Grammar Pre-Intermediate

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cr 1 GRAMMAR BANK 4A word order in questions questions with be and can Are you hungry? 1.4 Is there_—_abank near here? cont sithere? What was that noise? Where were you born? ‘+ We make questions with the verb be and can by inverting the verb and the subject. She is a teacher. + Is she a teacher? questions with do / does / did in present simple and past simple Question word | Auxiliary | Subject Infinitive Ors Do you live with your parents? Did you have a holiday last year? Where does yoursister_ work? When did you start studying English? What did they talk about? + You can use ASI (Auxliary, Subject, Infinitive) or QuASI (Question word, Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) to remember word order in questions, Ifthere’s @ preposition, we often put it at the end of a question, e. Who do you live with? He can drive. Can he drive? 4B present simple 11 you! we/ they | usually work at home. EE] Myparents don't live near here. [1 Doyou speak French? Bh Yes, 1do./ No, I don't. + We use the present simple for things we do every day / week / y which are generally true or always happen. * We use don’t/ doesn't in negative sentences, and do/ does in questions. he/she sie O15 My brother works inthe city centre Iedoosn’t often rain here. Does he like pop music? Yes, he does. No he doesn't. work work ery study studies ‘consonant + y+ ies finish Finishes ‘add -es after ch shi x ‘90/do goes/does ade have has change tos adverbs and expressions of frequency 1. We often go out on Friday night. ‘She doesn’t usualy study at weekends. I'm never il He's always late for work 2 She gets up early every day. We have English classes twice a week. O16 1 We often use the present simple with adverbs ‘of frequency (always, often, sometimes, usualy, hardly ever, never). + Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, + Adverbs of frequency go after be. Sho's never il. NOT She'tnever: + Remember to use al#] verb with never. lenever rains. NOT tedoesn'+-never rite 2 Expressions of frequency (every day, once a week, et. usualy go at the end of a sentence. 1C present continuous: be + verb + -ing 1. A What are you doing? B I'm sending a message to Sarah, 2. My brother is doing a two-month course in the UK. 3 In this picture the woman is standing near a table. 01.26 * We use the present continuous: 1 forthings happening now, at this moment. 2 for temporary things that are happening around now, this week, ete 3 to describe what's happening in a picture. You He BH tmworting YO reworking Hse woring E]—tmrot working M0 arent woring SM nt wring ‘Are you working? Yes Lam. / No, tm not A isheworking? Yes, hes. No, he ist ek ekg study studying 8819 fo eis ermenmereny ana e {vet rises in contnant-vowel consonant, double the final consonant and add ing present simple or present continuous? 1.27 1. A What do you do? B I work for an IT company. 2 A What are you doing? B I'm checking my messages. 3 lke this painting, it’s beautiful 1 We use the present simple for things that are generally true or always happen. 2 We use the present continuous for an action happening now, at this moment. 3 We normally use verbs which describe states or feelings (non-action verbs), e.g. want, need, like, in the present simple, not continuous, like Ktalian food. NOT Hiking Hain food 1A ‘a Put the word or phrase in the correct place in the question. Where are you from? (are) b Put the words in the correct order to make questions. you live where do ? Where do you ive? 1. Where we park? (can) 1 you a do have car ? 2 How are you? (old) 2 was brother your where born ? 3. Does finish at 8.00? (the class) 3 often he how phone does you ? 4 Where do your friends? (lve) 4 their time arrive does flight what ? 5 Why you answer my email? (didn’t) 5 Brazil from is girlfriend your ? 6 Do you often to the cinema? (go) 6 languages how you many can speak ? 7 What this word mean? (does) 7 party the how was ? 8 What time did arrive? (your friends) 8 last go where you summer did ? 9 Who are you talking? (to) 9 there doctor here is a ? 