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Teste seu conhecimento acumulado


Aluno(a): JEFFERSON RIVEIRA COIMBRA 202212212035

Acertos: 7,0 de 10,0 26/05/2023

1a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

Read the following statements and label each one as either True (T) or False (F).

(1) Structures in the Passive Voice shift the focus to the patient of the action

(2) We should use the main verbs of structures in the Passive Voice in the past participle form.

(3) The Present Perfect Continuous form is commonly used in the Passive Voice to convey a more informal tone
to the texts.

Choose the correct sequence

(1)F / (2)T / (3)F

(1)T / (2)F / (3)F
(1)F / (2)F / (3)F
(1)T / (2)T / (3)T
(1)T / (2)T / (3)F
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:33:20


Whenever we make use of sentences in the passive voice, the patient of the action becomes more prominent. Who or
what undergoes the action carried out by the agent is focused in sentences formed by passive structures. What¿s
more, the passive voice is formed by the verb to be followed by the main verb in the past participle form. Therefore,
(1) and (2) are correct. An informal tone is perceptible by the use of contractions and not by the use of present perfect
continuous, which invalidates statement (3).

2a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

Choose the option that better explains the difference between sentences (1) and (2) below:

(1) The senator has been accused of corruption.

(2) The opposition has accused the senator of corruption.

Sentence (1) focuses on the undergoer of the action (the opposition), while sentence (2) highlights the
agent (the senator).
In sentence (2), the agent is universal or too broad.
Sentence (1) focuses on the undergoer of the action (the senator), while sentence (2) highlights the
agent (the opposition).
Sentence (1) is in the active voice, while sentence (2) is in the passive.
Only sentence (2) omits the agent of the action.
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:35:21


A resposta certa é: Sentence (1) focuses on the undergoer of the action (the senator), while sentence (2) highlights the
agent (the opposition).

3a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

Choose the option which better explains the meaning of the following sentence: Hopefully, by the end of the
decade this virus will have been eliminated by vaccines and scientific research.

It refers to a potential event in the future that will occur at the same time of another one in the future.
It conveys a possibility in the present.
It means that vaccines will and research will be developed when the virus is eliminated.
It refers to one single moment in the future.
It refers to a potential event in the future that might become a reality before another point in the future.
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:37:49


A resposta certa é: It refers to a potential event in the future that might become a reality before another point in the

4a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

The position meaning is the relation between two objects. Based on the picture below, what is the option that
expresses correctly the position of the police officer in relation to the car?
The police officer is in front of the car.
The police officer is under the car.
The police officer is above the car.
The police officer is on the top of the car.
The police officer is beside the car.
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:38:18


A resposta correta é: The police officer is beside the car.

5a Questão Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0

The recipient/beneficiary of ditransitive verbs can be expressed by an indirect object or prepositional

complement. Choose the option with a prepositional complement:

Our English teacher will send me an e-mail.

My father is going to give a computer for me.
I am going give you a promotion.
Your sister sent her best friend a picture.
Nobody has sent us a message.
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:41:10


A resposta correta é: My father is going to give a computer for me.

6a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

The prepositions "in" and "at" can be used for buildings or groups of buildings. Based on it, what is the option in
which the place is seen as an institution rather than a physical place?

They study so much at Oxford every day.

My best friend went to Oxford last week.
Jack and Tommy live in Oxford since 2015.
They always lunch in Oxford on Wednesdays.
They think seriously about moving to Oxford.
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:42:35


A resposta correta é: They study so much at Oxford every day.

7a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

Synecdoche, as metonymy, is a figure of speech that explores substitutions. This substitution is based on the
relationship between the entities. Which is the only alternative that contains a synecdoche?

He is as stubborn as a mule.
He's such an angel.
Nice ride!
I'll have a Coke, please.

Better said than done.

Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:47:51


A resposta correta é: Nice ride!

8a Questão Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0

The word after can be both a preposition and a subordinator. Choose the alternative in which after functions as
a subordinator:

After I got home I called her.

After school she was tired
After lunch I took a nap
Call me after ten
After a while nothing seemed to work anymore
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:48:42


A resposta correta é: After I got home I called her.

9a Questão Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0

According to Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), complex coordination is a structure based on a two-
part correlative conjunction. Bearing this in mind, what is the option that correctly shows a complex
coordination with a correlative conjunction?

Both Peter and John went to school.

He loves chocolate, but he can't eat it.
Did you go to the beach or not?
Jessica and John have drunk soda.
I didn't go the beach, nor did my friend.
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:52:20


Feedback: Both... and, neither... nor, not only... but also, either... or form pairs of correlative conjunctions. The only
sentence which shows such use is Both Peter and John went to school. The other sentences show coordinating
conjunctions and, but, or and nor being used.

10a Questão Acerto: 0,0 / 1,0

Transition words are more used in written academic language than in spontaneous oral language. Based on it,
choose the best transition word to complete the following sentence: Brazilian Portuguese is spoken by my more
than 200 million people. _____, it is the Portuguese variety most learned.

In addition
On the contrary
Because of this
Respondido em 26/05/2023 09:53:22


Feedback: In order to complete the sentence, the transition word chosen should be synonymous with so, conveying,
this way, the idea of consequence and/or result. The only transition word which relates to a result or consequence
idea is because of this. Nevertheless, on the contrary and however refer to contrast; whereas in addition refers to

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