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Beit El Hikmah High School

Name: ___________________ Class: Grade 2 Composition of: Grammar

Date: Tuesday, May 23rd 2023 Duration: 2 hours

1.Read each sentence. If it has a plural possessive noun, write “plural”.

If it doesn’t have a plural possessive noun, write “no”. (1.25pts)
a. Ricky likes his mother’s eyes. __________
b. He also likes his father’s moustache. __________
c. The second grade classes’ plays were on Thursday night. __________
d. The girl’s costumes were fancy. __________
e. The boys’ costumes were army uniforms. __________

2.Change the underlined words from the singular form to the plural
form. (2.5pts)
Mom needed help cleaning her office. First, I put away three letter __________.
Then, I packed four box __________. I put nine pen __________ away. I cleaned
some dish __________. I put all her clip __________ into two drawer
__________. After that. I hung up her two phone __________ and dusted all the
picture __________. You could see some patch __________ of her desk! When
Mom saw this, she gave me ten kiss __________.

3.Replace the underlined words with the appropriate pronoun.

a. The two classes went to a field trip today. __________
b. Brian sat beside Tamika on the bus. __________
c. Simone and Carla were the first to get off the bus. __________
d. Peter and I want to touch the golden fish. __________
e. The girls and you are coming to my house today. __________
f. The calf is a baby elephant. __________
g. Jamila played on the slide. __________
4.Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of the verbs in
brackets. (1.5pts)
a. Peter and his friends __________ to school by bus. (go)
b. Elephants __________ leaves and grass. (eat)
c. David's father __________ in a hospital. (work)
d. The bank opens at 9.30 and __________ at 4.30. (close)
e. Tom and Jim __________ football every day after school. (play)
f. Mr. Jones is a teacher. He __________ History. (teach)

5.Circle the correct verb. (1.5pts)

a. Lina (get/gets) a new bicycle on her birthday.
b. She (puts/put) on her helmet.
c. Marwa and her grandma (ride/rides) to Lina’s house.
d. Lina’s puppy (jumps/jump) on the shiny red bike.
e. They (races/race) down the side walk.
f. Lina (enjoy/enjoys) riding her new bike.

6.Circle the pronoun you can replace the words in brackets with.
a. (Mr. Smith) saves old newspapers. (He/She)
b. (The papers) are in the garage. (They/It)
c. (Dennis and I) put the papers in the car. (We/They)
d. (Sara) drives the car. (She/He)
e. (The car) is filled with newspapers. (We/It)

7.Circle the singular possessive noun and underline the plural

possessive noun. (1pt)
a. Mrs. Moseley’s class went to the aquarium.
b. They watched the underwater creatures’ movements.
c. The sharks’ bodies were sleek, so they could swim fast.
d. Juan’s favorite fish was the clownfish.
8.Choose the correct verb in present tense. (1pt)
a. Mom (works/work) as a server at the Blue Tile Diner.
b. Todd (walk/walks) from home.
c. I (likes/like) ice cream.
d. Many animals (lives/live) in the jungle.

9.Write the plural, the singular possessive, and the plural possessive
form of each noun. (3pts)
Plural Sing. Poss. Plu. Poss.

10. Change the following sentences from the singular to the plural form.
a. One boy buys a toy.
b. The baby plays by the balls
c. The knife falls on the ground.

11. Circle the pronoun and write the noun it replaces. (2pts)
a. My sister and I watched a movie in art class. We had so much fun.
b. Our art teacher is very kind. She loves us.

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