Dream Descriptions

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INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the Dream Descriptions sheet (see next page) daily for a week.


In column one, describe any people, animals, or other central figures that appeared in the dream. In
column two, describe a particular place that was evident in the dream, if they are able to recall a
location. In the third column, describe the plot or manifest content of the dream in as much detail as
possible. In the fourth column, list any moods or feelings the dream evoked.


Take some time to review the chart below. Once you have reviewed the chart go back and look at the
specific dream theories listed. Of the theories try to find the one theory you believe explains your
dreams the most.

1) To Freud all things in dreams had symbolism and hidden meanings. For example, Death is
replaced in dreams by taking a journey; nakedness is symbolized by clothing, especially
uniforms. Look at your dreams and try to determine if the symbols have any deeper meaning,
and if you want to go a step further go to https://www.psychmechanics.com/interpreting-
dream-symbols/ to see what Freud said about specific symbols

2) Next, considering the brainstem activation explanation, do you feel your dreams conform to the
theory that proposes that items appearing in dreams are random and have no coherent
meaning? Is it necessary or relevant to bother interpreting dreams at all?

3) Last, think of issues and problems you are currently facing and decide whether or not these
issues are being reflected in your dreams. Are dreams really a way of you working out issues that
are troubling you?

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