10 Where were last night? (you) 10 come bus to you by school did ? Orr 1B a Write sentences and questions with the present simple. he / usually getup late He usually gets up late 4B Anna /ike music 2 EB] mysister / have a lot of hobbies 3 ElI/get on very well with my parents 4B] my brother / study English at university 5 El my neighbours / have any children & [2] What time / the film start he / go out twice a week 8 E] we /often talk about polities 9 [2] how often / you see your brother 10 E] Sally / go on Facebook very much Put the words in the correct order. go cinema we often the to We often go to the cinema. always before go | bed 11.00 to ever her Kate sees family hardly Saturdays never shopping on go we a to | dentist's year go twice the in they breakfast sometimes bed have usually car I the listen the in radio to in day park every Alan the runs ‘often late Sam is work for ‘often John to go doesn't theatre the visit 1 once my month a mum Ore 1c a Write sentences with the present b_ Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous. Use contractions where continuous. you can. ‘The git in the painting is playing. the guitar. (play) El It/snow It isn’t snowing, 1 My dog's not dangerous. He (rot bite) 1 fH] Oliver / wear suit today! 2 you sunglasses? 2 ] Wtshot. Why / wear a coat? ea rand 3 El Jane / sit in her usual place today You can tum off the radio. | to it. (not listen) 4 [3] Hey! You / stand on my foot! 5 [2] what book / you read? 6 [3] we /rent a small flat at the moment 7 (| she / wear make-up? 8 [4] 1/plan a trip to the USA 7 9 [Bl your brother / work in London this week? 10 | they / get on very well at the moment 8 9 10 Be carefull The baby usually She's an administrator. She to find a cash machine. (need) your pen in her mouth! (put) you usually. at weekends? (cook) B No, wenormally __out. (eat) A What you here? (do) for Emma, She's late, as usval. (wait) tea, but a coffee today. (drink, want) from 9.00 to 5.00. (work) in Paris, but in Nice at the moment. (ive, work) Orr ory 2 GRAMMAR BANK 2A past simple: regular and irregular verbs regular regular @22 [E)_— Westayed ata hotel last summer. I went to Turkey twice last year. []_— Hedidn’tstaywith riands. She didnt go to France. [2 Didyoustay for the weekend? Did you go to Madrid? QA Yes, tdi No, we didn't WhEz] Where did you stay? Why did you go? + We use the past simple to talk about finished actions that happened ‘once or more than once in the past. + The form of the past simple is the same forall persons. * To make the past simple @ of regular verbs add -ed. See the spelling rules in the chart. * Many common verbs are irregular past simple, | 90 went, see — saw. See Irregular verbs p.164. ‘+ We use didn't + infinitive for negatives and Did... + subject + infinitive for questions. + Use ASI and Quast to remember word order in questions. See 1A p.126. spelling rules for regular verbs Infinitive past spelling work worked added stay stayed ike liked add dif verb finishes in & study studied y+ iodaftera consonant 1 ver finishes in consonant stop stopped _vowel-consonant, double the final coneonant 2B past continuous: was / were + verb + -ing ‘AtBA4S last Saturday l was walking in the park O21 ‘The birds wore singing. It wasn't raining, ‘A Was itraining when you got up? B No, it wasn't. ‘A What were you doing at 11 oilck ast night? B I was watching TV He/She /it was working. You/ We /They were working. El He /She/it_ wasntworking, You/ We /They weren'tworking. pq Woshe working? Yes, he was./ No, he wasn't FTIR were they working? Yes they wore, No, they werent * We use the past continuous to describe an action in progress at a ‘specific moment in the past. * We often use the past continuous to describe the situation at the past simple or past continuous? We wore walking in the gardens when 2.12 he took photo of us. [My sister arrived when | was having lunch. ‘+ We often use the past continuous and the past simple together in the same sentence. We use the past continuous to talk about a longer action that was happening in the background when the shorter past simple action happened, beginning ofa story, e.g. In 1972 l was living in London, 2C time sequencers connectors: because, so, but, although On their first date they went to a restaurant. 