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Business Law 301

Part 1 Assignment
Fall 2023


I, __Madison Everett______, hereby swear and affirm (a) I followed the instructions given to me for this
assignment, (b) the information contained on my paper is the result of my own efforts, and (c) I have
received no personal assistance in the preparation of my answer that I am submitting through Canvas on
_09_ / _19_ / 2023.


Case. Tennessee has numerous cases dealing with the construction and interpretation of contracts. One
recent case deals with the presence of consideration in a contract. A summary of the case is as follows:

Tenant in the original lawsuit rented a residence from Landlord through the use of a property manager.
Tenant enjoyed the accommodations and spoke with the property manager about buying the property
from Landlord. The property manager stated the Landlord did not want to sell the residence at the
current time, but he (Landlord) would let Tenant have the first right to purchase the property. The
Landlord later sold the property to a third party but never gave the Tenant an opportunity to purchase the
property. Thereafter, the Tenant filed suit for specific performance and breach of contract, asserting that
through his agent (the property manager), the Landlord had entered into a contract which gave Tenants a
right of first refusal. Both the trial Court and the Court of Appeals ruled that the email exchange did not
constitute a right of first refusal because it was not supported by consideration.

1. 1 point. Who were the parties in your assigned case? Plaintiff: __Delain L. Deathrage_____
Defendant: ____John C. Hailey_______
2. 1 point. What is the case’s citation? _Not Reported in S.W. Rptr., 2016 WL

3. 1 point. Provide a descriptive paragraph in your own words on the steps you took to find the case
you identified in Item “1” above. Use only the remaining space on this page for your typed answer.

I am only given a synopsis of the case, so the first step I took was figuring out who was
the plaintiff (Tenant) and who was the defendant (landlord). The next step I took was finding the
west law databse on the Paul Meek Library website. I, first, went to, clicked academics,
and then library. Once I was on the library site, I used the already available tabs to search for the
west law dagtabase. In the search engine on the West Law database, I typed “ property manager
v. landlord for specific performance and breach of contract discussed over emails.” Those
keywords plus filtering to only show the Tennessee cases narrowed down my search to twenty
cases in total. I went through and read the synopsis to the cases provided and matched them to
the details provided to me in the above paragraph.

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