A Review of Key Power System Stability Chalenges For Large Scale PV Integration RSE15

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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A review of key power system stability challenges for

large-scale PV integration
Rakibuzzaman Shah a,n, N. Mithulananthan a, R.C. Bansal b, V.K. Ramachandaramurthy c
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QDL, Australia
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Global warming is the main driving force behind worldwide interest for the generation of bulk electrical
Received 30 April 2014 energy from renewable sources. As a consequence of advancements in solar cell fabrication and
Received in revised form converter technology, solar PV has emerged as one of the most promising renewable sources for bulk
14 August 2014
power generation. If the current commissioning rate continues, PV power would lead to the modification
Accepted 17 September 2014
of several aspects of power system and could influence the stability of the system. This paper extensively
Available online 17 October 2014
reviews the technical challenges, on particular, the stability issues associated with the integration of
Keywords: large-scale PV into the power system. In addition, the paper also reviews the dynamic model of large-
Grid code scale PV for stability studies as well as the grid codes for large-scale PV integration into the system.
Large-scale PV
Finally, this paper summarizes the research findings about the technical solutions to overcome the
power system stability challenges regarding the large-scale PV integration into the transmission and
Power system stability
Reactive power support sub-transmission or medium voltage distribution system.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1424
2. Current trends and future projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425
3. Grid integration challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1426
4. Modelling of large-scale PV for stability studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1427
4.1. PV array model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1427
4.2. PV model for steady state analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1428
4.3. PV model for dynamic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1428
5. Impact on power system stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
5.1. Voltage stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
5.2. Rotor angle stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
5.2.1. Transient stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
5.2.2. Small signal stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430
5.3. Frequency stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
6. Grid code of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
6.1. Reactive power support and voltage regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432
6.2. Dynamic regulation requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432
7. Technical solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
7.1. Frequency regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
7.2. Low frequency oscillation damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
7.3. Voltage regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
7.4. Fault-ride through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: md.shah@uqconnect.edu.au (R. Shah), mithulan@itee.uq.edu.au (N. Mithulananthan), rcbansal@ieee.org (R.C. Bansal),
vigna@uniten.edu.my (V.K. Ramachandaramurthy).

1364-0321/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1424 R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435

1. Introduction the North-West of Australia. It is believed that the establishment

of large-scale solar facilities in those ‘hot spots’ could meet the
In recent years, the need for clean energy in an effort to reduce entire world demands for electricity.
emissions and minimize reliance on fossil fuels has led to world- There are two distinct methods for solar power generation
wide installation of large-scale renewable energy systems. namely solar photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal.
In 2009, European Union Renewable Energy Directive has set a Between the two, solar photovoltaic is the matured and financially
target of generating over 32% of total power from renewable viable options for power generation [5]. Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
energy by 2030, with a target of 100% by 2050 [1]. In addition, plants (henceforth referred to as PV plants) directly converts
following the energy sector regulation in China, USA, Canada, sunlight into electricity without any rotating machine. The attrac-
India, and Australia, large-scale renewable generations are tive features of PV systems are modularity, low maintenance and
expected to be integrated into the existing grid in the foreseeable operation cost, low weight, environmental cleanliness and so on.
future. Among numerous renewable resources, wind and solar are Mostly, individual capacity of PV module ranges from 100 W to
the two most promising resources for producing electrical energy 320 W [6]. A several thousands of such PV modules need to be
in large quantities. Research study has revealed that at each connected in order to get the MW range of power from PV system,
instant, the earth surface receives approximately 1.8  1011 MW thereby, requiring significant land area for the deployment of a
of power from solar radiation which is much more than the total large-scale PV. Beside the significant land area requirement, higher
global consumption of power [2]. Another study shows that setting up cost compared to other renewable technologies, and
electricity demand of entire Europe, Mediterranean, and North intermittent output with a low capacity factor are the other
African region can be supplied by building solar facilities in the limitations of this generation technology.
Sahara Desert [3]. Fig. 1 illustrates the world solar energy map. Historically PV installations have been small and distributed.
From the figure, it can be seen that most of the countries except Until 2009, majority of PV plants were connected at distribution
those above latitude 501N and below 501S have huge potential for levels, either on the secondary side of the local distribution
solar power generation [4]. Moreover, there are some ‘hot spots’ transformers or primary distribution systems. However, after the
on earth e.g., the Mojave Desert in USA, the Sahara and Kalahari installation of first ever transmission level (230 kV) utility-scale PV
Desert in Africa, the Middle East, the Chilean Atacama Desert, and plant in USA (Desoto Solar Energy Centre in Florida) [7], the interest

Fig. 1. World solar energy map [4].

Table 1
A general comparison among PV, wind and conventional power plants.

Characteristics PV Wind Conventional generator

Fluctuation High Low No

Cost for large-scale High Moderate Low to moderate
Maintenance cost Minimal High Moderate
Inertia No inertia Low inertia Large inertia
Capacity factor Very low Low to moderate High
Annual growth in electric power sector Very high High High
R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436 1425

