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Thesis for the Degree of BSc in Engineering

Effective rainfall analysis for irrigated agriculture

Of Dhaka division by different methods

Department of Civil Engineering
Faridpur Engineering College,
Faridpur, Bangladesh.

Reg. No:1842

Reg. No:1838

Department of Civil Engineering

Faridpur Engineering College,
Faridpur, Bangladesh.

Certificate of Approval

This to certify that this thesis work submitted by Md. Sadiur Rahman & SM Kamrul
Hasan entitled “Effective rainfall analysis for irrigated agriculture of Dhaka division by
different methods” has been approved by the board of examiners for the fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of “Bachelor of Science” in Civil Engineering, Faridpur
Engineering College, (Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka)
Faridpur, Bangladesh in September 2023.

Board Of Examiners

Prof. Dr. Engr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Member

Faridpur Engineering College, Faridpur.

Engr. Raihan Khan Opu Member

Assistant Professor & Head of
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Faridpur Engineering College, Faridpur.

Engr. Md Ekhlas Uddin Supervisor

Dept. of Civil Engineering
Faridpur Engineering College, Faridpur.


We express our profound gratitude and indebtedness to our supervisor, Lecturer Md Ekhlas
Uddin, Department of Civil Engineering Faridpur Engineering College, for his continuous
guidance and encouragement, valuable suggestions and co-operation throughout the course of
the study. His active interest in this topic and constructive suggestions throughout the study
were of immense help. We highly appreciate the way he closely monitored every step of the
study and then critically reviewing the manuscript and also for his help relating to books,
journals and various published reports.
We also wish to express our gratefulness to Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Professor and Head of the
Department of Civil Engineering for our constant inspiration, generous and time to time
suggestions in the progress of this project work.


The major source of water available either for agriculture or for human consumption is
obtained from the rain that falls on the earth's surface. Agricultural production in Bangladesh
is very much dependent upon rainfall. But not all the rain that falls on the earth's surface is
useful for agricultural purpose. This study deals with "effective rainfall", i.e. the rainfall that
directly satisfies crop water requirements. In this study four different methods have been used
for estimating effective rainfall in Bangladesh. Effective rainfalls have been estimated for
four meteorological stations of Dhaka division in Bangladesh by using different
climatological data, effective rainfall have been estimated for two crop growing seasons, one
is Kharif (July to October) and the other is Rabi (December to March). It has been observed
that the values of effective rainfall percentage for Kharif season varies from 32. 25% at
Tangail to 39.59% at Faridpur by Renfro Equation Method, from 29.2% at Dhaka to 48.24%
at Madaripur by US Bureau of Reclamation Method, from 68.1% at Tangail to 100% at
several stations by Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio Method and from 52.9%
at Dhaka to 79.1% at Madaripur by U.S.D.A, SCS Method. Effective rainfall percentage for
Rabi season varies 40.6% at Dhaka to 71.9% at Tangail by U.S.D.A, SCS Method and by
other methods the values of effective rainfall percentage is near about 100% It has been
observed that as the distance from sea increases the value of effective rainfall percentage also
increases. While designing an irrigation project, optimum utilization of irrigation water can
be achieved by using the effective rainfall values. Irrigation water is needed in Kharif season
and sometimes irrigation is needed in Rabi season.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER -1 ............................................................................................................................................. 9
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Objectives.............................................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER -2 ........................................................................................................................................... 11
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Rainfall Characteristics in Bangladesh ........................................................................................ 11
2.1.1 Aerial Variation ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Seasonal Variation ................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Crop Growing Season .................................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Effective Rainfall ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Factors Affecting Effective Rainfall .......................................................................................... 14 Rainfall Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 14 Other meteorological parameters ........................................................................................ 15 Land characteristics .............................................................................................................. 16 Soil characteristics ................................................................................................................ 16 Soil water characteristics ...................................................................................................... 16 Ground water characteristics................................................................................................ 16 Crop characteristics .............................................................................................................. 17 Drainage channel characteristics .......................................................................................... 17 Management practice ........................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Determination of Effective rainfall .......................................................................................... 17 Direct measurement ............................................................................................................. 17 Soil moisture Changes ........................................................................................................ 17 Daily Soil Moisture Balance Method.................................................................................. 18 Estimation of Effective Rainfall ............................................................................................. 18 Renfro Equation ................................................................................................................. 18 US Bureau of Reclamation Method ................................................................................... 19 Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio Method ............................................... 19 USDA SCS Method .............................................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER -3 ........................................................................................................................................... 21
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................................ 21
3.1 Collection of data ........................................................................................................................ 21

3.2 Hydro-geology of the project area .............................................................................................. 21
3.3 Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Distribution System for Canal Irrigation ..................................................................................... 22
3.5 Losses of water in canals............................................................................................................. 25
3.6 Distribution of Water into the Fields Through Water Courses ................................................... 26
CHAPTER -4 ........................................................................................................................................... 28
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER -5 ........................................................................................................................................... 70
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................. 70
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 70
5.2 Recommendations and limitations: ............................................................................................ 70
References ............................................................................................................................................ 71

List of Tables

Table 1: Effective rainfall for kharif reason by Renfro equation ............................................. 30

Table 2: Effective rainfall for rabi season by Renfro equation ................................................ 31
Table 3: Effective rainfall for Kharif season by US Bureau of Reclamation method ............. 32
Table 4: Effective rainfall for Rabi season by US Bureau of Reclamation method ................ 33
Table 5: Effective rainfall for Kharif season by Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation
ratio method ............................................................................................................................. 41
Table 6: Effective rainfall for Kharif season by Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation
ratio method ............................................................................................................................. 43
Table 7: Effective rainfall for Rabi season by Potential Evapotranspiration /Precipitation ratio
method...................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 8: Effective rainfall for Rabi season by Potential Evapotranspiration /Precipitation ratio
method...................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 9: Effective rainfall for kharif season USDA SCS method ........................................... 54
Table 10: Effective rainfall for Rabi season USDA SCS method ........................................... 57
Table 11: Percentage of Effective Rainfall Calculation by Different Method ........................ 68

List of Figures

Figure 1: Distribution system for canal irrigation.................................................................... 23

Figure 2: Water Courses .......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3: Map showing 4 meteorological stations in Dhaka division ..................................... 27
Figure 4: 1Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Dhaka. .................................... 35
Figure 5: Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Tangail. .................................... 37
Figure 6: Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Faridpur. ................................... 38
Figure 7: Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Madaripur. ................................ 40
Figure 8: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/ Precipitation Ratio
Method at Dhaka (For different seepage & percolation losses) .............................................. 49
Figure 9: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/ Precipitation Ratio
Method at Tangail (For different seepage & percolation losses) ............................................. 50
Figure 10: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/ Precipitation Ratio
Method at Faridpur (For different seepage & percolation losses) ........................................... 52
Figure 11: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/ Precipitation Ratio
Method at Madaripur (For different seepage & percolation losses) ........................................ 53
Figure 12: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For different depth of
irrigation water) at Dhaka. ....................................................................................................... 60
Figure 13: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For different depth of
irrigation water) at Tangail. ..................................................................................................... 62
Figure 14: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For different depth of
irrigation water) at Faridpur. .................................................................................................... 64
Figure 15: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For different depth of
irrigation water) at Madaripur. ................................................................................................. 66



1.1 General
Rainwater is highly important for agriculture as well as human beings and animals that fall on
the earth surface. Bangladesh is a land where rainfall not only falls in summer but also in
winter. Maximum rainfall occurs in the monsoon period extending from the month of June to
September. Due to high temperature of summer, the moisture-laden south-west monsoon
originate from the vast expanse of the Bay of Bengal. In June, this monsoon winds moves all
over Bangladesh and precipitates heavily. The withdrawal of the monsoon starts in
September. The crucial months for agriculture are July and August and the fate of rained.
Kharif crop largely depends upon the amount and distribution of rain especially during these
two months (BMD, 2018).
In Bangladesh the hot weather rainfall occurs in between the months March and May, which
are mainly due to large scale thunderstorm activity called Nor'easters. Precipitation during the
cold weather season is due to low pressure system. The amount of precipitation during the
cold season is very little. But these rains are of substantial importance in raising rained Rabi
The primary source for agriculture production for most of the world is rainfall. The most
important characteristic of rainfall varies from place to place, day to day, month to month,
and also year to year. In our country the information about the amount, intensity and
distribution of daily, monthly or annual rainfall for different meteorological stations are
available (Bashar, M.K., 1987).
In spite of voluminous data on weather, all is not yet known that should be known about
rainfall. Certain simple entities have baffled planner's right up to present. One of these is
"effective rainfall" In its simplest sense, effective rainfall means useful or utilizable rainfall.
Rainfall is not necessarily useful or desirable at the time, rate or amount in which it is
received. Some of it may be unavoidably wasted while some may even be destructive.
The effective rainfall has been interpreted differently not only by specialists in different fields
but also by different workers in the same field. To an irrigation engineer, the rain which

reaches the storage reservoir directly and by surface runoff from the surrounding area
indirectly is the effective portion. Agriculturists consider that portion of the total rainfall as
effective which directly satisfies crop water needs and also the surface runoff which can be
used for crop production on their farms by being pumped from ponds or wells. Most rain
water is used in agriculture for crop production. But some part of rainfall is lost. These losses
include water intercepted by living or dry vegetation, that lost by evapotranspiration during
growth of crops, that lost by evaporation from the soil surface, that fraction which contribute
to leaching and percolation salient points for the practical application of data on effective
rainfall in the field of agriculture are as follows:

• Designing irrigation projects on a sound economical basis,

• Fixing cropping patterns and working out the irrigation requirements of crops,
• Operating irrigation projects efficiently from year to year,
• Preparing schedules of other farm operations in irrigated agriculture,
• Planning cropping patters in unirrigated or rained areas,
• Designing drainage and reclamation project.
• Interpreting field experiment accurately.
• Classifying regions climatologically for agriculture.
Meteorologists can neither solve nor evaluate the problem of effective rainfall merely from
the tables of frequency, amount and intensity of rainfall or from physical phenomena in the
atmosphere. It is a task in which several disciplines and sub disciplines overlap. For example,
in the field of agriculture, soil types, cropping patterns and social, economic and management
factors all have a direct impact on the extent of effective and ineffective rainfall (Dastane
NG, 1974). In view of these facts the study was conducted to review the various methods of
determining effective rainfall; to calculate the effective rainfall for Bangladesh at different
meteorological stations for Rabi and Kharif crop season, using selected methods and to
compare the different methods of estimating effective rainfall (Bashar, M.K., 1987).

1.2 Objectives
The followings are the main objectives of this study:
➢ To review the various methods of determining effective rainfall.
➢ To calculate the effective rainfall for Kharif and Rabi season in Dhaka division, using
selected methods.
➢ To compare the different methods of estimating for effective rainfall.
➢ To calculate the amount of irrigation water is required for Kharif and Rabi season.
➢ To calculate the amount of irrigation water is supplied for Kharif and Rabi season.