217 because and so After that they started meeting every day. (On Thursday {had an argument with my boss. ‘The next day | decided to look for a new job. She was driving fast because she wos na hury. @218 She was in a hury, so she was driving fast. We sat downto eat. Two minutes later my phone rang. + We use because to express 2 reason. When | came out ofthe club, he was wating forme. + We use so to express a result. ‘The acident happened whem | was crossing the road + We use time sequencers to say when orn what order things Put and although happen. She tried to stop the car, but she hit the man. 219 + We use when as a time sequencer and also to join two Although she tried to stop the car, she hit the man, actions. | was watching TV when the phone rang. (two verbs She was very tired, but she couldn't sh P. joined by when) She couldn't sleep, although she was very tired. DB then, after that + We use but and although to show a contrast The most common way of linking consecutive actions + Although can go at the beginning or in the middle of ‘swith then or after that, but NOT after,e.. | got up and the sentence. got dressed. Then / After that | made a cup of cofes. NOT Aftertmades-cupofeotiee: 2a a Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. ‘Two summers ago we had (have) a holiday in Scotland. Wet (drive) there from London, but our car 2 (break) down on the motorway and we a (pend) the first night in Birmingham. When we (get) to Edinburgh we $ (go) to our hotel, but they & (not can) find our reservation, and they ” (be) full, We 4 (not know) what to do, but in the end we + find) a Bed and Breakfast and we * (stay) there for the week. We ™ (see) the castle and @ (buy) lot of souvenirs. We" (want) to go to Loch Ness, but we thot have) much time and it (be) quite far away. The weather " (ot be) very good —it” (start raining on the day we" (leave) London, and it never ® (stop! Complete the questions in the past simple. Where did you go_on holiday last year? We went to Vancouver. 1 Wow! 2 good time? Yes, we had a great time. 2 with? Lwent with my family. 3 We stayed in a hotel. 4 the plane tickets They cost about £2,000, 5 ‘the weather like? It was hot and sunny. é inthe evening? We usually went out for dinner. pss 2B a Complete the sentences with the verb in the past continuous. | was eating dinner, so | dide't answer the phone. (eat) 1 I took this photo when we in Greece. travel) 2 He met his wife when he in Japan. (lve) 3 she when she went out? (wear) 4 The sun (shine) 5 What you at 7.30 lastnight? (do) 61 when you gave the instructions (not listen) 7 They (not watch) 8 It started to rain when we in the park. (run) a coat when I went to work. TV when | arrived, b_ Put the verbs into the past simple or past continuous. She artived_when we were having dinner. (errive, have} v1 my arm when | football (break, play) 2 you fast when the police you? (drive, stop) 3 it when we the pub. (snow, leave) al the match because | (not see, work) 5 When you me, tomy boss. (cal, tall) 6 We in Cambridge when we (study, meet) in Rome when they 7 they their first baby? five, have) On 2c ‘a Put the sentences in the correct order. A [ll He explained that he was looking for a thief, and then he got on the bus. B [ll Then another man tried to do the same. CM Last week | was waiting fora bus. D The next day, | saw the story on a local news website. E [ll When | asked the second man what he was doing, he told me that he was a policeman. F [ll Afew seconds later, he got off the bus with the thief. G I The bus arrived, but suddenly a man ran in front of me and got on. H [ll After that, a police car came and took the thief away, Complete the sentences with so, because, but, or although. We couldn't find a taxi, so_we walked home. it was very cold, she wasn’t wearing a coat. | woke up in the night there was a noise. I ealled him, his mobile was turned off she's very nice, she doesn’t have many friends. There was nothing on TV, I went to bed All the cafés were full it was a public holiday ‘She wanted to be a doctor, she failed her exams, The garden looked very beautiful, Itooka photograph Or. 9 the team played well, they didn't win, 3 GRAMMAR BANK 3A be going to (plans and predictions) 1 I'm going to give a talk at a conference. 35 He's going to meet me at the airport. 