in large-scale PV in transmission and sub-transmission systems has along with wind, solar PV proves itself as one of the promising
continued to grow. It is believed that integration of large-scale PV resources for bulk power generation due to the technological
(from ten to several hundreds MWs) to the grid would not be trivial advances in semiconductor and power electronics. Fig. 2 compares
especially for the high penetration level. Utilities are expected to the worldwide growth of PV and wind during 1995–2012. From
face some new non-traditional operational problems due to the Fig. 2 it is evident that from 2010 and onwards, PV experiences a
distinctly different in dynamic characteristics of large-scale PV sharp growth as compared to the wind. In seven years duration,
compared to the conventional generators and its counterpart wind 2004 to 2010, the worldwide total PV capacity has increased with
power. Table 1 shows the general comparison among PV, wind and a per annum average rate of 55%, and reached at 40 GW by the end
conventional power plants. of year 2010. Furthermore, in 2011 and 2012, the total of 60 GW of
From Table 1 it is evident that variability, often referred to as PV generations has been installed all over the world, ranging from
intermittency, of PV output power is one of the concerns for grid hundred of kW to several tens of MW [8]. Six more countries have
operation. The future power system has to deal with not only the reached to the installed capacity of 1 GW in 2012, compared to just
uncontrollable demand but also uncontrollable generation. The three in 2010. This shows a significant increase in penetration and
other major concern as depicted in Table 1 with large-scale PV is interest in PV. The European Photovoltaic Industry Association
that it has no inertia; integration of such generation will reduce (EPIA) predicts that the global capacity of PV could reach more
the effective inertia of the system. In a reduced inertia system, than 200 GW by 2020 and 800 GW by 2030; hence, a significant
following the disturbance, the effective aggregated angular separa- share of global electricity demand will be met by PV plants [9].
tion could be high, requiring larger restoring force to bring the In the initial years of PV installation, most of the installed systems
machines back to the equilibrium. Carrying this extra burden were standalone type. However, currently, the grid connected
would stress synchronous generators that coexist with the renew- systems are the dominate ones. By the end of 2007, 90% of the
able generators and could lead to instability problems. Moreover, total installed capacities were grid connected.
the other major aspect about the integration of PV to the system is Power systems in Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain have some of
the de-commissioning of synchronous generators with auxiliary the highest PV penetrations in the world. About 75% of the
support such as Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) for dynamic installed PV systems are in Europe. PV power has been experien-
VAr support. The loss of these auxiliary devices will have sig- cing rapid development in USA in recent years. In USA, most of the
nificant impact on system stability. In this paper, the technical utilities are confronted with high Renewable Portfolio Standards
concerns regarding the large-scale PV integration to the transmis- (RPS). RPS level of 15–30% is required in most of the USA states by
sion and sub-transmission or medium voltage distribution systems 2020 [10]. Almost half of this RPS will be achieved by utility-scale
are reviewed along with the possible mitigation strategies for a PV generation system [11]. Beyond European Union and USA, the
wide-spread deployment of large-scale PV to the system. countries which have significant PV installation are China, Canada,
The reminder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 India, and Australia. Though Australia is one of the nations with
highlights the worldwide current trends and future projections of the highest average per square meter solar radiation in the world,
large-scale PV integration. Section 3 briefly illustrates the possible it is well behind than others in large-scale PV installation [12].
impact of large-scale PV in transmission and sub-transmission However, the commonwealth government of Australia set an
systems. Section 4 illustrates the generic model of large-scale PV ambitious target of generating 16% of its electricity demand from
for stability studies in power system. Section 5 reviews the large- solar by 2050 [13]. This will certainly increase the investment in
scale PV impact on power system stability followed by the grid large-scale PV installation. It is worth noting that in 2012, a
code of operation in Section 6. Section 7 illustrates the technical number of large-scale PV projects of 10 MW and more capacity
solutions to overcome the stability challenges associated with has raised at least 12 different countries across Europe, North
large-scale PV integration. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper. America, and Asia [8]. At the end of July 2013, there are 1900
projects with total 60 GW solar generation capacity worldwide, of
which, 630 projects are large-scale PV, capacity ranges from
2. Current trends and future projections 15 MW to 300 MW, and more [14], indicates the increasing
interest of large-scale PV.
Wind energy was the only promising renewable resource for Despite the benefit of emission free energy generation from PV,
bulk electricity generation until year 2000. From 2000 onwards, until 2011 PV faced a major obstacle due to the high capital cost;

Fig. 2. Comparison of PV and wind installed capacity [8].

1426 R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

Table 2 years, there have been extensive research efforts to identify the
Capital and O&M cost of renewable generator unit [16]. possible adverse effect of PV systems in distribution grids. The
operational problem arises in primary and secondary side of
Renewable generator type Capital cost O&M cost
the distribution system with the high penetrations of PV because
Solar PV unit $4004/kV A $0.01/kW h of the structure of the distribution grid which is mainly build to
Biomass unit $2293/kV A $0.012/kW h transfer unidirectional power. Proliferation of PV to the distribu-
Wind unit $1882/kV A $0.01/kW h tion system introduce voltage regulation problem, frequency
regulation, reverse power flow, harmonics, under and over loading
of the feeders, and so on. Many research efforts have been
conducted so far to address the harmonic problem associated
Table 3 with PV integration [21–23]. Research efforts in [24–26] have been
Significant large-scale PV power plants worldwide [17]. devoted to solve the PV induced voltage regulation problem in
distribution grids. There are some significant studies regarding the
Sl. nos. Location (State, Country) Size Commissioned
impact of centralized PV on distribution system voltage regulation
(MW) years
and loss reduction [27]. Moreover, research effort in [28]
1 Longyangxia Dam, Qinghai Province, China 320 2013 attempted to investigate and solve the potential controller inter-
2 San Luis, CA, USA 250 2012–2013 action issues in sub-transmission/distribution system with high
3 Yuma County, USA 250 2012 penetrations of PV and wind generations. Many of the above
4 Charanka, India 214 2012
discussed works effectively identified the potential problems and
5 Golmud, China 200 2011
6 Meuro, Germany 166 2011–2012 solutions associated with PV installation in distribution grids.
7 Sonoran Desert, USA 150 2011–2012 However, owing to the advancements in power electronics and
8 Neuhardenbers, Germany 145 2012 semiconductor technology, and subsequent cost reduction, the
9 Templin, Germany 128 2012
penetrations of PV will no longer be limited to the distribution
10 Toul-Rosières, France 115 2012
11 San Luis Obispo, USA 108 2012
systems. Large-scale PV systems in transmission and sub-
12 Perovo, Ukraine 105 2011 transmission or medium voltage distribution system are no longer
13 Sarnia, Canada 97 2009–2010 the vivid imagination, rather a reality in future grid. However, the
14 Briest, Germany 91 2010-2011 impact of transmission level PV system on utility did not receive
much attention by the researchers till the beginning of this
decade. The characteristics of PV plants connected at transmission
reflected on its cost per kWh of energy production. Table 2 shows levels often referred as “large-scale” or “utility-scale” PV plant is
the capital cost of PV installation compared to the two other substantially different from the conventional power plants such as
common forms of renewable generations in 2009 standard. The nuclear, thermal or hydro. A typical large-scale PV plant is
capital cost for PV installation was almost twice as high as the cost composed of multiple generators connected to the network
for wind and much higher than that of biomass. However, with the through the power electronic interface. High penetration of PV
obligatory carbon price, the electricity generation cost from solar in transmission and sub-transmission systems could affect the
PV would be cost competitive in many countries around the world. steady state and dynamic operations of the entire power system.
In 2011, the installation cost of large-scale PV plant has gone down Moreover, the problems associated with Large-scale PV systems in
below the cost of nuclear power plant [15]. The average retail price sub-transmission and transmission systems are different com-
for solar cell has dropped down to $2.43/W from the value $3.50/W pared to the problems in distribution system. For example, sharp
in 2010. Moreover, a recent study reveals that the retail price for change of PV output due to the moving clouds is one of the major
large-scale PV installation will be less than $1/W by 2020. Since the problems in secondary distribution system. However, in transmis-
large-scale installations enable the reduction of PV plant cost per sion and sub-transmission level PV system, it is minimized by the
watt of nominal power, it is expected that more large-scale PV natural averaging effect due to the installation of PV plants over
systems, in ten to several hundred MW size with a central point of the vast area. A 13.2 MW plant in Nevada exhibits only a 20%
interconnection at transmission and/or sub-transmission level, will power ramp in 10 s where, a 75% ramp in 10 s is observed by an
be seen to be interconnected into the utility grid in foreseeable irradiance meter [11].
future. Table 3 shows some of the significant large-scale PV installa- While considering the dynamic behaviour of the system with
tion worldwide till 2013. From the table it can be seen that from high penetrations of PV one of the major concerns is the ‘zero
2011, the size of large-scale PV plant has significantly increased and inertia’ of PV. Although the competitive interest for large-scale PV
touched the size of 320 MW by the end of 2013. Moreover, a integration has resulted several versions of highly sophisticated
significant number of projects of this scale are under construction voltage source inverter technology, however, the inertia less
in USA, Canada, China, and Spain. integration of PV continues to impose many limitations and
Some of the notable large-scale PV projects under development challenges on grid integration of large-scale PV while using the
are: Topez solar farm (550 MW) and the desert sunlight solar farm conventional form of inverter control. The research work reported
(550 MW) in California, USA [18,19]. A number of large-scale PV on ‘Transmission system performance analysis for high penetra-
projects are under planning phase, and the lists of those projects tion PV’ demonstrates the adverse the effect of reduced system
can be found in [14] and the references there in. inertia due to high PV penetrations on system angle and frequency
stability [29]. Other challenges associated with large-scale PV are
post fault voltage regulation and voltage stability. Most of the
3. Grid integration challenges current practiced standards for PV suggest that PV should operate
within a restricted reactive power operation regime or should not
Despite all the benefits of PV, this generation might lead to actively participated on voltage regulation or reactive power
some potential negative impact to the grid. The information compensation (i.e., IEEE 1547, UL 1741). Lack of reactive power
gathered from an extensive literature survey reveals the fluctua- compensation is the immediate concern for high PV penetration
tion of PV output power due to the variation of solar irradiance as cases, which could lead to the voltage regulation and instability
one of the major problems for grid integration [20]. In last ten problems. Considerable insertion of utility-scale PV in some power
R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436 1427

