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Hello I am: Julie and I am Marjan and this is our presentation about our dream job.

- How do you get into modeling?
- Where do you work?
- Who do you work with?
- Benefits
- Disadvantages
- Daily routine of an actual model
- Quiz :)

How do you get into modeling?

To get into modeling you have to look for opportunities to get noticed. If you do get
noticed you can start modeling and working with agencies. To be a model you don't
really need to be a certain height or have to have dark hair. It really depends on what
youre agency wants you to do. If you don't like to change things like hair or a certain
clothing style, there's a big change you can't get into modeling, because agencies
really choose how you look on camera or in public.

Where do you work?

As a model you work all over the world, some days you work on a runway and the
other you work for a commercial for perfume or a clothing brand.
It also depends on what kind of model you are.
The most famous places to work as a model are: New York, Maimi, Los Angeles and
Las Vegas.

Who do you work with?

U usually work with a lot of photographers and agents but when you sign for a brand
you also work with them. You also work with other models.


As a model you can make very good money by working with campaigns or by
working for a luxury brand. Most of the time you travel free because the agencies
you work for pay for you're traveling so you don't have to. You can also get free stuff
from brands and promote that on your social media.
You also get to meet new people while working. Like other models or famous fashion
But models also need to eat healthy and have a strict diet and by doing that you
become more conscious of your own body.


For some people this can be a very draining job because those diets and cardio
workouts can be a little too much . and for the people who want to have a lot of free
time this job is not the best either because you have to travel a lot, that doesn’t mean
you have zero free time but most of your time you would probably spend traveling.
But if you want to become popular you have to deal with fame and paparazzi, which
sometimes can be disturbing because most of the paparazzis don't care that much
about your privacy
There is a model named Gigi Hadid, her sister is also a model.
She started to work as a model very young and her mother helped her to get to that
goal, but in a reality show with the family Hadid the mother kept forcing her to stop
eating and only let her eat a little cube of her birthday cake, she was never allowed
to eat fast food but now that she is older and lives by herself she eats more flexible
and listens to her body.

Daily routine of an actual model

We thought it was a good idea to find a model and see how her day goes.
The model we are going to use is Kendal Jenner.
Kendall Jenner’s daily routine consists of waking up early, working out, starting work
around 8 am, going to meetings, having a quick lunch, going to shoots or other
appointments, having dinner around 6 pm and going to bed around 11 pm for a good
night’s sleep.
The second model we are going to talk about is Gigi hadid.
Gigi Hadid's daily routine consists of waking up at 7 am, she then works out at 9 am,
at 1 pm she likes to paint or color, 3 pm she likes to go to a specific place in the city
or go shopping, at 9 pm some of her friends come over to eat some dinner together.
after her friends are gone she would go to sleep.
Between these things Gigi has some meetings and photoshoots, but those are
almost always at a different time.


We made a quiz based on the subject we just talked about, Marjan is going to give
them to you so you can fill it out.
The end
This was the end of our presentation, we hope you enjoyed it and learned something
new about becoming a model.

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