2m sure England are going to lose tomorrow. I's going to rain tonight 1 you! we hey he/she it You He BH) tmgsingto We “tegoingto She “sgoingto ge ata They ® You He ] tmnotgoing to We aren'tgoing to She lsn'tgoingto. ge atalk They k a aa ‘Ar you going to give a tak? Yes, am. No, tm not Ishe going to give a tak? Yes: hei. No, heist 1 We use be going to + infinitive to talk about future plans or intentions. 2 We also use be going to + infinitive to make 2 prediction when we know or can see that something is going to happen, e.g. It's winter there s0 it’s going to be cold. Look at that car! It’s going to crash. 3B present continuous (future arrangements) 'm seeing an old friend tonight. @a12 She's arriving at lunchtime. She isn’t leaving until Friday. ‘They aren’t coming to the party tomorrow. * We often use the present continuous with a future meaning, especially for future arrangements, i.e. for plans we have made ata fixed time ‘or place in the future. Don't use the present simple for this. NOT tsee-an-old-iendtonight DP be going to or present continuous? We can often use either with no difference in meaning, e.g. 'm going to see Anna on Tuesday. OR I'm seeing Anna on Tuesday. It’s very common to use the present continuous with the expressions tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, etc. and with verbs describing travel arrangements, @g. go, come, leave, ative. {'m leaving on Monday is more common than 'm going to leave on Monday. 3C defining relative clauses with who, which, where 1 That's the woman who won the lottery last year. 3:6 Achelisa person whe cooks food in a restaurant. 2. Adlockis something which ells the time. Is thatthe book which won an important prize? 3. Apost offices place where you can buy stamps. ‘That's the restaurant where | had dinner last week * We use defining relative clauses to explain what a person, thing or place is or does. 1 Use who for a person. 2 Use which for a thing. 3 Use where for a place, ‘+ The verb after where needs a subject, e.g. you. "= We can also use which to talk about a place, e.9. A post office is @ place which sells stamps. D thee We can use thatinstead of who or which. She's the girl who / that works with my brother. sa thing which ' that connects two computers 3A a Complete with be going to + a verb from the list. be cook do get lean not go notlisten see stay study What film are you going to see. tonight? 1 your sister to drive? 2 We camping next summer. We in ahotel 3 You in class 3 next year. 4 He ‘a taxi to the airport 51 2 family meal tonight. 6 You can talk, but | t0 you. 7 A What you when you leave school? BI story at university. b Look at the pictures. Make sentences with be going to +averb. opie \ fT MOTT 1 Scott the match. 3B a Read the sentences. Write N for now, F for future. b F \'m meeting Joe at two o'clock. ‘Complete the conversation between two flatmates with verbs in the present continuous. 1. tm living in a flat with two Swedish boys. ‘A What are you doing ? (do) 2. We're coming back on Monday. BI my suitcase. (pack) 3 ‘She's moving to Canada next month. A Why? 4 I'm waiting for the postman, B Because |? to Vienna at eight o'clock 5 [ll I'm reading a really good book about science, tonight. (fy) 6 1 We're meeting Sally and James for lunch ‘A Oh, | didn’t know. Why2_ to Vienna? (go) on Sunday. Bit the boss of VTech 7 (Karis arriving at si o'clock. Solutions tomorrow. (meet) 8 I'm studying for my maths exam. A Why © him? (see) 9. You aren't listening to what Im saying B He® ona project with me at 10 [ll Are they leaving in the morning? the moment and we need to discuss it. (work) A Oh, well have a good trip! Orzs 3c a Complete the definitions with who, which, or where. b brings you your ‘A postman isthe person who parcels and letters 1 An octopus isan animal ‘and has eight legs. 2 Alawnmoweris a machine 3 Asurgeon is a doctor 4A changing room isa room fon clothes. 