systems such as Germany and Spain proved to have a substantial 4. Modelling of large-scale PV for stability studies
impact on power system voltage regulation and stability perfor-
mance [11]. Research study in Western Electricity Coordinating A numerous PV generator models have been developed and
Council (WECC) system indicates how the large-scale PV adversely reported in literatures [42–49]. However, there is no “industry
affect the voltage stability phenomenon of power system [30]. standard model” for PV generator [42]. Moreover, most of the
Moreover, the research work reported in [31,32] revealed that the developed PV generator models are suitable for power quality studies
strict standards for reactive power control in current practice (i.e., in distribution systems which includes detailed modelling of electro-
fixed power factor or fixed reactive power operation) makes the magnetic transient behaviour of PV systems [43,44,47]. The detailed
active power regulation with consideration to frequency variation PV modelling for fast transient studies is not necessarily required for
non-trivial as the conventional control becomes ineffective for the system wide stability impact studies where the focus is on
710% voltage variation, which makes the voltage and frequency electromechanical behaviour of the system. Until recently, a generic
stabilization more challenging. model of PV has been proposed based on the earlier work done by
Power system economic dispatch is a matured and extensive WECC and CIGRE [45,46]. This model is simple and appropriate for
field. However, it is anticipated that with the addition of large- transmission and sub-transmission level stability studies. In this
scale PV the operational practice will be changed [33,34]. The model, the converter is considered as a controlled current source
research work conducted in a part of WECC system demonstrates which provides the required current injection to the network. The
the need for optimal dispatch mechanism with large-scale PV [34]. brief description of the model is given in next subsections.
Research on generation dispatch and spinning reserve commenced
in early 90s [35,36], however, did not get much attention from the 4.1. PV array model
research community due to none existence of such installation
around the world. The works in [35] show how the spinning A PV cell is the basic building block of PV array which is simply
reserves requirement; generation mix and maintenance schedules a p–n junction diode that converts the sun light into electricity.
are affected by the operation of large-scale PV. A ruled based A mathematical description of current–voltage characteristics of PV
dispatching algorithm has been proposed in [36] to mitigate the cell is available in literatures [44]. The single exponential function
problem arise due to the fluctuation of power in 100 MW PV plant which models a PV cell is derived from the physics of p–n junction
during dispatching period. A summary and classification of tech- and can be extended to get the array output current as follows
nical impacts of large-scale PV in transmission and sub-  
ðV A þ I PV RS Þq
transmission systems are presented in Fig. 3. The technical impacts I PV ¼ I SCA ðGÞ  N P  I 0 exp 1 ð1Þ
of large-scale PV on transmission and sub-transmission systems nN S kT
are categorized as generation dispatch, strategic spinning reserve, where IPV ¼array current (A), VA ¼array voltage (V), q¼electron
and instability problems which is further classified into voltage, charge (1.6  10  19 C), k¼Boltzmann’s constant ð1:38  10  19 Þ,
angle and frequency instability issues. n¼ideal factor, T¼temperature, I0 ¼reverse saturation current of
Given this development, transmission system operators around diode (A), RS ¼array series resistance (Ω), ISCA (G)¼ NPISC (G), ISC ¼cell
the world encountered an increasing need of comprehensive grid short circuit current (A), G¼ solar insolation (W/m2); NS ¼NCSNSM,
code for large-scale PV with particular focus on grid stabilization [37]. NP ¼NSP, NCS ¼ number of series-connected cells in a module, and NSM
The German grid code, Spanish grid code, the newest grid code and NSP, respectively, represent the number of modules connected in
published by European Network of Transmission System Operators, series and parallel in the PV array. The relationship of cell short
and the task force under the aegis of North American Electric circuit current to the solar insolation can be expressed as
Reliability Council have made several recommendations for more grid
I SC ¼ 0:001½I SCR þ kv ðT  T R ÞG ð2Þ
support functions (such as frequency support, voltage regulation
and so on) in order to alleviate the stability challenges associated where ISCR ¼cell short circuit current at reference temperature,
with large-scale PV integration [38–41]. As the solo focus of this paper kv ¼ temperature coefficient, TR ¼reference temperature.
is to review the research works related to power system stability and By multiplying the Eq. (1) by VA the power delivered by the
large-scale PV, thereby, in the later part of this paper, the works array can be found as follows
related to power system stability challenges associated with large- P PV ¼ I PV V A ð3Þ
scale PV integration and technical solutions will be discussed in detail.
Before moving to the literature review on large-scale PV Alternatively, the power delivered from PV array can be
impacts on power system stability, a brief description on the expressed by the following approximation formula [50]
modelling of large-scale PV for stability studies is presented in the
P PV ¼ Ac ηI β ¼ Ac ηðkt T kt T 0 Þ
next section as the accuracy of the stability studies with large-
scale PV depends totally on the fidelity of the underlying model of where Ac is the array surface area (m2), η is the efficiency of the PV
the PV generator. panel, T and T 0 are the parameters that depend on inclination,

Fig. 3. Classification of technical impacts of large-scale PV on transmission and sub-transmission grid.

