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B-Mail is an internet based project developed under JAVA technology using JSP as the programming language. This is software specifically for Business Mail applications (mainly advertisement display by checking the content of the content of email) Mainly consists of four modules. User Module Mail Module Assembly Advertisement Module User Module: Each user can be the member by registering into the site by providing a unique email id. User registration and authentication part is done in this module. Mail Module: All mailing options like inbox compose; reply, forward, draft and folders are implemented in this module. Assembly Module: Project is implemented using the concept of Three Tier Architecture and hence the layers are implemented using the concept of assemblies. Advertisement Module: This module provides the displaying of advertisement to the users while they are reading a mail. The advertisement is selected and displayed in such a way that it matches near to the content of the mail.


E-CRM stands for Enterprise Customer Relationship Management. It is a process or methodology used to learn more about customers needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. There are many technological components to E-CRM, but thinking about E-CRM in primarily technological terms is a mistake. The more useful way to think about E-CRM is as a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trends. E-CRM software helps businesses use technology and human resources to gain insight into the behavior of customers and the value of those customers.


1 Self Service E-CRM Self service E-CRM module enables web based customer interaction, automation of email, call logs, web site analytics, and campaign management. 2 Survey Management Software Survey module automates and enterprises Electronic Surveys, Polls, Questionnaires and enables understand customer preferences. 3 Contact Management Contact management module stores tracks and manages contacts, leads of an enterprise. 4 Lead Management Enterprise lead management module enables an organization to manage, track and forecast sales leads. Also helps understand and improve conversion rates.


Whether you browse the web for research, work, or fun, there's nothing worse than having to wait for page after page to load in Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator (or in other popular browsers). The problem is they will only load one page at a time. So if you are viewing a large website with a thousand pages, you'd have to click the mouse a thousand times ... and ... choose a directory/folder a thousands times when you want to save each file .You end up spending a lot of time waiting around and not enough time reading or viewing pages on the Internet. The project entitled INTELLIGENT WEB BROWSER saves you time and effort by downloading entire Internet sites (or the sections you stipulate) to your hard drive. You can download whole websites (or parts of them) in one go to your computer. All data retrieved are stored in the directory you select and contain only the files and directories matching your filter instructions. You can then view the whole site offline at your leisure - and you can whiz through the saved pages at lightning speed. If you surf the Internet using a dial-up connection, Offline browser will save you money. Modules: Online Process Link separation and link file storage takes place in this module. URL for the links is inserted in the Link file and index is automatically assigned Download Web Page When we type the URL on the address bar, the home page will be retrieved from Remote Server.

File Storage

Web page for the links are retrieved from Remote Server and they are saved in the specified directory.

Offline Browser. Searching the URL from link file and search for the specified folder from hard disk is the main task here.

Defect Management in Project Development

In a project development lifecycle, the main phase can be considered as defect management. This is because 60% of the entire project development is being spent for defect management. Defect management should be done before the deployment phase, because if identified after the deployment phase, it will affect the reputation of the company. The defect should be recorded for each module and particularly by corresponding defect manager. It is not easy for arranging this in time dependent and well defined manner. Our project aid in doing this. If there is such an automated system, defect management expenditure can be reduced to half than the existing model. In our system, the defect manager of each module can review the defect and record that to our database. The programmer of the corresponding module can remove this defect and implement the functionality correctly. The system consists of four modules: User-Interface Module Accessible to Project Manager Assign developers and reviewers Accessible to PM & QA Manager

Business Layer Project Manager Creates a new project Assign developers and reviewers Developer Develop projects and informs PM Reviewer Recognize, prioritize and reporting defect QA Manager Analyzing, Charting defects and trend setting Reporting to PM

Access Control and Security Defines various levels of abstraction among super users, PM, QM, reviewers and developers. Setting passwords

Database Stores user-id and passwords of every employees of the company Storing & searching defects, description, priority and dates related to their modification.

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