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Aluno(a): ________________________________________ Data: 15/07/2023

Professor: Bruno Almeida Turma: 9º ano

Revisão de Língua Inglesa – 2º Bimestre

A first conditional é formada por duas sentenças. A if clause com verbos no simple present (presente
simples) e a main clause com verbos no simple future (futuro simples).
If + simple present + simple future + infinitivo

Note que a first conditional também pode aparecer invertida:

If Clause + Main Clause:
If you want, I’ll ask. (Se você quer, eu vou perguntar)

Main Clause + If Clause:

I’ll ask if you want. (Eu vou perguntar se você quer)
1. Choose the correct response for each of the sentences: Escolha a resposta correta para cada uma das frases:
a. If you EAT greasy food, you will become fat. ( X ) eat ( ) will eat
b. If your sister goes to Paris, she WILL HAVE a good time. ( ) has ( X ) will have
c. If he DOES that, he will be sorry.( ) will do ( X ) does
d. If I leave now, I WILL ARRIVE in New York by 8:00 PM. ( X ) will arrive ( ) arrive
e. You WON’T WELL on your test if you don't study. ( X ) won’t do well ( ) don’t do well
2. Conditional first exercises. Complete the following sentences with the words in brackets Primeiros exercícios
condicionais. Complete as frases a seguir com as palavras entre colchetes.
a. He WILL LEARN English quicker if he goes to England. (learn)
b. Her father will be angry if she GOES to this party. (go)
c. If he WORKS so hard, he will ruin his health. (work)
d. Will her ticket still be valid if she WILL MISS the plane? (miss)
e. I will phone you if I DO NOT FORGET (not / forget)
A second conditional é formada por duas sentenças: a If clause e a main clause.
A if clause contém o verbo no simple past (passado simples) e a main clause inclui alguns verbos modais como o
would, could, might, should.
If+ simple past + would, could, might, should + infinitivo (sem to)

If clause + main clause:

If I had a million dollars, I would buy a new house. (Se tivesse um milhão de dólares, eu compraria uma nova
Main clause + if clause:
I would buy a new houseif I had a million dollars. (Eu compraria uma casa nova se tivesse um milhão de dólares).
3. Put the verb into the correct tense: Coloque o verbo no tempo correto:
a. If I WAS (be) you, I WOULD GET (get) a new classmate for the work.
b. If I HAD (have) enough money, I WOULD BUY (buy) my own company.
c. If she WAS (be) single, she WOULD TRAVEL (travel) more.
d. If they WERE NOT (not / be) friends, they WOULD BE (be) sad about it.
4. Choose the correct option for these 2nd Conditional sentences: Escolha a opção correta para estas 2ª sentenças
a. would have c. have
b. will have d. had

5. Complete correctly with 2nd Conditional: Preencha corretamente com 2ª Condição: IF SHE __________ HOW
a. knew c. known
b. know d. knows

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