1428 R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

declination, reflection of ground, latitude, hour angle, sunset hour

angle, and kt is the hourly clearness index.
Moreover, the dc output power from PV array can be calculated
by a physical model based simulation software PC1D [6]. It is a
commercial PV cell simulator to solve the coupled semiconductor
device equations numerically. The inputs to the model are the cell
parameters, irradiance and temperature.
A number of different solar cells such as monocrystalline,
polycrystalline, thin films are commercially available for the use
in large-scale PV power plants. Each of these cells have their
unique electrical characteristics reflected on their power genera-
tion profiles. However, irrespective to solar cell technologies, the
power output feed to the power system from large-scale PV
through the point of interconnection (POI) is variable and uncer-
Fig. 6. Block diagram of grid side converter [45,46].
tain in nature. The grid integration challenges are mainly governed
by the uncertainty and variability of PV power output, inverter,
and the controls of the PV plant. Therefore, the grid integration
challenges do not alter with the solar cell technologies used in the
PV power plants.

4.2. PV model for steady state analysis

Although PV generators are distributed within “solar farm” like

wind farm, the bulk power from the solar farm (large-scale PV
plant) is delivered to the grid through a single substation. Conse-
quently, PV generators within the farm are aggregated into a single
unit, as shown in Fig. 4, having a MVA rating equal to the
summation of the MVA rating of individual units. Furthermore,
as the PV units have reactive power capability, the solar farm could
be modelled similar to the synchronous generator for steady state
analysis, i.e., PV or PQ bus with appropriate MVAr limits [46,48].

4.3. PV model for dynamic analysis

Fig. 7. Reactive power control model [45,46].
Fig. 5 shows the overall structure of utility-scale PV generator
system as reported in [45,46]. From the block description of the
model, it is clear that the fundamental frequency dynamic beha- the real and reactive power command from electrical control of
viour of a PV is dominated by converter and associated controls. the generator. Fig. 6 dictates that the active power to be delivered
Fig. 6 depicted the block diagram of a grid side converter and to the system is based on the solar power profile (PPV), whereas,
control of PV which acts as a buffer in between PV array and grid, reactive power generation depends on the comparative signal
provides required injected current into the network in response to generated from reactive power control. A more detail model of PV
reactive power control is shown in Fig. 7. As seen in Fig. 7, the
control mode can be switched to either power factor (PF) control
mode or voltage control (VC) mode. Depending on the required
control task, each of this control unit can be activated by selecting
a proper flag.
In voltage control, the specific bus voltage is compared with the
reference voltage to generate an error signal which is feed through
the PI controller to generate Qorder for the supervisory VAr
controller. On the other hand, in power factor control, generated
real power is multiplied with the associated power factor to
Fig. 4. A schematic diagram of single generator equivalent unit of PV plant [51]. generate the corresponding Qorder for the supervisory control.
The voltage controller of PV consists of filter blocks with Tr and
Tc time constants, respectively. The values of the PI controller gains
are usually set higher for better voltage response during the
disturbances. However, as like AVR in synchronous generator,
higher gain in PI controller could increase the risk of instability
in the system.
In Volt/VAr control, the Qcomd signal is compared to the
converter reactive power (Qgen) and the resulting error is multi-
plied with ki to generate Verr signal. Then, in converter/control, the
Verr is compared to the terminal voltage to generate reactive
current command I qcomd . Depending on the specific stability
consideration, static or dynamic model of PV as described above
Fig. 5. Block diagram of standardized utility-scale PV. could be incorporated in the studies.
R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436 1429

5. Impact on power system stability Both power factor and voltage control mode operation of centra-
lized and distributed PV have been considered in this work.
5.1. Voltage stability Moreover, three VAr planning algorithms were compared in this
work in terms of static voltage stability of the system with large-
It is believed that due to the distinct characteristics of PV and scale PV. Interaction among PV system and SVC and/or STATCOM
current grid regulation, the voltage stability of the system could has also been assessed in this work. This study concluded that PV
significantly be affected by high PV penetrations. The effect of high size, locations, and mode of operation have strong impact on the
PV penetrations on the voltage magnitude and stability of the static voltage performance of sub-transmission system. Both static
transmission and sub-transmission system are studied in [30,52–57]. and dynamic voltage stability of the system with PV have been
The research effort in [30] revealed that depending on the penetra- assessed in [57] by P–V curve analysis, dynamic simulation, and
tions of large-scale PV, the system could experience both beneficial eigenvalue sensitivity. This work focused on to find out the impact
and detrimental effects from the steady state stability point of view. of the system parameters such as temperature, solar irradiance,
The authors in [52] analyzed the effect of large-scale PV on static and load changes on voltage stability performance of the system.
voltage stability of the Ontario power system with centralized and From the static analysis it can be seen that the system voltage
distributed PV. The analysis has been done by considering various stability margin could be extended due to the penetration of PV.
penetration levels up to 2000 MW. Their study concluded that Although several transient response results have been presented
dispersed PV in Ontario system may beneficially affect the static in this paper, however, no solid conclusion can be drawn from
voltage stability of the system. The Ontario utility experienced less the paper.
beneficial effect in terms of voltage stability margin improvement if
the PVs are central power plant type. In this work, the beneficial
effect of PV on voltage stability has been converted into the monetary 5.2. Rotor angle stability
benefit to the system. From the analysis it is evident that long-run
savings from loadability improvement is higher for the distributed PV 5.2.1. Transient stability
system as compared to the centralized PV with voltage and reactive A very few research efforts have devoted in revealing the
power control. impact of PV in power system transient stability [29,30,52,58,59].
The research effort in [53] attempted to analyse the impact of Research work in [30] has revealed the impact of both utility-scale
PV on system voltage magnitude. Various PV penetration levels and roof-top PV on power system transient stability performance
from 0% to 16% have been considered for this analysis. From their for a large test system representing the portion of the Western US
analyses it can be seen that the replacement of synchronous interconnection. The Utility-scale and roof-top PV units were
generators by PV could negatively affect the voltage magnitude added to the aforementioned test system by replacing a portion
of the system, and the severity of the adverse effect increases with of conventional generators. Various penetration levels up to 50%
the higher penetration of PVs. This work has proposed a number of were considered in this work. From the simulation results it can be
techniques such as constant power factor control, automatic noticed that at 20% PV penetration level, following the outage of
inverter voltage control to mitigate the voltage fluctuation in a 500 kV transmission line between the faulted bus and the adjacent
system with high penetration of PVs. The research effort in [53] bus could have both adverse and beneficial effect on the transient
has also devoted to analyse the impact of PV on dynamic voltage stability performance depending on the fault location and the
stability of the system. From the study it can be concluded that the duration of the fault. Moreover, from the analysis it is also noticed
dynamic voltage stability of the system could negatively be that the loss of a major portion of roof-top PVs could lead to
affected with the increased PV penetrations. Authors in [54] have the transient instability problem to the system during high
studied the transient over voltage behaviour at the POI of PV. This penetration.
study concluded that the transient over voltage phenomenon Authors in [52] have analyzed the transient stability perfor-
depends on the size of a PV system, placement of SVC, and lack mance of Ontario system with large-scale and distributed PV.
of having enough synchronous generators in the vicinity of a PV Critical clearing time (CCT) index has been used in this work to
system. The study showed that the transient over voltage problem evaluate the dynamic stability performance of the system. To
significantly increases with the size of PV in the system and the evaluate the transient stability, a sustained 3-phase fault has been
distance of POI from the main grid. From the analysis it can also be considered at the middle of one of the 500 kV transmission lines
seen that synchronous generator in the vicinity of PV could reduce connecting Bruce to Southwest zone near Torento region for the
the transient over voltage level, whereas, SVC could aggravate the fault duration of 80 ms. From the result it can be noticed that for a
transient over voltage problem. voltage and reactive power control enabled centralized PV, system
Research study in [55] was performed in the California ISO to does not experience a considerable dynamic stability behavioural
assess the voltage and reactive power responses for different types of change. However, for the distributed PVs, the system transient
PV generator interconnection (i.e., centralized, dispersed, reactive stability performance certainly improves with the increment of PV
power control mode). The analysis in this work suggests that high penetration levels.
voltage problems are inevitable in the system due to the high Achilles et al. [29] have performed the transmission system
penetration of PVs at sub-transmission level. Absorbing reactive performance analysis with high PV penetration on IEEE-39 bus
power by PV converter or shunt reactor at the POI of PV has proposed test system for various cases. The analyses have been conducted
in this work as the possible mitigation measures against the high for various control configurations such as the distributed PV
voltage caused by the solar PV interconnection. Furthermore, inter- compliant to IEEE 1547, PV with LVRT and frequency control,
action effect of PV reactive power control and other reactive power voltage control, and so on. Various penetration levels in terms of
devices has been shown in this work. From the analysis it can be seen the percentage of load (up to 60%) have been considered in this
that SVC could cause higher transient over voltage problem in the work. The analysis results acknowledged the unit commitment
system with PV as compared to no SVC in the system. This happens strategy as a key factor by which the system transient stability
because the slower SVC controller keep injecting reactive power to performance can be affected. Moreover, from the anaysis it can be
the grid for few cycles after the fault clearance. seen that a substantial PV penetrations compliant to IEEE 1547
Shah and others [56] have studied the impact of large-scale PV could add additional risk of transient instability with extensive
on power system voltage stability in sub-transmission system. loss of PV units during transmission fault.
1430 R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

