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management concept organization behavior

Ch: 2 Planning
 According to Killen, Planning is the process of deciding in advance
what is to done? Who is to do it? How is to be done? And When itis
to be done?
 Process of thinking before doing
 Involve determination of goal as well as activities required to
undertake achieve goal
Objective of planning
 Reduce uncertainty
 Bring cooperation and coordination
 Achieve predetermined goal
Planning Process

Types Of Planning
On the basic level of organization
 Corporate planning
 Divisional planning
 Functional planning
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On the basis of focus

 Strategic planning
 Tactical planning
 Operational planning
On the basis of Time period
 Long term planning
 Medium term planning
 Short term planning

 Corporate -Level Strategy

The plan for managing multiple line of business ex:- tata (steel
salt vehicle )
 Business -Level Strategy
The plan for managing one line of business ex:- (tata jo h apne
auto vehicle ke liye planning kar rahi h that is business level)
 Functional -Level Strategy
The plan for managing one area of business

Determinants/Derivative Elements of plans

 Are ends towards which activities are aimed
 Are goal established to guide the effort of the co and each of its
 General statement or understanding which guide thinking and
action may be Oral and written
 Like no employee will except any gift from supplier
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 A programme of action action resource to meet particular
situational/ problem
 Systematic way of handling regular event
 Step to be followed in carrying out certain kind of work
 Prescribed guide to action
 Specify what should be done and what should not be done
 Like no smoking
 Sequence of activities direct toward the achievement of
 Complex cluster of related activities with a distinct objective and a
definite completion time period
 Numerical monetary statement prepared for a particular period
 Estimation of future expenses and earning
Barriers of effective planning
 Lack of reliable data
 Time consuming
 Costly process
 Rigidity
 Lack of initiative
Nature/ Characteristics
 Futuristic
 Intellectual activity
 Goal-oriented
 Pervasive function
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 Continues
 Flexible
Planning Premises
 Anticipated environment in which plan are excepted to operate
 Include assumption or forecast of future and known
condition that will affect the curse of plan
Types of Planning Premises
External premises (uncontrollable premises)
 Political atmosphere
 Population trend
 National income
 Price level
 Fiscal policy
 Monetary policy
 Technological Environment
Internal premises controllable premises
 Policies and programmes
 Organization structure
 Sales forecast
Management by Objective (MBO)
 Also known as goal setting approach and work planning and
 Under the approach an employee is apprised by his performance
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w.r.t that agreed goal or objective not by his recognizable traits

Decision Making
 Process of selecting a course of action from several alternatives in
order to accomplish a desired result
 Process of choosing a course of action
 Human process
 Intellectual Process
 Related to environment
 Always has a purpose
 Involve a time dimension and time lag
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Types of Decision
 Major (Important like Big Machine) or Minor Decision (Like pen
paper etc.)
Routine (Repetitive) or Strategic Decision (important
taken by topor middle level)
 Programmed (routine and repetitive) and non programmed
Decision (Random and non Routine)
 Individual and group decision
 Bounded (Limitation of information and time) and
unboundeddecision (No Limitation)
Management By Objective (MBO)
 Objective mean something that you are trying to achieveAn
 Management means to manage or to control or organization
 According to this approach in any organization the employees
are managed by objective task given to them
 It refer to the process of setting goal for the employee so that
they know what they are supposed to do at the work place
 It is also called as Goal Setting Approach
work planning and review management by planning
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 The term management by objective (MBO) was first used by

Peter F Drucker in his1954 book titled the Practiced of
 MBO define role and responsibilities for the employees and
help them chalk out of their future course of action in the
 MBO guided the employees to deliver their level best and
achieve the target within the stipulated time frame.
Management By Objective (MBO) Process
 Define organizational Goal
 Define employee objective
 Continuous monitoring of performance and progress
 Performance evaluation
 Providing feedback
 Reward /Apprised performance

Advantage/ Need/Importance
 Helps the employees to understand their duties at the
 The employee are clear as to what is excepted out of them
 Help in performance appraisal
 Lead to satisfied employee it avoid job mismatch and
unnecessary confusion leter on


Ch: 3 Organising
Organising is the process of identyfing and grouping the work to be
performed defining and delagiting the responsibility and authority
andestablishing a pattern of relationship for the purpose of enabling
people work most effectively to accomplish the objective”----Louis A
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Span Of Control
Span of control is known as span of management span of control
can be defined as a number of subordinate or employee that a
manage by amanager there are two type of span control
Types Of Span
ManagementWide span of Management
 This mean a single manager or supervisor is managing
Largenumber of subordinate for ex 7-8 number of
Narrow span of management
This mean a single manager or supervisor is managing few
number ofsubordinate for ex 2-3 number of subordinate
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 Line and staff
 Line function are those which have direct responsibility for
accomplished the objective of the enterprise
 Staff refer to those element of the organization that help the line
to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objective of
an enterprise
Line and staffing Function
Line Staffing
 Department or  Department or
employees of a firm that employees of a firm that
perform core activities perform a support
 Contributes directly to  Contributes indirectly
the business of the to the business of the
firm firm

 Ex:- Manufacturing  Ex:- HR and

and marketing Finance
Department Department

 Departmentation which comprise of a group of employees
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whocary out activities of similar nature

 ‘Departmentation or Departmentalization is the process of
grouping the activities of an enterprise into several unit for
thepurpose of administration at all level
 It determinie the function activity which are to be housed
together and coordinate at the same place further it group
thepersonal who will under take the delegate function task

Objective Of Departmentalization
 To specialized activity
 To simplify the process and operation of the organization
 To maintain control
 Departmentalization of activities result in the increase in
efficiency the management and ultimetly the enterprise it
ishelpful in fixing responsibility and accountability
Method Of Departmentalization
Departmentalization by Function :- When the Creation of is on the basis
of specified function such as production marketing purchase finance
etc in the method all of activity related to function or which areof
similar nature are combined in a single unit to give proper direction to
the entire group in one go

Departmentalization by Process:- In the departmentalization by the
process the activities are grouped as per the processes these
department required manpower and material so as to carry out
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Departmentalization by Products:- when the activities related to

product development and delivery are combined into a particular
division it is called as product Departmentalization. It is appropriate
forlarge scale multi product enterprises
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Departmentalization by customer :- The grouping of the

organizationaccording to the different classes of customer or client.
It focus on special customer need

Departmentalization by Territory :- When the division is based on the

geographical area it is called territorial Departmentalization this is
suitable for the organization that have widespread operation at
different location

