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Life gives us opportunities to prove our love for our country.

Our brand is the practical utilization of one

of these opportunities as we have come with the motive of B Pakistani by Pakistani. We’re launching a
tech gadgets brand where we will import the raw materials related to technology from the outside
world and will rebrand them in Pakistan giving the technological products a name of Pakistan. This way
the imported subsidies will be converted into the domestic products increasing the internal production
of the country.we have come up with a long standing plan of constructing these technological gadgets
from the imported raw materials in our one country this utilizing the labor and providing the
opportunities for employment do those who have the skill and add and I don’t need off any job.

That’s not all as what so ever we will learn from this tech gadgets we will separate 10% portion of it
from our entire budget and will give this 10% back to the society specifically to those people who will
need it the most. In this way we are trying to launch a brand related to the technology in Pakistan that
will first of all support the technological roots of Pakistan and will also help in growing the domestic
production market of the country side by side helping the poor by providing them with the job
opportunities as well as by giving them some money from the earned one.

A lot of people say that they love their country but a few of them are able to prove it with their actions
love demands sacrifices and specially when it comes to the love for one’s nation a person or a trupet
uroid should be ready to lay his life for maintaining the integrity of his country. Great at those people
who come forward and take steps to progress help the country and come out of the race of a third
world country but even more great are those who help these minds by supporting them in their cause.
so we are starting a pro Pakistani technological gadgets brand for the people of Pakistan and word some
support from the people of Pakistan.As the brand is not in the benefits of the owners but this is the
brand of the nation and it is to inspire and help the skillful people of Pakistan to come forward an earn
their livelihood in the better ways.

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