In Ref. [58], the impact of large-scale PV and its LVRT capability also positively influenced with PV integration. However, this work
on transient performance was assessed on a 3 machines 9 bus has used the ‘user defined simplified model’ of PV generator to
system and IEEJ West-10 machine test system. Various penetration assess the impact of PV on power system electromechanical and
levels starting from 5% up to 30% have been considered in this control modes. Nonetheless, the change of power generation from
work. The following two LVRT characteristics of PV as shown in slack bus has been considered in this work, thereby, the impact of
Fig. 8 have been used in this work. From the analyses it can be change in power flow by PV to the system oscillation mode has
seen that system experienced better transient stability perfor- been investigated.
mance with LVRT enabled PV systems. However, beyond 10% The research in [62] was devoted in revealing the impact of PV
penetrations, system could experience an adverse effect on tran- generator on power system small signal stability. The analyses
sient stability performance. were conducted for various disturbances such as change in
Yagami and others [59] have analyzed the impact of PV on irradiance, temperature, load, and system configuration. This study
power system transient stability by using single machine infinite revealed that the damping of the electromechanical mode
bus system. Various output capacities of synchronous generator increased with the inclusion of PV to the system. Both negative
(500–900 MV A) following the change of PV outputs have been and positive impacts of PV penetrations on local oscillation mode
considered in this analysis. A kinetic energy based transient have been reported in [63]. Modal behaviour of the power system
stability assessment index has been used to pin point the effect has been assessed by using a single machine infinite bus system.
of PV on system transient stability. From the analysis it can be Novel damping torque analysis (DTA) method has been used to
concluded that during high PV penetration, the lower system assess the modal behaviour of the system. From the analyses it can
inertia and higher generator reactance could lead to the detri- be seen that if 70% and more of the demand are supplied by PV
mental transient stability performance of the system. then it may negatively affect the damping of the local mode.
In Ref. [64], the impact of high PV penetrations on power
5.2.2. Small signal stability system small signal stability was assessed for a two-area system by
Recently, there is an increasing interest to analyse the impact modal analysis and time domain simulation. PV generator was
large-scale PV on power system small signal stability [52,60–69]. considered to be operated at the fixed power factor (unity power
Although the mechanical dynamics of PV system are completely factor) for this analysis. From the analyses it is revealed that the
decoupled from the power grid, however, there are primarily four mode shape of the inter-are modes for the synchronous generators
mechanisms by which PV can affect the critical modes of the (that are not displaced by the PV) are affected significantly. From
system [67,69]: this work, it also worthwhile to note that the PV system could
have both beneficial and detrimental impact on power system
M1. Redispatching synchronous machine with and without small signal stability depending on the size, location, and penetra-
PSS, thereby affecting the mode. tion levels. This research work suggests to keep the critical
M2. Impacting the major path flow thereby affecting the generator online to overcome the adverse effect of PV on modal
electromagnetic torque of the system. behaviour of the system.
M3. Dispatching the synchronous generator with PSS. The work in [65] was devoted to analysis the impact of real and
M4. PV controller interacting with the damping torque. reactive power modulation of a converter control generator in
power system inter-area mode damping. The analysis has been
conducted in a simple system with two synchronous generators
Research effort in [60] advocates how the increased PV pene-
connected by an AC transmission line. From the results it can be
trations could influence local electromechanical (EM) modes of the
concluded that both real and reactive power modulation of the
system. Impact of PV on power system small signal stability
converter control generator are effective to improve the damping
analysis has been assessed here in a single machine infinite bus
of the inter-area mode. However, real power modulation is better
system. Average switching model of voltage source converter and
when converter control generator is connected at the end of the
boost converter has been used in this analysis. It has been
transmission line joining the two AC sources whilst reactive power
identified that the controller parameters of PV has profound
modulation is better when injection point is close to the mid point.
impact on the damping of the local modes of the system. The
Moreover, it is found that the combine controls of real and reactive
improper tunning of PV control parameters may deteriorate the
power modulation could provide better damping to the inter-
damping of the local modes.
area mode irrespective to the location of the converter control
The work in [61] depicts that the large-scale PV tends to
increase the damping of local EM modes. Moreover, the control
Research effort in [66], has investigated the impact of large-
mode associated with the synchronous generator exciter system is
scale PV in a stressed 16 machine 68 bus test system. To address
the influence of PV and synchronous generators’ physical differ-
ence on power system oscillation, the analysis has been conducted
by using PV and synchronous PV of same rating to PV at the PV
locations. Synchronous PV is referred here as the synchronous
generator of equivalent size to PV with excitation system. The
analysis revealed that the integration of large-scale PV into the
system creates the higher angular separation among the existing
synchronous generations as compared to synchronous PV, result-
ing poor damping of inter-area mode. Eftekharnejad et al. [67]
have assessed the impact of large-scale PV on small signal stability
both by modal analysis and time domain simulation in a large
power system. Both roof-top and utility-scale PV have been
considered for this analysis. Roof-top PVs were aggregated at
the sub-transmission voltage level of 69 kV. From the analyses
presented in [67], a significant reduction of critical mode damping
Fig. 8. PV LVRT characteristics [58]. has been seen for 30% to 40% PV penetrations. The eigenvalue
R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436 1431

Table 4
Summary of research on large-scale PV impact on power system small signal stability.