Delegation of Authority
 The Delegation of Authority is an organizational process where
inthe manager divided his work among the subordinate and give
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them the responsibility to accomplish the respective task along

with the responsibility he also share the authority i.e the power
totake decision with the subordinate such that responsibility can
becompleted efficiently
 In an organization the manager as several responsibility and
workto do so in order to reduce his burden certain responsibility
and authority are delegated to the lower level to the
subordinate get the work done on the manager behalf
Features of Delegation of Authority
Delegation means giving power to the subordinate t act independently but
within the limit prescribed by the superior alsohe must comply with the
provisional on the organization policy rule and regulation

1. Delegation does not mean that manager give up his authority but
certainly he share some authority with the sobinate essential to
complete the responsibility entrusted to him

2. Authority one delegate cab be further extend or withdrawn by

thesuperior depending on the situation
3. The manger cannot delegate which him self does not posses
alsohi came not delegate his full authority to be a subordinate
4. The delegation authority may be oral or written and may
bespecific or general
5. The delegation is an art and most comply with all the fundamentalrule
of an organization
Meaning of Centralisation
 When the authority to make all decision is vested in a
singleperson in an organization is it centralization
 Kontz & O’donnell to the extent that authority is not delegated
itis centralization.
Benefit & drawbacks – centralization
Advantage Disadvantage
Easier to implement common More bureaucratic – often extra
policies and practices for the whole layer in the hierarchy
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Prevent other part of the business Local and junior manager likely to
to becoming independent much closer to customer needs
Easier to coordinate and control Lack of authority down the
from the center eg with budget hierarchy may reduce manager
Economic of scale and overhade Customer service does misses
saving easier to achieve flexibility and speed of local decision
Quicker decision may be usually
easier to show strong leadership

Meaning of Decentralisation
 Decentralisation is delegating authority to the employee at different
level in the organization in the context of duties assigned to them

 Decentralisation is dispersal of the center of decision making through

out the organization
 Joseph massie “Decentralisation is an organization concept which take
decision making to the lower level of organization

Benefit/Drawback of Deccentralised

Advantage Disadvantage
Decision are made closer to the Decision making not necessary
customer strategic
Better able to response to local Harder to ensure consistent practice
circumstance and policies at each location
Improve level of customer service May be some disecnomic of scale
example duplication of role
Consistent with amining for a flatter Who provided strong leadership
hierarchy when (need ex in crisis)
Good way of training and Harder to achieve tight finicial
developing junior management control risk of cost overnuss
Should improve staff motivation
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Ch : 4 Delegation(अंतरण) of Authority (अिधकार)

 no individual can perform all task on his own
 Delegation refer to the downward transfer
 Delegation of authority refer to the downward transfer
ofauthority from a superior to the subordinate
To perform task Authority is required when task is
transferThen authority is also transfer
 It is a process followed to share task
 To lessen the burden of the manager
Delegation of Authority
 Delegation is the process of manager follow is dividing the
workassigned to him so that he perform that part which only
he (because of his unique organizational placement) can
perform effectively and so that he can get other to help with
the what remain. .Louis Allen
 Delegation of Authority merely means the granting of authority
tosubordinate to operate within prescribed limits,. The
 Enable to manager to his time on high priority activities
 It satisfies the subordinate need for recognition and provide
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withthem with opportunities to develop and exercise

 The manager shall still be accountable for the performance of
theassigned task
 The authority granted to a subordinate can be taken back
andredelegated to another person

Element of Delegation
i. Authority (अिधकार )
 Authority refer to the right of an individual
commandhis subordinate and to take action within
the scope ofhis position
 Authority also refer to the right to take decision

 inherent in a managerial position to tell people want

todo and except them to do it
 Authority follow top to bottom
ii. Responsibility (िज़ ेदारी)
 Responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate
toproperly perform the assign duties
 Responsibility follow upward i.e a subordinate
willalways be to his superior
 When an employee is given responsibility fr a job
he must also he given the degree of authority
necessaryto carry it out
 If authority granted is more than responsibility it
maylead to misuse of authority and if
responsibility assigned is more then authority it
may make a personinffective.
iii. Accountability (जवाबदे ही)
 Accountability implies being answerable for the
 Once authority has been delegated and
responsibilityaccepted one cannot deny
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 It cannot be delegated and flows upward i.e a
subordinate will be accountable to a superior
for satisfactory performance of work

In conclusion
Responsibility is derived from authority and accountability is
“The managerial function of staffing involving managing
organizationalstructure through proper and effective selection
appraisal and development of personnel to fill the role desing in the
structure “Koontz O Donell”
Including man power planning Recruitment selection Right person Toright
Job at right time.
Process of Staffing
 Man power planning
 Recruitment of selection
 Placement
 Introduction (Induction)
 Training
 Performance Appraisal & Career development
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 Is the process of identifying the source for prospective

candidateto stimulated them to apply to job in the
 It is a positive process as it seek to attract as many candidate
Recruitment Process
 Recruitment planning No. of applicant type of applicant
 Source of Recruitment
 Contacting source
 Application pool
 Selection

 Is the process of choosing the best person for particular job
 Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right
candidatewho is suitable for a vacant job position in an
 It is a negative process as it involve rejection of unsuitable candidate
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Training & Development
 Training it is an learning process whereby people learn
the skill attitude knowledge and behavior need to
perform theirjob effectively it is concerned with a
particular and current job normally

Method of training

On the job Off the Job method
training method

 Employee is place in  Employee learn by

the real work situation listening or by
observing other in a
learning situation
away from work
 Employee learn  Conceptual
through actually knowledge and
practice and certain skill are
experience learned in this way
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 Experience employee  This method

or supervisor supplement the
demonstrate the job experience gained
and teach the trick through on the job
trade Training
 Employee learn doing

 Is a function of management concerned with instructing
guidingand inspiring people in the organization to achieve its
 Consist of issuing order and instruction by a superior to his/
 According to Koontz and O Donnell : “Direction is a complex
function that include all those activities which are designed to
encourage subordinated to work effectively and efficiently in
boththe short run and long run”
Element of Direction
 Communication
 Leadership
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 Motivation
 Supervision
Nature of Direction
 Concerned with human factor
 Pervasive function
 Continuous function
 Performance oriented
 Link b/w planning and controlling
Principle of Direction
 Principle of harmony of objective
 (personal goal and organizational goal)
 Principle of maximum individual Contribution
 Principle of unity of command
 Principle of direct supervision (direct involvement of supervisor)
 Principle of effective communication
 Principle of effective leadership\
Progress of Directing

