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I. The business we decided is starting a WATER VENDING MACHINE for

healthy drinking water mainly this business is about selling drinking water
through the use of a technological machine which it can provide cold and
normal temperature water by a press of a button. One way to ensure college
students have access to a critical resource is by placing water vending
machines within these establishments

II. The reason of starting this business is as follows;

 Convenience: College campuses can be large and busy, and students
may not always have easy access to clean drinking water. By installing
water vending machines, students can quickly and easily purchase water
whenever they need it, without having to carry around heavy bottles or
search for drinking fountains.
 Weather condition: as we know in Dar es salaam hot weather conditions
can significantly influence the buying of water as people tend to feel
thirsty and dehydrated more quickly in hot weather. When temperatures
rise, the human body loses more water through sweating, which can lead
to dehydration if not properly replenished. As a result, people tend to buy
more water during hot weather conditions to stay hydrated and avoid
health problems related to dehydration. This increased demand for water
can be observed in stores and vending machines, where sales of bottled
water tend to increase during hot weather conditions, thus we provide
affordable water
 Cost-effective: Water vending machines can provide purified, filtered
water at a fraction of the cost of bottled alternatives. This affordability

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can be advantageous for budget-conscious students who may otherwise

resort to purchasing costly bottled waters.
 Environmental sustainability: By encouraging the use of refillable
water bottles and reducing the consumption of single-use plastic bottles,
a water vending machine business can promote environmental
sustainability on college campuses not only college campuses also the
environment in total due to also some of bystanders use the re-useable
bottles reducing plastic waste in the environment, sustaining the
environment for more waste.
III. Source of capital will be among personal savings from each member with
total of 10 million which means there are 10 members each member will
contribute 10% of the capital meaning each member contribute 1 million

IV. The nature of the company we have decided to be a limited liability

partnership A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a type of business
structure in which the partners have limited personal liability for the debts
and actions of the partnership. In an LLP, each partner is only liable for their
own actions and debts, not those of the other partners. This means that if the
partnership is sued or faces financial difficulties, the personal assets of each
partner are protected from being seized to pay off the partnership's debts.
V. Our main potential customers are college students but according to our
location also bystanders can access into our business and be provided with
the best services of affordable water in the area.

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Water vending machine 3,500,000
Raw materials (water tanks, filters, 2,000,000
Rent 500,000
Freeze generator (for cold water) 1,500,000
Water bill(monthly) 400,000
Electricity bill (Monthly) 300,000
Salaries (two workers) per month 250,000 each@
Generator 1,300,000
TOTAL COST 10,000,000

VII. What will be our selling price

Our selling price will range as follows
0.5 LITRE 100TSH

With above ranges of price, it does not change even if the water is cold or
normal temperature but also there is a price for our reusable bottles which it is
1000 per bottle.

VIII. Ways that we shall use for business expansion

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As a multi person which are partnership enterprise whose primary purpose is to

grow the business we have chosen and achieve the goals of making a profit, we
have been able to identify how we can further grow and differentiate it from our
rivals from the nature of this business we have chosen.
The division of work within this business can have a positive impact by identifying
where we can reach and what we can do from the diffusion that will be done by the
partners who will be responsible for this research.
Research has been able to have a positive restoration by identifying our
weaknesses in the production of this service as well as related products so the
following have been among the methods, we can use to expand our business which
 We had the need to increase the capacity of the machine or purchase the
bigger and better, these decisions have been made after we realized we have
more customers than the mastery of the machines we use in our business.

 We considered having a feedback box for the purpose of allowing criticism

and advisement, as a business that exists for the purpose of providing
services and products for the purpose of meeting the needs of the customers,
we must accept if we can have weaknesses so we will use that to improve

IX. Location of our business.

The best thing is that all the partners are from Dar es Salaam region and our ideas
were similar in terms of agreeing to establish this goal within this region, usually
this city has the most people in the country, although the main objective of the
business was to open it up within this region and a populated area so due to the
nature of this business as well as the cost that customers can afford it has been

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much better to open it almost entirely to colleges where it will focus on more than
one college that is nearby as well as target pedestrians and engaged in their
different activities in the environment.
The students have been one in a very big goal due to their number being numerous
and have been able to give us the assurance to use this product often due to the
research done so this is the area we were able to choose from the nature of the
product we offer to customers by focusing on profitability and satisfying
customers. largest population.
X. Reasons why we select that place.
As our product explains itself as to how is important to consumers so the goal is to
create a favor by putting in products and services in a positive way to
accommodate the customer and our goal becomes difficult to achieve quickly if we
choose an environment that is not friendly to us so the following has been the main
reason for deciding to choose the nearest location to the colleges while targeting
more students.
 High population of student; Since our area has been outside of colleges
where everyone involved can use so we have had a large number of
customers because our business has not stopped other students from being
able to access this service as they wish.

 High demand; The need for water has always been important and has always
been the primary concern for the user and the issue of getting large numbers
in a densely populated area is not surprising because due to the hot weather
it has been the main reasons why people are in dire need of this product.

XI. Identify our business competition.

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This product is usually very important for business and even doing business, to see
how it can be a source of income if they decide to use the method of advertising
income, so the issue of commercial competition cannot be avoided and the best
thing is to recognize it. your competitor. to increase business efficiency, in this
business we have seen our competitors like Hill, Uhai from Azam, Kilimanjaro and
XII. Ways to sustain in marketing competitions.
We can grow the business and add more services due to the way customers need
this product, usually we have been able to afford customers and satisfy them
different from our rivals in providing services and we have focused on providing
water bottles that we have considered the price of the water they need at that time
and also filled.
XIII. The anticipated limitations of your business
Although limitations can affect due to the lack of fault in each business so we
identify the limitation that can have an impact due to different ways, the research
conducted from our research department has been able to identify early before
starting a business and know what could be an obstacle for us and we have been
able to solve them, among these limitations as the following
 Electricity; This is one of the biggest challenges that can lead to burning or a
complete drop in production if there is a lack of electricity, and compared to
the problems of electricity distribution here in Dar es Salaam, it could
probably be the biggest obstacle to production, so we realized this before
even starting a business.
 Theft; At our research also identify the possible occurrence of theft incidents
that may involve property as well as important equipment for the operation
of our business

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XIV. The ways towards solving the identified limitation

We have been able to solve the problem of electricity by deciding to buy a
generator whose cost is derived from the income of the business after it started
together with the capital we got after raising it from each member, so this has been
able to have a great solution and lead to being able to produce more and satisfy
them customers, so that due to our location where we decided to start this business,
security has been low at night which may cause the effects of theft, so we have
solved this problem by hiring a security guard who will be in charge of property
and production equipment.

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