Reference Influence Mechanism by which affect the critical mode

[60–63] Can enhance the damping of local and some control mode M2
[64,65] Can enhance the damping of the inter-area mode M2
[64,66,67] Can decrease the damping of inter-area mode M1–3
[52] No significant impact on the damping of critical mode M1
[68] System control parameters have a significant impact on damping M4
[69] Can decrease the damping of inter-area mode, two new types of low-frequency modes associated M4
with converter control

sensitivity analysis with respect to inertia pinpointed the fact that wind generator ramp down and load ramp-up led to a decline in
the eigenvalues are detrimentally impacted with the reduction of system frequency. It is believed that high penetration of zero
the system inertia. The research effort in [68] investigated the inertia generators like PV with higher ramp rate could adversely
impact of two-stage multistring grid connected centralized PV on affect the frequency stability of the system. The research work in
power system small signal stability. For this analysis PV system has [71] depicts the effect of PV penetration on frequency stability of the
been assumed to be located remotely and connected to the sub- system. Three different levels of penetrations (5%, 10%, and 20%)
transmission system through a series compensated double circuit were considered in this work. However, in this work the conven-
transmission line. The analysis revealed that a remotely connected tional units were not replaced by PV. The analysis has been done by
PV could adversely be affected by the transmission circuit used to considering the rapid variation in power injection caused by several
connect the generator, on particular, the series compensated line. factor such as change in irradiance, temperature and tripping out of
The series compensated line has a noteworthy impact on the the grid connected converter. From the analysis it is evident that at
stability of the control loop of PV plant. Moreover, the small signal 20% PV penetration levels, system experienced frequency instability
analysis revealed that the gain parameters of the PV controller problem. However, as the conventional units were not replaced by
have a significant impact on the damping of a dominant mode. PV, the solid conclusion due to the system inertia reduction and PV
The impact of large-scale PV on the Ontario power system impact cannot be drawn from this analysis. A frequency stability
small signal stability was assessed in [52]. Three different types of analysis of a two area system with real time simulation model of a
PV namely distributed unit, centralized unit with and without large-scale PV, 200 MW (4  50 MW) has been presented in [72].
voltage control have been considered to assess the impact of PV in Automatic generation control scheme has been used in the analysis
power system small signal stability. This analysis has considered to allow the maximum penetration of PV and to adjust the
different levels of penetration up to 2000 MW. From the analysis it synchronous generator outputs. From real time simulation, the
can be seen that the damping of the individual eigenvalue does authors have concluded that the increased penetration of PV has a
not change significantly. A detailed studies on inverter based positive influence on frequency stability. However, like [71], the
generations impact on small signal stability are presented in [69]. conventional generator units were not physically replaced in this
This work has emphasized to explore the forth mechanism by study as well.
which PV and other converter control generators affect the small
signal stability of the system. Three test cases for the year of 2010,
2020, and 2022 of Western Coordinating Council were used for this 6. Grid code of operation
analysis. It has been identified from the simulations that there is
relatively low interaction between converter control generators and It is evident that the large-scale renewable generation (i.e.,
synchronous generators in inter-area modes. Generally, reactive wind and PV) would be comparable to the conventional generators
power control gain and voltage control integral gain are participat- in coming decades for bulk power generation [73]. Large-scale PV
ing in the interaction. This research work has also identified two systems must have to fulfill certain grid connection requirements,
new types of low-frequency modes associated with converter usually known as grid code, for secure and reliable supply of
control generators and some of which have very poor damping. electric power. This section of the paper presents a comprehensive
Between two newly emerging modes, one is exclusively dominated study on the latest grid code regulation to be enforced by the
by converter control generators and the other is originated due to transmission operators on large-scale PV. Comprehensive litera-
the interaction between synchronous generators and converter ture review of the existing grid code revealed that there is an
control generators in the system. Convergent researches on large- inadequate sets of rules for large-scale PV [74]. Initially, PV
scale PV impact on power system small signal stability are summar- systems were built as a small distributed generation on rooftop,
ized in Table 4. connected to the secondary side of the distribution systems.
Therefore, instead of transmission system grid code, distribution
5.3. Frequency stability system grid code, IEEE Std. 1547-2003 was adopted first [75],
which prevailing the standard for PV plant of 10 MV A aggregated
With the high PV penetrations, a significant number of syn- capacity or less at low voltage distribution system. Only the recent
chronous generators in the system would be replaced and result- German code, Spanish code, and the code released by European
ing in reduced system inertia. With the high penetrations of zero Network for Transmission System Operators have a full guidelines
inertia generators like PV, the conventional generators that for large-scale PV integration to the transmission and sub-
co-existing with these generators will be forced to provide torque transmission or medium voltage distribution systems [38–40,76].
and inertia to mitigate any instability events, that could lead to the The FREC Order 661A has recently been modified to incorporate
frequency instability problem. The incident in ERCOT system on the grid integration issues of large-scale PV [77]. Nonetheless,
Feb. 26, 2008 is an excellent example of such a situation [70], transmission system operators in China, Italy have initiated the
where the unexpected loss of some synchronous generators with separate rules for large-scale PV, but still in draft form Ref. [76].
1432 R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

A review of the technical reports on grid code requirement Table 5

shows that the technical requirement enforced on a large-scale PV Power factor/reactive power requirement.
can be broadly classified as reactive power control, voltage
Country of origin/ Power factor requirement
regulations, and dynamic requirements. regulatory body

