P.E and PFT Reviewer

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❧Physical Development It is not only free from diseases but includes physical fitness as well.

❧Emotional Development The informal nature of physical education activities offers opportunities for
the development of a high level of self esteem and ability to cope with routine stresses of daily living.

❧Social Development It is the development and maintenance of a meaningful interpersonal


❧Mental Development Through participation in physical education activities, the individual develops
his mental capacities as he learns the principles, rules and strategies of games and sports.


Through regular exercises, physical fitness helps the individual:

♡In the proper growth of young bones and muscles;

♡Improve the ability to avoid and recover from illnesses and accidents;

♡Improve posture and appearance by strengthening muscles that support the body:

♡Minimize stress response;

♡Maintain proper body weight;

♡Prevent heart ailment;

♡Improve organic functions;

♡Delay the aging process;

♡Feel good and younger as a human being, and

♡Experience joy of participation in any recreational or sports activities.

5Factors influence fitness

Cardio Respiratory

Muscular endurance

Muscular strength

Body composition




Target: Measures cardio-vascular fitness


12-inch (30.48 cm) high step bench

Fitness evaluation worksheet



1. The instructor demonstrates stepping technique.

a. Full footstep up on to bench, full body lean from the ankles.

b. First foot up, the other foot up, first foot down, the other foot down.

2. The instructor explains test to students.

◉minutes of continuous stepping.

◉Sit down immediately for the one-minute pulse count

3.The instructor starts timing when student starts stepping.

4. The instructor announces when one minute, two minutes and two minutes and 40 seconds have
5. At the end of three minutes, have the students sit down immediately.

6. Find student's pulse rate and being counting within five seconds.

7. Count pulse for one full minute.

8. Record one-minute recovery pulse rate on Fitness Evaluation Worksheet.

9. Use record pulse rate to rate cardio-vascular fitness level using the table below.


Target: Measure Speed

Facilities and Equipment:

An accurately measured running track, 50 meters distance.


Starting gun/wooden slapper

Test Description:

Sprint or speed tests can be performed over varying distances. The 50 Meter Sprint is part of the
International Physical Fitness Test. On the signal: "READY", the runner stands behind the line looking
toward the finish line (crouch start). As the signal "GO" is given, the starter fires gun or snaps a clapper.
The runner sprints to the finish line.


The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 50 meters with the time recorded. A thorough
warm up should be given, including some practice starts and accelerations.

1. Start from a stationary standing position (hands cannot touch the ground), with one foot in front of
the other. The front foot must be behind the starting line.

2. Once the subject is ready and motionless, the starter gives the instructions "set" then "go".

3. The tester should provide hints for maximizing speed (such as keeping low, driving hard with the arms
and legs) and the participant should be encouraged to not slow down before crossing the finish line.

Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest 2 decimal places. The timing starts
from the first movement (if using a stopwatch) or when the timing system is triggered, and finishes
when the chest crosses the finish line and/or the finishing timing gate is triggered.

Reliability: Reliability is greatly improved if timing gates are used. Also weather conditions and running
surface can affect the results, and these conditions should be recorded with the results. If possible, set
up the track with a crosswind to minimize the effect of wind.


Hexagon agility Test

Target: Measures agility, speed and coordination.

Facilities and Equipment:

The regulation volleyball court is a suitable area for this test. If a volleyball court is not available, any flat
surface or turf may be used. Two wooden blocks approximately 2" x 2" x 4" (or two beanbags),
stopwatch, two parallel lines 9 meters apart (the distance between the two side lines of the volleyball


This test requires the person to run back and forth between two parallel lines as fast as possible.

1. Set up two lines of cones 30 feet apart or use line markings Place the wooden blocks behind one of
the lines.
Target: Measure leg strength and power (lower limb extensor muscles).

Facilities and Equipment:

For safety purpose and to encourage students to perform their best in this test, it is strongly suggested
that this test must be conducted in a jumping pit. The jumping pit (landing area) shall have a minimum
width of 2.75 meters and at least 5 meters in length. It shall be filled with soft damp sand at least 30
centimeters deep, the top surface of which shall be level with the take-off board.

If jumping pit is not available, any surface as floor or turf may be used. To facilitate the measurement of
jump's distance, a tape measure may be laid on the floor or ground.


1. Stands comfortably with feet several centimeters apart and parallel with the toes just behind the
front edge of the take off board or starting line.

2. Before jumping, swing the arms backward once only and bend the knees. The jump is accomplished
by simultaneously extending the knees and swinging forward the arms.

3. Once the peak of the jump is reached, begin to flex the knees, keeping the arms forward.

4. Land with the feet parallel, with bent knees and with trunk and arms extended forward.

5. The jump should be made with both feet. During the take-off, the feet must not leave the take-off
surface until the jump is made
❦STEP TEST(cardio Vascular Fitness)

❦50 Meters Sprint (speed)

❦Shuttle Run (agility speed and Coordination)

❦standing long jump(leg strength and power)

Physical Fitness
Exercise is a planned program designed to develop or maintain specific
components of fitness. It appears to be one of the major elements in the health
promotion, for physical inactivity may be one of the most significant, readily
modifiable, personal factor contributing to the poor health status of many
Filipino. Exercise is regarded by many health authorities as an important
mechanism to promote health and prevent disease

Importance of Physical Fitness & Exercise

Exercise and fitness are important for the prevention of health diseases as well as
for many other aspects of life that allow individuals to achieve the highest quality
of life.

