ENA Lab&viva Rubricks (18 Sep 20)

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(EED-2134) Electrical Network Analysis Lab Rubrics (Fall -2020)

Registration No: Section: Name:

Sr No. Trait Excellent Good Average Poor Grade
Student was able to
draft the circuit and Student was able to draft
Student was unable to draft Student was unable to
select the the circuit and select the
the circuit and select the draft the circuit and select
components of the components of hardware,
components of hardware, the components of
Hardware hardware. Student but was unable to
was able to properly setup hardware, was unable to Excellent:
setup was able to properly properly setup the
the experiment and had properly setup the Good :
1 & setup the experiment experiment and had
some knowledge of experiment and had no Average:
Manipulatio and had knowledge some knowledge of
appropriate parameters that knowledge of appropriate Poor:
n of appropriate appropriate parameters
could change the parameters that could
parameters that could that could change the
result/outcome of the change the result/outcome
change the result/outcome of the
experiment of the experiment
result/outcome of the experiment
Student was able to
Student was able to student obtained Excellent:
Measuremen obtain accurate Student obtained some
obtain accurate inaccurate measurements Good :
2 t measurements but inaccurate measurements in
measurements in even after exceeding from Average:
Accuracy exceeded the allotted allotted time
allotted time the allotted time Poor:
time by a small margin
Student's calculations
Student's calculations Student's calculations
were correct and was Student's calculations were a Excellent:
were correct but had were incorrect and was
Calculation able to assess/link his little incorrect but was able Good :
3 problems to assess/link not able to assess/link
Analysis results with respect to to assess/link the results to Average:
his results with the them with the
experiments the experiments objectives Poor:
experiments objectives experiments objectives
Student demonstrates Student is at ease with Student is Student does not have
full knowledge by expected answers to all uncomfortable with grasp of information; Excellent:
Lab Report
answering all questions, without information and is able student cannot answer Good :
4 &
questions with elaboration. to answer only questions about subject. Average:
explanations and rudimentary questions. Poor:

Date Experiment Title Checked by .

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