Germany Medium voltage 70.95; high voltage þ 0.90/  0.95

6.1. Reactive power support and voltage regulation FERC 70.95 Power factor
ERCOT þ/  0.95 Power factor for full output, scaled by the
Fig. 9 shows the capability curve of PV generation system. ratio of active power for lower output
CAISO 70.95 Power factor for real power generation 4 20%
In the figure, solid line represents the capability curve for the rated
operation whereas, the dotted line represents the reactive power
capability with over sized inverter. This figure also depicted the
operational characteristics for fixed power factor (70.90) envelop.
The large-scale PV inverter can provide reactive power at full
active power or partial output. As it can be seen from the figure,
the reactive power capability would be higher at lower active
power level. To get the inverter based reactive power at full power
involves the over sizing of the inverter, so that, it can handle the
full rated real and reactive current. In order to get the range of
70.95 power factor at the POI entirely from PV, PV operator has to
increase the inverter rating as much as 10% considering all reactive
power losses in the PV system. The equivalent representation of PV
reactive power capability depends on the cumulative reactive
power range of the inverters. As for example, a large-scale PV
system has a nameplate rating of 23.1 MV A (21  1.1 MV A) and
inverters are considered to be participated in steady state voltage
control, then the equivalent generator modelled with 70.95
power factor has a corresponding setting of Qmin and Qmax of
Fig. 10. Fault ride through capability [38].
6.9 MV Ar and 6.9 MV Ar, respectively. If the PV system are
anticipated to operate at fixed power factor level then the
proposed CAISO grid code, all the variable generators including
subsequent reactive power output need to be adjusted accordingly
large-scale PV should operate at 70.95 power factor range at POI
based on the power output and inverter reactive capability.
when they are exporting 4 20% of rated power [81]. Table 5
According to German grid code, PV plants should be capable of
summarized the power factor/reactive power requirement at the
providing reactive power at the POI within the boundary of 7 0.95
POI of large-scale PV proposed by different transmission system
power factor for medium voltage (MV) grid. For high voltage grid
operators (TSOs).
connection bandwidth for reactive power operation should be
within þ0.90/  0.95 power factor range [38]. In FERC LGIA, the
6.2. Dynamic regulation requirement
reactive power requirement for large-scale PV is not well-defined.
Often, 7 0.95 power factor range is in use [80]. According to
In addition to steady state regulation, some dynamic regula-
ERCOT, the required power factor range for a large-scale PV is
tions are also required for grid integration of large-scale PV, and,
70.95 for maximum power output. However, for partial power
these dynamic regulation requirements are usually known as
output, reactive power range should be scaled by the ratio of
disturbance tolerance requirement. One of such requirements is
active power to the rated power. Meanwhile, according to the
fault ride through (FRT) requirement or low voltage ride through
(LVRT). In German grid code (Jan. 2011), PV generations should
have the capability to participate in dynamic grid support during
the disturbances (faults) in the system. LVRT requirement pro-
posed in German grid code is shown in Fig. 10.
According to this grid code, PV systems should not be dis-
connected from the system in case of voltage dip down to 0 for a
time period less than 150 ms [38]. Spanish grid code has the
similar LVRT requirements as German grid code [39]. Moreover,
the Spanish grid code has two future recommendation functions:
Inertia emulation, and power oscillation damping. FERC LVRT
requirements are often used for a large-scale PV. According to
FERC requirement, PV generator should withstand the 0 voltage at
POI for up to 0.15 s or 9 cycles [80] for 60 Hz systems. In recent
years, grid codes of some countries like Spain, Denmark, and
Australia have enforced demanding voltage–time profiles for
voltage swell conditions, normally known as high voltage ride
through (HVRT). As illustrated in [54,,55], system could experience
transient over voltage problem during high PV penetration sce-
narios. Therefore, the grid codes for large-scale PV may also
require clear guidelines for HVRT.
In addition to LVRT capability, German grid code has proposed
an active power reduction requirement. According to this, active
Fig. 9. Real and reactive power characteristics of PV [78,79]. power should be reduced for the frequency more than 50.2 Hz, and
R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436 1433

Table 6 support. The analysis results revealed that with the proposed
WECC ONF requirement for generator [80]. control method, PV can provide primary frequency support similar
to the synchronous generator. Moreover, in case of severe distur-
Under frequency limit (Hz) Over frequency limit (Hz) Minimum time
bance, it can switch to the emergency mode of frequency support to
459.4 60–60.6 N/A mitigate the frequency overshoot. Within the framework of fre-
o 59.4 4 60.6 3 min quency support and regulation, there are other two approaches:
o 58.4 4 61.6 30 s (a) integration of energy storage device to alleviate the frequency
o 57.8 – 7.5 s
o 57.3 – 45 Cycles
regulation problem [91–93], and (b) use of dump loads to absorb
o 57.0 4 61.7 Instantaneous excess energy in order to regulate the frequency of the system.
Detail about these practices can be found in [91–93] and the
references therein.
return to the nominal value when frequency is below 50.05 Hz [38].
Other European countries such Scotland, Ireland, and Denmark have 7.2. Low frequency oscillation damping
released specific grid codes for renewable generations. However, these
directives are mostly suitable for wind and other renewable genera- There are a number of research works devoted in designing
tions. There are no specific regulations & codes for PV generation damping controller in PV for enhancing the damping performance
systems [82]. of the system [94–97]. A control scheme for large-scale PV based
Moreover, according to FERC LGIA regulation, large-scale PV on structure preserving energy function model has proposed
generator connector should meet the existing WECC ONF. Detail of in [94] to improve the small signal stability performance of the
the WECC ONF is given in Table 6. system. The novelty of the proposed control law is that it used only
the locally available measured signals independent to the location.
Moreover, the control scheme does not affect the maximum power
7. Technical solutions point tracking of the PV plant. The performance of the controller
has been verified both by simulation and practical experiment.
A significant number of works has been conducted to alleviate Shah and others [95] have proposed a minimax-LQG based wide-
the technical constraints related to the PV penetration in distribu- area damping controller in PV for inter-area oscillation damping.
tion systems such as voltage regulation, active power curtailment, Reactive power modulation technique has been used here for
coordinated voltage control, and so on (see [83–85], and the oscillation damping. In this control synthesis method, the robust-
references therein). Recently, several research efforts have been ness of the controller is achieved through the optimization of the
directed to lighten the technical constraints related to large-scale worst case scenario of the underlying system subject to the
PV integration in transmission and sub-transmission system [86]. integral quadratic constraints on the admissible uncertainty.
In this section of the paper, the technical solutions related to large- In Ref. [96], authors have proposed a novel feedback signal
scale PV and power system stability issues are presented. selection technique for wide-area POD in PV. For a robust norm
Work has been conducted by ‘First Solar’ to design a grid bounded LQG based wide-area damping controller design, the
friendly large-scale PV with capability of voltage regulation, variability and uncertainty of the system are confined by system
voltage and frequency ride through, active and reactive power matrices which are affine function belong to the polytopic region.
control, and frequency response criteria [87]. A typical plant level The performance of the proposed controller has been tested in 16
logic and control loop scheme with real time commands has been machine 68 bus system for a wide range of system operating
used to achieve the fast and reliable regulation so that it behaves conditions. It establishes that the proposed controller is superior
as a single machine. The commands in the controller is provided compare to the controller designed by conventional signal selection
through SCADA and human machine interface. method. Dahal and others [97] have proposed a methodology to
control the power factor of the PV to enhance the damping of the
7.1. Frequency regulation critical mode. A simple local signal based lead-lag feedback controller
has been proposed in this paper to control the reference reactive
As illustrated earlier, the fast penetration of large-scale PV current of the PV inverter, thereby, to control the power factor of the
forced the grid integrator to inherit some of frequency support PV to enhance the damping performance of the system.
features of synchronous generator in PV such as inertial response, Even though the proposed damping controllers in [94–97] are
primary and secondary frequency control, and the provision of robust and effective, however, yet to be available in PV and wind
minimum supply of active power reserves. The research work systems sold by the manufacturer at present. Therefore, a robust
in [88] investigated the impact of PV system inertial response on reactive power control of large-scale wind and PV has been
IEEE 12 bus network by real time simulation. To consider the proposed in [98] to enhance the damping of the inter-area mode.
realistic system operating conditions, automatic generation con- The article proposed a methodology to utilize the wind and PV
trol (AGC) has been considered. A droop based frequency control reactive power capability in such a way that the power system
method has been implemented in the studied PV system. The could operate in low-frequency secure manner for a wide-range of
analysis results revealed that the frequency support service in PV system operating conditions. The control action proposed in this
improved the frequency stability of the system. In Ref. [89], a paper consists of setting different reactive controls at the selected
method of limiting the power ramps of PV plants due to the sources (renewables) based on their influences on low-frequency
changes in solar irradiance without energy storage has been oscillation. The proposed reactive power management is based on
presented. The main idea of the method is to yield the PV power the theoretical view of structured singular value (SSV) method.
lower than the maximum power point and operate it with a Convergent researches on low frequency oscillation damping
dynamic reserve. The dynamic reserve control has been achieved support from large-scale PV are summarized in Table 7.
by adding a lag control block in active power controller of the
inverter. Work in [90], proposed a droop based frequency control 7.3. Voltage regulation
method for PV by active power curtailment without energy storage.
The proposed strategy is comprised of two different modes: Ref. [99] has proposed a novel control technique for large-scale
(a) primary frequency support, and (b) emergency frequency centralized PV to incorporate the attributes of AVR and governor to
1434 R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436