2.1 Rainfall Characteristics in Bangladesh

Rainfall in Bangladesh varies widely in both time and location. About 90% of annual rainfall
occurs in the five months period from May through September. This uneven distribution of
rainfall coupled with high flows in the rivers causes extensive flooding daring these monsoon
months, while during others remaining months" drought is common (Rahman, 2008).

2.1.1 Aerial Variation

Bangladesh is known for its substantial rainfall patterns. Apart from the drier western area
around Dhaka, which experiences an annual rainfall of approximately 1600 mm, most regions
in the country receive a minimum of 2000 mm of rainfall each year. This abundant
precipitation is primarily influenced by its geographical position, situated just south of the
Himalayan foothills, where monsoon winds veer west and northwest. The northeastern
regions of Bangladesh, in particular, witness the highest average rainfall, at times exceeding
4000 mm annually. Approximately 80 percent of Bangladesh's total rainfall occurs during the
monsoon season. The range of average annual rainfall across different parts of the country
varies, with the highest recorded at 4078 mm in the northeast corner, and the lowest at
approximately 1486 mm in the extreme west.

2.1.2 Seasonal Variation

Bangladesh enjoys tropical monsoon climate There are three main rain bearing sources in the
(1) The summer rains from the south west trades known as the monsoon,
(2) The early summer thunderstorms known as the nor' westers and
(3) The western depressions of winter.

Rain in Bangladesh is the function of monsoon. Surface winds flows persistently from one
quarter in summers and just as persistently from a different quarter in winter and this flow of
monsoon occurs in response to the seasonal changes in pressure resulting from the
differences in temperature between land and water bodies (Bashar, M.K., 1987).
Eighty to eighty five percent of annual rainfall occurs in the single monsoon season from
May to September. Rainfall during monsoon vary widely from year to year. Abnormal
deviation from the normal rainfall results in either flood or drought condition.
The inter monsoon period, October to April, may be divided into three seasons.
The post monsoon transition season October-November, is warm and humid with rapidly
diminishing rainfall. Average rainfall during these period ranges from seven to twelve
percent of the annual total. During this period, the Aman rice crop often suffers yield
reduction because of the lack of rainfall and coastal areas.
The cool December-March dry season is sunny with scattered rainfall that averages two to
four percent of the annual total irrigation is necessary during this period in nearly all parts of
the country as soil moisture is insufficient to grow crops at acceptable yields
The very hot pre monsoon transition season, April-May is characterized by intermittent
rainfall including severe thunder storms accompanied by high winds and hail. Rainfall during
this period ranges from about 11 to 22% of annual total. In the absence of irrigation this
rainfall is critical to start the first monsoon season crops. Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal also
affect the coastal areas during this period.
Although rainfall is generally adequate to meet crop water needs and provide areas for
fisheries during the May to September monsoon season, rainfall is dramatically short of crop
and fisheries requirements during much of the inter monsoon period.
This shortfall is especially critical during the December-March dry season when agriculture
and fisheries must depend heavily upon other sources of water. It may be observed that the
seasonal rainfall is an important factor in crop production. The small winter rain in north
Bengal enables the cultivation of cereals, such as wheat and barley as winter vegetable and
other Rabi crops.

2.2 Crop Growing Season

In our country a wide variety of crops are grown. These crops are broadly classified
according to the seasons in which they are grown. They are two agriculture seasons in
Bangladesh, both of which are synchronized to the seasonal rainfall pattern.
The seasons are:
a) Kharif season and
b) Rabi season

Kharif crops are grown in the spring or summer season and harvested in late summer or in
early winter (July October) The crops most extensively cultivated during the Kharif season
are jute, aus, broadcast, aman, different kinds of summer vegetables, green chili, different
kinds of aroids, cotton, black gram etc. Most Kharif crops are subjected to drought and in
areas without water control (Bashir, MK, 1987.
Rabi crops are sown in winter and harvested in the spring or early: summer (December-
March). Most common Rabi or water crops are wheat, maize, mustard, groundnut, sesame,
tobacco, potato, sweet potato, sugarcane, lentil, chickpea, grass pea.

2.3 Effective Rainfall

In its simplest sense, effective rainfall means useful or utilizable rainfall. Rainfall is not
necessarily useful or desirable at the time, rate or amount in which it is received. The term
effective rainfall has been interpreted differently not only by specialists in different fields but
also by different workers in the same field. To canal irrigation engineer, the rain which
reaches the storage reservoir directly and by surface runoff from the surrounding area
indirectly is the effective portion (Bashar, MK, 1987). According to a hydro-electrical
engineer, the rainfall which is useful for running the turbines that generate electricity is the
effective portion of the total received. Geohydrologists would define as effective rainfall that
portion of rainfall which contributes to groundwater storage. The extent of the rise in the
water table levels would be the effective rainfall. Agriculturists consider as effective that
portion of the total rainfall which can be used for crop production on their farms by being
pumped from ponds or wells.
The values of effective rainfall are different for different agencies for the same total rainfall.
Rainfall which is ineffective according to one may be effective according to another. From
the point of view of the water requirement of crops, the Food and Agricultural Organization
(FAO) of the United Nations (Dastane, 1974) has defined the annual or seasonal effective
rainfall as that part of the total annual or seasonal rainfall which is useful directly and/or
indirectly for crop production at the site where it falls, but without pumping.
Effective rainfall,

𝑬𝑹 = 𝑩 + 𝑪𝟏 +𝑪𝟐 +𝑪𝟑
So, from the production point of view, the actual or seasonal effective rainfall as far as the
water requirement of crops is concerned should be interpreted as that portion of total annual
or seasonal rainfall which is useful directly or indirectly for crop production at the site where
it falls but without pumping.
If rain causes lodging or any other type of damage, it must not be regarded as effective even

if the soil is dry. The rainfall has to be useful in some way or another and should not cause
the slightest damage to crop production.
This concept of effective rainfall is suggested for use in planning and operation of irrigation
projects. The irrigation water supply in a given year should be planned to complement
rainfall. Since annual rainfall varies from year to year, an irrigation project cannot be planned
on one year's data, records are needed over long period to calculate effective rainfall on the
basis of probability of occurrence.
It is emphasized that the values of effective rainfall will vary for different purposes, such as
project planning and project operations, dry farming drainage designs and for special
conditions such as a shallow water tables and salinity. The concept that effective rainfall is
that which is useful or usable in any phase of crop production should be borne clearly in

2.3.1 Factors Affecting Effective Rainfall

Several factors influence the proportion of effective rainfall in the total received and these
may act singly or collectively and interact with each other. Any factor which affects
infiltration, run off or evapotranspiration affects the value of effective rainfall. Rainfall Characteristics

Rainfall characteristics refer to the various attributes and properties of precipitation events
that help describe and analyze the behavior of rainfall in a particular region or over a specific
time period. These characteristics are essential for understanding climate patterns, hydrology,
agriculture, and many other fields. Here are some key aspects of rainfall characteristics:
➢ Rainfall Amount (Intensity): This represents the quantity of water falling over a
given area and time period. It is typically measured in millimeters (mm) or inches (in)
per hour, day, month, or year. Rainfall intensity can vary from light drizzles to heavy
➢ Rainfall Duration: This refers to the length of time during which rainfall occurs.
Short, intense rainfall events may have a brief duration, while prolonged rainfall
events can last for several hours or even days.
➢ Rainfall Frequency: Frequency describes how often specific rainfall intensities or
events occur. It is an important parameter for understanding the likelihood of different
rainfall patterns, such as daily, seasonal, or annual rainfall frequencies.
➢ Rainfall Distribution: The distribution of rainfall throughout the year or over
different time scales can vary widely. Some regions have consistent rainfall year-
round, while others experience distinct wet and dry seasons.
➢ Rainfall Variability: Rainfall can exhibit considerable variation in intensity and
duration from year to year. Interannual variability is often associated with climate
phenomena like El Niño and La Niña.

➢ Rainfall Spatial Distribution: The spatial distribution of rainfall refers to how
precipitation is distributed across a geographical area. Some regions may experience
uniform rainfall, while others may have localized heavy showers or varying rainfall
➢ Seasonality: Many regions have distinct seasonal patterns of rainfall. For example,
some areas experience monsoon seasons with heavy rains during specific months,
while others have more evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year.
➢ Rainfall Type: Rainfall can take various forms, including drizzle, light rain, moderate
rain, and heavy rain. Different types of rainfall have varying impacts on ecosystems,
agriculture, and water resources.
➢ Rainfall Depth: Rainfall depth represents the thickness of the water layer produced
by precipitation. It is usually measured in millimeters or inches and is a critical
parameter for hydrological and agricultural assessments.
➢ Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves: IDF curves provide a graphical
representation of the relationship between rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency.
They are valuable for designing infrastructure like stormwater systems.
➢ Extreme Rainfall Events: Extreme rainfall events, such as heavy storms or cyclones,
can lead to flooding, landslides, and other disasters. Analyzing the characteristics of
extreme rainfall is crucial for disaster preparedness and risk assessment.
➢ Rainfall Trends and Changes: Monitoring long-term rainfall trends and changes is
vital for studying climate change. Changes in rainfall patterns can have profound
impacts on ecosystems, agriculture, and water resources management.
➢ Rainfall Data Sources: Rainfall data are collected through various means, including
rain gauges, weather radar, satellite observations, and weather stations. The choice of
data source can affect the accuracy and coverage of rainfall information.
➢ Understanding these rainfall characteristics is essential for a wide range of
applications, from agriculture and water resource management to weather forecasting
and climate research. Analyzing historical and real-time rainfall data helps scientists,
policymakers, and stakeholders make informed decisions and plan for various
climate-related challenges. Other meteorological parameters

The primary driver of potential evapotranspiration is the level of evaporative demand,
particularly when water supply is abundant. An estimate of evaporative demand can be
derived by considering the combined influence of four key factors: temperature, radiation,
wind speed, and humidity. Higher values in the first three factors and a decrease in the fourth
factor promote increased evaporation. These circumstances lead to greater soil moisture
deficits, consequently causing a higher proportion of effective rainfall within the total

15 Land characteristics
Water lingers for an extended period on flat and level terrain, providing a longer window for
utilization compared to sloping land, which experiences rapid runoff. Therefore, the
topography, whether it's sloping, rolling, or undulating, significantly impacts the time
available for rainwater to uniformly infiltrate, consequently influencing the proportion of
effective rainfall. Furthermore, the land's surrounding use, such as agriculture, road and
building construction, and recreational areas, also plays a role in determining the quantity of
effective rainfall. Soil characteristics

Soil serves as a crucial reservoir for supplying moisture to crops and acts as an essential
intermediary between water and plants. Consequently, its abilities to absorb, retain, release,
and transport water directly impact the effectiveness of rainfall.
The portion of effective rainfall increases in proportion to the soil's water-holding capacity.
The volume of water a soil can hold and retain is influenced by factors such as its depth and
texture, with greater storage capacity associated with these characteristics. As soil depth
increases, a larger fraction of total rainfall becomes effective.
The initial moisture content in soil plays a significant role in determining the extent of
effective rainfall. In areas with irrigation, the proportion of effective rainfall tends to be lower
compared to unirrigated regions, where there is often a more substantial deficit of moisture in
the soil. Soil water characteristics

The effectiveness of rainfall is impacted by specific water attributes, including the volume or
depth of water received either directly or indirectly, as well as characteristics such as
turbidity, viscosity, temperature, and the presence of dissolved salts, such as sodium and
nitrates. These properties directly affect the process of infiltration and, consequently, the
amount of effective rainfall. Ground water characteristics

The quantity of effective rainfall is more substantial when the water table is deep compared
to when it is shallow. Water ascends through the soil via capillarity, reducing the moisture
deficit and consequently increasing the effective rainfall volume. The water table's level
typically fluctuates; it may be relatively deep before rainfall begins and rise to the surface
during the rainy season. Additionally, horizontal subsoil flows to and from adjacent areas can
contribute to this variability (Dastane, 1974). Consequently, the proportion of effective
rainfall fluctuates inversely with this contribution. In cases where groundwater is saline and
close to the soil surface, it may be detrimental to crop plants. However, this scenario can also
lead to an increased proportion of effective rainfall since the salts are diluted.

