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Our Country is one of very nations in the world which works for achieving prosperity to
global peace. The planet is currently facing many serious challenges such as Wars,
Food Insecurity, Economic Recession and Global Warming. Our nation is pushing its
level best for peaceful world were every people will live together to attain prosperity on
a global scale. Our nation also believes on multilateralism as our president said “ I
wanted to stress in paying tribute to the work done in recent years is the effective on
multi-lateralism” such as UNO, G20 etc because it will ensure dialogue between
countries and produce a fruitful result on a particular issue and it will guide the
countries to work on it.

Wars will never be a tool for the peace it is a tool of mass destruction not only for the
any two countries but also for other countries, which dependent on that two countries
and war creates human rights violation. One of four collections forming earliest
scripture mentions “Let there be pe ace in heaven, Let there be peace in the
atmosphere, Let there be peace on Earth, May the waters and medical herbs bring
peace, may the trees give peace to all beings, May all the gods be peaceful, may all other
objects everywhere give us peace and may that peace comes to us and remain with us.
Food Insecurity is another challenge for humankind. FAO is partnering with our
country related to improving the global governance of food and agriculture which is one
of our country food security policy also promotes the development of international
standards which will seek to enable transition to safe and sustainable farming and food
systems. Economic Rececsion is a one of the looming problem for the world. All
countries should work on this issue and resolve the problem as soon as possible it will
enrich the prosperity for world. And now most important and most destructive problem
as our country’s capital city was the host of COP 21 and Paris Agreement will try to
ensure the countries duty to work on the less emission of Greenhouse Gases and start
the utilization of Renewable Sources of energy to help the reduction of Earth’s
temperature from 2 to 1.5 Degree Celsius at the end of this century and set Agenda
2030. Our Nation believes a multi-lateralism because it will engages the countries to
deal with this problems and resolve it together successfully. it will ensure a achieving
prosperity through world peace.

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