Table 7 level to support the FRT function of PV. A coordinated control

Summary of research on large-scale PV for low frequency oscillation damping. scheme based on large-scale two-stage PV has been proposed in
[106] to support FRT function by maintaining the inverter DC-link
Research on low frequency oscillation damping Reference
voltage. The work in [107] designed a LQG controller for
Damping controller for PV to enhance the damping of EM modes [94–97] D-STATCOM to ensure the grid code compatible LVRT performance
Robust wide-area damping controller in PV for low-frequency [95,96] of a PV generator. The proposed controller has been designed
oscillation damping based on the H 1 of the uncertain system. The performance of the
Robust reactive power control of large-scale wind and PV for [98]
oscillation damping
design controller has been tested in a medium voltage distribution
system with composite load model. It establishes that the
D-STATCOM with the proposed controller is robust enough to
ensure the grid compatible operation of a PV.
There are other sets of research studies which have been
perform like a conventional unit. The proposed method allows devoted to modify the converter control of large-scale PV in such
precise active power control strategy corresponding to the a way that it can operate as a static synchronous compensator
dynamics of frequency droop characteristics to share the load (STATCOM) in night-time to prevent any voltage regulation or
and control bus frequency under certain conditions. This method instability issues in the system [108–111].
also realizes the AVR action so as to regulate the bus voltage by
reactive power control. An online supervisory voltage control
(OSVC) for grid interfaced large-scale PV has been proposed for
the dynamic voltage support of the grid [100]. The proposed 8. Conclusions
control algorithm evaluates the voltages of all the grid buses to
determine the optimal regulation margin corresponding to system Recent price reduction has greatly increased the number and
status in terms of over excited and under excited operation of PV. size of large-scale PV plant around the world. A large-scale PV
The OSVC scheme has a reactive current allocation algorithm plant has now reached to the parity in many electricity markets.
which is adaptive to real-time system status corresponding to PV It is expected that the large-scale PV will produce electricity at the
plant and grid bus voltage profiles. Mirhosseni and others [101] same price and lower than the conventional generations in
have proposed a modification in large-scale PV system for reactive foreseeable future. No doubt that the large-scale PV is the
power support in the medium voltage (MV) grid. They have promising electricity generation source due to its clean and
modified the reactive power support capability of PV to make it environmental friendly features, however, have a number of
compatible for grid support. The modification has been made to negative effects on power system, on particular, the stability of
operate PV at fixed reactive power mode, fixed power factor mode, the system. From the reviewed literature it is evident that high PV
and droop control mode. A control scheme for grid connected penetrations on system is impacted by a continuum of factors. The
PV is developed in [76] to provide grid support and control size, location of PV, type of PV resources (distributed and cen-
during steady state and transient in compliance to the Spanish tralized), availability of adequate reserve in the system, dispatch-
grid code P.O. 12.2. A d–q mechanism based control algorithm has ing and displace of conventional generators by PV, reactive power
been developed to control DC bus voltage, active power, and compensation method, and control loops of PV are among the
injection and absorption of reactive power. The proposed algo- factors severely affect the impact of PV penetration on system
rithm has been tested in PSAD/EMTP simulation environment and behaviour. From this paper it is apparent that to increase the
in field of a real PV system. From both field test and simulation it is penetrations of large-scale PV in the future power systems, it is
evident that the PV system with proposed control remained important to overcome the bottlenecks corresponding to voltage,
connected to the grid after being subjected to different distur- frequency and angle stability and develop necessary standards to
bances. An optimal control strategy for a large-scale PV in facilitate the integration.
compliance to grid code proposed by German Association of A number of grid recommendations (grid codes) have been put
Energy and Water Industries has been developed in [32] for a grid forward by different transmission system operators for the flaw-
stabilization. The proposed control implementation method does less integration of large-scale PV in transmission and/or sub-
not required any hardware modification in a conventional current transmission level. These regulations are varied substantially from
control scheme. Both simulation and experimental results one system operator to others and not sufficiently clear, techni-
conducted by 100 kW PV demonstrated the effectiveness of the cally and economically justified. This could impose additional cost
control method. on PV equipments manufacturers and plant developers. Thereby, a
global harmonization of grid codes is sought for large-scale PV
which would assist the manufacturers to develop a market
7.4. Fault-ride through oriented ‘universal’ PV plant equipments.
Furthermore, a significant works have been devoted to over-
A significant number of works are devoted to incorporate FRT come the stability constraints associated with large-scale PV in
capability in large-scale PV so that it does not trip off during power system. According to the work reviewed in this paper, most
system disturbances. The positive and negative sequence control of the works only focused to solve one stability constraints for
approach and PV characteristics have been used in [102] to integration rather than a unified approach to look at all the
enhance the FRT capability of large-scale PV. The performance of stability constraints.
the controller has been tested in 3.3 MW PV plant connected to a According to the works reviewed in this paper, most of the
test system comprise of 2.4 MW self- excited induction generator large-scale PV based works are along the line of stability issues
and a 0.9 MW diesel generator. Islam et al. [103,104], have and the associated control of PV generators for secure and reliable
proposed a novel control method to improve the FRT capability operation of the system. However, it is believed that dispatching
of large-scale PV in a MV network. The detailed fault analyses in strategy and spinning reserve would be equally important issues
[103,104] have revealed the effectiveness of such controller in as stability in future power system with high penetrations of large-
large-scale PV. A non-linear feedback controller has been proposed scale PV. Therefore, more work need to be done along this
in [105] to ensure the current levels are constraints to an allowable direction.
R. Shah et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 (2015) 1423–1436 1435

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