 Super means over and above
 Vision mean seeing objective
 Thus supervision means over seeing from above by a superior
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 It means observing the subordinate at work to see that they

are working according to plans and policies of the
 A supervisor is a person who is primarlly in charge of a
sectionand its employee
 Work planning
 Issuing order and instruction
 Providing guidance and leadership
 Motivation
 Preserving record
 Link b/w management and worker
 Grievance handling
Qualities of good supervisor
 Technical competence
 Managerial qualities
 Leadership skill
 Decision making skill
 Knowledge of rule and regulation
 Able to judge people
 Instructing skill
 Process of measuring current performance and guiding
towardpredetermined objective
 According to koontz and weihrich: The managerical function
of controlling is the measurement and correction of
performance inorder to make sure that enterprise objective
and the plans devised to attend them are accomplished.
 Pervasive function
 Forward looking
 Action oriented
 Continuous progress
 Dynamic Progress
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Step in Control Progress

Operational Control

Techniques of Controlling

What is MBE
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 Management by Exception (MBE) is a “policy by which

management devote it time to investigating only those
situationin which actual result differ significantly from
planned result
 The concept of MBE was propounded by Frederick
 Attention and priority is given only to material deviation
requiringinvestigation and correction it is a part of motivational
and controltechnique
 Its objective to facility management focus on really importanttactical
and strategic task

Ch : 5 Organization Behaviour

 Organization + Behaviour
 Organization :
o Is an entity such as a company as a institution or an
o Comprising one or more people and having a particular
 The word is derived from the Greek word organon
 Aggregation of human being created for the attainment of certain
 Behaviour
o The way a person or thing act or reacts.
o What a person say a does
 OB is systematic study of the action and attitudes the people
exhibit within organization
 It studies human behavior at
o Individual level
o Group level
o Organizational level
 OB is a field of Study
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o That investigate the impact of

o Individual group and structure
o On behavior within organization
o For the purpose of applying such knowledge toward
improving organizational effectiveness
o It is a concerned with understanding predicting human
o And influencing human behavior in organization setting
o To improve organizational effectiveness
Organization Behaviour Models
 Model is an abstraction of reality
 Developed in guide activities in different field
 In OB model provide frame works about how people will be
treated in an organizational
There are five Model of OB
 Autocratic Model
 Custodial Model
 Supportive Model
 Collegial Model
 System Model
Autocratic Model
 Management orientation toward power
 Manager see authority as the only means to get work done
 Employees are excepted to follow order
 High depend on boss
 Largely based on Theory X assumption of mcgregor
 A very strick and close supervision is required
 Communication is mostly downward
 Performance is ensured through fear threats punishment and
occasional rewards.
Custodial Model
 Managerial orientation is toward the use of money
 Models depends on the economic resources
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 Employee obtain security (Hezberg’s Theory only maintenance

Highly depend on organization
Less depend on boss
Level of performance not very high
Employees are not given authority to decided what benefit are
best suited to the employee
 This model is not suitable for matured employee
Supportive Model
 Managerial orientation is toward managerial leadership
 Aim is to supported employee in their achievement of result
 Focus is on participation and involvement of employee is
managerial decision making process
 Model is based on “Principle of supportive Relationship” of likert
 High order needs like esteem and self actualization are fulfilled
 According to likert this model is best suited in the condition where
employee are self motivated
 Focused on human aspect rather than economic resources
 It is quit similar to the assumption of megregor’s Theory Y
Collegial Model
 Managerial orientation is towards teamwork
 Employee need little control and direction from management
 Employee has the feeling of the responsibility
They depend on self discipline
 Self actualization need is met
 Employee perform enthusiastically
System Model
 Emerging model
 Managerial orientation is towards caring and compassion

 Based on human characteristics and how they can work best

 Employee are self motivated
 Wide range of need and fulfilled
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Individual Behaviour
 Human behavior
o The way in which one act or reacts
o Say or do especially toward other
For ex:- wishing your parents and teacher vs not wishing
Caused by different factors
 It is of 2 Types
o Overt behavior
o Covert behavior
 Overt behavior
o Easily observable
o Ex:- way of talking
 Covert behavior
o Not easily observable
o Ex:- feeling, attitude etc
Features of Individual/Human Behaviour
 Individual behavior is caused
 Individual behavior is Goal oriented
 Individual behavior is Dynamic
 Individual behavior is Partly predictable
 Individual behavior is Controllable
Factor of Individual Behaviour
 Some factor lie within individual

 Some lie in the situation with they are interact

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Personality Meaning
 In general
o External appearance
 Personality is the complex set of various factor
 Personality is a characteristics pattern of thought feeling and
behavior that make a person unique
 Personality signified the role of which person display to the public.
 Personality is not developed spontaneously
 It is developed over a period of time
Personality -Example
 Dhirubhai Ambani
 Son of a village teacher in Junagarh (Gujarat)
 Just passed 10th class
 Became No.1 Industrialist in india.
o Grit: high grit and passion to win
o Proactivity : taking action ahead of others
o Risk taking
o Conscientiousness : doing one thing only at a time

o Opennes : collect ideas from different sources

o Timelines: Completing project timely
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 Derived from
o Latin word :- Persona
o Means :- to speak through

Figure 1 Actually jo gries or roam me jo artist rahte the wah mask use karte the drama parformance ke
liye or acting ke liye wahi se word aaya h

Personality- Definition
 Personality is the study word of the characteristics traits of an
individual the inter relation b/w them and the way in which a
person response and adjust to other people and situation
o Kolasa defined
 Stephen p robbins has defined
o Personality as the sum total of way in which an individual
react and interact with other
Characteristics of Personality
 Personality refer to both physical and psychological qualities of an

 It is unique in the sense that no two individual are same in termsof

their personality
 Personality is a manner of adjustment of the individual to the
organization environment on the group
 Personality is dynamic it change a time or situation
 Personality is a system it has input processing and output
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 Personality influence goal achievement and performance of an

Determinants of Personality
 An element that identifies or determines the nature of

Biological factors
 Heredity
o The passing on the physical and mental characteristics
genetically from one generation to another
 Brain
o Divided into left and right hemisphere
 Physical features
o External appearance is biologically determined
o Height weight Strength etc
Family and social Factors
 Home environment :- friendly loving fear joint/ nuclear etc
 Family member :- Mother, Father siblings, grand parents etc.
Social groups :- Relative, Friends Peers etc
Cultural Factor
 Underelying determinants of human decision making
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 The ideas custom and social behavior of a particular people or