5 Aporters the person luggage. & Garlcis a kind of food 7 Agarage is a place lives in the sea cuts the grass. does operations, people try helps you with your keeps vampires away. ‘mechanics repair cars. Write sentences with who, which, or where. She / the woman / catch the same bus as me She's the woman who That / the dog / always barks at night ‘That / the shop / | bought my wedding dress He / the actor / was in the last James Bond film They / the children / live next door to me This / the restaurant / they make great pizza ‘That / the switch / controls the air conditioning He / the teacher / teaches my sister That / the room / we have our meetings This / the light / is broken tches the same bus as me, v2 4 GRAMMAR BANK 4A present perfect 1 ve cleaned the fridge —itlooks new! Oa He hasn’t done the washing-up. Can you help me doit? [A The concert starts soon. Have you turned off your phone? B Yes, Ihave, 2 Mary'shad her baby! A parcel has arrived for you. 1 We often use the present perfect to talk about the recent past and its relationship with the present, e.g. I've cleaned the fridge, so now it looks new. We don't say exactly when things happened, e.g. I've cleaned the fridge. NOT I've cleaned the fridge ten minutes-ago. 2 We often use the present perfect to give recent news. a el =< a ee ‘aie i ow fame Wererthe ta/Se/es verre fitted he ‘We have We've We haven't aT Teta marvel hiss Hes ied eats Ha Sanne nana menos ‘+ For regular verbs the past participle is the same as the past simple (+ -ed). For irregular verbs the past participle is sometimes the same as the past simple (e.g. buy, bought, bought) and sometimes different (e.g. do, did, done). See Irregular verbs p.164, yet, just, already 1. A Have you finished your homework yet? B No, not yet. haven't finished yet. 2 My sister's just started a new job. 3A Do you want to see this film? B No, I've already seen it three times. Oss + We often use yet, just, and already withthe present perfect. 1 We use yet + the present perfect in land © sentences 10 ask f something has happened or to say it hasn't happened. We put yet at the end ofthe sentence 2 We use justin © sentences to say that something happened very recently. We put just before the main verb. 3 We use already in & sentences to say that something happened before now or ealir than expected. We put already before the main ver. 4B present perfect or past simple? (1) present perfect: experiences and unfinished time She's been to New York three time O19 Have you ever been to ikea? "ve never met Nina's husband, He's seen that film twice * We often use the present perfect to talk about past experiences or to talk about the recent past when we don't specify atime. In questions and negatives we often use ever (= at any time in your life) and never present perfect or past simple? ‘A Have you ever been to Mexico? B Yes, |have ‘A When did you go there? B | went last year. A Jack's broken his leg. 8 Oh nol When did that happen? {A Yesterday. He broke it playing football. 4.20 ‘+ Conversations about experiences or the recent past often begin in the present perfect (with a general question or some news) and then change to the past simple to ask for or give specific detail, e.g. when, what, where, who with, et. B been and gone Compare the present perfect of be and go (ike has been to Paris. = He went to Paris and came back ike has gone to Paris. = He'sn Paris now. 4C something, anything, nothing, etc. ‘Somebody / Someone has taken my pen! 4.22 El Idid’t speak to anybody / anyone all weekend. [2 Did anybody / anyone phone? 7 No, nobody / no one. Nobody / No one phoned. | bought something for dinner. El I didn't de anything at the weekend, Is there anything in the fridge? No, nothing. There's nothing in the fridge. Let's go somewhere this weekend, El We didn't go anywhere this summer. [Bis there anywhere to park? EZ} No, nowhere. There's nowhere to park people things places ‘+ We use somebody / someone, something, somewhere, etc. with iver’ when you don’t say exactly who, what, or wher “+ We use anybody / anyone, anything, anywhere in questions and negatives. We can also use something in a request or offer, e.g. Can you buy some milk? Would you like something to drink? I didn’t do anything last night. NOT lide de-nething. ‘+ We use nobody / no one, nothing, nowhere in short answers or in a sentence with a verb. A any, anything, ete. + positive verb We also use any, anything, tc. + positive verb to mean it doesn't matter what, who, etc! 69, You can come any day. = It doosn't matter which day you come. ‘Anybody can come to the party. = It doesn't matter who comes. {can sleep anywhere. = it doesn't matter where | sleep. Yeu can bring anything. = it doesn't matter what you bring,

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