16 Crop characteristics
Increased water consumption by crops leads to greater soil moisture deficits. Consequently,
the effectiveness of rainfall is directly linked to the rate at which plants absorb water. Several
crop characteristics influence this water uptake rate, including ground cover, rooting depth,
and growth stage. Evapotranspiration tends to be high during the vegetative and flowering
phases and may decrease as crops mature. To access moisture stored in deeper soil layers,
roots must penetrate to those depths. Therefore, crops with deep roots enhance the
effectiveness of rainfall in a specific area, making the type of crop a crucial factor in
determining its impact. Rainfall occurring just before harvesting is often considered wasteful
or problematic for most crops and may be classified as ineffective. When assessing the extent
of effective rainfall, it's important to consider the seasonal requirements of major crops in the
area. Drainage channel characteristics

The speed of surface runoff to streams, as well as the duration available for infiltration and
direct evaporation at the rainfall site, are significantly impacted by the characteristics of a
channel, including its size, shape, slope, and roughness. Therefore, these factors play a
crucial role in determining the effectiveness of rainfall. Management practice

Any management practice which influences runoff, infiltration, permeability or
evapotranspiration also influences the degree of effective rainfall, bunding terracing,
ploughing, and mulching reduce runoff and increase effective rainfall.

2.3.2 Determination of Effective rainfall

There are several methods of assessing effective rainfall. Each method has certain merits and
limitations. Direct measurement Soil moisture Changes

Water in the root zone may be measured by sampling and oven-drying the soil before and
after every shower of rain. The increase in soil moisture, plus evapotranspiration loss (ETa)
from the time the rain starts until the soil is sampled, is the amount of effective rainfall. After
heavy rainfall evapotranspiration can be assumed to be at the potential rate during the short
period from cessation of rainfall until the sampling time. This can be taken as 0.4 to 0.8 times

the evaporation value of the Class A Pan as is given in FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper
No. 24 (1974), or

𝑬𝑹 = 𝑴𝟐 −𝑴𝟏 +𝑲𝒑 𝑬𝒐

ER = Effective rainfall

𝐸𝑜 = US. Class A Open Pan evaporation value

𝑀1 and 𝑀2 = moisture status in the effective root zone before and after rain respectively.

𝐾𝑝 =pan coefficient

The method takes into account the soil and the crop characteristics. The determination is
simple and accurate but it may involve errors due to soil variation, the sampling errors may
range from 5 to 40 percent. The method is also laborious and time consuming. The use of
neutron probes reduces the drudgery of periodic soil sampling, but these are costly methods
for routine purposes and also subject to sampling errors. Daily Soil Moisture Balance Method

A daily soil water balance is rather like a bank account. Rainfall and irrigation are on the
credit side, while soil moisture depletion is on the debit side. Precise data on the maximum
water holding capacity (field capacity) is necessary for this method. Any amount in excess of
this capacity is a surplus and will be a deep percolation loss or run-off. When the balance
reaches nil, no more withdrawal is possible and hence further depletion is treated as water
deficiency. Rainfall and irrigation are directly measured while the evapotranspiration is
computed from any of several available formulae. Due to lack of data on the maximum water
holding capacity (field capacity), this method could not be used in this study. Estimation of Effective Rainfall Renfro Equation

Renfro, as quoted by Chow (1964), suggested the following equation for estimating effective

𝑬𝑹 = 𝑬𝑹𝒈 + 𝑨

ER = Effective rainfall
E = ratio of consumptive use of water (CU) to rainfall during the growing season

𝑅𝑔 = growing season rainfall

A = average irrigation application

The E value implies degree of rain likely to be utilized in meeting consumptive water needs.
The greater the E value, the higher the value of effective rainfall. For example, if rainfall
during the four months growing season is 400 mm, consumptive use of water is 700 mm, and
average irrigation application is 100 mm, then the effective rainfall is equal to 0.60 (400+
100) = 300 mm. The method is empirical and may not suit many situations. US Bureau of Reclamation Method

A method described by Stamm (1967), is recommended for arid and semi-arid regions and
uses mean seasonal precipitation of the five driest consecutive years. Percentage marks are
given to increments of monthly rainfall ranging from greater than 90 percent for the first 25
mm (1 in) or fraction thereof, to 0 percent for precipitation increments above some 150 mm
(6 in). For example, if monthly rainfall during the past five years in the month of July is 100,
125, 250, 225 and 175 cm, the mean is 175 cm. The effective rainfall value for the month of
July will be 120.6 mm. The method does not take into account the type of soil, nature of the
crop and frequency and distribution of rain. Nor does it consider degree of aridity. The
method is not considered satisfactory. Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio Method

This simple semi-empirical method is used in some projects in India A ratio of potential
evapotranspiration, taken as 0.8 of the U.S. Class A pan data, to the total rainfall for a certain
group of days during the growing season is computed. The number of days in a group is
based broadly on a soil type or soil moisture properties as well as general weather conditions
or evapotranspiration rates.
The ratios are expressed in a percentage for each period. So, the maximum value of the ratio
cannot exceed 100. The monthly means are then computed and from these the grand mean
ratio is obtained for the entire growing season. Precise knowledge on soil properties or aridity
is not essential. These can be some under or over estimation depending upon the distribution
of rainfall, but the error is small. This method is good for broad planning purpose. It is rapid
and inexpensive. In the case of rice, instead of the evapotranspiration value, total water loss,
which is evapotranspiration plus percolation losses, is used for computation. USDA SCS Method

The US Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service has developed a procedure
for estimating effective rainfall by processing long term climatic and soil moisture data. A
comprehensive analysis was made by perusing 50 years of precipitation records at 22
experimental stations representing different climatic and soil conditions. The soil moisture
balance was worked out for each day try adding effective rainfall or irrigation to the previous
day's balance and subtracting consumptive use. To avoid a high degree of complexity, neither
the soil intake rate nor rainfall intensities are considered in this method.

From total rainfall and monthly consumptive use, effective rainfall values were computed in
tabular form. The values were based on a 3 in or 75 mm net irrigation application, which is
equal to the available storage capacity in the root zone at the time of irrigation application. To
convert this data to other net depths, factors were worked out. For example, a crop of wheat
grown on sandy loam has a net depth of irrigation application of 50 mm. With a mean
consumptive use for the month of December of 100 mm and a mean rainfall of 75 mm, the
effective rainfall will be (52.7× 0.93) = 49 mm. The monthly effective rainfall cannot exceed
the rate of consumptive use. If it does, the lower value of the two is taken.



3.1 Collection of data

There are 30 meteorological stations in Bangladesh These stations record various
climatological data such as temperature, pressure, wind, rainfall, relative humidity over a
period of years. The daily rainfall data of 4 stations at Dhaka division for 20 years (2003-
2022) were collected from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department. The consumptive use
for different months of various stations on daily basis were determined by using the
thornthwaite (1948) formula with the help of monthly temperature for each station from the
book "Irrigation Theory and Practice" by A M Michael.

3.2 Hydro-geology of the project area

Bangladesh comprises a part of the Bengal basin which lies at the head of the Bay of Bengal.
The basin is bordered by the Himalayan ranges and the massif in the north, the Indian shield
in the west and the Arakan China massif in the east Bangladesh is a part of the largest delta in
the world and is under the process of active delta development and morphological change by
the Padma, Brahmaputra, Meghna river system.
Hydro-geological conditions of the People Republic of Bangladesh are favorable for equable
climate. High rainfalls and large surface inflows are source of potential recharge to the thick
alluvial aquifer underlying most of the country.
Bangladesh is underlain almost exclusively by poorly consolidated or unconsolidated rocks
of Tertiary age. A buried basement complex of Gondwana sedimentary rocks slopes
southerly from shallow depths along the northern border with India to perhaps 2000 feet
beneath Dhaka and even greater depths to the south. A Marino sedimentary rock of tertiary
age overlies the basement complex. Small patches of sedimentary rocks are exposed along
the Assam border and constitute the folded rocks of the Chittagong hills and their northern
extension into the Sylhet district. The alluvium was deposited chiefly by the present and
ancestral Brahmaputra, Ganges and Meghna river systems.

3.3 Analysis
The following four methods have been used to calculate rainfall for 30 meteorological
stations of Bangladesh covering the entire country
1. Renfro Equation method
2 US Bureau of Reclamation method
3 Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio method and
4 USDA SCS method.
Effective rainfall has been calculated for two crop growing seasons, one is Kharif season
(July to October) and the other is Rabi season (December to March).
Three different values of net depth of irrigation water requirement during the crop growing
season, have been assumed for estimating effective rainfall by Renfro Equation method and
USDA SCS method. The values are 50 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm. For the estimation of
effective rainfall by Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio method, three different
values of seepage and percolation losses have been assumed. The values are 3 mm/day, 6
mm/day and 9 mm/day.

3.4 Distribution System for Canal Irrigation

It has been emphasized earlier that the direct irrigation scheme using a weir or a barrage, as
well as the storage irrigation scheme using a dam or a reservoir, requires network of irrigation
canals of different sizes and capacities. The entire network of irrigation channels are called
the Canal System. The canal system consists of:
(i) Main canal,
(ii) Branch canals;
(ii) Distributaries, also called major distributaries,
(iv) Minors, also called minor distributaries,
(v) Watercourses,
In case of direct irrigation scheme, a weir or a barrage is constructed across the river, and
water is headed up on the upstream side. The arrangement is known as Head Works or
diversion head works. Water is diverted into the main canal by means of a diversion weir. A
head regulator is provided at the head of the main canal, so as to regulate the flow of water
into the main canal.