The relationship of physical fitness to heart disease is not unimportant, but the
prevention of heart disease and other major health problems is only one of the
major goals of regular exercise and only part of achieving a high fitness status.

Obtaining the optimal quality of life involves much more than preventing health
problems! It also involves having healthy behaviors and high levels of fitness as
normal, lifelong goals.
Four Important Types of Exercise

Exercise is key to good health. But we tend to limit ourselves to one or

two types of activity. People do what they enjoy, or what feels the

most effective, so some aspects of exercise and fitness may be ignored.

✦Aerobics Exercise

✦Strength Training


✦Balance Exercises

Aerobics Exercise
speeds up your heart rate and breathing, is important for many body functions. It
gives your heart and lungs a workout and increases endurance.

Strength Training
As we age, we lose muscle mass. Strength training builds it back Regular strength
training will help you feel more confident and capable of daily tasks like carrying
groceries gardening and lifting heavier objects around the house.

Stretching helps maintain flexibility. We often overlook that in youth when our
muscles are healthier. But aging leads to a loss of flexibility in the muscles and
tendons Muscles shorten and don't function properly.

Balance Exercises
Improving your balance makes you feel steadier on your feet and helps prevent
falls. It's especially important as we get older, when the systems that help us
maintain balance our vision, our inner ear, and our leg muscles and joints-tend to
break down.

Classifications and types of Physical Activities

Group Games-These are lead up activities with simple rules designed primarily for
fun and enjoyment.

Dance-These are movements set to music where there are emerge organizations
and structure.

Gymnastics-Sport that harmonizes body movement to the lilting tunes f

choreographed music.

Health Safety & First aid-A temporary care given to a victim of an accident or
those who become suddenly ill until the services of the physician can be obtained.

Sports-Activities we engage for pleasure, enjoyment.recreation, even as form of

competition usually requiring vigorous bodily exercises.
1. Individual/Dual Sports Sports participated by 1 to 5 players

a. Badminton b. Table Tennis c. Sipa

2 Team Sports Sports participated by 1 or more players group.

a. Basketball b. Rugby C. Softball

d. Baseball e. Soccer f. Volleyball

3. Track and Field Activities done in the field.

a. Running Events - sprint (50m/100m)

b. Throwing Events - discus throw, javelin throw, shot put

c. Jumping Events - long jump, triple long jump

4.Aquatics-Activities done in the water

a. Wake Boarding Swimming b. Synchronized

c. Water Rafting d. Diving

e. Snorkeling f. Surfing
g. Body Boarding h. Wind Surfing


Dynamic Exercise or Dynamic Stretching

activities keep joints, connecting tissues and

muscles in good condition.

Examples of exercise or activities that would use dynamic resistance are

swimming, walking, cross country skiing, bicycling. weight training, and
many other activities where movement and some resistance of load is

Blood circulation, strength, and endurance are improved by these

continuous movements. Repetitive use large of muscles masses.

Low Intensity. Examples of low-intensity exercise include a light walk, a

stretching routine or beginner's yoga workout or swimming.
Remember, these exercises might also give you a moderate-intensity
workout if they are done at a faster pace or more vigorously.
For example, an intense Bikram yoga session performed in
temperatures that exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit is obviously not a
low-intensity workout.Some household chores, like vacuuming,
washing windows. mopping, light gardening, yard work or washing the
car are also considered low-intensity exercise

Isometric. Static Stretching, also known as Isometric Stretching.

meaning it does not use motion) is a type which involves the

resistance of opposing muscle groups through isometric

contractions (lensing) of the stretched muscles.

Relaxation. Provides satisfaction of total well-being of the person due

to stress and anxieties.

Muscular relaxation exercises and deep breathing are two common

techniques to help people to relax and combat symptoms of anxiety.
They may also help to ease symptoms of depression.

Isotonic - Shifting of resistance.The use of static/isometric stretching is

one of the fastest ways to develop increased static passive flexibility
and is much more effective than either passive stretching or active
stretching alone.Isometric stretches also help to develop strength in the
tensed muscles (which helps to develop static-active flexibility). and
seems to decrease the amount of pain usually associated with
Therapeutic Exercise. Used as a rehabilitative methods in treating
disease or illness.Sching is the shotining and lengthening of the
muscles. These types of shinches

1. Static stretching. Holding a position for a short period of time (20-30

seconds). This is the safest form of stretching

2. Balistic teching flouncing in and out if sched posts The most

dangerous type of shiching because the possibility of my

3. PNF or Proprioceptive Neurouscular Facilitation. Another prison who

pushes and pills on the limb or the body 13060 seconds


For safety purpose and to encourage students to perform their best in

this test, it is strongly suggested that this test must be conducted in a
jumping pit. The jumping pit (landing area) shall have a minimum width
of 2.75 meters and at least 5 meters in length. It shall be filled with soft
damp sand at least 30 centimeters deep, the top surface of which shall
be level with the take off board.If jumping pit is not available, any
surface as floor or turf may be used. To facilitate the measurement of
jump's distance, a tape measure may be laid on the floor or ground.


