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Praditya Adhi : 12020400

Najwa Fildatun Nasywa : 12020400
Neng Sri Nopi : 1202040089
Definition of Syntax
1 Explain by :

Definition of Syntax According to The Book

2 Explain by :

Definition of Syntax According to The Experts

3 Explain by :

Simple Example of Syntax

4 Explain by :

5 Open Class: Noun and Verb

Explain by :

6 Open Class: Adjective and Adverb

Explain by :
Definition of
Definiton Of Syntax


A branch of linguistics
The grammatical structure of words and phrases
Definition of Syntax
According to The Book
Definition of Syntax According
to The Book

Reference: Thomas Linda (1993:2)

Essentials of Linguistics by Catherine Anderson
“The study of syntax aims to discover them to describe and analyse
language in terms of these rules.”

References: Flor Aarts and Jan Aarts

English Syntactic Structures Functions and Categories in Sentence
“The Syntax is a part of grammar that aims to arrange a collection
of words to form a phrase and sentence.”
Definition of Syntax According to The Experts

“Syntax is the study of the principles and processes by the which sentences are constructed
in particular languages. Syntactic investigation of a given language has as its goal the
construction of a grammar that can be Viewed as a device of some sort for producing the
sentences of the language under analysis”. (Noam Chomsky, 2002 : 11)

“The study of syntax is the study of how words combine to from phrases and ultimately
sentences in languages. Because it consists of phrases that are put together in a particular
way, a sentences has a structure. The structure consists of way in which the words are
organized into phrases and the phrases are organized into larger phrases. The study of
phrases and sentences structure is sometimes called grammar”. (Tserdanelis and Wong, 2004)

“Syntax is that part of our linguistics knowledge which concerns the structure of
sentences. Knowing a language also means being able to put words together to form
sentences to express our thoughts.”
(Fromkin and Rodman ,1983)
Open Class: Noun
Noun : Person, place Things
Examples : Bag, table, book, water, wind Examples : House, Children, School

There are 7 types of noun

1. Countable noun: A noun that you can 5. Collective noun: A group of people
count or things
Examples: Truck, book, man, mouse Examples: Flock, herd

2. Uncountable noun: A noun that you 6. Abstract noun: Something that we

can't count can't perceive with senses
Examples: Water, sand, air, wind Examples: Happiness, freedom

3. Proper noun: The name of a specific 7. Concrete noun: Something we can see,
person or place hear, feel, touch, taste (5 senses)
Examples: Jason, New York, Dufan Examples: Rain, grass

4. Common noun: Describe general

places or things
Examples: House, children, school
Open Class: Verb
Verb : A word that describe an action
Examples : Eat, buy, walk

There are three types of verb

1. Transitive verb 3. Linking verb
An action is applied on an object Links the subject with the rest of the
Example: I took the kids to school sentence.
"the kids" is an object Being verbs: feel, seem
Helping verbs:have, be, do
2. Intransitive verb Example: You look tired from studying
An action is not applied on an object "look" is a linking verb because the
Example: I sang verb can replace with be
Open Class:
Adjective and Adverb
Open Class: Adjective
Adjective : A word that describe a person or thing.
Examples :

Describe a person
“Anna is beautiful girl”
“Anton is honest man”

Words beautiful is the adjective of Hana’s appearance and honest is adjective

of Anton’s character.

Describe a thing
“Anton’s shoes is black color”
“Anya have two chocolate bars”

Words black is the adjective of Anton’s shoes color and two is the adjective of
Anya’s chocolate bars
Open Class: Adverb
Adverb : A word that adds more information about place, time, manner, cause
or a degree to a verb an adjective, a phrase, or another adverb.
Examples :

“Risu rarely drink orange juice”
“Yesterday Astel played basketball”

“Children playing hide and seek outside”
“I put my book inside drawer”

“Hana read her book quietly”
“Rudy walk home slowly”
Thomas Linda (1993:2) Essentials of Linguistics by Catherine Anderson

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