 Traditional practices norm values customs rule and regulations
Situational factors
 Employee working with power and freedom may become
frustrated and react aggressively if he is put in a bureaucratized
work situation
Carl Jung’s Classification of Personality
 Carl Jung was a swiss psychologist and psychiatrist
 It consists of four phases: feeling ,thinking, sensation and
 Individual personality is a mixture of this factor
 Classification into Extrovert and introvert type personality
 Are energized by socializing in a large group of people
 Having many friends
 Are talkative
 Think in term of objective
 Accept change easily
 While introvert
o Are energized by spending time alone or smaller group of
o Less risk taking and directive oriented
o They required strong motivational and specific direction
o The own philosophy and ideology guide the thinking of
o Do not accept change easily
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 This theory help management in deciding job desing motivation

leadership style career development training etc.
 Invort is more likely to perform better in repetitive jobs
 Extrovert perform better in dynamic and environmental centered

 Similarly extrovert need democratic style of leadership and

introvert need more directive oriented leadership.
Holland occupation personality type
John Holland
Classify personality on the basis of occupation /interest into six
 Realistic
 Investigative
 Artistic
 Social
 Enterprising
 conventional
 outdoor and technical interest
 like to work with Pants, Animals, Machines etc
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 Avoid social activities like teaching and informing others

 Prefer to “learn by doing” in a practical task oriented setting
 Example: farmer , Electrician , Engineers etc
 Are analytical intellectual and observant and enjoy research
mathematical or scientific activities
 Focused on creative problem solving investigative type often work
autonomously and do not seek Leadership role
Example: Investigate careers include medical technologist biologist
chemist and system analyst.
 Are original intuitive and imaginative and enjoy creative activities,
 Such as composing and playing music, writing, drawing or paintingin
acting in or directing stage production
They seek opportunities for self expression through artistic creation
 Are humanistic, idealistic responsible and concerned with the
welfares of others
 They enjoy participating on the group activities and helping
training healing counseling or developing others
 Example : Psychologist, therapist
 Are energetic ambitious adventurous sociable and self confident
 They enjoy activities that required them to persuade other suchas
sales and seek out leadership role
 Are often effective public speakers
 Typically enterprising career include salesperson business
executive and manager.
 Are comfortable working within an established chain of command
and prefer carrying out well – defined instruction over assuming
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leadership roles
 Prefer organized systematic activities
 Typical conventional career including secretary accountant and
Type A and Type B Personality
 Fried man and rose man
 Classified personality

 Classified personality
o Type A and Type B
 Both are opposite to each other

Figure 2 Type A and Type B

Type A
 Defined by Fried man and rose man
o As aggressively involved in a chronic incessant struggle to
achieve more and more in less and less time
 There are
 Competitive
 Impatient
 Work obsessed
 Achievement oriented
 Aggressive o Stressed

Type A
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Physical characteristics
 Facial tension : (tight lips clenched jaw etc)
 Tongue clicking on teeth on grinding
 Dark circle under eye
 Facial sweating (on forehead or upper lip)

Type B
 Friedman and rosenman
o Defined as a rearly harried by the desire to obtain a widely
increasing number of thing or participate in a endless
growing series of event in an ever decreasing amount of time

 They are
o Play for fun
o Patient
o Relaxed with guilt
o Has no pressing deadline
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o Never in hurry
Big five Personality Traits
The model process that human personality can be measured
 along five major dimension each of which is distinct and
independent from the other.
 Originally developed in 1949
 The big 5 personality traits is a theory established by D.W. Fiske and
later expended upon by other researches including normal (1967)
smith (1967) Lewis Goldberg (1981) and Mc Crae & costa(1987)
 The big five is a trait model of personality rather than a type
 The big five modal is also sometime called OCEAN or CANON both
acronyms of the five traits
o O – Openness
o C – conscientiousness
o E – Extroversion
o A – Agreeableness
o N – Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)
o O – Openness
Refer to person rigidity and range of interest
 Person with high level of openness are
Willing to listen to new ideas and to change their own ideabelief and
attitude new information
o Have broad interest and are curious imaginative and
 Person with low level of openness
o Less respective to new idea and less willing to change their
o C – Conscientiousness
 Able to exercise self discipline and self control in order to purse
and ultimately achieves their goals
 Refer to numbers of goals on which a person focus his attention
 Person who focus few goals at a time are
o Organized , systematic , careful through and discipline
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 Person with less conscientiousness tend to pursue many goal

o Are more disorganized careless irresponsible and less self
High conscientious person are good performers
o E – Extroversion
 Refer to sociability reflect comfort level with relationship
 Where as Person with low score are quiets reserved and more
successful working in sale activities public relation unit
o A – Agreeableness
 Refer person ability to get along with others
 Cooperative forgiving understanding good nature in dealings with
 High score – Helpful, trusting ,good working relationship
 Low score - Uncooperative ,suspicious Poor working relationship
o N – Neuroticism (Emotional stability)
 Intense of feeling love or hatred
 High ES – calm secure, resilient better in handling job job stress,
 Low ES – Insecure , reactive ,dependent
 A – More compliance to organizational norms, leas conflicts ,
lower level of deviant behavior
 C – batter planning and execution hard working persistence result
 N – positive thinking , behavioural maturity -rational decision
making, better people interaction
 E– Better interpersonal skills – enhanced leadership
 O – enhanced creativity better learning flexibility innovation more
adaptable to change

Ch :6 Attitude-Meaning
 Having a very bad run of luck
 But still say “Good Morning” rather than
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 “what’s so good about this morning”

 The way that you think feel or behave
 Attitude is the presistance tendency to feel and behave in a
favourable or unfavourable way toward some object person or
 Passion for a sport
 Dislike for a certain actor and negativity toward life in general
are each an example of an attitude
According to Robbins –
Attitude are evaluative statement either favourable or unfavourable
concerning objective people or event. They reflected how one feel
Example: our boss is highly humanistic
Feature of Attitude
 Attitude affect behavior
 Attitude are acquired through learning over the period of time
 Attitude are invisible can be observed by observing behavior
 Attitude are pervasive and every individual has some kind of
attitude toward the objects.
Component of Attitude
Figure :1

