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Unconsolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at December 31, 2022

2022 2021
Note (Rupees in '000)

Cash and balances with treasury banks 7 96,368,918 164,613,179
Balances with other banks 8 24,872,110 18,830,310
Lendings to financial institutions 9 50,415,768 42,467,110
Investments 10 978,731,140 1,035,585,496
Advances 11 753,399,576 589,711,091
Fixed assets 12 79,918,324 57,327,871
Intangible assets 13 801,117 978,785
Deferred tax assets 14 7,547,068 –
Other assets 15 93,301,143 60,954,606
2,085,355,164 1,970,468,448

Bills payable 17 39,136,884 24,589,644
Borrowings 18 340,237,265 269,525,556
Deposits and other accounts 19 1,378,717,068 1,411,851,527
Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease – –
Subordinated debt – –
Deferred tax liabilities 14 – 729,424
Other liabilities 20 137,769,297 89,364,889
1,895,860,514 1,796,061,040
NET ASSETS 189,494,650 174,407,408

Share capital 21 11,850,600 11,850,600
Reserves 22 88,578,024 84,602,024
Surplus on revaluation of assets - net 23 18,640,651 14,271,517
Unappropriated profit 70,425,375 63,683,267
189,494,650 174,407,408


The annexed notes 1 to 48 and annexures I to II form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Shoaib Mumtaz Hammad Khalid Mian Umer Mansha Shahzad Hussain Muhammad Ali Zeb
President/Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director Director Director

Annual Report 2022

Unconsolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended December 31, 2022
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in '000)

Mark-up / return / interest earned 26 200,763,193 123,334,306

Mark-up / return / interest expensed 27 113,607,359 59,347,404
Net mark-up / interest income 87,155,834 63,986,902


Fee and commission income 28 14,181,818 12,439,679
Dividend income 2,413,620 2,251,473
Foreign exchange income 9,159,404 3,734,284
Income from derivatives 33,148 14,035
(Loss) / gain on securities 29 (1,464,224) 810,850
Other income 30 289,536 823,415
Total non-markup / interest income 24,613,302 20,073,736
Total income 111,769,136 84,060,638


Operating expenses 31 41,494,758 35,380,554
Workers welfare fund 1,427,303 1,039,786
Other charges 32 264,373 473,716
Total non-markup / interest expenses 43,186,434 36,894,056
Profit before provisions 68,582,702 47,166,582
(Reversals) / provisions and write offs - net 33 (2,782,463) (4,822,728)
Extra ordinary / unusual items – –
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 71,365,165 51,989,310
Taxation 34 38,624,230 21,178,263
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 32,740,935 30,811,047

Basic and diluted earnings per share 35 27.63 26.00

The annexed notes 1 to 48 and annexures I to II form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Shoaib Mumtaz Hammad Khalid Mian Umer Mansha Shahzad Hussain Muhammad Ali Zeb
President/Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director Director Director

Unconsolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended December 31, 2022
2022 2021
(Rupees in '000)

Profit after taxation for the year 32,740,935 30,811,047

Other comprehensive income / (loss)
Items that may be reclassified to profit and loss
account in subsequent periods:
Effect of translation of net investment in foreign branches 701,906 824,584
Movement in (deficit) / surplus on revaluation of investments - net of tax (14,343,651) (12,978,358)
(13,641,745) (12,153,774)
Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss
account in subsequent periods:
Remeasurement (loss) / gain on defined benefit obligations - net of tax (301,720) 37,922
Movement in surplus on revaluation of operating fixed assets - net of tax 18,723,033 (147,019)
Movement in surplus on revaluation of non-banking assets - net of tax 82,879 124,017
18,504,192 14,920
Total comprehensive income 37,603,382 18,672,193

The annexed notes 1 to 48 and annexures I to II form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Shoaib Mumtaz Hammad Khalid Mian Umer Mansha Shahzad Hussain Muhammad Ali Zeb
President/Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director Director Director


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