Figure 1: Distribution system for canal irrigation

In storage irrigation scheme, a dam is constructed across the river, thus forming a reservoir
on the upstream side of the river. The water from this reservoir is taken into the main canal
through the outlet sluices. There are generally two main canals, which off-take from the
reservoir from the left side or the right side, and are hence called the left bank canal and the
right bank canal, respectively.
It is, however, not at all necessary that the main canal(s) take off from the reservoir, and in
fact, they rarely do so. In most storage schemes, canals, usually take off from a weir or a
barrage, located downstream of the reservoir. The main canal in such a case will take off
from the upstream side of the weir, just as in a normal diversion weir scheme.
The requirement of construction of such a pickup head works may become necessary when
the irrigation command area is far away from the dam site, and constructing the main canal(s)
from the reservoir up to the beginning of the command area may be a waste and a useless
exercise. Secondly, in some cases, the headwork might have been constructed first as a part
of a direct (non-storage) irrigation scheme, and the upstream reservoir may have to be
constructed on a later date, in accordance with its own priority or necessity, when the natural
lean season flows become insufficient to meet the irrigation and other water demands of the
downstream area. Such a reservoir would add some new irrigation command and firm up the
irrigation in the existing command. Direct irrigation scheme proved satisfactory in olden
times, when population was less and the river used to get sufficient snowmelt throughout the
lean season. However, with the increasing population and consequently increasing water
demand along with dwindling snowmelt due to extension of habitat in upper hills and green

house effects of urbanization, the available natural flows in lean season have become
insufficient, necessitating construction of reservoir(s) upstream. When dame constructed,
there will be very little addition to irrigation command area. It can be easily understood that a
reservoir redistributed the water in time (storing water in rainy season and releasing it in lean
season); while the barrage and the canal system will redistribute it in space, taking it up to the
fields. In both these irrigation schemes, when once the water reaches into the main canal, the
problem left is to distribute this water up to the fields. The purpose is achieved through a
network of channels, as described below:
➢ Main Canal (Head reach): The canal headworks are generally situated on the river
flowing in a valley, and the canal should reach the ridge line in the shortest possible
distance. The canal, in this reach, must, therefore, be aligned very carefully, and has
to be generally excavated in deep cuttings below N.S.L. (natural surface level).
Sometimes, it has to cross various drainage lines. Many a times, straight alignment
has to be sacrificed and detours need to be accepted, in order to achieve a good site
for cross drainage works.
➢ Main Canal (Portion below head reach): Attempts are made to align the canal
along the ridge and somewhat central to the command area. Sometimes, ridge line has
to be sacrificed, to bypass towns and villages, etc. Main canal is not required to do
any irrigation.
➢ (ii) Branch Canals: Branch canals are taken off from the main canal on either side to
take irrigation water to the whole tract required to be irrigated. Very little irrigation is
in fact, done from the branch canals themselves, as they serve to supply water
primarily the distributaries. Attempts are made to align them along subsidiary ridges.
Discharge in a branch channel, is generally, more than 30 cumec.
➢ (iii) Distributaries: Smaller channels which take off from the branch canals and
distribute their supply through outlets into minors or water courses, are called
distributaries. They are aligned either as ridge canals or as contour canals. Discharge
in a distributary is generally less than 30 cumec.
➢ (iv) Minors: Sometimes, the country is such that the distance between the dis-
tributary outlet and the farmer's field is very long; say more than 3 km or so. In such a
case, small channels called minors, are taken off from the distributaries, so as to
supply water to the cultivators at the point nearer to their fields. Discharge in a minor,
is generally, less than 2.5 cumec.
➢ (v) Watercourses: These are not the government channels and belong to the
cultivators. They are small channels, which are excavated and maintained by the
cultivators at their own costs, to take water from the government-owned outlet points,
provided in the dis- tributary or the minor.

Figure 2: Water Courses

3.5 Losses of water in canals

During the passage of water from the main canal to the outlet at the head of the watercourse,
water may be lost either by evaporation from the surface or by seepage through the
peripheries of the channels. These losses are sometimes very high. We assume the losses is
20%. In determining the designed channel capacity, a provision for these water losses must
be made. The provision for the water lost in the watercourses and in the fields is however,
already made in the outlet discharge factor, and hence, no extra provision is made on that
account. Evaporation and seepage losses of channels are discussed below:
(1) Evaporation: The water lost by evaporation is generally very small, as compared to
the water lost by seepage in certain channels. Evaporation losses are generally of the
order of 2 to 3 per cent of the total losses. They depend upon all those factors on
which the evaporation depends, such as temperature, wind velocity, humidity, etc. In
summer season, these losses may be more but seldom exceed about 7% of the total
water diverted into the main canal.

(2) Seepage: There may be two different conditions of seepage, i.e. (i) Percolation, (ii)

(i) Percolation: In percolation, there exists a zone of continuous saturation from the
canal to the water-table and a direct flow is established. Almost all the water lost from
the canal, joins the ground water reservoir.
The loss of water depends upon the difference of top water surface level of the
channel and the level of the water-table.
(ii) Absorption: In absorption, a small saturated soil zone exists round the canal
section, and is surrounded by zone of decreasing saturation. A certain zone just above
the water-table is saturated by capillarity. Thus, there exists an unsaturated soil zone
between the two saturated zones. In this case, the rate of loss is independent of
seepage head (H) but depends only upon the water head h (Le, distance between water
sur- face level of canal and the bottom of the saturated zone) plus the capillary head.
The seepage losses depend upon the following factors: (1) Type of seepage, whether
'percolation' or 'absorption
1. Soil permeability.
2. The condition of the canal; the seepage through a silted canal is less than that from a
new canal.
3. Amount of silt carried by the canal; the more the silt, lesser are the losses.
4. Velocity of canal water; the more the velocity, the lesser will be the losses.
5. Cross-section of the canal and its wetted perimeter.

3.6 Distribution of Water into the Fields Through Water Courses

The water from a distributary or a minor is allowed to flow into the water course, through an
opening, called module or outlet. When once the water reaches the water course, the problem
of its equitable distribution among the various farmers or fields arises. The release of water
into the water course and its sharing by farmers with different field holdings, largely depends
upon the available supply. Since the water supply is usually limited, the following two
possible alternatives for its distribution become available.
The canal irrigation is restricted to a limited area, which can be fully supported with the
lowest available supply. This does not lead to optimum utilization of available water and may
cause intensive irrigation and its ill effects. Agricultural production and protection against
famine would also not be optimum. The production may be maximum per unit of land
covered (if the farmers do not over irrigate), though it would certainly not be per unit of water
available. This approach would, however, not require a precise or sophisticated method for
distribution of irrigation water amongst the field owners. The delivery system for this
alternative can be either continuous or demand-based, depending upon the availability of
water. A continuous delivery system can be effectively used for large farms and continuous
terraced rice fields. Though ideal, a demand-based delivery system is not practical on large
irrigation systems.
In the second and usually adopted alternative, irrigation is extended to a much large area than
what could be supported by the lowest available supply. This extensive irrigation often
creates perpetual scarcity of irrigation water but ensures that a comparatively much less

quantity of water remains unutilized. Agricultural production and protection again famine
will be at optimum levels. The crop production would be maximum per unit. available water,
though it may not be optimum per unit of land covered. Since this metho of delivering water
is in the interest of a larger section of farmers, it is usually adopted our country, in spite of the
fact that this method of distribution requires elaborate control and monitoring on the release
of water from the different outlets into the different water courses and to further ensure that
the farmers in possession of different land holdings (land area do share water as per their
decided shares and utilize it on the decided days, rather than permitting the upstream farmers
to utilize larger amounts of irrigation water and thereby leaving very little or no water for
farmers at the tail end of the conveyance system.
Detail calculation of effective rainfall for the meteorological station has been shown in

Figure 3: Map showing 4 meteorological stations in Dhaka division

Name of weather stations in Dhaka division:
1. Dhaka
2. Tangail
3. Faridpur
4. Madaripur



Using mean monthly consumptive use data of different metrological stations, the effective
rainfall values for both Kharif and Rabi season have been calculated. The effective rainfall
for the 4 meteorological stations in Dhaka division have been calculated using the following
four methods.
1. Renfro Equation
2. USBR Method
3. PET/Precipitation Ratio Method and
4. USDA SCS Method

The effective rainfall values for both Kharif and Rabi season have been worked out using the
mean monthly consumptive use data of those stations. The effective rainfall values are
tabulated in table no. 4.1 to table no 4.9.
The Renfro Equation Method gives the lowest value of effective rainfall, among the four
methods which have been used. Another aspect of this method, the more the average depth of
irrigation water application the higher is the effective rainfall. With this method one can only
calculate the total growing season (such as July - October, December-March) effective
rainfall, but not for a short period (such as 10 days period, monthly period). Sometimes it is
required to find out effective rainfall for a short period. So, from that point of view this
method is not suitable. The Renfro Equation Method is too empirical. It may not suit many
situations. The "E" (a constant dependent upon the ratio of consumptive use of water to
rainfall during the growing season) values which have been used to work out the effective
rainfall, are given without considering the runoff and type of crop. It only considers aridity
and makes assumption about the soil. So, it can be concluded that the accuracy of this method
is too low. So, for quick determination of effective rainfall with the net depth of irrigation
water application of 100 mm, is 39 59% at Faridpur and the lowest value with the net depth
of irrigation water application of 75 mm is 32 25% at Tangail The effective rainfall values
calculated by this method are tabulated in table no. 4.1 and4.2.

Thronwaite formula:
Calculation of mean monthly CU,
10𝑇𝑎 𝑎
PET (mean monthly cu) = 1.6( ).


Ta =Mean monthly air temperature (𝐶 0 )

I =annual heat index =∑12
𝑖=0( 5 )

A =0.49+0.0179I-0.000077𝐼 2 +0.000000675𝐼 3

𝑬𝑹 = 𝑬𝑹𝒈 + 𝑨

Data :

Month July August September October

Mean monthly
334.7 292 260.1 156.7
rainfall (mm)
Mean monthly
192.8 184.1 182.95 170.25
CU in (mm)

𝑅𝑔 =334.7+292+260.1+156.7=1043mm

CU =192.8+184.1+182.95+170.25=730.1mm
=730.1/1043 =0.70

E =1-0.70=0.30

When A =50mm, ER =0.30×1043+50 =363 mm

When A =75mm, ER =0.30×1043+75 =388 mm

When A =100mm, ER =0.30×1043+100 =413 mm

Table 1: Effective rainfall for kharif reason by Renfro equation
Root Total rainfall as Required Supplied
depth growing Effective percentage Irrigation irrigation
Station Month of season Rainfall of growing water water
plant rainfall (mm) season (cumec) (cumec)
(mm) (mm) rainfall 1×10 -6 1×10-6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

50 1157 374.1 32.32 782.9 978.63

Dhaka 75 1157 399.1 34.48 757.9 947.38
100 1157 424.1 36.64 732.9 916.13

50 1199 361.8 30.17 837.2 1046.5

Tangail 75 1199 386.8 32.25 812.2 1015.3
100 1199 411.8 34.34 787.8 984.00

50 1043 363.0 34.79 680.0 850.00

Faridpur 75 1043 388.0 37.19 655.0 818.75
100 1043 413.0 39.59 630.0 787.50

50 1106 370.8 33.52 735.2 919.00

Madaripur 75 1106 395.8 35.78 710.2 887.75
100 1106 420.8 38.04 685.2 856.50

Table 2: Effective rainfall for rabi season by Renfro equation
Total rainfall as Required Supplied
growing Effective percentage Irrigation irrigation
Station Month season Rainfall of growing Water water
of plant
rainfall (mm) season (cumec) (cumec)
(mm) -6
(mm) rainfall 1×10 1×10-6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
50 99.93 148.9 100 0 0
Dhaka 75 99.93 173.9 100 0 0
100 99.93 198.9 100 0 0
50 65.17 114.5 100 0 0
Tangail 75 65.17 139.5 100 0 0
100 65.17 164.5 100 0 0
50 88.09 137.2 100 0 0
Faridpur 75 88.09 162.2 100 0 0
100 88.09 187.2 100 0 0
50 88.46 137.2 100 0 0
Madaripur 75 88.46 162.2 100 0 0
100 88.46 187.2 100 0 0

From table 4.1 we see that, for Kharif in Dhaka during July to October at depth 50 mm,75
mm and 100 mm irrigation water is required 782.9×10-6 cumec,757×10-6 cumec and
732.9×10-6 cumec. Supplied irrigation water is 978×10-6 cumec,947×10-6 cumec and
916.13×10-6 cumec.
In Tangail during July to October at root depth of plant 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm irrigation
water is required 837.2×10-6 cumec,812.2×10-6 cumec and 787.8×10-6 cumec. Supplied
irrigation water is 1046.5×10-6 cumec,1015.3×10-6 cumec and 984×10-6 cumec.