Figure :2
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Figure : 3

Types of Attitude

Positive Attitude :- Person having positive Attitude

 Explore good things in other
 Do not go after negativity remain happy and cheerful
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 They have tolerance

Negative Attitude :- always search weaker element of other
 Not inclined toward positive element
 Focus on bad people and avoid good people
 Tend to blame other for their failure
 Extreme degree of anger and carry the sentiment of hatred for

Neutral Attitude
 Are balanced in their approach
 Remain indifferent to problem and wait for other intervention for
 Remains self satisfied
Attitude formation change
 Learn through own experience or interaction with others
 Learning Attitude by Association (Teacher/Speaker)
 Learning Attitude by being reward or punished
 Learning Attitude through modelling
 Learning Attitude through group or cultural norms
 Learning Attitude through expose to information (Expose to
Factor Affecting
 Family
 Friends /Peers
 Media
 Teacher/coach
 Past Experience
Attitude formation
Balance Theory
Developed by Fritz Heider
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There are element in the Attitude formation

 The person
 Other person and
 Impersonal Entity
Balance occur when 2 element are compatible
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Propose by Leon Frestinger
A person experiencing cognitive dissonance attempts at bringing
consonance by changing his beliefs and or attitudes
Example :- Smoking
Attitude change
 Attitude change Occurs anytime an attitude is modified
 Change occurs when a person goes from beings positive to negative
form slightly positive to very positive or from having no
 attitude to having once
 It occurs when
o Existing attitude no longer provide satisfaction
o Aspiration change
 It occur when any one of the component change (cognitive,
Affectivor Behaviour)
Method of Attitude Change
 Persuasive communication theory
o Persuading individual to change / altering their belief
 Communication of additional information
 Approval and disapproval of a particular attitude
 A group can defined as two or more interacting and
interdependent individual who come together to achieve
particular objective
 Each person influence and is influenced by each other
o A group of friends/ peers
 A group behavior can be started as course of action a group
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take as a family. For example:- Strike

 Two or more person (Group size)
o 5 to 7
 Collective identify
 Interaction
 Shared goal (group goal)
 Group norm (rule and regulation )
 Group composition (Heterogeneous or Homogeneous)
 Group role
Types of group
There are two type of group
1. Primary group
2. Secondary group
Primary group
 Intimate face to face association and cooperation
 Small and based on intimate relationship
 Ex:- family friend and Neighbourhood
secondary group
 More formal general and remote
 Continuous interaction intimacy cooperation may not be
found in this group
 Ex:- vendor -to- client relationship, doctor and patient , a
mechanic and customer
Membership and reference group
Membership group
 Individual is really belongs
 Ex:- group such as this include societies clubs teams cliques and
Political parties
Reference group
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 Individual identifies or wants to be member of that group

Command and Task Group
Command group
 Comprised of superiors and subordinate
 Who carry out order on the basis of their authority within the
 Determined by organization chart
 Ex:- production manager and his subordinate collage principal and
Task Group
 Group of individual who come together to accomplish a certain
task or a job assigned to them
Formal and informal Group (in Organization point of view )
Formal group
 Create and maintained by top management to achieve
organizational objectives
 Have authority and responsibility relationships
 Behavior of member is control by organization norms
 BOD management committee work unit project team etc.
Informal Group (also called Grapevine)
 Natural grouping of people at workplace
Membership in informational group is voluntary
 Behavior is controlled by norms
Group Formation Stage
Psychologist Bruce Tuckman
Five Stage Of Group Development
 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
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 Performing
 Adjourning
 Member get introduced
 Share personal informational
 Start to accept other
 Attention toward group task
 Interaction among group member is caution

 Competing
 Arguing for appropriate strategies
 May experience varying of tension and anxiety

 Group member started settling
 Members feel part of teams
 Groups norms emerge
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 Form the basis for cooperative feeling

 Handel complex problem
 Task are accomplished
 Function role are performed

 Group warps up its work and then dissolve

Theories Of Group Formation

Propinquity Theory

Given by Theodore Newcomb

o Group formation process is based on nearness
o Propinquity means nearness
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o State that individual affiliate with one another because of

spatial or geographical proximity
o Individual working together in organization tend to form
group more easily as compare to with individual working
reality at a distance place
Homan Interaction Theory
 Proposed by Georage C. Homan
 Based on Activity Interaction and Sentiment
 According to Georage C. Homan , “The more activities person
share the more numerous will be their interaction and the
stronger will be their shared activities and sentiment and the
more sentiment people have for one another the more will be
their shared activities and interaction “.

Balance Theory
Propounded by Theodore Newcomb
State that
Person are attracted to one another one the basic of similarattitude toward
commonly relevant object and goals
 Once a relationship is formed it strives to maintained a
symmetrical balance b/w the attraction and common attitude
 If an imbalance occurs attempt are made to restore the balance
 If the balance cannot be restored the relationships dissolves.
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Exchange Theory
 Developed by sociologist George Homan
 Based on reward cost out come of interaction
 To be attracted toward a group a person think in term of what he
will get in exchange of interaction with group member
 According to this theory people weigh the potential benefit and
risk of social relationship
 This theory is A minimum positive level (reward greater than cost
) of an outcome must exits in order for attraction of affiliation to
take place
 Reward from interactions gratify need while cost incur anxiety
frustration embarrasment or fatigue

Ch : 7 Interpersonal Behaviour

 Interpersonal means b/w two person

 Behavior that take place during human interaction
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 Way in which people communicate with each other either

verbally or non verbally or both
 It involves dyadic interaction
 is goal oriented and aim at achieving the desired result
 out come may be cooperative or conflieting

Types of Interpersonal Behaviour

Cooperative Behaviour
 Two person is mutually gratifying
 Both person are engaged in complementary behaviour
Conflicting Behaviour
 Due to personality difference, different value system etc
Aggressive Behaviour
 In it a person stand up for his own right in such a way that a right
of other are violated
 This behavior humilities dominates or puts other person down
rather than simply expressing one’s own emotions or thoughts
 It is attack on the person
 Physical violence such a biting hitting and kicking
Verbal hostility like sending threatening message through email phone
call, or social media or making threats against someone lifeshouting
Assertive Behaviour
 A person stands up for his legitimate rights in such a way that the
rights of others are not violated
 Shows respect for other person
 Assertive behavior is an honest direct appropriate expression of
one’s feeling belief and opinions
 Often gets what he wants
Non -Assertive Behaviour
 Behaviour in which the person’s own right are violated by another
 Relieves himself in the situation by pretending how he would do
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things differently if it happens again

