is more complex than merely hearing. This process consists of four stages: sensing and attending,

understanding and interpreting, remembering, and responding. The stages occur in sequence but

we are generally unaware of them.” (Steinberg, 2007).

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