In Faridpur during July to October at root depth of plant 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm
irrigation water is required 680.0×10-6 cumec,655.0×10-6 cumec and 630.0×10-6 cumec.
Supplied irrigation water is 850.0×10-6 cumec,818.75×10-6 cumec and 787.50×10-6 cumec.

In Madaripur during July to October at root depth of plant 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm
irrigation water is required 735.2×10-6 cumec,710.2×10-6 cumec and 685.2×10-6 cumec.
Supplied irrigation water is 919.0×10-6 cumec,887.75×10-6 cumec and 856.50×10-6 cumec.
From table 4.2 during December to March in Dhaka, Tangail, Faridpur and Madaripur at root
depth of plant 50 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm irrigation water is not needed.

With the help of US Bureau of Reclamation method, the seasonal effective rainfall as well as
monthly effective rainfall have been calculated. Quick estimation of effective rainfall is the
principal feature of this method But the USBR method is not considered to be satisfactory.
Because this method does not take into account the type of soil, nature of the crop and
frequency and distribution of rainfall It also does not consider the effect of aridity. This
method has been developed only considering surface runoff. This method is recommended
for arid and semi-arid regions. Among the values of effective rainfall obtained for Kharif
season, the highest value is 76.9% at Madaripur and the lowest value is 29 5% at Tangail.
The US Bureau of Reclamation method is not suitable for use under all sorts of condition.
The effective rainfall values calculated by this method are tabulated in table no. 4.3 and 4.4.

Table 3: Effective rainfall for Kharif season by US Bureau of Reclamation

Total rainfall as Required Supplied
growing Effective percentage Irrigation Irrigation
Station Month season Rainfall of growing water water
rainfall (mm) season (cumec) (cumec)
(mm) rainfall 1×10-6 1×10-6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
July 369 120.6 32.7 248.4 310.50
August 314 120.6 38.4 193.4 241.75
Dhaka September 307 120.6 29.2 186.4 233.00
October 168 120.6 71.7 47.4 59.25
Seasonal 1157 482.4 26.8 674.6 843.25
July 409 120.6 29.5 288.4 360.50
August 317 120.6 38.1 196.4 245.50
Tangail September 298 120.6 40.4 177.4 221.75
October 175 120.6 68.8 54.4 68.00
Seasonal 1199 482.4 40.2 716.6 895.75
July 335 120.6 36.0 214.4 268.00
August 292 120.6 41.3 171.4 214.25
Faridpur September 260 120.6 46.3 139.4 174.25
October 156 120.6 76.9 35.4 44.25
Seasonal 1044 482.4 46.2 561.4 701.25
July 389 120.6 31.0 268.4 335.50
August 313 120.6 38.53 192.4 240.50
Madaripur September 250 120.6 48.24 129.4 161.75
October 155 120.6 77.8 34.4 43.00
Seasonal 1106 482.4 43.62 623.6 779.50

Table 4: Effective rainfall for Rabi season by US Bureau of Reclamation
Total rainfall as Required Supplied
growing Effective percentage Irrigation Irrigation
Station Month season Rainfall of growing water water
rainfall (mm) season (cumec) (cumec)
(mm) rainfall 1×10-6 1×10-6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
December 11.9 24.0 100 0 0
January 6.9 23.1 100 0 0
Dhaka February 22.7 22.7 100 0 0
March 58.5 46.0 79 12.5 15.63
Seasonal 99.9 115.8 100 0 0
December 7.3 24.0 100 0 0
January 8.5 23.1 100 0 0
Tangail February 16.4 16.4 100 0 0
March 33.3 46.0 100 0 0
Seasonal 65.2 109.5 100 0 0
December 9.9 24.0 100 0 0
January 7.6 23.1 100 0 0
Faridpur February 25.4 25.4 100 0 0
March 45.2 46.0 100 0 0
Seasonal 88.1 118.5 100 0 0
December 4.2 24.0 100 0 0
January 8.5 23.1 100 0 0
Madaripur February 23.8 23.8 100 0 0
March 51.9 46.0 89 5.9 7.38
Seasonal 88.5 116.9 100 0 0

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Dhaka the
highest value is 71.77% in October and the lowest value is 29 25% in September.




Effective rainfall(%)





July August September October

(a) Kharif Season

From table 4.3 we see that, for Kharif in Dhaka during July, August, September, October and
seasonal irrigation water is required 284.4×10-6 cumec,193.4×10-6 cumec and 186.4×10-6
cumec, 47.4×10-6 cumec and 674.6×10-6 cumec. Supplied irrigation water is 310.50×10-6
cumec,241.75×10-6 cumec, 233×10-6 cumec, 59.25×10-6 cumec and 843.25×10-6 cumec.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at Dhaka
According to this graph the percentage of effective rainfall in first three months is 100% but
in March 79%.


Effective Rainfall(%)





December January February March

(b) Rabi Season

Figure 4: 1Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Dhaka.

From table 4.4 for Rabi in Dhaka during December, January, February and seasonal, there is
no need of water. Because the effective rainfall is 100%. But in March required irrigation
water is 12.51×0-6 cumec and supplied irrigation water is 15.63×10-6 cumec.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Tangail.
The highest value is 68.8% in October and the lowest value is 29.5% in July.




Effective rainfall(%)





July August September October

(a) Kharif Season

From table 4.3 we see that, for Kharif in Tangail during July, August, September, October
and seasonal irrigation water is required 288.4×10-6 cumec,196.4×10-6 cumec and 177.4×10-6
cumec, 54.4×10-6 cumec and 716.6×10-6 cumec. Supplied irrigation water is 360.50×10-6
cumec,245.50×10-6 cumec, 221.75×10-6 cumec, 68.00× 10-6cumec and 895.75× 10-6cumec.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Tangail.
According to this graph the percentage of effective rainfall from December to March is


Effective Rainfall(%)





December January February March

(b) Rabi Season

Figure 5: Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Tangail.

From table 4.4 for Rabi in Tangail during December, January, February, March and seasonal,
there is no need of water. Because the effective rainfall is 100%.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Faridpur.
The highest value is 76.9% in October and the lowest value is 23.6% in July.




Effective rainfall(%)






July August September October

(a) Kharif Season

From table 4.3 we see that, for Kharif in Faridpur during July, August, September, October
and seasonal irrigation water is required 214.4×10-6 cumec,171.4×10-6 cumec and 139.4×10-6
cumec, 35.4×10-6 cumec and 561.4×10-6 cumec. Supplied irrigation water is 268.00×10-6
cumec,214.25×10-6cumec,174.25×10-6 cumec, 44.25× 10−6 cumec and 701.25× 10−6 cumec.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Faridpur.
According to this graph the percentage of effective rainfall from December to March is 100



Effective Rainfall(%)




December January February March

(b) Rabi Season

Figure 6: Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Faridpur.

From table 4.4 for Rabi in Faridpur during December, January, February, March and
seasonal, there is no need of water. Because the effective rainfall is 100%.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Madaripur.
The highest value is 77.8% in October and the lowest value is 31% in July.




Effective rainfall(%)






July August September October

(a) Kharif Season

From table 4.3 we see that, for Kharif in Madaripur during July, August, September, October
and seasonal irrigation water is required 268.4×10-6 cumec,192.4×10-6 cumec and 129.4×10-6
cumec, 34.4×10-6 cumec and 623.6×10-6 cumec. Supplied irrigation water is 335.50×10-6
cumec,240.50×10-6 cumec, 161.75×10-6 cumec, 43.00× cumec and 779.50× 10−6 cumec.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Madaripur.
According to this graph the percentage of effective rainfall in first three months is 100% but
in March 89%.




Effective Rainfall(%)







December January February March

(b) Rabi Season

Figure 7: Effective rainfall percentage by USBR Method at Madaripur.

From table 4.4 for Rabi in Madaripur during December, January, February and seasonal,
there is no need of water. Because the effective rainfall is 100%. But in March required
irrigation water is 5.9×10-6 cumec and supplied irrigation water is 7.38×10-6 cumec.

Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio method: is a simple semi empirical

method. With the help of this method the total growing season effective rainfall as well as the
effective rainfall for a certain group of days can be computed. The number of days in a group
is based on the soil type or soil moisture properties as well as general weather conditions or
evapotranspiration rates.
The maximum number of days in a group is 15 during warm weather and 30 during cool
weather. But in this study one month has been used as a group for both the Kharif and Rabi
seasons due to the non-availability of required data. The lower the water holding capacity of
the soil and the higher the evapotranspiration rate, the shorter the period in the group. These
factors had not been considered in this study due to the lack of necessary data.
In the Potential Evapotranspiration /Precipitation Ratio method effective rainfall varies with
the potential evapotranspiration and also with the seepage and percolation losses. The higher
the values of these losses, the higher will be the value of effective rainfall. Three values of
seepage and percolation losses have been assumed which are 3 mm/day, 6 mm/day and 9

In this method the rainfall lost through seepage and percolation are considered as part of
effective rainfall. As a result, with the seepage value of 6 mm/day, 9 mm/day the effective
rainfall for both Kharif and Rabi season is near about 100% throughout the Dhaka division.
But, the highest value of effective rainfall with the seepage and percolation loss of 3 mm/day
is 95 1% at Faridpur and the lowest value is 85% at Tangail. This method is the most suitable
among the four methods. In this method approximation have been made about the runoff and
soil condition. Aridity also has been considered. This method was found to be laborious but
most accurate. The effective rainfall values calculated by this method are tabulated in table
no. 4.5 and 4.6.

