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Letter to parents:
Approaches to
learning and teaching
Dear parent,
As a school we have recently started using resources from Cambridge University Press and you may have seen
your child bringing the books home.
The books use the Cambridge approach to help children develop the skills they need to succeed
– instead of giving your child the answers, this approach helps them understand how to discover the
answers themselves.

What makes up the Cambridge approach?

Active learning
Learners do lots of practical activities in the classroom, working individually, in pairs and small groups to
discuss, investigate and explore topics and ideas. The teacher will still be there to make sure your child is learning
everything they need to, but they won’t be giving them information to memorise.
Your child will work on a number of projects as they progress through their books. These projects give them the
chance to draw together everything they have learnt about a topic and help us check their understanding.
Research shows that children learn better if they are actively involved in finding something out, rather than
listening and trying to memorise the information. It also helps them develop the communication, collaboration,
critical thinking and problem-solving skills which they will need to succeed in life beyond school.

Assessment for Learning (AfL)

AfL gives teachers insights into a learner’s understanding of a topic to help them support their learning.
Learners are more involved in the learning process, which gives them confidence about what they’re expected to
learn and how to make progress.

Differentiation ensures all learners, no matter their ability, interest or context, make progress towards their
learning outcomes. Our teachers will adapt their teaching to meet the needs of their individual learners.

Language awareness
For all learners, whether they are learning through their first language or an additional language, language
is their vehicle for learning. It is through language that learners access the learning intentions of the lesson
and communicate their ideas. With language awareness our teachers make sure that language isn’t a barrier
to learning.

Metacognition (self-reflection)
Metacognition describes when learners plan, monitor, evaluate and make changes to the way they learn.
These actions help learners to think about their own approach to learning clearly and help them meet their
learning goals.


Skills for life

Through their teaching, our teachers will help to develop learners’ life skills. These help learners prepare to
succeed in a fast-changing world, to collaborate with people from around the globe, to be innovative with
technological change, to use advanced thinking skills in the face of challenges and to show resilience in the face
of change.

How can I help with my child’s learning?

You don’t need to be a teacher to help your child learn – there are some simple things you can do at home to
support what they are doing at school.
• Encourage them to be curious and help them find answers to their questions.
• Read with them and listen to them read – this will help develop their English skills and encourage them to
read for fun.
• Ask them what they think of the book they are reading – this helps develop their comprehension, analysis
and communication skills.
• Ask them what they’ve done at school today – talking about what they have learnt helps them build on
their understanding.
We’re looking forward to working with you and your child over the coming year and thank you for your support.

Best wishes,
School leadership team

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