 Lack of eye contact looking down or away
Johari Window
 Self awareness
o Who one is and how similar to or different from other
o Gaining insight into one’s behavioural strength and
o Assessing how one is perceived by others
o How others are impacted based on ones behavior and
 Technique for improving self -awareness within and individual
 It help in understanding your relationship with yourself and other
 It was developed by American psychologist Joseph Luft and Harry
Ingham in 1955,
 Name the model by combining their first names

The window consists of 4 segment (or panes) of humaninteraction :

 OPEN (Public quadrant )

 HIDDEN ((Private quadrant )
 Give to look at what one is one’s social exchange and what one
is not
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OPEN Quadrant (Public Quadrant )


 Such behavior feeling and motives

 You know yourself and
 Other also know about you
 In interaction with other :
o Individual is straightforward open and sharing
HIDDEN Quadrant (Private Quadrant )
Such behavior feeling and motives
o You know about yourself
o But other do not know

Secret , past experience, feeling etc.

Blind Quadrant
Such behavior feeling and motives
o You do not know about yourself
o But other’s know
Any talent, or like/dislike
Unknow Quadrant
Such behavior feeling and motives
o You do not know about yourself
o But other’s know
Example: when a person in put in a life threatening situation he
put such an effort to save his life which might not thought earlier
 You are thirsty
 You will drink water
Motivation is the willingness of a person to make
intense and persistence effort Toa chive desired goals
 It is what causes you to act weather it is getting a glass of water to
Page 51 of 82

reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge

Motivation is derived from Latin word “Movere “ means to TO Move
Motivation is a psychological term which means it cannot be forced on
 Motivating : process of including other to engage in goal directed
behavior by presenting motivator
 Motivator is something that satisfied the need

 Based on motives
 Affected by motivating
 Goal directed behavior
 Related to satisfaction
Types of Motivation
 Positive and Negative Motivational
o Through reward or through punishment
 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational
o Achieving and competing
 Financial and Non Financial Motivational
o Salary Increment or trophy /recognition
Process of Motivation

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

 Proposed that motivation of people depend on their needs
 Those needs can be arranged in hierarchy
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 Basic need to higher needs

 Five category of human needs dictate an individual’s behavior

Figure 1 :- Five Categories of human needs

1. Are fulfilled by paying adequate remuneration for work done
2. Satisfied by job security, PF, Pension, insurance etc.
3. Satisfied by creating harmonious group etc.
4. Satisfied recognition promotion award etc
5. Satisfied by providing challenging work and opportunity
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
 Frederick Herzberg developed the model in 1959
 Interviewed over 200 professional
 Argue that there are two factors that an organizational can adjust
to influence motivation in the workplace.
 Hygiene factor
o Dissatisfiers
 Motivating Factor
o Satisfier
Hygiene Factors (Maintenance factors/ Dissatisfier)
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 Related to condition under which job is performed

o Company policy and Administration
o Technical supervision
o Interpersonal relationship
o Salary
o Job security
o Personal life
o Working condition
o Status
 Necessary to maintained at a reasonable level for satisfaction of
 Any decrease in the level will dissatisfy them
 Improving those factor help to decrease job satisfaction
 Motivating Factor (satisfiers)
 Related to a job
o Achievement
o Recognition
o Advancement
o Possibility of growth and responsibility
 Any decrease in the factor will not affected the satisfaction
 Any increase in this factor will satisfy the employees
 Used in motivating them for higher performance
McClelland’s Three Need Theory
 Psychologist David McClelland
 Advocated the Need Theory in 1961
 Also popular as Three Needs Theory
 This motivator are not inherent
 They are developed through our culture and life experience

 Also called as Learned Needs Theory

o McClelland’s human Motivational

Theory State that
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 Every person has one of three main driving motivator:

o Need for achievement
o Need for affiliation, or
o Need for power
Needs for Achievement (n-Ach)
 To achieve something unique (to struggle to achieve success)
o Moderator risk taker
o Immediate feedback to work performance
o Sense of accomplishment
o Preoccupation with the task until these are complete
According to McClelland Achievement oriented people are backbon of
most of the organizational for their fast growth
Needs for Affiliation (n-Aff)
 Belongingness
 It is a desire for relationship based on cooperation and mutual
 A person is satisfied if he is able to maintain pleasant to social
 Individuals having high affiliation need prefer working in a
environment providing greater personal interactional
 Such individual are effective performs in a team
Needs for power (n-pow)
 The desire to influence other individuals behavior as per your wish
 It is the desire to have control over other and to be influential

 It is satisfied by occupying higher position

 Personal is motivated if the organization provide him

opportunities to exercise his personal power
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
 Victor vroom in the 1960’s
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 Motivation
=valence * Instrumentality *Expectancy
Individual act when they expect positive result from their actions.
Also know as VIE Theory
 Expectancy – belief that increase effort will lead to increased
 Instrumentality – belief that high performance lead to reward
 Valance – what is the value of reward that result from the
performance ? Reward is valuable or not
 Understand what type of reward employees values

This lead to three kind of relationship

o Effort performance relationship
o Performance reward relationship
o Reward personal goal relationship

Equity Theory

People are motivated to maintained fair relationship b/w their

performance and reward in comparison to other
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Based on idea that individuals are motivated by fairness

(John Stacey Adams 1963)
 Two Assumption
 Individual make contribution (inputs) and except certain reward
 They analyze weather exchange is satisfactory or not by
comparing their input and outputs with others
Some Example of Equity Theory

Figure 2 Example of Equity Theory its Equity

Figure 3 Example of Equity Theory its Unequity

Page 57 of 82

Figure 4 Example of Equity Theory

Reinforcement Theory
 Proposed by B.F. Skinner and his associates.
 Suggest that behavior that have positive consequence is repeated
 Negative is not repeated
 Behavior are shaped/selected by their consequence
 Based on lawed effect,
 This Theory aims at increasing Strength of desirable behavior
decreasing negative behaviour
 Can be done by
o Positive reinforcement
o Negative reinforcement
o Punishment
o Extinction
 Positive reinforcement
o Strength the desired behavior
Page 58 of 82

o Giving reward -Monetary or non monetary (praise)

 Negative reinforcement
o Strengthen one behavior to avoid undesirable consequence
o Criticizing
 Punishment
o Weakens and decrease the behavior which had been
o Disciplinary action
 Extinction
o Withdraw of positive reinforcement that lead to undesirable
Self Determination Theory
 Developed by Edward L Deci and Richard Ryan in 1985