Table 5: Effective rainfall for Kharif season by Potential

Evapotranspiration/Precipitation ratio method
Required Supplied
Total Irrigation Irrigation
Seepage & rainfall as
growing water water
percolation percentage
Station Month season (cumec) (cumec)
loss season
(mm/day) rainfall
1×10-6 1×10-6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

3 368.7 77.5 82.96 103.7

July 6 368.7 100 0 0
9 368.7 100 0 0

3 313.6 90.7 29.16 36.45

August 6 313.6 100 0 0
9 313.6 100 0 0

Dhaka 3 307.2 85.3 45.16 56.45

September 6 307.2 100 0 0
9 307.2 100 0 0

3 168.0 100 0 0
October 6 168.0 100 0 0
9 168.0 100 0 0

Seasonal 3 1157.6 88.4 134.28 167.85

6 1157.6 100 0 0
9 1157.6 100 0 0

3 409.2 68.1 130.53 163.16

July 6 409.2 100 0 0
9 409.2 100 0 0

3 316.5 87.8 38.61 47.7

August 6 316.5 100 0 0
9 316.5 100 0 0

3 298.2 84.2 47.12 58.9

Tangail September 6 298.2 100 0 0
9 298.2 100 0 0

3 175.3 100 0 0
October 6 175.3 100 0 0
9 175.3 100 0 0

3 1199.3 85 179.90 224.88

Seasonal 6 1199.3 100 0 0
9 1199.3 100 0 0

Table 6: Effective rainfall for Kharif season by Potential
Evapotranspiration/Precipitation ratio method
Effective Required Supplied
Seepage & rainfall as Irrigation Irrigation
percolation percentage water water
Station Month season
loss season (cumec) (cumec)
(mm/day) rainfall
(mm) 1×10-6 1×10-6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

3 334.7 85.5 48.53 60.66

July 6 334.7 100 0 0
9 334.7 100 0 0

3 292.0 94.9 14.89 18.61

August 6 292.0 100 0 0
9 292.0 100 0 0

3 260.1 100 0 0
Faridpur September 6 260.1 100 0 0
9 260.1 100 0 0

3 156.7 100 0 0
October 6 156.7 100 0 0
9 156.7 100 0 0

3 1043.6 95.1 51.14 63.93

Seasonal 6 1043.6 100 0 0
9 1043.6 100 0 0

3 389.0 74.9 97.64 122.05

July 6 389.0 100 0 0
9 389.0 100 0 0
3 312.3 88.2 36.85 46.06
August 6 312.3 100 0 0
9 312.3 100 0 0

3 249.8 100 0 0
September 6 249.8 100 0 0
9 249.8 100 0 0

3 155.2 100 0 0
October 6 155.2 100 0 0
9 155.2 100 0 0

3 1106.4 90.8 101.75 127.19

Seasonal 6 1106.4 100 0 0
9 1106.4 100 0 0

Table 7: Effective rainfall for Rabi season by Potential Evapotranspiration
/Precipitation ratio method
Required Supplied
Total Irrigation Irrigation
Seepage & rainfall as
growing water water
percolation percentage
Station Month season (cumec) (cumec)
loss season
(mm/day) rainfall
1×10-6 1×10-6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

3 11.9 100 0 0
December 6 11.9 100 0 0
9 11.9 100 0 0

3 6.9 100 0 0
January 6 6.9 100 0 0
9 6.9 100 0 0

3 22.7 100 0 0
Dhaka February 6 22.7 100 0 0
9 22.7 100 0 0

3 58.5 100 0 0
March 6 58.5 100 0 0
9 58.5 100 0 0

3 99.9 100 0 0
Seasonal 6 99.9 100 0 0
9 99.9 100 0 0

3 7.2 100 0 0
December 6 7.2 100 0 0

Tangail 9 7.2 100 0 0

3 8.4 100 0 0
6 8.4 100 0 0

9 8.4 100 0 0

3 16.4 100 0 0
February 6 16.4 100 0 0
9 16.4 100 0 0

3 33.0 100 0 0
March 6 33.0 100 0 0
9 33.0 100 0 0

3 65.1 100 0 0
Seasonal 6 65.1 100 0 0
9 65.1 100 0 0

Table 8: Effective rainfall for Rabi season by Potential Evapotranspiration
/Precipitation ratio method
Required Supplied
Total Irrigation Irrigation
Seepage & rainfall as
growing water water
percolation percentage
Station Month season (cumec) (cumec)
loss season
(mm/day) rainfall
1×10-6 1×10-6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

3 9.9 100 0 0
December 6 9.9 100 0 0
9 9.9 100 0 0

3 7.5 100 0 0
January 6 7.5 100 0 0
9 7.5 100 0 0

3 25.3 100 0 0
Faridpur February 6 25.3 100 0 0
9 25.3 100 0 0

3 45.2 100 0 0
March 6 45.2 100 0 0
9 45.2 100 0 0

3 88.0 100 0 0
Seasonal 6 88.0 100 0 0
9 88.0 100 0 0

3 4.2 100 0 0
December 6 4.2 100 0 0

Madaripur 9 4.2 100 0 0

3 8.4 100 0 0
6 8.4 100 0 0

9 8.4 100 0 0

3 23.8 100 0 0
February 6 23.8 100 0 0
9 23.8 100 0 0

3 51.9 100 0 0
March 6 51.9 100 0 0
9 51.9 100 0 0

3 88.4 100 0 0
Seasonal 6 88.4 100 0 0
9 88.4 100 0 0

The percentage of effective rainfall of months July to October and seasonal at Dhaka. When
seepage and percolation loss is 3mm/day, the percentage of effective rainfall varies. In July,
August, September and seasonal required irrigation water is 82.96×10-6 cumec, 29.16×10-6
cumec, 45.16×10-6 cumec and 134.28×10-6 cumec. In July, August, September and seasonal
supplied irrigation water is 103.7×10-6 cumec, 36.45×10-6 cumec, 56.45×10-6 cumec and
167.85×10-6 cumec. There is no need irrigation water in September.

But when the seepage and percolation loss is 6mm/day and 9mm/day the percentage of
effective rainfall is 100% in these months.



Effective rainfall (%)




July August September October

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(a) Kharif season

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at Dhaka.
When the seepage and percolation loss is 3mm/day, 6mm/day and 9mm/day, the percentage
of effective rainfall is 100% in these months. There is no need irrigation water in these



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(b)Rabi season

Figure 8: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/

Precipitation Ratio Method at Dhaka (For different seepage & percolation

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of months July to October at Tangail.
When seepage and percolation loss is 3mm/day, the percentage of effective rainfall varies. In
July, August, September and seasonal required irrigation water is 130.53×10-6cumec,
38.61×10-6 cumec, 47.12×10-6 cumec and 179.90×10-6 cumec. In July, August, September
and seasonal supplied irrigation water is 163.16×10-6 cumec, 47.7×10-6 cumec, 58.9×10-6
cumec and 224.88×10-6 cumec. There is no need irrigation water in September.

But when the seepage and percolation loss is 6mm/day and 9mm/day the percentage of
effective rainfall is 100% in these months. So, there is no need of irrigation water.



Effective rainfall (%)




July August September October

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(a) Kharif season

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at
Tangail. When the seepage and percolation loss is 3mm/day, 6mm/day and 9mm/day, the
percentage of effective rainfall is 100% in these months. There is no need of irrigation water.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(b) Rabi season

Figure 9: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/

Precipitation Ratio Method at Tangail (For different seepage & percolation

The percentage of effective rainfall of months July to October at Faridpur. When seepage and
percolation loss is 3mm/day, the percentage of effective rainfall varies. In July, August and
seasonal required irrigation water is 48.53× 10-6 cumec, 14.89×10-6 cumec and 51.14×10-6
cumec. In July, August and seasonal supplied irrigation water is 60.66×10-6 cumec,
18.61×10-6 cumec and 63.93×10-6 cumec. There is no need irrigation water in September and
But when the seepage and percolation loss is 6mm/day and 9mm/day the percentage of
effective rainfall is 100% in these months. There is no need of irrigation water.



Effective rainfall (%)




July August September October

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(a) Kharif Season

The percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at Faridpur. When the
seepage and percolation loss is 3mm/day, 6mm/day and 9mm/day, the percentage of effective
rainfall is 100% in these months. There is no need of irrigation water.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(b)Rabi season

Figure 10: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/

Precipitation Ratio Method at Faridpur (For different seepage &
percolation losses)

The percentage of effective rainfall of months Joly to October at Madaripur. When seepage
and percolation loss is 3mm/day, the percentage of effective rainfall varies. In July, August
and seasonal required irrigation water is 97.64×10-6 cumec,36.85×10-6 cumec and
101.75×10-6 cumec. In July, August and seasonal supplied irrigation water is 122.05×10-6
cumec, 46.06×10-6 cumec and 127.19×10-6 cumec. There is no need irrigation water in
September and October.
But when the seepage and percolation loss is 6mm/day and 9mm/day the percentage of
effective rainfall is 100% in these months. There is no need of irrigation water.



Effective rainfall (%)




July August September October

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(a) Kharif season

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at
Madaripur. When the seepage and percolation loss is 3mm/day, 6mm/day and 9mm/day, the
percentage of effective rainfall is 100% in these months. There is no need of irrigation water.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

3 mm/day 6 mm/day 9 mm/day

(b)Rabi season

Figure 11: Effective rainfall percentage by Potential Evapotranspiration/

Precipitation Ratio Method at Madaripur (For different seepage &
percolation losses)

In the USDA SCS method, the effective rainfall varies with the net depth of irrigation water
application. The greater the depth of water, the higher is value of effective rainfall. It is also
dependent upon the consumptive use of crop. A higher value of consumptive use results in a
greater value of effective rainfall. The method has been developed after a comprehensive
analysis at different experimental stations representing different climatic and soil conditions.
So, the accuracy of this method is high.
With the USDA, SCS method the highest value of effective rainfall in Kharif season is 77.6%
at Tangail with the net depth of irrigation water application of 100 mm and the lowest is
58.1% at Faridpur with the net depth of irrigation water application of 50 mm. It has been
found that this method is good for areas with low intensity of rainfall and high soil infiltration
rate. The effective rainfall values calculated by this method are tabulated in table no. 4.7 and

Table 9: Effective rainfall for kharif season USDA SCS method

Effective Required Supplied
Root Total
rainfall as Irrigation Irrigation
depth growing Effective
percentage water water
Station Month of season rainfall
of growing (cumec) (cumec)
plant rainfall (mm)
(mm) (mm) 1×10-6 1×10-6
rainfall (%)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (6) (7)

50 369 232.5 63.0 136.5 170.63

July 75 369 250.0 67.8 119 148.75
100 369 255.0 69.1 114 142.5

50 314 181.4 57.8 132.6 165.75

August 75 314 195.0 56.9 119 148.75
100 314 198.9 58.1 115.1 143.88
50 307 162.8 52.9 144.2 180.25
September 75 307 175.0 56.9 132 165
100 307 178.5 58.1 128.5 160.63

