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No More Blank Checks: Saudi Arabia Clamps Down on

Regional Aid
The kingdom used to send money to poorer countries like Egypt with few strings
attached. But it is increasingly leveraging its economic power for influence in the
Middle East and beyond.

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A photograph released by the Saudi Royal Palace showing Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Salman, left, and President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt in June at the presidential palace in
Cairo.Credit...Bandar Al-Jaloud/Saudi Royal Palace, via Agence France-Presse — Getty
By Vivian Nereim and Vivian Yee
April 2, 2023


For much of the past decade, Saudi Arabia sent billions of dollars in aid to Egypt,
bolstering a poorer regional ally seen as too strategically important to neglect.

But recently, there has been a noticeable shift. Even as Egypt slides deeper and
deeper into economic crisis, Saudi officials have sent a stern message: No more blank

Flush with an influx of oil revenue, the Gulf kingdom’s 37-year-old leader, Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is increasingly attaching conditions to such aid —
insisting on economic overhauls like cutting subsidies and privatizing state-owned
“It used to be ‘Egypt is too big to fail,’” said Karen Young, a senior research
scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “Now the
attitude is ‘Egypt is responsible for its own mistakes.’”

The world’s largest crude oil exporter, Saudi Arabia ended 2022 with a $28 billion
budget surplus after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pushed up oil prices, sending
profits flooding to producers. Despite that windfall, Saudi officials say they are tired
of doling out endless aid to poorer states like Egypt, Pakistan and Lebanon only to
watch it evaporate.

The kingdom is still sending money abroad — possibly more than ever. But much of
it is now geared toward international investments for profit and influence and at
kick-starting new industries at home, like electric vehicles. The Saudi government
has also taken on a role similar to the International Monetary Fund, which gives it
even greater sway than before over regional politics, with larger nations like Pakistan
effectively beholden to it.
“We used to give direct grants and deposits without strings attached,” the Saudi
finance minister, Mohammed al-Jadaan, said in January in Davos, Switzerland,
at an annual gathering of the world’s political and economic elite. “And we are
changing that. We are working with multilateral institutions to actually say,
‘We need to see reforms.’”

A Saudi Aramco oil processing plant in 2019.Credit...Fayez Nureldine/Agence France-

Presse — Getty Images
Mr. al-Jadaan’s declaration set off a war of words between Saudi and Egyptian
pundits, fueled by Egypt’s anxiety over its deepening dependency on wealthier
Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi and Egyptian officials have worked to smooth things over, but the new power
dynamic is not going away: Since his father became king in 2015, Prince Mohammed
has transformed the way that Saudi Arabia uses its financial muscle, chasing higher
investment returns and deploying oil revenue for leverage in the Middle East and

Underpinning this more broadly is the crown prince’s effort to remake the kingdom’s
own economy after oil prices plummeted in 2014, saddling the country with eight
years of budget deficits. The focus is on spending that helps the conservative Islamic
country to develop sectors beyond oil and to become a hub for a wider array of
businesses as well as culture.

He is building on a model that smaller Gulf countries like the United Arab Emirates
and Qatar followed years ago, partly to increase their international influence.
“What the Gulf has that almost no one else in the world has is quite a lot of
excess capital,” said Timothy E. Kaldas, an expert in Egypt’s political economy
at the Washington-based Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. “That comes
with power.”
In March, Saudi officials agreed to offer $5 billion for use by Turkey’s central
bank, shoring up the Turkish economy two months before national elections.
That brought Turkey closer to Saudi Arabia’s sphere of influence after years of
tensions, which boiled over after the 2018 murder of the Saudi dissident and
Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in Istanbul.
Mohammed al-Jadaan, the Saudi finance minister, and Raci Kaya, a delegate from Turkey, at
the Group of 20 Leaders’ Summit in November in Bali, Indonesia.Credit...Pool photo by
Willy Kurniawan
For other countries in the Middle East, Saudi aid has shriveled as the kingdom’s
priorities shifted.

In 2016, Saudi officials suspended billions of dollars of army and security-related aid
to Lebanon as they grew frustrated with the mounting influence of Iran, their
regional rival, in the country.

