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To Whom It May Concern,

I had a great impression of Rotaract club as the committee was very kind and welcoming. With
no hesitation, I joined Rotaract club and be an active member who engage on their various
event. Wash our waves was a memorable event that I surely will remember and grateful for the
opportunity. The event was about having a bonding session with the members and also do a
service to the community where we clean the trashes at the beach, Pantai Batu Laut. We also
able to get to know each other way closer by this event. Doing a beach clean-up was my
childhood bucket-list. I thank Rotaract club for making it happen. It was a joyful moment where
I can tick one of my bucket-list with people from Rotaract club, thanks to Rotaract club and
community service for making such an amazing event. From a member's perspective, the
scalability of the beach cleaning event means that as the organization grows, there are more
opportunities for individuals to participate and make a meaningful impact in cleaning up the
beach. Regardless of our variedness in nationality, all of us work together as a family to clean
the beach with lots of happiness and joy. I can see that through this event people can be more
aware of our beloved environment and take a good care of it. It was sad knowing the condition
before the clean-up, but I can see how happy all of us after the event and knowing that we did
a great impact to the environment.

Best Regards,

Eveline Laurencia Hadi

Director of Community Service 2023/2024
Rotaract Club of Xiamen University Malaysia
Contact Information: // +(60)11-72363670

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