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YOU MUST AGREE, ACCE?T, 1. - Clarifications and warnings before starting the process.
AND CONDUCT YOURSELF 2. - Obligation from the convert to accept the yoke of
TO THE FOLLOWlN&: the written and oralTorah.
3. - General background about Judaism.
4. - History of the Jewish people.
5. -T he Jewish nation is chosen and holy.

GENERAL 1. -13 principles of faith.

2. -T he10 Commandments.

STUl)IES: 3. -T he written and oralTorah.

4. - Must read Chumash, Bereshit and Shemot.

SPECIFIC 1. - Family Purity.

2. - Modesty.

SUB�ECTS: 3. - 39 forbidden duties (Melachot) on Shabbat.

4. - Preparing for Shabbat and kabalat (receiving) Shabbat.
5. - Must know all the holidays, why we celebrate them, and
what is unique about each one.
6. - Preparation for Holidays (Halachot).
7. - Kosher food and kosher kitchen.
8. - How do you start your day?
9. -T he week day and Shabbat prayers.
10. -Talit andTeffilin.
11. - Blessings before eating and drinking.
12. -Tzedaka (charity) and acts of kindness.
13. - Must live in a jewish neighborhood.
14. - Yeshiva education for children.
15. - Participating inTorah classes.
16. - 613 Mitzvot.
17. - 7 Mitzvot of Noach.
18. -13 attributes of G-d.
19. - Blessing of the moon and new month.
20. - Shema on the bed.
21. - Different blessings.
22. -T he 7 species (Deuteronomy 8:8).
23. - Wayfarer's Prayer.
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24. - Must read Megilat Ruth, Ester and Aecha.
� Google Play 25. - Must read Pirke Avot and Musar books.


Interactive Syllabus (Click on images/titles underlined in blue to open link)

Interactive Images (Click on images/titles to open link)

Interactive Images (Click on images/titles to open link)
Interactive Images (Click on images/titles to open link)

18. - Tallit Gadol 19. - Tefillin

"f Be'Ezrat
I HaShem
Interactive Images (Click on images/titles to open link)
Makutg JPJV& More, Jew�lt
The 39 Categories of Shabbat Prohibitions:

Building Kneading Slaughtering

Burning Knotting Smoothing
Carrying Marking Spinning
Chainstitching Planting Tanning
Combing Plowing Tearing
Cooking Reaping Threshing
Demolishing Selecting Trapping
Dyeing Sewing Unraveling
Erasing Shaping Untying
Extinguishing Shearing Warping
Finishing Sifting Weaving
Grinding Skinning Washing
Harvesting Winnowing

1. - Modesty 2. - 39 Forbidden Duties (Melachot)

on Shabbat

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3. - Preparing for Shabbat and 4. - Kosher food and kosher kitchen
kabalat (receiving) Shabbat

5. - Participating in Torah classes 6. - Must read Pirke Avot and Musar books

7. - Rambam's 13 principles of faith 8. - Tikkun HaBrit

"f Be'Ezrat

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