A few years later, Lebanon, long dependent on Gulf assistance, spiraled into a
financial crisis so desperate that people have turned to robbing banks to access their
own savings. The Saudi government did not step in to halt it, and analysts said this
was an early sign of the kingdom’s shifting approach to regional funding.
Prince Mohammed’s emphasis is on “Saudi first” as he stokes nationalism. Last
year, the Saudi sovereign fund announced that it would invest $24 billion in
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman and Sudan. But channeling that financial
support through investments lets Saudi officials prioritize their own profits.

As Egypt devalued its currency three times over the past year, Saudi entities sought
to buy assets at a discount.

“The state is effectively selling its assets under duress,” Mr. Kaldas said. “They
might like to say they’re bailing out Egypt, but from the perspective of
Egyptians, some of them see it as them taking advantage of a bad situation.”

Retired Lebanese Army and security forces veterans protesting last month in central Beirut,
demanding inflation adjustments to their pensions.Credit...Anwar Amro/Agence France-
Presse — Getty Images
These shifts reflect longer-term changes in the relationships between Arab states
over the past half-century, with the center of gravity shifting from places like Egypt —
once the region’s cultural and political heavyweight — to the oil- and gas-rich Gulf.

That does not sit well with many Egyptians.

And the tensions over aid this year reignited those frustrations. In February,
after a Saudi novelist wrote on Twitter that Egypt had its “neck tied to aid from
here or there,” the Egyptian newspaper editor Abdelrazek Tawfik referred to
the Gulf countries as “barefoot and naked” nouveau riche who have no right to
dictate to Egypt.

But the opinion article soon disappeared from the internet, and President Abdel
Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt played down the conflict, speaking warmly of “the support our
brothers have given us.”

For Mr. el-Sisi, an authoritarian leader who seized power in a military coup in 2013,
Gulf support has been critical.

Mr. el-Sisi overturned a democratically elected Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi,

who was viewed as a security threat by the monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the
United Arab Emirates. Even though Saudi Arabia’s ruling elites built their nation on
a narrative entwined with religion, many of them feared political Islam as a potential
source of opposition at home, where political parties are effectively banned and Mr.
Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood movement is branded a terrorist group.
From 2013 to 2020, Saudi Arabia sent $46 billion to Egypt in the form of central
bank deposits, direct investments and oil and gas, according to data aggregated by
Ms. Young. And that support, while it has lessened, has not evaporated entirely.
When Egypt’s economic crisis became acute last year, a group of Gulf countries
stepped in. They deposited billions of dollars in Egypt’s central bank, shoring
up its depleted foreign-currency reserves and helping it pay for imports.

A gas station in March in Cairo.Credit...Khaled Desouki/Agence France-Presse — Getty

Saudi Arabia is also essential to the International Monetary Fund’s latest bailout
agreement with Egypt, which requires it to raise some of the funds for its own rescue
by selling off $2 billion of government assets to wealthier Gulf countries. These
assets could potentially include marquee banks and state-owned industrial
enterprises — raising anxieties in Egypt about its sovereignty and standing.

That the Egyptian government “placed the state in this extraordinarily vulnerable
position” is worrying for its “geopolitical independence” in the long term, Mr. Kaldas

Saudi and Egyptian officials are still talking about potential investments — and the
policy changes that Saudi and I.M.F. officials want in return, including subsidy cuts
and a reduction in the military’s sprawling role in the economy — according to two
people familiar with the discussions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
because they are not public.

But as months have gone by without substantial progress, Saudis and

Egyptians alike have questioned Egypt’s ability to streamline its economy.

“Sometimes you need to know where the money’s going,” said Hesham Alghannam, a
Saudi political scientist. “Is it going to the benefit of the people?”

Asked during a conference in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, this past month if Saudi
Arabia was concerned about Egypt, Mr. al-Jadaan, the kingdom’s finance minister,
struck a warmer tone than in Davos.
“They may face some difficulty,” he said. “But I think they have what it takes to be a
great nation.”

In a statement soon after, Egypt’s finance minister said his country was “keen to
support everything that is required to increase Saudi investments.”

Ahmed Al Omran contributed reporting from Jeddah, Saudi


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