50 168 116.3 69.1 51.7 64.63

October 75 168 125.0 74.4 43 53.75
100 168 127.5 75.8 40.5 50.63

50 1158 692.9 59.8 465.1 581.38
Seasonal 75 1158 745.0 64.3 413 516.25
100 1158 759.9 65.6 398.1 497.63

50 335 184.1 55.0 150.9 188.63

July 75 335 198.0 59.1 137 171.25
100 335 202.0 60.3 133 166.25

50 292 172.1 58.9 119.9 149.88

August 75 292 185.0 63.3 107 133.75
100 292 188.7 64.6 103.3 129.13

50 260 149.7 57.5 110.3 137.88

Faridpur September 75 260 161.0 61.8 99 123.75
100 260 164.2 63.1 95.8 119.75

50 157 100.4 64.0 56.6 70.75

October 75 157 108.0 68.8 49 61.25
100 157 110.2 70.2 46.8 58.5

50 1044 606.4 58.1 437.6 547

Seasonal 75 1044 652.0 62.4 392 490
100 1044 665.0 63.7 379 473.75

50 409 307.8 75.2 101.2 126.5

July 75 409 331.0 80.8 78 97.5
100 409 337.6 82.5 71.4 89.25

50 317 266.9 84.3 50.1 62.63

August 75 317 287.0 90.6 30 37.5
100 317 292.7 92.4 24.3 30.38

50 298 162.8 54.5 135.2 169

September 75 298 175.0 58.6 123 153.75
100 298 178.5 59.8 119.5 149.38

October 50 175 111.6 63.6 63.4 79.25

75 175 120.0 68.4 55 68.75
100 175 122.4 69.8 52.6 65.75

50 1199 849.1 70.8 349.9 437.38

Seasonal 75 1199 913.0 76.1 286 357.5
100 1199 931.3 77.6 267.7 334.63

50 389 307.8 79.1 81.2 101.5

July 75 389 331.0 85.0 58 72.5
100 389 337.6 86.7 51.4 64.25

50 312 176.7 56.5 135.3 169.13

August 75 312 190.0 60.8 122 152.5
100 312 193.8 62.0 118.2 147.75

50 250 145.1 58.0 104.9 131.13

Madaripur September 75 250 156.0 62.4 94 117.5
100 250 159.1 63.7 90.9 113.63

50 155 98.6 63.4 56.4 70.5

October 75 155 106.0 68.2 49 61.25
100 155 108.1 69.6 46.9 58.63

50 1106 728.2 65.8 377.8 472.25

Seasonal 75 1106 783.0 70.7 323 403.75
100 1106 798.7 72.1 307.3 384.13

Table 10: Effective rainfall for Rabi season USDA SCS method
Root Total rainfall as Required Supplied
depth growing Effective percentage Irrigation Irrigation
Station Month of season rainfall of growing water water
plant rainfall (mm) season (cumec) (cumec)
(mm) (mm) rainfall 1×10-6 1×10-6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (6) (7)

50 4.2 8.6 100.0 0 0

December 75 4.2 9.3 100.0 0 0
100 4.2 9.5 100.0 0 0

50 8.5 8.6 100.0 0 0

January 75 8.5 9.2 100.0 0 0
100 8.5 9.4 100.0 0 0

50 23.8 11.2 46.8 12.6 15.75

Madaripur February 75 23.8 12.0 50.4 11.8 14.75
100 23.8 12.2 51.4 11.6 14.50

50 51.9 23.7 45.7 28.2 35.25

75 51.9 25.5 49.1 26.4 33
100 51.9 26.0 50.1 25.9 32.38

50 88.5 52.1 58.9 36.4 45.5

Seasonal 75 88.5 56.0 63.3 32.5 40.63
100 88.5 57.1 64.6 31.4 39.25

50 11.9 8.6 72.5 3.3 4.13

December 75 11.9 9.3 78.0 2.6 3.25
100 11.9 9.5 79.5 2.4 2
50 6.9 8.6 100.0 0 0
January 75 6.9 9.2 100.0 0 0
100 6.9 9.4 100.0 0 0

50 22.7 11.2 49.2 11.5 14.38
February 75 22.7 12.0 52.9 10.7 13.38
100 22.7 12.2 54.0 10.5 13.13

50 58.5 23.7 40.6 34.8 43.5

75 58.5 25.5 43.6 33 41.25
100 58.5 26.0 44.5 32.5 40.63

50 99.9 52.1 52.1 47.8 59.75

Seasonal 75 99.9 56.0 56.0 43.9 54.88
100 99.9 57.1 57.2 42.8 53.5

50 7.3 8.6 100.0 0 0

December 75 7.3 9.3 100.0 0 0
100 7.3 9.5 100.0 0 0

50 8.5 8.6 100.0 0 0

January 75 8.5 9.2 100.0 0 0
100 8.5 9.4 100.0 0 0

50 16.4 11.2 68.0 5.2 6.5

Tangail February 75 16.4 12.0 73.1 4.4 5.5
100 16.4 12.2 74.5 4.2 5.25

50 33.0 23.7 71.9 9.3 11.63

75 33.0 25.5 77.3 7.5 9.38
100 33.0 26.0 78.8 7 8.75

50 65.2 52.1 79.9 13.1 16.38

Seasonal 75 65.2 56.0 85.9 9.2 11.5
100 65.2 57.1 87.6 8.1 10.13

50 9.9 8.6 87.3 1.3 1.63

December 75 9.9 9.3 93.9 0.6 0.75
100 9.9 9.5 95.8 0.4 0.5

January 50 7.6 8.6 100.0 0 0

75 7.6 9.2 100.0 0 0
100 7.6 9.4 100.0 0 0

50 25.4 11.2 44.0 14.2 17.75

Faridpur February 75 25.4 12.0 47.3 13.4 16.75
100 25.4 12.2 48.2 13.2 16.5

50 45.2 23.7 52.4 21.5 26.88

75 45.2 25.5 56.4 19.7 24.63
100 45.2 26.0 57.5 19.2 24

50 88.1 52.1 59.1 36 45

Seasonal 75 88.1 56.0 63.6 32.1 40.13
100 88.1 57.1 64.8 31 38.75

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Dhaka. As
the depth of irrigation water increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also increases. We
can see that highest value is 75.8% in October when depth of irrigation water is 100mm and
lowest is 52.9% in September when depth of irrigation water is 50mm.




Effective rainfall (%)





July August September October

50mm 75mm 100mm

(a) Kharif season

At Dhaka in July at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation water is
136.5×10-6 cumec,119×10-6 cumec and 114×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
170.63×10-6 cumec,148.75×10-6cumec and 142.5×10-6 cumec.
At Dhaka in August at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation water
is 132.6×10-6 cumec,119×10-6 cumec and 115.1×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
165.75×10-6 cumec,148.75×10-6cumec and 143.88×10-6 cumec.

At Dhaka in September at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 144.2×10-6 cumec,132×10-6 cumec and 128.5×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 180.25×10-6 cumec,165×10-6cumec and 160.63×10-6 cumec.
At Dhaka in October at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation water
is 51.7×10-6 cumec,43×10-6 cumec and 40.5×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
64.63×10-6 cumec,53.75×10-6cumec and 50.63×10-6 cumec.

At Dhaka in Seasonal at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 465.1×10-6 cumec,413×10-6 cumec and 398.1×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 581.38×10-6 cumec,516.25×10-6cumec and 497.63×10-6 cumec.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at Dhaka.
As the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also increases. We
can see that highest value is 100% in January when root depth of plant is 100mm and lowest
is 40.6% in March when root depth of plant is 50mm.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

50 mm 75 mm 100 mm

(b)Rabi season

Figure 12: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For

different depth of irrigation water) at Dhaka.
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Tangail. As
the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also increases. We can
see that highest value is 92.4% in October when root depth of plant is 100mm and low is
54.5% in September when root depth of plant is 50mm.
At Dhaka in December at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation
water is 3.3×10-6 cumec,2.6×10-6 cumec and 2.4×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 4.13×10-6 cumec,3.25×10-6cumec and 3.13×10-6 cumec.

At Dhaka in February at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation water
is 11.5×10-6 cumec,10.7×10-6 cumec and 10.5×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
14.38×10-6 cumec,13.38×10-6cumec and 13.13×10-6 cumec.
At Dhaka in March at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation water is
34.8×10-6 cumec,33×10-6 cumec and 32.5×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
43.5×10-6 cumec,41.25×10-6cumec and 40.63×10-6 cumec.

At Dhaka in seasonal at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the requird irrigation water is
47.8×10-6 cumec,43.9×10-6 cumec and 42.8×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
59.75×10-6 cumec,54.88×10-6cumec and 53.5×10-6 cumec

At Dhaka in January at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm there is no need of irrigation

Effective rainfall (%)

July August September October

50mm 75mm 100mm

(a) Kharif season

At Tangail in July at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation water is
101.2×10-6 cumec,78×10-6 cumec and 71.4×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
126.5×10-6 cumec,97.5×10-6cumec and 89.25×10-6 cumec.
At Tangail in August at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 50.1×10-6 cumec,30×10-6 cumec and 24.3×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 62.63×10-6 cumec,37.5×10-6cumec and 30.38×10-6 cumec.

At Tangail in September at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 135.2×10-6 cumec,123×10-6 cumec and 119.5×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 169×10-6 cumec,153.75×10-6cumec and 149.38×10-6 cumec.
At Tangail in October at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 63.4×10-6 cumec,55×10-6 cumec and 52.6×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 79.25×10-6 cumec,68.75×10-6cumec and 65.75×10-6 cumec

At Tangail in Seasonal at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 349.9×10-6 cumec,286×10-6 cumec and 267.7×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 437.38×10-6 cumec,357.50×10-6cumec and 334.63×10-6 cumec
This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at
Tangail. As the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also
increases. We can see that highest value is 100% in January when root depth of plant is
100mm and lowest is 68% in March when root depth of plant is 50mm.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

50 mm 75 mm 100 mm

(b)Rabi season

Figure 13: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For

different depth of irrigation water) at Tangail.
At Tangail in February at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation
water is 5.2×10-6 cumec,4.4×10-6 cumec and 4.2×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 6.5×10-6 cumec,5.5×10-6cumec and 5.25×10-6 cumec.
At Tangail in March at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation water is
9.3×10-6 cumec,7.5×10-6 cumec and 7×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
11.63×10-6 cumec,9.38×10-6cumec and 8.75×10-6 cumec.

At Tangail in seasonal at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the requird irrigation water
is 13.1×10-6 cumec,9.2×10-6 cumec and 8.1×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
16.38×10-6 cumec,11.50×10-6cumec and 10.13×10-6 cumec
At Tangail in December and January at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm there is no
need of irrigation water.




Effective rainfall (%)





July August September October

50mm 75mm 100mm

(a) Kharif season

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Faridpur.
As the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also increases. We
can see that highest value is 70.2% in October when root depth of plant is 100mm and lowest
is 55% in September when root depth of plant is 50mm.
At Faridpur in July at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation water
is 150.9×10-6 cumec,137×10-6 cumec and 133×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
188.63×10-6 cumec,171.25×10-6cumec and 166.25×10-6 cumec.

