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Rog. l{o: U01611ML2023PTC014050

PAN: AADCW62igtriTAN: SHLW00513C

Ref No.,...............,....,.- o 9.:.dn. :.2 O.LV



Mr. . f,njoyfull Dkhir

S/O Mr. Baitlang Ryngkhlem
Village- Wapungskur , Post -Ladr],mbai, Block - Khliehiiat
District - East Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Pin - 793160

Sub: Offer Letter

Dear Enjoyfull,

With reference to your interview, we are pleased to offer you the position of Accountant in the
company. Your remuneration would be 10000/- pe. month (lncluding TA). You will be posted at
Company Headquarter, Khliekiat, Meghalaya, India, 793160. Your date ofjoining will be lSlO9l2O23.
You havc to repon to the Company with all original documents. Your probation period is for thrcc

As a token of your acceptance of this offer, please sign a copy of this letter and retum it the
Organization. We look forward to your joining and pusuing a path that would contribute both to the
groMh ofthc organization as well as yoursell

Emplo),ment with the Company can be termioated by either party by serving prior written notice on the
other. In the event oftermination of services by either party, thc applicable notice period will be for I

East Jaintia Hilts, Meghalaya, India, 793160

Job Dc\cril)li0n

Lead rnd m:rrragc monthly {nd annualnccounts finalization, audits and follow up.
Maintaining bills, vouchers. ptoject expcnses records. etc ofthe project.
Underlakillg and assisting in the recording and proccssing ofinvoices, aeceipts. and paytncnts as
rcquircd alld insaructcd.
Help i:r lirancial planlling, budget monitoring, tracking budget.
Planning, budgctirg, forecasting, cash llow and treasury managemcnt.
Ensurc propcr book kccpirrg procedures.
Conduct audits. ovL-rsee plocedures and accounting functions.
Prcparc tinancial rcports & budgct.
Ensllrc statutory conrpliinccs as wcll liaising with ollicials.
Overall Accounl milnagement of FPO.

I have been briefed about company rules and regulations and my obligations towards the Organization.
I agree to abide by them.

Acknowledged & Accepted

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,,\uthorizcd Signntory

Wapllng Farm Fresh Farmer Produccr Cotnpany Limite,

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