1 Stands comfortably with feet several centimeters apart and parallel

with the toes just behind the front edge of the take off board or starting

2. Before jumping, swing the arms backward once only and bend the
knees. The jump is accomplished by simultaneously extending the
knees and swinging forward the arms.
3. Once the peak of the jump is reached, begin to flex the knees,
keeping the arms forward 4. Land with the feet parallel, with bent
knees and with trunk and arms forward

5 The jump should be made with both feet During the take-off, the feet
must not leave the take-off surface until the jump is made

Sprint or speed tests can be performed over varying distances. The 50
Meter Sprint is part of the International Physical Fitness Test. On the
signal: "READY", the stands behind the line looking toward the finish
line (crouch start). AS the signal "GO" is given, the starter fires gun or
snaps a clapper. The runner sprints to the finish line.


The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 50 meters with
the time recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including
some practice starts and accelerations.

1. Start from a stationary standing position (hands cannot touch the

ground), with one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be
behind the starting line.

2. Once the subject is ready and motionless, the starter gives the
instructions "set" then "go":

3. The tester should provide hints for maximizing speed (such as

keeping Low,

driving hard with the arms and legs) and the participant should be
encouraged to not slow down before crossing the finish line

Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest 2
decimal places. The timing starts from the first movement (if using a
stopwatch) or when the timing system is triggered, and finishes when
the chest crosses the finish line and/or the finishing timing gate is


Reliability is greatly improved if timing gates are used. Also weather

conditions and running surface can affect the results, and these
conditions should be recorded with the results. If possible, set up the
track with a crosswind to minimize the effect of wind.
The Step Tests designed to measure a person's aarabe fitness
Participants step and down, on and off an aerobics type step for THREE
muutes to increase heart rate and to evaluate the heart's recevery rate
during the mute mediately following the step test exercise


1. The instructor demonstrates stepping technique

a. Full footstep up on to bench. full body lean from the ankles.

b. First foot up, the other foot up, first foot down, the other foot down

2. The instructor explains test to students. 3 minutes of continuous

stepping Sit down immediately for the one-minute pulse count

3. The instructor starts timing when student starts stepping announces

when one

4. The instructor minute, two minutes and two minutes and 40 seconds
have elapsed.

5. At the end of three minutes, have the students sit down


6. Find student's pulse rate and being counting within five seconds.

7. Count pulse for one full minute.

8. Record one Worksheet minute recovery pulse rate on Fitness
Evaluation 9. Use record pulse rate to rate cardio-vascular fitness level
using the table below,


Contract your abs and tighten your core by pulling your belly button
toward your spine inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower
yourself to the flour, unt your elbows are at a 40-degree angle Exhale
white contracting your chest musties and pushing back up through your
hands, returning te the start position


1.Begin in a high plank position. Place a mat on the floor and get on
your hands and knees.

2. Tighten your abdomen and buttocks. Doing this will ensure that your
back remains straight as you do your push ups.

3. Lower yourself to the ground. Slowly lower yourself to the ground

until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle.

4. Push back up. Do this once your elbows hit the 90-degree angle.

who de push-ups are numarasat it can strengthen her chest to be firm,

tone her arms, stabilize the care, or abdominal muscles Alas, the
women's legs and buttocks will get stronger and leuner. The legs
support the entire weight of your body when performing push-upt


1. Get down on all fours placing your hands slightly wider than your

2. Straighten your arms and legs

3. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor

Pause, then push yourself back

5. Repeat
The hexagon agility test is a simple test of agility. The test involves
quickly jumping in and out of a hexagon shap similar to the quadrant
jump test. and another hex test in which they jump over hurdles as they
go around the hexagon

This is a test of the ability to move quickly while maintaining balance.

equipment required: tape measure, chalk or tape for marking ground,
stopwatch, marking sheets pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the
subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent


Make a hexagon the floor All sides should be 665 cm and each career
should have a 120-degree angle stand in the santer of the hexages with
your fast next to each other Jump over the Uses in front of you and
then jump back into the hexagen tever the same line)

This curl up is commonly used to test abdominal endurance. This
exercise is similar to the abdominal crunch. However, the range of
motion is greater than the crunch. A curl-up is performed while lying on
the floor with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor.


The st-and-reach test is a typical flaxblity test that

measures the flexibility of the lawer back and hamstring muscles this
test significant because lumbar lardess.

forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain are all cated with tightness in
this oran Any flat surface such as floor or surf, mater stick ar flot
wooden stick with straight edge with a tape measure fustered

The skeletal system is the framework of bones, cartilage, and ligaments
that provides support, shape, and protection to the body. It also
enables movement by providing attachment points for muscles and
allowing for the mobility of joints. Additionally, the skeletal system
plays a crucial role in producing blood cells, storing minerals such as
calcium and phosphorus, and regulating the body's acid-base balance.

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