 Ability to make your own choice
 To lives the life the way you want
People feel motivated if they have controlled over their choice and not
influenced by other
Human have tendency to move forward for growth and identify 3 core
need for growth
 Competence (to be effective in dealing with environment )
 Connection or relatedness
o (Having close and affectionate relationship)
 Autonomy (to control their course of lives)
Self Efficacy Theory
Self Efficacy means
 Individual ‘s belief that he is capable of performing a task
 Suggest that people with high self efficacy put harder effort to get
things done
Source of Increasing self Efficacy Theory
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Figure 5 perception ex 1
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Figure 6 perception Ex 2

 Intellectual process through which an individual

o Select data from environment
o Organise it
o Derive meaning from it
 It is a cognitive process which involve organism selecting
organizing and interpreting the stimulus
For Example : Child hit brother after seeing violent movie
 We use our sensory organ to select data from environment called
 And the organize it and derive meaning that is Perception
 Perception correlates integrate and comprehends different
Perception Type
Internal perception (Proprioception)
 What is going on in our body
 Hungry tired etc.

External perception (Exteroception )

 Stimuli that are external
 Tell us about environment beyond bodies
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Perception Process
 Perceptual inputs (stimuli) : objects event or people
 Perception mechanism
o Selection of stimuli
o Organization of stimuli
o Interpretation of stimuli
 Perceptual output (Action ) Covert Behaviour
Perceptual Error (Distortion in Perception )
 The inability to judges humans, things or situations fairly
 Wrong conclusion of perception
 Not seeing the reality as it is
Types of perception Error
 Selective distortion
 Attribution Error
 First Impression
 Halo Effect
 Stereotyping
 Projection
 Perceptual set
 Implicit personality
 Expectancy

Selective perception :
 Shortcut in judging the people
 People tend to see what they want to see
 On the basis of interest experience attitudes
Example : searching for colleagues from UP
Attribution Error :
It is in two form
Fundamental attribution error or attribution effect
 Underestimate the influence of situational factor and
Page 62 of 82

overstimating the influence of the personal factor in evaluating

the behavior of the person
 “Blaming the people first not the situation “
Self serving bias
 Attribute their success to internal factor while putting blame for
failure to external factor
First impression :
 First impression is a last impression
 Judging the people on the basis of first few second encounter
 In this duration form positive or negative opinion for other
Example :
 First bench student are more intelligent and discipline
 Last bench are not
Halo Effect
 Perceiving total quality on the basis of perceiving few or one

 One or few trait are used to make overall judgment for the people
Example :
smiling person Is honest
 Judging or perceiving on the basis of the characteristics of the
group someone belong
 Person is not perceived as individual
police take bride politician are corrupt etc.
 Judging or perceiving other on the basis of perceiver
Example :
A dishonest person sees others and dishonest
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Perceptual set
 Also know as mental set,
 Perceiving on the basis of previously held belief for the same
object /person
Example :
Manager developed belief that worker are lazy and want to gain
whatever is possible from organization
Implicit personality
 Associating one trait of an individual with its other traits
If a person is honest then he will be hardworking

 Also known as self fulfilling prophecy

 Perceiving the people on the basis of perceiver expectation
 Is an expectation positive or negative about something or
someone that can affect a person behavior
A person of a high status is perceived on the basis of exceptation
that he has certain desirable traits


Ch :8 Organisational Change

 Change refer to alternation in system

 Organizational change involves making change in organization
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o Is a continuous process
o It affected whole organizational some part affected more
where some less
o Generates stress among the personnel
Factor Necessitating organizational change

External Factors
 Technological Adaption : Machinery , Computer etc.
 Change in Marketing Condition : Competitors buyers
 Social changes : Education, Working hours , needs etc.
 Political and Legal Change : government ,Law etc.
Internal Factors
 Change in Managerial Personnel : Promotion , transfer
 Deficiency in Existing Organisational Practices : policy span ofmanagement Level
of Management

Process of Planned Changed

Kurt Lewin Developed a change model involving three steps:
 Unfreezing
 Changing
 Refreezing

 Creating the perception that a changed is needed,

 Then moving toward the new desired level of behavior of and,

 Finally solidifying that new behavior as the norm
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Resistance To Change
3 possible alternatives of human response to change
 Resistance
o When perceived that change likely to affect unfavourable
 Indifference
o Do not react to change either in + ve or -ve
 Acceptance
o When perceived that change is likely to affect them

Factor for Resistance To Change

Individual Factors
 Problem of adjustment
 Economic reasons : affecting unfavourably
 Emotional factor : attitude fear of unknow
 Obsolescence of skills
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 Group norms : group resist to change

Organizational factors
 Threat to power and influence
 Resource Constraints
 Sunk Cost : Investment in old assets become useless

Overcoming Resistance to change

 Education and communication
 Participation and involvement
 Commitment
 Leadership
 Group Contact
 Process by which a manager can direct , guide and influence the
behavior and work of other towards accomplishment of specifying
goals in a given situation
 Is the ability of a manager to induce the subordinate to work with
confidence and zeal.
 Leadership is a art or process of influencing people so that they
will strive willingly enthusiastically toward the achievement of
group goals

Features Of Leadership
 Continuous process
 Interpersonal process
 A group process
 Relationship b/w leader and follower trying to achieve common
 Leader influence the behavior of individual
 Follower work willingly to achieve goal
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Trait and Qualities of a good Leader

 Physical feature (Height Weight health appearance)
 Knowledge and competence
 Integrity / honesty (ethics value)
 Initiator
 Communication skills
 Motivation skills
 Self confidence
 Decisiveness
 Social skills
 High Energy
Leadership Styles
Leadership styles in business can be organized into five categories
 Autocratic
 Democratic
 Laissez- faire
 Transactional
 Transformational
Autocratic Leadership Style
 Authoritarian Leadership
 The boss has absolute control over decisions in the workplace
 Team member are not asked input
 They are expected to comply with all decision and order made by
their leader
Democratic Leadership Style
 Participative leadership
 The leader’s choice to involve team member in the decision
making process
 In all decision the leader has the final say
 But they make decision according to the input they received fromhis
 Employees feel motivated to participate in decision making
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Laissez-Faire/Free Rein Leadership Style