At Faridpur in August at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 119.9×10-6 cumec,107×10-6 cumec and 103.3×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 149.88×10-6 cumec,133.75×10-6cumec and 129.13×10-6 cumec.
At Faridpur in September at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required
irrigation water is 110.3×10-6 cumec,99×10-6 cumec and 95.8×10-6 cumec. The supplied
irrigation water is 137.88×10-6 cumec,123.75×10-6cumec and 119.75×10-6 cumec

At Faridur in October at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 56.6×10-6 cumec,49×10-6 cumec and 46.8×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 70.75×10-6 cumec,61.25×10-6cumec and 58.5×10-6 cumec.
At Faridpur in Seasonal at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required
irrigation water is 437.6×10-6 cumec,392×10-6 cumec and 379×10-6 cumec. The supplied
irrigation water is 547×10-6 cumec,490×10-6cumec and 473.75×10-6 cumec.

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at
Faridpur. As the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also
increases. We can see that highest value is 100% in January when root depth of plant is
100mm and lowest is 68% in March when root depth of plant is 50mm.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

50 mm 75 mm 100 mm

(b)Rabi season

Figure 14: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For

different depth of irrigation water) at Faridpur.

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month July to October at Madaripur.
As the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also increases. We
can see that highest value is 86.7% in October when root depth of plant is 100mm and lowest
is 56.5% in September when root depth of plant is 50mm.
At Faridpur in December at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation
water is 1.3×10-6 cumec,0.6×10-6 cumec and 0.4×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 1.63×10-6 cumec,0.75×10-6cumec and 0.50×10-6 cumec

At Faridpur in February at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation
water is 14.2×10-6 cumec,13.4×10-6 cumec and 13.2×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 17.75×10-6 cumec,16.75×10-6cumec and 16.50×10-6 cumec
At Faridpur in March at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation water
is 21.5×10-6 cumec,19.7×10-6 cumec and 19.2×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
26.88×10-6 cumec,24.63×10-6cumec and 24×10-6 cumec.

At Faridpur in seasonal at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the requird irrigation water
is 36×10-6 cumec,32.1×10-6 cumec and 31.1×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
45×10-6 cumec,40.13×10-6cumec and 38.75×10-6 cumec

At Faridpur in January at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm there is no need of

irrigation water.

Effective rainfall (%)

July August September October

50mm 75mm 100mm

(a) Kharif season

This graph shows the percentage of effective rainfall of month December to March at
Madaripur. As the root depth of plant increases, the percentage of effective rainfall also

increases. We can see that highest value is 100% in January when root depth of plant is
100mm and lowest is 45.7% in March when root depth of plant is 50mm.
At Madaripur in July at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 81.2×10-6 cumec,58×10-6 cumec and 51.4×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 101.5×10-6 cumec,72.5×10-6cumec and 64.25×10-6 cumec.
At Madaripur in August at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 135.3×10-6 cumec,122×10-6 cumec and 118.2×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 169.13×10-6 cumec,152.5×10-6cumec and 147.75×10-6 cumec.

At Madaripur in September at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required

irrigation water is 104.9×10-6 cumec,94×10-6 cumec and 90.9×10-6 cumec. The supplied
irrigation water is 131.1310-6 cumec,117.510-6cumec and 113.6310-6 cumec.
At Madaripur in October at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 56.4×10-6 cumec,49×10-6 cumec and 46.9×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water
is 70.5×10-6 cumec,61.25×10-6cumec and 58.63×10-6 cumec.
At Madaripur in Seasonal at the root depth of 50 mm,75 mm and 100 mm required irrigation
water is 377.8×10-6 cumec,323×10-6 cumec and 307.3×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 472.25×10-6 cumec,403.75×10-6cumec and 384.13×10-6 cumec.



Effective rainfall (%)




December January February March

50 mm 75 mm 100 mm

(b)Rabi season

Figure 15: Effective rainfall percentage by USDA SCS Method (For

different depth of irrigation water) at Madaripur.

At Madaripur in February at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation
water is 12.6×10-6 cumec,11.8×10-6 cumec and 11.6×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 15.75×10-6 cumec,14.75×10-6cumec and 14.50×10-6 cumec
At Madaripur in March at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the required irrigation
water is 28.2×10-6 cumec,26.4×10-6 cumec and 25.9×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation
water is 35.25×10-6 cumec,33×10-6cumec and 32.38×10-6 cumec.

At Madaripur in March at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm the requird irrigation water
is 36.4×10-6 cumec,32.5×10-6 cumec and 31.4×10-6 cumec. The supplied irrigation water is
45.5×10-6 cumec,40.63×10-6cumec and 39.25×10-6 cumec.
At Madaripur in December and January at root depth of 50mm,75mm and 100mm there is no
need of irrigation water.

Table 11: Percentage of Effective Rainfall Calculation by Different Method

Effective Rainfall as Percentage of Growing Season Rainfall (%)

Growing Season Rainfall

Renfro Equation USDA SCS Method
Ratio Method

USBR Method
When depth of When net depth of


When Seepage &

Irrigation water irrigation
Percolation Loss
Application Application

3 6 9
50 75 100 50 75 100
mm/ mm/ mm/
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
day day day

Kharif 1157 32.3 34.4 36.6 26.8 88.4 100.0 100.0 59.8 64.3 65.5

Dhaka Rabi 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 52.1 56.0 57.2

Kharif 1199 30.2 32.3 34.4 40.2 85 100.0 100.0 70.8 76.1 77.6

Tangail Rabi 65 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 79.9 85.9 87.6

Kharif 1044 34.8 37.2 39.6 46.2 95.1 100.0 100.0 58.1 62.4 63.7

Faridpur Rabi 88 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 59.1 63.6 64.8

Kharif 1107 33.5 35.3 38.4 43.6 90.8 100.0 100.0 65.8 70.7 72.1

Madaripur Rabi 88.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 58.9 63.3 64.6

From table 4.9 it can be observed that the values of effective rainfall are higher for Rabi
season than those of Kharif season. The rainfall characteristics of Bangladesh is the prime
reason behind this difference. Effective rainfalls have been estimated for four meteorological
stations of Dhaka division in Bangladesh. By using different climatological data, effective
rainfall has been estimated for two crop growing seasons, one is Kharif (July to October) and
the other is Rabi (December to March). It has been observed that the values of effective
rainfall percentage for Kharif season varies from 32.25% at Tangail to 39 59% at Faridpur by
Renfro Equation Method, from 29.2% at Dhaka to 48.24% at Madaripur by US Bureau of
Reclamation Method, from 68.1% at Tangail to 100% at several stations by Potential
Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio Method and from 52.9% at Dhaka to 79,1% at
Madaripur by U.S.D.A, SCS Method. Effective rainfall percentage for Rabi season varies
40.6% at Dhaka to 71.9% at Tangail by USDA, SCS Method and by other methods the values
of effective rainfall percentage is near about 100%. A soil has a definite and limited water
intake rate and moister holding capacity. Hence higher intensities of rainfall normally reduce
the effective rainfall. Higher intensities increase the run-off and reduce infiltration. Similarly,
uneven distribution decreases the extent of effective rainfall while an even spread enhance it.

A well distributed rainfall in frequent light showers is more conducive to crop growth than
heavy downpours. In Bangladesh the intensity, frequency and amount of rainfall are high in
Kharif season. As the intensity, frequency and amount of rainfall in Rabi season is low, a
little amount or almost no water is lost through surface runoff, deep percolation and seepage.
As the temperature is low during the Rabi season the evaporation loss from the land surface is
negligible. The methods that have been used for estimation of effective rainfall calculation
neglect retention losses. So almost 100% of rainfall is effective for Boro rice grown in Rabi
season. 70% to 80% of total annual rainfall occurs during the Kharif season. The temperature
during this season is high. So, the percentage of effective rainfall during the Kharif season is
The rainfall in Kharif season for Faridpur are 1043 mm. This value of rainfall is the lowest
among the 4 meteorological stations of Dhaka division. The values of consumptive use for
Faridpur are 730.1mm, which is the highest among all the 4 meteorological station. So,
mentioned stations has very low value of growing season rainfall and high value of
consumptive use. With the combination of these two factors this meteorological station
exhibit higher value of effective rainfall Tangail have the lowest value of effective rainfall.
The growing season rainfall for Tangail is 1199 mm. Intensity of rainfall at this station is
very high So, water lost through surface runoff is high. Because of that reason this station has
the lowest value of effective rainfall among all the meteorological stations. The effective
rainfall is dependent upon various factors, such as land characteristics, soil characteristics,
soil water characteristics, ground water characteristics etc. These factors are different for the
4 stations of Bangladesh. The factors that have been considered in this study are only
consumptive use and rainfall. So, we cannot expect a high degree of accuracy from this study.
Rainfall should satisfy not only the consumptive needs of crops but also leaching, land
preparation needs, percolation needs etc. It is more appropriate and precise to use the total
water needs of the crop in computing effective rainfall The PET/Precipitation Ratio method
gives effective rainfall considering the seepage and percolation losses. Effective rainfall has
been calculated with this method by assuming three different values of seepage and
percolation losses. More accurate values of effective rainfall can be calculated with this
method by determining the actual seepage and percolation losses.
A method used for estimating effective rainfall must account satisfactorily for surface runoff,
evapotranspiration and crop characteristics. For field use the method should be simple,
inexpensive, rapid and accurate. It should be useful for broad regional planning or precise
irrigation scheduling under a given set of conditions.
The methods that have been used are simple, inexpensive and rapid. A high degree of
accuracy can be attained with these methods by carrying out various field experiments to suit
different conditions. A high degree of precision can be attained with these methods by
considering various influencing factors Information on effective rainfall can be used for
design of irrigation projects, design and operation of drainage systems, leaching of salts, rice
cultivation, planning of irrigation systems using groundwater and for rained agriculture.



5.1 Conclusion
The following conclusions can be drawn from this study
1. It can be concluded that effective rainfall is directly proportional to consumptive use
and inversely proportional to the amount and intensity of rainfall.
2. Amount of effective rainfall increases with the increase in the depth of irrigation
water applied to the field. In case of Potential Evapotranspiration or Precipitation
Ratio method, effective rainfall increases with the increase in seepage and percolation
3. Effective rainfall for Kharif season (July-October) vary widely from 26.8% at Dhaka
to 100% of several stations throughout of Dhaka division.
4. Effective rainfall percentage for Rabi season (Dec-March) is almost 100%.
5. Irrigation water is needed in Kharif season.
6. Irrigation water is very little needed in Rabi season.

5.2 Recommendations and limitations:

We can increase effective rainfall percentage by these methods. We can reduce loss of
rainfall water. We can know the required amount of irrigation water. We can be supplied the
right amount of water. We can reduce the cost of growing crops. The same study can be
carried out for other purposes, such as, flood control engineering, hydro-electrical
engineering, reservoir engineering. We take 20 years data if we take more data then we get
better result. If we focus on more Kharif and Rabi crops then we will get better result If we
take more districts then we will get better result. These methods are not suitable for different
root depth of plant.


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