 Everyone is an equal decision maker and
 Every piece of input from the team is considered equally
 A Laissez-Faire leader leave the decision making up to their team
Transactional Leadership Style
 Use clear rewards and punishment to drive employee
 The executive relies on reward and punishment to achieve
optimal job performance from his her subordinate
Transformational Leadership Style
 Leadership that relies on the encouragement of a team to realize
overall success

 Focused on motivation for employee to create change innovate

and shape the future of the organizational structure.
Trait Theory of Leadership
 Proposed by Thomas Carlyle and Francis Galton
 Suggest that certain inborn or innate qualities and characteristics
make someone leader
 These qualities might be personality factors physical factors
intelligence factors and so on
The core traits identified are :
 Achievement drive: High level of effort high level of ambition
energy and initiative
 Leadership motivation : an intense desire to lead other toreach shared goals
 Honesty and integrity : trustworthy reliable and open
 Self confidence : Belief in one’s self, ideas, and ability
 Cognitive ability : capable of exercising good judgement strong
analytical abilities and conceptually skilled
 Knowledge of business : knowledge of industry and other
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technical matters
 Emotional Maturity : well adjusted does not suffer from severe
psychological disorder
 Others : charisma creativity and flexibility
LSM – Leadership Situational Model
Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard 1969
Analyze a particular situational in depth and then lead in the
most appropriate manner, suitable for that situation.
The Three aspect that need could be considered in a situation are :
 Employees’ competence
 Maturity of the employees
 Complexity of the task

 S1 : Telling – (Directing)
o Low competence and low motivation
o Leaders who minutely supervise their followers,
o Constantly instructing them about why, how and when the
task need to be performed.
 S2 : Selling – (Coaching)
o Low competence and high motivation
o Employee have a desire to work independently but they are
not capable of doing this yet
o They are employees who have not reached full maturity
o Leader provide controlled direction and is a little more openand
allow two way communication b/w him/herself and the
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 S3 : Participating – (supporting)
o High competence and low motivation
o The employees are capable but (temporarily) unwilling
o They are qualified workers
o The leaders seeks opinion and participation of the followersto
established how a task should be performed.
 S4 : Delegating
o High competence and low motivation
o Employees can and want to carry out their task
independently they have a high level to task maturity
o The leaders delegates the responsibilities of carrying out
task to his followers.
o The leader however monitors and reviews the process

 A team is a small number of people with complementary skill
who are committed to a common purpose performance goals
and approach for which they hold themselves mutually
Katzenbach and smith

Types of Team
 Functional Team
 Cross functional Team
 Self Managed Team
 Virtual Team
 Problem Solving Team
 Multi Team System
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 Quality circle
Team building Process
 Identify the need for team building
 Define objective and required set of skills
 Consider team role
 Develop a team of individual
 Established and communicate the rules
 Identify individual strength
 Be part of team
 Monitor performance
 Schedule meetings
 Dissolve the team
Team Development Model –Tuckman
Psychologist Bruce Tuckman
Five Stage of Group development
 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
 Performing
 Adjourning


 Member get introduce

 Share personal information
 Start to accept other
 Attention toward group task
 Interaction among group member is cautious
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 Competing for status

 Arguing for appropriate strategies
 May experience varying of tension and anxiety

 Group member start settling

 Member feel part of the team
 Group norms emerge
 From the basis for cooperative feeling


 Handle complex problem

 Task are accomplished
 Functional roles and performed
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 Group wraps up its work and the dissolves

Transaction Analysis (TA)

 When you ask your friend
o How are you
 Your friend reply
o I am fine
This is the transaction b/w you and your friend
 Transaction refer to the communication exchange B/W People
 Is a psychoanalytic theory and method of therapy

 Developed by Eric Berne during the 1950s

 Method of analyzing and understanding interpersonal behavior
 When a person interact there is social transaction in which one
person response to another. The study of these transaction b/w
people is called TA
 It required us to be aware of how we feel think and behave during
interactions with others
o Johari window (self awareness)
o Life script
o Life position
Ego States
 TA recognized that the human personality is made up of three
“Ego states”
 An entire system of though feeling and behavior from which we
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interact with each other

 The parent ,Adult and child ego states
 And the interaction b/w them from the foundation of
transactional analysis theory
Parent Ego States
 A state which people begave feel and think as their parent
/parental figure did
 For example : a person may shout at someone out of frustration
Because they learned from an influent figure in childhood
 Your parents say, “you must should wakeup early “now you are
repeating again and again you are in parent ego states
 Critical parents : show critical and evaluative behavior : Lecturing
criticising many thought should and don’t’s
 Nurturing parent : consoling taking of other sympathy

Adult Ego State

 A set of behavior thoughts and feelings which are direct responseto
the here and now -ration and aware
 Not copied from parents figure or childhood figure
 Adult ego state formation goes through own experience and
continuously verifying the facts
Child Ego State
 A state in which people behave feel and think similarly to how
they did in childhood
 Behaves illogically and take quick action to satisfy the immediate
need without thinking the consequence
 For example , a person who receives a poor evaluation at work
may responds by looking at the floor and crying and pouting as
when scolded as a child conversely a person who recived a good
evaluation may response with a broad smile and a joyful gestureof
 Part of child ego : Natural Adaptive and rebellion
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Transaction Type

Complementary Transaction
 When the stimulus and response pattern from one ego state to
another are parallel

 There are 9 complementary transaction

 P-P,P-A,P-C, Similarly A and C
 In these case both person are satisfied and communication is
Note :- jese ki P (parents) ke saath P,A,C yah
teeno join ho rahe h usi tarah A (Adult) and C
(Child) se hoga total 9 baar

Figure 1 : Complementary Transaction

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Figure 2 : Complementary Transaction

Figure 3 : Complementary Transaction

Non Complementary (Crossed transaction)

 When the stimulus and response pattern from ego state to
another are not parallel
 In this case both person are not satisfied and communication is
not complete
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Ulterior (Duplex transaction )

 Communication has dual meaning
 When message are conveyed there is one overt message and
one is convert message
 Subordinate : how is my work performance sir
 Superior : It’s Wonderful
Note : (Worker apne superior se puchta h ki sir mera kaam kesa h
Superior ko pata rahta h ki uska kaam bekar rahta h lekin wah
wonderful bolta h yeah hota h dual meaning jese ki superior ke
anadar bekar h per uske samne wonderful bolta h
Jese ki hum koi galati karte h to parents bolte h ki bahut aacha per
actually wah bahut aache ka matlab bura hota h )


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